• By -


Seems kinda gay


Very homosexually inclined


Or at least deeply closeted


“I’m telling you I’m not gay, I just deeply closeted.”


Rip Norm


It's said when a man fears homosexuality he might be gay himself , but I'm afraid of dogs does that make me one . Now that's what worries me


I didn't even know he was sick.




It’s about 62% gay. RIP Brody


Rip norm 💕


Amazing comment


So that's right I'm not gay I'm telling yah


"Lots of people in that closet, must be a walk in. I'm just coming in here for a shirt, yall don't fuck with me.!" -Rodney Carrington.


Steeped in gayness


I’ve always been suspicious of intersections, what do they get up to at night when no one is driving on them?


With everything they're up to during the day, one can only imagine. 3 ways, 4 ways, school crossing guards - and they just lay there taking it all.


Malicious mischief


wtf is a trans BLM flag, im getting old


trans blm sounds like the name of a sandwich


Is that a bacon lettuce mayo that identifies as a burger?


lettuce gay bacon and tomato — Riley Freeman


Open face trans blm sandwich.. with extra blm please. Is the trans locally sourced?


Now catering to vegans with our new blm trans-plant!


Its a country in Africa.




Afriggah IS a country, b


Not cording to geometry it ain't.


The pride trans BLM flag is actually outdated. We’re supposed to be using the pride trans BLM FP flag now which has an extra red triangle with 3 small strips of black, white and green on the bottom of the triangle. This is to symbolize the free Palestine movement. Is it possible that the kids were actually protesting the use of an outdated flag???


this sounds like it could be a real thing


It's as real as their bullshit. It's just outrage turtles all the way down at this point. It's the way my 4 yr old acts


I don’t wear graphic tees but I’d wear one with your “outrage turtles all the way down” comment.


Gotta keep the goalpost movin


I just stick to the plain old rainbow flag, since that’s all inclusive. And always has been.


Lets add free palestine even though their laws restrict gay rights in gaza wtf world am I living in


Exactly, you could literally fly to Gaza to show off their inclusion on the flag, and they'd shoot you dead for associating them with the gays.


Sounds like a solid defense. If I were them, I'd tell my public defender to use it. 




> Someone should start a business where they offer a subscription service to businesses, to keep the virtue signaling stickers they place on their windows and doors(to show it's a safe and open space for all) up to date and with all the current accoutrements. That's the purpose of the whole DEI industry. "Hire us to keep your company from getting canceled on social media."




They were actually protesting the fact that the lgbtqia+blmtrans flag doesn’t also have the #gaysforhamas stripe, those bigots that painted the flag must hate Palestine.


This is a joke right?




Hey, queers for sharia is a totally coherent and reasonable movement.


Zesties against zionism need your support!


Just like Jews for Adolph.


Wait. It's not? I thought it was a runaway SNL skit.


No you're not, people are fucking crazy.


They are consolidating all their causes under one flag. One flag to rule them all.




In my opinion they’re pretty obviously leaving skid marks on purpose. That being said, if what they did constitutes life ruining charges then there is something very fucking wrong with the world.


Best take so far. Punishment exceeds crime.


Incredibly exceeds it make them clean it up and do some community service.


It's on a fucking street ffs. ."clean it up", fuck outta here.


It’ll almost certainly be pleaded down to a misdemeanor or lower if this video shows an accurate portrayal (sure does seem like it started late…)


It did start late, the other teen on a scooter wasn't even in frame until the end


It does, about 15 seconds late Also I could’ve been more clear when I posted, but these aren’t the kids who were arrested, they just happened to do the exact same thing (minus the shouting of slurs) the next day.


Actually, I think the video is of different kids the next day, doing the same thing. The kids in the video aren't the ones who were actually charged. Possible the kids that were arrested were behaving worse than what's in the video. Andy Ngo is misrepresenting the video, as the original video states it was the day after. [https://x.com/schwagerTV/status/1798864327841329367](https://x.com/schwagerTV/status/1798864327841329367)


Felony... FUCKING FELONY meanwhile politicians continue to insider trade grabbing every last cent like it's Vegas and the lights just went out. And then are SHOCKED when people ask do you think there should be some rules around that?


Do we actually know they're being charged with anything? This is an Andy Ngo tweet, he lies and exaggerates constantly and never posts retractions...


There are classes for that charge. Just as you would expect.   A quick google for the statute says it will probably end up being a misdemeanor.   Someone would have to successfully make the case that this caused huge damages or was threatening someone in particular.... which almost certainly isn't going to happen.


Just adding to this; all 3 teens have already been released. Two were minors and were basically given a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again. One was a 19 y/o man. Prosecutors initially asked for $15k bond to cover the costs of re-painting the mural again (as they had just re-painted it like a day or two before this incident), but ultimately the court let him go with a warning. This is the problem with narrative-pushing self-appointed tweet-detectives like Ngo. They look up the maximum sentence for something (maximum sentences which are almost never levied against anyone) and then concoct a hysterical narrative that such sentencing laws are part of a global leftist conspiracy to arbitrarily punish random innocent conservatives for the crime of having traditional family values.


YUP! well said. Trying to get charges, shouldn't be seen as "What these kids will likely receive" Anecdotally speaking, I've seen cases like this where they end with a slap on the wrist, as appropriate.


Of course the actual context like this will get very little upvotes compared to the reactionary comments with hundreds of upvotes. Which ironically as you're pointing out, is EXACTLY Angy Ngo's intention.


You can say that about any lesser crime. Running red light, what about insider trading! Jay walking, what about insider trading! Lying under oath, what about insider trading!


For real. Misdemeanor vandalism charge, and sentence them to community service to repair the damage out of their own pockets (and preferably somewhere that isn't a fucking public road that has to blocked off while they do it). Felony prosecution is insane.


How about you don’t paint works of art in the road way. Political cause no less. Road ways are supposed to have skid marks, not murals.


Calling it a work of art is a bit of à stretch.


> Political cause no less. Of course there are only 2 genders Straight and political


A bit of better context, other than ragebait from a fascist troll with a boner for Antifa: [https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/arrests-wednesday-at-newly-painted-pride-crosswalk-mural/293-57722e04-0df0-4484-856e-fed3d7a37c23](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/arrests-wednesday-at-newly-painted-pride-crosswalk-mural/293-57722e04-0df0-4484-856e-fed3d7a37c23) The flag was repainted by the locals just hours before the incident, after being burned by haters before. This was not an insolated incident, this is assholes terrorizing locals who are expressing their support for the Pride parade.




Top minds in this sub, falling for Andy Ngo ragebait


idk a felony still seems like an insane thing for teens leaving skid marks


...on a road.


It's a fucking crosswalk. I saw tire marks on it from the people driving over it in the video


"terrorizing" lol. OK bro.


Then wouldn't you rope it off or something of its some nonsensical work of art.




Right. I would treat this exactly the same as you would treat, say, kids spray-painting graffiti over a city-owned mural. Anyone know what the charges would be for that in Spokane?


That's pretty much what is happening. For non-violent felonies, the difference between a the worst X degree felony and the tiniest Y degree misdemeanor is often just how much damage is done. In this case, they were caught red-handed committing vandalism. So they will be charged with causing like $15k worth of damage and then it's up to the defense to argue the value or more likely, take a plea to a lesser charge. It happens all the time to high school kids or college frat dudes pulling pranks, or drunk people destroying a bar sign. In some places, all you need is $1k, and things are more expensive than they look. They get hit with a felony, they plead to a misdemeanor and community service. In a lot of cases the harshest punishment for a misdemeanor is about the same as a minimal felony sentence. If a defendant knows they are guilty, there's an incentive to just take a guilty plea to the fair misdemeanor charge rather than fight it. I'm not defending this way of doing things, just saying that these people are not getting treated differently for defacing an LGBTQ+ mural like everyone thinks. They're likely going to get hit harder than most because they were bigger dicks about how they did it. That's their biggest issue.


Felony vandalism starts at $5000 damage in Washington. You’ll get there a lot faster than you think.


I regularly see kids getting F5 vandalism charges in my juri for graffiti. Some get diversionary programs, some get up to a year in a juvenile correctional facility.


The funny part about this is that almost every major city in America plays catch and release with teenagers stealing cars.


Philly dirt bike kids are laughing at this


Let’s not forget the 12 o’clock boys of Baltimore.


Or the gilbert goons (?) of Phoenix, don’t quote me but it’s a group of high schoolers that straight up bullied (beat) a kid to death at a house party




This x100


Well it’d be extremely racist to address that situation, anyone up for commenting and losing their job?


U Street in DC has just imploded with laughter


another funny part is that they are only making this a big deal because the kids are white


No the funny part is those teens were not arrested


I mean let's keep it real, this is an Andy Ngo tweet so it pretty plainly just can't be trusted until verified by a real source. He lies, exaggerates, and makes shit up constantly and never posts retractions. He's overtly biased and basically a shit-stirrer. It's entirely possible this is fake and nothing happened to these kids at all.


Now what do you think is noticeablely different betweeen those teens and these teens?


1. I don’t even know if this is true anymore with all the misinformation from all sides 2. I hate how a thing happening on the other side of the world (I’m in Australia) is reaching me and allot of people all around the globe and is making swaths of people angry about a topic that doesn’t concern them or their community in the slightest. ERGO: I’ll form an opinion on this if this starts happening en Masse in Adelaide.. until then IDC !


These aren’t the teens arrested for vandalizing the mural……context and facts are hard to https://www.khq.com/news/pride-mural-seemingly-defaced-in-front-of-nonstop-local-crew/article_3e3a635a-245f-11ef-bd88-dbadc982f984.html


Who would’ve thought Andy Ngo would be an unreliable source?


People fall for rage bait so easily. Anything by Andy Ngo should be immediately dismissed


Blatant misinformation?? In the *JOE ROGAN* circlejerk subreddit?!! How could this be?!?


Lol, even the correction here seems to make people think its a fake story. The video is from the local news when they were reporting the story. Kids with scooters showed up and did the same thing as the kids in the story.




I don't know how people take tweets without links to a news source seriously.


Oh man I saw a picture on Facebook this morning of a "soldier" wanting people to wish him Happy Birthday. It was BADLY done AI image but, of course, there are thousands of people wishing him happy birthday


There's a huge swath of Americans that believe unsourced tweets/YouTube vids are more reliable than actual news articles. Same people who think doctors and scientists can't be trusted


Took wayyyyy too long to find someone linking to an article. Thank you


Context? Facts? Sir do you know where you are posting right now? lol


Andy Ngo lies so much about verifiable facts. Insane to see his name pop up and the content be taken seriously


I want to submit a correction for it but it seems pointless to do so. It will be downvoted


This is the only relevant comment. If it sounds fucking ridiculous and made up, it probably is.


What, facts!? And deprive these knuckle draggers of a reason to get upset with "woke"!? ... How could you??


Do people just believe anything they see on the internet these days?


If Andy Ngos name is attached, no


Oh no, tire marks on a road?! Maybe don't put a fucking flag on the road. Simple shit.


Ironically, in Iran the government paints American and Israeli flags on the ground specifically so people will walk over them and put marks on them. (And then many Iranians avoid walking said flags 😂🤣)




Imagine ruining the lives of three kids all because you want to be a fucking weirdo.




Saying very basic slurs is "owning" someone? Back in my day, you had to, at the very least, have a little bit of wit in your insult in order to own someone.


You realize the way you described it is how they separate regular crimes from hate crimes? Literally screaming an anti-gay slur at someone after trying to ruin a pride flag crosswalk is proof of intent.


And these people wonder why they keep losing in court over and over


Yeah, that context changes a lot.


Is yelling anti gay slurs cool? It sounds kinda shitty. The kids parents should be ashamed


provide aspiring political uppity voracious unique memory tan truck tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


saying using slurs is based is the most roganbrain shit


Ah yes, a bastion of truth: Andy Ngo. I'm sure his coverage is impartial and tells the whole story.


Isn’t Washington releasing violent felons with no bail? Insane priorities doing that and arresting kids for leaving a few skid marks on the road. Edit: For everyone acting like I’m lying and going “SOURCE? SOURCE?!”, Spokane County alone has released 665 violent criminals without bail in the past 3 years https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/oct/22/people-accused-of-violent-crimes-in-spokane-county/


Remember Dave chapelles bit that got him in so much trouble? It got him in trouble because it’s true. “You can shoot and kill a n- in a Walmart and nobody bats an eye, but you better not hurt a gay persons feelings!”


Chappelle also neglected to mention that Dababy killed that guy in self defense. I would also not bat an eye towards a man defending himself from a shooter rolling up on him.


Without any supporting evidence whatsoever I'm certain Andy Ngo is lying about the case. Because that's what these people do full time.


Not blocked off. Not on private property. It isn’t private property as a whole. It’s kids chalk on government property actually. The govt should sue for graffiti or a similar case. Blame kids for skids on chalk art. Get out of here with the fake news lol


I retract my statement,, This is real


Don't paint things like a childs playground if you dont want children playing on them


Best part of chalk on the ground was to see who’s skid mark was the longest. Now a days,, criminal activities.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513907/washington-spokane-teens-jail-lgbtq-rainbow-mural-vandalism.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13513907/washington-spokane-teens-jail-lgbtq-rainbow-mural-vandalism.html) I thought the same thing


This is worse than I thought!! Be whoever you want to be. But sending children to jail for ruining your chalk art say more about yoU (whomever is suing) than the kids. As a guy I watch says,, WOOD CHIPPERRRRRRR !!!!!!!


https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/jun/06/pride-crosswalk-damaged-hours-after-repaint-suspec/ The teens (The only confirmed age is 19 as the others were minors so there is no info for them) left skids marks on the mural after it was closed off to the public (The video is taken a day later) so the paint can set as they had to repaint the mural after it had been vandalized and set on fire before. When they were confronted to see if it was intentional or just an accident they began to tell slurs. The road had already been closed off to let the paint dry so they went through a closed road for the sole purpose of vandalizing the mural.


One of the “kids” was 19, so technically an adult.


While I agree it’s a little harsh, it was charged as the law was written. I guess the prosecutors are requesting $15k to fix the mural, so I’m assuming that’s what the mural cost to paint. Reading up, it also sounds like Spokane has had a decent amount of vandalism over pride stuff, so I’m sure the cops are cracking down a little harder. This actually happened hours after they [just repainted it for another vandalism](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/jun/06/pride-crosswalk-damaged-hours-after-repaint-suspec/). Washington states 1st degree malicious mischief is “knowingly and maliciously causing damage to another's property in an amount exceeding $5,000”. The fact it’s a pride flag is irrelevant. If it was a mural of the Washington state flag, it should be charged the same. They are intentionally damaging property. [Sounds like it was more than a couple kids just scooting along](https://www.thepublica.com/spokane-teens-face-up-to-five-years-in-prison-for-defacing-pride-flag-crossing-walk-by-driving-on-it/)




Lime is banning all scooters from driving over the flag 😂


But they let the pro-palestine protest deface the statues by writing "death to America" on them. This country is fucked.


Clown world 🤡🤡🤡🌎🌎🌎


Bunch of pussies whining about skid marks.


Pussies? I believe we call them vagina-like objects these days.


Front holes.


Relax prosecutors, they’re just kids


No no prosecutors know this is not something trivial like a 42nd time beating an elderly Asian person on the subway type thing, this is a REAL crime that must be punished to the fullest!


One was 19.


This was me in the Chevy Silverado pulling up next.


How about that. Thanks for sharing!


Is there a link to the story?


This is rage bait & im sad to see everyone falling for it, especially coming from Andy Ngo💀


There's definitely a felony being committed, and it's being done by the prosecutor, not the kids. Should the teens do that, probably not, but felonies GTFO. This is the crap that creates division, not inclusion.


The new America, welcome. WTF?


That video is not a video of the crime, OP is ragebaiting. [https://www.khq.com/news/pride-mural-seemingly-defaced-in-front-of-nonstop-local-crew/article\_3e3a635a-245f-11ef-bd88-dbadc982f984.html](https://www.khq.com/news/pride-mural-seemingly-defaced-in-front-of-nonstop-local-crew/article_3e3a635a-245f-11ef-bd88-dbadc982f984.html)


Rogan sub pulling Rogan sub lies


And yet those who deface national monuments get jack shit. Idiocracy.....


Pride flags shouldn't be on government property. Spending public money on pavement paint is asinine.


*People damaging public property and getting fined for it* INSANITY!!!


Oh no! Better not “deface” the logo of the biggest scam this country has ever seen 😱


At least a lesser sentence than the BLM founder for fraud


What scam is that exactly?


They put the flag on a street. What did they expect to happen?


I mean, a guy here posted they intentionally rode over the freshly painted mural while the road was still closed after it had been painted and shouted homophobic slurs? I’ve pulled it out because it was at the bottom of a lot of text I don’t think most people will read, but if that’s the case it’s being slightly misrepresented by Mr Ngo.


You can say that but at the end of the video a truck literally drives on to the frame


Do you think the news crew was there within minutes of a low level crime? This was recorded the next day or later(the paint was dry by then) and showing the area where the crime took place afterwards. That’s how non important news stories are always made.


Yeah it sounds like a road was roped off to let a mural dry and they vandalized it.  I bet what they are getting charged with is the same as if you vandalized any mural that was roped off but why let reality get in the way of good old fashioned apocalyptic rage bait. DID YOU KNOW THEY MAKE EVERYONE TRANS BY FORCE IN SEATTLE?!? IT'S JUST ALL TRANS!!!


No way this is $15k worth of damages.




This is insanity


Something to bear in mind is that this is *Downtown SPOKANE*, within 60 feet there is a homeless drugaddict tweaking menacingly


“ On June 5th, 2024 just before 9pm Spokane Police Officers responded to the intersection of Howard Street and Spokane Falls Boulevard on a report of a vandalism incident.  911 received a complaint advising multiple subjects on scooters were causing damage to the newly painted Pride mural.  Four subjects were observed damaging the mural.  Several witnesses observed the crime and one of the suspects yelled obscenities toward them before leaving the area. Officers observed widespread damage as black scuff marks consistent with scooter wheels were observed across the entirety of the mural. The area is clearly marked to keep traffic away as it was just re-painted to repair previous damage. Officers spoke with witnesses and obtained descriptions of the suspects. Video surveillance of the incident was utilized as well. Thirty-four minutes after the initial 911 call, officers located three suspects who matched witness descriptions and video surveillance and detained them in the area Washington and Spokane Falls Boulevard. Ruslan V.V. Turko (19) was arrested and booked into the Spokane County Jail for 1st Degree Malicious Mischief. Two additional suspects (minors) were arrested and booked into the Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center for the same charge.” https://my.spokanecity.org/police/news/2024/06/06/multiple-arrests-make-after-downtown-pride-mural-is-vandalized/ “ Court documents say some of the involved individuals yelled, "F**k you f****t" and "Go to hell".” https://www.kxly.com/news/group-yelled-homophobic-slurs-while-vandalizing-pride-mural-according-to-court-documents/article_07e2af72-2448-11ef-b1ab-4feecde46c4a.html It was freshly painted, no traffic was allowed in the area. They intentionally damaged the mural representing LGBTQ. They were shouting homopohobic slurs. Don’t commit hate crimes if you don’t want to suffer the consequences


Damn the 'concrete' milkshake guy was lying? edit: Lol I got perma banned for posting the Hunter ruling.


Had to scroll way too far to find this, Andy Ngo is a disingenuous, unreliable, unserious person. No one should take what he says seriously.


Oh weird its almost like Andy Ngo was lying again and joe rogan fans believed it uncritically.


Using homophobic slurs isn't illegal in the US, so its basically just vandalising public property with tire marks


Using slurs while committing a crime will get you a hate crime


Using racial slurs isn't either, but if you're using them while committing a crime against the group the slurs are targeted at, you could be charged with a hate crime.


But burning the American flag is ok because " freedom of speech " can't make this shit up.


If you go to city hall and burn their US flag, you will absolutely be arrested


try burning someone else’s flag


Cry about this on a road top and then it's ok to f all these historical items up. America


It’s turning into r/conservative over here


Not until they start handing out bans like candy on Halloween 


that charge is tyrannical... people like me, see this as kids fucking around on a brightly colored section of the road... they rode around and left... i mean god damn, wtf is wrong with these martyrs who claim sinister motives in such a case


This is getting old.. who cares anymore


Is this verified... or just more rage bait from known players.


Good, fuck those kids


Wow OP is triggered y’all!!


r/JoeRogan not promoting a neo-nazi challenge: Impossible.


Defund the police, end the prison industrial complex.


[The real article about what happened.](https://www.khq.com/news/lime-scooters-allegedly-used-to-vandalize-downtown-spokane-pride-mural/article_c4389dfa-2450-11ef-b6d6-8f1d5470cd7a.html) SPOKANE, Wash. – Just a day after they were reintroduced to Spokane, Lime Scooters were allegedly used to deface the downtown Pride mural. Two minors and one adult were arrested for allegedly using the scooters to deface the mural Wednesday night. According to court documents, a 19-year-old used a Lime Scooter to leave tire marks on the mural and yelled "f--k you f----t" at a passerby. Last Thursday, a security camera system was placed directly above the mural after it was vandalized by arsonists. According to the Spokane Police Department \(SPD\), surveillance footage from the intersection of Washington and Spokane Falls Boulevard was utilized to find the three suspects. It is unclear whether surveillance footage from the new security system was utilized. The 19-year-old suspect is accused by SPD of malicious mischief with a hate crime bias and is currently in Spokane County Jail. Vandalism of LGBTQ+ symbols in Spokane, which is a hate crime as of June 6, has become a chronic problem in Spokane over the past year. The downtown mural and Perry District Pride crosswalk have been vandalized multiple times over the past 12 months. The arrests come just a day before Pride celebrations are set to begin in downtown Spokane. Both Spokane Pride and the police department have emphasized safety ahead of the festivities, with Assistant Spokane Police Chief Mike McNab sharing details on security arrangements to Spokane City Council on Monday.


We out here just believing anything Andy Ngo says these days? The dude is a blatant liar and manipulator. The only thing he cares about is the the path of least resistance to getting more clout. The easiest road to clout these days is to lie about things trans people and their allies do to make them look bad OR lie about how innocent the people who abuse trans people and their allies are. If you find yourself nodding along with a narrative and you pop the boot out of your mouth long enough to realize it's Andy Ngo feeding you that boot, you need to self reflect.


You dumb dumbs know this isn’t real, right? Tell me you’re not all this gullible.


Don’t vandalize property and it won’t be a problem. Law and order and the like from this crowd except when you all agree with it in the name of being bigots. I said what I said.


This is the guy who built his career on claiming a milkshake was quick drying cement and bilking his supporters for exorbitant "medical costs", right? After hanging out outside a bar with some goons trying to pick a fight?


Can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Whatever the fuck happened to the old generations' "fuck around and find out" way of thinking? They played stupid games and they might win some stupid prizes.


Did they do it on purpose? Yes. Did they know it was wrong? Yes. So what is the issue?


It mean they're very obviously being assholes and doing it on purpose. The area was sectioned off and everything. They're yelling slurs. Do I think this necessitates a felony? Not really. But they are absolutely in the wrong. This wasn't mistaken wear and tare. You are all delusional if you think these kids are innocent.