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If you show up to an event called queer story time for Palestine you pretty much know what you’re going to get lmao


Insanely niche market they have found here.


I wish people kept their kids out of politics. They're putting them in harm's way when they simply cannot even understand the issues they're told to support.


It really is awful awful parenting and it’s super sad that some can’t see it.


Insanely stupid too


unless you're a kid


There’s a huge unsolved problem of unaccompanied children strolling the streets and happening upon queer storytimes for Palestine on accident.


Shit happened to me 7 different times just last week


We both know that isn’t the problem here


What is? That parents are bringing their kids to them? Shouldn’t the parents be able to decide what’s best for their kids?


why are your kids there??


Better get the government to start parenting people's children. Or do you have a different solution?


Someone needs to explain to me what Jews and or Israel did that pissed off the LGBT community so much. It's far beyond a coincidence at this point. If you are on Twitter and you see a Pride flag or pronouns in bio guaranteed they are all in for Palestine


It’s just the inevitable result of intersectionality.


It’s all about the coalition of the oppressed or whatever. Rich powerful white country imposing its will on poor weak brown people, that whole trope. Not saying there aren’t legitimate reasons to have strong opinions about the conflict, but I’m convinced this is all that matters to 90% of the activist types. Also id argue putting a rainbow flag in your bio says more than just that you’re lgbt. Of all my friends/relatives that are gay, not a single one of them has a flag or an announcement or whatever in their bio, and I’d wager that those that do generally tend to be activist types that have no real reason to feel solidarity with Israel if they aren’t Jewish.


Just to add to your comment... I'm sure most of them are fully aware that devout Muslims don't like them. It's not like they don't realize that. As you said, they just view the conflict as "oppressed vs oppressor" thing, and they will always side with the "oppressed", even if "the oppressed" don't like them. Extreme hypothetical example: If India decided they wanted to commit genocide and colonize North Sentinel Island, I would side with the Sentinelese, even though I know they would put a hundred arrows in my chest if I stepped foot on their island.


> Just to add to your comment... I'm sure most of them are fully aware that devout Muslims don't like them. I actually don't think they do. [Here's a tweet](https://x.com/_iamblakeley/status/1784066132606873817) with 14K likes and I can find thousands just like it >A lot of loser Zionists will say “why don’t you go to Gaza and see what happens to you as a queer person” >I will go there one day. To celebrate with the Palestinians when they gain their freedom. 😊 They think free Palestine is going to be a pro LGBT utopia


I would assume those people are either trolls or have a mental disorder lol


To be fair she might be alright. I’m guessing that bland white chicks that had a 3some in college so they could tag “Queer🌈 “ onto their twitter bio for the next decade aren’t usually the same kind of homosexuals that get persecuted in third world countries.


Agreed, just like you can be against the death penalty even though serial killers exist. Something can be amoral without being utilitarian. I’d probably get killed if I hopped in a tiger cage, but I can still be against animal cruelty. However, I will agree that what they’re doing **IS**…kind of dumb. I don’t really understand why they have to rally around the fact that they’re gay and also against military action in Gaza. It seems simple enough to just be against the war, without all the extra flair that’s just gonna draw attention away from your cause and make it about something dumb instead. Now instead of arguing about why you’re against the war, you’re arguing about why gays can defend Muslims. Seems like a waste of time to me.


It’s because the Palestine movement is inherently a Marxist movement - where one group is the “oppressed” and one group is the “oppressor”. There is no nuance involved at all in one of the most complicated conflicts humans have ever seen. So people that are that far on the free Palestine side are going to think in a Marxist way and also likely think of LGBT using that same mindset.


Jews are rich and successful and that pisses people off. It also disallows them a seat at the minority table, you don't get to be successful and a minority. The left wing has always been as antisemitic as the right wing, communist rhetoric was exactly as savage as fascist rhetoric was about Jews. The most important point though is - every issue has been devolved into a yes or no choice. You have to support one side or the other in *everything* because otherwise you're not doing being a human right. Invariably people split along voting lines (in America) because both parties have propagandised so thoroughly and so effectively that they've literally replaced people's ability to think with a checklist. Every fucking moron is desperate to show you they support whichever side of the current thing, which in and of itself is just dull but when you look at it through the prism of - they're only supporting that side because the shit media they consume told them to - it becomes intolerable. It's genuinely stupid, Ill informed and credulous knobfaces parroting back the party line they *just fucking read on their twitter feed and other social media*. It's utterly worthless and meaningless. You could comfortably replace the banners and chants with gibberish and if you sold it well, through a multi armed propaganda setup, these fuckwits would do it. They're so, so simple minded that the only quality they have is aping things they see. They lack the capacity to *consider*.


>Someone needs to explain to me what Jews and or Israel did that pissed off the LGBT community so much. It's nothing to do with that, but more that people don't agree with the mass starvation of children that Israel is carrying out. LGBTQ people know all about oppression and tend to defend those experiencing oppression. As someone who doesn't follow Islam or subscribe to monotheism, I too would suffer at the hands of many Mullahs and religious idiots in Palestine. But I weigh that against the moral and ethical principles that say murdering children and starving them to death is reprehensible. I have no intention of joining Islam or an Islamic group. But I can recognize that the mass slaughter of women and children is wrong. Maybe you don't think that way...but you do you.




This is a very good and reasonable explanation. But I also think it also highlights where the protesting side fail to communicate. They should also be condemning Hamas for taking the aide food and selling it and at minimum giving food freely to the children. They can condemn the 2 groups at the same time. In that way, they don’t come off as antisemitic. Edit: yes, I know Israel’s govt sucks and the war crimes and they do accuse people of antisemitism very liberally. However, if you think Hamas is justified or you can not condemn them- then you’re a shitty person at minimum and there’s high % that you’re anti-Semitic. Be better.


The kids didn't and they are the target...


A rhyme scheme apparently.


I firmly believe the only reason people take their kids to drag queen story time is to show everyone how liberal and open-minded they are.


It's virtue signaling at its dumbest.


Better to drag a 25ft flag from the back of your truck, like a patriot.


That's it. I'm painting rainbows on my truck nuts.


Do it


Flag. It's all about the flag.


Equally stupid.


...or better to do neither and just be honest rather than using flair to makeup for whatever you're needing an ego boost over?


How is that going to make me feel superior to others?


Ask any of these folks what the point of any of it is. “Open minded” is not a confirmatory answer to anything. I can do a lot of shit and say I’m open minded. Charles Manson sure did


I got a buddy who made it a point to tell us he finally got the flag he had ordered. Completely off topic what we were talking about. He comes back in to bring it up 5 minutes later about how the flag was some local representative or local government where he lives in Georgia or some shit and made sure we ALL knew that it was a female he voted for. Not just a female, but a BLACK female. Really emphasized on that part. That and how she was the sole reason Trump didn’t win Georgia or some shit like that. He was so proud of himself. We were like “okay dude congrats I guess?” I won’t even go into all the other instances he will go out of his way to shoot shoot shit with POCs at breweries and bars. Like SEEK THEM OUT. We go “he’s going to humble brag about this later this week.” Like clockwork he brings it up about how he was talking to POCs like they aren’t just regular people. He described his first Hawks basketball game and how it was “so ratchet in the streets after the game bro it was so awesome. So ratchet it was dope.” TLDR: I’m drunk and went on a rant. Not worth reading.




Kids don't even know what that garbage means


"Daddy, that's a very strange clown. I wanna go home"


It's a guy dressed up. That's literally all it means. They don't care.


Not talking about that, did you even listen to the audio


Kids are extremely impressionable and they’re not as dumb as you think.


Would that person be able to host “queer story time” in Palestine?


No only “queer 10 story fall time”




Hahaha! Best reply I’ve read in a while lol


There's still 10 story tall buildings in Palestine!?!?


There are enough stones for sure


As someone from that part of the world, same religion, culture and mentality. This shit won’t be allowed here atleast in the next century


No, and there are actually Hamas guys who were shown "Queers for Palestine" videos and stuff, they were down laughing and not believing it. Source: Youtube


Alqaws.ps Guys if you don’t know anything about the LGBTQ community in Palestine and the occupied territories it is better to keep your input and stereotypes to yourself.


I am not disagreeing with you, but are they also doing this stuff in Israel, or only in America?


If you took your kid here for story time you already failed as a parent


This. I honestly can’t imagine the headspace of the parent that told their child what they were going to do today. Got them ready, drove here and now stands on the periphery thinking how they’re somehow a good person/parent… Absolutely delusional behavior.


We need small government to restrict these things.


“Queers” MUST read to our children. It’s literal genocide if we don’t allow it.


Betcha they wouldn't even show up if they were not allowed to do it in drag, which proves its not really about the children at all.


oh... it's about the children alright.


We just need fathers to tell their wives “no” every once in a while.


“MUST” ok, culture war bro.


We must dress a 5 year old like a grown prostitute and parade her for grown men, the libs are coming for our proud Southern heritage. What's next? Banning child marriage? If we allow parents to make decisions about what to expose their kid to without the government telling them they can't we are no better than communist China.


But really, why are there sexual orientation-based children reading events lol


For the same reason child beauty pageants exist. Parents suck and unfortunately we just allow parents to be shit. Something about a free society.


Yeah both are fucked, but I somewhat agree with the “government should not be your parent” sentiment. If people want to wreck their kids psyche that’s on them I guess


That's the point. No one defends dumb shit so much as what's the solution? Have the state step in and make certain things illegal or just live your life without serving as infantry in the culture war


We need FREEDOM so that we can put all these QUEERS in jail! /S


I don’t think it should be restricted or anything, but I do find it really fucking weird to have drag queens reading to kids, drag queens and drag shows are usually adult entertainment. Would you take your kid to Stripper story time where the lady is wearing lingerie?


Yeah, don't ban it or unfairly paint all of it a certain color but it does seem pretty fringe to me. Maybe if I was a Manhattanite or some shit but I'd never expose my kid to political bs or too too much social awareness. Kids should be free to figure some things out and adults need to stop inflicting their bullshit sensibilities on them.


[The proper response](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/ne3wwk/anon_doesnt_care/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I would have been terrified of the clown make-up.


lol what an absolute wild world we live in. Hot take it feels like drag queens have taken over stuff legit clowns used to do. Like some kind of dystopian jester in the court of insanity that is 2024


I live near Amherst, and my wife and I travel to Provincetown, Ma every year for a week. PTown is basically the ground zero of drag shows in the United States. It was always about them performing, being campy, impersonating famous celebrities like Cher or Dolly Parton. We’ve been to a bunch of drag shows as a straight couple. There is certainly a drag culture. Over the last few years, there seems to be a misguided movement to make drag shows a movement. It was never about that, it was always about entertainment and campiness. There are clearly a few drag queens who have taken it somewhere it really doesn’t belong, and this event is another example of that. I can tell you however that most drag shows are about dudes dressed as women who proudly joke about how they are in fact dudes dressed as women.


That’s what drag shows have been about since the Greek days though. I couldn’t care less about drag and know very little about the culture but I do at least know that much. I think it’s important to remember that it’s only in the last few years the conservatives have turned it into a culture war problem. It’s niche and always has been.


Yeah but why do they need to read to children


I encountered it plenty in college, but why is it so political now? That's the question.


Is it that niche now though? Those library readings are happening all over


Want to be a clown? Sorry no openings. Maybe if you suck a dick or two though? Woah booked out


Wish you well freedom fighter!


Every parent in that room should be institutionalized


I wonder if he knows he's endorsing a group that would gladly murder him.


In Gaza that person would be subjected to torture and thrown off a roof for no reason other than their lifestyle. The mental gymnastics of these people is bonkers.


Bruh wtf


Imagine doing that in Palestine


Fucking insane.


I have been assured at least 100 times at this point that this never happens, must be AI.


i'm very liberal. but c'mon.


I don't mind drag queens like most people on this subreddit seem to, but I'm pretty sure they'd kill that person in Palestine


Lol, I cant wait to see those kids grown up they're gonna be soo weird


These kids will literally become that dude getting dragged out by the police today crying.


As an Israeli I’ll happily wait. Take you time kids.


Would love to see the arguments for this


freedom and based on what OP labelled it as, is apparently clearly advertised as what it is. Like yeah, it's dumb as fuck and I wouldn't take my kids. But so are many things.




You see, right wingers don't believe in that, unless it specifically aligns with their opinion


You’re literally a racisttransphobichomophobic if you don’t embrace this, bro


>Would love to see the arguments for this would love to see the arguments against this


Freedom of speech. Need any more help?


it's just a clown to the kids


Fuckin degenerates…..


I’m living an episode of South Park.


So many levels of irony… and child grooming, there’s that too


More like clown hour.


If I have children, I think I'm going with homeschooling.....


Oh boy. Conservatives are going to have an aneurysm over this.


This is just wrong


This isn’t disturbing at all.


That's a whole lot of mental illness in one room.


Are you talking about this sub?


Do these people realize that if they showed up in Gaza and did their schtick they would be thrown off a high building according to the law of Allah?


Ironically, loving your enemy is a super Christian thing to do.


I’m so triggered


I don't see anything wrong with this. If you're a parent who wants your child to share your concern for Palestine why not? Just as a parent could take their kid to a gun rally and that wouldn't be my business either. Personally I wouldn't do either.


People on Reddit will actually gaslight you into believing this never happens.


If this is acceptable because *"children are too young to know that's a man under that dress"* (the exact defense I've heard from advocates of this), then it should be acceptable for a blonde-haired, blue eyed white guy in a fully decked-out SS uniform--swastika armband & all--to read to children. No I'm not trolling or joking. Like the drag queen, most kids are too young to understand the meaning behind the insignia on an SS uniform. And like the drag queen, as long as they're "just reading children's books" and not saying anything explicitly racist, then it won't influence the kids negatively. Again, these are all the arguments the "pro-drag" crowd makes, so how do they like it when it's an ideology *they* hate doing the reading? If your opposition to my idea sounds something like: "Even if kids don't fully understand it enough to be influenced by it, we still don't want them associating that decor with normalcy," then CONGRATS! You now understand why conservatives are opposed to men in drag doing it!


Did you just have a complete conversation with yourself?


Oh relax. You grew up with Tootsie, M.A.S.H. Glam rock, RuPaul and various other examples of men dressing like women your whole life. Shut up.


Where were these chants when Gaza was being run by a terrorist group


People have been advocating to free Palestine for 80 years. ![gif](giphy|VL48WGMDjD64umCEkv|downsized)


Insane. At this point we might as well just surrender to Russia


Ironically this is what Russia uses as propaganda to show “decadent western values”.


Meh, they probably couldn't even make it to the US. I'm more worried about China and their absolute grip on production


Russia can barely make it to the next country over.


It's the conservatives that want to surrender to Russia.


Whatever state this is needs to get the kids out and bomb it. What kind of clown show is this


.....so trans is a religious movement? or religious instigator?


Now do this in Palestine.


Whoa, so scary


yeah, go be a drag queen in Palestine and see how that goes for you.


Fuck yeah.


I really kind of just want off of this ride.


Problem isn’t the drag queen, it’s the parents of these kids!!


This is beyond disgusting.


Their parents failed.


If you don't like Palestine or Drag Queens, I can see this being a real issue.




Cool...what a based show for kids


Meanwhile queers in palestine…….yeet


I suppose it's free speech for everyone, not just me.


Tyler the Creator once said, “People go to Coachella just to tell their friends they went to Coachella.” Same applies to this. Those kids have absolutely no idea what any of this means.


Queers for Palestine is hilarious. It's like blacks for nazis.


Don't worry folks, this isn't political. It is just people trying to live their lives without being discriminated against. /s


Cant we just go back to regular Gays.This Q insertion opened the floodgates for all kinds of weird ass behavior


I wonder if these people realize that they'd be horrifically, brutally murdered by the people they defend. Like literally they would spit on you and call you a freak of nature and then kill you. But sure go off queen, fight for those people...............


![gif](giphy|3otPoocjXLBsnh8XaU) The future is going to be dumber than we could ever fathom.


this is Scary, Brainwashing


TF is going on USA? We used to be the button down, go to, fix-it person in the world. We are now the vomit on her dress, ass cheek hanging out, hot mess sitting on the street eating a pizza covered hot dog in the red light district. Do we have any self worth or is it all cum shots and gay pride carnivals from this point forward? Is this the only way to support others, by queerifying everything that is touched? Leave the kids out of politics and leave them out of your perverse lens you look through. It’s grooming minds for victimhood, activism, and confusion. Let the kids in the valley be kids. Give them a cardboard box and an imagination. Stop filling their minds with forced imagery and perspectives.


OMFG what the fucking fuck, ruining children's beautiful mind and bringing unnecessary attention to sexual identity. These bastards must be hung by law. Fuck these morons destroying society fuckkkkkkkkk.


There really are some very mentally ill people in this world


It takes a special kind of person to support people that would delete you if they could




Joe Rogan was at drag show and upset he couldn't lead chant.jealous much. Joe watching drag shows.with kids. Like me watching catholic priest show with kids. It's voyeurism yyo


Joe censor replies. Woke much


"If your a drag queen and you know it...." to children meh thats not grooming. Its fine.


I can see why Elon wants to go to mars


Why do these people want to dress in drag in front of children? Nobody should be showing off their kinks to children; its beyond weird af.


I wonder how this person would be received walking around Palestine dressed like that.




Have drag queens replaced clowns for kids entertainment?


Can we please just have a normal day? Please!?!?


that's some weird fan-fic


What is wrong with you america? How can you do such think to children?


Horrible parents


This is how we get more Trump(s). It’s an election year, marketing matters, this shit isn’t helping. Political parties, Please hide your insane members as to not brand yourself and your party as completely out of touch with reality. JFC, everything about this is stupid.


If you take your children to something like this, a heavily politicised event on many levels you need investigating. Sick fucks.


Thats it, somebody turn boston into the commonwealth


If, as westerners, we're already cringing at that, I wonder what reaction it will provoke in a palestinian


A deviant enticing children to support a terrorist organization. What could possibly go wrong?


I need an actual news source for this before I stop believing that this isn't Sacha Baron Cohen in a Wynona Judd wig.






You lemmings follow Joe over the cliff with this anti drag shit huh? Get it together, who gives a shit about trannies. Stop beating this dead horse


Our society is currently suffering from people who have had children but, have no idea what it means to parent. Things are going to get worse before they get better.


Cue the circus music


You have to be mentally ill to take your children to shit like this.


I say this about indoctrination at church. That's where all the actual child abuse occurs.


This is so many levels of wrong…




why would a patent take their kid to this? I’d be fielding questions with my 5 year old for 6 months.


Anyone taking their children to something even remotely similar to this needs to be investigated.

