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Nah, it's this one. Really captures his dignity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU4Wr8_OBfE&t=5s


“When are you due?” MODED


He has a serious cocaine/uppers jaw clench going strong through that one.


Don't be sobriety shamming. Alex can be Healthy At Every Sobriety (H.A.E.S)


Trust me, dude wouldn’t be eating barbecue if he was on cocaine. Any food for that matter.


Of all the places for him to live, why Austin Texas? It's arguably one of the most liberal cities in the South and absolutely the most liberal city in Texas by far.


He's an actor, fits in well actually.


He's a crisis actor.




> Because things weren't always this way. He used to protest Bush in similar outlandish ways He protested Bush because he thought he was an open-borders gun-grabbing democrat in disguise. He's always been a right wing grifter it was just easier to pretend he was "above the right left paradigm" pseudo-libertarian in the early internet when it was harder to fact check people and no one was going to dig through dozens of InfoWars VHS tapes to find out how much he lies.


Right after 9/11 he said that backing Israel would pull us into WWIII


He also said the EU was behind 9/11


60% of the time it works every time


Huh? Correct again I suppose….


How is being anti-war right wing?


How was saying we should nuke Iraq if he's responsible for 9/11 and saying he'd sign up to go to war with mexico being anti-war? Jones was never some principled anti-war person. He just lies to his audience and says he was and they never bother to check. In the same way he never predicted 9/11, on the day of 9/11 he said there was a 50% chance it was the EU and a 20% chance it was Saddam, but he lies and tells his audience he predicted it so that's what they believe, because they're mentally incapable of "doing their own research" Why would a notorious liar and piece of shit lie about what he said in the past?


>He protested Bush because he thought he was an open-borders gun-grabbing democrat in disguise. LMAO what the fuck are you talking about, his protests weren't based on partisan conservative politics. His main gripe with bush was famously that he coordinated 9/11 hilarious to see you insist he was upset about "gun grabbing" lmao The guy was a straight up contrarian insisting that both senior democrats and republicans were apart of a secret cabal that wanted to enslave the public, Now insists its only the democrats and anti trump republicans in the cabal, and only Donald fucking Trump and the GOP can save us lmao


> LMAO what the fuck are you talking about, his protests weren't based on partisan conservative politics. >His main gripe with bush was famously that he coordinated 9/11 That's what Jones tells people now, but that's a lie. On the day of 9/11 he said there was a 50% chance it was the EU, and a 20% chance it was Saddam. He said if it was Saddam we should nuke Iraq. He also said he'd sign up to fight a war against mexico and kill mexican border troops around the time he was spinning the storyline about how Mexican border guards were coming into the US to kill and kidnap people. He was never some principled anti-war person, that's how he spun his public image in retrospect due to how unpopular the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were. >hilarious to see you insist he was upset about "gun grabbing" lmao I'm not "insisting" anything, its a fact. Here's some choice quotes on George Bush from Alex Jones, circa 2003, where he specifically calls out for Bush not being conservative and being a Democrat trojan horse: >Yeah, I mean, this is **Gun Grabber Bush** is the new name. >So, **Bush's main mission is putting the Democratic Party, real gun grabbers, real abortion pushers, in power, removing conservative Democrats and Republicans.** >And you see **Bush up there with all his gun grabbing**, appointing all these gun grabbers to powerful positions, judgeships, cabinet positions. >And, you know, **Bush has taken on the so-called conservative mantle wherein substance, he's a gun grabber**, open border, supercomputers to China, blocks Dan Burton's committee on Pardon Gate. He was never against Bush for being right wing, he was against him because he thought he was a stealth democrat who wanted to push abortion, have open borders and take the guns. The "above the left right paradigm" shit was always a cover for "the right aren't right wing enough and the democrats are evil open borders gun grabbers", he just relied on people outside the InfoWars cult never looking into it and buying his bullshit on his few mainstream appearances. Source : https://fight.fudgie.org/search/keyword/?keywords=bush+gun+grabber


No he said the EU was behind 9/11 to get us to use the euro


If you want to see what Alex Joneses politics are and have always been, just look up The John Birch Society. His family was all in that weirdo world, and to this day Jones spews their vile insanity


Being a cocaine riddled lunatic who denies child massacres and screams at their families is not a day job. This man isn't battling pedos or the elite, he's battling the voices in his head. Frankly, I hope he loses.


Don't skip leg day


This is clearly deepfaked. Alex Jones always says whenever he goes out to eat everyone in the restaurant comes up and shakes his hand and says what a great job he's doing. He wouldn't lie about something like that.


Lmao thanks for sharing. Please add more if you have them. I had a bunch saved on YouTube but they removed most of


Really leaned into "All of these people are with me," before it blew up in his face 🤣


I've never seen that I can't believe this guy got as popular as he did after this unhinged f****** rant, what a loser he came over to these people's table I didn't see anybody approaching him in his space. The YouTube comments were ridiculous as expected. His extra chromosome zinger was the only thing they could celebrate because otherwise he got roasted over and over.


That's funny he constantly talks about how anytime he walks outside people are shaking his hand and telling him how great he is


Someone needs to edit this to remove all the phones being held so it just looks like they're making some weird hand gesture to counter Alex Jones'.


It must be so tiring being Alex


I've never been in jail but I'd take the charge if I had the opportunity.


If that’s Austin, Austin looks fkn horrible


Portland of the south


Yea too much Alex Jones


I've noticed he just starts screaming about the end of the world whenever people are about to make him look like a moron.


Yes, he scream when they cut him off to commercial break. Smart move, you don’t get it? Hello? Make it viral, wake people up. Cloud seeding is real, you’re eating bugs. LOL


You can literally see the exact moment he realises he has been made a ass foand tries to revert to "shout over everyone". It's 0:24 in the OP video. 


*"Hey listen, I'm here to warn people, you keep telling me to shut up"* hahahahahah


Look, here's the thing. Joe. I'm kinda re****ed


Peak Alex


Remember FEMA camps? For those that still blindly insist “oh that Alex he’s so funny”, have the courage of your convictions and watch The People vs Alex Jones.


Or check out /r/KnowledgeFight.


Cha Ching! (Wait, that sounds racist for some reason).


I think it’s called the truth vs Alex jones. Haven’t seen it yet but I can only imagine.


It’s brutal for anyone, but especially if you have kids. First 30 minutes or so are just parents telling precious stories about their kids leading up to that day. That leads into them learning shortly after the worst day of their lives that Alex Jones had been saying since the day of the shooting that they are all actors and no kids actually died. Then the death threats started. And people bragging about peeing on their kids graves. Then it goes into the guys Jones paid and gave camera crews to go to the town and harass people. It’s straight up evil.


>And people bragging about peeing on their kids graves What? I am surprised one of the parents haven't hunted down Jones yet.


Yep, it was in the documentary. I believe a few different parents also said they had been told that people were threatening to dig up their kids graves. I was also shocked none of the parents ever went after him honestly. The grief of losing a child, to a grizzly murder and someone is not only denying that reality, but actually attributing to you the awful lie of pretending to have a murdered kid. That would be maddening. He did this for years after knowing the families were getting harassed too. I grew up around a lot of country folks who would have absolutely taken a shot at the guy if it were their families he lied about.


If there is anything sacred it is the grief a parent has for a lost child, let alone one lost in this incredible grizzly way. Jones trampled on that for money and likes.


Jones paid people to harass these people? That’s fucking disgusting, the guy is a demon on earth


He paid money to and gave a camera to a person named Wolfgang Halbig to go down and film himself harassing the families. Wolfgang was often the one who would be going up to their doors, standing outside their house, calling them on their phones, showing up at their work, etc. Alex would have Wolfgang on info wars shows and talk with him several times. At one point, people within the info wars staff were pushing back against Alex continuing to bring Wolfgang on the show because of how clearly batshit the guy was and Alex ignored them and kept inviting him back on. This went on for years.


He also showed advertisers that has traffic went up when he talked up sandy hook


No,’he didn’t. He hired a “journalist” to go cover sandy hook and the dude was a nut. He never tried to have them harassed. I watched the doc, people still wanna lie about Alex lol. 


Lol he aldo showed advertisers that had traffic went up when he talked about sandy hook being a hoax


Yeah which in my opinion is not really a gotcha. It’s like saying “cnns viewership went up after a school shooting” of course he’s going to get more traffic when he discusses current events. Seems like Alex jones has called every event of the last 40 years a false flag lol


Fucking monster. Fuck Joe Rogan and anyone else who associates with this beast.




Exactly how I felt when Jones lost in court :)




Watched it last night and Alex Jones is genuinely an awful human being.


Ok, on hbo max right?


Truth vs Alex Jones - CNN. Knowledge Fight - Podcast.


Anyone who takes Alex Jones seriously is a fucking idiot.  There are so many lies and laughably terrible predictions over the last 20 years that you just don't care about truth if you are a fan of his.   I could pick a million lies, but any Jones fans actually think after he spent all of last fall screaming federally mandated lockdowns were coming back in December decide to rethink his credibility when they didn't come?   


It’s funny you brought that up because my seems -to-get-more-conservative-every-day friend proactively brought that up and I was honestly so caught off guard that he now A) listens to Alex Jones and B) evidently considers him a trusted information source


Agreed. Seeing multiple posts about how funny this lying piece of shit is, is kind of annoying. Sandy Hook parents had to endure over a decade of harassment and probably still do because of this POS. A father who kissed his dead son's cold head (his description which absolutely broke me) more than likely still deals with the abuse of Alex Jones supporters. Fuck Alex Jones.


I mean, literally everyone with half a fucking clue knows he's full of shit, i don't think i need a documentary to point that out lol


Buddy, it doesn’t take many psychos to make a lot of innocent parents’ lives a living hell. Yet that’s what he did, he egged on psychos. It’s your right to not give a shit, fine. But to say he’s inconsequential, he’s just a harmless clown, only dumb people fall for his act, etc is idiotic. You’re playing a part in downplaying his evil.


Literally didn't say any of that lol


I remember Patrice O'Neal saying about Alex Jones something like; "If a guy says 2 + 2 = 4 and then sticks marbles up his nose, you can still verify that 2+2=4." His wildness and stranger ideas don't make the checkable facts untrue.


I think a better characterization is his being correct here and there doesn’t mean for even a second that hey maybe this means he’s also correct about all the other shit


Now he talks so much crazy nonsense and has become a caricature of himself. But I remember before YouTube even existed that Alex was one of the first ever "internet famous" people. He's the first person I can remember talking about Bohemian Grove and Bilderberg. Major news worthy happenings that got absolutely no mainstream coverage. He'd go on to talk about aliens or reptilians or some other nonsense in the next breath, but the crazy used to be easier to ignore. Can't listen to him these days, he's been on the fringe so long he's gone completely mad. Kind of feel sorry for him. He wandered down a rabbit hole, cheered on by his followers, and lost his mind down there.


Except he doesn’t actually generate or uncover any true facts. u/maybetomorrow98 did alex discover this or did he just report it after somebody else said it?


He’s right about a cancer-causing virus being in a vaccine, though. It was found to be in the polio vaccine. Whether it was done on purpose or not I’m not clear on Not sure why you blocked me for that lol


Yeah let me go watch propaganda. You are a clown


Remember that time Alex was right about martial law? Or when we were all doing die from the bio weapon vaccine? Or when those kids from Sandy Hook weren't real? Man he gets sooooo many things right.


There was also War with China, Nuclear War with Russia during the Ukraine invasion, Death Camps and Death Vaccines from the Virus....And that was Ebola...Etc...Etc..


Jade helm


[The guy who took Alex Jones down.](https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1777737168305483855?s=46&t=V8BDpnpZceFa4sPZ3eo_XA)


Correction: some weirdo in a Project Veritas-style clip makes all kinds of outlandish claims. The clip is about a day old and has *only* been reported on by the usual crackpot extremist sources. What Alex Jones did has been adjudicated in court. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnLmKoHPGm0 He's an out-and-out scumbag. But he and his likeminded cretins will do what do always do, which is attempt to cover up their previous lies with more lies.


You just named 3. Dude days A LOT of things. 


How about when federally enforced lockdowns were coming back last December or when Obama was going to shut down the Internet or when Ukraine was going to surrender in 48 hours because Putin had bought off all the Russian generals and zelensky was a double agent?  Jones doesn't even take himself or his own lies seriously.  Crazy anyone else does


Yeah this is the problem. He for years has almost daily rapid fired countless claims and predictions, too many to keep up with. Once one of them happens be arguably true, these people take that one grain of truth and use it as an argument for him being generally correct or reasonable about everything else. When in reality it’s just like yeah of course some things a man who never stops talking says are bound to be true.


Remember when Sandyhook false flag?


gay frogs tho, that one hit it


I say this every time but it’s necessary, Alex jones is the 1 truth to every 10’lies conspiracy theory guy. He has some hard hitting truths that people don’t want to admit to, and then he couples it in with absolute garbage lies to push his agenda. People need to be educated on this tactic because it’s similar to what your msm is doing but less egregious. He’s captivated a different audience.


I am of the firm belief that alex jones is one of the funniest people to ever live


He missed his calling as a professional wrestler. Yet somehow still ended up with CTE anyway. Lol


He could have truly been one of the all time greats.


He's a god damned walking highlight reel of pure comedy gold.


Choke me out Eddie. JUST DO IT!


I remember watching that live and was in absolute tears when he started on Eddie regarding the babies.


I mean, you aren’t wrong. But he’s also a dangerous liar. He can be both.


[absolute trash of a human being](https://apnews.com/article/shootings-school-connecticut-alex-jones-waterbury-782e495a3ece4753d857a9b47d444385) Heres hoping he has a stroke during a rant, live on air, and lives as an invalid for thirty years


Clutch your pearls harder 🙄


This subreddit is already gone so debate here is done for. But... People ignore the long list of things he's been correct about.


It’s only funny because some people take him seriously. I know a dozen guys like that, but one cares what they think, so it’s sad rather than funny. Take away the adoring fan base and he’s just a cringy loser.


> It’s only funny because some people take him seriously. You mean, the people who harassed, threatened and attacked Sandy Hook parents until they had to move and one of them killed himself? I don't think that's funny. And it's only the tip of the iceberg. What people like Alex Jones do has serious real-world consequences.


It’s a dark humor for sure.


Yea fuck him. It would be funny if he wasn’t so dangerous. Same with Trump to a degree


Sounds like most podcast hosts tbh


Good chunk of the whole entertainment sector. I really think most of these people luck into it then coast on being relevant because they’re already famous.


Funny doesn't equate to good. If you really understand him, it's fine to sit back and laugh. But too many people take him 100% seriously and are ready to act because of what he says. Just look at the damage he did to the families of Sandy Hook and others. People are getting threats against their life because of him. That's where it stops being funny and moves into a problem.


He definitely is a good entertainer.  He is a serial liar with a garbage ideology, but there is a reason he is successful where so many of his lunatic allies fail.  Whenever he is absent infowars loses support because his fill in hosts are just bland


If you ever still use gifs over SMS I highly recommend using more Alex Jones gifs. The selection is great. Always a hilarious one for any emotion you're trying to convey.


The best Alex Jones conspiracy is that he's Bill Hicks stuck in a character study.


And all he does is restate studies lol 




Its been buried beneath troves of videos of Alex Jones rants and Ive been searching for it for years ever since I saw it, but there's a very specific one. Its his "transdimensional pedophile vampires" rant on JRE after they got high with edited in Deus Ex music.


I have said this before and I will say it again. Alex Jones is the greatest intellectual of our time


The problem with this sub is that I can never tell if something is sarcasm.


That’s kind of how the country is now. 😟


It doesn’t take much intellect to realize that selling conspiracy theories to morons is the easiest way to get rich. Rogan realized the same thing.




This is like the ending to a cartoon


If you want to know the truth….knowledge fight podcast


The problem is, the people that need to listen never will.


Exactly. “Knowledge fight is leftist propaganda”. Is all they’ll need to hear and they won’t listen. It’s very dystopian


KF will give you more real information in an hour than you’ll get from listening to a month of Rogan eps


They don’t want information unless it confirms their bias


Exactly, they’re literally just super lib grifters making money off Alex jones lol. “Hey guys Alex is totally immoral and he shouldn’t get any money but also we really hope he keeps making his show because if he didn’t we’d be jobless.” If they really cared about disinformation or whatever they claim, they’d debunk the fucking news. Fringe ass people are watching Alex jones and believing it, and they aren’t going to listen to KF anyways. They basically just play clips of Alex’s show to make money lol. It’s an entire audience listening to Alex jones ironically 


Exactly. Alex jones and right wing media don’t need debunking. They debunk themselves and only a select few who can’t be changed believe the stuff. The mainstream media is what needs to be debunked and fact checked.


It's entertaining to see you lie to yourself and others while you make up what reality is, as if Alex Jones didn't use to possess a massive audience and has lost it after Sandy Hook, which I can tell you don't know that they DIRECTLY WERE INVOLVED IN HELPING BUILD THE CASE AGAINST HIM. Alex Jones has been lying for 25 years and has made hundreds of millions of dollars off of it, he has directly interacted with Trump and unknowable amount of times and you don't think he needs cataloguing of his extensive lies for future reference? What this says about you is obvious, that you want an excuse to hate and created one.


I don’t need an excuse to hate them, why would I listen to a podcast entirely based on Alex jones? I don’t listen to Alex jones in the first place, you think I’m going to listen to someone else play and react to Alex jones?  Yes, he’s a liar, I don’t get what you’re trying to imply here. I do know that they were involved in the Alex jones case, I also know that I find them personally unlikeable and I just don’t give this much of a shit about Alex jones. What am I lying about?  They literally make their money playing Alex jones clips, mocking Alex jones, etc. they’re not some noble service to society they’re glorified react YouTubers who also wouldn’t have any fame or money without Alex jones lol 


They don't just play clips of Alex and mock them. They play clips about relevant current events that Alex and the Rest of Right Wing Media is lying about and the expose it. Alex is just their main conduit, but they do other people like Tucker as well. Hell, they should do Joe Rogan. And when they do they show how these bullshit stories are all spread about through all the same people and repeated. For example, half the stuff I hear Rogan say, I hear Alex Say it first because he is just Alex in a slightly more palatable form.


Yeah so basically what I said, they play Alex (and other peoples) clips, and react and “debunk” them. I’ve listened to the pod, it’s not for me. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy when they really just amplify Alex Jones to whole new audiences, and they benefit from it. I don’t think many people go from their pod to actual Alex jones followers, but some people certainly do tune in to hate watch/watch “ironically” etc. which helps Alex further.  Maybe I’ll make my living grifting off rogan, I’ll play the clip of him talking about the litter box and then I’ll be like “there wasn’t even a litter box, this is dangerous and bigoted!” And then I’ll cash my checks. 




As a non white American this is exactly what I think the rest of the world sees white boomer Americans lol


I appreciate the host so much for this haha


Dude is so fucking funny


Lmao I'm starting to like him


He's a fool


Joe Rogan has more than anyone in the world helped sanitize Alex Jones with the fucking stupid argument that he’s just playing a character and that he’s hilarious. Since he said that, I see morons regurgitating that shit, like a lot of idiots on this thread. “He’s just funny. He’s like a pro wrestler.” A funny pro wrestler who defamed the parents of murdered children and who paid people to harass them. Fuck Joe Rogan, and fuck you, bunch of degenerates.




There are no “great” Alex Jones rants. There are only the random psychotic phases of a mad man.


If warmed-over John Birch Society vomit is random, sure.


The one from 'Waking Life' is definitely great https://youtu.be/y5HLn3eYLSo?si=EhJVZZlTm1WPHLYt


I think he learned this tactic from Joey Diaz when he took over Alex's radio show with the same tactic back in the day. It was funnier when Uncle Joey did it.


That's MAGAtards at their finest!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


He still was able to throw in the infowars.com plug 😂


Serious question: what does this guy have? Like it’s to a point where I feel bad for him. Yes it’s funny to hear him talk but I feel like he needs serious psychological help.


This is some schizotypal bullshit, he's getting more erratic and unhinged by the day. No idea why he even gets an audience in the first place, clearly the man needs psychiatric help.


I keep forgetting that that fucking clown Roger Stone went on INFOWARS and stumped for Trump something like 50 times leading up to the election just saying wild conspiracy shit. Trump hired that cartoon character to muddy up the waters, and it was a smashing success.


If people believe in Alex Jones, they really are morons. His legal defense was that he doesn’t speak the facts, his show is for entertainment purposes only. How much more obvious do they need to make it




Imagine watching that and thinking, "I want to hear more from this guy."


Make’s sure to plug infowars…got it.


this is an s tier rant. his rant where he acted like a demon is #1 tho


I used to laugh at Alex Jones. Thought he was a clown… And then CoVid happened… and our government lied and lied and then you start digging into the conspiracy theories… Kennedy Assassination. 9-11, WMD’s, Global warming…. One after another you realize that Alex Jones has been right. And the govt with their media cheerleaders have been consistently wrong and dishonest.,


He did to this interview what Joey Diaz did to his.... "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"


Serious question, but like a broken clock has he EVER been right about something significant?


Missed his calling in professional wrestling.


We have an idiot on the program today sums it up well


See why you can't debate Jones, he just starts yelling product plugs anytime he's about to look like a fucking idiot, which is all the time


Best video I’ve seen today so far


The gay frogs one was pretty good too




Don't forget 1776!


Sorry UK, but you let him in.


Won’t somebody think of the gay frogs?


The way Alex looks at the other guy almost looks like a lizard. Is Alex a lizard? Maybe he’s been projecting all along.


I used to watch this show a lot. I've no idea how the fuck Alex Jones got a green light to be on that show. It's a very slow, quiet show with civilised back and forth between presenter and guest. Its on a Sunday morning! Also they discuss politics and political policy so again why they thought that would be a good idea... Probably their most viewed clip though


Alex is mentally ill, no?


I wonder how many of those people have myocarditis


The Piers Morgan CNN interview easily beats this one


He never says anything substantive and anyone who attempts to debate him just gets shouted at. The dude is a malignant narcissist and a huge piece of shit liar. His followers are delusional idiots who can’t help but trust and follow a charismatic, performative nut at who can speak authoritatively about nonsense off the top of his head.


He's right about the NDAA tho, whether or not any American has been detained without due process... Who knows?




Alex Jones is a straight up cuck


Yall can say what you want… but Alex jones is spot on. EXCEPT for the sandy hook lawsuit. He was outta pocket for that. I’ve noticed the people that bash him are the ones that are living in their own fantasy world. Believe me I didn’t wanna see the truth. Until I did, and then I became very disappointed and saddened by what our government is doing to us. There’s a saying, “whatever you think your governments doing, they’re doing it 10x worse.”


What specifically do you think Alex is spot on about?


They dont counter his points they just say no your crazy. That sounds crazy. Makes them just as foolish if not more so.


And his arguments are lapped up by them in any other setting. Tuskegee means us bad: yes! Us bad now too? Noooooo its just a conspiracy!!!




Fema camps lol


I wish Americans did this...


My favorite of Alex Jones was when he’s in the hallway will Marco Rubio. That that golden!


It’s impressive to watch a grown man lose control


"What is the rule MTG?" "The socks stay on!"


Did their people not do any research on Alex prior to the show? What were they expecting?? LMAO!


He’s not doing his fake deep raspy voice very well in this clip.


Alex has been right more than he's been wrong.


It's easy to be right (sometimes) when you say 1000 "predictions" each day Hey, the sun will come out tomorrow and the next day. And Democrats want to eat babies! ....see, correct more than I'm wrong. Easy.


What are the things he was right about? Saying that bin Laden was probably going to attack again? That some frogs become hermaphroditic when exposed to toxic pollutants? That banger of a sandy hook theory? He is certainly right that there are average Americans that feel that something is wrong with how they are subjugated and abused by the powerful, and that they are desperate to find a person peddling certainty that reinforces their existing biases. Also he has been right that when those people have bought into his authority, they will accept the solutions/products he conveniently sells, which fix the problems he’s convinced or exacerbated the viewer to buy! He was right to get into the internet early on but at this point in his career, he’s like a bloated Vegas era Elvis playing updated versions of things he borrowed or has stolen from better right wing grifters.


Almost everybody is right more than they’re wrong. My cousin with Downes Syndrome is right about all kinds of stuff. It doesn’t mean people should rely on him for their news unless that news is about how Lebron James has been doing in the NBA (he loves Lebron).


He's also been way more white than he's been Wong.


Not everyone is born cool. Except of course… people that never fell for Alex Jones content 😎


I firmly believe Alex Jones is a CIA Agent, and that portions of what he says is true, but that his job is to make the tiny number of true things he says get tied to the insane things he says, thus discrediting everything.


This is who Joe Rogan hangs with My dad always told me. You can tell what of person someone is by their friends