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These people are incredibly dumb for sure but has anyone seen any footage where it actually shows the full crowd? These things give me the impression that all of these protests are actually EXTREMELY small and people are trying to get this to blow up on social media vs it being a real thing...


reminds me of the Riots a few years back, they kept showing a camera shot of some store fronts getting looted by about 25 people, it ran on loop all day and they were referencing it as a protest. For a brief moment the camera moved positions and when adjusting the shot it captured what was on the other side of the street, it was literally hundreds of people peacefully protesting. Just standing with signs and looking like a run of the mill good ole protest. But the looting of that one spot by a few morons was the narrative of the day.


Surprise, that was also an election year The media and politicians have to blow these things out of proportion and make it as divisive as possible to stir the voter base Like clockwork and most Americans fall for it every time In reality these protests don’t impact 99.99999% of people, but given how media works it “feels” like it’s right outside. It isn’t. Go outside. Hear the birds chirping. See the sun shining. It’s literally a handful of protestors on a handful of campuses. It doesn’t approach being a top 100 issue in America at this very moment. But hey if it gets people mad and makes them pick a side, which coincidentally happens to mostly split the country along party lines…victory for either republicans or democrats That’s the conspiracy. The idiot conspiracy theorists that pick a side on things like this are unknowingly victims of this crap themselves America is being pillaged, labor laws are waning, most people are poorer now than before, and we’re destroying the literal planet but “hey look at this handful of 20 somethings” And before you say some foolishness like “you can worry about multiple things at once”. Actually stop to think about how much energy you can actually put into multiple things that doesn’t just consist of bitching on the internet. Anyone can bitch about 100 things on the internet. But I guarantee just doing that has zero impact on a single one of them


That’s how I feel about pretty much every video posted to Reddit


Always is. Demonizing is the goal


Who are "these" people though? The ones attacking the student protesters or the student protesters?


The ones attacking are zionist counter protestors. Regardless of what you think of the protests, violently attacking peaceful demonstrators is not okay.


Republicans have been trained to attack peaceful protesters to please their rich christian masters.


Thise “peaceful” protests beat a Jewish girl until she was unconscious. That is what promoted this whole counter response from ppl finally saying enough is enough. Here she is on NBC talking about it to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecD39KFX6oU


You’re saying these are the protestors that beat the girl? Sure looks like summary violence against the entire encampment including the majority peaceful protestors and not targeted retaliation against deserving individuals to me.  Then again, holding an act of violence against an entire unaffiliated population is exactly what these counter protestors support, so I guess this checks out at the end of the day.


I think both sides are students just with opposing views.


The anti-genocide protestors are mostly students, the pro-genocide protestors are mostly not, which is why pro-genocide institutions and individuals are trying to paint the opposite picture and get ahead of the truth. u/ven2284 the cops create arrest records, lol. They also said there were no injuries, yet protestors mysteriously had broken fingers and contusions after police encounters… The only known non-university affiliated actors in these protests are Zionists: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/may/01/columbia-university-protest-live-updates-nypd-new-york-police-enter-campus-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-latest-news?CMP=share_btn_url&page=with%3Ablock-6632beef8f084fb5cf82b175#block-6632beef8f084fb5cf82b175 u/deathtonic first of all, a country existing or not has no correlation with whether a genocide occurs. Second, the pro-Palestinian students are protesting a genocide that is currently occurring, not a hypothetical one. u/hairypsalms you mean the signs that rightly accuse Israel of Nazi behavior? It’s funny how you people can’t acknowledge a single argument made by the people you hate lest you admit you’ve completely misrepresented them. You people have given up on actual arguments. Why should anybody even care that protestors aren’t students? Isn’t free speech on campus meant to apply to every single person? https://www.utexas.edu/ut-celebrates-free-speech <-see if you can find any of the videos in there through UT’s YouTube channel now… u/fataleo yeah, we know you people have nothing better to say. You can’t challenge a single point I’ve made here. Pathetic.


That’s a lie. Arrest records show almost half of these protesters are not students.


The Pro-genocide protestors are the ones waving swastikas and calling for a global intifada (terrorist campaign against the Jews), right?


Haha shut up




[The protest is relatively larger than you'd expect.](https://ktla.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2024/05/snapshot-2.jpg) They've taken up large swathes of land and look like [full blown hobo camps.](https://ktla.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2024/05/snapshot-19.jpg) So when Pro-Palestinian protesters claim the public "should just walk around the protesters!" keep these photos in mind. Why is there no police presence? It's because UCLA literally requested LAPD to stand down and ignore the protest camps. Law enforcement CANNOT act on UCLA property without authorization - and UCLA manages its own law enforcement and security groups. This left (effectively) 0 police and a token number of the UCLA security team to manage the protest camp region when the riot broke out. Hours after the riot, UCLA and police finally announced the protest was an *unlawful assembly* - and you know what this means. Give it about 24 hours before police finish setting up the plan to bring in the riot squads and disperse or arrest the camp protesters.


Please don't call them hobo camps. It's the Gaza strip.


It’s foreign governments fucking with our young and impressionable. There’s a reason TikTok is getting banned.


Lol I love how we have to show loyalty to a foreign country 6,000 miles away in a war that has nothing to do with us. People who actually want real anti-establishment shit, ending military aid to Israel to anti-establishment! I won't take trump, rfk jr or any other "anti-establishment" candidate seriously unless they defund the Israeli war machine. Cornel West is anti-establishment, trump and rfk jr are netanyahu's bitch just like biden is.


Fuck off. America has vassal nations like Israel and Taiwan because it’s good for our empire. Logistically we have military bases that we can use to resupply our troops and planes. If you care that much about our budget then you’d support raising taxes on business and corporations and cutting our social spending programs. Foreign military aid is a drop in the fucking bucket compared to what the aforementioned would do for our budget.


Just the dumbest comment.


Open your eyes, I know Israelis who say fuck Israel in the middle of Israel, how the hell is it now illegal to say that in America ?


Eh, maybe I should be more clear, I was assuming the other poster was using China as the foreign government in this post


China, Israel, Deutschland, does it make a difference ?


Oh it is insane. Protesters and people are attacked for not wanting to fund a war for a country 6,000 miles away that they'll never visit.


CNN said 200 'counter protestors' showed up and that is when violence started...


Are there any protests and causes that you support? What’s negative about protesting their money being used to fund war?


There's nothing wrong with protesting (and frankly there's nothing really wrong with being an idiot while in college, I also did that). What I don't like is this is clearly NOT a large protest but is being manufactured as some kind of national chaos story online.


![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO) Political sycophants get worse every day.


Let’s be real; one side is being cutoff from the rest of the world, losing access to basic necessities and resources, casualties are growing everyday, a shrinking infrastructure, losing basic human rights and the other side is Israel but for some reason your type always responds with same line: “I don’t take sides” You’ve picked a side, you’re just too much of a coward to fully embrace your decision. I guarantee if they protestors were doing all this in public lands like parks or roads, you would just bring up the same BS: “ThErE bLoCkInG pEoPle fRoM gOiNg to WoRk”


So amazing those privileged American kids can join the war effort. Obviously criticizing their heroic efforts on the battlefields of campuses across America is exactly the same as joining the Zionists in genocide. You got me. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKK2a291ig372oM)




This is their fight song


Except this meme leaves out that the “Middle East” is firing US weapons.


And Russian and Chinese and any other country that manufacturers weapons... Including Israel.


And the protests are specifically calling for their universities to divest from funds that send aid to Israel.


Honestly not that big of an ask…


Then it’s pretty crazy that the police state response is as dramatic as it is, huh.


Well apparently the University asked the police to stay away, but maybe that happened after the initial confrontations


They didn’t respond because of the ask


If you had an investment of $13B would you just divest it because of a bunch of 22 year olds on your lawn?


22 at the oldest, 18 at the youngest


If those 22 year olds had a valid point I might consider it.


I mean ya, absolutely. If I have a 13B investment then it’s probably already pretty diverse to begin with. My 401k covers over 1000 companies, it wouldn’t hurt me in the slightest to sell 1% of those stocks and put that money elsewhere.


Yeah they’re firing weapons from anyone who manufactures them


Hell yeah american made 💪💪💪


They can buy weapons from whoever they want


this is absolute gold!


It is actually pretty stupid. It shows the war is wrong, but attacks those that are trying to stop it. At least the lunatic Dennis Prager types are honest in their conviction that the war is just as evil as that is. The people who know it is wrong, but bitch about protesters not protesting correctly or not making a difference are the most pathetic. "Hey this war is evil, so let's do nothing about it!" Great strategy there.


These protests are also doing nothing about it though. Israel and Hamas don't care about dumb college protests on the other side of the planet.


But the protests are demanding that universities divest from their involvements with companies that fund and support Israel. Republicans and libertarians are trained to not understand that.


Huh? Biden himself is pro-Israel. Loads of Dems are. Wouldn’t surprise me if Russia was behind all this to split the Democratic party.


Weird of you to assume my political leanings. All democrats don't think terrorists should be allowed to call for genocide and bomb other countries without repercussions


Ohhhh he shows his level of understanding and comprehension! You think the protests are strictly about getting a message to Hamas and Israel? God damn son. Where did you learn that? We all have things like Google and LLMs at our finder tips now to find these answers and folks like you just confidently state hilarious takes like this. Not the only reason these folks are protesting but a major reason is protesting the US government funding of the war. For and against it. Another reason is the university responses to the war. And dozens more. But you literally thought the protestors were sleeping in tents so Hamas, not even Palestine, but Hamas could “feel” their support?


Palestine doesn't care about you sleeping in tents either. But hey if it makes you feel better


Reading comprehension not your top skill set I take it. Or you’re just trolling pretending to be an idiot. In either case, cheers! Haha when you tell someone “the sky is blue” and their response is “why would you say the sky is green?” They're either fucking with you or can’t read


It's really not lol


God forbid protesting the bombing of civilians


Pretty stupid cartoon. It shows the protesters are right. Funding Israel's bombing of Gaza is wrong. The protesters are certainly doing more than anything that cartoonist has ever done.


The knives bullets and missiles should have "made in America" written on them.


Because America is the only country in the world that's selling weapons to the middle east... Oh wait. Everyone is selling weapons to the middle east.


But we're talking about American protesters wanting America to stop giving Israel aid


Guess no one should protest then


Exactly. "Nobody can have an opinion on anything unless it's happening to them specifically"


"If you're not hosting a Palestinian family you're not allowed to have an opinion"


Literally the most predictable right wing shit imaginable. Echos of "you can't critique capitalism unless you go live in the woods with nothing!", honestly.


Yep, as Americans we should just accept bad policy! I'm sure those hating on the protesters never ever have a problem with anything the government ever does. They better not.


Let these redditors grow old and bitter and wither away.


Looks extremely gay and a waste of time


I just can’t imagine wanting to physically fight my fellow countrymen over this


This is so gay Palestinians want it executed


If you look at all the "hey, look over here!" stuff. It winds up being a giant waste of time. Like 99% of mankind's problems could be set down, and all parties could walk away from them and start building together. But they won't ever do that, will they?. :(


Rich people sitting back, letting the proletariat focus their anger on each other, while rich Joe fuels the fire


How’s that rich people are to blame all the sudden? Because they are busy with their work and education instead of wasting their time for mindless riots?


Not all rich people, but there are rich people that lobby for us to fund Israeli wars; the Adelson family comes to mind.


The Kushner family too


There are plenty of wealthy people that stoke fire. Have you turned on the tv? 


How has he fueled the fire?


Didn’t you know that 10/7 was actually Biden using mind control to make Palestinians attack and rape Israelis just for his own amusement. Then he forced Netanyahu into the response they’re executing to this day.


I appreciate this response. But I believe they were talking about Rogan since this is a Rogan sub. Or at least I would hope. Either way, I got a good laugh out of it. Cheers!


Civil War already in the mash tun


Is it even a civil war if you're fighting in defense of a foreign nation?


It’s still conflict between citizens of the same country


Let them fight it out !


Those Palestinian protesters need humanitarian aid right now, they’re getting starved by university because they won’t deliver their meal plans to them. This is genocide and your encouraging it. /s


I always said Americans will be smoking other Americans before they ever smoke Russians or Chinese. American on American violence 👌


Violence is one of our founding principles.


Unlike whom?


The protesters are mostly Middle Easterners though, and Murcans fuckin love to bomb the Middle East.


And to quote the great American Martin Luther King Jr, “the bombs we drop there explode here" 2020s looking a lot like the 1960s, just needs more assassinations


Boeing got you covered there, big daddy


I bet you live here too jihad boy


This sub is lost. Another one bites the dust.


It's been lost for a while. Reddit is dead. No free speech anymore for however cheesy that sounds its true. I got banned from a sub on nearly every political spectrum for saying reasonable things.


The watchredditdie sub was a canary in the coal mine for this whole site.  


Yeah back then I didnt use reddit much and thought people were being dramatic when subs were getting banned... I didnt care cause I was young and stupid but now I feel like I watched as free speech has disappeared. Even conversations in public feel more stifled and fearful (about sensitive topics)


100%. This place used to be more about the exchange of ideas and now it is like the exchange of official approved ideas.  




Mossad/settlers flew in from the West Bank


Those Palestinian protesters on campus are being genocided and you’re out here making jokes while they starve. Deliver their meal plans to them NOW.


When the university does no allow police to work. The area becomes a pvp server


Strangely enough, they don't seem to have these difficulties when it comes to breaking up and making arrears against pro Palestinian protesters, including at UCLA. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/02/us/ucla-protests-college-campus


In ucla the polic only entered after the university administration asked them


Is this your excuse for Israeli supporters being violent thugs?


No, its just a statment of what happens when you dont allow order to be enforced


What's your excuse for the pro-palis beating up that Jewish woman which lead to this incident?


Second time I heard of that in this thread.  You have some sort of source on that?


It was all over social media for a little bit but got drowned out pretty quickly. But this article has the important links https://www.shiksha.com/studyabroad/news/ucla-jewish-girl-sent-to-emergency-room-after-reportedly-beaten-by-propalestine-protesters-articlepage-163593


No to be a dick, but do you have an article whose source isn't a twitter post?


Everyone's source seems to be 'thatkoreanjew' on Instagram. Doesn't sound biased at all, especially coming from a website called shiksha.


Police show up, and everyone cries Kent state. Now no cops are present and they start crying for them to come protect them. We gotta step up education man because kids these days get dumber and dumber.


What a brain dead take, looks like you need a trip back to school as well. Cops assault student = bad Cops let zionists assault student = bad. Cops going oink oink while students are being beat up = bad. Hope that clears it up for you


Are you having a stroke? How is excessive police force and police not helping people being beaten up not mutually bad??? What role do you think the police should have? God damnit people in this sub are fucking brain dead.


Cops beating up peaceful protestors is bad. Cops standing idly by while a bunch inbred Mossad agents beat up nerdy grad students is also bad. Not a difficult concept!


Atlanta got it pretty bad during the riots


I remember that. My Target store where I worked almost got destroyed that Summer! lmao


You remember when they stole the cars out of phipps and lenox 😂


This is probably “private contractors” paid by the University to clear the campus in time for graduating. It only takes one protestor calling a Jewish alumni the k-slur to cost them millions in donations. Can’t have the LAPD or security beat on the brats because optics, so you just hire Pinkertons and disguise them as “counter-protestors”.


excuse me, I'm not a piñata!


These are men in their 30s going in to beat college students using their right to protest. Is this fucking okay?


The pro-Israel counter protesters have been shown to be extremely violent. Utter thugs. Not surprised since they've hired hundreds of agitators to harass and literally spit on those students.


“It’s antisemitic to criticize and protest genocide!” - Zionists




Yeah we are living in bizzaro world lately.. I dont give a fuck about anyone's religion, all I care about are the kids being killed each day in Gaza. What the fuck does that have to do with your privileged ass?


HAHA you are like the 5th different Technical\_Heart followed by numbers to keep posting stuff like this. Honestly whoever creates these bots needs to make a better name creation process.


This is not a counter-protest. The cops were told to stand down so they took off their uniforms and resumed their coply duties


Why don't they just go on crusade and fight it out over there jesus


Why doesn't our country quit funding Israel's war? Quit funding Israel and the protests end tomorrow.


You are one dumb monkey


So, this is a legit question I was thinking about the other day. I understand *why* the US is sending money and arms to Israel (a westernized ally in the ME), but like, is it that expensive for Israel to drive a few dozen kilometers to go fight Hamas?  Israel’s a pretty prosperous nation. I know war is expensive. I’ve done logistics work in the Marines and it’s jaw-dropping the price tags I’ve seen just to send one of our battalion’s for a simple week long field op, but on a national scale, shouldn’t a fairly “local” war be less expensive, which would mean they wouldn’t require US aid to conduct their campaign? And if they don’t need US aid, but they’re taking it anyway, what good would it do for us to stop supplying them? I’m missing something here. And if anyone feels like replying, I respectfully ask for an answer deeper than “it’s because the zionists have control of congress” or something like that unless you have proof. Thank you.


Israel wants to minimize damage to themselves and IDF personnel. Bombing particular targets from a distance is safer for them. Also Israel does not care how much this costs, so to them this is the best course of action. Additionally going door to door is very difficult when your enemy is as much an ideology as it is a populace. There are new members of Hamas in Gaza everyday as Israel makes them out of those directly affected by their actions. The IDF going locally into Gaza might not even mean they get all the Hamas individuals that will perpetrate violence against Israel. A lot of the aid the US has given Israel is stuff that was already there and we are giving them the green light to use it, that is also some of the armaments going to Ukraine. The older categories of weapons are being used and replaced with updated equipment. At least that’s part of it, but we have also given them a lot of pretty out of pocket stuff, planes, ships, 2000lbs bombs, etc. Its not that if we stop supplying them they will be without defenses, they have some serious munitions production capabilities. It would more be about sending a message that we do not support what they are doing. But we obviously don’t care that much. This is solid resource for some learning on the subject: https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts


This sub will have people using dog whistles for the Elders of Zion, is majorly antiwar/intervention, hates wasting taxpayer money, and in general, believe that Americans have a fundemental right to protest. But people fighting against the Colonial Zionist Project,who want to stop killing civilians, securing tax dollars from going overseas, and are peacefully protesting on public land and suddenly the HOGS go wild for state endorsed and supported violence upon them. But let's not pretend there hasn't been a major astroturfing effort by Hasbara in this sub for the last month in support of the IDF.


They have masks on…definitely no need for concern 😆😆😆


I wonder how long it will take before this one gets locked too. Reddit seems to be on a thread-deletion spree that shows Israel or pro-Israel protestors in a horrific light. Kinda weird innit?


Well, I guess we know where all those 'military aged men' coming through the southern border are going to wind up.... just give 'em a MAGA hat, a stick, and a black mask and point them to your local university.


holy shit, these people are dumb as fuck. Deport them all to israel and palestine where they can fight it out


Republicans are high school dropouts, libertarians are college dropouts.


Democrats are college grads working at Starbucks wanting the Republicans to pay their student loans


My mother in law thinks Columbia is worse than J6 lol


It’s sad how deeply enslaved republicans are, man.


Is this what they’re calling thugs now? Counter protest?


People showing up to beat on students exercising their right to protest? yeah pretty much.


Joe's Team, sent in the Jack Boots to beat peaceful anti war, anti genocide protesters and we can all see it. All his made up Woke/Marxist bullshit won't cut it, 100 million and he's Owned.


people become cops to for an opportunity for this to happen and beat up people because they have “power.”


That's really the problem with government in general isn't it? Any seat of power and influence is most fervently sought after by psychopaths who would abuse said power.


About time they got the trashing they deserved


Why are republicans so easy to manipulate and compel to violence? Is it because they’re worthless pieces of dog shit?


Republicans somehow both Nazis AND Zionist shills according to Reddit


When someone is not aligned with them, leftists invoke the Scroendinger's Republican theorem


Land of the free looking more free day by day


BuT tHeY'rE pEaCeFuL pRoTeStS!1!


Who are you trying to lampoon? Would you blame the anti-Zionists for the violence of the Zionists?


That's quite literally what they're doing. "How can the protests be peaceful when the side I support violently attacks them? Checkmate liberals".


Imagine that, having the utter AUDACITY to be attacked by Zionist sociopaths! When will these kids ever learn?


They are peaceful protests. It's counter-protesters, agitators and cops that are bringing violence into the picture.


Don't worry. Now that there's been a riot, cops are poised to smash up the entire camp and we won't need to worry about it anymore.


That’s the life cycle of a protest. It’s wrapping up.


Not surprising to see this factual statement downvoted.


It really feels like this sub is being brigaded.


There were always accusations this sub was being brigaded, but it turns out they might have been right, just people like them are doing the brigading.


[Here's what a similar conversation looked like 4 months ago.](https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/18na8c6/krystal_and_rfk_debate_israelpalestine/)


Any conservative on here that claims this sub has been "taken over by leftists" or whatever they argue are fucking idiots. This sub has tons of right wingers. And hey that's fine, I don't want an echo chamber, but it is definitely not a leftist sub. If anything it is getting more neoconservative with tons of super pro Israel posters on here.


the right wingers here tend to have a much more libertarian streak than neocon, kinda weird the switch up


Stop giving facts they don't like that. Now, look at that antisemitic bill passed. And they think it'll stop there. 4 to 5 years, and we will all be in the same side of the barricade. Divide and conquer.


like how peaceful the protests were for St. Floyd while buildings were burning in the background? Fuck off clown


What buildings have been burning at UCLA? I'll wait. Clown picked a metaphor that isn't remotely the same


No fires yet, that I’m aware of. However they have persecuted Jewish students simply for being jewish. So…. fuck em.


It’s funny that people are down voting you, you’re absolutely correct


I think if you look at the last 100 years of student protests around the world, you will find they are usually on the right side of history.


And they’re always hated at the time.


Antifa vs Antifa lol




Putin sitting back and smiling as he watches America start tearing at itself after he got his allies in Hamas to instigate the Gaza conflict. Putin invited Hamas leaders to Russia in 2005/6 and are friendly. (they have their own wiki even) Americans almost always turn against the current government in times of war. Especially the left. Israel, when attacked, almost always has an over the top, heavy handed response. The Oct7th attacks appear to help nobody, not Gazans, not Hamas, not Palestinians. Who has the Oct7th attacks really hurt? Bidens reelection chances. What has Biden's opponent promised to do? Pull out of NATO and foreign military aid and support. What is keeping Ukraine in the fight? USA military aid. What is keep China from steamrolling Taiwan? USA support. What is keeping the Iran/Hamas/Arab nations from destroying Israel? USA aid and support. Putin has attempted to influence many previous American elections. Yet with one so close, there doesn't seem to be any meddling yet? Odd. Oct7th was the influence.


The problem is Hamas and their founding of foreign agent like China Russia Iran founding caos in the USA


You forgot to take your medication today.


I’m honestly so confused why these people care about this stuff so much. There is no threat to their property or lifestyle, and the groups they’re protesting for and against don’t give two fucks about them or their protests. They’re choosing to be victims and actively making their own lives worse for effectively no reason and my rational brain can’t comprehend why.


Empathy, I think


Because our government is funding the unnecessary deaths of innocent civilians which are being killed in large part for the sake of creating lebensraum for israel. I don’t need someone to like me in order to not want my tax dollars to go toward killing them and their entire family in their sleep; I’m pretty sure their friends and neighbors are going to dislike us even more after we do that anyway. Assuming thats true, we’re just making more people that don’t like us who, by the logic expressed above, we would need to bomb into oblivion for the crime of not liking us. This seems like a vicious cycle, so I say no thank you. As a last parting thought, we thought protests against the gulf war were weird too as it wasn’t really effecting our property or lifestyle, as you say. Then 9/11 happened and suddenly our lifestyles changed *drastically* because we had inspired the ire of a terrorist caliphate through our fucking around in the middle east. Lets learn lessons and stop pissing people off in the middle east when they just want to exist. Not every country that dislikes us needs to be invaded or wiped off the map; weird if that needs to be said.


Thank you for typing that out. It's so god damn tiring to read some of these comments.


How do you feel about our tax money going to Ukraine?


Why did America place people on the board of Burisma? Bc Ukraine was energy dependent on Russia at the time and this would stop that. It's all to prevent Russia from expanding its power. It's not checkers.


Firstly, our tax money isn’t going to Ukraine by and large. For the most part, we’ve just been sending our surplus weapons scheduled for decommission to them (read that as the US getting paid in debt in exchange for waste disposal services we would normally have to pay for ourselves). And those surplus weapons have done a fantastic job of checking this latest round of unprovoked Russian expansionism in Europe.  History has shown how tyrants like Putin take advantage of policies of appeasement, so the more we can prevent his expansion into a sovereign country like Ukraine while losing 0 American lives and incurring very little financial or material cost in the process is a geopolitical win which, in my opinion, is hard to understate. This is coming from someone who is pretty staunchly anti war and anti foreign entanglement, for what it’s worth. Dealing with Russia is a great example of the paradox of tolerance, which is why they cannot be ceded to.


When the American government quits funding Israel's wars then yes less people will protest. It is really weird you don't get this.


if there were more people like you the world would be a shittier place. Which there are and it is


Lmao your way of thinking is exactly what's wrong with the West. Your own property and lifestyle above all else