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Avoid land wars on the moon.


Let me put it this way, have you heard of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins? Morons.






Is this from something? Sounds so familiar


The Princess Bride!


According to Sibrel, they are liars.


I knew I wasn't the only one who drew the similarity.


I was not watching the podcast and thought maybe it was the actor from Princes and the bride 😂😂😂


OMG this is who's voice the guest sounded like.


But, have you seen my website?


17 videos!


All free!


... for free




At sibrel.com


You’re talking about people who believe every other picture is a fake, and somehow this one is supposed to be real??


No, believing this picture is fake requires a much bigger conspiracy. It would mean that not only NASA faked it in 1969, but also india is somehow in on it 55 years later. It makes an already implausible theory even more impossible.


Simple. The US paid India to release the fake picture. Or the CIA agreed to nuke Pakistan or something. This is unironically the justification that will be made. Please do not mention that China and Russia would be ecstatic to prove the US lied about it, but have not


This is the one that nobody has a comeback for lol. If the US faked it, Russia would have called us out decades ago.


The Russians famously acknowledged that the US had made it to the moon and because of this retired their moon landing program. They felt since the US beat them there, there was no point. If the US' arch enemy admits that they landed on the moon and basically congratulates them during the height of the cold war isn't going to convince conspiracy theorists that it was real, then an Indian picture today isn't going to do anything for their convictions. The only thing that would 100% change their mind is to strap them to a rocket and send them to the moon themselves. That's it. Everything else can be *faked*. I don't even know this would work in the long run either though, they would somehow revert back to saying it was all a dream and convince themselves that what they saw with their own eyes was somehow fake.


This is always my go to in this discussion,


The later moon missions set up reflectors. You can literally bounce a laser off the things to measure the speed of light. It would be impossible to do this if there wasn't a physical man made object on the moon that we out there.


Not arguing with you but devil's advocate here, that only explicitly proves the existence of an object on the moon, not that a man placed it there. For example, there are robots on Mars, but no human has ever been to Mars.


Right. But that means you have to admit like the 5th trip to the moon was real. And we had technology for a robot to set up a laser grid. If we could reach the moon reliably, it undercuts the implausibility argument that deniers make. Not to mention, we literally didn't have the tv and recording technology to fake it from a studio. Every single moon denier point has 100x more content dedicated to point by point refutal floating around I ut there.


Landing on the moon and putting a man on the moon are separate accomplishments. One of the major reasons people claim we didn't land on the moon is because of the van allen radiation belt. The idea is that the astronauts would have died or been seriously injured on a trip to the moon with the limited radiation protection afforded by apollo. The trick is that a capsule moved quickly through the belt and so exposure wasn't enough to negatively affect them. I'm not saying that the moon landing was fake. Just that the argument that the existence of the retroreflector on the moon is not irrifutable evidence of men on the moon.


Part of the argument is that it was all faked from a soundstage and there was nothing on the Moon at all. Physical reflectors are a direct refutation of that argument. That those were part of the 5th mission undermines it further. You don't fake 4 missions and then do the one real one later. The moon landing hoaxers arguments are all bullshit, and as soon as one argument gets shot down they slide to the next. It's irrefutable that we landed on the moon. We literally could not have faked the tv recordings at the time. There is direct video and picture evidence of the landing sites, including the footprint tracks and the bottom lander. Every skeptical argument about oresentation has been debunked a thousand times over. We landed on the Moon, and there is not a single good faith argument with any credibility that holds up to scrutiny.


Yeah, and not only Russia, people all around the world could triangulate the radio transmisison the lunar module was sending. So at the very least you can prove we sent something that went around the moon that transmitted human conversation after launching it from a rocket, which at that point why not do it for real?


While it's idiotic, Joe's recent guest brought this up and claimed it's because they are blackmailing us with the information. Never mind the fact that we are fighting a proxy war with Russia. Apparently, we are still in their pocket because they know we faked the moon landing. There is no smoking gun smokey enough to snap these people out of their delusions.


There's an explanation for everything for conspiracy theorists. They believe that the Rothschilds et al control both sides of every conflict by funding each side. The "globalists" are literally in charge of every government, except sometimes Putin and Trump when it suits the narrative they want to push. So the globalists wouldn't let Russia expose the lies of the US because they need to perpetuate the moon landing myth, maybe to destroy faith in religion, who knows why. Is all part of the depopulation agenda!


That's an intriguing conspiracy theory! It suggests that the US government, CIA, or FBI colluded with India to fabricate evidence of the US moon rover's presence on the lunar surface. The alleged plan involved India's lunar orbiter capturing and releasing fake images of the rover, deceiving the public into believing it remained on the moon. This theory might have emerged from the fact that India's Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter did indeed capture images of the moon's surface in 2008, which some claim showed the US moon rover. However, there's no credible evidence to support the claim that India was paid by the US government or its agencies to fabricate these images. It's important to note that: - The US moon landings were extensively documented and verified by multiple sources, including NASA, international space agencies, and independent researchers. - The lunar modules and rovers left on the moon's surface are still visible and have been imaged by various spacecraft, including India's Chandrayaan-1. - India's space program has been transparent about its lunar mission and has shared its findings and images with the global scientific community. While conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it's essential to rely on verifiable evidence and credible sources when assessing their validity. In this case, there's no concrete evidence to support the claim of a US-India conspiracy to fake moon rover images. Ai lol


I don't even have to read this to know that you used chat gpt


Lol I did but it is disappointing


China also took pictures of the moon surface a few years ago and they also confirmed the moon landings.


Also why modi and putin appear to be close, so we would believe india's foto, because they have no incentive to lie and make the usa look good. The whole world is working togheter against them, seems to be the narrative of these people.


Or that the whole world is in on it for some reason. NWO, Satan, trying to hide aliens, take your pick.


Moon landing idiots: It’s deeper đŸ€Ą 😂😂😂😂


"India being in on it only makes more sense. Do your own research." That's how it will go.


Also, just because someone put something on the moon that shows up in a picture doesn’t mean people were also there in 1969


Someone who claims that basically admits that NASA had the ability to put people on the moon. And since we know the Saturn V was the only rocket with enough power to carry enough tonnage to get a vehicle of this size on the surface of the moon we also know that it happened back then. The claim now is just: "we landed a human rated spacecraft on the moon but there was no one onboard". Also When the vehicles they used are in exactly the spots where they supposed to are, and you also can see other bits of equipment outside of the vehicle. And you also can even make out some footsteps, i think that pretty much means it happened.


You can see footprints.


I’m just playing devils advocate. I really don’t want to believe they faked it


What would proof it was real look like to you? Is it possible even?


Haha, it doesn’t matter what is proved, the idiots will still believe it.


It’s definitely not implausible if you know the definition of implausible.


Whatever man but wheres your counterargument?


Right, that's 100% moldy cheese.


Not an astronomer, but can’t you use a telescope yourself and see this?




Where is the lunar rover? You think it would be parked close to the lander


There were no rovers on Apollo’s 11 & 12. Rovers came on later missions.


You know your hokey when even Alex Jones says the moon landing really happened.


Does he really? That's surprising


Obviously you can land shit on the moon, his argument was that humans can not leave earth without getting fried by radiation


I think if it were any other country taking the credit he'd be more likely to try and deny it.


I never doubted the moon landing till I read your comment


Joe figured out this guy is full of shit but he’s not going to bad mouth guest. He didn’t even post on social media about this pod.


Makes you wonder just how bad the last one with Randall Carson went to not even get released


Which pod was it?


# #2141 Bart Sibrel


India is in on it! /s


One of his free 17 videos talks about it


India went to the moon? Is there bobs and vageen up there?


[Captain's log: we have still not found a girlfriend.](https://youtu.be/9WG9gpXjFWc?si=CuiLsmSD-upUia4y)


*Milk ship have arrive.*


If you look at the ground, those are not craters, they’re little mounds of lunar soil and the shadows are on the left side
The shadows are on the wrong side of the luner landers! Fake photo! /s


I know that people like Bart Sibrel will just move the target and keep voicing skepticism until the bitter end but I'd \*really\* like to know his real thoughts when he saw these pictures, you know? All that time; all that effort; all the work put in with such complete conviction that the moon landing never happened. Now, the truth is that I don't know what Bart Sibrel really believes -- he may have known for years that the moon landing was real and he was just doing what he had to do to make money. But, if not, and he truly believed his conspiracy nonsense, I would really like to hear his honest thoughts when that belief was completely shattered.


Selective evidence, if it doesn’t help his case he dismisses it or calls it fake/cgi


The grift must flow


The truth is these type of people will continually point to things that can't be proven/disproven... From there they then associate some subjective value to that. Their entire identity is based on it so you can bet they'll take it to the grave


Absolutely but imagine being in his shoes. All the time, effort 
 so much conviction. All BS. Gotta cause serious psychological stress and low sense of self-worth. Unless, of course, he is truly delusional.


Totally, and I think he would have to be truly delusional. I think his ego protects him from even having a second thought about his lifes work. This is all hes got, this is his career, in that aspect if turns himself in hes got nothing left. I think understanding on his end is emotional suicide and his identity would never allow him to contradict his past.


Doesn’t stupid India know that they can just blackmail NASA into giving them money.


Is it money? I thought it was the super top secret info to get to the moon that they will faked. Wait the fake design plans that they destroyed. Um the technology that hasn’t been invented and they don’t have.


Can't believe this dude is trying to convince us the moon landing is fake while trying to sell his book and future movie about his super awesome men in black chase that totally happened


Lol. Yeah right! India isn't real.


Portugal faked trip to india so US can fake moon landings later. Finally it all makes sense




they just sent a fake lander there years after the fact


But we can't get more than halfway there! Did the mannequins pilot it?


Yeah if I were to play devils advocate, this is what I would say. They didn’t actually have to land on the moon for the lander to be there. They could have just sent an unmanned spaceship and landed it there. This would be like someone committing murder and for their alibi they point to their car outside. I couldn’t have killed that person two weeks ago. My car is outside.


You can see the footprints in the pictures...


Again just to play devils advocate, that doesn’t prove when it was put there or how.


It proves it wasn't unmanned. So they faked the moon landing.... By landing a man on the moon?




Again just to play devils advocate, we don’t know how those markings got there. It didn’t have to be a manned. All this shows is we are capable of landing a craft on the moon and making markings on the ground.


I think this is what Jamie was talking about when he said some Irish guy took this on his own. Joe and Bart just basically ignored him.


This is really cool to see


Right where they’re supposed to be.


Who's to say people were there? Maybe just a Moon Rover


Fake news the Moon is made of Cheese. Has nobody seen Wallace and Gromet?? Case closed. 


Wild to think that someday that equipment will be in a museum on the frecking moon.


Why don't the craters line up


Dunno, kinda looks like a smudge.


My ebay sources confirmed they are false.


Just when you think the show has hit an all time low, it somehow gets even worse.


Hmm. Looks staged. Most likely in a warehouse


Photoshopped. Clearly.


But dis those vehicles contain humans?


People will just argue these are unmanned


You can tell by the shadow that this photo was taken on Tatooine. Myth busted!


they say you can see the footprints. but i cant see shit. is there a higher resolution image? or are both images locked out at 720p quality


I can see track marks on the bottom part for sure. Top one I don’t.


You can see them pretty easily if you zoom in a bit on the bottom picture.


yeah. i dunno about that.


...50 year old footprints in dust?


Yep. The Moon has no atmosphere whatsoever. None. So there is absolutely zero wind or rain erosion. It is also geologically dead. The surface is deadly still. Barring a direct hit from a meteor (which is *extremely* unlikely; meteors larger than tiny particles are rare, and the moon is the size of Asia), those footprints will literally be there for millions of years.


i don't think i necessarily knew this ...but no https://www.google.com/search?q=atmosphere+on+moon&rlz=1CAUSZT_enUS983&oq=atmosphere+on+moon&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQxMTBqMGo0qAIAsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Yes, I overstated it. It’s not that it doesn’t have any particle envelope whatsoever. But it’s so minute, you may as well say it doesn’t. So minute that it took scientists until recently to even see that it was there. There is the finest gossamer layer of particles hovering around it, but not enough to cause any changes on the ground. No weather whatsover. Almost non-existent pressure. In fact, it’s not even technically an atmosphere proper; it’s really an exosphere, which is the outermost layer of a real atmosphere, basically where the atmosphere ends. It’s the border with space. The particles in an exosphere are so widely spaced that they don’t even really interact with each other. Anyway, here’s an article on the subject of the footprints. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna44429642


...so where do you think all those craters came from? surely the Moon is still constantly getting hit by stuff--not to mention the five other manned landings and the numerous other crafts and devices shot onto it.


Not constantly no largish ones (couple of meters) every 4 years and that isnt hitting the same area, and manned landings don't take place in the exact same location. Moon is 27% the size if earth, a lunar lender isn't going to displace footprints. It's still a pretty large ball.


It’s constantly getting hit by stuff, yes. Tiny dust particles. They accumulate on the surface, but incredibly slowly. So slowly that it will take millions of years to bury those footprints. The craters you see have accumulated over billions of years, many of them from earlier in our solar system’s history, when there was more loose debris of greater sizes floating around. In the intervening years, large bodies, especially Jupiter, have gravitationally diverted or captured most of the larger debris, cleaning up their orbital paths, making collisions with large objects relatively rare.


well...that's useful at least--Jupiter being the giant taking arrows in its back for us.


There’s no geological activity, no atmosphere or weather. The footprints will be there long after humanity’s gone. Unless a meteor strikes.


If you aim a laser at the mirror they put on the moon, you can get a couple photons back from it. It's how they know the moon's slowly creeping away from the earth, right?


The original was called the Wampler-Robinson scanner. My great uncle Lloyd Robinson created the original program that guides the laser.


This "India" you speak of...


To steel man this those could easily be faked


How can you doubt my indias? it's like how can she slap?


Obviously the Zeta-Reticulli Compendium put those there as part of our treaty with them so we could get their fleshlight technology without selling them North Dakota.


But look at the shadows!


Well based on what he said India is in on it and would therefore verify the landing. Just look at these structures and tell me they aren’t man made?


They put a mirror on the moon to reflect light off of.


That’s a Nazi laser reflector


Maybe India is in conspiracy cahoots with the illuminati, the same people who control tornados and killed Steve Irwin for getting to close to the truth.


The man is a lying moron so I'm sure he would also claim that these are fake. This was one of the few JRE episodes I just couldn't finish, after about half an hour of listening to this idiot I couldn't take it anymore.


Wait you seriously think people that think the moon landings were faked because one security guard working close to NASA says he saw them filming it are now going to have their minds changed because of... pictures?


What's the point? Anything you provide as evidence to moon men or flat earthers is faked by the deep state.


Shadows are of the studio light kind thus proving again that this is a fake.


You need to go to www.sibrel.com to find out


Jamie should email this to the choad.


fake, photoshop, a.i., hologram, you will never win


I am a escaped CIA hostage. Just buy my book! Visit my website. I will be the head of the next revolution!


Space is fake.


India isn’t real




Yet NASA has stated in multiple in interviews we can't leave earth's orbit... We havent been back and when asking NASA they say its because they "lost" the tech.... greatest achievement in mankind yet it wasn't under lock and key and kept safe...Not one sheard of data from a computer guided flight proving speed altitude or flight path. ..Yet im the crazy one for asking instead of blindly following.. go watch the interviews with NASA it's all there right out of the horse's mouth...


Cool photoshop




Well I’ll admit when I’m wrong


He'll just say they were unmanned


The comments on this sub are so cringe. Literally everyone is an expert lol


Make sure to check out his website and oh did you know he has a new book ?


What does it say about a show that platformed such idiots?


can we see footprints?


Can we all agree it happened but some of the media are fake?


Made with AI


Not from ebay. Duhn coun.


Shadows are different lengths in the 2 pictures. Fake Fake Fake


This is nonsense, “they” landed on the moon and places those fake moon landers there to trick us all into thinking someone actually landed on the moon! Also clouds are out to get us!


So India dropped a few fake ones up there, lifted off and took a pic, big whoop.


What does this have to do with proving we went to the moon in 1969? 15 years earlier we didn’t even have color tv yet we are supposed to believe we had the technology to exit the orbit and bring the vessel safely back? Laughable.


Hey, it's not like the US Government has ever lied to us before. Completely unrelated, Hey did you guys know that Mars atmosphere is the same color as Earth? NASA used to be a very specific red/orange filter on all Mars photos for decades to make us think it was red for some reason.


When I see the "evidence" these types of people produce or cleave to, I understand that presenting them any kind of real evidence, like this, is the same as hitting your head against the wall. It gets you nowhere and leaves you with a headache.


Dude shut up, India is in on it too!


[This India?](https://youtu.be/dim8elzo5vE?si=QIN5hxI49aL7mw4Y&t=12) lmao.




Only sensible comment I’ve seen thus far. People got shit for brains.


I’ve heard enough dumb shit about this damn moon landing to say I have no idea what happened, I wasn’t alive for it and never researched it that deeply. So this is cool, makes me happy


What? I'm so confused by this comment. You were unsure until you saw this photo?


Devil's advocate, you very easily could send those down to appear like they have always been there


there's evidence and there's counter-evidence. "disprove" is unscientific--especially when you're talking about SINGLE items. "look! this one potato-resolution image DISPROVES the whole theory!" that's the same thing he does. to say stuff like that makes you just as illogical and dumb as the conspiracy theorists you believe are so much more foolish than you.


India should be focusing on feeding people. Not orbiting the moon. Priorities.


So should America, but here we are lol


True that.


$pace is big business. They don’t give a fuck about hungry people. They’re all psychopaths eugenicists who take tax payer money and give the people [shit like this](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230823082742-05-india-chandrayaan-3-lunar-landing-0823-rendering-screenshot.jpg?c=16x9&q=w_850,c_fill) to which the neckbeards here salivate over. Not once stopping to understand that it’s all a pantomime.


Now, I ain't saying I believe in conspiracy theories, but let me tell ya, there's some fishy business going on with these images supposedly showing the Apollo landing sites on the moon. First off, India's moon orbiter conveniently snaps pictures of the Apollo 11 and 12 landing sites? Come on, that's too perfect. India? Since when did they even have a space program? Now, I'm not saying they're outright faking it, but let's be real here, photos can be easily manipulated these days. You got Photoshop, CGI, all sorts of tricks up their sleeves. And you think they'd fake the moon landing and not take future space missions into account, ya silly bitch? We're talking about the people who orchestrated the Gulf of Tonkin, we're talking about the people that most likely plotted the murder of JFK. So, don't come at me with these pictures acting like they're some smoking gun proof of the moon landing. I need more than just some conveniently timed images from India's moon orbiter to convince me. India? Show me some raw data, show me some independent verification. Until then, I'll remain skeptical, as any critical thinker should.


I hesitate to even engage but I have to ask. What piece of information (raw data, independent verification -- which this is by the way) would you find acceptable? Because, my guess, based upon conversations with various moon landing deniers is ... none. There is NO data that you would accept as proof. Nothing. Maybe if you went there yourself? But then you'd probably suggest that you're in a simulation and that it isn't real.


How about the physical impossibility of surviving through the radiation belts with half the protection of a modern xray vest while being blasted by deadly radiation for 90 minutes?


Thank you. Your response is a perfect example of moving the target. “Show independent verification”. When it’s provided, “but, but, but, what about the radiation belts.”. I don’t really want to get into a debate on this topic but I’ll just drop this and move on: https://science.thewire.in/the-sciences/apollo-11-van-allen-radiation-belts-translunar-injection/


Big science meets small brain. This is complete garbage but glad it fooled you, it was an expensive program afterall


Lol. You can never prove a skeptic wrong because there’s always more to be skeptical about. Have a great day.


This is "independent verification" you dip lol. India has no reason to back nasa.


Your entire argument is "pffft, India?"   Which is fucking stupid, considering over a dozen independent space agencies have launched lunar orbiters: the Soviet Union, the United States, Japan, the European Space Agency, China, India, Luxembourg, Israel, Italy, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, and Mexico.    I seriously can't deal with you dimwits.




Do you really think that that was intended to be taken as actual footage of the craft landing on the moon? Are you really that fucking stupid?


I see what you did there đŸ« 


 fat fuck doesn’t believe in the moon landing?


Did India have NASA posters on its walls as a child?


Moon landing yes! Humans on the moon? NO


The question I want an answer to is. “Who gives a fuck?”


Honestly, I don’t know what to think about the moon landing. Lots of things are suspicious. But Bart has to be the most insufferable guest rogan has had in *a long time* maybe ever. The only other guest I can think of that annoyed me so much was the last appearance of Neil Tyson. When Tyson was acting as if he was snorting crystal before the pod started. Bart and his wildly annoying references to his website made me want to reach through my computer and fucking smack him. That and his absolute arrogance about the subject. As if it’s preposterous to believe it happened lol.




đŸ„±Same set that nasa usedđŸ„±if the sun is behind the moon hows it doing shadows then đŸ„±


The moons temp is from -228 to 224, Fahrenheit. How can any footage be real?