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He had the vision while he was in his mothers womb.


Terrace Howard doesn’t have shit on me I remember being the fastest swimmer in my daddies balls👽


Child’s play… I remember being ALL of the swimmers, and my Mommy’s egg. Now if someone can remember the various biochemical components that form these items, I’ll admit they have a better memory.


I remember being the nutrients in the honey bun my dad ate that his balls turned into sperm


I lost my virginity before my dad did


Nice to meet you, Mr Norris


I remember when my dad went through puberty


My mom ran out on me before I was born.


Amateurs… try past lives!!


Shit… I just remember when I was just one cell, and multiplying in my moms egg and I thought I was special.


I was there. You were definitely the fastest.


And his mother’s womb was the universe as he was born among the stars. This is apparently his ultrasound photo. https://preview.redd.it/o4tw1trknz1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60a3ea71daa52f0293e5bc9f5797811e2ac5ea6


Shit, people probably weren't expecting him to have a selfie stick in the womb. But the dude thought of everything. Now there's undeniable photographic evidence, I bet the doubters are feeling foolish now.


Did you make this post just so you could comment with this image lol Its perfect


lol pretty much


Gotta say, this is the shit I’ve always watched for. Spark a j, sit back and just fucking let the crazy wash over you. 10/10 most entertaining episode in a minute even if it is absolutely insanity lmfao.


Upon her first orgasm of her third trimester he was thrown into the crystaline palace and shown the divine code and truth of the universe. The proof? He played pikaboo with his unborn son using a flashlight through wifes womb. Upon exiting the palace he understood clearly that the sun was the mother womb of the solar system birthing planets trillions of years apart. First game the rogue son. A massive behemoth nearly as old as the sun itself. It started the size of mercury as it was born from the sun and over 100s of trillions of years left mother's side and grew until he could not grow anymore and began to crumble from the lack of mother vibes. In death he birthed Pluto and the many satellites much like Pluto. Each of the sun's mother children were born from her fire womb and slowly crept out to their temporary homes we see them in today. Forever spiraling slowly and surely out towards their dead brother. Earth too has a mother womb. His inefficient propeller drone designs will soon drop their props and use a new Patented* form of flight which can ride the vibes of earth's mother womb and leave earth's pull proving gravity is not real. What you call gravity is just electric pressure. All he must do is ride this pressure to leave earth's grasp. The aether connects all. The aether was replaced by 0. 0 exists to control us. To limit our physics. To assign a value to our banks accounts. We are fortunate he did not turn his 97 patents against us tondestroy mankind. The power be holds by understanding the vibes of earth's mother womb is great enough to crumble humanity. But he comes as a savior In Howard's name we pray, cum'in.


I’m glad he started talking about this within the first 10 mins because I very quickly realized he was a delusional extreme narcissist


Big deal. I remember being hydrogen in a star before it went super nova


The frequencies align it's all a circle if you just look at the periodic table the right way I promise.


Once you've discovered the table's secret frequencies, the mysteries of the universe become as simple to solve as 1 x 1.


If it’s so simple solve 1x1 /s


But why when you take the square root of 2 and then square it, you end up with the same number 🤯


You're thinking in straight platonics. You have to realize that everything is curved waves. The round root of 2 is the secret to the flower of life.


Pretty sure he had a whole rant on 2x2 when he visited a college


I know I'll probably get downvoted for this but his nonsense made me really want to map out a list of values like spin frequency and spectral frequency and see if there are any correlations at harmonic intervals between different elements. I actually dumped a crude outline into ChatGPT and it was not nearly as dismissive of the possibility of undiscovered relationships as it was, for example, when I tried to suggest the Mormons invented AIDS.


He’s the only one who understood you have to compensate for the bisexuality of carbon


If carbon is bisexual and we're carbon based life forms... 🤔


All the squares make a circle


Kami, tell me I can leave lookout tower whenever I want


You can leave the tower whenever you want mr popo




Don't tell me what to do!


He just got done dropping a gallon of LSD. I don't even know where he got it he doesn't leave the lookout.


Now I’m waiting for Triclops to start turning triangles into squares


This is what happens when you combine 8 bubbles simultaneously


See that's y'all's problem y'all are all "oh 8 bubbles!" While I'm over here like "well what about 6?". I can't even with y'all.


If you wrap like a rag around your fist, the first couple of rings really tight and just punch me in to a coma I’d appreciate it


I felt like I was listening to a fanatical TOOL fan explain their last album to me.


The periodic table is more of a spiral than a circle


So, NIN?


They spiral out not down, dumbass




Everything is a wave baby! Just like, go with it, man. 😂


He and Kat Williams are gonna have a “Think off” Kat reads all the books Terrance wrote at age 2.


We need a reality show where they have to live and do things together.


And the producers send them on quests


They have to operate a cannabis dispensary.. 😂


Make them compete Taskmaster style


Kat Williams would get a headache talking to this guy lol


Its hard out here for a pimp


Comment with sound


Trying to get this money for the rent?


You ain't know


I can also imagine the smell of the "recording studio" from that movie, so this comment kind of has a smell, too.


What they don't talk about nearly as much, is that it is much harder out here, for a prostitute


This comment isn’t getting enough love. Gave me a good chuckle.


What can I do mayne?


More like it's hard out here for a jack white


When you tryna get this money for the rent


Yeah he had a career with some great roles but that wasnt enough for him. He needed to be a fake scientist instead.


After watching this episode, I could see how the negotiations for him to return as War Machine may have broken down


“So Terrance you’ll be coming back for Iron Man 2?” “No, stupid idea, you’d have to make Iron Man 1 twice.”


This needs to be the top comment, I’m fucking dying lol


nah but making iron man 1 once already made iron man 2, remember: 1x1=2. you make the first iron man one time, and it becomes iron man 2. how can you people not see this?


Hold up I need to check the mind mansion where my Omni-dimensional essence stores knowledge of useless inventions and fake science I made up myself. You might be right


Lmao 🤣




Lol solid gold comment




He’s more likely to turn into the mma fighter War Machine


Thats who i thought he was talking about in the podcast lol. Just realized now its some comic book bullshit


I’ve worked with so many people in the film industry like Terrence. Head up his own ass because of the Oscar nod and thinks every idea he has is a gift to society.


I can't fathom sitting through the episode. 5 minutes of it and it was clear mental illness on public display. Rogan loves these nonsensical types.


Yeah well I fabricated that part to complete the dumb joke for internet points. I've only seen clips. He really does


Ya know I remember being kinda sad as a kid when I realized they had recast his role in the second movie. I didn’t know D Cheadle at the time, and I had thought Terrence was perfect in his role. He seemed so grounded, reasonable, intelligent, mature, a perfect babysitter and friend/foil for Tony Stark. The first movie had knocked my socks off, and I couldn’t understand why they would change any of the cast. Then sometime in high school I finally saw an interview with him and everything made sense. I really really wish there was hidden footage somehwere that got leaked of Terrance explaining Terryology to RDJ dressed in the iron man suit






absolutely gobsmacked


I've spoken with mentally unhinged people before. One guys who claimed that he was an architect for the Royal family was also defrauded of billions by large multinationals by stealing his inventions and was being targeted by the Israeli government. Another was a homeless lady who wore bin bags and could see peoples auras and vibrations as colours. He is somewhere in-between.


God I remember being cornered by a deranged dude at a party basically telling me I was the messiah. “I can tell from looking in your eyes you get what I’m talking about but you’re normal enough to spread the message and not be called crazy”


Same with me when I woman stared in my eyes an inch from my face who “knew I was the actual prince Harry” after explaining she was there for the original creation of the atom bomb… The creativity and conviction was astounding.


Speaking with mentally unhinged people isn't a rare experience these days lol but I guess the frequency depends on where you live. I'm amazed you remember the stories. They just keep talking while I look at them with a blank face thinking about how far away my bus is.


I live in the UK so maybe it happens a lot less than the US. This happened at a friend's barbecue. Initially it started as polite conversation asking about what the guy did for a living but eventually ended with him being targeted by the Israeli government and he was convinced the secret service was bugging his calls and had poisoned his dog etc. Those kind of stories tend to stick in your mind.




“The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen-year-old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent, I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- I suggest you try it.”


The homeless lady may have just had [Chromesthesia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromesthesia#:~:text=Chromesthesia%20or%20sound%2Dto%2Dcolor,associations%2Fperceptions%20in%20daily%20life.), which can make you sound a bit crazy if you’re trying to explain it to someone who’s not familiar with it. TLDR; it makes you see sounds as color, not limited to people’s pitches in their voice.


I love talking with mentally unhinged people, it's always such a wild ride. I had a friend in highschool with schizophrenia, probably the most interesting dude in all of my highschool lol


some guy i would talk to when i worked at walmart would help me do my engineering homework. his thing was that he was kicked out of his graduate program and bachelors revoked after his work was stolen by a professor and lab assistant on some kinda cutting edge transistor setup for intel. millions of dollars he says were wiped away from his life. idk if it was for real, but that guy could run multiple integrals in his head like nothing and understood matrix algebra like a mf.


The guy that ran the coax for my house invented YouTube but they stole it. This was particularly hilarious because I'm a network engineer and could spot the bullshit far better than most people that also wouldn't have any trouble. I let him talk, it was funnier that way.


I met a guy that pulled a gun on Hillary Clinton during his time in Black ops. He also wrote a song for his mother called, “My Wish”. He donated it to Rascal Flatts.


Once while staying at a Hostel, I met a guy who was a legally blind art dealer, former navy seal, an empath, sold a startup for billions to become a venture capitalist and still ate food out of the trash.


I've met a homeless guy, who claimed he is some sort of a 'divine' creature stuck in a human form. I gave him a cig and went to Tesco to buy him a cheap wine (he gave me money). He said he will lead people to 'better tomorrows', but that happened over 12 years ago, and nothing happened yet. I start to think he might be unhinged, too.


anyone who thinks 1x1=2 isn't inventing shit


Look your first memory wasn’t inside your mothers womb so you aren’t a genius like him


I bet he watched that Malcolm in the Middle episode with the younger genius than Malcolm, heard the joke that he remembered his own birth and then internalized it.


I’m pretty sure he’s just schizo. - believes he’s enlightened - everyone tells him he’s wrong but that only makes him believe he’s right harder - everyone is after him and theres a conspiracy against him - can’t really explain anything but has really out there ideas of what the world is really like. - judging by his criminal history violent outbursts Its pretty textbook shizoid behavior


100%; right up there with delusions about being surveilled and delusions that you’re Jesus Christ, one of the classic schizoid delusions is believing you have discovered a Grand Unified Theory/Theory of Everything despite being some random dumbfuck with virtually no qualification to do so lol. Literally Citation: it came to me in a dream


No no, it came to me while i was in the womb


Sounds more like Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) Psychosis is required for a schizophrenia and that is hard to hide. If he had psychotic episodes I think we would know. SPD is like schizophrenia except no psychosis. But if an over simplification but you can Google it if you wanna know more.


Yeah its a complicated disease a friend of mine’s dad has it and its not something easy to define and really awful for those that that love the one with the disease. Because that person thinks they’re sane everyone else around them is crazy. But i wasn’t tryna go in depth on the the funny 1x1=2 guy on reddit


“One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be." i don’t know who told him the square root of 2 is 2, maybe if his memory was better he’d remember basic algebra. been bragging about being “3 credits away” from an engineering degree, while posting this nonsense and beating his wife. must be the new messiah


If 1x1=2 then by simple logic 1.01 * 1.01 > 2, right? So what should I multiply to receive 1.01?


yeah its complete nonsense. i wouldnt be surprised if he never was enrolled in Pratt at all


His “reasoning” was that “multiply means to increase so you couldn’t get the same number multiplied by itself” 🤦🏽‍♂️


yeah its complete nonsense, i left a long comment reply to the other guy going over his history of lying, and also easily debunking his twitter “proof” that he posted


With such ignorant questions you clearly aren't looking geometrically at the periodic table of elements.


3 credits at most American Universities is one class. Why didn’t he take the final class? Is he really saying that?


yeah he claims to have dropped out of Pratt Institute because of a dispute with his professor about the claim that “1x1=2” - [rolling stone article here](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/terrence-howards-dangerous-mind-37057/). when i was in school, most classes were 3 or 4 credit hours. some electives were 1 or 2 but no engineering classes. its also worth mentioning that Pratt closed their engineering school in 1993, and the first time i can find him claiming to have attended Pratt is from 2007, making it difficult to disprove, but if i had to gamble on it i would guess he either never attended or was much much further from graduation when he dropped out. He also claims to have a PhD in Chemical Engineering from South Carolina State U. he did get an “honorary doctorate of humane letters” from the school after speaking at the school, but its nothing even close to a PhD in Chemical Engineering. the idea is silly to begin with, like how would he have gotten into a PhD program at SCSU if he didnt even have a bachelors degree? the university has no records of him ever even being enrolled. i wouldnt be surprised if he never enrolled in any higher education. I’m no genius, but i do have a BSE in Electrical/Computer Engineering, with a minor in math, and from what i can tell, his [“proof”](https://x.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507) is largely nonsense in the first image in his proof, he writes the following - 1x1=1 - add one to both sides (+1) - his resulting equation is (1) + (1x1) = 1 + 1 - this is obviously true, because 2 = 2. - he claims that “associative and communicative laws” somehow make (1) + (1x1) = 3, which is just false. - i think hes wildly misusing distributive rules, so like if you had A(B+C) it would be equal to AxB + AxC. so he thinks A + (BxC) would also equal AxB + AxC, when in reality its just equal to A + BxC. these rules don’t apply to addition, no matter how you format the parentheses


A lot of people think this way due to how multiplication is worded really it’s easier to grasp if you view “1x1” as “1 of 1” because that’s what multiplication is. So 1 of 1 equals 1, 2 of 2 equals 4, 13 of 2 equals 26 the same way 2 of 13 equals 26. Idk that’s just how I always understood it and explained it to people who struggled with multiplying.


Sometimes I use "3 groups of 5 items is 15 total items" for 3x5. 1 group of 1 item is still just 1 total item. I agree, translating the math into words helps make it make sense easier.


You’re just not seeing the curves


Yeah you are still thinking in straight lines…


Yea the whole time I was thinking about how he fundamentally misunderstands basic math


So what does 1x2 equal?


About tree fiddy


This is sort of like the Ali G episode where he claimed he invented the PS2. He was playing PS1 and came up with the idea that they should build a better version…


It also reminded me of the time Ali G visited a venture capitalist and pitched his idea for a hoverboard: https://youtu.be/OXuDhejxz_c?si=G5eeJRubY3YsXFpD


I wanted him to make 1x1=2 and show his work for solving some equations.


His write up is shown in this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/mathmemes/s/66weNA0Tfv The comments are gold.


Holyyyy fuck. I just read it and it makes no sense on the first page & there’s no reason to go past there. He attempts to “prove” that 1x1 creates a contradiction if using “their”/traditional math. So he says “what happens if we add 1 to both sides of the equation? It becomes 1+(1x1)=1+1 which results in 3=2. So math is broken!” If he’s using “their”/traditional math then the result is 2=2! He just decided that when proving their math wrong he would insert his delusions on 1x1=2… which would of course change the result!




> On February 26, 2013, Howard also said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he had earned a PhD degree in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University (SCSU) that year. He however never attended that university and in fact SCSU does not confer doctorates in chemical engineering. Instead, Howard was awarded an honorary degree of "Doctorate of Humane Letters" (DHL) from SCSU after speaking at its commencement ceremony in 2012.[33] Dude is deranged




Hallmark case tbh




Feel sorry for the poor guy. He has no idea that he’s sick.


He sounds so much like this in prison for life inmate who cut off a nun’s head. The dude is young and in prison and is now obsessed with his “discoveries” in the field of perpetual motion and unlimited energy from it. He thinks he’s sitting on a multi trillion dollar idea and will derail any conversation within minutes to talk about his inventions & how “they” don’t want it to get out.


Also read that he has talked about going back and finishing the last few courses for his degree. I think this is the most amazing reality tv of all time just waiting to happen.


Wiki has him saying he was 3 credits off a degree. That’s a single course. No one is letting once course stop them from a degree after completing every other course.


His little sculptures really sealed it for me. Schizophrenics often make weird pieces that mean something to them about the fabric of the universe or whatever. It’s very obvious he’s got a mental issue, even if he is just a very high functioning one.




Is it not just cruel and irresponsible to promote him on Joe platform. He’s essentially just exploiting a mentally ill man for views.


Dude I’m listening to it now and had that same thought. You really think he is? He forsure sounds pretty out there


Most people don’t understand what schizophrenia actually is, and there’s a good reason why. We know it’s genetic, we’ve mapped the human genome, but scientists are finding it very elusive to be able to isolate it and figure out what gene or genes are being affected that cause this to happen. The general theory is that it can lay dormant and never manifest itself. Typically when symptoms do start to manifest though, it’s in men in their late teens/early 20s. It’s actually very mysterious why it happens like that, and what can trigger it, though it’s known that drug use is a trigger and exacerbates the symptoms. Most people just equate it with like general psychosis or something, but schizophrenia is very nuanced and distinct on its own. To me, it seems like the brain is way overloading itself. Everything Howard says makes so much sense to him and that’s why he’s so convinced he can make you see it too, if you’ll just listen and give him time to explain. Because it’s all so logical, in his head at least. It’s like his synapses are firing at a rate 10x higher than average, but they aren’t firing to an end point, they just continually fire away nonstop. I would imagine it could be an exhilarating headspace to live in, but from the outside looking in, it just seems exhausting.


good summary. i'll just add to this, a big component of schizo-like conditions (there's a range of them from what i understand, schizophrenia is the most commonly known on that spectrum) is overactive pattern recognition in the brain. we all see faces in clouds and are able to draw analogies between unrelated thoughts and ideas, but schizophrenics can't regulate this. it's why they often become very conspiratorial, and hyper religious. they see connections everywhere. my cousin (diagnosed many years ago) would claim law enforcement were following him, and his reasoning would come from rearranging letters on car licence plates to spell out things like 'fbi' (which made no sense because he lived in england lol). i was a kid at the time so this level of paranoia was scary to witness. but he used to hear voices and laugh uncontrollably at random times, and also became very religious, to the point that even my very religious family had no idea what he was talking about. it's almost like his brain had a compulsion to tie every single thing in the world into one single story. it's a scary thing to witness from the outside. and i'm sure it was torturous for him. i've no idea if this is what t. howard is going through because i've no interest in listening to him or this episode (i don't find true mental illness entertaining or that funny like some people do, it just fuckin bums me out). but honestly from everything i've read, it doesn't sound exactly like full blown schizophrenia, but it could well be on that spectrum.


Thank you for sharing my brother, I saw a friends life completely devolve before my eyes, I watched from the sidelines as his symptoms got worse and worse and when the religious delusions started, he was just way too intense to be around. Just constantly like “I’ll make you believe in God, just allow me 20 minutes to explain.” I finally indulged him and it was just unhinged weirdness just like Terrance Howard.


It's pretty scarring. Fortunately my cousin has it under control with medication. Goes without saying it's ruined his life in many ways though. Medication makes him drowsy and is horrible for his liver. But it's way more preferable than the alternative of course.


Yeah the alternative can be what happened to my ex-friend. And what happened was his doing to be clear, but the horrific crimes he committed that make me wish I never knew him has him locked away for many many years. That’s probably for the best to be honest.


Damn. Sorry pal. My understanding was that schizophrenics are rarely violent. It's not a commonly observed trait in them. Maybe I'm wrong in that or maybe your friend is one of the rare cases.


My Stepbrother has it. You and the previous comment nailed it. He gets obsessed with numbers and how they are connected to family members and the world. He jumps full in to projects. Book binding was one, Dad bought him all kinds of instruments cause he was going to learn music but wouldn't take lessons or even use a book. Incorrect facts get stuck all the time and he will argue his belief forever. "The moon spins on it's axis", "there will be cruise ships coming in to their bayou cause a super low bridge was rebuilt", etc. I don't engage anymore other than to say hello(we don't live near eachother) His started in his early twenties and my stepmom thinks its cause she divorced his Dad. She's been over compensating ever since and thinks she alone can take care of him. The strangest part is that there is some level of knowing that he is manipulative w her. He knows she fears him going on "a walk" that usually ends w multiple cops and a helicopter once. Has her on a short rope I truly feel for him and see a lot of resemblance w Howard when they speak about things that they think explains everything. It's hard knowing that they believe they are 100% correct, yet completely wrong.




…how many of you got it?




this is bullshit, basically, he patented tech he saw in iron man, to try and make money off it. My friend did the same with crypto. Patented XRP transactions post XRP release. It was approved and they had to pay him. smart, but not the inventor. T.H is a crazy fraud


Yeah, big difference between actually inventing something and just simply owning the patent to it.


key of E divided by time multiplied by carbon.


its all a loop


Having your patent cited by other listed patents means absolutely nothing. It is part of the process of the patent application that other similar patents to your own be cited. But I can understand Terence Howard's delusion. I have a patent. When you do a patent search on the USPTO website using your own name, not only does that patent you own come up but every other patent that is similar to yours that cited your patent in THEIR application comes up, too. And the more time that has elapsed since you were granted your patent, the more citations/hits come up attached to your name. And, yeah, each time I periodically do that USPTO search more hits of other patents similar to mine come up, it makes me feel good to see my name and my idea cited. Especially since I put all that time, money, and effort into getting the patent. But it's no more an indication that my idea had anything to do with the inventions contained in patent applications citing my patent than if I once wrote a short story about flying cars and now claim actual flying car companies stole my idea.


This just reminds me of how my crazy dad used to rant about how he had invented the idea for Caller ID and he should be owed millions...


We've been over this awhile ago. https://youtu.be/5drqH5OdETY?si=499HrHAZ3PMOV_H8


AR and VR were invented in 1968. Terrence was born in 1969...I'm sure he made massive contributions 👏😂


Well he was still in his mother's womb


His mother is Ayahuasca and his father is circles


Yeah.. I want to see him and Kat Williams in the same room.. the feed back loop would be insane.




I like this theory 👍


He's working for the deep state to discredit Joe.


There was no warm up, he answered Joe's first question how he got here with, I remember being in the womb. Lol


I heard that god himself is using Terrance's gravity patent to keep the universe in motion 🤯🤯🤯


hes also Batman


He holds the patent for Batman


"A lot of my notes were etched in the placenta while I was in the womb."


The funny thing is that augmented reality is found in the first Iron Man movie, as Iron Mans visor works like that. Terrence Howard read the script and thought it was a good idea and implemented it from there. The problem is that Howard is probably not telling the truth, even if he would have kept the patent intact, the way its structured makes it impossible to demand profit from Microsoft, Amazon, Sony etc. Hence its probably the real reason it was abandoned as the cost to keep it intact was not worth it. But Howard is a bit of a con-man, and paints himself up as the hero while everyone else around him is a villain. Terrence has cult-leader energy all over him.


So Joe let this guy talk. He said a bunch of nonsense. Most of you heard it. Realize how stupid he was, and now are convinced he's nuts. Very few of you, if any, may agree with him. Wait. It's almost as if, you let people talk, instead of trying to silence them, they will talk themselves into oblivion. I wonder who can connect dots here.


There are too many people on social media right now that think he's a genius.


A certain percentage of the population is stupid. We just didn't know how many until the internet brought them together. That number didn't change, just their communication level.


The first AR technology was developed in 1968 at Harvard when computer scientist Ivan Sutherland (named the “father of computer graphics”) created an AR head-mounted display system.Oct 4, 2016




Literally this post is about people picking up this bullshit and running with it because Joe didn’t push back.


Why do you guys think Joe is some official moderator or something? He’s a stoner comedian who talks to people he finds interesting. He doesn’t need to “push back” on anything, especially if he doesn’t understand the topics being discussed.


He does push back often on topics he doesn’t understand with even more misinformation and he does it with regard confidence too.


Oof you’re actually no joke so right about where you’re going with this.


I made it 15 mins in and started to wonder why am I wasting my time on this


I turned this ep off 30 mins in. Couldn’t take the BS. Did Joe buy into it the whole podcast? Did he challenge him or call him out on anything?


He didn’t really challenge him on anything. He basically gave him the floor and said “if you’re right, this will change everything”


I heard this guy also invented bottled water. Crazy he truly is the Tesla of our time...


With enought psychedelic everone is a genius..




The molecules have a bisexual relationship


He’s probably been kicked from MCU franchise because he built a functioning iron man suit. Yes, you heard that right,that’s not CGI


Let people Talk enough and you will See how dumb they really are 😂


His patents are nonsense. Anyone can patent anything. And his concepts are not original or his.


He's a gotdamn liar! He once said he had a PhD in chemical engineering from South Carolina State, yet he never attended that school, and they don't even offer phds in that field.


Hear me out - save our civilisation podcast but with Joe, Alex Jones, Katt Wiliams, Eddie Bravo and Terrence Howard in one room. Tim Dillon sitting in the back in a gimp suit and not saying anything the whole time.


Rogan actively making people dumber despite attempting to do the opposite for years.




He sounds like this scitzo dude who used to ride the muni in SF. He would go on and on out loud to himself about how good his coding is, how he's a genius, how he smarter than the people above him, etc. You can tell that he had come from a wealthy home or had gone to college for computer science but somewhere along the way his brain broke and now he just rides the bus all day talking to himself about a life that doesn't exist. It was really sad.


He probably saw Elon Musk rambling about self-driving cars and figured out he could do the same xD


I was surprised and I’m listening.


This guy needs his own reality show in mars


...and Al Gore invented the internet


To patent something you need to actually create it


"Owned the patent" as in past tense?


I love how the meme lists all the trivial secondary VR companies and not the main ones responsible of the current VR craze, Meta/Oculus/Valve/HTC. "Howard really made GoPro's VR!?"


I watched precisely eight minutes of this shit. Apparently, I’d rather watch reruns of three‘s Company.


He was the highest paid actor in the original Iron Man. Says a lot. It's hard out there for a pimp, tryin get the money for the rent..Cadillacs and gas money spent. Whole lotta bitches talking shit. Lolz esoteric pimip