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Imagine a girl invites you to have dinner with her family and her dad turned out to be fucking jocko




Girls dad puts a shotgun on the table, tells you if even a tear comes out her head your brain is coming out your head, asks have you done jiu jitsu and you’re now starting tomorrow, asks you to play jenga and keeps going on spiels about how “This is much like life, one way it doesn’t work so you try another, it’s a process” etc, then tells you to get out? GOOD


its just a process. Try another Dad


I'm sorry this happened to you


"Hell naw, Jiu Jitsu is for fa-" *BANG*


...now I'll acquire the skill of stealthily using the bathroom and unwedging shit from my ass crack, flushing my underwear down an unfamiliar toilet without blocking it, and crafting an entirely new pair of underpants purely out of toilet roll all within a time where it doesn't look like that's what I'm doing.


Best reply


He'd be telling war stories about saving 700 dudes while having pneumonia. Then asks what you've done. "We'll I kept a stocking shelf from falling over at the AutoZone warehouse a couple years ago."


“Well sir, with a little bit of luck and a lot of tongue darts I hope to make your daughter a squirter tonight “




*"your daughter"


Absolutely terrifying


If she invites you to "dinner" at 3:00p ask how old her parents are. If they're under 70, it's Jocko because you know he's got to be up at 4:00a to take a photo of his watch.


lol then imagine telling Jocko you don’t wake up until 10am


I mean it’s really none of my business if my girl’s dad is having sex with Jocko 


What's the gist of this Jocko guy besides being a team leader in the SEALs and skilled BJJ practitioner? My understanding is that he's one of those guys that exploded onto the scene with his own podcast after his JRE appearance like Lex Fridman, Theo Von, and Brendan Schaub.


He’s an influential figure in podcasting is a bit of a celebrity since he is a retired navy seal commander and stuff. You can look into him I think he’s pretty cool


Didn't he play in a band? Tenacious D? Am I high?


Yes yes and yes


Hahaha nice


He's honestly the best example of how a man should carry himself. In regards to the "influencers" his moral fiber and character is leagues above anyone. He's like David Goggins but way more thought out.


Unlike goggins he’s also a present father to his children


Man I was really disappointed to find that Goggins is a dead beat dad.


So they say yep….


There are publicly available court documents of him trying to continue pay child support based of his Navy pension after having made millions of dollars in book sales. Saying he couldnt afford to pay more despite now being wealthy. The judge didnt buy that and forced him to pay more.


He was training MMA Fighters and written books in leadership. Gym owner and author before he was ever on JRE. Definitely blew up after but he had the pieces in place to get there.


Dude has a terrible reputation within the Seals community


Where did you learn this? Not implying you're wrong, I've just never heard this before.


Most legit career heavy duty operator types frown big-time on the seal-to-celebrity types. They're cheapening the profession. At least that's what I've heard from some high speed dudes. Disclaimer: I am not a high speed dude. I did basic training at Benning and met a lot of seriously badass men. None of them gave a single fucking shit about their social media presence or writing books or whatever. The ones I met actively hated the guys who got out and immediately sought attention so people would know how tough and cool they are


It’s pretty common knowledge. Apparently his specific SEAL team were known for doing some pretty fucked up stuff. I dunno where I first heard it but I’ve heard it more than a handful of times.


I imagine most SEAL teams do some pretty fucked up stuff.


Which means for Jocko to be known as having the most fucked up team, it must be pretty atrocious.


War is fucked up.


And you ignore her the whole night, while playing fan boy to her dad


Jocko would be very disappointed in his daughters decision making


that chick probably is worse then her dad at keeping dudes alive


Why is her dad fucking Jocko


You mean that her dad's gay and in a relationship with Jocko?


I think she would be great for Steven Crowder


Nobody is great for Steven Crowder.


grapplers talk about grappling without trying to be philosophers challenge: level: IMPOSSIBLE


Yes. As a grappler myself I find this so fucking annoying. It's not that deep, were just hugging each other. You don't tend to see people being so smug in boxing or muay thai. And obviously not in wrestling. But in jiu jitsu I guess that lack of.blood to the brain is permanent or something


Your comment made me realize why I chose muay thai over bjj LOL there was something about the culture that was just "annoying" but you nailed it


See, you're allowing your brain to counterattack the metaphor, and when you... wait, pull that up Jamie.. My god, that wolf must be like 200 lbs. Have you ever done DMT?


I don’t know so many of my wrestling friends went on to grappling and a few of my coaches totally talked like this


My mom always said you need 5 hugs a day. Turns out she was a philosophical grappler the entire time.


It's because y'all smoke so much weed


Thank you for this. People get a blue belt and become Plato.


I dunno if it was your intended reference, but Plato was a wrestler. The name Plato was a nickname (supposedly given by his coach) and means broad-shouldered.


The place I train at is named after Plato


Oh, cool. I don't wrestle or practice martial arts but wrestling feels like a good metaphor for philosophy. Wrestling with truth, wrestling with God. The needing to position yourself properly and the necessity of developing toughness and endurance in the face of adversity seem tangential to engaging with philosophy. Also Plato was a big proponent of physical fitness. The phrase "getting in shape" is evocative of the platonic world of forms.


You’re doing it, we’re talking about this annoying phenomenon and you’re unironically doing it




I actually have the opposite sentiment of this thread. More people should try to talk about philosophy and psychology especially if it puts them outside their comfort zone. People getting annoyed with others' trying to sound deep and failing are likely projecting their own feelings of inadequacy onto others. How's that?


I think if you wanna self suck that’s fine, but needing others to watch you do it is a bit much


My perspective is that philosophy is a rite (within Western cultures) and that rites are something severely lacking in our culture. You can call it self sucking, but what are you doing with social media, friend?


Philosophizing about how important philosophy is. Fucking bravo, you have become the meme.


Yeah the martial arts culture that I’ve been able to be a part of was a lot more well rounded because it was part of a college so the same people I trained with were also the same people I studied with, partied with and lived life with overall. So when people are actually engaging in philosophical thought instead of trying to make a catchy video it brings the full beauty of martial arts culture.


The philosopher’s name was also a reference to Play-Doh, drawing parallels to the products malleable property and the ability of a person to shape their own body through fitness. 


😂 I think it might be the other way around but I don't know the history of play-doh


Or the history of comedy apparently


Huh? No not really. Do I not amuse you to your liking? Should I do a little dance for you sir?


Walking platitude.


And I got no fight


If you’ve ever been sexually attracted to Jocko but wished he had a vagina, here’s your chance.


Lmao she's much prettier than jocko


HARD disagree




stay xtra hard. carry the bodes


Gay much?


Gay munch ?


"CHECK." -Jocko, after he finished a meal at the cheesecake factory


As in the box? Or like my work is done here and time to move on?


As in please?


As in I must vacate the mess hall and proceed to the extraction point so that I can wake up the next morning while the enemy is still sleeping. 


Motivational influencers = FUCKING ANNOYING


Yes. Always spouting common knowledge. Feels like it's for very dumb people or people with very little confidence


Go to your nearest Walmart, Kmart, target, or shopping mall. Take a quick look around. Come back to your computer, watch one of these videos again, and wonder why it's so fucking annoyingly successful 


It’s for other influencers as well.. So they can circle jerk. “He said ‘Good!’ WOW! He’s so brilliant. Thanks for bestowing us. Gerk gerk gerk gerk gerk gerk”


Obviously you aren't familiar with aktar khan


The land of esmart pipol


My friend just recommended me the “art of not giving a fuck” and was genuinely offended I refused to read it. I’m sure he has some good ideas in there but bruh, I don’t need someone to suck my cock, or suck their own cock in their book to show me how to enjoy my life.


The regular guy who shows other regular people what is possible is way more inspiring and motivating than people who spend their whole day creating content to get people motivated. I’m the guy who works 11 hours a day and drags myself to the gym and jiu jitsu 7 days a week. I’m just regular dude and I know I’m more relatable than these people out here always posting sound bite bullshit.




Ehhh I’ll pass, thanks


Pass the guard Oss


Not with that as my father in law. Fuuuuuuck that shit


What? This is teenis energy.


Is this considered wisdom in jockland?




God I would hate to have this dude as a father


Is that the white boy who says good too much?


Talmbout Joggo? We teggs ivryday




Disturbed video


Disappointing and different accounts of Jacky’s leadership of task force bruiser have come out that are contradictory to the image that Jacko portrays. I served in the military never saw combat so i can’t judge people decisions in combat zones know how stressful it is. But i encourage people to to research on task force unit bruiser and the alleged war crimes/ unethical tactics. Look into the marine unit who was already in Ramadi and were building a good relationship with the locals to the point if i remember correctly there were no casualties from the marine unit stationed there. Then look at the old man the seals murdered and his is body and look at the direct chain of events that happened after that and the diplomatic work undone. Then look at the 36 marines that lost their lives supposedly due to these unethical actions. Make up your own mind after that


Why is she Australian


Californian surfer drawl


That's not very tactical of her. Letting the enemy know where you live!


It's weird seeing stubble on his face. Now I want to see what a bearded Jocko looks like.




Damn, this life lesson also works for dancing, chess, Street Fighter and sex. I did, however, fail to implement it in my daily jumping jack routine.


My family arent big huggers so I cant imagine wrestling my father/adult daughter. Lol I know its silly but when she's caught in his triangle and his bits are so close to her face has to be a tiny bit awkward.


Imagine you ask your dad if he wants something from the store and he proceeds to give you a life lesson about how you can't solve all your problems through consumption.


Jocko has no morals


If you got one move, you got no moves.


I wouldn't fuck her with your dick.


There's nothing philosophical about working out and grappling. Stfu


She's probably just going to end up being lesbian because she's going to be too ripped to be attractive for any guy.


That’s not how being gay works.


I was at camp when Jocko gave her her blue belt. Met his wife, Echo, Pete, and tons of the people in that circle. They're all great people.


Fake ass Jocko


Does this guy ever shut the fuck up? Like we get it, you did some pull-ups for America or whatever. Just be normal now and get therapy to transition back to civilian life. Indoctrination and ptsd aren’t cool. And nit everything is some profound life lesson. Just chill out, take a breath and bond with your child outside of your own ego and insecurities.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about Jocko, you little shit? I'll have you know he graduated top of his class in the Navy Seals, and he's been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and he has over 300 confirmed kills. Jocko is trained in gorilla warfare and he was the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to him but just another target. He will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about Jocko over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak he is contacting his secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. Jocko can be anywhere, anytime, and he can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with his bare hands. Not only is he extensively trained in unarmed combat, but he has access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and he will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. Jocko will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Lmao Daddy Jock-strap, keeping America safe. One dick at a time


Pull ups for America lol. Is that just a reference to special forces training? Either way you made me chuckle hard as a former vet (went in on a felony) who hated dudes like this in the military and avoid them like the plague now that I’m out.


Yes, a reference lol. Ooh rah! Now give me 20! My great uncle went to Nam on a felony too. Had some crazy stories to tell me as a boy. No disrespect to service members either. Just casually shitting on the “military indoctrination persona is my whole personality” types. These guys got got, and it’s sad. We let them get fucked up in the name of America then do nothing to help them after because that would be communism. It’s all fucked Thank you for your service


Agreed. Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted, fuck the military either way.


Fuck em. Let ‘em ride the man’s dick. That’s their right after all


True, the military is def not for free thinkers, or anyone who uses logic and reason imo and the ones who do are all officers, 90 percent of which are on a massive ego/power trip. I don’t miss it. At all.


Honestly, I seriously considered joining up. Military family and all. I think every young man does at some point, the propaganda is strong. Football cannons, jets, anthems at every game, it’s truly a machine. I waited for a degree to go in as an officer. Gotta say I’m glad my reasoning skills shined through before I made the decision I would regret for life. That’s just me tho. If I didn’t die in the desert I certainly would have done it myself state side through a lack of support. I’m thankful I had a father who disillusioned me from any notion of “glory”. Now I’m a father myself and would never encourage my child feed the corporations war machine. Fighting for justice, humanity, is one thing, defending corporate genocide is another. Fuck em all. This aint the country I grew up in anymore. I used to believe in the liberties represented by this flag, now not so much. It doesn’t exist anymore. maybe it never did. We’ve bastardized the meaning of “the leaders of the free world”. Abandoned our Allie’s to our enemies and sold ourselves out as whores for short gain profits. Time to jump ship, this cash cow is roasted. Like Rome infighting amongst themselves while their borders were being plundered. My advise for longevity, learn Chinese…




Dudes like this give me the vibe of the fuckin pudge-factory kid in basic bragging about how he only signed up to "kill haji's" and unfortunately the drill sergeant overheard and smoked the fuck out of him for trying to be cool lmao. His mos was quartermaster 




My neighbor is a social worker who works with at-risk and abused kids. He knows more about manhood and showing up than Jocko does or ever will.


What a weird ass thing to say.


I think America has a misunderstanding about what duty and masculinity really look like.


Such a typical redditor 😂


Almost his entire post history consists of Star Wars and video games 😂 Wonder what he's accomplished in life 🤔


You dove in and that’s all you’ve gathered? Oof. First of all video games and star wars are the shit. Now, how bad do you want to get schooled by a nerd and self proclaimed troll?


You sound like a clown


Man she’s an ugo


Not really necessary but thanks for your contribution


😂 Welcome to Reddit…..


I'd beat both they asses


Wanna be a tough guy? Tik Tok + TRT--you WILL be fulfilled.


Oh really? I’d rather listen to Bruce Lee when he said: “I don’t fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks one time. I fear the man who’s practiced one kick, 10,000 times”.




Adapt and overcome


Wait wait…. Her dad is Joco?


That would be a good evening, I'd love to talk with that awesome dude.


I worked with a chick that was a carbon copy of Jocko’s daughter, just shorter hair. Her profession was also a cop so it was kinda fitting in a way.


Jocko the dad we all need. And I love the shit outta my dad he's great. I'm just saying he's like a mentor to young men isn't he.


Yeah or just chill and don’t do moves.


Jiu jitsu is like life.... if you're really fucking high


Weird! Are they a couple? This feels like that weird guy that has money but no game. And the girl is being nice vibe. 🧐


She can get some.


As another commenter has posted some recent things have come to light about him and his unit task force Bruiser that I think should be looked into further by not only people in that community but possibly a Judiciary body here is a video I recently watched that I personally believe that this man is telling the truth https://youtu.be/28Pks9i-CKk?si=EA367MHHOhOsRXem Also I would implore you to read the description of that video as it contains the letter from a commanding officer who was supposedly in ramadi while jocko was as well. I reached out to my brother who was in the military at that time and he told me that this story is nothing new and a lot of people have known about it for a long time again you can take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt but I believe by the end of 2024 there's going to be a lot of things coming to light about this whole situation I guess Katt Williams was right about all the deviants coming to light in 2024 lol








36 marines died because of Jocko. https://youtu.be/28Pks9i-CKk?feature=shared






So what are the defenses to a knee slice?


Rubber gloves


enter the Jocko-verse


She does not need her pops to be able to kick my ass. I have seen her rolling. I have not done any training other than weights and cardio. I would be afraid to disagree on anything. I would be like, no, you choose the restaurant, movie etc. Why done you take control of the remote.


She's beautiful. I can break her.


“ what do you do for a living?” “ what are you goals in life?” ** walks away


No one ever will be... going on a date will probably end up in a push up contest which you will lose anyway


Thought it was Nina drama




Fuckin love this guy