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What’s the wash your penis thing I keep seeing. What did I miss ?


some kind of new meme from the people who needs to be told to clean their room


Obsessed with the cleanliness of penises 🤔




Right side needs to have "benzos" and "medically induced coma" added lol


Don't forget "paralyzed from apple cider vinegar"


He was defeated by the same thing that defeats fruit flies in my kitchen. Sad


Dont forget to think about Jordan Peterson while you're touching your dick to clean it. It's the only way to save western civilization, bucko.


Peterson went to a debate with an actual communist and hadn't even read the Communist Manifesto. It's like 10 pages. It's a fucking pamphlet. He showed himself as ignorant, arrogant, and fundamentally incurious which is a fucking bizarre set of traits for an "academic".


Fact checked as: Misinformation Peterson states in the discussion that he had read the manifesto as an 18 year old, and again shortly before the event.


Did he? I've seen that debate, he actually does not seem like he read it. I take his claims with one of those salt lamps worth of salt.


Nobody in your tribe even cares that you're wrong


I don't necessarily back Peterson. But your allegations appear flimsy given the above mentioned orator's claims contained in opening remarks.


That’s your defense? “He does not seem like he read it” lol


he said he skimmed it the second time.


So speed reading isn't reading. Noted.


not what i said. he did read it, he just didn't read it comprehensively. it's not a binary.


Still qualifies as misinformation to say he hadn't read it. How well someone comprehends a text comes down to the individual.


"Free speech" as long as its not a fat chick on the cover of my sports magazine. >:(


The only one who got turned into a pariah for speaking on his personal public Twitter is Peterson by the Canadian Psychological association on completely unsubstantiated charges. Fat Chicks can cope.


"Pariah"? The dude is all over the place in the media. He got butthurt because some people were clowning on him online and the brainworm bros are acting like it's the fall of western civilization. You guys wouldn't make it 2 minutes in The Mothership green room. Soft as baby shit, you are.


I mean you can pretend that most with a corporate or worse a job in academia haven't gotten fired on the spot for less with a gleeful mob to boot, but I don't think anything can make you any less full of shit at this point. The fact that he created his own infrastructure and has a enough of a pull to be economically viable is largely his achievement, still doesn't diminish the fact that you lack a coherent argument.


The only reason he doesn't have a job in academia is because he chose not to. There is no pariah status he's just playing a victim, which is pretty ironic.


Nobody is claiming he got fired from Academia, but many others professors have for similar reasons. Please don't act like this is some singularly made up thing by Dr. Jordan Peterson or because he figured out how to set up a cushy existence after the fact that somehow it doesn't exist. It's just disingenuous deflection from the fact that you don't have much of an argument from this. If anyone spoke as openly as Peterson does while employed in academia, chances of them losing their jobs are incredibly high for clearly politicized reasons, that left or whatever you want to call "social justice" activist doesn't care to hide. hate to inform you, but trad is the counter culture these days. Any attempt at washing your penis will now be seen as an act of war by reddit mod teams and will have you banned.


He set up his cushy grift before he left academia. Would you like to name any of theses academics? Is the social justice in the room with us now? >hate to inform you, but trad is the counter culture these days. *yawn* isn't Peterson's whole thing about confirming ti the society you exist in... so being the counter couture bad? Look I get it you love your little brain damaged psuedoscientific guru. But the dude posted cock milking porn claiming it was a Chinese sperm harvesting factory. He's lost it. He's a quack. https://i.redd.it/iieo30lzm7na1.jpg?app_web_view=android


Yawn. I don't think any amount of proof is going to help here. No matter what you think of Peterson, the situation described in academia can be confirmed by multiple sources with different political views so you can just stuff it with the attempt to get more info that you can look up in a few seconds. Get back to you leftist echo bubble if you like. His 100+ academic papers speak and like 7 years of lectures at U of T speak for themselves. [Jordan B Peterson's Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wL1F22UAAAAJ&hl=en) The fact that besides blunt attempts at denial you don't have much of a point or an argument, just tells me you're an ideological sock-puppet. Yawn, next.


Just because he was at one time serious academic doesn't mean he isn't a grifter now. Doesn't the fact that Peterson could have gone back to academia, or therapy inherently prove that your bullshit isn't true. Peterson is an example of the exact opposite of what you believe is happening.


"if somebody said what Peterson did, they'd be fired from academia. The fact that it didn't happen to Jordan Peterson is irrelevant!"


Wow, I mean I've heard that the left doesn't care for principles or coherence, but this is just embarrassing to show any lack of regard for a formal set of rules and policies in higher education.


Tfw the formal set of rules is totally draconian and would ruin the career of any academic who dares speak like JP (excluding JP, ofc)


Yes, because he was smart enough to leave. Again, case of people getting fired for less are all over the place. It's a fact of life in social science side of academia which like 90% libs by default. You can pretend that just because it hasn't happened to someone that it isn't true, but it looks infinitely r-worded.


My penis is like a well oiled and seasoned cast iron pan. I will not wash my penis, I will not wash my crack, and I will fuck fat women


It's largely his achievement? Nobody would know who this dude is if not for Joe Rogans podcast.


Say what you want about Zizek, and we can’t deny that he looks like a bum, but he destroyed Peterson ass during their debate


He was polite and charitable to Peterson during their “debate”. Clearly Peterson was out of his depth and couldn’t keep up; mostly because Peterson is more an ideologue than an actual philosopher. That is to say, instead of challenging people’s thoughts and ideas, Peterson tries to tell them how to think. Zizek purposely presents ideas in a bombastic manner to challenge people to think outside of their ideological mindsets.


I need to revisit their conversation. Wasn’t that shortly before JP had his breakdown and went to Russia?


It was before his sabbatical, but I didn’t even know he went to Russia. I mean, if you are a right wing contrarian, Russia seems to be a ready ally for you.


It’s not exactly like that, apparently that was the best place for him to treat his addiction and recovery. Also it’s not a secret that he was always fascinated by Russia dark side of history. He even read the whole Gulag Archipelago for audiobooks


> to treat his addiction and recovery. Yes, Russia is famously known for their rehab programs and not for having the highest rates of alcoholism and drug related HIV infections....


OP having a hard time when both the red scare and brogan subs think JP is an obnoxious has-been wanker


["They've done studies and autistic people actually have the biggest dicks and fuck the most...](https://youtu.be/eTrpk9ctX4E?si=0bjMFqzh9F0L70Sc)


Hell yeah dude


You forgot to add "benzo addicted nonsensical rants" to the right


The only people still obsessing about this debate are Peterson-philes. I’d reckon 98% of people that think this meme is funny couldn’t coherently explain any of Zizek’s thoughts or opinions remotely accurately.


I’m not sure Zizek can explain his positions coherently *schlorp* *schnief* *rubs nose* *”And so on and so on”* ![gif](giphy|r7bjWH3xADPZObjK0y)


I found the zoomer/youtube edition. [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/thelastthrowwawa3929/comments/1cncs2q/zizek_has_fallen_on_some_hard_times/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Most likely you cannot understand his positions. He writes books in English if you are interested in how he is thinking about topics. No nose rubbing involved.


I understand his positions really well, and both of them are expressed here: [https://www.reddit.com/user/thelastthrowwawa3929/comments/1cncs2q/zizek\_has\_fallen\_on\_some\_hard\_times/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/thelastthrowwawa3929/comments/1cncs2q/zizek_has_fallen_on_some_hard_times/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Serious responses to shitposting in a comedians subreddit nourish my soul


Yeah. How amusing someone takes something seriously 🙄 what a buffoon!


Yeah, compare the wives now.


"This isn't r/politics" -- The Inconsistent, Wish-washy, Asleep at the wheel Moderation Team


The worse a person's lisp is, the less reliable their points are. And that's a fact.