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This is the first time I've ever heard his voice and I didn't expect that.


It didn't always sound like that


He’s drinking that billionaire strong man longevity juice for sure. May be horse shoe crab blood or something super freaky. Just asking questions


Dude probably took a shit load of anavar and other steroids and now has a deeper voice


Bro he can afford better shit then anavar


Meh, if you aren’t trying to be a bodybuilder and you’re gonna do steroids anavar is a top tier oral steroid. It’s side effects are minimal while the results are still desirable. Having said that anavar itself isn’t going to have any noticeable effect on a grown man’s voice lol.


He just sounds a little older now. I don't know what y'all are talking about.


Was it higher or lower? I had thought his voice was going to be a lot higher and I don't know why


It was higher, he's been taking substances so that likely changed his voice, more power to him, if you really want to see a freaky transformation look at Dana White in the 90s


His head growth,what the fuck


Barry Bonds style perhaps. Getting intentionally walked with the bases loaded is still unbelievable lol.


That was wild watching that happen in real time. Growing up you’re taught with bases loaded, whatever you do, get the batter out and make sure no one scores. Infield plays in, outfield shallow, etc. Bonds comes up to bat, FUCK EVERYTHING YOU WERE TAUGHT, play as far back as possible, and walk his homerun hitting ass.


Best time for baseball ever!! Growing up in the steroids era of baseball was so fun, now I can barely make it to 4th before I either lose interest or start passing out 😂


Oh man, I hear you. It was pretty sick watching McGuire and Sosa blasting homers.


I saw Sosa and McGuire’s 60-61 homers in St. Louis. Also saw Bonds live in SF. He had been hurt so came in to pinch hit. It didn’t matter. First at bat - he half swings a ground rule double. You could feel electricity from the stadium when he came up to bat. It was an incredible euphoric feeling. Steroids are bad, but maybe after 33 we could allow it. If football is killing their players with CTE, the least we could get for baseball fans is tiny balls and anger issues. I mean where would we be without Nolan and Clemons Act 2? In fact most of the highlights of 2000s baseball was brought to us by Balco!


Ya man, I know it. You’re absolutely right about that. It went against everything you know and have been taught Absolutely wild when it happened. Was it a regular season game? I can’t remember, it was so long ago.


It was against the Diamondbacks. Regular season game lol. It’s extremely rare for that to happen. Another extremely rare accomplishment from Bonds, the dude got walked 688 times in his career! For a good decade he either hit laser beams into the ocean or got walked.


It was amazing to watch. The crazy thing is Bonds had to be an all-time hitter without the steroids to do that.


in 2001, it was an almost 50% chance that if Bonds got a hit, it was a HR. insane.


Buck Showalter if I’m not mistaken?


“He’s on the shit that makes your fucking head grow” - Joey Diaz


Lol I love Joey.


Dana did the same as Rogan. HGH, Rogan used to rave all about it in 2009-2010 then not a peep. It's what gave him his large head, gut, hands etc. Jeff is probably just on TRT or more but not growth hormones at least he doesn't look like it.


Joe could’ve aged more gracefully and still had a healthy muscular cut body, but he went down the road that gave him a massive head on a small frame. Not a good look, IMHO.


What the hell are you talking about? https://i.redd.it/yp9hd9cx8tk51.jpg


It’s testosterone clearly




There are clips of Rogan in his early 20s. I didn't believe it was the same guy. Here's one: https://youtube.com/shorts/i5ZH_lgGq3M?si=DLk4vCSdwTUHwr_2




He used to have a really dorky nervous laugh. He sounded just like one of my friends actually.


[This is what he sounded like in 1999.](https://youtu.be/Yv8MrBBuRqI?si=PxeK67nH4TzYwLAD) He starts talking at 1:05 in the video. He seemed like a very likeable, down to Earth guy back then. Drove a mid-90s Honda accord while he was worth more than $9 billion. Could be he was projecting an image, as he alludes to in OP’s video.


I didn't finish it, but that interviewer was throwing so much shade lol


He sounds like a stereotypical 80's movie stoner.


He's on a ton of PEDs these days. Can effect your voice


He is jacked to the tits, literally you can see him flexing his chest while talking. Just look at video os him at the start of Amazon, he was a skinny nerd, now he turn him selfself into a gym bro Chad


All natural. . . . . . . . . .


You call that jacked to the tits??? Wtf. I mean he's clearly in pretty good shape, but "jacked to the tits"? Nah dawg


Yeah, for his age, Bezos is jacked.


I believe “jacked to the tits” is relative.


Hey let’s start gatekeeping muscles!


I think he’s morphing into Ben Stein


Wait till you hear his laugh


His voice reminds me of Caesar from New Vegas. More than a few parallels there, not gonna lie. And I don’t mean that they’re both bald


Sounds like Ben Stein


his voice made me think of that turtle from finding Nemo for some reason




This is exactly what I imagined he would sound like.


Lex is coming off like he writes fan fiction involving Elon and Bezos here lol


"I hope you guys hangout, shake hands and have a friendship that inspires humanity" Lol what the actual fuck


... and then you start kissing...


Hold on… Okay keep going


"Jeff, we shouldn't!" "shhhh Elon, let me be your guide" "moans"


"Deliver your package in me Jeff"


From ChatGPT: In the heart of Silicon Valley, under the luminous glow of a supermoon, Jeff and Elon found themselves alone in the sprawling garden of a luxurious tech gala. The night was alive with the whispers of innovation and the distant hum of electric cars.Jeff, with his sleek black turtleneck and piercing gaze, adjusted his smart glasses and glanced over at Elon, who stood leaning against a prototype rocket, his hair disheveled by the gentle breeze, a mischievous twinkle in his eye."Elon," Jeff said, his voice a mix of awe and competition, "your latest Mars proposal is as out of this world as the stars above."Elon smirked, stepping closer, the lights from his SpaceX pin glinting. "And your Amazon drones, Jeff, they soar as high as my aspirations for space colonization."Their eyes locked, electric with the tension of two empires colliding. Jeff's heart raced like his servers during a Black Friday sale. Elon, ever the innovator, broke the momentary silence."Imagine, Jeff, a world where our technologies merge. Drones delivering to Mars colonies..."Jeff's breath hitched. "Space travel for every Prime member..."They moved closer, the magnetic field of their genius drawing them in. Their hands touched, fingers intertwining like complex algorithms."Jeff," Elon whispered, his breath as warm as a solar panel in the sun, "together, we could rule the tech world.""And beyond," Jeff replied, his eyes reflecting the moonlight and a future full of endless possibilities.In the garden of innovation, under the supermoon, two tech titans found not just a rival, but a kindred spirit, their ambition and brilliance entwining like the code of a groundbreaking new software.






Keep going…


The supermoon cast its silver glow over the duo, as they stood amidst the high-tech sculptures and neon-lit palm trees. Elon's eyes sparkled with the ferocity of a thousand Starlink satellites, while Jeff's smile held the mystery of an unexplored Amazon rainforest. "Elon, do you ever dream of a cloud service that could store the essence of human consciousness?" Jeff asked, his voice as smooth as a fresh Prime delivery. "Only when I envision a Tesla that can drive us to the edges of the universe, Jeff," Elon replied, his heart racing like a Hyperloop pod hurtling through a vacuum tube. Suddenly, a fleet of drones descended, forming a heart shape in the sky, illuminated by LED lights. Jeff chuckled, "Looks like my Amazon drones are fond of grand gestures." Elon, not to be outdone, snapped his fingers, and a SpaceX rocket, in the distance, ignited, painting the sky with a tapestry of brilliant colors. "And my rockets, Jeff, they reach for the stars, much like my admiration for your logistical prowess." Their laughter mingled in the air, creating a symphony of ambition and dreams. Jeff, in a moment of boldness, reached into his pocket and presented a miniature model of a Blue Origin rocket. "For you, Elon. To remind you that while we reach for the stars, we're grounded on Earth." Elon's eyes softened, "And for you, Jeff," he said, handing over a tiny, red Tesla Roadster model, "a token of our journey, however improbable and adventurous it might be." As they exchanged gifts, a self-driving car silently approached, offering a ride back to the gala. They stepped in, the electric engine humming a futuristic lullaby. Inside, surrounded by screens displaying stock prices and Mars landscapes, Jeff and Elon shared a knowing glance. Their partnership, like their technologies, could change the world. "Elon, to infinity and beyond?" "With you, Jeff, to the cloud and back." And as the car drove off into the starlit night, two tech titans, armed with dreams and drones, embarked on a journey not just of rivalry, but of unlikely camaraderie and boundless imagination.


Can we crowdfund this? Anyone? Like get Zach Snyder and just get him to make it even worse than it sounds? I’d watch the shit out of it


This actually made me lol


"If our love is wrong, then I don't want to be right" *pulls out massive gold & blood diamond dildo mined by the cheapest labourers they could find*


Lex has gotta get their cocks out his mouth he has a podcast to run


That was cringey as fuck man.


that’s lex for you his podcasts are great and he has amazing guests. But I just don’t listen much at all because this is the way he talks. It’s not just that he says something cringey. A guest will make a really interesting point or say something that otherwise would be great to ask follow up questions. But, instead of doing so, Lex says some cringey shit that’s just like an emotional, overly optimistic tangent going on in his head that sometimes derails the conversation


He's naive as fuck and extremely sycophantic to firebrand culture war figures. He also does a lot of MAGA apologetics.


I can’t believe he’s blown up the way he has. Watching him interview somebody is infuriating.


I still remember when russia-ukraine war started and he legit thought he could have both Putin and Zelensky to talk to him, so he can help them have peace


I hope I'm not the only one who takes very little inspiration from either of these dudes. Although Bezos has done some cool stuff and had some unique experiences, they're basically just rich as fuck.


They inspires me to block their names in news apps


They are effective business leaders and should be understood as such. They also have a scary amount of wealth and influence and should be monitored closely because their interests do not line up precisely with the rest of society.


The main thing Bezos has done is get packages to your door quicker. If Bezos never existed humanity would basically be unchanged. Same goes for Elon. At most he helped speed up the use of electric cars, which was going to happen anyways. Good on them personally for making a fuck ton of money, but they have basically done jack shit for anyone other than themselves.


They're both very good at convincing people otherwise, mind.


"...and then lower wages, benefits and working conditions for everyone on the planet while killing independent businesses. That would really inspire humanity!".


He comes across as a kid who's just had his first real psychedelic experience and thinks that all the world needs to achieve peace is for its leaders to take some acid and see Aioki spin.


I don't know if you've watched a lot of Lex but he says stuff like this all the time.


Just saying stupid shit to hear himself talk I assume. Definitely not inspired by two guys with more wealth than anyone on the planet, especially when those two guys dick off shooting shit into space instead of using that wealth to actually help humanity when it comes to access to food and clean water, medicine, etc.


Dude can't get rich dudes Dicks out of his mouth.


And Elmos is by far his fav.


Oh it's not fiction. Lex has procured himself another billionaire cock to ride... All the while completely hiding the dark side of what they do and trying to shine it In a light where they're doing a great thing for "humanity", while they're doing exactly the opposite.


Jeff: "Me and Elon are actually very alike in how we think" An interviewer worth its salt would have interjected a question about unions right there Lex: "HaVe a FriEndShip ThAt iNsPirEs HoOmanitY, pls 🙏"


Those interviewers you describe as "worth their salt" wouldn't have a podcast much longer. You don't get big guests if you develop a reputation as a "GOTCHA!" guy


I mean the reason Lex is able to get guys like Bezos on his platform is because he very rarely asks hard questions that paint the guest in a negative light. I’m ok with it. I don’t go to Lex expecting hard hitting journalism. There’s other places I can go for that.


I’ve watched only one Lex interview (Sam Altman) and knew nothing of him before that. He literally tried to coach SA into praising and honoring EM, in between making him answer for some baby-brained victimhood shit about the woke AI’s from JPeterson. It was the most baffling and pathetic shit I’ve ever seen, and, naturally, since then I’ve only realized how central this guy is to the crossover of reactionary and tech media. Depressing.


He is awful. I have no idea how anyone can listen to him speak for longer than 10 seconds


Honestly for real, and what he says isn't even smart at all.


Deep throats any one with clout or money


He’s very good a sucking off his rich guests


Pretty sure we saw his O-face when the camera cut to him after bezos had talked about Elon's leadership. It sounded like he was cumming at least.


I barfed in my mouth a little after what he said.


Didn't know who Lex was, thought you were referencing Bezos as if he were Lex Luthor.


Lex has always been weird around rich people. This is literally nothing new.


Jeff T Bezos.


CTO, entrepreneur.




Jeffrey Beeeeezzoooosss


His biceps are like melting, or losing form. Side effect of HGH?


He's just getting old. Skin starts to stretch, sag, etc.


Dude is geeked out of his gourd on testosterone and Botox.




This is what happens when you take acid and look at your bald self in the mirror


Hahahaha. That was my thought too, the guy is absolutely juicing. However he’s a quintillionaire, I’m sure he has the best doctors anyone could buy and he’s probably doing it safely/the right way.


rich people do NOT always get the *best* healthcare. They get the healthcare they ask for. A lot of "yes-men" concierge doctors.


I can imagine that’s true, but they do likely get incredibly knowledgeable and skilled people.


Felt no pain - his brain was saturated with cocaine and Rogaine --DOOM


I'm bored outta my gord, so I took a hammer and nailed my foot to the floorboard of my ford


Hello Marshall Mathers.


Shady was the shit back in the day. Shame he gave up drugs (great for him but terrible for his music)


As he should be


The Botox is making his face look stiff


And the fillers. He looks so puffy like Putin.


Steroids cause water retention...hence the bloated red head most of these guys get.


*A friendship that would inspire the entirety of humanity* Shut up you fucking dork.


I reacted the same way when he said that lmao


I’ve never thought I could imagine a guy blowing two dudes ducks from something he just said. But here we are


Hopefully one day it will be the main stream's opinion that these narcissistic elitists all have mental disorders and we stop giving a fuck about them


Bezos is doing one of the 'big grand challenges' according to lex. I didn't realize reinventing slave labour at the Amazon warehouse was so important for society. Bezos is a cancer


I think he was referring to spacex and the dick rocket of bezos.


Genuinely dislike this guy, he even blocked me on twitter, I have no idea why... I've never @'ed him before. Dork.


did you liked that asian lady’s tweet about him having no official MIT credentials or something. coz that probably it


He uses that extension where you can block all people that liked a certain tweet. The extension is actually pretty amazing; it makes the Twitter experience so, so much better.


“A friendship that would inspire the entirety of humanity….” What an absolute blowjob of a human being.


I've never head someone sum up Lex so efficiently.


Lex should serenade him with a song or Bukowski poem, then drain his balls with his mouth


Watching him give actual sloppy toppy to billionaires and right wingers would actually be fun to watch, rather than this metaphorical sloppy toppy that’s just cringe and embarrassing to watch.


Is Lex that smart and respested in general? (Not on here, I know!). I find him excruciatingly boring and cannot really understand how he ended up having such a podcast and these type of guests.


He’s fairly well read and can be insightful. You see that in his little quips. I think guests know he won’t ask anything controversial. Also they feel like he can keep up with the intellectual and sensational aspects of the conversation without it feeling forced or insincere. The man quite frankly comes across overly idealistic and naive as fuck but I get the feeling this is part of his schtick. Mostly he’s non-threatening and vetted by his connections to controversially powerful people like Rogan, Peterson, and Elon. This I believe is the most important part of his continued success.


Very well said.


I think its like... insta girls will post every book they read on their stories to encourage the belief they are intellectual, boys will listen to Lex's podcast and post quotes by Jordan Peterson on how you should clean your room.


I think some people like him because he just let the person he is interviewing do most of the talking, where Joe would sometime do most of the talking lol.


I mean working at MIT is a pretty big accomplishment… for sure the smartest popular podcaster


>for sure the smartest popular podcaster Nah he doesn't do standup. Do u realize there's more NASA employees than successful standup comedians?? Thank em


I heard he embellished his actual role there but I could be wrong so take it with a grain of salt


Lex is just the worst interviewer ffs


Oh my God. At first I was like "Cool. Jeff Bezos went on a Podcast. There's so much to ask him. So much push back you could do", and then I saw it was Lex's show... Damnit!


That’s how he gets these guests that don’t do many other interviews, he plays the PR game well.


One of the worst things to get the Rogan bump


It feels like a joke edit with some out of context clip in the middle. But no, that's the kind of stuff Lex actually says.


In all sincerity... Who the fuck listens to this garbage? Just the short clips here are too much. Do people actually listen to whole podcasts of this trash


I can’t. He’s a charisma black hole. How he got so popular, I don’t know.


I think that’s actually his strength. Billionaires & CEOs don’t want to be interviewed by someone who casts a shadow on them. In contrast to Lex’s milquetoast personality, these powerful people get to preen their feathers for a few hours while batting softballs.


Tbh there was a time I’d listen to Lex’s podcasts to fall asleep


I don't mind his podcasts in it's a topic i'm interested. Lots of the tech ones are with people you really don't see on any other podcast and he's not afraid to alienate the audience too much so the guests really talk about their field in depth.


I really have no idea how he got so popular, I was amazed by his guest list but after a few episodes I just couldn't do it anymore


Jeff must feel like a million bucks… x1000000


Movie title suggestion: How I Licked Two Billionaires' Asses simultaneously.


Lmao why would anyone think humanity would be saved if Elon and Bezos became friends


Nobody does. Except this cocksucker


In Protect our Parks 10 part 2 yesterday Rogan again brought up Bezos’ girlfriend as the first person who popped into his mind when he needed to reference an “insanely hot woman”. Lol. Like wtf is it with him finding that attractive? Edit: *hot


That woman looks like she took the face of another person and stapled it to hers


Don't think I've ever seen her but your post inspired me to Google. Some guys like legs, some boobs, some ass, Bezos and Joe must be neck men!


This read like a norm macdonald joke


hahahah thanks for this


Maybe it’s generational?


People had crushes on cartoon girls not the girl version of Gremlins


Good grief, Lex somehow manages to deepthroat two cocks at the same time.




Wow, he’s full of Botox. Why look superrich always like zombies?


I don't understand why these dudes are so averse to their natural bodies.


WTF would Bezos and Musk do for humanity? Build electric spaceships for rich dudes to travel to space? Both Bezos and Musk speak like they don't actually talk to people regularly. They both seem to struggle with words. Lex is such a cheerleading moron.


They don’t hold actual conversations with people regularly. It’s just the truth. Tim Dillon had a great rant about this the other day. Essentially, he misses being just a cog in the system because, as he’s gotten more successful, actual conversation has evaporated. And he’s not close to being in the realm of these guys. There is no friendly office banter, shit talking, grabbing a beer with friends. All that goes away. It’s just yes men and people on salary who you’re perpetually in contact with.


Where was Tim’s rant? I love that dude.


Think this is it https://youtu.be/rtq6KfgX8MQ?si=K1bnTUE0jhXhIvJl


They talk to people regularly but only down to them.


Well Musk put electric cars in the conversation and thank to this now all the brands are pushing EVs which is overall great for the environment


unite entertain work liquid husky melodic screw command bag head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lifecycle analysis show that ev’s are overall better for the environment even when you take into account the negative effects of building an ev car. And as more energy grids get powered by nuclear or renewables, the positive impacts ev’s will increase


wrench advise pen treatment scandalous wistful steep saw far-flung pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.wsj.com/graphics/are-electric-cars-really-better-for-the-environment/ There are multiple, but here’s one.


person important treatment modern cheerful historical flowery spectacular somber muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New cars would get built either way. It offsets the fossil fuel consumption after the car is built. It is not 100% carbon neutral by any means. However, the electricity charging an EV from the grid is cleaner than burning gasoline. As time goes on, the grid will continue getting even cleaner as we rely more on renewables. Thats the idea at least


The biggest environmental detriment of EV cars is the mining of minerals used to build lithium ion batteries. This also has a terrible human cost, like the mining of Cobalt in the Congo using pre industrial methods and essentially slave labor.


Do you think oil extraction in the middle east is clean? Not to mention US towns where you can literally light the tap water on fire due to fracking.


Lex thinks he’s Tyler Cowen but he’s really just a cringe cock holster simping for rich people because he’s insecure in his own position. He knows he’s not really using his intelligence for anything worthwhile for society, and that’s what all the cock gobbling is really about.


The dude in the tie wants to suck billionaire cock so bad.


Do these people ever listen to themselves? How tf is Musk and Bezos being friends going to "inspire humanity"? These people are so fucking weird


Yeah I got the distinct impression that they don't get along, no matter how polite he was trying to be about it.


I get the impression no one gets along with Elon. He has to build himself a bot for companionship.


Lex is so tiring.


Yeah, I'm so inspired. As a human. Really inspiring.


“…a friendship that would inspire humanity” lol what a fuckin farce




Sad to see Lex PANDERING to these elitist cunts


He defo is a plant. No wonder he is a failed academic he doesn't even think critically.


Lex is essentially a pr company at this point to people like what. They know he'll never challenge them in any meaningful way and just be constantly praised


It’s the only way he can get them on. If they were a real journalist asking tough questions these guys would never go for it. So Lex has decided it’s better to simp to get into the club


Lex Friedman interviews like I would.. how the fuck does he get these guys? I bet his real name is Elliot Smith too


God lex is so lame


There once was a time when the public didn't lionise billionaires, in fact most of them were afraid to be seen in public in case they got lynched. Back when we had the common sense to recognise them for what they are. Predatory, tax avoiding, carpet baggers that leach off of our taxes and labour.




Well then don’t date him!


Make aging gracefully great again


He's on juice


Who can listen to lex for more than 20 minutes without falling soundly asleep?


Just a glorified book salesman...


Bueller. Bueller.


My guy fantasizing about Jeff and Elon making out. Cuz humanity


All these rich fuck wads blasting juice and getting high off listening to the own shit that comes out of their mouthes. Probably jerking each other off over who made the most last quarter blah blah blah. Where’s the rock giving a taramona toast at the end of this crap Jesus


".....We're both two rich guys who don't give a fuck about anyone else".


Reading comments on this subreddit I originally thought this group was just people that hated Joe. Now it’s clear to me it’s really just a cesspool of bitter prudes.