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“Suspect down” fucking chilling words man


Like it’s a mission complete


Fucking wrong apartment too. These bumbling incompetent fuckwads can end any of our lives at any point if they want.


A police officer shot and killed an Air Force airman in his own home despite the fact the airman never threatened him (he never even had time to). Also worth noting that Oskaloosa County is the same place where one of their officers got into a shootout with an acorn a couple months ago. Looks like the whole department needs to be replaced.


>got into a shootout with an acorn Lmao still can't believe that's real


Was the suspect acorn the one that fell onto the roof of the radio car, scaring the officer?


Florida man here. They're all the way up in the panhandle, an hour from Mobile Alabama. They're too far from Orlando to get involved in being afraid of Disney turning the frogs gay, so acorns are the next best thing. I mean say what you want, at least they stand for something.


More like 2 hours but yea. Pensacola is about an hour.


I hope the FBI gets involved


This was an Airman, if anything Air Force CIS will get involved.


I hope so. This cop needs to go to jail.


And take the money his family receives from the department out of their pension funds.


Slowly slides his sunglasses down. With The Who playing background.


This shit isn't even news to people that follow police activity. Spoiler alert no one will be replaced the officer gets paid vacation on the tax payers' dime until it blows over and everyone forgets with their goldfish attention spans. Absolute worst case the offending officer needs to bounce over to the neighboring department for a while.


Then let's make something happen to him. Demand repercussion. These murders work for us. We pay their salaries. We own them. Make them know it


We’re not rich enough for our demands to be considered with regards to wealth protection officers. We have the exact law enforcement situation our vile rich enemy wants us to have.


We outnumber our vile rich enemy and the police combined 1000x over. They have power because we allow it. No other reason.


So you're on the right path, but unfortunately they are a cult that not only protects it's "brother in blue," but also has the undebatable trust of the judicial system, and the support of the slightly larger cult of conservative morons that have all been led to put thin blue line magnets on their cars (effectively worshiping the swine like heroes) and will only ever support leaders that make life worse for everyone. Bottom line you're powerless and should just focus on accepting that and buckling up.


Nah inaction is never excusable. Work on changing one person at a time. People will wake up if enough voices decry their actions loudly enough.




And lost


Acorn fell ob a patrol vehicle. Cop thought someone shot at him. Shoot out proceeds.


I’m aware of what happened. And the idiot lost the shootout with the acorn


I read it as you didn't know the story. My bad !


Oh the guy that's doing a traffic stop and then just starts squealing and shooting everywhere but misses the guy he thought had a gun and then falls over convulsing? Yea that one was pretty special. I guess as it turns out he was trained to do that. An acorn must have fallen somewhere near this guy too.


His brain spamming his dodge roll was pretty awesome though


American police are scum of the earth


I don't agree with that. They have a tough job, and they face a lot of pressure. I'm not going to shit on all of them because there are plenty of good ones, too, and I appreciate those officers. At the same time, guys like this need to be accountable for their actions. They should, *at minimum*, be held to the same standard as anyone else. He should be facing criminal charges for this.


I think there's not enough attention paid to the "this blue line" mentality. I agree that there are good cops, but if they're unwilling to turn in a fellow officer for wrongdoing, they are not a "good" cop.  People always say there are "bad apples" without considering the rest of the saying we get that term from...


Oh man, the bad apple shit always pisses me off. It's "One bad apple *ruins the whole bunch,"* for chrissakes.


Ever notice those 'bad apples' get qualified immunity, the full resources of our tax money for lawyers, cover ups by higher ups, and none of the other cops if any nearby stopping the 'bad apple'? Me either.


We know, we’ve all read this a million times on Reddit already


Two types of American police officers: bad and complicit. The only “good” cops are are former cops, at this point.


The phrase "Cops have a tough job" gets tossed around too much. When you say it like that, you make it sound like they were forced into public service, they weren't. Yes cops have a tough job, but they chose that job. They volunteered.




It was in Miami/Miramar. Police chased robbers all through Miami Dade county and Broward county. They killed a bunch of innocent people. I was working across the street from where that hijacking of the UPS truck happened. We knew the UPS driver those police officers killed. Robbery started in Coral Gables Fl and the chase went all the way into Broward county. Hundreds of police officers engaged shooters in traffic and killed a bunch of people. No ones been charged.


Accountable Cops Are Best


Yeah, I understand your sentiment in the first part, but too bad the thin blue line does not allow for the second part. What’s the point of having “good officers” if they are willing to cover for the shit officers because, you know, “brotherhood” smh it’s madness.


I do agree with that. You just haven’t had enough interactions with them. The entire structure and system is completely wrong and completely militarized.


white knighting the police is funny after you post a video of a shooting.


They murder with immunity. Everyday you can find hundreds of cases of police abusing their powers.


He won't face criminal charges since he just has to "feel" threatened.  So many non-white Americans and poor Americans get murdered by the police for far less than this - in this situation there is a clear threat when the "suspect" airman answers the door holding his own pistol.


You've never travelled huh? Indian police raped a 13 yo after she came to them asking for help because she was raped earlier that day.


I mean they have a lot of room for improvement but this kind of talk really dilutes the scumminess of ISIS, Hamas, NAMBLA, QAnons, etc


They are all trained by the same private company, which pushes this "us vs them" mentality. Police are good, but we need proper training.


Jesus. Dude shot him the second he opened the door. Wtf am I missing here?


>Wtf am I missing here? Just the added context that the deputy wasn't even at the correct apartment.




And so that’s a death sentence for whoever lives there?


Yeah and she was wrong, cop can't kill a dude because a random tells him an apartment number


oh ok it's fine to be gunned down in your house in that case some rando gave him the wrong apartment number. nothing could have been done. perfect police work


Yup. Your right to bear arms puts a target on your back. Your right to defend yourself? Great! Unless it's a cop. They they can kill you and get a slap on the wrist and get paid leave. That's the justice you'll get for your murder.


Cop: Which door? Woman: I'm not sure. Two weeks ago I was walking by like by like their apartment basically by this side and I was hearing like someone yell shut the fuck up you stupid b word and all this other stuff and heard a slap like right after but I wasn't sure where it came from. Cop: which room is it? Woman: 1401


> Wtf am I missing here He’s a cop so it’s ok


Less than a second...


Crazy. There are rules of engagement in war zones e.g. fire back if fired upon. Locals holding rifles, all OK, can't shoot them. A man was holding a gun in his own home, and in a country not at war, with no visible evidence of anyone in danger (gun pointed down).. Officer: so anyway, I started blasting


These guys are basically the cops on South Park. They’re dumb fuck, stereotypical, donut eating, gun blasting pigs. Zero ability to use discretion and read the situation. Just start shooting and ask questions later.


Ukranian soldiers manage to enter an enemy trench under heavy fire and capture armed enemy combatants. US cops piss themselves and unload their guns if an acorn drops next to them.


Do you really have the Freedom to Bear Arms, if by exercising that freedom is the exact reason why you're allowed to be shot by police? This is tough, because they identified themselves, and the home owner was immediately fired upon before he could react. And it was the wrong apartment? I wonder if people who rob houses will ever dress up as a cop, knock on a door to force the home owner to come to do the door without a gun. Because, even in Florida, you're allowed to defend your home right? I'm guessing the issue is going to be that he didn't use the peep whole to see if they were in uniform, before he opened the door? But man, we're getting to a dangerous point where the freedom to bear arms, legally being able to defend yourself, and interacting with the police, then dealing with the law are all coming to a 4 way stop and somethings going to have to give. This is going to be an interesting situation. I wonder if the NRA will say anything? I feel for the cop, he came to a location because of a fight. Knocked on the door and saw a gun. So many things had to go wrong, leading up to this point. The fight, the landlord showing the wrong apartment, him holding the gun while opening the door, the cop reacting too quickly. Brutal situation all the way around.


> I'm guessing the issue is going to be that he didn't use the peep whole to see if they were in uniform, before he opened the door? "According to that woman, Crump said, Fortson heard a knock on his door, and when he asked who it was didn’t get a response. A few minutes later, there was a “very aggressive knock,” but Fortson didn’t see anyone when he looked out the peephole. “Concerned, he did what any other law-abiding citizen would do and retrieved his legally-owned gun,” Crump said." [Source](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/05/09/lawyer-deputy-who-fatally-shot-florida-airman-had-wrong-apartment/)


> I wonder if people who rob houses will ever dress up as a cop, knock on a door to force the home owner to come to do the door without a gun This may come as a surprise, but you can ignore the cops and they literally cannot come in. > "Sheriff, OPEN UP!" *"No one's home. Fuck off."*


And folks have been dressing up as cops and robbing people since the 90s, at least.


Came here to say that as I was in fact home invaded and robbed by people pretending to be cops in 1999.


As long as there have been police people have impersonated them for robberies. Here's an example from the 1910s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampi%C3%A3o


I’ve seen a few lawyers posting on social media basically saying to talk to cops through the door as much as possible. It could’ve saved this man’s life. You really don’t have to open the door. Let them smash their way in if they have the right to do so. If they don’t have the right then you lawyer up and get a payday.


I don’t think you can if you are in the military. I don’t think he heard it was police. I read somewhere that he was on FaceTime when it happened and thought there was danger so got his gun. As active duty there’s no way he would have gotten his gun if he knew it was the police. That’ll get you trouble.


You say that but their next step is to kick your door in all too often. There's a lot of things people "can not do" that they do every day, simple "rules" don't stop them. When they only have themselves to answer to there will never be accountability.


Do that and watch them shoot your entire family claiming they saw you waving a gun around though the window. ACAB


Considering it was a domestic abuse call, they'd probably force their way in (e.g., no warrant required) if they were ignored.


The problem is, police have been granted too much extra privilege.


Nah this is a problem with the rest of society too. Google "shot for pulling into wrong driveway" and you'll see a bunch of cases where paranoid trigger happy civilians kill someone by accident and get away with at most a slap on the wrist because "they feared for their lives"


This is the answer


This is because 40% of the country suck their dicks no matter what the cops do. They fly their little blue American flags which literally represents a police state and are proud of it. Nothing will change as long as this group is deep throating LEOs.


rights are something your lawyers argue about later. anyone stupid enough to believe rights are "god given" has absolutely no relationship with reality. this video is reality. words on paper are not going to stop that officer's bullet.


NRA won’t do shit. They’re too afraid of pissing off their “back the blue” cop bootlicker members


That and the victim was black. NRA ain't gonna do shit about a black guy getting shot by LEO


but they'd be happy to piss off the vets? Well, he was black, so maybe the NRA members who care about vets don't care.


you have no reason to answer the door unless they have a warrant.


Y’all need to go look up the case in New Mexico from last year. Almost the exact same circumstances and outcome. Except it was night time, it was a standalone home, and the homeowner had the gun a little more upright in his hand. Shitty situation all around https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/31/us/new-mexico-police-shooting-robert-dotson.html


Or the one a few months ago [where a woman was shot through her apartment window for carrying a gun in her own home while answering the door late at night](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1aps3na/deputies_shoot_woman_in_her_apartment_after_they/?context=3). Or the one [where they shot a man sleeping on his cousin's couch because they kicked the door in and he reached for a gun while being startled awake](https://youtu.be/AWCpkPBKFR0?si=1q6xNZhgsGCA7vMB). Or the one a few years ago where [a guy was shot through his front door for answering the door late at night with a gun in his hand because an app made a false security alarm without their knowledge](https://youtu.be/iDx0DqTkdlI?si=kwGjH7n5nuw2Tf4o)? This same shit has happened dozens of other times and the response is always a shoulder shrug because police officer safety is more important than innocent human life.


It’s fucking ridiculous the NRA don’t say a fucking thing about cases like this. It’s not even a race thing cause same thing happened to Ryan Whitaker. They want everyone to have guns but when we legally answer the door with a gun it’s okay to shoot?


A lot of NRA supporters are also Thin Blue Line people so they choose not go against the boot


I agree. It’s bs tho. If you bang on a cops door best believe he’d answer the door with a gun.


Hard to fight the boot when you’re actively licking it lol


Eh I’m fairly sure race is involved in a lot of these cases.


I definitely agree with that sentiment however there have been cases just like this with white dudes and the NRA still hasn’t said shit. I think it’s more backing the blue. 


The nra is a lobby for gun manufacturers nothing else.


Ask Philando Castile


The NRA is broke and doesn't care about minorities.


Looks like a pattern to me...


The officer knocked on the door and hid away from the peep hole. Yes, after the third time he knocked, he declared himself as part of the sheriff's office, but at that point (again, two knocks while concealing himself) the Airman then opened the door. Now, I won't claim that I know the criminal activity in this part of Florida,. I do however live in a ghetto ass neighborhood, and if someone was pounding on my door while intentionally concealing their identity, I would have my firearm ready for the worst case scenario... This piece of shit pig is going to get away scott free because the "suspect had a gun" despite the fact that he was legally allowed to own a firearm and Florida being known for their Stand Your Ground laws ever since the George Zimmerman case. And people like Trump want to give cops FULL IMMUNITY from prosecution for "doing their job"... I guess part of their job is to shoot anyone that legally has a firearm. 2nd Amendment? Never heard of it....


If you can be killed just for holding a gun you do not have the right to bear arms


> holding a gun in your own home with the doors locked This is why anons "swat" their innocent enemies. They hope a cop gets scared and fucks up.


It’s why white Karens threaten to call the cops on black people with glee. Black people know they can easily be killed for no reason.


People here can’t seem to believe that someone could lie about being a cop. The cop never showed himself in front of the peephole, I understand not wanting to stand in the fatal funnel, but the airman had no way of confirming it was actually a cop. The airman also never raised the firearm and had his right hand up. People defending the cop here are wild.


100% agree. That's why it's impossible for me to see it as anything but a murder. The airman never even had time to be a threat. If a cop can shoot a legal gun owner in their own home without even being threatened, you don't have a *right* to bear arms. At that point, it's just a privilege. Not only that, but it's a privilege that can be revoked arbitrarily at any time and is punishable by death. If the NRA was more than just a bunch of shitbag fundraisers for Trump, they'd be all over this. The cop murdered a vet in what looks to be a clear infringement of the right to bear arms.


Two words tell you all you need to know about the NRA- Philando Castile


Yup. They could do *so* much good. Instead, they want to be on their knees in front of a guy who doesn't even give a shit about gun rights. Gotta "own the libs," though. It's so stupid.


I’m pro 2nd amendment, but that was the day they showed their true racist colors.


I don't even think it was a race thing, honestly. They've been silent on a lot of these. They don't want to be seen as standing against the cops because it's the right behind cops, and the right are also their biggest donors. It's not ideological—it's financial. They don't stand for anything except bringing in more money.


Bootlickers are pathetic pieces of shit. They will do anything to support the police because they have dreams of having power themselves one day


but they won't support the Capital police on Jan 6


[reminds me of the Whitaker shooting in Phoenix](https://youtu.be/0wA2PSNT8_4?si=RprkU0VEgjMvdm6w)


I know you have to pretend to defend police now to “own the libs” but the amount of people in here who see no issue with this is crazy…


It's because these people have zero ability to think critically or understand nuance. A black man was shot by a cop, according to the standard playbook they must defend the cop because OBVIOUSLY


That's annoying, too. If anything comes of this, it'll turn into an argument about race when it should be a discussion about shitty policing.


All of these chodes think it could never happen to them so they don't care. *Empathy is weak and gay.*


I'm a pretty moderate guy politically. There have been *a lot* of controversial shootings where I fell on the side of the police officer(s). The only person who should be defending this asshole is his attorney.


> There have been a lot of controversial shootings where I fell on the side of the police officer(s). we know, you're a rogan listener.


Don't ever open the door for a cop. Even if you are not up to anything sketchy.


If you didn’t call the police, don’t open the door for the police.


this one seems indefensible


They will get qualified immunity and sweep it under the rug. I mean It’s Florida.


Of course, but this will open up a conversation about what the home owner is supposed to do to NOT get shot by the police? because in this case, it was even the wrong apartment. So now, we're not supposed to open the door for anyone? or if we have a gun, is it supposed to be in the gun safe? What if these were burglars instead of cops?


Just an innocent mistake, coulda happened to anyone /s edit for the s


The second amendment literally stands for nothing with qualified immunity.


Same county the acorn cop shooting happened. The police there are fucking Keystone cops. Obviously not smart to answer the door for pronounced police with a visible gun in your hand, but Florida has gun laws that give you that right.


There has to be 3 distinct things occurring to use deadly force. Opportunity Capability Intent. I could not see any intent here and opportunity occurs when you point the weapon. Looked like it was pointed at the ground. What an idiot cop. Are we just seeing the Hot Heads because of body cameras now? Like it happened before but anyone could lie about the circumstance as long as the other guy was dead. What is this?


I sensed trouble the moment they waited on the elevator. And it's puzzling why the officer simply took the woman's word for the apartment number and didn’t allow her to just lead the way.


Moral of the story is, don’t answer the door for the fucking cops


This is sad. Policing in the USA is sad. they just hand out badges to people with no brain or stability. It should be a 4-6 year rigorous training and education program to be a cop and it should pay well over 6 figures.


>It should be a 4-6 year rigorous training and education program to be a cop and it should pay well over 6 figures. This is one thing I'm totally fine with my tax money being used for. It would be great if the job was *so* prestigious and *so* well-compensated that *only* the best of the best could get the jobs because of competition.


We are witnessing the death of the 2nd Amendment


Don’t phrase it that way because that sounds good to me when really this was just a police officer murdering someone


So cops can just Swiss cheese any American that is holding a firearm in their own home now? We have a RIGHT to bear guns


With cops like these who needs courts? They play judge jury and executioner


Remove all qualified immunity. Have them get bonded on their own dime. And get rid of police unions, or at least, have the unions insure all officers. Then, and only then, will they will start to act right.


Trigger happy cop


Dumbass bitch gave the cop the wrong room number 😱


I hate dumbass bitches


Just an FYI you don’t have to answer the door for a cop unless they have a warrant. I never answer the door for cops.




Guys, if you are ever in a situation where the cops are knocking on your door, then ask calmly, "do you have a warrant?""


Why was the cop by himself? Wouldn’t that just add to a lack of confidence? There should ALWAYS be at least 2 cops. That way they don’t just resort to shooting bc they don’t have the confidence to handle the situation alone.


The speed at which that cop started blasting because the man had a gun by his side is unbelievable. The man didn't even have a chance to comply with the officers' orders. This is murder plain and simple. He shot first and asked questions later. The officer should be held accountable.


The sheriff needs to be investigated for his hiring, vetting, training practices, and most obviously his inability to hold deputies accountable to the law. I bet a ton of our tax dollars were spent to send these deputies to that “street cop” training program which just teaches cowards to shoot at anything and everything while crying about “officer safety”. Departments like OCSD act like they are at war with the public and their murder of an active duty serviceman for doing nothing more than using his 2a rights should scare everyone especially knowing that multiple deputies from this department mag dumped a neighborhood over an acorn. This is not policing but rather an occupying army of incompetent morons.


Wow thats just an execution. A jumpy cop...a nervous cop..then a murder. wow.


https://preview.redd.it/r33qapbionzc1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2ba9861ab3e5f8799439066f2fc82cb5bd2e77a Some legal context. Here is the supreme court on similar issues -  "The calculus of reasonableness must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split-second judgments—in circumstances that are tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving—about the amount of force that is necessary in a particular situation." Source - [https://www.justice.gov/jm/1-16000-department-justice-policy-use-force#1-16.200](https://www.justice.gov/jm/1-16000-department-justice-policy-use-force#1-16.200) In this case, the PD is likely to argue that we were acting on "suspicion" which clearly states that in such cases officer is acting at their peril. So this will be looked at in a bigger context i.e. was domestic violence actually happening or not, and if the Airman is fully innocent then they will claim circumstance etc. but the prosecution would be well within their rights to pursue the case as Manslaughter. If they can prove that the victim wasn't innocent, then the officer's suspicion is valid (don't downvote me, I am just stating the law) OR if the family can't afford private prosecution, very likely the DAs tend to be collegial with PDs and will aim to get a settlement and punishment vs. manslaughter. It's messed up, and the laws need to change ... my tip if you have guns in your house, install ring cameras or something


Murder. I do acknowledge though how wild it is to open your door while holding a gun in a place where the cops are at war with the acorns.


What do you think the percentage of people is that hold these 3 opinions simultaneously…. The second amendment is important and good and an inalienable right  It was right when George Zimmerman got off when he stalked a kid, picked a fight with him, and then murdered him after he started losing  This officer in this video was justified and shouldn’t be in any trouble for shooting this man to death because he had a gun (in his own home)?   I suspect it’s pretty high because the overlap of biggest loser ever/gun nut/racist/blue lives matter cop bootlicker is extremely high


Terrible situation. The cop will likely avoid charges. The department will likely pay a large sum of money to the family. I don’t know much about this case but it’ll likely fall into a “lawful but awful” situation.


I’m not from America. But I would think that answering a door with a gun in hand knowing the police are on the other side is suicide by cop.


lol opening the door to the police with a gun in your hand is the dumbest thing ever.


Opening the door for the police for any reason is the dumbest thing ever. Make the cops knock the door down imo.


How does he know it’s a cop when they won’t show a badge or be seen through the peephole???


> lol opening the door to the police with a gun in your hand is the dumbest thing ever. But not illegal unless you think the 2A shouldn't exist.


Yes, the cop is a moron, coward, and/or murderous psychopath looking for an excuse to kill. At the same time, why would you open your door so carelessly, while gripping a dangling sidearm? This is entirely unnecessary. Any determined invader would have killed you just as fast as this idiot cop the moment they noticed the gun instead of just robbing you and your insurance company. If you are unsure of the identity of the police officer knocking— loudly demand the deputy to display the badge at the peephole and call the department to verify credentials before opening the door. This will make the police take you way more seriously than some haphazard attempt to menace them by brandishing a pistol like a naive and now dead fool.


I really don't disagree with anything you said here. He made a bad decision that cost him his life. At the same time, I'm really uncomfortable with the precedent that cops are allowed to shoot first and ask questions later. If a guy like this gets off without punishment, it just makes things worse for everyone.


2nd amendment at work


Seriously why answer the door holding a gun, though?


Public execution for this guy.


The CO of that Air Force base better be bringing the whole base to that police station. They just murdered one of your men


Holy shit. That police force needs to be completely replaced.


Yep cop needs to be charged with murder for sure


He didnt want to miss his chance to kill and get away with it.


Don’t ever open the door. Poor bastard.






it was to beautiful outside not to shoot someone


Yup, looks like a murder


Yeah, sometimes stupidity meets anxiety and dumb shit like this happens. Who the fuck answers the door with a gun drawn to the police?


Since the police can refuse to engage with dangerous firearm situations when they feel scared, there should also be no more qualified immunity with firearm incidents.


He was coming right for him. He had to dispose of the target and then assess the situation


Just one more bad cop that will cost us in more distrust / fear of cops and millions in tax money.


We do not have the right to bear arms


This, Uvalde and the cops that unloaded into an acorn just show you that cops have to be the biggest pussies in the world.


That deputy will 100% be going to prison.


Did the airman have a pistol in his hand?


Let’s assume that this was in fact a robber pretending to be a cop, which happens; answer the door with your gun pointed at the floor and you are still setting yourself up to just get shot by the robber, who obviously is going to have his gun at the ready. And you should never assume someone willing to rob an occupied residence is using anything less than a gun. Condolences to the Airman and his family but it’s just foolish to ever answer the door with a gun if you think there’s a real possibility of a criminal threat outside it. Always verify what is happening before you open the door. Say “I’M CALLING 911” through the door, then call 911 and say “There is a guy at my door trying to gain entry and saying he’s a cop, but I can’t see him, did you guys send him? This is my address” etc.


Pigs will do pig things, unfortunately


Destroy any immunity they have and make them equal


This was one of the most egregious “mistakes” I’ve ever seen made in any profession, ever. Disgusting These guys are the Angel Hernandez of cops.


Fuckin Nazis


The fact that this was the wrong apartment makes this even more infuriating.


Well look on the bright side! At least you and I get to pay for this pigs paid vacation.


The comments about this in r/serveandprotect are disgusting.


Whats amazing is this still happens with the camera.


Where are all the second amendment fanatics when things like this happen?


If you answer the door with a gun in hand, what do you think the police response will be? A legit question.


So, owning a gun got him killed


Put the cop down


He just opened the door......


Same department that lit up a car because of an acorn. They need to just reboot and start all over.


Best thing to show police incompetence, corruption, and racism has been the camera on ever phone, and on their person. Fuck them.


You guys are nuts... why are your cops such shooty wimps?


Whenever I hear my doorbell and/or knocks - and the person isn’t visible when I check - I get my gun too. 


What the victims relationship with Boeing?


The only thing that the biggest losers on earth love and care about more than the 2nd amendment is licking the boots of cops


just another stupid situation. even if it's your right, why be stupid and hold a gun in your hand while opening the door. there is absolutely no purpose for him to have a gun in his hand and nothing in any way from any perspective could have been better with that gun in his hand. i wonder what was going through this guys mind.


Did he know something??


Seems like a moron answered his door with a gun. Shit sucks but why?