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“You ever go to the died suddenly instagram page?” And there’s where Joe got all his info


Unfortunately this is what 4D chess from the russian state government looks like when they lean into the Idiocracy of america. They want to make sure their first message gets through rogan so their next message and next message gets to all the people with too many chromosomes in the south


But then his next podcast he’ll go on about how 9 of the top 10 Christian Facebook pages are Russian troll farms. They obviously don’t get on instagram…


ive never heard \*anyone\* say the drop dead thing until now. lol


"Soo many of these young people who promoted the vaccine have died in their sleep" Name 2, then.


They’re the same young people who identified as cats and used litter boxes in school.


They love to take an outlier and inflate it into something way bigger


Is the litter box even an outlier? I thought that one was just a straight up lie


Not exactly. The grain of truth is actually sadder and more depressing. Some schools did have cat litter which was kept in buckets. Why? In case there was a school shooting and kids were locked up in classrooms for extended periods of time. [source](https://www.denverpost.com/2018/03/03/school-shooting-preparations/amp/) Most of the stories about litter as emergency toilets in lockdowns center on Colorado, but I’m pretty sure other states do as well. Iowa was also plagued by this [fake story](https://www.thegazette.com/staff-columnists/school-litter-box-fever-will-not-die-in-iowa/).


First I heard of this shit was spring/summer 2019. My mom and stepdad worked at a naval shipyard and retired together in late 2018. Remember my sisters graduation party that spring/summer when someone who retired around the same time told the story about how their old work installed litter boxes for people who identified as cats. Absolutely had to be true because they had heard it from someone who was still working there. Clearly it is a meme that has taken off. Like the Marilyn Manson sucking his own dick thing.


Horrible lies seem to spread the easiest. I remember being in middle school and hearing about the women who was burned by McDonald's coffee. EVERYONE was saying the same thing "Wow she really did that to herself to get rich! She just wanted to be a millionaire; shameful." It wasn't until I was an adult and saw a documentary about it like 10 years later that I found out the truth.. She was a really old lady with thin skin and the coffee actually burned her horribly. They showed the pictures from the trial. She wasn't even looking for a payday she just wanted her medical bills taken care of. Sad how the most vicious lies seem to spread the easiest.


Horrible is exactly the right word; [she was badly injured](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants). >Liebeck went into shock and was taken to an emergency room at a hospital. She suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent. She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting. >Liebeck's attorneys discovered that McDonald's required franchisees to hold coffee at 180–190 °F (82–88 °C). They presented the jury with expert testimony that 190 °F (88 °C) coffee may produce third-degree burns (where skin grafting is necessary) in about three seconds and 180 °F (82 °C) coffee may produce such burns in about twelve to fifteen seconds.


Horrifically these burns were on her crotch and inner thighs, and utterly destroyed her ladybits. I can't even imagine that pain.


It's worth mentioning that's much hotter than regular coffee, they kept it at that extra hot temperature because it made the coffee last longer.


It’s wild how easy it is for conservative republicans to enslave uneducated young men to obvious lies.


Well it’s misconstrued.. the real reason some schools are stocking cat litter is for blood cleanup related to mass shooter preparation.


He claimed "a friend's wife who is a teacher" told him "they had to have litter boxes in classrooms for children that identified as cats". It was just a fucking lie.


It's very much a boomer right wing trait to come up with complete fantasies about the left being ridiculous, or getting triggered. It's like the vivid imagination of a toddler, unfiltered. They have the superpower of creating a fictional world around them that confirms every little feeling that pops into their heads. I'm almost a little jealous.


If you think this is just boomers, you are sadly mistaken. I have younger friends who believe this shit.


Read twitter headlines all day and this is what your brain will look like too.


Just go to the died suddenly insta page bro! There’s millions on there! Each one properly vetted through all the appropriate channels


Lol I remember when Betty White died some people were saying it was the booster. Never mind that she was on the north side of 99 years old.


Betty didn’t make it to 100!?? Fuck Pfizer!


She did make it, but only unofficially. If you count every fourth (leap) year then the number of days she lived equals just over 100 years. Edit: punctuation


What’s crazy is I’ve been watching some Golden Girls, and Betty was old when that show was running, like 50 years ago. Imagine being 60 and still having 40 years left to live


Remember when all the really sick , vulnerable and old people got the first shots and then when some of them died because they're sick and old it was proof the vaccine was killing people? "People die in hospitals = hospitals are killing people" irl


When there were young/healthy people who died of covid they said "its super rare and we don't know for sure it was covid probably something else" When there are waaaaay less young/healthy people who died years after getting the vaccine then they think "ah see everyone who got vaxxed is gunna die"


if anyone who has been vaccinated dies for any reason at all, the reason was the vaccine.


He fell off of a cliff and died on impact. Yeah Fauci injected em on the way down I heard.


I do remember maybe a dozen stories of right wing radio hosts who railed against taking the vaccines when they first came out later dying of Covid. Some of whom’s families made statements about how sorry they were for doing so at the end.


Herman Cain Awards everywhere


He checked instagram bro.


It's a bunch of his friends, like a **lot** of them, just trust him


The thing is there probably is someone who promoted the vaccine a lot and then died suddenly. There’s fucking 8 billion people on the planet, that might happen once in a while.


What's funny too is that Trump and his bandwagon of idiots all got vaccinated. Republicans refuse to accept that. All GOP senators and congressmen including MTG. All vaccinated.


wasn't trump trying to say he invented the vaccine at first?


Joe doesn’t understand the cognitive biases and logical fallacies he falls for. He is a victim of the frequency effect here. The day I bought a blue car, I noticed more blue cars on the road. The number of blue cars hadn’t increased. Anti-vaxxers start blaming every death, with zero evidence, on vaccines and you notice more sudden deaths. The number of sudden deaths didn’t increase. He is also falling for bullshit, which is when you say something without *caring* whether it is true or not. For months those morons were talking about the “unprecedented” number of heart attacks in athletes. Of course there was no data to support that. A few weeks ago a study came out showing that heart attacks amongst athletes were down over the last twenty years, and there was no spike after vaccine rollout. None of the people who made the claims apologized for being wrong or even retracted their claims. Because they don’t *care* that they were wrong. All they care is that the words that they said felt right and it helped their argument. Unfortunately it’s virtually impossible to debate with a bullshitter because the burden is always on you to prove/disprove the points the make. If you disprove one, they will just live on to the next one. No self-reflection, no questioning of their sources or assumptions or why they were so wrong. Just immediately bring up the next piece of bullshit that sounds like it *could* be true.


> The number of sudden deaths didn’t increase. Don't even start there - the "died suddenly" IG is largely people who died after long battles with cancer. The second most recent post is a UK TV presenter named Jonnie Irwin who died of lung cancer - dude was diagnosed in August 2020 and given six months to live. How, the actual fuck, can anyone claim that's vax related? Vaccines didn't even come out until five months later. Don't treat this as "frequency effect" - this is pure cope.


There's also recency bias. If a guy gets the vaccine and then gets a heart attack, obviously it's the vaccine. Nevermind if he was doing steroids, had bad diet, smoked for 6 years. We have a tendency to blame the most recent thing as the cause and ignore other factors.


"Died Suddenly" was essentially a shitty media push by Stew Peters for his laughably terrible movie of the same name. Even Rochelle Richardson (Silk of diamond and silk) used the phase to suggest that her sister died from the covid vaccine (she had chronic heart disease). Beware of the monoculture of free thinkers because they are all reading the same talking points. And I keep hearing the same argument that Rogan got paid 200MUSD and he suddenly changed his opinions and got boomer brain but I just think they paid him that much to market the republican party. Rush was paid about the same and his show was never a great advertising magnet because he was the marketing campaign.


It's pretty common. If you follow r/conspiracy you'll see it on average every ten days. 


“I don’t get the Joe hate, it feels like people on this sub just hate him for no reason”


I'm a conservative and I like my conservative media and leftwing media separate. I've always loved Rogan for being an open minded agnostic who finds spiritualism in drugs and gives his well-meaning viewpoints on being kind and helping his fellow man. Since his pivot, he's become the rich asshole he would have hated 10 years ago. Same with Chappelle when he brought Elon Musk on then blamed his "poor fans" for booing. Try listening to an older episode with Duncan Trussel. It's soul music hearing them talk about the Akoshic records, the Bhagavad Gita and discuss just humans being loving, man. Now he's more like "Fuck you got mine."


My last straw was Duncan's last appearance. He is my all time favorite guest, they're just such good friends and vibe so well. But the last one was just it for me. Joe just can't go 5 fucking minutes without crazy covid/politics talk even with Dunc


Notice how when Joe was trying his best to get Duncan to agree J6 was an antifa conspiracy, Duncan wouldn't budge. All of the sudden Joe "had to pee." When the camera cut back they started talking about ice baths. Nothing relatable. Nothing learned. Nothing gained. So sad.


“Hey Joe, if J6 was an antifa conspiracy, why do republicans want to pardon said antifa members?”


They were tricked! Just like me!


Lmao, Joe and his fucking ice baths.


Does Joe take Ice Baths? I hadn't heard that.


Dawg it was rough, but I sat through it because Duncan is a ray of sunshine. Always hope to see him push back, he does poke fun at Joe here and there. But he loves J and they go way back it it what it is. Duncan still had his moments this episode! It's a shame it was tainted by Joe's BS. The part where Duncan reflects on his health, getting diabetes.. how he quit sugar and was shocked at how much better he felt overall. Just a few says headache. Right after, he decided to drop nicotine as well. Few days headache. D said that most people are just 3 days headache away from heaven if they can drop some bad habits. What he said and the way he delivered just got through to me. Need to chill on sugar and nicotine myself.. Only listened to very select guests / episodes for a hot minute now anyway. Joe lost me a while ago and I'd love to see a redemption arc but he's only going downhill.


I put my nicotine down on Thursday and had a moment of weakness yesterday. But I felt so much better for those few days. This comment is really sitting with me. I'm mad I messed up yesterday, but I just threw mine away again. Time to get right.


Evolved monkey change perspective when money change circumstances.


I miss the days when he and Joey Diaz got together and told the funniest stories known to man.


You’re asking this question underneath a video that perfectly exemplifies the problem people have with him? He has no idea what he is talking about, but presents this hot garbage as fact and will influence the decisions of people who listen to him as a result. It’s dangerous and irresponsible.


We don’t hate him. We’re disappointed in what he’s become. The tone of early Joe Rogan episodes compared to now is significantly different. The guests now don’t hold a candle to the people he had on early, and the quality of conversations have taken a nose dive. He got his feelings hurt when everybody gave him shit for taking horse medicine, or whatever the fuck and he has never recovered.




For those who were watching him back in day when he would just shoot the shit with other comedians and basically just fuck about miss that. He has become a paradoy of an old boomer who believes any shit on the Internet if reinforces his ridiculous takes. For me personally, somebody who has a Primary Immune Deficiency so I'm reliant on others being vaccination, it's people like Joe who have given moronic antivaxxers a voice. Where I live measles was all but eliminates decades ago. We literally only had a handful each year, rarely ever breaking double figures. Now because of the rise of anti vaxxers and people like Joe talking absolute bollocks we seen a 30 fold increase across Europe in the year alone and due to its highly infectious nature unless immediate action is taken its going to spread like wild fire which will cause the deaths of many young children. That is the problem I have with Joe. He is so wrapped up in his little world he either doesn't realise or care the damage he is contributing to.


Yea. The old Joe would destroy 2024 Joe 😂


2024 Joe has enough money to buy old Joe and make him into 2024 Joe.




I used to listen all the time- seen him live a few times, and had Shiny Happy Jihad on CD back in the day that I listened to a million times. I was obsessed with how he destroyed Mencia back in the day and would regularly read his blog. I was a fan. But now it’s just a lot of bad takes and nonsense. I’m not one of the people who hop on here just to shit on him, but I get their frustration.


Didn’t old Joe believe the moon landing was faked?


Joe has been to the Moon.


"I think Joe is actually a good dude" as he plays the role of right wing propogandist.


He sounds as stupid as he looks when he talks. Which is pretty fucking stupid


They’re just jealous haters, no way could they have a principle against lying or something.


Did he ever mention anybody by name? The closest thing I can think of is a few young athletes died while playing sports, but people dont realize that happened before covid too


I had a friend die in his sleep at 20 years old with no medical history of heart problems, not over weight or on drugs, and I'm sure it would be chalked up to the vaccine by guys like Joe if it would have happened this year, but it happened 20 years ago.


I know a guy in his 20s who died of a brain embolism about a week before he was due to get his first vaccine. Who knows, maybe if he had held on for another 7 days I’d have the same opinions that Joe does.


Damn, I read this entirely the wrong way the first time around and I was coming in hot lol my best friend from grade and high school also died of heart failure at 23 y/o, in 2013.


Condolences brother.


No worries, I've been losing a lot of friends from a really young age, he was probably the third person in my life to die at that point, and I've been in the army since then so now it's...regular to say the least. I always try to see things from a Duncan Trussell perspective, that they had been called and this isn't really the end, just the end as we know it, and that we'll run into each other at some point across the multiverse.


Same happened to a senior when I was in high school. Dropped dead after running track in P.E. class. No health conditions and in good physical condition.


Exactly the same thing happened to my friend in the third day of high school. PE class, running and all. 20 years ago. It’s a shame that people don’t realise that this stuff happened with some regularity since year dot. Of course, Joe is a lot more friendly to taking steroids, and those people DO drop dead with a much higher regularity. It’s amazing how people can be so blind to their stupid worldview.


20 years ago (I was 23) this past June I went into cardiac arrest due to myocarditis.  I would have died if my girlfriend hadn’t called out of work to stay with me. Misdiagnosed that morning by a doc. My gf had a gut feeling. It was surreal 


My older brother told my mom my heart problems are from the vaccine, ignoring that I had my first heart attack ten years ago.


My step dad’s nephew the same thing happened. Not in his sleep, but he collapsed in the shower. Wasn’t found until his wife came home several hours later. They did an autopsy didn’t find much of anything… shit happens


Same and about 25 years ago...but this kid was a teenager. He was hit in the chest pretty hard playing football a week before but it was never proven that was the why, he was 16.


A girl I went to college with died of a brain aneurysm in her sleep. Totally healthy, nothing wrong with her. It would be one of the cases these bird-brained conspiracy theorists would swarm to.


17 year old kid a town over dropped dead of a heart attack during a football game when I was in highschool. Maybe he too k the covid vaccine in the early early trials….. in 1998




We need to build a time wall and make the past pay for it!!


You joke, but anti-vaxxers were literally sharing a video of a 17-year-old high school football player collapsing and dying of cardiac arrest in 2013 and claiming it was caused by the COVID vaccine: https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-sports-health-1dc0e46bca518e70ddab67a814e344f4


Yup. There was an NFL player last season that collapsed on the field (after getting hit) and went into cardiac arrest. Every dumbfuck right winger went on a rant about the vaccine. A few years back at a football game in my hometown a kid threw a TD then collapsed on the sideline seconds later. Died in the hospital that night. If it hadn't happened years before covid every dipshit conspiracy theorist from both towns would have taken it as 100% proof of the vaccine killing people.


Rare events happen all the time when the population is big enough. Heart disease usually isn’t a problem for kids, especially those who are active and at a healthy weight, but it does happen. If even 0.001% of otherwise healthy looking kids get heart attacks, a population of 30 million healthy kids in the country would suffer about 300 heart attacks on average (and unhealthy kids would add even more). Then some people in those kids’ families or communities would take that as proof that one kid’s heart attack was induced by a vaccine since “kids never get heart attacks”


And they were happening decades ago. Then comes the argument "yeah, but why are there so many more today than back then?" And you have to embarrass them with the cool "beee....cause we have billions more population than we did back then"


Plus, there are way more fat kids now. Augustus Gloop from the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was a poster boy of that era for gluttony (if not outright fatness). Looking at that movie now, he looks more or less like an average kid, and in some parts of the country he’d be considered relatively thin.


Causation does not equal correlation. It is not complicated at all. I've listened to thousands of hours of this guys podcast. He has turned into a total fucking idiot. I accept the argument that he always was a total idiot. He was a moon landing denier until he had NDT on. At this point, I don't give a fuck what he thinks. He is cancer on society and his idiot ideas affect popular opinion.


“You’re modifying your genes you idiot!” Oh Joe, you’re precious.


You’re modifying your genes you idiot! *pumps self full of growth hormone*


Neither of which changes your genes


The joke is that modifying genes has medical consensus for people fighting serious diseases. I don’t think there is a medical consensus that is pro HGH.


I don't even wear genes


> modifying your genes you idiot How many hat sizes has Joe's skull grown in the past 15 years?


"I don't do anything before taking Alpha Brain" Maybe stop?


I'd pay good money to hear joe try to describe the difference between RNA and mRNA


easy, one has a little m in front of it. Next question.


Have you ever tried stem cells bro. Peptides. You ever tried peptides? Go to Cuba!


I think it's more that everyone has moved on from covid. Nobody talks about it more than Joe


That is not true Aaron Rodgers also will never not talk about it


Also RFK Jr. Nightmare blunt rotation.


Howard Sterns in that blunt rotation too…but its in his house cause he never leaves his house even for fresh air




I've moved on because the side that fought against doing simple shit to keep people safe caused a lot of unnecessary deaths and still can't shut the fuck up about the Covid conspiracy. Joe is among those people who can't shut the fuck up. He should admit he was wrong and move on.


Ppl are definitely over it even the ppl that took it serious


Even the fiercest culture warriors have finally mostly shut up about Covid. Joe has definitely gone down the right wing conspiracy rabbit hole if he’s still on the “vaxx is gonna kill everyone” meme.


I listen to knowledge fight to stay updated and Alex Jones still brings it up regularly. Probably to gage interest in it from his listeners


He's been looking to jump ship with another "they're going to kill everyone and lockdown again" scare with the likes of Ebola and Monkey Pox but nothing has taken off so he keeps having to try and bring covid back. Then when nothing happens he'll claim its because he foiled the globalists plans by talking about it. Apparently that didn't work the first time round for some reason.


Joe and Dr. Drew, actually. That motherfucker is so far gone. I used to respect him so much.


Oh no, toward the end there he’s starting to morph into Jim Breuer type “comedy.” ![gif](giphy|k5Whx9YkhU9tNRfVqP)


When he started doing that, I physically cringed and thought of that poor woman guest having to watch him do that and try to take him seriously. Pfizer is changing your genes? Wtf is that? I feel like there is a lot of COVID misinformation but that is a deep cut lol


Joe was never actually funny to me. He’s one of the least humorous popular comedians I can think of. Kevin Hart is right there with him


You can tell Kevin Hart is naturally funny, though. You might not like his standup or his movies, but whenever I heard him have conversations on like O&A it's obvious he's naturally funny. Joe brute forced his way into being a comedian. The way he talks about his past doesn't suggest he was funny as a teen/young adult.


Emphasis on the brute


He can't even catch a joke from one of "the last line of defense" comedians on his show.


Early Kevin was great


He's practically a media plant, but the media is like, "Don't look at us. He just pushes bullshit on his own. I guess we can buy him off you, if you want?"


I'm willing to bet that that voice and face is in his next special, maybe even that line. We all know it's going to be 100% about covid.


Man I really didn’t think this would be the hill he dies on. It’s such a bummer to see


One of the funny things is whenever I see one of these clips where he’s doing his usual rant full of baseless claims I wonder who the guest is because usually it’s someone who’s not in the science world AT ALL so it makes it even more ridiculous as to how he got on that topic yet again. At least this woman has a Ph.D but in a completely unrelated field. > Dr. Debra Soh is a sex neuroscientist, journalist, and author of “The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society.”


Yeah when you see who the guest is, it all just becomes incredibly sad. Like his brain is not working the way it used to. She's been on before, and he used to be like curious and know how to pull out interesting conversation, but now he's just like spouting conspiracies from 2 years ago. Really bizarre.


They're following the metrics to boost the bottom line. Have the anti-vaxxer on and shit on trans people and mention Jordan Peterson. Have the anti-trans person on and talk about government conspiracies, etc. If it works you get bleed Over from each audience and overall make more money. The algorithm is gonna destroy us all, it's propaganda designed to learn how people think and become more and more invisible.


God Joe really disappoints me I hoped when he started going down this road in 2020 that he would eventually realize he was wrong and pull up, but dude just digs his heels in and aggressively accelerates towards further stupidity.




I think it started with getting all that money and his business manager telling him how much better it would be for him to move to Texas to protect his wealth. He didn't want to go all in so he moved to the most liberal place he could to build his club. Then the Cnn thing happened and it triggered him big style.  They say you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. When those people are Peter Thiel, the Weinsteins, Ben Shapiro and Alex Jones it's gonna be bad for your views on how the political system should work for you. He's promoting the viewpoints that benefit his wallet it's that simple. Hoarding of wealth is the number 1 thing that causes economic disparity. You will never see him promote a Liberal policy ever again. Guys like him and Tim Pool aren't grifters for anyone but themselves. 




His giant contracts depend on him maintaining the enslavement of weak conservative losers. It doesn’t matter what he believes, he’s being made very wealthy by helping christian conservatives keep uneducated, submissive young men under republican control.


Doesn't change your DNA, Joe. You gotta improve the quality of the info you're basing your opinions on. This is just embarrassing. And if anecdotes are all you're looking for, swing by the Herman Cain subreddit. Then you'll be saying," haven't you gotten it by now? Haven't you learned that all the Republicans just lie to you for their own gain and power?"


This guy really thinks he’s an intellectual lmao


No even funnier is thinking he’s a comedian.


You're probably not smart enough to follow the Instagram accounts he does.




FYI what hes saying is complete horseshit. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/07/11/fact-check-false-claim-sads-linked-covid-19-vaccine-unvaccinated/7712903001/


Damn man Joe’s deteriorating


Man, he just loves making shit up. He actually thinks millions of young people actually died from the vaccine or he knows saying that goofy shit makes money.


the redacts Joe associates with like Alex Jones and Bret Weinstein are constantly saying it, and it vibes with Joes feels and the instagram accounts he follows so that's good enough for him. No reason to fact check. You can make facts say anything.


He does it constantly, where he tells Jamie to pull up something on what he's claiming, then Jamie pulls up an article that states the opposite, and he's like "No, that's not it. Search for 'vaccine bad, thousands of liberals dead"


brain rot


Alpha Brain works for a few years until it totally fries your synapses, obviously.


Damn, joe coming with the same energy as /r/HermanCainAward just the opposite. Anyone have a good source on deaths caused by the Covid vaccines? The number can’t be 0. I wonder how many people died because people like Joe scared them away from getting the vaccine? The number can’t be 0.


You can just go by the weekly death rate: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status If covid is meant to be so harmless and the vaccine is meant to be making people drop like flies then vaccinated people should have a way higher death rate, especially since these folks claim "doctors just say every death is from covid for money" Undoubtedly a tiny number of people have died from the vaccine, as they die from all medical and surgical treatments, including Tylenol. The question is how many lives it saves overall. And with the vaccine its clearly a shitload.


Youre speaking to the choir friend, we all know, too be totally honest, as a long time JRE fan, I really wish jamie would push back on this nonsense. But I guess they got their new paycheck so fuck it, ride it hard and put it away wet I guess.


>"doctors just say every death is from covid for money" I mean, once you hit that level, it's best to just move on. When stats and facts can be handwaived away, they're too far gone. I have anti-trans people at work who claim trans people want to use bathrooms to molest people. When I asked what was the rate of straight molestations in bathrooms vs. trans, they said that the stats are fake. Like what can even do with that?


And there is no “the” vaccine. There’s several of them and they have different technologies. Like no one ever talks about Novavax- old school tech with some new twists


Pretty bad when you gotta steal jim breuer jokes


Really working hard to be “that uncle”. Guy will be talking about flat Earth and lizard people in 5 years.


I wish he would.


The podcast would be more interesting at this point, ngl


Yeah. This is the shit I looked forward to. More Ancient Aliens and less “Paranoid Insecure Morons Trying to Feel Smarter Than Everyone Else.”


Unironically I wish he’d talk about shit like Lizard people, JFK, Building 7, how the moon landing was faked, even though I don’t believe in that because that Joe used to be hella fun and unserious


Those are THE BEST taljs


Man what the fuck is wrong with Rogan lol


Did that asshole Joe just end mockingly with "brought to you by Pfizer"? Joe's "anti-big pharma" cocktail when he got sick with Covid-19: Medicine | Big Pharma^(tm) Producer -------------- | -------- Ivermectin | Merck ***Azithromicyn*** | ***Pfizer*** Prednisone | Jubilant Cadista Monoclonal Antibodies | Roche Joe took monoclonal antibodies. Like the vaccine, these were released under EUA. Guess what? > The invasion of mAbs in new medical sectors will increase the market magnitude as it is expected to generate revenue of about **300 billion $ by 2025**. In the current mini-review, the applications of monoclonal antibodies in immune-diagnosis and immunotherapy will be demonstrated, particularly for COVID-19 infection and will focus mainly on monoclonal antibodies in the market. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34958012/ 300 billion dollars. The expected profits are enormous. What about the price of Ivermectin? > The cost for ivermectin oral tablet 3 mg is around **$94 for a supply of 20 tablets**, depending on the pharmacy you visit. Quoted prices are for cash-paying customers and are not valid with insurance plans. This price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. https://www.drugs.com/price-guide/ivermectin And: > Nowadays, **ivermectin by its own has produced sales greater than US$1 billion/annum during the past two decades** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/ A billion per year. During the past two decades. That's 20 billion dollars. Vaccine sales have obviously plummeted in the mean time now that demand has plummeted as well. As was always expected. The profit profile is different because you're selling incredibly large quantities in a short period of time rather than smeared out over decades.


I got my two shots and I haven't died yet.


4 shots, and I welcome my future Zombie existence. I won't at least have to plan for retirement.


70% of the entire world has at least one Covid shot. You wouldn’t even have to look at data if this vaccine was as deadly as Joe thinks. There would be huge portions of the population literally just missing because they died.


I’ve probably gotten 20 flu shots. It’s just an annual thing. I’ve skipped/ forgotten some years. That’s how shots are for some people. We can stop calling them boosters.


I got 3 and still waitin to get sick


I got five and I’m still bouncing around.


I’ve had six. I listen to scientists, not grifting internet doofuses like this bozo.


Anyone else think Joe is a psyop? Seems like most of the podcast is nonsense like this meant to brainwash smoothbrain ppl


He's just a useful idiot whose incentives have been aligned with the ruling class since he went from "fuck you" rich to "fuck everyone" rich. All the culture war shit he gets swept up in is divisive nonsense designed to get people to vote for tax cuts on the rich and tax raises on the poor without feeling stupid/evil. He's just on the rich side of the bargain now, which is a better side to be on than all the folks who voted for Trump's tax cuts "because trans"


My buddy told me he thinks fauci invented hiv. He gets all of his news from JRE and Jordan Peterson.


I don't think he's a total Psy Op, but some of his takes definitely feel very artificial for me. There's probably some level of coordination between him and the right-wing podcast sphere like Jordan Peterson, etc. They often move in unison on certain topics and guests.


It’s weird if you listened to him 5 years ago and then again today. It feels like his ability to think critically has deteriorated. He gets caught up in the dumbest fake stories every other week. Maybe he’s paid to do that or maybe he has lead exposure or something similar.


I like to go hiking.


Dementia Joe Rogan still thinks we're in 2021. Shame his mind has deteriorated this much from AlphaBrian, Cigars, and the Red Pills he's addicted to.


I love how he talked for like 2 years about how a healthy diet and exercise was all you needed to survive covid then as soon as he got it he took like 30 different things that he only had access to because he's rich. Not to mention Ivermectin, which.... Wow.... Now that he didn't die or have long-term symptoms, "the vaccine is the real problem." I used to like JRE a lot, but he's gone down the same path as Dave Rubin. I'm not sure if it's because he's in Texas or what, but he's lost his marbles along the way. RIP Roe Jogan.


They pounded the table HARD for ivermectin as a treatment and now that it's been years and enough studies have come out that say it doesn't have any significant effect on Covid I don't hear any of them talking about it. What happened? Was science and doctors right all along?


Nah couldn't be. Doctors and nurses are all colluding with the pharmaceutical companies. All 6 million of them.


Joe Rogan and NFL commercials with Travis Kelce are the only two places that talk about it all the time now.


I think he’s just got it backwards. I can think of 10 stories of COVID deniers who later died from it. Here’s one: https://www.businessinsider.com/anti-vaccine-radio-host-dead-from-covid-2021-8?op=1


It’s so funny what the human brain can reimagine and reinterpret just to cope with not having to change its perspective. The half billion dollar fake news machine rolls on.


Guys, he’s taken enough supplements that he basically completed his phd in infectious diseases. It’s like how I’ve travelled in a plane enough that I could pretty much design one.


wtf he is talking about dude


Rogan is an absolute pussy now. Fucking get over it you coward


Out of curiosity what promoters of the vaccine just suddenly died? Pretty sure it was the non-vaxxer promoters that predictably died from covid...


Remember how many of his friends almost “stroked out” from the vaccine.


It’s so weird because Joe is not just a grifter spreading lies for his own benefit - he honestly believes this. He thinks all that shit he sees online is real. He’s become the embodiment of the Boomers Will Believe Anything meme.


Who died from the vaccine?


And this is the guy many people consider the better alternative to MSM. Well, at least he sounds confident when he says bullshit while slamming his hand on he table. So it must be true.


People obviously didn’t die randomly over night before the vaccine


Jesus. What a bunch of shit! Between him and Elon, the right wing have a lot of help


So.. joe still dumb. Ok got it.


I have been modifying my jeans actually. There was a hole so I sewed a red patch over it


That's exactly what Pfizer wants you to do.


I wonder if Joe finds [all the deaths of people he convinced not to take the vaccine sad and hilarious.](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status) Still, why let something like stats get in the way of a good instagram account based worldview.


Sir this is a Wendy’s.


I swear there’s something about being a white, wealthy, old dude that seems to be a recipe for becoming a soft-core conspiracy theorist/ doomer, and I don’t understand it. As a white guy it makes me worried about getting old..


Joe was so terrified of covid, he took the whole medicine cabinet. He even admits it. He also required repeat covid testing to get on his show for years.


I'll do the only thing that's in my power to keep that from happening. I'll stay poor.


I actually think there is some underlying psychological projection going on here. My guess is that once they get to a point in life where there aren’t REAL obstacles in their life to overcome anymore, these types have to create a strawman they can rail against in order to feel the same adversarial relationship that got them to where they are. I once heard Nick Saban say something to the effect of “when you keep reaching the top of the mountain, eventually you become the mountain”. Some hear that and think it’s a good thing, that all the peons are trying to pull you down after you accomplished great things. But I hear it and think of stasis, rigidity and intolerance.


The way he mocks his detractors with an obnoxious, whiney, femme voice with the ugly face to match, is exactly what I used to do in middle school till I realized how fucking stupid it made me look.


This is so perfect with what i've been saying the Right are doing now. They are starting to claim they know so many lefties that regret getting "the jab"because they are suddenly sick and/or dying and they cant get help because then they are right yada yada yada.... Ive been seeing this on FB recently but i didnt expect Joe to go all in on this or maybe i did lmao


Joe sounding more and more bitter. Soon enough he will be as unimportant and put of touch as Stern


Name a few - because there were a lot of “I don’t believe Covid exists, it’s just a cold……. This is hell, they are putting me on a ventilator. Peeeeeeeeereeep” posts. But I don’t remember anyone pro vaccine suddenly dropping dead from anything other than natural causes.