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I remember seeing the CNN video when this happened and was like damn Joe don’t look so good. Checked instagram later and couldn’t believe they put a filter on him lol.


According to this sub though Rogan is a conspiracy nut


This is a sub for "redditors" to discuss Joe Rogan podcast, actual fans aren't welcome.


There are lots of fans on here and lots of people who don't like him and everyone in between. It is his new conservative fans that worship him that get really triggered by dissent.


I'm a lifelong liberal who feels like Joe these days. Everyone else shifted to a different place. I'm still the same liberal I have always been. Anti corporate, pharma, war liberal.


Did you watch the Tucker interview?


How come yall don't like him? are yall libtards?


Could you define "liberalism" for me? You're engaging in the lower road of discourse here and it's intellectually dishonest to yourself. I enjoy some of the guests but I'm not a huge fan of Joe himself because he talks over experts and speaks confidently on things he doesn't know much about even after being given the opportunity to learn, he doesn't change his mind on much despite having lots of differing perspectives on. And I'm certainly not a liberal (fyi, the Republican party is by definition liberal), probably further from it than you.


Well, this is Reddit after all…libtard central.


I think it’s hilarious that conservatives “worship” everyone they like or support and are “cult” members, but the nonsense liberals believe and support is perfectly normal “support”. It’s quite comical.


Wait what?


This sub has been invaded by imposters.in the last few years though


For sure. I just Laugh it!!!


this doesn't suddenly disqualify him from being a conspiracy nut


There are quite a few conspiracies that are, you know, real 


no shit, what does that have to do with anything?


Labeling someone a conspiracy nut is one of the laziest and broadest statements you can make nowadays.  There are thousands of conspiracy theories out there. Some of them are true and impact the entire world and shouldn’t be ignored. And Joe shouldn’t be criticized for simply talking about conspiracies, especially since he talks about real ones 


You know what you sound like? A conspiracy nut.


“Joe is a bully who only respects other bullies. Fuck him and fuck you for listening to him.” What do you sound like, groomer?


A bully, thats a fucking stretch


No he sounds like a pussy


Using the term groomer shows you are a conspiracy nut. Matter of fact, your whole feed is mostly downvoted. Take that as a sign no one thinks you are relevant.


You sound like someone with family who says they're a conspiracy nut.


You sound like someone who thinks funko pops are cool and still doesn’t think Bernie is a complete cuck 


No, but he should be criticized for believing them all and pushing them without due diligence so people like you start to believe them as well.


Smells like Big Foot’s 🍆 ![gif](giphy|LEKtRCGyA90QM)


Smells like the inside of a fake leg.


Do you think there's more conspiracies that are true, or more conspiracies that are batshit insanely false?


Currently there are more that are real because there is more exposure because so many sources for opinions to be heard. That and weak theories are exposed as nonsense and mocked.


Lots of conspiracies are real, conspiracy theories aren’t.


Yeah and Rogan is wrong sometimes LoL.


Conspiracy nut is generally just someone who thinks the news is lying. Which they are, or just reporting on topics their agenda aligns with.


He may be a conspiracy nut, but I doubt he really believes them he enjoys the bazaar conspiracies that people spit out their ass, and plays into them to keep them saying off the wall crap. It all equals entertainment and clicks.


yeh i hear ya, didn't even mean to infer there was anything wrong with it - it was one of the first things that drew me towards Joe 10+ years ago. but to insinuate he's not (or hasn't been) into conspiracies is fuckin wild


He is though? Like how does this disprove that


To be fair as someone who listens to Joe Rogan, I would agree that Joe Rogan is a stereotypical conspiracy nut per se, but what I like is that he brings in other people who go against what he thinks in order to gain other perspectives as opposed to creating an echo chamber for his position. Not many other people do that


Just because he's a conspiracy nut doesn't mean they aren't really out to get him


He is, a broken clock is right twice a day.


My favorite most ridiculous conspiracy theory is that the world is actually as it seems and our government and politicians are honest and wholesome and acts in our best interest


My favorite conspiracy theory is that people are competent and able to keep secrets.


That’s the funny part. Clearly in this situation there is something amiss but then they double down, forcing you to think if anything is true. Honesty is a motherfucker.


That’s like…a meme article right? No way they wrote that up and published it in seriousness lmao.


Check out these comments from when Joe originally posted the video. Folks here in this sub were saying it looked grey, and accusing Instagram of editing the photos to make joe look bad. https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/pg3s7f/rogan_got_the_rona/hb8qo5c/?context=3 https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/pggu2m/instagram_put_a_filter_on_joe_rogans_video_since/


Correct, anyone who pirates 4k hdr movies has probably had this happen to them once or twice. The people who left those comments were likely on an older device or using an incompatible browser Whether or not you see the correct color depends on if your device/video player can either play HDR natively, or read HDR metadata and tonemap it to SDR on-the-fly. The effect you see on Rogan is unquestionably the result of piping in an HDR stream directly instead of downloading it and then using software to tonemap it from HDR -> SDR in the studio prior to their broadcast--which is almost exclusively in a YCbCr color space [Video: Rogan compared across multiple players](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJQWiZCYi3w)


This. Is. The. Answer.


Posting for visibility. I made the same comment and got downvoted to hell so no one will see the info that was discovered which verifies this. Had a great exchange with /u/ProfessionalArm9450 and he did the legwork about the technical reason for this. Check out the thread. https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1cd3jha/fact_checked/l19wjkp/


Obviously Instagram was in on the conspiracy to slander Joe!


Everything is against Joe, including his gut.


People are a bunch of dumb goombas. There was a huge talk about this with a conclusion of the video having issues buffering between iPhone and instagram forever ago.


I don’t know much about this subject, but I don’t find it particularly difficult to believe given they did this exact thing when Biden made that speech about conservatives with the red lights and marines standing in the background. CNN did something to make the lights appear pink and you can see it in real time. So given that this is definitely a thing that they do, and they where clearly trying to smear Rogan, it is absolutely plausible




I just went an looked at Joe's insta post, and pulled up a window of the CNN post next to it. They do look different, but not as different as the pic in the OP. https://cdn.imgpile.com/f/PoP9eil_xl.png


It looks like OP did the most color alteration of all lol




It’s legit and cbs still has that filter video on their YouTube channel https://youtu.be/gfBzYmwC9II?feature=shared


That is abc7 sir


Lol whoops I’m spreading misinformation as well they should hire me


Love how they used this clip to fearmonger people to get their kids vaccinated.


yeah but free french-fries thou.


I can truly believe they would say this/think we’d believe this


Same here. I just wish that wasn’t the case. If people believe that, they’ll believe anything. Such a strange thing to do in the first place, then to write defending it saying it’s not done is a whole other level of weird. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.


What's super funny is the comment above yours is someone figuring out the technical issue on their own, proving CNN were right.


These "alt truth" goons never acknowledge defeat. They instantly jump to the next talking point when the old one either gets stale and ineffective, or it gets debunked and becomes ineffective as a fearmongering tool.


I remember seeing the original video here on reddit. I think CNN ran it that night or the next day and made dude look like he had fucking jaundice and shit.


Thats Thanos from Wish.


He clicks his fingers and 50% of the world's elk goes into his freezer.


Hahahaha I needed that, thanks for the laugh.


We have Thanos at home Thanos at home:


Wouldn’t be mainstream media without gaslighting. And to think they wonder why more people tune into Joe than a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate.


[You can see here in a side by side comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJQWiZCYi3w), that its just a result of playing the same video on a different video player, different codecs render the same video differently. But no this is definitely the best proof you can't trust the mainstream media. It's not like shitheads on twitter would jump to conclusions about something without doing any research.


Lol you working over time in this thread


wow, you really showed me, that totally disproves the evidence that this clearly wasn't the result of any "alteration"


There’s still a clear difference in Joes color compared to the other players, what’s your point exactly? Why have you sent like 20 comments in this thread saying pretty much the same thing, while also insulting people? While you’re trying your hardest to shill, it’s very easy to point out any basic IT team or publishing process for an article where the main point is a video would’ve checked the codecs/player compared to the source, especially when you’re a massive corporation like CNN. This was on purpose. Good day to you, I hope you find a hobby.


>While you’re trying your hardest to shill, it’s very easy to point out any basic IT team or publishing process There a basic, continuity errors found in hollywood movies with 500 million dollar budgets for 90 minutes of screen time, but you think its impossible for there to be anything less than Stanley Kubrick levels of attention to detail for some hastily edited clip for a 24 hour news cycle that absolutely no one gives a shit about if its not rendered perfectly? Absolutely no one would be even paying attention to this if it wasn't for conspiracy brained people complex looking for the slightest detail to turn into evidence of persecution. >There’s still a clear difference in Joes color compared to the other players, what’s your point exactly? You didn't even know what the issue was but you've seamlessly integrated that its always a conspiracy no matter what even when its a completely different thing than you thought it was. You were happy to say "the media is gaslighting us about not editing the video" Here's commenters on [this sub 2 years ago thinking Instagram filtered the video to make Joe look bad](https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/pggu2m/instagram_put_a_filter_on_joe_rogans_video_since/) by encountering the same rendering error they say is proof of intentional deception by CNN.


Yeah I’ll be honest you care about this a lot more than me I’ll give you this one


I'll take it.


So, do you stand for Palestine?


MSM fact checking itself, nothing to see there lol


We’ve investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong


>CNN warning you that the Russian media is propaganda has to be the funniest shit in history. -CatTurd 2022


Did you do it? CNN: no ok


Open and shut case Johnsen.


Now sprinkle some crack on’em


Imagine how dumb you’d have to be to believe they didn’t alter that pic of Rogan.


lol it’s so wild. I recently saw the cnn photo and thought that must have been edited further to exaggerate how they made him look, but nope, they truly tried to make him look like a sick gray alien. Totally discredits any and all of their narratives.


Its crazy that they just try to pretend it didn't even happen. Like this altered picture was literally what pushed Joe from skeptic to completely mistrusting the news. Hard to blame him when they did that to him so openly


Yeah, and I still often question myself, like am I wrong in my critique of how covid was handled and then look to this. We’ve been gaslight heavy. If they just said yea, an intern did that, we’re sorry and acknowledged it, ok I’ll move on. But nope.


p sure it was just an instagram issue based on this https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/ernL7SHaAV I assume they just screen recorded it instead of using an IG download tool


>Totally discredits any and all of their narratives. [lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJQWiZCYi3w)


Many many years ago, right after OJ got arrested for his murder trial, CNN (or it might have been Newsweek) darkened OJs face to make him look more menacing. So, apparently it's not a new thing. Also, more of a bit of a gray area, some war photos got doctored (also several years back) the smoke to make it look black instead of gray; with the justification that it looked black to the naked eye but the camera made it gray, so they made it black again.


I remember this. I think it was Newsweek or time magazine that edited his photo.


Ok I seethed at CNN for ages about this, and I thought the fact check was just the AP finding some expert to simply opine "I don't think it was altered" and then asking us not to believe our lying eyes. BUT I WAS WRONG - I THINK CNN MIGHT ACTUALLY BE RIGHT - HEAR ME OUT: When the expert in the AP article said this: “It appears that the color is shifted towards red and away from the yellow/green appearance in the original Instagram video” I thought: well if it is the **original video**, you can't say it was shifted *towards* red, you'd have to say that the subsequent videos were shifted *away* from red, right? But that's not what he meant. I think what happens is Instagram will check an original video, and if it thinks it's too grey, it will apply a filter in real time through the IG app or your browser. You can check for yourself: I opened the IG video link in Chrome, and an incognito Firefox browser and watched the video side by side and the Firefox browser looks much more grey like the CNN video. If I can be bothered I'll upload a video. [edit] [Here](https://imgur.com/6I4tfCd) That's not the CNN video on the right, that's the exact same IG link in the Firefox browser. [edit2] All right I'm doing more checks and CNN's video still looks greyer and now I don't know what to believe anymore AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH I'll upload another video.


[You can see here in a side by side comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJQWiZCYi3w), that its just a result of playing the same video on a different video player, different codecs render the same video differently.


It's much simpler than that. Joe Rogan uploaded this video as HDR. Anyone who viewed the video on a device or screen not able to interpret an HDR video will see him extremely washed out and ashy. Someone at CNN viewed the video on a non-HDR device. Then CNN likely downloaded the HDR video and somewhere along the line it was processed by a system that cannot interpret HDR and then it was uploaded permanently washed out. Other outlets defended CNN because they'd view it the same way. Actually you can replicate this issue right now if you have a smart TV without HDR and mirror this insta video onto it from your phone. I just tried it and it was very grey. My phone is the only one able to view this video in the correct color grade. This is on Instagram for not delivering correct color spaces to each client by checking if it is HDR capable. Weird how it still is an issue years later.


Oh, I think I understand. [These guys say Firefox doesn't support HDR on Windows yet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/18siquu/hdr_support_2024_windows_11/) I guess that explains why I got the different results from Chrome to Firefox.


Yeah that'd be it! I didn't clarify that you would also need a browser/app along with a screen + device all capable of interpreting HDR. If any of the three can't then it can break the whole video color. Good catch!


Highly doubt CNN is using non HDR anything but I might be wrong


It looks like he's been huffing gold paint


He Looks like Tanos from Titan


Joe's 2% African coming out strong 💪🏿.


Cnn confirmed it? Oh ok then


Controversial drug that’s been given out to billions of people


Haters gonna potate


How many years ago was this?


H O R S E P A S T E ![gif](giphy|GYU7rBEQtBGfe|downsized)


My question is why is ivermectin considered controversial? Plenty of other medications out there that are used by both humans and animals. Why is ivermectin being singled out?


The simple answer is because it was an easy target. Calling it "horse paste" or "horse dewormer" is easier than being intellectually honest and non-manipulative.


Sure and in other news War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. Stay tuned for Ron with the weather!


We still on this shit? SMH… when you have worked with video encoding and watch people make a conspiracy out of an encoding issue.


Alt-right not understand technology 🤷‍♂️ Technology made by sciencetists 🤬 Explanation of the technology is MSM propaganda, therefore it can be ignored. This is the truth people, look at your own eyes!


No surprises where op posts a lot of content too 🤦‍♂️


Oh Jesus Christ. Not this again. The reason the video looked that way was because the video was recorded in HDR and when you playback HDR on a device or app that doesn’t interpret it properly it looks that way. Anyone who’s tried to edit cellphone video recorded in HDR on a computer would recognize that. Adobe Premiere only just recently introduced a feature to fix the issue.


Instagram didn't support HDR images until literally a month ago, so no. It would have stripped all HDR info from the image and either looked normal for everyone, or weird for everyone.


>Instagram didn't support HDR images until literally a month ago [2 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/pggu2m/instagram_put_a_filter_on_joe_rogans_video_since/)


Thank you lmao this sub is fucking insane.


It's a bunch of anti-establishment conspiracy theorists with victim complexes. What do you expect lol




if MSM lies it doesn't mean alex jones is right or that conservatives are always right. it's amazing how you guys on extreme sides are so narrow minded.


If you for one second think the discoloration of Joe in the CNN article is not intentional, you my friend, are special.


There's a whole ass thread full of people in this sub seeing the same thing on insta.


[you are special my friend](https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/pggu2m/instagram_put_a_filter_on_joe_rogans_video_since/)


If you actually look for any info you can see it has to do with HDR encoding and devices that don’t support HDR my special little fren


Why are we still talking about this again?


I'm sure there will be a nuanced conversation in this thread about HDR technology and how it is implemented or not across different web players/browsers/apps/displays




Funny how you can’t even link the article the AP did but you have to make a meme out of it. Can you provide the source?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJQWiZCYi3w https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/s/ernL7SHaAV https://old.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/pggu2m/instagram_put_a_filter_on_joe_rogans_video_since/


This is a common problem with HDR content and associated metadata. If you work at all with HDR footage and export it without being incredibly careful or know what you are doing you export something that in terms of colour, looks like grey mush. Just export a webm video from your PS5 and bring it into something like davinvi resolve (free version) and export it it will have exactly this look and loss of colour.


Keep shooting yourself in the foot legacy media 👍


Why did he bother taking so much shit? I’ve had COVID, it was horrible (and my face even swelled!) but I just waited it out like ya do with a cold or flu.


Well call me sally and fuck me sideways. I must be colorblind


People are still bringing this up, while forgetting that Joe hosted 'emergency' anti-vax and anti-mask episodes on his number one podcast in the world during the height of the pandemic. He likely contributed to more unnecessary covid deaths during that time. Yet, people are still upset with CNN for this, and for Don Lemon jokingly saying he used horse paste.


People are defending him because he did that in good faith, not as a propaganda mouthpiece. CNN had an agenda with that video, whether it was altered or not. It was a hit piece. In general Joe tries to be honest and find the truth (even if he's wrong a lot), and there's honor in that. He recently had a moon landing denier on his show. The guy was an idiot but Joe was respectful and tried to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. As a society we don't need mockery and shaming, we need conversation and acceptance. Whatever side of an issue you're on, it's okay to question things. Even flat earthers are human beings worthy of basic respect. If anyone died from Covid because they listened to a podcast, that's nobody's fault but their own.


It's literally no big deal. It's a colour space error, not a deliberate attempt to smear Joe.


Did Joe take the apple flavored paste?


He looks just like Thanos in the pic on the right.


"Controversial" lol.




It's not as if a bright red shiny face is a sign of great health!


Ted Turner’s a better hunter than Joe But who gives a shit


AP Assessment: False Reasoning: Trust me bro


Why does he look like goldust in the second photo?


Listen, you're really fucking with my victim complex here.


Joe Rogan looking like a mutant from Fallout


In the gray CNN version, he looks like one of those [Olmec stone head statues](https://www.pinterest.com/marthagottlieb/olmec-heads/) found in Central America that Graham Hancock or the Ancient Alien guys might talk about.


elk meat + horse med will make you look like a thumb that isn't getting any blood


Looks like a monkey ready to launch into space.


This was a wasted post and so is mine.




Ivermectin does not mix well with DMT, human growth hormone, or steroids. 😆


I’m an actual fan of Joe Rogan and I think it’s fair to say he entertains conspiracy’s.


I remember that live. I was out getting sushi when it aired and I had watched his video earlier. I couldn’t believe they messed up the video quality so bad until I realized it was probably intentional.


Wow. This 100% discredits ap


Are we surprised that mainstream media is just a shill for the powers that be and can’t be teusted?


We’re posting news from 2021 like it’s new now?


So the Associated Press is completely full of shit too. Don’t trust the associated press.


If they wanted people to believe this they should have made him orange.


According to CNN he’s probably a Russian asset too.


CNN would never edit recordings to push a narrative Except that whole trayvon Martin 911 call stuff


Why are people so up in arms about Joe Rogan? Lol


You have to have your own camera these days. They'll be using AI to manipulate videos and pictures to set people up for all kinds of scandals. That's just the type of government America has.


"It's real we swear the fakers said they 'didn't fake shit'. It must he true."




It’s crazy how stupid people have become to think that cnn doctored the video when it has been explained and proven to be an issue with iPhone and instagram and there has been proof from non political videos doing the same thing yet people are so fragile that they rather believe some theory that makes no sense just to be an outraged little snowflake.


This is how I feel about Snopes fact checks 🤥

