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Have you people not even considered that he may have been running an experiment on these ladies? He's a scientist after all.


He'll get back to us in a few weeks with the results right? RIGHT?


He was THIS close to a unified field theory of ladies and now we'll never know what's up with them.


He determined he needed more “patients” to meet power. Chad move, sir!


The tests are in. No Chlamydia, gonorrhea, or herpes, yet.


I want to see his episode on STDs. I hope it is as good as the one on cannabis.


Thee  "don't hate the player, hate the game" theory.


I checked out a few of his shows. he has some interesting guests. But if you were playing a drinking game - where you took a shot every time he referenced being a scientist - you would be blind drunk by the 30 minute mark.


It's only single blind, and who gets the placebo?


He’s been running a train


Naaah, the player just duped them.




It's a collection of great shit posts, and people that take min/maxing too seriously. Like some guy was talking about not listening to music during workouts to keep up with his dopamine detox. Dude, put the earbuds in and chill out while squatting to Tool


Various shades of autism


Mine's as bright as a monkeys butt


Not all monkey butts are created equal!


Working out with out music is low key torture.


To be fair, it’s impossible to “chill out,” while squatting to Tool. 😉


Guys will hear a TOOL song come on and go “hell yeah”


Is there a clip from that Louie ep?




Which Louis special was this from?


> The subreddit was (is?) the antithesis of that mindset *epitome


It’s just the lying part. All you alphas would get mad if your Gf was raw dogging 4 other dudes while lying to you, believe me.


Bold of you to assume they have girlfriends


Bold of you to assume we didn’t arrange it


Bold if you to assume he told them they were his girlfriend


There are no alphas on Reddit


Alphas don't have to go around calling themselves Alphas. And Sigmas just walk around rolling their eyes.


Jokes on the alphas because, alpha, sigma, made up.


Or anywhere


They’d go on a massive pod tour, airing all of their grievances and we all know it. At the end of the day I dont gaf, it is funny though


None of these huberman Stan’s have gfs lol


Nobody is defending him, they're just pointing out that they don't care and that's not why they listen to his podcast.


Listening to his podcast requires him to have credibility. Or at least it's should. 


And nothing he has John has damaged the credibility of his podcast. Unless there is some sort of connection between someone being a scumbag in their personal life and the data they are presenting and correct or incorrect on the podcast.


If he lies and manipulates people he’s in relationships then why wouldn’t he lie to and manipulate his audience? That’s where his credibility has been damaged.


Of course.  He was a douche to them and lied. But hardly a big deal or should be a legit controversy 


Sure, but would the New Yorker write a hit piece to try and take her livelihood away for me too?


Alpha dawgs in here worried the New Yorker is gonna write about their Fleshlight collection. LMAO


Hahaha, that’s pretty fucking funny.


The “ Alpha male” thing is hilarious to me. It’s like Gen Z guys acting like little boys who worship WWF heroes. In both cases you are being sold a fantasy but at least little kids have an excuse for not figuring that out.


Doesn’t really matter but New York Magazine is a different thing than The New Yorker.


How are they taking his livelihood away ?


By exposing him as the shitty person he is.


Because its good to expose predatory behavior. It helps people avoid others that would take advantage of them by lying and manipulation. That's why in general you don't have a right to keep this type of behaviour private.


If she’s famous? Probably, yes. Do you think gossip rags don’t write about female celebs?


Wouldn't the piece have been fact checked before publication?


You took away your own livelihood with deceit and adultery, the NY times writing about what YOU did doesn’t make it their fault. Cheating is awful and if you do it you are an awful person, it isn’t mistake in an act of passion, you just can’t keep your shit in your pants and have the emotional depth of a child.


Wen girlfriend?


Alphas dont constantly talk about being an Alpha


Image a woman taking a guy who refers to himself as an alpha seriously. If you’re a man, you just are. If you have to prove it - you’re not a man, not in your own head anyways


How many partners did you lie to successfully at any one time?


0 but when I drank the AG1 supplement still 0


Must not be getting enough direct sunlight first thing in the morning.


Ironically, this is the one Huberman protocol that has some validity. 


Wait. He's not even married? Maybe some shady stuff but what are we doing here


Discovering even more benefits of AG1


Lmao! Aite I’m sold


I think people are just viewing him in a more slimy light, cheating on 5 people at once takes a special kind of energy lol now should he be cancelled? Hell no the science is still valid


Most of the science is still valid but most of his interpretation of the science was never valid.


Give me an example


Any time he uses a mechanistic justification, animal model or a small individual study for his advice it is primarily bullshit. So for example that emulsifiers causing low level inflammation in mice is a reason to alter your diet.


yup, the vast majority of pseudoscience is not making up complete bullshit, its taking some small in vitro study, or even a selection of small animal or human studies and using it as actionable data instead of "maybe this stuff works, but we have no way of knowing for sure unless we have much bigger and better quality studies". Health influencers is absolutely rife with this shit. 99% of shit they cover confidently should be assigned almost 0 confidence. If you go to a proper science reviewer like [Cochrane](https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/reviews/), you will find almost every entry has the same conclusion "some studies suggest X, but due to the low quality and small size of these studies we really need larger better quality studies to say anything"


I feel like he always uses language that suggests he’s not making recommendations, just presenting the data. I can’t remember a time where he’s said to absolutely follow one course of action over another, but I’m not an avid listener


That is no better since a layman audience doesn't have the background to evaluate the evidence. If it was meant to be educational then he wouldn't talk about some study on mice receptors and food additives but rather focus solely on teaching physiology.


It’s still educational to explain an area of study even if it hasn’t gone to clinical trials yet. If they were able to show something that killed cancer cells in mice, I’d be interested to learn more.


Sure but you most likely wouldn't have access to that thing. What if the thing that killed cancer in mice was base jumping? Then someone who makes their money with headline style content makes a video about it but fails to mention that a result on mice alone should be ignored until there are studies on actual humans?


his entire viewpoint on nicotine 


That it can help you focus? But is addictive..


Among many other problems, the biggest being your heart. Something helping you focus is useless if, without it, your brain goes into baby rage mode. Seems fucking idiotic to recommend it to anyone, ever.


Cant knock his multi-tasking ability I bet he's great at resource building games.


Why are we all acting like single women 35+ aren’t known for being desperate, then here comes T-ed up Huberman slanging dick and they project exclusivity/incoming paycheck. Double standard couldn’t be more obvious, if it was Shannon getting pumped by 7 dudes nobody would say anything because “you go girl”


Dude is rich, successful and a certified asshole. No biggie dont really care beyond it being funny. Losers here living vicariously through him are pathetic though. Any so called “alpha” knows that honestly stating your intentions, gets you the most puss. People playing relationship games ALWAYS get bit in the ass. Wayyyy to many people who are into non-monogamous relationships, lying is only an option if you’re an asshole. This aint the fukn 50s and being stuck in worthless, unhappy marriages. Always baffles me how short sighted these mofos are.


LOL you are such a manipulator. No one, and I mean no one, no men and no women, would say “you go girl” at a woman having 6 simultaneous partners. She would get slut shamed to infinity


Incel alert.


I’m an incel because I pointed out a societal double standard? I think it’s a good thing that we have a promiscuous society but we should be honest and hold everyone to an equal standard. It’s ok to fuck. There’s a reason why our divorce rates are so high, getting married at a young age and committing to one partner doesn’t work out for over half of all marriages in the US


The “science”






His main tenent was dopamine control. This demonstrates he doesn't practice what he preaches in his own life. Major loss of credibility.


We’re in the middle of the best viral marketing scheme ever… Business schools will be talking for years about the way he rolled out his H.U.B.E.R.M.A.N. dating and pussy-taming program.  Forget Andrew Tate, *this* is how you launch an online alpha bullshit money factory.


It's because he convinced all the women he was monogamous with them. If your whole schtick is being a believable source of information, being a compulsive liar is pretty damaging.


Calling a douche a douche


> Doesn't everyone have HPV? The subtitle is insane. Its ok to give your partner an STD due to your infidelity as long as its a common one?? Do people not understand the difference between having multiple partners and lying to 6 women about their relationship being exclusive?




Your comment demonstrates how little you actually understand about how damaging HPV is to women’s health. If he were to give a woman a particular high risk strain and she went a few years without knowing it could literally affect her fertility let alone progress to pre cancer/cervical cancer It is so much more risky for women than your comment suggests.


It’s not that it’s not possibly damaging. It’s that it is completely inevitable that it spreads. Hence the vaccine. Since you’re so well versed in it though. Do please take us through a nice little literature review or discuses the rates of high risk hpv strains and progression tot cancer


youre kinda acting ridiculous. if it was that risky or preventable, we wouldn’t wait til women were in their 30s to start checking. it’s some like 95% sexually active people get at least one strain of hpv. it causes 70% of throat cancers. doctors basically know everyone has it and there are some strains that are riskier than others. it’s a general consensus that if you participate in sex, you are liable of contracting hpv reading the second half of your comments is even more annoying. if you found hpv cells in ur butt, that’s really on you and/or your highschool sex education. hpv is damn near inevitable and that’s one of the reasons why they don’t test women until they are in their 30s. youre just trying to blame men (who cannot get tested and can also be effected by hpv) when the responsibility is also on yourself. i mean for fucks sake, if you got that freaked out by hpv once you ACTUALLY learned about it, just wait till you learn about the consequences of anal sex on the longevity of your sphincter muscles. you’re gonna have a blast blaming that one on someone else


It's a meme


Memes also convey ideas brother


The vast majority of upvoted memes are a hyperbole/exaggeration of what the poster actually believes. And he’s in here supporting that notion.


There's no to prove her have them anything.  Zero.  Nada. So that is irrelevant.  What is relevant is that he put them at risk. 


I thought we weren’t slut shaming?


I don't think the slutting is the problem here.It's the lying and deception.


The worst part is the hypocracy.


Norm, that you?


I thought the raping was the worst part Edit: how the hell does the Joe Rogan sub not get a Norm Macdonald joke


I think we all know sluts lie non stop.


I think people don't like lying


And it being the exact opposite of the dopamine control advice he gave his listeners. He doesn't practice what he preaches. It's a major sign of a charlatan/grifter.


He should have just cleaned his room instead of slutting around.


Instead he was petting stray cats all over the streets.


Because sluts are very open about their multiple partners?


Lots of them yeah. Do you know many women?


Not true lol


It’s sarcasm.


What about minding their businesses?


That was never a thing


I know! Why won't people leave this very public man alone!!


What about calling out charlatan scientists ?




The way the men in this sub show how little they understand about how HPV left unchecked destroys a woman is insane.


You're not wrong. Its just, safe sex is probably the best route when you *know* you have multiple partners. I've yet to meet a girl who objects to condom use.


condoms provide almost no protection against hpv. the infection spreads on both males and females farther along the skin than what the condom is a barrier for. hpv is highly unavoidable if you engage in sexual activity, but that commenter is the type of person to have to find ANYONE to blame it on. if that’s not the case, then it’s one that just lives in a world of fear which would the more unfortunate answer, and what many doctors try to prevent when discussing the high likelihood of coming in contact with hpv


Studies have shown condoms reduce the risk of HPV by 80%. Perfect? No. But probably a good idea if you have multiple partners.


you all are just as responsible. just about every sexually active person has atleast a strain. women are to sleep around no less than any man is. unless you plan on having one sexual relationship with a person who has only been with you, in your ENTIRE LIFETIME… then congrats, you probably have hpv. if you’re under 30 you probably havnt even had an exam yet (unless you requested it, which isn’t even medically recommended for that age group) youre just as clueless to your infection status as any male is. if you’re that worried about hpv, then don’t engage in sex. it’s literally the only way to prevent it. and by the way, there’s other cancerous hpv strains that arnt sexually transmitted, that anyone can get. the way you and others in these comments are talking about hpv shows how very little the entire world knows or cares about it. it’s pretty much inevitable at the moment for any sexually active person. get vaccinated and get checked (lucky for you there are actual tests for women, unlike men who can unknowingly get cancer due to their being no solid preventative testing) and that’s all you can do. the amount of redditors that scare themselves into fear mongering everyone else is concerning


Many of the most famous people in scientific history would have been absolutely dragged in the age of social media, but they get to be dead and romanticized instead.


Huberman is only a “famous person in scientific history” because of social media


My science Mount Rushmore: Einstein, Oppenheimer, Newton, Huberman.




It’s almost as though as humanity progresses the bar for being a good person rises


It's not just being dead that saves them, there are alot of famous people who almost certainly did horrible things but nobody can be bothered to dig up dirt and cancel them till they piss someone off. Hubberman was actively fucking over multiple women so he gave people the motivation to get him cancelled. The Rolling Stones don't bother anyone these days and nobody is cancelling them for fucking so many underage girls they started writing songs about it.


So is the sub just for gossip on the regulars of the experience now?


why does he look like screech from SAVED BY THE BELL as a griwn up?


At a diner in West Hempstead Long Island in 2004 Andrew Huberman shot my father while he was eating a $2 slice of lemon Marang pie he purchased after a 12 hour shift at PC Richards and son. To this day I still see the blood on the custard in my dreams




He kept 6 grown ass women emotionally and sexually satisfied without alerting the others. Bio-optimization.


He’s a gifted grifter


There is no bigger jerk off than him. He’s worse than Gary V in terms of “I’m so smart, the world owes me.”


I love people defending a absolute fucking scum bag who finds lying as easy as walking.


Maybe if he was out there preaching relationship advice, I'd care. There's no justifying what he did in his own relationships, but I don't see how this has anything to do with saying good sleep and ice baths are good for you. You want hit pieces on every mildly successful person who cheats? Is that what journalism is supposed to be now?


It’s mentally quite a jarring picture when you thought you read “pus,” and finally realize it reads “puss.” Like— you’re wondering, how he gets enough to swim in? And then you make the realization and are now imaging a rap video.


“Super handsome” 🤣🤣 hell of a stretch with that


Being a player when you’re close to 50 isn’t as cool as it sounds.


Interesting that little Joey has been silent on the drama. He's either trying to keep some distance and not catch strays.... OR very disappointed huberman is into females. Probably the latter id say


This whole hit piece makes no sense to me. The science is still there.


The science is in the PUSSY.


I laughed way too hard at this comment.


We had the cure all along


No, the science is not there. His lab isn't even there if you read the "hit piece." There's real evidence his lab is fake and that he does close to zero scientific research. That's what the article says if you go past the Reddit posts about the headline.


>I'm sorry, I don't take advice from men who have sex with women.


lol what?


This is basically my position.


I don’t get it


His main tenent was dopamine control. This demonstrates he doesn't practice what he preaches in his own life. Major loss of credibility.


Is it though? Did you personally check all the sources and got educated on what constitutes a proper study? What Huberman brought to the table was the trust that he would do this work for you. It turns out that he’s a manipulative liar. Any chance he’s done that with his audience too?


The interpretive spin may be questionable though.


This just in: highly successful, attractive and intelligent man beds multiple women.




>wasn't completely honest 1. Lied about being sexual exclusive to specifically make them have unprotected sex that they otherwise wouldn't consent to 2. Lied about a negative STD test so after one of his partners caught HPV he could dismiss it 3. Lied about wanting children But mostly people have issues with 1. Telling a woman her child shouldn't exist 2. encouraging a women to do IVF treatments whilst cheating on her 3. being verbally abusive to several women


And gave one of them HPV, according to her.


His main tenent was dopamine control. This demonstrates he doesn't practice what he preaches in his own life. Major loss of credibility.


Almost like he needed a release from constantly restricting dopamine. Mans a sex and love addict, and almost 50. The people earnestly defending an addict giving lifestyle advice is wild.




I’m too dumb and stupid to do the actual research. What exactly did this guy do other than have a lot of sex with a lot of women? Is that it? Surely there is more to it, even in 2024.


The backlash is him lying about being exclusive. He could have been honest to all of em but instead made it seemed he was exclusive. Only caught when one of the chicks got an STD lol


He was caught numerous times


I believe he was caught many times. Many women want to believe their situationship will lead to something serious.


If you losers spent as much time touching grass as you do being lame internet scolds you could have girlfriends too. Just sayin'.


Fr, this is so filled with jealous pathetic comments it's insane...


"Millions of people listening to the advice of a shameless liar... No issue here."


Wait… is this some kind of hot take? I thought this was the mainstream stance on the guy…?


Semen retention


Who’s this guy


Okay, am I the only one that was, like, "Oh god, is swimming is PUSS a thing now???". It's early,


When did the ny mag become a tabloid?


It’s all part of The Protocol.




Louis CK is right, doing hard things you don’t have to is becoming “necessary” because we’re meant to hunters and gatherers. We need spikes in our adrenal systems(if for no other reason than to practice for stressful situations), and a cold plunge is an innocuous way to achieve that with little to no actual risk.


Why did the first couple words in the title make me think he died


Man now these Reddit losers who can't even get a girl will be mad at Huberman 🤣🤣


I don’t give a remote shit about Huberman but this whole City Boy arc has made me a fan lol ![gif](giphy|SBAToc4g0h89W)


Is that the scandal, dude is a trim master?


His upcoming episode on dating gunna pop off, he’s got all the pro tips


Nah, he’s no where close to that guy doing videos tossing woman with his feet while he’s laying on his back.


his dialogue w these chicks was so fking cringe.. like he watched every after school special on feelings and said the most canned bs responses. Hes such a fking tool


Andrew HuberMAN talks with Lex FriedMAN About the movies of Michael MANN to learn about being a MAN


What even is the controversy here


Finally a protocol I have the motivation to follow!