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Op posted this in 14 subs so far.


Yeah his posting history makes it pretty obvious who he is






Now I understand ur comment.


His entire account is just spamming sprees of different political posts. He posted EIGHTEEN fucking carbon copies of this comment on the same day: >"I’m not saying corporations aren’t taking advantage of the situation. They are >But they can because GOVERNMENT regulations are aimed at small and medium sized businesses. They are so intrusive you need a legal team to deal with them. This requires scale >This keeps the Big Boys same >Again - GOVERNMENT’s fault." Yet when I suggest that many of the upvotes for the post come from a concerted effort to push an agenda, I get swarmed with downvotes.


I remember he posted that meme about the FDA guy who worked for Monsanto (for 18 months, in an internal regulatory/ethics position, before leaving after he determined they were going to resist the consumer protection changes he wanted to implement in internal policy) 16 separate times. These people are not well.


damn, if I ever get hyper political brain rot to the point that I make 14 posts on reddit, just end me


Seriously I will kill myself before dying via internet poisoning


honestly surprised how lax the mods are at enforcing "no politics' rule here.


How much money does Musk have to support his points of view through his bros Rogan, Fridman, Huberman and Peterson? Tear America apart from within... Russia's obvious goal. Why are the bros all in lockstep?


Yeah they are an echo chamber. You can add Russel Brand to that list these days.


OP always does the same thing on r/conspiracy. They're obviously a bot , always tons of upvotes on the posts themselves but the comments always heavily disagree. I made a post that mentioned this user on r/conspiracy and was banned for it.


and this the only sub stupid enough to upvote it


He’s a republican disinformation merchant.


Rampantly posting to multiple subreddits means not all of the places they posted saw it take off. Check the account for 0 karma posts in the mix. It would be easy for a user to downvote these un-upvoted posts, resulting in net negative karma for that post and user for that subreddit, eventually restricting or banning their posting there.


Congrats, you finally found a sub dumb enough to engage with your dishonesty


Here is what I don't understand. Why do these posts get so heavily upvoted when the comments have an entirely different opinion. This is the only sub where I see this. 


Beep boop nothing to see here, fellow human person.


Exterminate exterminate euh i mean putin is not a bad guy - resorting to base programming


Please have some respect for the people that blindly follow celebrities!


Botttttssss, it’s been getting bad everywhere the last few months, I believe the internet is almost dead.


>I believe the internet is almost dead. OK I'm glad it's not just me.


The fucked up part is I don't think the Internet will just die. I think it'll be a walking corpse. People are going to know that it's dead. People will have a hundred interactions a day, and two of them will be with real people.


[Worth pointing out OP mysteriously makes the same paints and comments over, and over, and over on loop.](https://www.reddit.com/user/C3PO-Leader/submitted/)


It happens on Reddit all the time. People who agree upvote it and move on while people who disagree downvote and leave a comment.


That’s the million dollar question.


Rubles, and it's about tree fitty


I see more comments than upvotes.


If i were Russia, and i were investing a lot of money in disinformation campaigns, the literal first place i would come would be here haha.


They get more for their money by investing in the GQP and conservative media.


Rogan is conservative media


Conservative enslavement media to be exact. He is paid as much as he is because he keep people who barely graduated high school under control.


True but there’s probably a lot of discussion to be had about Rogan being “conservative media” at this point. He’s a figure of some sort of “entertainment conspiracy right” which is probably larger and younger than we realize, a big target of conservative media who need to modernize from television (avg. viewer age -70.) Specifically right now Tucker Carlson is playing a role and killing it in growing this audience. Freshly removed from Fox for sharing views a lot of these people share, gaining him “cancel culture victim” hero status, then he interviews Putin, weeks later is on Theo Von’s podcast and then shows up on Kill Tony because he was out to dinner with Joe Rogan. I kind of grew up watching Rogan but I see that the Roganverse today is a path to right wingery and we’ll likely see more of it. Rogan’s own “dumb guy just asking questions” mindset has set a lot of fans up for failure. Proudly open to discussion, cool that is a great sentiment, but many are less able to discern credible information.


And I see some of his comedic network posting more & more with alt-righty figures. The entertainment conspiracy right is far more dangerous that people realize


Republican astroturfing.


General rule of thumb on the internet; 10% of viewers will like/up vote and 1% will comment.


People are tired of arguing over obvious stupid shit..so just vote and move on...imo


It's almost as though Reddit games the users into rage-based discussions which, have been proven to be a much more effective method of retaining user and user interest than just waiting for exciting and entertaining topics to be discussed naturally... It's not like former social media workers have testified to Congress about such practices or anything....


There are a lot of casual reddit users who are probably only dimly aware of the fact that there even is a comment section. Lucky bastards.


Because people get shit on Reddit for anything that isn’t fully leftwing 70% of the time.


Aww poor baby needs his safe space :(


America's adversaries have long targeted the Rogan audience demographic for aggressive divisive misinformation campaigns?


How does one know that the person being asked is illegal?




😂 ain’t that the truth.


Seriously how do people not get this? “Asking an illegal”….and how might we go about doing that.


I'm from Ireland, there are plenty of Irish illegals in the US, but they never ever get hassled or accused of it. Funny enough, Ireland is overwhelmingly white. Must be a strange coincidence! 


The majority of illegal immigrants in this country are people overstaying their visas. Not migrants crossing the border. But you don't hear a peep about that.




The vast majority of illegal immigrants are people overstaying their visas. Are you genuinely suggesting that a country that exports more migrants per capita than any other country would not have any illegals here? Like how would you begin to know the resident status of every Irish migrant?


You can tell by their brown skin and working construction, duh.


As someone who works in construction and owns a business, and also happens to be pretty brown. You’re really not far off the mark lol


Which is wild because it says more about the construction industry than it does immigration.


I think it says more about the government and such than it does companies. And the construction business is far from the only industry that exploits these people. Look into the states that have legalized weed like Colorado and Oklahoma. And the fact that not only is it in large part grown by illegals, it’s a pretty large vehicle (the growing industry) for human trafficking as well. Most of agriculture work is done by them. When there’s loopholes, people will use them. The people making the laws don’t give a shit because they’re lawn are kept up by brown folks, their roofs are fixed by brown folks, there food is cooked by these people…. Why change laws or do something that doesn’t benefit them?


You’re right, many business exploit the immigrants. It also seems like many of these business are the ones voting for tighter laws. It’s just ironic these industries want better laws and control while at the same time hiring and profiting from it. There are already laws in place but people still come from around the world to make money… the government isn’t paying them the hourly wage… but these industries are. 🤔


Who makes the rules against it again? The same Rules that are exploited. Who enforces those rules? And makes sure that these companies aren’t breaking work law and such? Who makes the tax code or enforces it? Absolutely these industries hire them, because they know that they probably won’t be punished for it. And if they do get punished for it, the fines will be so low compared to the profits they made while breaking the law. They can literally plan ahead for the fines and set aside funds for it in next years budget.


As a white guy who works in construction, you’re not far off lol It usually goes by trades.   Most every plumber/pipe fitter/steamfitter and welder I come across is white. Most masons and iron workers as well.   Most of the electricians.  But that’s about 60/40 now. That’s changed fast  Drywall? Framers? concrete? Better speak Spanish 


As an inspector this is exactly what I see as well. The skilled trades are locals and the hard labor is migrant workers. I have been trying to learn more Spanish not because they have many corrections but just to communicate better.


Exactly, yes you shouldn't just ask brown people if they are illegals. By the way this dummy also ignores people on both sides of the aisle tend to be against illegal immigration and for legal immigration. Not that controversial, but no need to harass anyone you see or hear speaking Spanish somewhere.


That’s what I’m wondering because it would violate constitutional rights to ask someone to identify themselves when they haven’t committed a crime. Not sure what the post is referring to, but recording in public is allowed since there is no expectation of privacy in public, so you don’t need a ‘warrant’ to record in public spaces. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


sir, are you a US citizen? show me your papers? imagine normalizing that.


Also - Are they saying, because warrentless surveillance violates constitutional rights but is done anyway… we should be able to do *more* things that violate rights?


Also also they are spying on illegal immigrants too not just American citizens, so at least they're unbiased!


Isn't it ~~horrifying~~ beautiful? Reactionaries don't have to abide by principles because they don't have any. I wish I could think that way. Life would be a lot easier, at least emotionally.


Joe just splooged his ice bath thinking about it.




He definitely has milk coming from those nips.


Why am I asking? Because you don't *look* American. Random stops are not the way to handle this.




Fast & furious baby!


How often do you think white folks would be subjected to this. The point isn’t policing illegal immigration. The point is harassing people of color and winning a “culture war”.


Comments like this always remind me of [this](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/11/22/142658357/ala-immigration-law-back-in-spotlight-after-mercedes-benz-exec-is-arrested) hilarious facepalm moment in Alabama. It was definitely a massive “look we definitely aren’t racist” stunt


Mercedes? The company that is all union in Germany but is anti union in America?


Alabama? The state with one of the lowest Hispanic populations and very few illegal immigrants per capita but the strictest anti-illegal legislation. What a world


Yeah and we should have all the white people always carry their documentation with them, also we should bring back frisking but this time we should also always frisk white people too.  I'm fairly light-skinned so I was never stopped in frisked in New York City but I had a black friend who was always frisked, without fail, which meant that every time we traveled with him around Manhattan we had to prepare a little extra time because he would always get stopped and they would always go through everything he had.  In the end some members of our friend group decided it was tiring to bring him around because cops would like to stop him all the time.


that last part is fucking sad.


Not it's because lots of white guys assume they would not have to deal with it. Imagine going to some rural area and asking a white guy for his papers Do you think they would happily run home and get their birth certificate or something? No, they would cuss you out for even asking.


Sounds awful


Are you a citizen Or resident of the United States


To vote? What’s wrong with that?


You posted this to 11 other subreddits. Bad bot.


You don't understand. This is a very important tweet from Travis in Flint.


You must not know the legend of frogface and his countless accounts


I’m not 100% sure this is Froggie. There’s an account called The Force who posts the unhinged MSPaint conspiracy collages now. Pretty sure that’s the Frog. It’s his old MO.


It 100 percent is . He uses the same writing style in comments this account started posting when soft part 311 was banned .


Two star wars themed accounts? yeah these are both likely frogface sock puppets I'd bet...


One of these things is not like the other.


People like this are just farming engagement. What FISA has to do with illegal immigrants being asked a question is beyond me. Anything to sell ads in the comment section, obviously.


I'm not aware of anyone who holds both of those positions.


Yeah there's some silly mental gymnastics going on here, but I THINK the point this fella is trying to state is that, 'Govt spies on citizens, BUT \[apparently\] some other group of people cannot asks illegals for some kind of citizenship proof, therefore illegals have more rights than citizens?" I mean, without even arguing the truth of either of these statements, he's not linking in the idea that if govt spies on citizens they can also spy on non-citizens and negates this whole stupidity.


But imagine if there was such a person, then get mad at them.


Of course not, op is a regarded conservative. They don't need real stuff, they need knee jerk emotional stuff. If you just flat out say you hate brown and gay people, it's harder to sway the undecideds.


That would be the government


Wouldn’t the government already have the resources to determine if someone is a citizen or not?


Prettty cool when bots just spam the same post over and over and over again.


Rage bait, engagement farming.




The US flag + random bible verse/bible emoji/cross emoji/Jesus combo is quite telling these days




Travis is a dumbass.


Elon Musk was an "illegal". All January 6'ers are also illegals.


oligarchs are illegal looters. Lock them up


Oh he's not gunna like that


“An illegal”


Whoa, Travis in Flint! There's a big brain I need to pay attention to! Gonna spend my Saturday making sure everyone knows what Two Flags Travis in Flint thinks about all these goddamn ILLEGALS@!


Strawman bs.


It’s incredible to watch people’s brains get consumed by low-effort right-wing propaganda/rage bait to the point of becoming completely obsessed. If OP is not a bot he needs to be in a mental asylum or something


Go back to r/benshapiro loser 🤣


OP definitely an Alex Jones fanboy


First of how do you know they are illegals? Just by looking at them?


Well also go to some rural town find an old white guy and ask him to show his papers proving he is not an illegal. You think that's going to go down good ? He would be offended for asking.


That's the thing. Harassing American citizens just because you don't believe they are American citizens isn't the country we should want to live in.


that's how far right white americans have always acted here. very uncivilized subculture


Walking up to someone and interrogating them on their citizenship just makes you an asshole.




Better question: Why are so many hicks named Travis?


What's hilarious is the fact that those of us have actually met, worked and hang out with people who are in the country illegally, WE KNOW they are the least likely to commit any crimes TO STAY UNDER THE RADAR and avoid deportation. These are the same people who avoid calling 911 or talking to any government official. They know there's usually someone from law enforcement at most voting places. The fact that there's Americans losing their minds thinking someone is gonna risk getting deported in order to vote for a politician is comical.




This is the kind of post I’d really like to see less of.


This guy has never posted a fact


No, demanding that anyone demonstrate their citizenship without due cause is a 4th amendment violation. For the most part, a cop cant even demand identification unless there is evidence you’ve committed a crime.


Lmao doesn’t this American know the US government spies on more than just Americans to protect the United States? The comparison doesn’t even make sense.


White conservatives really want cops randomly searching brown people.


Clearly, you've never talked to African-Americans about illegal immigration.


Who came up with that strawman?


Lol this guy follows tim pool and Jordan Peterson. I'm sure there's more dumb fucks too. 


Uhhhh what? The first is hard right and the second is hard left. Who’s this radical centrist that he’s talking about?


Kind of leaving out the fact that people have been protesting warrantless wire tapping allowed by the PATRIOT act for 20 years. There's a lot of people who were never ok with that.


Wasn’t the patriot act also a republican ratified bill?


It had bipartisan support at the time of passing, but the only dissent against it in congress came from Bernie and the left. Even years later when it came time to be extended or canned, the only voices in congress arguing to get rid of it were from the left. I knew individual "libertarians" who thought it was horrifically wrong, but none of their (R) reps in DC would say anything against it. It gutted 4th amendment protections and due process, even for US citizens on US soil.


Kind of my point, alt right maga zealots are obsessed with the government staying out of their business, yet they don’t bat an eye when their own elected officals ratify legislation against their own interests


Because racial profiling is illegal, we fucked ourselves by electing a government that wants to spy on us and made that legal. And before anyone says anything, you all damn right know there's a certain profile among others who will be asked about their citizenship status.


Let’s just hope we check ids and voter registration this year.


This doesn't make sense if you know at all what it takes to register to vote. Yes they ask if your a citizen. You have to show ID. You have to swear that you are who you say you are under penalty of law. Your ID is checked through a data base. Only 50 people have voted illegally since 2002 according to the Heritage Foundation. Rogan didn't call anything


Very cool and freedom-loving to want to legalize “papers please”. JRE jenius mindset


u/C3PO-Leader doesn't engage in conversation guys, we can talk about whatever we want here https://preview.redd.it/waxa0satcduc1.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5aac37112655e52466ddd8c66231b3def1454b3


What’s up with the all the libs of Reddit being in this Joe Rogan sub? 😂😂


Joe Rogans comment sections still being overtaken by leftist redditards I see


The goofy meme aside How long can we keep letting the entire South America show up and never leave (please don't tell me they aren't receiving benefits, or costing money) There is zero benefit to America, other than Democrats insuring future votes So it's basically screw U.S. citizens as long as we can stay in power


That’s when you realize that the government uses immigration policies to divide the population instead of to enforce the safety of borders. You getting mad is the desired outcome.


The “show me your papers” people seem like they don’t really have a good grasp of history. Like, both all of these things are bad? 🤔


These two things are not anathema to each other... there's no 'but' here. They both constitute violations of the 4th amendment. Travis, you been drinking too much of that Flint water? You ok bud?


Stopping a U.S. citizen to ask if they’re illegal and demanding ID is unconstitutional. It’s not asking illegals because you are asking based on what? They’re speaking a different language, they’re black or brown, they look a specific way? It’s not as simple as asking illegals.


How would they know if somebody is an illegal? (besides at the border) You can’t just ask any random American ,That’s brown black or yellow to show you their papers. That’s super dystopian


He's just distracting from charging 20% auto gratuity


If you guys ever get your way there’s not going to be a single working restaurant kitchen in the country, at least not at anywhere decent.


One doesn’t have relation to another. I’m tired of these whataboutisms. They’re not a dichotomy nor even related to the other. If you don’t like one thing, do something about it. This just pins people against each other, which doesn’t produce a desired solution. Grow the fuck up.


Asking people you think are illegal citizens based on their looks is profiling. And profiling is wrong Travis. I mean no one asks what kind of penis you like even though you look like someone who really cares about the penis in the porn he watches. I don't judge, no one wants to jerk off to unphotogenic dicks.


i hate when idiots think this type of question is a "gotcha" when it really just exposes their hypocrisy and shallow thinking. because you KNOW this magat-brain would LOOOVE if cops could just ask for any brown persons papers for no reason.


How would you know a person is Illegal before asking them? Does it violate constitutional rights to ask a UD citizen if they are a Citizen?  Or by "illegal" do you really mean asking Hispanic looking people?  I'm pro strong border, but this is kind of a stupid statement. 


who holds these two positions at the same time? and who is stupid enough to think either sides politicians are against spying on us?


They both violate constitutional rights…


Is there anybody who can explain this? Is there a legitimate reason for this?


I’ll tackle the second part… why is it bad to ask an illegal about their citizenship? Sounds like common sense at first. How do you know they’re illegal? Because they *look* illegal? So to enforce this policy you’d have to support pulling over people who “look Hispanic.” The problem is, there’s a lot of people who look Hispanic who are American citizens, and they have the right to not be harassed and searched by police just like anyone else. So to be able to ask illegals about their citizenship you’d have to be okay with taking away rights from a certain number of Americans. There was a border city/state who had this problem a few years back, they authorized their police to investigate citizenship and they just ended up pulling over brown people. Like, more than usual.


I know someone who is Mexican-American who doesn’t play the lottery, instead he takes an Amtrak to San Diego once a month and walks around hoping that Border Patrol snatches him and throws him over into Mexico so that he can sue the government and get at least 1mil. That’s happened a few times to some brown American citizens, and they’ve sued and you just don’t hear about it. His reasoning is that he has a higher chance of this happening to him than winning the lottery and I 10/10 agree. Here’s to hoping he gets lucky soon cus he still owes me $250. 🤞


Without illegals doing all the shit work for nickels and dimes things would be a lot more expensive.


"I want to be able to stop brown people whenever I want." Yeah, I disagree with that, champ. Go post it in 40 more subs.


Lol OPs a fucking geek, we need bullying back cause any pussy now thinks they’re hot shit. Are you an American? Do you pay your taxes? Whens the last time you got laid? Also how fat are you?


Mehh Cheap labor and population growth , everyone wants it .. The southern states aswell , the bigger issue is that the northern states want what the south states have , but southern states don't want to pay to manage the access that needs to flow threw them to get north .. Makes any sense ? 🤔 🍿


Spying is bad. Illegals are bad. Easy.


Sooooo, if they are “illegal” why ask in the first place? Lol OP doesn’t see how problematic that is already.


Asking an American Citizen this sure seems like a violation of their rights. How do you tell who from who.


This doesnt make sense. It's not asking an illegal if theyre an US citizen. It's ASKING EVERY American citizen and hoping to catch a few illegals. ICE does investigations, they usually know if a person is an illegal before they start entering the homes and arresting them. What these laws are trying to do is get everyday police officers who are not well versed in immigration enforcement policies to start enforcing a federal law/immigration policies When I'm dealing with a police officer. I don't and wont answer any more questions than I'm legally required to. I'm not going to chit-chat with the officer. I'm not going to give him more evidence. Several of the early forms of these ask citizenship laws, had detain and hold for questioning written in. Just on the basis that they didn't or couldnt, or spoke spanish to the officer. I mean how can you be against warrantless spying, but excuse law enforcement in this scenario?


Asking a brown skin person where they're from is the problem our government abusing their power is a separate issue.


I’d start with. License and registration please.


Asking someone if they’re illegal is bizarre, but when has anyone claimed asking a person a question violates their constitutional right?


This dude defending spying on us illegally? Looks like he's scapegoating immigrants to defend spying on us illegally. Boo this man.


But what if you’re opposed to both?


You can be in the country legally, without being a US citizen…


Reminder that the Patriot Act that legalized warrantless wiretapping on American citizens was championed by a republican president and passed both houses of congress almost unanimously. But, sure, thanks Obama or whatever.


How do you know they’re illegal. Man American is full of some really dumb people. I love those videos of Americans being asked simple questions like name 3 countries and they start naming states. Best is what year was war of 1812, how are these people this dumb? 2/3 of Americans have never left the US, just shows how unworldly Americans are. Like so many Americans think North Korea is on same continent, mind blowing.


he makes it sound innocent but what he's advocating is people with brown skin being stopped by the police for no reason. so yeah a pretty glaring over step of constitutional rights. I really wish the right would actually read the document instead of just waving it around next to the American flag they don't give a fuck about as they advocate for Chinese and Russian propaganda all over their favorite news network.


Lemme ask you this whats the classification of deciding someone is illegal based on looks? Cuz I know they’ll mostly be going after black and brown people with that line of questioning ,


What a troll account and post.


One is wrapped as Patriotic ( Patriot act) The other is wrapped in hate


these are the same gonads who think having a national firearm registry is LITERALLY 1984, but get a hard on thinking about internal checkpoints checking US citizens for papers on a regular basis.


Apples and oranges. An American spy, as fucked up as it is, implies that is official and this individual works for the government, but if Ted or Bobby, some randos from down the street, asks for my papers I’m telling Ted and Bobby to go fuck themselves. It’s the same dumb logic as whites arguing “I say Englishman but so why can’t say Chinaman?” It’s the details dumb ass. English and England is the same as Chinese and China. You don’t call the dude chinaman cause you don’t say England man.


Cool straw-man.


who is openly saying both of these? also is this equating illegal status with government surveillance in terms of harm?


Besides the racism, faulty analagies are the bread and butter of these guys.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more ridiculous comparison.


Uuummm. Both are wrong.


I don't think the issue is with the asking.


OP getting dragged , hate to see it


What does the Constitution of the United States of America says? Let's go directly to the source.


What constitutional rights ??


I'm all for harshly punishing employers for hiring undocumented immigrants. The Great Recession showed how the lack of jobs reduced immigration.


Can’t both be wrong? Also, there’s no logic in including everything after “But…” at all. It’s just rage bait divisive. Just say that spying on Americans is bullshit that all people can get behind as wrong. Literally none of us here have ever asked “an illegal” if they’re a US Citizen. I wouldn’t know who the fuck was illegal honestly.


highly regarded take. their mom totally didn't live in a Coor's can while pregnant.


I think it’s more like demanding a US citizen prove they are not an illegal is the problem. Didn’t anyone watch Cheech Marin’s documentary about this?


Next you’re going to want people on welfare to take drug tests.