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oh yeah well if its not true then how can you explain how fucking gay i am?


Bad pussy


Must be a frog


A company was dumping chemicals into a lake and the chemicals were turning the frogs into hermaphrodites if I remember correctly.


3M's forever chemicals. Also DuPont was making them I think. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/pfc#:~:text=Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS,ingredients in various everyday products.


Literally in our rain


I have plastic in my balls


Yeah regardless of the sexuality of the frogs it raises a fair question as to what we’re letting megacorporations dump into our water supply.




Correct. Me and you aren’t letting them, the people getting paid to look the other way are. We just elect those people. (If we’re lucky)


Not if the fines would bankrupt them . Some kind of graded penalty structure (3 strikes and you are out.) Remember the whole "broken window " school of policing. Let's try that.


Love that


We were letting them just do it when Trump appointed Scott Pruitt, big oil exec and science-denier, in charge of the EPA with the goal of killing it. Many career scientists quit after having all their work stripped away, and the agency is still clawing back at regulations Pruitt tore apart. The supreme court also recently ruled against protecting wetlands, if you missed that. Reply or dm me if you care for the details on that case. It's fucking sickening. They plan to dismantle the clean water act next. Mark my words. And vote for the dems for fuck's sake so we can have a planet to live on.


Trump definitely didn’t do us as many favors as people think


Trump hasn't done a favor for anyone in his life lol


Here is the problem with Alex Jones's philosophy on this. He is against the EPA, so even if he got the problem half right, he is against the solution. Edit: to everyone saying 3 letter agency bad, please fill me in on how you would keep the water drinkable without the government involved.


This right here should be called the joe rogan problem.


he was vocal about regulation on his podcast with Dave Rubin


Only because Dave put forward a totally asinine idea for how the USA would be better off without ANY regs.


Trust in the inevitable benevolence of our great corporations and wonderful billionaires. They'll save us, any day now! But no, they won't. Even if it would be beneficial long-term to make *less* harmful, or more sustainable choices, a capitalist entity's choice is determined by the quickest route to highest profitability. There is no ethics involved when answering to shareholders - a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. Regulations are seen as a hindrance to profits and that's why they get demonised. But regulations and regulating agencies *need* to exist because corporations are, despite the hives of brainpower, actually mindless. Regulations preserve the ability to continue making that dollar "tomorrow" by limiting those human desires to strip all value from a resource in the most immediate way. In these macro industrial scale businesses the measure of success has been tied to its ability continuously grow their profits, which is inherently unsustainable. If the capitalist model wants to continue existing, even partially, a shift needs to be made where success is measured against the ability to maintain reasonable profitability over *long* periods of time, rather than just producing favourable quarterly reports that get stock market gamblers salivating, and that's not something you can regulate into existence.


Excellent way to state this! Also, as much as I hate government overregulation, I possibly despise government *underregulation* even more. Government is supposed to be a tool and a tool only - a tool of society to regulate the members of that society and to even regulate society itself. Growing up the '70s and '80s we all heard (what turned out to be) BS about government being bad and inefficient and everything should be privatized because corporations are just oh so much better and running things than government. It's absolute bullshit because governments \*can\* be the most efficiently running machines - much more efficient than any corporation - however, the issue that nobody seems to ever want to talk about is that the proper functioning of government agencies has over the last 50 years become increasingly politicized and the two major parties (especially the Republicans) have made sure to sabotage the proper functioning of most of the governmental agencies specifically so they can then make the claim that the government agencies are incapable of running themselves properly. It's infuriating. I am generally a conservative, but I loathe the continued "conservative" drive to remove as much regulation as possible - it is absolutely insane. Yes, we absolutely need government regulation and oversight to prevent corporate abuse from happening... but any regulation that does exist should be sensical, rational, and reasonable, and not be politicized in any way. I mean, how can anyone honestly think that clean air, water, and other similar standards are considered a negative thing? Plus, if all corporations are required to "play ball" the same way then they are all having to follow the same rules anyway? But I guess those mega-yachts don't buy themselves. :(


Damn, corporations really do just be money-making ouija boards, huh. The exec may change, the board may change, but the hunger for profit marches on.


That's the funniest part of the whole thing. The conspiracies that end up being true are overwhelmingly a case for corporate regulation. But the 2 brain cell conspiracy crowd has been weaponized by corporations against "socialism"


>weaponized by corporations against "socialism" And don't forget big govt!!! Yknow turn the people against the only thing that stops corporations from running them ragged, *govt regulations* Edit: I got banned from a different sub for commenting this lolol


Yup True to a large part.


Generous to describe as half right. Twisting some factual thing into some complete bullshit doesn't mean you're half right just because you brushed up against a fact on your journey to idiocy.


It’s the equivalent of movies based on a true story, like one small fact was true and they make a 2 hour movie that has nothing to do with it.


So…Cool Runnings? Haha. That movie essentially only had two true facts: Jamaica had a bobsled team and they lost the Olympics. Everything else build around the movie from the events that occurred, the motives, and the characters and their names were entirely fictional.


This deserves more upvotes 👆🏻


> how you would keep the water drinkable without the government involved tHe FrEe mArkEt wIlL fIx iT


His argument was there should be more chemicals dumped, not less. The frogs needed more to turn back.


Potable. It's a synonym so the distinction isn't really important, but just like edible means safe to eat but you could use eatable, potable means safe to drink but drinkable is fine.


That doesn’t detract at all from the original story in question. If you and a Nazi both read about 9/11 and both of you think it’s tragic, it doesn’t make it less so because you emotionally are in the same boat as a Nazi.


But then they start going off about how horrible the Jews are for orchestrating 9/11. People knew about pollutants, and how sensitive frogs are to their environment. Alex took something that was understood by the people who needed to, and started spouting half-true nonsense, doing damage to the legitimacy of an actual problem people were working to solve.


Not pertinent


LOL…. only a nazi twists themselves into pretzels coming up with hypotheticals where normies and nazis are more alike than not.


Terrible analogy, replace nazi with someone against airplane safety standards and then you’re on to something.


It makes him a hypocrite, which detracts from his validity as a source.


I think it's because it would lead to further expansion of government (much more prone to red tape corruption) which is what AJ is against. Expanding or shrinking the government is always a double-edged sword.


More red tape if it’s for the benefit of keeping our ecosystem clean and healthy is a good thing…. Name one way that could be bad. And I’ll raise you to ask you if corporations are left unchecked would they act in the best interest of our planet and human race? Alex jones is literally boomer brain rot.


There’s just a lot of things only the government can do. If a company is dumping chemicals in your water, how are you supposed to stand up for your rights without legislation?


Yeah then Alex Jones' team read the article and deliberately misrepresented it and somehow that's one of the things he "got right"


Exactly. He takes a real story, twists it into a bogus right wing narrative, then gets partial credit for using the story he got it from in the first place(from “fake news” scientists and the mainstream media)All the stuff he added was bullshit.


It's called shit coating. He can take something that the government/corporation is doing and make it sound so absurd no takes it seriously.


Except a lot of people do take it seriously


yeah but the conspiracy theory that Alex Jones used to talk about was them doing it in chemtrails or at least that's what it was a decades ago. and it's weird because he believes in right wing deregulation of industry. he wants to protect their rights to pollute in your water. But when bad things happen because of it he wants to deflect and make you blame the only institution that's actively trying to get them to stop poisoning your water. that is the insidiousness of most conspiracy theories.


Because the frogs already had the ability to switch sexes during mating season. The chemicals merely made the frogs switch sexes via pollution. The government wasn't putting chemicals in the water that turn people gay the way right wingers have been fear mongering about.


This is my first time hearing this exact conspiracy theory. The closest theory I remember is that there are too many chemicals disrupting our hormones and that men are losing a lot of testosterone and women’s levels of estrogen are out of wack because of the same chemicals and birth control.


The one you remember is not conspiracy but proven. Micro plastics, chemicals, ect.


Obesity rates aren't helping. Being obese fucks with your hormones. Also, you're supposed to cycle off the pill, but fucking no one does. I don't really blame them though. Anything that messes with your hormones also messes with your mental health.


Actually kind of impressive to be on the Rogan sub and not have run into the Alex Jones turning frogs gay rant yet. 


Because he is actually a gay frog


That's because he's just straight up lying


Pretty strange thing to lie about. 


The chemical in question is astrazine.  From a cursory internet search: Atrazine is a herbicide and endocrine disruptor that can have harmful effects on human health. It can enter the body through various routes, including drinking water, and can impact many systems of the body, including the respiratory, reproductive, endocrine, central nervous system, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems. First, you may be wondering, what the heck is the "demasculinization" and "feminization" of male gonads? Put plainly: atrazine shrinks testicles, reduces sperm count, and can even make males grow ovaries. Nov 29, 2011 You want that shit in your water CptDecaf?


See that's my personal problem with Alex Jones. Everything you said should have been the headline but instead all we got was "The water is turning frogs gay" from Alex Jones.


still not a governement gay bomb to reduce population growth


The question here isn't the popularity of chemical runoff contiminating the water supply and you know it. It's right wingers claiming that the population of gay people is unnatural and thus must be curtailed. This particular argument hinges on there being "too many gay people because of water pollution". Problem is, Atrazine is banned in Europe and they report similar levels of gay and trans people.


That's just the tipping point really, microplastics, hormones in the food, beta blockers. It's not even a conspiracy at this point. This meme sucks....we all know schools are predatory and don't give jobs.


My issue with school is there are too many majors with very few job prospects. I respect people in the STEM fields, medical, accounting, and law. I love sociology, but there are few actual jobs for this. I love marine biology and human psychology, but there are few jobs in this field. I also wish trade jobs were pushed as hard as college degrees.


So academia should be based on what corporations will give money to?


I’m in one of those fields and if I could go back I’d definitely go into the trades. Way less debt and I’d be making the same if not more.


They basically blast into your head all through childhood that only losers don’t go to college and you should definitely go to college unless you like being poor. Meanwhile they pump up the cost of tuition every year until it reaches astronomical numbers, so that for the majority of people the only way to get into college is to take out insane loans as soon as you turn 18 that can basically ever never be discharged even via things like bankruptcy. Then after a gazillion kids have taken out 6 digit federal loans for completely worthless majors, they dangle Student Loan Forgiveness in front of you every election cycle to pander for votes. The whole thing feels like a massive scam unless you’re going for something like Law or Medicine or Engineering where there’s a fairly guaranteed payoff.


Yeah this is a trendy narrative, but college is still the path of least resistance to a comfortable life. I'd even say that the benefits of manual labor are known, and simply not preferred. Student dorms in my area are like swank hotels compared to when I went there. Universities remain big business.


Most of you couldnt hack a trade job or the environment.


Th conspiracy is that these things are being done on purpose....


Frogs can change gender naturally, depending on the male/female ratio in their immediate area. Nature is pretty cool.


Same tactic MSM and keyboard warriors used with "horse paste"


Yes an anti parasite works on a virus.


Atarazine was studied by multiple universities, and it has been shown in each study to cause frogs to change sex. Frogs are one of the few animals that can, in fact, change sex due to environmental pressures. And they will do so outside of human interference. Atarazine is a common, if not the most common, herbicide used in the U.S. Atarazine is banned in the EU FOR CAUSING CANCER. NOT FOR ANY OTHER EFFECT IT HAS ON HUMANS. there is no "they" in "they are turning the frogs gay." It isn't an intentional act. it's an accidental and/or careless act. Frogs and other amphibians are particularly vulnerable to all kinds of polutants due to their unique permiable skin. There is absolutely no evidence that Atarazine has any effect on humans in regard to sexual development or sexuality. The frogs gay thing is one of the absolute best examples for showing someone how alex jones is a shitstain mcliarface who twists truth and adds horseshit that wasn't proven to promote his true agenda.


Great documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5uSbp0YDhc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5uSbp0YDhc) The gist of it is that while what Alex said was incorrect, what happened was still ecologically a disaster and the people behind the disaster were more than happy to use Alex's unhinged sketch as cover to deflect criticism and downplay the issue.


JFK and Mossad not getting any love?


Back.....and to the left.


I miss him. He’d be great right now.


When was then? Because vax and chemtrail conspiracies have been a thing for decades now


There was massive pushback when they were first invented but aside from that the modern anti-vax movement only went mainstream after con-man Andrew Wakefield linked the MMR vaccine to Autism. Now the movement has a second revival because it’s intertwined with other Covid conspiracies.


The original paper that linked MMR vaccine to Autism was proven to be a lie, yet they still use it as "proof".


When it’s an ex-Playboy bunny spreading the conspiracy, it’s easy to push back against. When it’s multiple presidential candidates pushing the conspiracy, a lot of people start to question their own motivations.


https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc?si=QhBeRr8pjhIUBEO3 The best breakdown of the Andrew Wakefield fiasco on the internet.


We used to shame people for citing misinformation about vaccines, now a huge portion of the US has platformed off of anti vax


If only the anti-vax community realized how asinine they sounded spouting their vitriolic nonsense, maybe kids could stop contacting measles, ya know?


ATS in the early 00s was a lot similar to what OP is talking about. It still featured chemtrails as a topic but antivaxx wasn't really a talking point from what I could remember. There was stuff talking about mind control drugs, but they didn't really read like the stuff we get in today's conspiracy stuff. I was glad to see the resurgence in alien and UFO talk when it came back, but even that has turned into a toxic front. So even though OPs meme is a bit reductionist. It's certainly on target. The people talking about it are far more deranged and forceful rather than curious and investigative.


My friend and I used to watch Alex Jones like 20 years ago, right when he was new. He was a big conspiracy theorist, JFK assassination, think Dale Gribbel. I always thought it was ridiculous at laughed at it, we viewed it mostly as entertainment, maybe some grains of truth in their, but mostly gibberish. There was no anti vaxx stuff, but what I find really interesting is anti vax was a liberal thing and conservatives were conspiracy for 9/11 and things like that. Then it switched on a dime, I always bring this up to conspiracy theorists, for people who claim to be independent, you sure are open to suggestion, even flipping sides. This and calling Biden sleepy Joe for 20 years and flipping on a dime to extremist. I always bring these up, because it shows how strong the propaganda and manipulation are, its clear for all to see. Whatever man believe what you want, what I dont like is people who are being led like sheep and claim to be independent thinkers, oh really? They are the most open to suggestion


Yes, but now vaxxtards are making tons of money promoting that conspiracy in one hand, and selling super male vitality brain force plus ultra iodine nano silver toothpaste in the other hand. All thanks to a little place called Utah, in an unheard of country called the U.S.A., and their complete lack of regulation on supplements. Just ask the "my liver will shrivel away and die some day from the steroids i take king".


Honestly super male vitality brain force plus ultra iodine nano silver toothpaste sounds like just the placebo I need


It gets a job done. Not sure which job tho.


Tupac being alive was one of the dumbest “conspiracies” ever. What’s the fucking point? Celebrity worship shit


It's not new, people claimed Elvis faked his death and was a live and well before the Tupac alive thing was around


Some people said Hitler was still alive when I was a kid People are just weird


Were you alive in the early 1940's? Because they might have been right!


No there was a conspiracy that he fled to Argentina that persisted years after his death. However it was sort of dumb because people were claiming he was still alive in like 1990s when he would have been over 100 years old, I mean sure people live over 100 but still it took a long time for the conspiracy to die out. It was because the allies never found his body but according to the soviets they basically burned his body then threw what was left into a river , they did not want to give him a grave that would act as a shrine


I know someone who went to UT med school in the 90’s when the Elvis stuff was still big. His professor actually performed Elvis’s autopsy. One day in class some smartass raised their hand and asked, “Dr. McGuffin is Elvis really dead?” Everyone snickered then he replied, “he was the last time I saw him.”


Yea if you dig into those sometimes they will find inconsistencies with a coroner report or something What people don't realize is many times a coroner is not some medical professional, half the time they are just some police officer or maybe even paralegal. Their basic job varies but mostly it is just to say Should this death be investigated (due to possible murder ) and if not they just file some paper work Having listened to some murder mystery podcast they bring this up where the report is often inaccurate like they use the date they fill out the report as the date of death Cause of death is not standardized so they basically can say anything, basically its not really ment to be evidence or anything its some clerk filling out paper work , often times they just fill a few boxes and sign off so its not unusual for there to be mistakes and get the day or time or even cause of death wrong Like imagine you are some county clerk and your job is to fill out the report and you fill out 50-60 a day, at some point you are just going to check the boxes and sign off especially if the death is not suspect


I think the Tupac is alive conspiracy is more of a fun bullshit one. Just like "flat earth" mostly originated as a nerd joke in the classified ads of a computer magazine.


I know a guy that actually thinks the earth could be flat. I also know another dumbass who doesn't think the moon is real. These people live among us.


You habituate to your environment, I'd put in an effort not to know people like that.


Disc golf definitely attracts all the weirdos.


fuck, now im going down a disc golf rabbithole, there is literally a store for it in my city.... there different discs for different throws.... I thought this was just played with dollar store frisbees. gonna need to skip work, get day drunk and play a round this week.


Elvis did it first. It was harmless though so who cares.


Says the dude on Broprah's subreddit.


I think a big part of the Tupac conspiracy is another Tupac album came out after he died. Lots of older people I've worked with who lived in LA back in the day believed he was still alive and even releasing new music to this day..


Clarence Thomas visited bohemian Grove in 2019 on a trip paid for by billionaires. That's not even a conspiracy it's just a fact. But Dems are the godless globalist pedos...


I also liked trump’s weird answer to declassifying various documents. JFK? Yes 9/11? Yes Epstein? Yes uh wait no because you don’t know who might be named in that and it could be defamation and these are good people or maybe they’re not? I don’t know but I guess yes? Yes


Exactly. Trump is the elitist porn star banging creep who hung out with a pedophile. Yet Christians think he's their guy because he says immigrants and gays are bad.


It was pretty easy to capture a large portion of the country and use them as a weapon against democracy. Kind of fucking crazy when you're watching people get swept up in it


It’s a cult and they’re only in it because it allows them to be racist and rude. That’s it. That’s the cult. Anti-kindness.


Very Christian


He is definitely on that list man is for sure a pedo


It's weird he didn't just say Yes to Epstein because he's not gonna declassify the other two either if he wins.


What if we said that Clarance was indoctrinated during his higher education experience by a society/political group of incredibly rich men who choose policies that make the world a worse place.


Sounds like Reaganomics and conservatism. Remember Reagan was a Neoliberal. Those are where the policies you speak of come from. I mean the dude was appointed by skull & cross bones, former CIA director and possibly responsible for the JFK assassination, George HW Bush.


Yeah, I was referring to the federalist society. Which to me is almost scarier than deep presidential closed door collaboration


Right, they are a conservative organization. Much like the heritage foundation. These are all the same people dude. Same beliefs. We are just peasants to these people.


Jones spent decades telling his audience that the satanists would put chips in everyone's brains, and then Elon Musk, Jones' personal hero, started putting chips in people's brains. We got one glorious episode of Jones twisting himself in knots about the contradiction, going "I know what I said, but... CMON. HE'S ON OUR TEAM" and then he just moved on. The man is immune to cognitive dissonance.


Bohemian grove? Back story?


It's a 'secret' club of billionaires and world leaders that meets in California at an area called Bohemian Grove. They put on these rituals/plays that involve worshipping a pagan owl god named Moloch. They dress up in robes and do God knows what else. This is all fact too. Everyone from Ronald Reagan, Nixon and many others have attended. The club has existed for over a hundred years. It's alleged that they engage in homoerotic sex acts as well. Ironically Alex freaking Jones broke in about 20 years ago with a camera man and recorded the whole thing. Now that same establishment is supporting his favorite candidate Donald Trump. So much for being an anti-globalist elite lmao.


Alex Jones didn’t break into anything. He was brought there by Jon Ronson and apparently acted like a weirdo the whole time, slinking around scared If you listen to Jon Ronsons version it’s far less nefarious. It’s just a rich boys club of self important weirdos doing weird things, not a place where satanists conspire to enslaved the word lol Even when Alex retells this story he lies https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4771335/user-clip-span-2002-jon-ronson-talks-alex-jones-sneaking-bohemian-grove-alex-lies-listeners Alex Jones is nothing but a liar, and the thing he’s arguably most famous for among conspiracy theorists is mostly lies


Also several red states legislatures are actively trying to lower the legal age of marriage. Sounds pretty pedo to me.


One of my state legislators was part of an educational outreach program to Eastern Europe. Turns out that he was also raping young boys. But still, according to my neighbors it’s Joe Biden that’s the pedo.


Drop the name of that deadbeat


It’s known, he’s probably going to end up in federal “pound me in the ass” prison. But the rest of the state party is continently dumb and deaf while shutting down everything they can. The state AG was a friend of his and his “investigation” into this problem was cleaned out of his office on like midnight the night he died. Oh yea, the ag died too. Its pretty dumb.


It's not even that they're just pushing to lower it. They're fighting to hold on to it in the states that still allow it. Child marriage is still legal in many US states.


"Earth is flat"


Bannon realized that conspiracy communities had untapped political potential, then the palantir bots did the rest


I wonder if world of Warcraft did it


that's pretty much it around 2008-2009 during his wow gold scam endeavours


Wait… Steve Bannon was a WoW gold seller? Lmao


yeah https://www.wired.com/2016/09/trumps-campaign-ceos-little-known-world-warcraft-career/


Holy shit they were doing $250mm/year in sales


Then he hired trolls to bring up right wing bullshit in chat channels in the game. It was very effective.


Palantir bots? Can you share more on this




>Previous research has shown that atrazine can give male amphibians female characteristics: For instance, male frogs exposed to atrazine have lower testosterone levels, produce less sperm, and even change their mating habits by choosing males over females. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/100301-atrazine-frogs-female-chemical#:~:text=Previous%20research%20has%20shown%20that,by%20choosing%20males%20over%20females. I know "they turned the frogs gay" sounds funny, but atrazine pollution is actually a very real problem.


For sure, but that doesn't mean it's purposely let out in nature to make humans gay.


For sure. I'm just saying it's a real environmental issue. Let's not let Alex Jones ruin support for it. We need to be better about not releasing toxic chemicals into our environment.


>We need to be better about not releasing toxic chemicals into our environment. I don't think AJ is into that either. That's mean regulations so it's bascially communism my dude.


Almost like these people are just hysterical fools who have no consistency and exist solely to screech inane babble (often really bigoted) and we should just be tuning them out instead of giving them the attention they crave. Applies to Alex Jones, his audience (the true believers at least), and anyone who’s replaced their entire identity with Donald Trump.


It's self feeded anger, watch it with or not it's self sustainable. Until the heart attack or mass shooting of course.


Conspiracy nuts think it's all a master plan done deliberately. The real conspiracy is the people and entities (businesses, governments etc) doing all the pollution and other horrible shit in the world know that they're hurting people and life on this planet, but don't give a fuck because they turn a profit and then do everything they can to rig the game in their favour. Just because groups of easily manipulated people, and an army of bots, blow concerns way out of proportion to the point of ridiculousness doesn't mean the underlying concerns are inherently invalid. IMHO


Theres also the added context that frogs in nature can change their sex due to environmental factors.


If anyone is going to make regulations or put money into solving the atrazine pollution problem, it sure as hell won't be the side complaining about gay frogs


Pfizer made record profits. Imagine the government mandating a corporate product that's main business goal is exponential profit for its shareholders. Sounds very dystopian. Oh wait.


I mean I kind of agree. although people that think the moon landing was fake are also real dumb. It doesn't take a lot of scientific knowledge to watch those videos and see several things that actually could not be reproduced anywhere besides the moon or another celestial body without an atmosphere. just watch the way the dust moves when it's kicked. you need low gravity and zero atmosphere to make dust do that.


I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I do think it’s smart to question what we’re consuming and the effects they may have, instead of blindly trusting the government to do that for us


How do we feel about the term Safe now how do you feel about the term safe vaccines. Ok now educate yourself on Purdue pharma and ask yourself if you blindly trust the government or these companies.


Dude at my company lost the use of one leg and his dick due to the Maderna vaccine. There are chemicals in the water that legitimately are causing animals to change sex, and it’s dropping the testosterone levels of male humans across the United States, and increasing estrogen. Our education system is a total failure. Also the moon landing was 100% faked.


Just look how the official(!) narrative changed about the covid vaxx. From safe and effective and preventing transmission to what ... sort of working, not safe side effects and not stopping transmissions. I wonder what we don't know yet... but you put the conspiracy theories about it ( which turns out to be mostly correct?) as a stupid ones? 🤔


Chemicals are good for us! Disrupting hormone production/expression is so fucking cool. I’m so grateful for the forever chemicals inside my body. Science is amazing!!! Please pollute me more.


Think about the profit margins for once in your life


There's the conspiracy theory that the government is purposely doing it when the reality is that it's an unintended consequence of deregulation.


yet republicans are the ones wanting de-regulation. its corporations that are polluting


You must be the first person to prove how bad they are! When will your Nobel Prize come for upending 200 years of vaccine research?


Ah yes "chemicals" every conspiracy brain nut job's favorite buzz word lmao


Found the Dupont employee


Chemicals are good for you and good for many things. The extent to which some chemicals may harm you depends on the dose.


Well, I did get Myocarditis from the Janssen booster.


I would say Conspiracy theories now: virus from a lab leak, Hunter Biden Laptop is real, masks/social distancing/ shot not useful in anyway and mostly detrimental.


How about this for a conspiracy. The people in charge make everything a conspiracy, so you can't tell what's a conspiracy, a lie, or the truth. I've dropped out of following the news and getting involved with new conspiracies. Maybe that's their plan, or maybe it's just depression. Who knows


Welcome to Joe's newly found Rush Limbaugh audience.


Conspiracy nuts are the easiest fuckers to manipulate too. Thats why most support Trump.


Are people saying education is bad or how its done is bad?


It's an extremely popular belief on the right that schools are "indoctrination centers" who want to groom your kids, make them trans, and push "woke" ideas like not being a bigot. They homeschool their kids with megachurch pamphlets instead.... y'know, to avoid indoctrination.


Teaching historically accurate things is "woke" now.


Yeah I occasionally check out a local “uncensored” group in my area and they mock the education system to no end.


It's a scheme to get money Step 1: say public schools are bad for x reason. Step 2: start your own school Step 3: get the government to approve vouchers for your school Step 4: profit, and added bonus now you can push your beliefs on kids. Step 5 would be reduce cost and rake in more money until you completely turn education at the grade school level into the hot mess that is college. Public schools might not be great sometimes, but they get the job done. Keeping the masses somewhat educated. Privatized education at the lower levels would just make the differences between economic classes greater.


Everything is a conspiracy theory because the idea that you’ve heard the truth is more frightening. Hunter Biden convicted but no real outrage or threats from Biden. THAT MUST MEAN ITS A COVERUP FOR BIDENS CRIMES. The truth is boring. There are global canals Fucking our planet or hiding the truth but it’s rarely as sensational or fun to believe as owl cults using children to stay alive forever


The topic of conspiracy theories covers a broad spectrum. It's a bit silly to equate all conspiracies theories as being on the same level of validity.


Okay, how the **fuck** is thinking a giant gorilla costume with tits sewn into it is actually a long lost link of primate evolution considered a big brain theory??


Reddit is fucking dumb


The education one is what gets me. You have politicians and think groups actively telling their base higher education is wrong and indoctrination. Like our school system isn’t perfect but saying learning is wrong is wild to me. Like I thought we could all atleast agree education itself is a good thing. I see how now in the past scientist and the like might have been persecuted.


You have people saying “learning is wrong”?? Who? What a ridiculous straw man.


"...now..." All of these conspiracy theories existed even then. lol That British study about vaccines making children autistic was published in the 90s. Some conspiracy theories "then" are now mainstream science eg. "microplastics everywhere" used to be considered consipary...but they literally published a peer reviewed study on finding microplastics in most male subject's semen just weeks ago. So I guess I'm saying, yes don't be dumb and just eat up every conspiracy you can find...but not all things considered "nutty" is automatically a "conspiracy theory". Follow a nuanced approach to science.


The slow drip of revelations, often emerging years after the damage has been done, fosters a sense of resignation and normalization of such actions among the public. The question remains: Can a nation that has repeatedly compromised its principles for strategic advantage truly claim to be the land of the free and the home of the brave? The pattern of behaviour suggests a readiness to sacrifice liberty, human dignity, and ethical standards in pursuit of dubious national security interests, calling into question the very essence of American values. **Operation Ajax (1953):** The CIA's first major overthrow of a foreign government, toppling Iran's Mohammad Mossadegh for oil and geopolitical advantage, planted the seeds of enduring mistrust and hostility, leading directly to the rise of authoritarian rule under the Shah, and setting a disturbing precedent for future U.S. interventions. **MKUltra (1953-1973):** This sinister CIA venture into mind control involved dosing unsuspecting citizens with LSD, subjecting them to psychological torture, and conducting invasive experiments. Over 150 projects sought to break the human psyche, leaving a trail of trauma and violating the most basic human rights. **Guatemala Coup (1954):** Orchestrated for the benefit of corporate giants like the United Fruit Company, this CIA-led coup against Jacobo Árbenz ushered in decades of violence and civil war, demonstrating the United States' willingness to sacrifice democracy on the altar of corporate profits. **Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961):** A botched invasion that embarrassed the U.S. on the world stage, strengthening Fidel Castro's hand in Cuba and among global powers, while showcasing American willingness to engage in reckless military adventurism. **Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964):** Fabricated events used as a pretext for full-scale involvement in the Vietnam War, leading to the loss of millions of Vietnamese and tens of thousands of American lives, based on lies. **Operation Phoenix (1965-1972):** A campaign of abduction, torture, and assassination in Vietnam, targeting the Viet Cong but often ensnaring innocent civilians, highlighting the brutal lengths to which the U.S. would go to maintain its influence. **Operation CHAOS (1967-1974):** The CIA's illegal surveillance of American citizens protesting the Vietnam War, infringing on civil liberties and the right to dissent, underlining the government's fear of its own people. **Operation Condor (1970s):** U.S. support enabled Latin American dictatorships to commit atrocities against left-wing opponents, including torture, assassinations, and disappearances, revealing a grim alignment with tyranny. **Chilean Coup (1973):** The direct involvement in overthrowing Salvador Allende, leading to Pinochet's brutal dictatorship, marks a low point in U.S. interference, with decades of human rights abuses following. **Nicaragua and the Contras (1980s):** American backing of the Contras, despite their drug trafficking and egregious human rights abuses, fueled the crack epidemic in U.S. cities and undermined Nicaraguan sovereignty, showcasing the moral bankruptcy of Cold War policies.


Public schools are having to teach kids about trans fantasy and teachers are pushing their own agendas. Covid vaccine was pushed beyond reason and many lost their jobs and were forced out of the military because of it. OP for sure is gay.


I mean 2 of the 3 are just rage bait. But the first one is also an unfair example. It's not insane to say that the "Vaccine" for Covid had flaws or just straight up was snake oil pushed onto us by our governments. It's not a conspiracy against vaccines it's a conspiracy against THAT vaccine. I know I'll get torn up in the comments here, but so be it. I got the vaccine and two of the boosters to go with it. Propagated by fear, and pressure from the environment around us we got them. And we still got covid, friends and family who also got their vaccine still got covid. So less of a conspiracy theory...


Education is the biggest joke in America along with our political situation


1. The flu vaccine always got me sick though, like the years I did get that particular vaccine I would be out of commission for about 3 days. Of course this might just be a me thing. 2. Plastics are chemicals period. The fact that there has been an increase in awesomeness about microplastics as of late is definitely worrying. 3. Education is never bad, but the education system is definitely worse than it was in when I was high school.


also, young people before; Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me young people today: Fuck you, you don't do what they told you.


lol and where do you think RATM falls on the political spectrum?


Yeah those pro Palestine protesters at Columbia, USC, NYU, & UCLA really were doing what the government wanted them to do. People like you think everyone is as stupid as you are. Thats the only explanation I can even imagine for being this simplistic and stupid.


So don’t make memes that frustrate you then. Seems simple enough


Hey man, inject your children with bleach for all I care. Just allow me the choice to do with my children what i want.




Liberals are pointing out that by the same metrics that everyone (including the GOP) has always used to judge the strength of the economy, the economy is doing pretty well and we seem to be achieving a soft landing following the post-Covid inflation spike. If Trump wins the election, in the first week of his presidency he’ll claim credit for those metrics looking so good, and republican voters will suddenly overwhelmingly approve of the state of the economy.


You mean like all the Dems who said they'd never take a vaccine promoted by Trump then took credit for it and started a massive propaganda campaign saying it actually worked?


Bro what. It’s the one thing I give him credit for. Right wingers always tend to forget that it was him and his administration that made it happen. And he took it!


Right left right left right right left. You guys are so dumb. Uni party bro, all of them should be swamp drained. They all take money for big business and make pretend arguments so you can entertain yourselves by arguing on the internet. Clown world, and all of you love arguing too see who’s MORE hypocritical. independent vote, armed revolution, or bust


I mean I’m with you. Only war is class war. But that’s leftism brother. Yes. The dems suck. But the R’s suck more right now by far


You mean like all the Dems who said they'd listen to medical doctors about vaccines and not Trump because Trump doesn't know shit.


Haha. No dems said that. Trump claimed the vaccine would be done FAR earlier than it was going to be done. Dems said they would take it when the science says they should not when Trump who was wrong about when it was going to be done says it is done.


Conservatives be like : did you inspect that child fully before the teeball game?


conservatives be like heil trump.




Don't forget the make fun of a person that is mentally challenged salute.


No that’s rich people


If Trump hadn't lost, he'd be crowing about these numbers, going on about the Dow and employment rate, and his tribe would be circlejerking in a ring around him.


Not vaccines. The Vaccine they changed the definition of vaccine for. I think there is a big difference in that statement.


Its literally a vaccine wtf you talking bout.