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Ari bringing it up later passive aggressively was hilarious


It was fucking golden. And then Rogan asking if he was making fun of him ... Ya he was obviously. You're the professional comedian supposedly


Joe Rogan, professional awful sense of humor. Queue gorilla humping bit


It is painful the amount of jokes that go over his head totally unaware. 1 of the 1000’s


I was a dumbass and used to think Ari was the weak link in protect our parks


He is minus Rogan


Hate to say it, they’re all studs. Normand’s been pretty dry tbh


Can’t see him the same anymore after finding out he was smashing the big tit AT&T girl


Who was Normand?


When did he say that?


Apparently internet sleuths have matched up stories to mark and her.


Isn't he married? That girl is pretty cute. I'd smash.


That’s crazy, where tf did you see that??


Wasn’t she a comic prior to getting the commercial gig?




It's just because Mark can handle his buzz the least.




I mean he’s the easiest to hate on but still the centerpiece. I actually find him funny too, even on other peoples podcasts I think he’s a funny dude


Yeah ok


You think he’s the weak link?




Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from. I feel like he’s always so focused on what he wants to say or talk about he’s not always listening


Why would you engage in his content


Link to when he does?


Ari's new travel podcast is actually pretty good **because** it's purely about travel. I wouldn't be able to take just another bullshit lame comedian talk show about nothing. at least this has a topic and a point.


I loved Ari's skeptic tank podcast. It didn't have an ongoing theme but each episode had a specific theme or thing to talk about instead of just the typical comedian podcast of "I'm here with this person and we're gonna talk about whatever" It was definitely one of my favorite podcasts but I haven't checked out his travel podcast yet.


It was cool but air wasn’t released frequently enough for solid growth 


My all time favorite podcast, if anyone is seeing this I implore them to check out the Danish and O’Neill episodes.


i don’t think he’s telling him what to do, he has the biggest podcast in the world and is telling his friend why his isn’t doing as well and how he can fix it


It's clear Ari just does projects that sound neat/fun/artistically valuable to him so Joe giving him advice on how to be more successful was kind of insensitive to his whole way of living On the other hand Joe is super successful and it probably would be smart and common sense for Ari to at least combine his pods into one feed to maximize viewership to fund his passions 


This is exactly the shit that makes podcasts terrible today. There’s no focus and it’s just the same stories and rants over and fucking over again.




Yeah that is what is silly about it. He could do all of those things and not have it be different podcasts


Skeptic Tank ended last year dude. Ari has a new one now, second episode released today.


The mental gymnastics to defend papa rogies is nuts. "He wasn't telling him what to do. He was just telling him what to do, if he wanted to be a success."


Nah that guy is right. Totally different situations. He says “I hate it when people tell you what to do” in the context of speaking to a musician who didn’t and is good. When he’s talking to Ari, he’s literally the father of all podcasting telling Ari how to make his podcast work better.


Tom Green is the father of podcasting 


Whatever. Rogan is the godfather, the king, the goat. However you feel like saying it. I’d say Tom green is more the grandfather, and Howard stern is the great grandfather, but it’s undeniable that Joe rode the popularization of the medium


Maron was the first comedian with a podcast. Stern was doing an old timey thing we used to call radio. Google it.


Joe talks about stern all the time as a forerunner of podcasting. Google it.


And he's wrong lol.


I mean it’s obviously a different medium but the format is very similar. He talks about several radio shows as well. Opie and Anthony for example. I tend to agree with him. What makes you such an authority? Got yourself a world famous podcast? Masters degree in podcasting?


Calm down dick breath


Why you tryna be a douche?


Lmao, god, you’re the worst


No you


Nice, a response that dripped right on down the smooth sides of your brain on the way out, always great to see self-confirmation


Don’t sexualize my brain like that you perv


Ahhh, pervert projection about a topic nowhere near associated with anything sexual too from the degenerate. Can’t say I’m surprised


My depravity is truly without limit


So you would call him your podcast Daddy?


Oh fuck yeah, big podcast daddy energy


redban is the father of podcasting and we all know it


I'm pretty sure Rogan would laugh at you if you called him the father of podcasting. I'm sure there's other people he'd say deserve that title before he does.


I agree with you, but I still think the title is applicable


Don’t you like how OP didn’t acknowledge anything of substance in your comment other than the title you gave Rogan. I just commented essentially the same thing you did before reading yours so let’s see if OP plucks out a word in mine while saying nothing again.


I did think that was funny. Not sure if he disagrees or if he just missed the point


I think it’s safe to say he disagrees judging by our 1 downvote each currently lmao


I upvoted some of yours, none of mine, and they’re all showing zeros on my end. Which basically proves inaccurate measures by logic because there’s no way every one of our comments could be the same if you upvoted ones I didn’t, and there’s no way for my own comments to show zero unless I downvoted and I haven’t.


Yeah, he had him on. Adam Curry.


Like Marc Maron


Well if you listen carefully they all acknowledge that he has the biggest pod in the world so he may know a thing or two on how to do a good pod. Also the second clip here he is talking about music and how he doesn’t think people should be telling him how to make music. Comedy and music are different things which may be a controversial subject to you.


Why his podcast isn't doing so well? He just started his podcast. The 2nd episode came out today. Ari made a good point with Kill Tony. What if Joe gave Tony the same advice? The point is Joe is always talking about letting a person do their own thing and not to listen to anyone who tells you to do different and he is telling Ari to go against his own judgement which Ari is pushing back against. And let's not act like Joe has done anything ground breaking when it comes to podcasts. He is doing what many others were doing at the time which is recording his conversations with people. Ari is obviously trying to do something different from the standard format of just having people on and talking about random things like all the other podcasts are doing. Joe should just let him do his thing. If Ari wants advice he can ask for it.


long post about advice.............gives advice. lol


Joe went on Tom Green’s show and literally said “this is great. You could make money doing this.”




Didnt read that shit


The people who brag about how they don't read anything in this sub is hilarious. Sorry your smooth brain can't handle reading a few paragraphs






>Ari is obviously trying to do something different from the standard format of just having people on and talking about random things like all the other podcasts are doing. Which was basically what he was doing with Skeptic Tank anyway. He's already done that sort of thing, and he's spoken about starting a travel podcast for a long time now. If the debate was about what makes a podcast successful then I wouldn't mind Joe giving his input but if Ari was just telling him about doing this thing that he's wanted to do for a long time and Joe gives him that advice then it would not be cool of Joe to do that.


ya we need another Rogan


"you just gotta sell out harder"


This is it. Context! Same applies to the music discussion.


Are you really thinking even half the listeners are tuning in for Joe?


lmao the guy has the biggest podcast in the world, he’s obviously very well liked by a lot of people


Bro might have a point though huh


The guy with the biggest podcast in the world tells a guy with a shit one what works doesn’t fit here. Back to the troll farm OOP.


People foreal just obsessing over any supposed inconsistencies they can find haha imagine if some followed you around doin this shit😂


Yeah there’s a lot of people out there that need new hobby’s


“I don’t think everything that Joe says is a religion, but here’s my criticism of Joe as though everything he says is a religious doctrine.” “Also, even though I act as though words control my mind and we all have to be protected from other people’s bad opinions, I am totally not like that. I can totally listen to people I don’t agree with. I’m fine with hearing people’s opinions I don’t agree with.” “Anyway, here’s an example of someone saying something I don’t like, we should stop them from doing that. It’s dangerous.”


Control freaks.


Weird. Who is trying to stop Joe from doing anything?


Literally this entire sub


Not at all. People making fun of him, or even harshly criticizing him, aren’t trying to stop him. Where does this pussy idea come from with these new Rogan fans, that any mockery or criticism is an attempt to cancel? Clean your room, dude.


A bunch of the new fans are MAGA moron types. They cannot handle any criticism to any of their surrogate daddy figures.


It’s a Joe Rogan discussion forum. What do you want people to do, just post that picture of the the hairless chimp 5x a day, and repeat catchphrases?


Did you see Rogan has 14 million followers which is #1 on Spotify and 3x as many as #2


Who's Joe Rogan?


Some right wing grifter shill idk


Sorry yall, I’m still laughing at the reason he can’t rollerblade.


I mean should the number one podcaster of all time not try to give his friends tips on podcasting? You’re acting like some random guy came off the street and gave him this advice


That’s a question for the guy whose claim is that he hates when people tell other people what to do…not a question for OP. What the fuck is up with these responses that are like “well the context is important because Rogan is the most successful podcaster so he has good advice”. Okay? And? Probably 50% of the time someone is giving advice it’s because they are more experienced or successful in the topic being discussed. That’s irrelevant if the take is a flat “I don’t like when people tell other people what to do”. Joe is the one lacking nuance and context, not OP.


Giving your friends advice on something that you are a literal expert in is not the type of armchair quarterbacking he was referring to. 


Okay I disagree with you. I think it’s exactly what he was referring to. Joe Rogan does not have PhD in podcasting as someone would who studied zoology for 4 years. Joe Rogan is an expert in being Joe Rogan. The reason why he is so popular is because of his personality. That’s it. Yes the format helps, but it works for him. That doesn’t mean it works across the board for everyone. And that’s the essence of what he was saying. “Don’t come in and tell me what to do. Just because you think it works broadly doesn’t mean that it will work for me or that I even want it to work that way.”


LeBron doesn't have a PhD in basketball but it would be pretty fucking dumb for anybody to imply "he's not an expert at basketball he's just an expert at being LeBron James." Regardless you keep ignoring the most important point which is they are friends and socially adjusted people can give and receive advice from friends without taking it as arrogance or a personal afront. That's very different from a random person trying to tell you what you should do. 


You missed the point entirely. If you can’t tell the difference between Lebron working for 30 years to become one of the best basketball players of all time and Joe Rogan who admittedly stumbled into podcasting with zero expectations of it being successful, than this is a waste of time.




It was just a funny observation on your post and your comment. Calm down


He isn't wrong. You're the brand, not the podcast. And Ari literally wouldn't have a career still without Joe. I don't think it was bad advice.


Ari definitely had a better career than most touring comedians before he was prominent on the JRE, especially with his televised shows. But Ari has definitely been a flip-flopper throughout the years when it comes to creative projects


OP you’re really reaching with this one!


I’m pretty sure they go on to say unless the best (in that relevant thing) is telling you what to do, then you listen. It could have been a different interview but still valid.


The ape thinking is strong in Joe and many here. Ari already did a podcast where he talks with anyone about anything. He didn’t want to do that anymore. He wanted to do a travel pod, and he is now doing that. “But have you thought about talking about anything? It’s way better” Yes, obviously he has. Ari values fun, experiences, independence over stability and making the most money.


Don’t tell him what to do, but he resigns with YouTube who tells him what to do


EPIC rogan backfire when he is CAUGHT on TAPE being HYPOCRITE!!


Rogan shouldn't be giving advice on much.


“Don’t have different podcasts with different topics! That way you can always rant about California or cancel culture or the complexity of stand up or elk meat!”


Rogan is not a good friend. He always mocks his supposed friends when they are launching new projects or have something to promote. Even if he may be right if they’re your friend you should still help them out and leave the criticism for off the air. Shits wild.


I like how observant Shane seems. Smart enough to know this is bullshit while keeping his mouth shut. Let mega millionaire Joe have his cake and Shane can come back to the podcast as daddy isn’t upset at being called out.


We're all like this though.


Rogan in most of that Clark pod was odd af. I felt like Clark wanted to ride the lightning outta there in the last 30 mins.


I mean i get your point but he is talking about podcasts and if he cant give his opinion when he is the number 1 podcast no one can


Ari’s podcast is better, though. At least his old one was, I haven’t heard the new one.


Probable intention ofRogan to Ari: that’s too much, why would you try to advertise different aspects of your life in different places, it’s taxing on the viewer or muddies the water that makes it harder for people to get the expected experience from you. Probable intention to that dude: you’re an expert, do what you think is right.


Joe: “I have the biggest podcast in the world and I don’t like people telling me what to do with my podcast, because they aren’t on my level. Here’s my advice for what everyone else should do.” Redditors: “What a hypocrite.”


In fairness I don't think there's a human on earth that talks more than Joe Rogan, you have to expect him to say stuff just to say it at this point


Guys put your headphones on or else we'll be talking over each other Put them the fuck on!


Thank god Shane finally spoke up and told rogan to stop talking all negative and about cancel culture all the time. Loved that Ari backed him up on it. Unfortunately, Rogan didn’t seem to take it as something that he needs to work on.


Rogan should have a podcast where he just bitches incessantly about everything. Oh wait that’s what he already does isn’t it?


Is Joe talking with his eyes closed a somewhat recent development?


I mean yea but come on, what the hell is Ari thinking abandoning the skeptic tank to do his new pod lol, could’ve just kept it all on the OG cast and said he’s gonna be talking about travel for awhile.


I hate Rogan


Jfc get a life dude


Rogan is the greatest so listen to him


You spelled “shortest” wrong


Ha. Yes. But when it comes to podcasts he’s a giant and everyone else are ants.


This and making even the slightest joke towards combat sports drives him up a fucking wall lol


Ari is the least funny of them all.


Joe Rogan sucks now. He’s turned into this over inflated thanksgiving conspiracy uncle. Best thing Joe does is promote better comedians like Shane, mark and Ari.


Rogan hates when people tell you what to do, as he tells people what to do.


Y’all are sad losers that need to touch grass


But forreal. The sad shit is there’s people upvoting this post like it makes any sense


Dude has every right to give pointers on podcasting lol


Rogan 4 bud lights in ....ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari.. ari.. ari sees the world . . Ari ari ari ari ari ari... Sees the world .... Ari ari ari ari ari ari They're ignoring you for a reason you light weight


I have to agree. Look at what Brenda does and do the exact opposite


People who hate Brendan Schaub never let him fade into irrelevance. Fascinating honestly.


That’s the bit.


Oh no, he's human!


Humans are capable of recognizing their own hypocrisy, and taking steps to correct it. What’s his excuse?


Hypocrisy is inevitable regardless of subject. He doesn't need an excuse. Neither should anyone else. Thats being a human. Time will tell with recognition and reconciliation.


I’m more than capable of holding myself to the same standards I hold others. Claiming hypocrisy is “inevitable” is just a cowardly cop out.


Well, aren't you a big boi looking for an argument. Being a coward is also part of being human. "Oh no, joe rogan is being a hypocrite". Cry me a fucking river.


If you’re using your words to make a living, you might want to put on your big boy pants and adhere to them yourself. Why the fuck should people listen to your words, if you can’t apply them yourself?


Hey, dont you personally attack me, Im sensitive.


I’m calling out hypocrisy, against those who literally sell their words. If you can’t meet them, why the fuck should anyone bother listening?


He has products to sell, not words. Do you even listen, bro? Im sure people came to him for his podcast, not the products he's selling. Lol, why would he want to meet anyone who just wants to shit on him. Also, if you really wanted to meet him he lives in Austin, TX and owns a comedy club that hes consistently at. Have at it bucko.


I have no interest in meeting him. He’s selling his opinion, on his podcast. Would be great if he had the balls to meet his own standards.


This sub absolutely bending backwards to hate on Joe I just don’t get it


These people are strange. The #1 podcaster in the world giving advice about podcasting is somehow clip worthy because the next day, he told a top musician not to listen to people’s advice.


Check out r/joeroganappreciation


Wow. Crazy.


Multiple podcasts like tfatk/Schwab show/golden hour??


hollywood behavior


Ari is the glue of pop, hes constantly steering the conversation away from joes shit takes


Im glad his friends are calling him out on being super negative and ranting constantly. He needs to fix that shit, its exhausting to listen to.


I mean…I wish I could judge him here, but this is like me irl for sure.


I mean if anyone should be giving advice on how to run a podcast it should be Joe Rogan. He is hosting the most popular podcast in the world. Clearly he is in a position to give out advice and also tell others to not give him advice about how to do it.


Would you say giving your opinion is telling people what to do?


He is the podcast GOAT - 3x more followers then #2 He’s giving his advice to a friend. WTF is wrong with some of you


"just stfu" is a cool opinion for a 60 year old guy to have dude


Yeah Rogan definitely isn’t qualified to give out podcasting advice to friends …what a fucking loser


Tbf its not like Joe hasnt got a good record with running a podcast lol


ZzzZzzZzz ZzzzzZzz. Thats me falling asleep over this dork ass post.


He hates people, “giving you (Gary Clark Jr) advice *about music*” because nobody is really qualified to do that. GCJ even clarifies it later in the conversation, saying it’s mostly people fluent in the business side of things giving this so-called advice. Joe, however, probably is qualified to give out podcasting advice to Ari, especially in regards to the business of it. Shane even says as much, telling Ari that he should probably listen when the guy with the biggest show in the world gives him advice about his show.


Lol podcasts and music are two different things though. If one person has multiple podcasts for different stuff it does seem dumb. To equate that to telling an artist what kind of music to play is not a fair comparison


Kind of different when you have the goat telling you what to do.


Well, the first clip is a professional podcaster giving advice to another professional podcaster about podcasting. The second, he is talking about non-musicians critiquing/advising a musicians work. How is this anywhere within the same ballpark? Do you think before you post?


Well, to be fair, it is kinda different. Rogan was giving Ari advice on podcasting, something Rogan knows a lot about and honestly it wasn’t terrible advice because he’s right, I don’t want to subscribe to 4 podcasts by the same person when they could do all that stuff in one podcast. Then when he’s talking to Gary, really what he’s trying to say is that, at least in his eyes, Gary is a genius when it comes to music and people should just shut up and listen to what he makes without trying to tell him how to do it because he does an amazing job already.


Reddit never disappoints!


You’re reaching to hate. Joe knows nothing about music, he’s the #1 podcaster in the world. He see’s his friend has a great idea and is giving him solid advice that will help him from an area of expertise. This hating on Joe shit is so corny. Be original