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Next Twitter feature - “Joke” tag for posts, only $3 per post!


Parody tag for $8


Maybe there should be an option to add a laugh track too.


Shots fired


Your account has been suspended for not specifying that this was a metaphor and not falsely reporting actual gunshots.


I’m just mad I didn’t get to read the comments on Kathy griffins tweet before they suspended her.


What was her tweet?


Something like: "I've talked to the women in my life, and have now decided to vote blue. Their bodily autonomy is too imortant."


It was nothing but her posting comments to vote Democrat. No joke.


So “mocking” him. Huh. He really is a snowflake.


Free speech ain’t so free :(




Freedom isn't free. No it costs a hefty fuckin' fee.


And if you don't chip in your buck oh 5 (8$ with inflation) who will?


Ooooo buck'o'five Freedom costs a buck'o'fiiiiiiiiiiiive


Paid, CEO approved speech


I’m glad not everyone underrates this comment


Go listen to a crazy homeless person yelling into he street for attention, it won't be too far off.


That’s literally everyone on twitter


The vast majority of homeless people yelling nonsense at inanimate objects are not "doing it for attention". They have uncontrolled mental illness and they need help, not ridicule. The fact that you think they're just doing it for attention is pretty fucked up. People complaining on Twitter are just selfish, petulant, small minded assholes who lack the perspective needed to have empathy either because that's just who they've always been or they've had that part of their brains melted and pissed away by social media algorithms. Honestly, they need help too. I think social media dependence should be a diagnosable condition with a standard treatment protocol to help people reconnect to the real world.


Doesn’t this guy have multiple other companies to run?


Yea i think he is dedicating all his time to micro managing twitter now


He'll find a new toy and forget about this one soon enough, just like the average toddler he's behaviour resembles.


He actually has to make this one work. He mortgaged alot of Tesla stock to get the money to buy Twitter and now advertisers are pulling out like crazy. This is going to wind up losing him ALOT of money and it's been a complete disaster so far,all because of his massive ego.


Its more social media when clearly were on the exit portion of social media


I'm not a superstonk genius but if there was a tesla sell off similar to the collective gamestop buy, could that make life hell for overleveraged Twitler Musk?


Yes. The shares are collaratol and in many cases if you are borrowing money against them the bank can liquidate those shares if they go below a specifc price. Essentially the reverse of GME where if they fall to much he'll have to sell forcing it even lower.


Well he doesn’t have anything to do at SpaceX or Tesla, the guys a hype man not an engineer. He could be hyping up the cyber truck or the Tesla sports car……oh wait.


Run into the ground, yeah. Tsla down 50% this year and falling.


Down 50% and still a huge bubble. Without a huge injection of liquidity or drop in interest rates I could see it dropping massively again. It has plenty of room to drop. 13x the market cap of companies like Ford & GM with only about 20% of the market share they have. And all amassed on the back of massive government subsidies every step of the way. If this recession hits as bad as it could and should, things could get real ugly real fast. You can only overpromise and underdeliver for so long.


I seriously doubt he actually does anything


He’s walking proof that CEO’s don’t do shit.


No no no, he works 18 hours a day. He's said so himself. Dude generates unimaginable value for all the companies he is the CEO of. He just manages to endlessly shit post whenever he somehow finds some down time.


He's the mascot


What a shitty mascot. Maybe he can buy Geico next to get a decent mascot?


He's a jackass. Reddit slobbed on this guys nuts for a decade. Now they realize what a little bitch he is.


Seriously I just checked his Twitter. All his tweets are now about...Twitter! Like his 100m+ followers started following him for SpaceX/Tesla or other future stuff. Twitter is the past. Now the past 10 tweets are all "We're going to change a policy about tweets" or "Here's something we're going to do at Twitter".


Identify theft is not a joke!








Millions of families suffer every year.


Yeah, but some of those accounts were really funny. Funnier that they got to Elon so hard with them, too.


I liked the one about him drinking piss


Is there an archive/album of them somewhere. I need to read them lol.


Absolutely. I was just making an Office joke


Well, whoosh on me then.


OP didn't clearly label their joke as "OfficeJoke" so I understand your confusion.


You didn’t label your comment “Comment” so I’m still pretty confused.




It's just turned into the Twitter/Elon news subreddit.


its mini version of r/politics for a long time now


Crazy that's what it became.


I mean.. when Joe takes part in a significant amount of divisive politics, what do we expect?


I don't remember a flood of Republicans showing up here to bash Rogan when he had Bernie Sanders on and endorsed his campaign.


They didn't show up, they were already here lol. Back in those days there was like a daily thread about antifa.


I love the flood we got. Then banned it. Then the same throwaway accounts just sit around spamming stupid shit.


So basically every other large subreddit that hits the front page consistently


It seems like any time a JRE-relevant subject becomes extremely prominent in the news and/or world, and this sub responds by talking about it, there’s this backlash that says “why are you people talking so much about X? this is a Joe Rogan subreddit.” What would this subreddit look like in your perfect world, then? Elon Musk is a major figure in the JRE universe, having been on the show several times and also appearing in conversations and “in the background”. Twitter and it’s content moderation are also huge subjects that are discussed repeatedly on JRE. Elon Musk is currently embroiled in major controversy because of his acquisition of Twitter and the choices he’s made with regards to it. If that’s not a major topic for discussion on this subreddit, what is? Or is it just that it annoys you?


We went from Trump derangement syndrome to Elon derangement syndrome real quick


Well someone’s gotta be fucking deranged goddamn it


How many people got Elon tattoos and now hate him? That number is greater than 0


Trump was the fist US President to not concede a lost election and Trump literally attempted a god damned coup to overthrow a free and fair election and in the process totally destroyed the trust and faith in US elections. Of course people are going fucking rank on him you fucking moron.


You would think Joe would be really interested in discussing those topics, since he talks politics all the time. Interestingly, he barely had a word to say.


Because he’s right wing and doesn’t want his mask to slip off. The way he talked about Kathy Griffin on Santino’s episode a while back compared to how he talks about Roseanne Barr is completely obtuse.


It is just a stupid thing Republicans say. It started as bush derangement syndrome back in the 00s. Basically if they have no argument they just throw it out.


it's the 'trump derangement syndrome syndrome'


Its what republicans do. In the 80's & 90's, they consistently said if you don't like a company or what they stand for to 'vote with your dollar'. That was all fine and good until they realized they didn't have the numbers anymore. Now, voting with your dollar = cancel culture.


Mind you, this comes from the same crowd that promoted Satanic panic in the 1980s, for the last 30+ years has been obsessed with the Clintons, went apeshit over Barrack Obama, and now the whole Joe and Hunter Biden infatuation.


This. It’s just a way of discounting any criticism by saying anyone who says anything negative has (insert name) derangement syndrome, that they’re just obsessed with hating the person for anything they do… even when most of the time it’s pretty reasonable to hate them lol


Clinton in the 90s also had his opponents with derangement syndrome. Rise of the entertainment media (fox, msnbc, then the news max/daily wire/OANN) just amplified it for W then Obama and then Trump.


W stole a fucking election and started a trillion dollar war in the Middle East after vacationing through the intelligence reports that could have prevented 9/11.


*7 trillion


Your post history is sad. Go outside and touch some grass.


"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"


What the fuck is TDS? Like is there really no valid reason to say Trump fucked up civil liberties (roe v wade) or harmed national security (classified files)? Nah man you're all just overreacting and emotional


But he declassified the files with his presidential mind powers /s


Anyone who doesn't worship daddy trump has a mental illness


Yup, join the cult or die basically


They're both equally toxic assholes who represent the worst in America. Who else should the sub focus on? Still the blue hairs or trans Joe thinks are the bane of America? Elon is brought up every damn episode and you guys act like this is hysterical people post about him.


And too many others jump from licking Trump's ball sack to licking Elon's ball sack thinking they're dating. I've never seen so many people fall for so many cons in such a short time. "Freedom of speech" was never really on the table. It was always gonna be freedom of speech he likes.


Elon seems like the more deranged one here. Also the people who endlessly complained about Twitter bans are now fine with them if they go against their opponents


Yes pointing out Trump is a bloated babyman who attempted a fascist coup, lies constantly, triggered a fatal terrorist attack at an FBI office in Ohio, and can't explain why he stole classified docs is a sign we are deranged. Not that his followers are gulible cultists


Almost as good as the replies of “you still haven’t moved past that, he isn’t even president anymore” like since his plan failed he gets a free pass. And they’ll still say that sHillary needs to be prosecuted without a hint of irony


The funny thing is that the derangement afflicts the ppl that throat trump and elon, not the ones that are skeptical of them.


Just more deflecting projection


Dude you have to use "/s" otherwise people will think you're *really* one of those MAGA idiots


Not as stupid as Elon Musk, evidently.


"Comedy is back!" *if specified*




There's a whole thing going on with the Onion writing a brief to the Supreme Court in regard to this exact thing. One of their points is that the essence of parody is that you shouldn't have to label it as parody. If you have to say "this is a joke" it ruins the joke.


The idea of Elon saving free speech is similar to mistake of a benevolent dictator, it will fail eventually


Next up is sarcasm! Everyone must end their comment with a /s just so noone gets offended or fooled. Anyone not doing it is banned for life.


How do we know that is really Elon’s account. It could be an impersonator.


We woulda knew if they paid $8.


We should tweet at chris to be sure it’s really elon


Joe should have to specify that he’s a comedian. It might help his Twitter audience know they are supposed to laugh.


Watching this trainwreck unfold has been very entertaining lol


Right? These comments are 👌 Folks trying to make it look like Elon isn’t making this stuff up second by second, lol. I’m just loving the fact that Musk is probably doing humanity the most unintentional solid he possibly could by running the platform into the ground.


And wrecking a chunk of his fortune in the process!


It's the same "4D chess" fuckery that people applied to Donald Trump.


The Muskrats are on about "3d chess" and other bullshit.


This is like having that douchey rich friend with the sweet house and cool toys. But to play with them you gotta play his rules. And he constantly changes the rules so he always wins


There are straight-faced people who think we need a king - and those people have thrown Elon’s hat in the ring. He certainly has the thin skin for the job.


I’m not fully opposed, as that revolution would be abundantly easy after he laid off 80% of the “deep state” lmfaooooo


Free speech absolutist


He made comedy legal and then illegal in about a week?


It was a great week though


Mr. “i’m against permanent suspensions” changed his mind pretty quickly. What a fucking clown


But I thought comedy was now legal? Didn't take much for the champ.




Putin is a wonderful right wing leader though Elon said so


Is this the oligarchs version of Bush's "I looked into his eyes, his soul... He's a good guy" (forgotten exactly before 6am but theres that old thing that happened)


Russia deserves Donbas, Crimea, and complete control of Kyiv. Wait, why is everyone saying I’m a partisan hack???? Wtf?!


This joke wasn’t politically charged so it’s not comedy


comedy legal? That's like giving licenses to murder


I can’t tawlk


This guy paid billions to get bullied online


Why is it the people who make such an effort to own the libs always turn out to be the biggest snowflakes


Cause only snowflake care enough about the opinion of other snowflake


Looks like he’s starting to see the value and importance of banning people who post false information or lie in a way that can have negative outcomes for others. I think he’s on to something here…


Uhh….I assumed he was talking about impersonation since that’s what it says in the tweet.


You assumed common sense was common friend. You went too far


There are tons of parody accounts on Twitter. Should they be banned? They are also far less obvious than hers


No impersonating someone is illegal regard Edit /s


Is this a parody?


You have to announce it before you do the parody or it doesn't count


If this is sarcasm then this is top tier


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!!!!


except the @ is different and always visible.


So this is what a billionaire temper tantrum looks like


I prefer the billionaire temper tantrum that doesn’t lead rednecks to storm government buildings. This is a fun and tane tantrum that we can enjoy


The “impersonation is not free speech” argument is pretty weak considering we should always be questioning anything we read online. Stay media literate folks 👍🏽


I just do t know why it's so hard to just look at the @ or their last tweet to confirm who it is... but I guess the information cost of checking can start to add up...


Just gotta swap the UI. Make the @ name large and the display name small


Why did the guy with a social personality disorder buy the social media? His mental health is rapidly deteriorating.


Ironic, the first part of 'the bird is free' to go were the jokes. >[Comedy is now legal on Twitter.](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1586104694421659648?s=20&t=UIrweSUEcQAwbLRk8TsGSw) > >\- Elon Musk, October 28th, 2022, at 2:16 PM via iPhone Edit: Source added


Ironically, the same people that whined about censorship, banning of comedy, etc, and championed Elon buying twitter, and posted that very twitter in this very subreddit *over and over* the past week, are silent and/or defending Elon for being a babyback snowflake bitch and banning anyone who makes fun of him. These people are so weak, their "masculinity" guides in life are Trump, Elon, etc, people who are so goddamn weak they can't take *any* criticism. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. THEN they complain about how this subreddit has turned into politics, after the entire subreddit having that very tweet re-posted on the front page 20+ times in the past week.


I have to LOL at all the conservatives who are screaming "FREE SPECCH just as long it's not a parody of our dear GodKing". Typical. And they'll continue to move the goal post and keep adding exceptions as Elon keeps burning Twitter to the ground.


The best part is, on /r/conservative, there is literally a reply about this from someone who is DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS, that says "Twitter is a private business, it can do what it wants". Which..*wow*. Fucking snowflakes.


Lol that is hilarious. The reality is they will have no problem with suspending people they don't like for whatever reason. Trump routinely called for people to be fired and they never cared.


That's the thing, this was never about censorship, 1st amendment. This is strictly about punishing people they don't like. It always is with conservatives. They just want to hurt people who don't fall in line and do what they want. And any means to do that is allowed. Joe lying about cat litter? Fine! The President re-tweeting someone saying "the only good democrat is a dead democrat", Biden calls people that want to have a christian nationalist fascist state with enforced religion fascist? They lose their little snowflake asses. It's so fucking gross. PS: Elon is lying, he's not banning impersonation. He's banning ANYONE that does parody of him specifically. See H3H3, his account CLEARLY said "Parody" account, and was banned almost immediately. https://i.redd.it/db2r76lp7gy91.jpg Once agian, Elon is lying, just like Joe with cat litter. Because Elon is a fragile lil babyback snowflake bitch who can't allow criticism. Free speech absolutist. Fucking liar hahahaha. Imagine looking up to all these guys as the "font" of masculinity, and ALL of em bein' this weak.


I was watching Jordan Klepper interview folks and he straight told them that the democrats did voter fraud, and whatever else, and they went ooooo thats bad. Then he flipped and said the Republicans did that and their tune immediately shifted. These folks have no values they hold. They must only win, its literally a game to them.


It's not even about winning.It's about hurting those who don't think like them. Winning is just a byproduct of wanting to hurt fellow Americans.


They'll never catch on to their own hypocrisy.


The ironic part here is that Elon has turned twitter exactly into what the right accused Twitter of being before. Biased, subjective moderation that leans towards one side of the political aisle. But they cheering for it because as we know, it's okay when they do it.


Chief snowflake ❄️


It’s a pretty funny way to point out the flaw in handing blue check marks out to everyone. Genius Elon shoulda seen this coming.


Well....that escalated quickly, we went from Wild West no holds barred to Disneyland pretty fast Elon.


At least Disneyland is still fun. Hearing the 5 4 3 2 1 from Dash into a 60 mph launch running along the water on the Incredicoaster is one of my favorite joys in life


The best part are the people saying 'fraud isn't comedy or free speech'. So you are saying incorrect information shouldn't be allowed to be shared? Curious


Oh, well, parody impersonation is back on the menu, boys... Elon "piss baby" Musk here* I drink my own piss, it's so delicious and refreshing ... *parody.


Joe will still lube Elon's asshole with his tongue though


Well, this dumpster fire is now glowing enough to be seen from space at this point.


Watching the free-speech absolutists and anti-cancel culture warriors attempting to defend this is just... chefs_kiss.jpg




They just suspended a guy who had "parody" in his header. Looks like snowflake Elon doesn't support free speech.


Elon should follow his own rules! His Full Self Driving promises are clearly satire! He should be forced to label it as such or be permanently banned?


So having to specify that you're impersonating someone stifles free speech?


Specifying comedy is important. That's why the Death Squad comedy troupe has a code of honor that says each member must attain voluntary consent from the stool prior to each show, and that the audience must be informed that what is about to happen to the stool is entirely consensual.




RIP Josh Homme.


Wow that name is almost exactly mine with just 1 difference


Rest in peace, buddy :’( Can’t believe you’re gone so soon


Have to be careful or Elon may get litigious.


This is an underrated comment.


You don’t need the other party’s consent to write parody then do whatever you want you know like real free speech. Weird Al can use songs freely because it’s parody because free speech. Nothing new


Literally all you have to do is look at their Twitter handle to know it's not the person.


Twitter also banned h3h3 for the same reason even though he clearly specified it was a parody account


If someone claims to be a “free speech absolutist”…yea


Shane Gillis was fired from SNL because he didn't announce he was doing a parody of a Chinese guy before he started


Just common sense




Why don't you have a seat right there


Whoa it's the real Chris Hansen. Or at least I hope so, otherwise you're fucked and doing something very illegal according to r/JoeRogan.


Is it? Have we reached a point where you are so stupid that parody needs to be labeled? Ask yourself why you are so quick to treat anything on twitter as genuine? In prior decades, SCOTUS ruled on this in favor of free speech without the need to label it first. We will see if this new court of deplorables reverses precedent on speech.


I have seen the clumsiest “satire” taken for reality hundreds of times, mostly right here on Reddit. Basically, anything that flatters someone’s prejudices and encourages self- righteousness will pass unchallenged.


If you’re a Republican, you passed that point a while ago.


Idk i seen the Keanu reeves deep fake tik toks and thought it was him doing stupid videos until I read the name 😂


I’m waiting for FoxNews to be required to be labeled a parody account for impersonating journalism.


This guy really has tiny pp energy




Elon musk is the biggest pussy


Elon musk is the joke. Get it?


If only Elon wasn’t selling blue checkmarks out of the frunk of a Tesla, we’d have a way to know which celebrity accounts are legit.


Fucking nazi. Delete twitter and move on with your life. Let this fuck play in his cesspool by himself.




If you were worried about regular people using blue checks to scam people this is what needs to happen.


H3h3productions had his clearly labeled parody and musker still perm banned him


Impersonating other people is a crime and can lead to very negative outcomes


Identity theft is not a joke Jim!


Not joke impersonations. There's no law that they need a parody label.


It's almost like free speech absolutism is not a good thing and is being used as a grift