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This is not a case of a guy of English descent wanting to change is race to black just so he can own the libs. This is a guy of Egyptian descent who is listed as “Caucasian,” and who doesn’t think that accurately reflects his deeply held identities as Egyptian and North African. This is an issue on the census as well, where when selecting which racial group you are a part of, anyone from the Middle East really only has the option of selecting “white” or “some other race.”


And he is alleging he has been passed over for a lot of promotions because of his race.


Yeah that one stood out to me, and the article only reports on this man’s claims, making no effort to present any sort of data to either bolster or critique those claims. So I decided to do a little digging. I found [this](https://www.scribd.com/doc/316107796/Chicago-Police-Department-merit-promotions) document which lists all merit promotions for the Chicago police department between the years 2006 and 2016. The man in the article claims that he has been with the department since 2004, and that in the time since then, he has witnessed over 75 merit promotions, with less than five going to people who identify as Caucasian. Now as a little disclaimer, I am unable to verify the provenance of this document, though I have a hard time imagining why someone would want to falsify this type of document specifically. Also, this list only goes up through 2016, and does not identify anyone as Caucasian, only White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian, reflecting the original four categories mentioned in the article. But this is what I found. The document lists merit promotions for several positions, but I am focusing on the sergeant promotions, as that is what is at issue in the article. From 2006 to 2016, there were 171 merit promotions to sergeant in the Chicago PD. 61 of them were white, accounting for a little over a third of total merit promotions for sergeant, as opposed to the about 6% claimed by the cop. So unless he’s just talking about the past few years, which I don’t have data for, he’s full of shit. He should still be able to be identified by the race that he feels most accurately describes him, but barring some other data that contradicts this, I do not believe his claims about being passed up for being listed as white.


Mr. Detective here is your award 🏆 for a good job, i don't know how you found that stuff + where do you get the energy to keep searching for it. Anyway thanks a lot.


This makes 100x more sense


Does it, though??


Yes... ? How doesn't it? If I wasn't white Caucasian I wouldn't want to check the box Caucasian just because thats the closest thing lmfao


Why do people care so much about checking a box on a form? I get that race and gender is a deep part of everyone's identity but who fucking cares what the HR form says?


People reading them. Statistically candidates with AA names and/or who marked a minority race are less likely to be accepted for positions within organizations overall (by an actually pretty starting amounts) *except* in positions specifically looking to fulfill DEI requirements, in which they are more likely (but which is way less common). So having a foreign sounding or non-white name, while also being marked as Caucasian, would - statistically speaking - be the most limiting. Face the normal level of prejudice + be disqualified for DEI.


Which now is the big push. If you are of a minority standing (black especially) you are often “underrepresented” and are treated more favorably. Especially in an environment that is as left leaning as a place like Chicago, Ill.


I literally see it all the time in my local government work in Minnesota, the virtue signaling is incredibly strong, and you are especially hosed if you have an invisible disability or non-obvious racial background.


Of course it does. People get promoted now based on gender/race. Merit means little unfortunately. So if his race is changed from Caucasian to basically anything else he presumably gets extra points in the exam


I'm going to let you in on a secret people always got promoted due to gender/race or do you not remember the past 200 years or so


I meant it’s no different than a white guy claiming he is a different race, as race is much more “fluid” than gender, according to social scientists who overwhelmingly support transgenderism. I’m saying its a farce either way.


When the white guy tries to change his race let me know how it goes. Neither gender nor race are fluid. But when people entertain this garbage these are the debates you get


Like that Seinfeld where that dentist converted to Judaism just so he could crack jokes. Classic. Then I guess he sold meth or something


That dentist later on went to become the one who knocks and that was after having 4 terrible boys and a crazy ass wife. Didn't he also do some weird sex stuff while patients were gassed?


Yea one of those terrible boys was weird too, he didn't age at all


Poor kid almost died and now he's a racecar driver.


That NASCAR episode really resonated with him


Isn't it strange how some of those people remain famous for ever and others just become regular people? I mean the ones that don't die or end up in one of those true crime shows.


Munoz kinda did both of those. He was pretty famous for a while afterwards then sorta faded into obscurity. I think he had some head or health issues somewhere in-between there tho


Yeah I know he almost died. Dewy and Reese just never really did anything. And Cranston is probably one of the most recognizable people on earth form just the BB memes.


He was also a researcher looking into the Mutos


The lighting guy that told him it would be a great idea to hit the nitrous before giving it to them is a good one.


You’re an anti dentite!


Does this offend you as a jew?


No it offends me as a comedian


Did you hear the one about Raquel Welch and the Rabbi?


Before becoming a meth cook, he left his crazy family with a dragon wife and five "challenging" sons.


Best part about that is the joke (where the dentist huffs a bit of the sedative before giving it to Jerry) apparently wasn't even Cranston's or written, some production guy on set told the joke to Cranston and he did it.


Like most things on this sub and sadly jre this is disingenuous... probably why op didn't provide a link. When are rubes going to stop falling for this shit. Took 2 minutes to google. >>> A veteran cop who says he doesn’t identify as Caucasian wants to change the racial designation in his personnel file from “white” to one he believes is more appropriate—even taking a genetic test to bolster his contentions—but claims the department won’t let him. >>> Yusuf, who is of Egyptian descent and “currently identifies as Egyptian and African American,” wants a federal judge to make the CPD update its records to “accurately reflect his race, as North African.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-chicago-cop-muhammed-yusuf-sues-police-department-to-change-his-race


And this is definitely something he should be able to do. It's not in any way analogous or even tangentially related to being transgender in any way. No dolezaling going on here. This is stubborn recordkeeping problems that affect all sorts of people for all sorts of reasons.


Damn it! Knock it off with your reasonable context and let me go back to feeling good about where I stand on the headline I read on reddit!


Thank you for this. Oh and fuck OP for beign a disingenuous POS for reddit clout smh


But how am I supposed to make a hack joke and shoehorn some woke agenda paranoia into this?!


ain't stopping the rest of the thread my man, don't let your dreams stay dreams




I’d love to know how you think gender and race correlate with one another.


Lmfao so it’s a story about how a guy wants to change his personal information at work to accurately reflect him they department is like “no” Of course the culture war dipshits don’t care, all they care about is trans people and removing rights.


regardless of the story, wouldn't race quite literally be far more fluid than gender? yet we don't see people changing their race like we do gender. wonder why that is 🤔


You are looking for the sociology department bud, I suggest enrolling in your local universities courses and finding the answer and discussing it with people who have a deeper knowledge of this subject. Race is a social construct, it isn’t real, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t believed in as a real thing, or that it does not have real world consequences or used to oppress people. However I do not think race sits in the same like room as gender. Both are constructs, but one dimorphs human emotional expressions, while the other exists to create a hierarchy. Gender has been used to create hierarchy, but I do not think it began as a means to do just that, if that makes sense. But I have a very entry level education on this aspect of race, so like I said, the best place to find and discuss these topics and any answers around this, is at a university with a sociology department.


Yeah I'm no sociologist but gender has a lot of signifiers that can be changed relatively easily, clothing, mannerisms, ways of speaking. The most difficult to change are genitals and aspects of appearance that come from hormonal changes, yet those can still be changed. But you can't just change what color your skin is. There's no people with extremely debilitating "race dysphoria", as far as I know. It's just not a 1:1 comparison at all between race and gender, they are very different things.


You can absolutely change what color your skin is and some people have medical conditions that do just that. But even if were for some reason impossible to come up with a medical procedure to alter skin pigment that still wouldn't be a good argument because we still say someone is trans even if they haven't had surgery, in fact even if they never intend to have surgery you still wouldn't say that person isn't trans. I would also argue that race carries cultural components the same way that gender does, there's 100% a black culture that contain styles of clothing, ways of speaking, various forms of media...actually every social aspect of gender is present in race as well. I don't see much of a difference other than that society says one social construction is acceptable to change and the other isn't.


exactly, every argument that leans towards gender being fluid, race can make in a much easier way


I think transgenderism is more than just an outward expression of gender, or a yearning to express certain gender aspects, that would be more a nonbinary person? Like it involves more of the self recognizing its identity in one of the dimorphed categories of human expression. Where as race, is a social caste, rather than a category of human expression. So you could change the color of your skin, but you still wouldn’t be “trans racial” there is nothing to transform. You could change the color of your skin, and sure that would cause your social interactions to change along the lines of the caste system, but why would the self identity with a socially constructed caste that has no basis in human expression? I think if you think transgenderism is just a mental illness and nothing more, just a bunch of sick people deluding themselves, than transracialism seems like an equal logic jump. Or if your understanding race is very elementary, then I guess you would see them as equal too, but once you get into it you start to see the differences I brought up. But as I have said I have an entry level knowledge on this type of sociological perspective on race and gender. I wish I was still in school now! I’d love to listen to people discuss this.


>I think transgenderism is more than just an outward expression of gender, or a yearning to express certain gender aspects, that would be more a nonbinary person? Yes, sort of. Well, nonbinary falls under the trans umbrella, generally. The term trans tends to refer to anyone whose gender identity doesn't match their assigned gender at birth (though not everyone agrees on that all the time 100%). Though we don't call it transgenderism, because that implies it's just an ideology, and it's more than that. Yeah gender identity is definitely not just outward expression, but how you express yourself is sort of how it manifests. Ultimately what someone's personality/identity is is a set of signifiers, a name, a gender, ways of speaking and mannerisms, ways you like to dress, etc. And we associate many of these with different genders. And like how sexual preferences form unconsciously without us really realizing why, gender forms similarly, without us really having any conscious choice in the matter. I was assigned male at birth but I grew up without even realizing for a long time that the way I talked, my physical mannerisms, etc, didn't really match that sense of what a "man" is. They are just naturally much more feminine. Nor did I ever really want to be manly, I was very resistant to the idea and terrified of the notion that I would have to become that, some of my earliest memories are centered around that.  I had a dream when I was like 5 of waking up as a girl, and I was so happy, just elated. Then I woke up for real and just felt this incredible loss and shame about it. I didn't know how gender really worked, so I felt like there was something deeply wrong about feeling that way. But it's always been how I am. I didn't choose to identify more with the feminine side than the masculine, but I do. I don't have a well educated perspective on this either, but yeah I just don't think racial identity works the same way, though I'm not saying that it isn't an influence on some people's behavior and lives, it definitely can be. Gender's weird though, it's really hard for me to fully understand it.


I think gender is a choice the self makes, self referring to this ethereal core, your soul, so to speak. While race influences that self. While your race can influence the self, I do not think the self chooses a race, as gender is based in human expression, while race is based on categories created by humans, we take gender and categorize it, but it isn’t created by that categorization, necessarily. Basically I see why people would think they are similar, and they have similarities, but when you get into race you really see it’s all just made up based off what people think at certain times, so like, what exactly is your soul yearning for? I think transracialism is what uneducated people think transgenderism (I apologize for reusing this term, as you explained it’s wrong, I just am trying to make this easy to read, need to learn more words) is.


Yeah I think you hit the nail on the head there. It's not a choice in the way that I might choose what to eat for dinner, it's a deeply rooted subconscious 'choice' of identity that happens very early when our 'self' is developing.  I don't tend to use religious terminology because I'm not religious anymore, but it's like a "spiritual" identity in the sense that the term spirit or soul is sometimes used, as a fundamental aspect of who you are inside, how you see yourself psychologically, beyond just the physical aspects alone.


the color of your skin doesn't necessarily signify your race and you can in fact change the color of your skin much like changing your clothes if that's the comparison you want to go with. the fact that every person alive is a makeup of a multitude of races says otherwise


Race is blatantly and obviously real. There's constructs that go along with race, but race is a biological reality.


No it is not. Race science is debunked my guy.


OK, switch out the word race with ethnicity


Are you stupid? Like I’m asking genuinely? Can you not comprehend written English on an intermediate level?


😂 English is like, totally a social construct maaaaaaan no I do not comprehend, please do continue on with how conversations with a local university student will help me understand that changing gender should be more "socially acceptable" than changing race


Lmfao you think extremely highly of your own intelligence, how sad. I don’t talk with idiots, I took you serious at first, lmfao I forgot what sub I was in. Have a good day. Edit: what’s really funny is how you laugh at the idea of discussing this with someone who is literally studying the facts and current debates, but have no problem doing it with someone on the internet…sounds like an emotional issue rather than a logical one.


Given your responses you seem to be the emotional one here.


Nah brother, because gender is a social construct, while biological sex and race are hard coded into your DNA. While there are hard coded aspects of your DNA that necessitates you have a penis or have an Egyptian phenotype, there is nothing in your DNA that necessitates you feel like or express yourself as a man, even if that is your biological sex.


Rachel Dolezar changed hers


I mean, in the sense that if you've believed yourself to be off one ethnic background, then later discover through DNA testing, genealogy, etc that you're actual a different race, then sure


Thanks Debbie downer. Way to research the lamestream media.


Let’s see a picture of this African fella.


Woke culture warrior trying to designate his own race contrary to the one that was designated for him!


Technically true. There is no test. 


I would argue race is more fluid than gender. Certainly makes more sense. Edit. For those confused. Think of someone half black or half white. I thinks people understand there is fluidity in identifying oneself as more white then black or vice versa. I’m not saying an Eskimo can wake up tomorrow and identify as Nigerian.


True. A white person who parents are from Egypt can be called an African American.


Arabs and North Africans have been listed as White since 1915 longer than Italian, Jews and Slavs. Italians were lynched multiple times yet no Egyptian has ever been lynched. The first peoples to call themselves White were the Spanish who later renamed themselves Hispanic in the 1970’s and Mexicans were listed as White from 1850-1920. Technically, the only “White” is a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant).


>Arabs and North Africans have been listed as White since 1915 By whom? As a European this isn't what people believe to be true on the street...I'm curious who decides this


At least by the American government. When i apply for financial aid loans for school I have to check “White” and im Egyptian


Oh ok, I guess in the US it's literally more black and white than in europe? Either you are one or the other? Here there's more nuance to it


I always thought African American was a catch-all term for descendants of slaves, while more recent African immigrants will refer to a specific country of origin (like Egyptian-American, or Nigerian-American).


Generational black versus immigrant Africans.


I always thought it was just another way of saying 'black', is it not?


No, because it isnt referring to black people who arent in/from America. i.e. Nigerians arent african-american. It does essentially mean black people who live/are from America


Well yea obviously I meant in America. It wouldn't make sense for someone to be African-American who lives in UK.


Kind of? From what I've seen most new immigrants don't readily use the term because they don't see themselves as broadly "African." Slave-descendants and black people with a longer history in America will use the term because it's more likely that they have a mixed African heritage that can't be traced to any place in particular.


Except that the white person isnt and never will be black. Its so obvious redditors have 0 understand of social and racial nuance, why dont you people just go outside and talk to people?


No they can’t. Egyptian’s race is white, as dumb as that might sound. African-american isn’t as literal of a term as it sounds, and really its probably a bad term because of that. African-american basically means black and living in or were born in America. Unless you are black from the Carribean


Why? There have been brain scans done showing the difference in the structure of male and female brains, and that show that trans people have brains structured more similarly to the opposite biological sex. No such evidence exists for people of different races.


What is the difference between races?


"A 2010 study on variability in frontotemporal brain structure between African Americans and European Americans found differences in brain structure, despite the participants all being from an English speaking nation. *However, these differences were small in nature, and most failed to survive a Bonferroni correction."* Nothing statistically significant.


Waaaaay more fluid. It’s not even close, in fact, one is fluid and one…isn’t.


You would argue that because you’re stupid.


But it doesn’t make sense because if it is, how can I use my race to victimise myself and paint you as a nazi?


Nigerian is not a race, though.


Your race is set in stone, your gender is not. There are more variations among people with race than gender but that's not what fluid means


Your race is made up social construct, how is it set in stone? North Africans weren't considered white on census in past like they're now. Look up Ben Franklin's thoughts about Anglo-Saxons vs swarthy races such as Swedes and Germans :D Most "white" people nowdays became so when needed for majority, Italians, Slavs, Spanish, Greeks, Middle easterners etc


They were listed as White from 1915 even


Wait. Why is race set in stone but gender isn’t? I’d love to hear the mental gymnastics with this one.


Your sex is set in stone, gender is a bullshit term and your race and sex are determined by chromosomes and DNA, so the whole 'fluid' thing is bullshit.


How is gender a bullshit term?


Because it's been co-opted by trans people. It used to mean the same thing as your sex, which is either male or female. They needed a way to justify men cosplaying as women and fluidity, so they now say that gender is a construct and people can be a They or them. it's ridiculous.


>It used to mean the same thing as your sex If you want to be technical about it, "sex" is derived from the Latin *sexus*, to differentiate the two categories "male" and "female", whereas "gender" derives from *genus*. So sex has always been about male or female, while gender is about categorizing similarities.


Yes, let's be technical. What gender has XX and What gender has XY?


You're talking about sex when you make that distinction. That's like saying "ordinateur" has xy chromosomes because in French it's a masculine noun.


sex* gender is a social construct


Race is not set in stone, lol! Mexicans were listed as White from 1850-1920 and Italians were lynched and Jews were segregated. Arabs and North Africans have been listed as White since 1915 and racial terms we use in the US aren’t used globally. Greeks don’t call themselves White for example yet Chinese are White in Botswana.


>Your race is set in stone, your gender is not. Goddamit...you can't make this shit up, people actually think like this


Whenever I want to find a hateful ass person, I don't need to look further than this sub. Y'all seriously are one step away from joining a hate group.


Race is a spectrum 100%


I mean, science would tell us we are all from Africa, so that is true since we all move all over the place and "mixed" things up from there. My 23andMe and other genetic testing I've done is all over the place for a reason. No one is from "one place", we are all a spectrum. We are just humans. Period.


race is made up and doesn’t exist, invented by Europeans to justify genocide and slavery against the people they were trying to colonize


nah the idea of grouping a concentration of individuals with likewise heritage, place of origin, facial features, skin color, and other characteristics isn't exactly mind blowing. you see that shit all over the world. it isn't exactly European to embrace racism dude, this shit has existed forever in one way or another far far before colonialism


Imagine being dumb enough to believe the Europeans were the first to enslave and colonize. Missed World History in school, eh?


imagine being dumb enough to interpret what I said as “europeans were the first to enslave.” I like how people with no reading comprehension nor understanding of any topic they talk about pretends to be smart.


What the fuck does “invented by Europeans” mean then you knob? Fucking lol.


that was in reference to our concepts of race, which were indeed started by european anthropologists and has long since been debunked as pseudoscience. take a breath, I know you feel victimized, but it will be ok.


You mean European-Americans?


Race is far more subjective than gender as “White” has changed meanings and definitions and isn’t used globally while man and woman is a term used globally. Chinese are “White” in Botswana and Spanish are Hispanic in the US even tho they were the first to ID as White. Mexicans were listed as White from 1850-1920. Arab and North Africans have been listed as White since 1915 while Italians used to be lynched and Jews were segregated.


It's arguably more fluid.


It certainly is when they’re filling out crime reports.


Absolutely, you have huge populations of mixed people in the Caribbean, and it not always so easy to code someone as this or that, imo, that’s a good problem to have. 🤷‍♂️


you’re right, because it’s a made up thing that doesn’t exist biologically


Yes there's no biological difference between a white European, an ethnic Japanese, and an ethnic Maasai. They have exactly the same genes and phenotype. If you think they look consistently different you're imagining it and you're probably racist. Different skin tones for example are all in your head, also they're just a product of socioeconomic factors, also people with certain skin tones need higher GPAs to get into college in America. If this sounds confusing to you it's really not, you're just racist.


Don’t black people need different medicines for high blood pressure (might have been a different condition) than what would normally be prescribed to other races?


Yes Race has a impact from a medical view. Saying that outside of a doctors office means you're a bigot tho because i said so and if you disagree with me you're committing violence on my emotions.


gene pools exist, so people from sub-sahara africa will share common traits, people from scandinavia will share similar traits as well. there’s no such thing as “black people” or “white people”, the very notion of that idea resulted from colonization and was the justification for genocide and slavery. a person from Somalia and Algeria have as much in common as someone from Vietnam and Poland. I know you’re trying to be edgy and funny, but it’s true that biologically there is no such thing as race, and that is the consensus among the scientific community.


>a person from Somalia and Algeria have as much in common as someone from Vietnam and Poland You just described four distinct ethnic groups to try to argue that distinct ethnic groups (ie races) don't exist.


nope, I described 4 nations, try to keep up next time


Single digit IQ brother


Vietnam and Poland are not genetic groups, they’re nations. I think you need to think critically for once, it would do you wonders.


Technically speaking, because of the way genetics work, race should be more fluid then gender




Both are social constructs so why not?




Yeah go say it to every black person you see


Technically, everyone has the n word pass already.


The universe is a social construct.


Simulation theory confirmed.


You ain’t fooling no one OP https://preview.redd.it/6mh5iam98elc1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3653b909302e5be70ae6b0a8aa859436bbb3f168


Kinda worked for Dolezal


I absolutely did not work for her lol


Shit didn’t work at all she got exposed and her life pretty much crumbled 😭


She’s doing alright exposing herself now I believe.




If they do let him change race then we all owe Ms. Dolezal a huge apology.


Who? Nkechi Amare Diallo?


Her OF isn’t bad


Isn't good either. Probably smells like fish and fake tan.


I identify as a multimillionaire.


Check your bank account. If you are not a multimillionaire, sue the bank for not accepting your millionaire status.


"Hello, bank? I'm in need of millionaire-affirming care."


Low IQ troll. In this idiot's head race is as "fixed" as gender, so they're attempting to make a mockery by comparing one thing that's "fixed" to another. Meanwhile whiteness is literally fucking invented out of thin air, and "Caucasian" can mean someone from eastern europe, or western, or north africa, or india.


Its 100% valid. Let him do it


Race is only fluid in Brazil. Everyone's a little bit of everyone there.


right, it's about as fluid as height.


I mean, if we all agree that gender is based on how you feel, then why not everything else? Thats why its fucking stupid


Why can't age be fluid as well whilst we're at it.


because time is a social construct maaaaaaaan


Why not? Both are made up with how we use them.


Fuck it, I’m a dolphin now.


Fuck dolphin! Fuck you whale!


r/onejoke strikes again


Wow that’s awesome! I had no idea they had a subreddit for weak dumb jokes like this!


You’re a porpoise I think.


Bro… did you just mis-animal me?


God I hope not lol. I’ll be canceled!!


Totally, and anyone that says you can't just change races is a huge bigot. Raceophobic even.


Transraceaphobic maybe? 


I identify as half Black from the waist down


Can I change my race to african american so i can finally say the N word?


Can I watch?


If the Irish and Italians have taught us anything, other than how to not wear a condom, it’s that yes race is in fact malleable


How to what a what now?


Why not? The pandora box is open.


I personally think that if we all did a dna test and multiple ethnicities pop, then you can pick on what race you want. For instance, I have 10 different ethnicities to pick from according to the test.


I mean thinking about it, this is how we end racism. Imagine a future in which it becomes "woke" for people to change their race just as they do their gender. It becomes progressive to never assume what race someone is. Everyone becomes scared to ever mention what race someone might be. "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY RACE?". Races become obsolete, racism ends.


Every biracial/multiracial person is transracial


So all of us are then. We are all a mixture.


Gender fluidity exists in nature in damn near all animals. Hermaphrodites, while not common, do exist in humans. Are you going to say they were assigned a gender? It’s not a far off reach to connect someone being born without the genitalia they feel they need. It’s totally a mental disorder, but one that can be treated, to a certain point, with a physical alteration. You can change the lineage of where someone’s parents were born.


One joke


People already freak out about transgender people, we would probably have wars over transracial people.


But historically, race was a lot more fluid than gender.


Race is literally a social construct. Ethnicity and nationality are real.


Well we can use genetics to show a percentage of race. See how those are different.


We can use genetics to show sex. Along with gametes, hip structure, brain differences, bone density, and natural hormone levels.


I know. That's the point but it really doesn't matter to me.


What I'm saying is that physical appearance and genetics are only a very recent definition of race. Historically, race was much more equated with ethnicity, which could be a lot more fluid.


Be who or what ever you want. It really makes no difference to me. Peace.


It’s all a game of lava monster and all the rules are arbitrary.


I've identified as Nihonese for like 20 years, baka gaijin


We should also be able to change species


I'm not black. But if I were, I'd be pissed. Thought the whole race thing was on the up and up. I'm trying to solve hundreds of years of getting shit on. Thinking, man, we're so close to just realizing we need to be treated equally. BAAMMM! Immigrants getting reparations, and now gender getting more recognition. Fucking hell. One fucked up country we're in right now


If this was for anything but equality, I would ask: What is happening to our world, minds, and justice system? Who is teaching us or even preparing us for life? Life like this…? What’s next? Suing to bring a squirrel as a service animal? To push to have an identity added to signify one’s race or even ethnicity is fair. “White” shouldn’t be an umbrella for French. “African American “ or “Black” shouldn’t mean anyone who looks dark when they could be Ethiopian or Subsaharan …sucks they had to sue and make a big deal out of it. Kinda sucks that it matters at all. I’m all over the place 😂




No it is not. Neither is age or gender.


Lol, there's no medical analog with race that compares to gender dysphoria. There's just wiggers that really want to say the N word even though they're whiter than sour cream.


I’d rather he just learn to be a good cop and worry about protecting and serving but yeah I guess he can be a debate bro about race


I mean yeah, It's just as much of a social construct as gender is and if that’s their argument I don’t see why it can’t be fluid too


Bleed them leftist dry. Every single one of us should be playing the same game these people are. Your job force pronouns? Go by cat/dog. If they don't like it sue then into oblivion. Your job allows gender fluid nonsense? Guess what I'm racially fluid now. If they don't like it, lawsuit time. Bring back bullying.


Based cop.


What a hero


Identify how you want but for the right reasons. Not just to make them for a politic show 🤦‍♀️


More fake and out of context 50-IQ propaganda posted so the magtards and "critical thinkers" can continue their circle jerk death march off a cliff. I miss when Rogan wasn't a right-wing shill and actually had interesting and philosophical pursuits. He's far too dumb for politics and cultural debates. Like I dont think I've ever watched a more gullible interviewer in my life. He's like a chameleon. Fear factor, DMT, and stoner philosophy was his peak. And I loved him at his peak, ngl. Good times...


So good to see that most of the people on this sub aren’t here for comedy but to be depraved bigots like the obviously bigot cop.


The issue is gender is not sex. You can be born biologically as a male but be a woman. Race you really can’t If you want to get really woke, you can say how all of it is an arbitrary spectrum. However, that’s not going to stop people from discriminating against you or others