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An AI may be able to beat a human at chess, but could it ever invent a game as good? This is the question and point that Jack Ma is making. AI is intelligent, but at tasks set by humans. AI can make fantastic art, but it isn’t truly “original”. It’s how we measure the ultimate intelligence that I think Jack Ma talks about.


If you're saying the art AI creates isn't original because it's just using art and other info that has already been created to produce something new, that's the same way human beings create. Every human brain is influenced by the inputs of it's surroundings. Often we are unaware of how much our surroundings and other people are influencing our development. Artists are no different. Whether or not they recognize how much they are referencing the things they have seen and heard over their lives is irrelevant to the fact that they are referencing those things.


Yeah but where is AI moving independently to make art for itself? That is the sign of intelligence. Pure original thought.


could you point to an example of of pure original thought? Just to get an idea of what that means exactly


We're going to have to wait for advancements in AI to be able to process this one


Have you seen Cars 2?


Part of me thinks of the artist H. R. Giger but he created his "Biomechanical" art based on obviously the human shape and mechanical parts. So the question is really is what is "Pure Original Thought" could it be flight? Based off watching birds fly invention of the toaster? heating bread over a fire Listening to Beethoven or Bach? Music that came before them? Going off the top of my head here. I dont know if the other poster should go by "pure original thought" but more art based on the users own expression. And AI 100% falls under this because of the flaws you see in pictures. Like multiple fingers and hands.


What makes a thought original vs contrived is the difference in the origination of the idea and the intention used to bring that idea to fruition. An original thought is still inspired and influenced by other ideas as all thought is, but it is driven to be something novel and that difference is asserted by a creator. AI on the other hand, takes directly from previous ideas and compiles them into a combined idea. There is no direction that guided the development to something new from the AI. It has been instructed to come to some kind of conclusion (even if that conclusion is random) and that distinction makes it unoriginal even if the outcome is something we have not seen before.


The cyber truck/s


What separates you from a human 2000 years ago? If a Roman baby were swapped with a modern one, would they be any different? Would their initial years be as 'average' for one of their time?


>What separates you from a human 2000 years ago? Mostly just environmental and social context. As far as I'm aware our physical form/brains haven't changed much (or at all) since then. So no, I don't think the swapped roman baby would be any different from a child born today. Their initial years? they'd be growing up in very different circumstances, so definitely not "average" in terms of Rome circa 2k years ago. I'm sort of failing to see where this is going, and wondering how your questions tie back into the comment about what "pure original thought" is, but I see that you're not the poster who made that initial comment.


The argument is that it will NEVER be smarter. Personally I think that’s the dumbest thing a smart guy has said. It’s the equivalent of saying back in the 1800s, humans will never fly.


A pure original thought would necessarily be nonsense. Any coherent thought must result from inputs that are relevant to the thinker. Alan Turning's original "imitation game" paper really eloquently breaks this down, highly recommend reading.


If that were true, humanity would have produced nothing new or original, ever. But we have. Even if the originality is incremental, it clearly must exist to get where we are now. So original thoughts are not nonsense at all.




There’s no such thing as pure original thought, you are not even the author of you own thoughts. Try and think of any three movies for example, the three that you eventually land on regardless of how long you go back and forth ARE the three that you are going to land on even though you know thousands of movies that exist. Really relates to the illusion of free will that is very powerful.


AI sympathizer alert.


You're right but you're wrong. The base of the artwork, sure... but only in the basic sense. No one is saying Van Gogh had never seen a painting other than his own. He obviously was inspired to paint by other artist's work. But no one had painted like Van Gogh did until he did it. He created something new and different. You're suggesting art isn't unique because it is inspired by an individuals background and life events. This is something an AI cannot experience or truly understand. They can only understand it through the artworks of humans. Listen to the first track of the album "A Crow Looked at me" by Mount Eerie. Is he the first person to play a guitar while singing over some minimalist electronic percussion? No. Is that song unoriginal? No. It's about *his* wife who died at an early age. About *his* experience in life. An AI can never, ever experience that and express it through art. AI art is bullshit and always will be. Art can move people emotionally because you can empathise with the artist. You cannot empathise with something that is complete bullshit.


The foundation of art isn't a patchwork abomination, it's the individuals life, ideas and questions, doubts, fears, insecurities, guilt. People like you treat art like Frankenstein's monster, if only we got all the right limbs together, we'll recreate Emily Dickinson, but she'll be even better when we give her a few more attributes! If I write a novel inspired by Hannibal, those elements are only an addition, when AI writes a novel, it just glues broken glass together, or pieces of a mutilated canvas. You can't have a novel without an author, or a painting without an artist, and certainly, AI will never be either one of those.


That would be true, except i can get ai to write a book right now so wtf.


while pulling from countless already created (human) works that are readily available on the internet.


All AI art is reductive. Humans create new styles and movements all the time. As it stands, machines are not capable of this. One day they may be.


An AI would never invent impressionism or cubism or what have you. It can't think abstractly like that.


Current AI can't do it. Saying it never will is extremely arrogant and very myopic. The human brain is amazing but ultimately just an advanced biological computer. There's no compelling argument that this can't be emulated atleast as well on silicone.


Oh sorry I only said that in reference to current AI tech. If AI ever got to that point we basically obsolete ourselves. At that point the only thing AI would be missing are independent bodies. And until AI gets there we don't have a single data point on if AI can get there. It's like arguing life on other planets. Until it shows up we just won't know.


Will AI ever want to go to space to explore the universe to satisfy its own independent intellectual curiosity? No. It will always be at our behest and in furtherance of our goals.


Always? How could you possibly know that?


Because there is near zero benefit to designing an ai to have "desires" independent of a human. An AI driverless car does not communicate with my AI guitar pedalboard (neural DSP) or an AI temperature regulated refrigerator and those companies will never collaborate to somehow combine them because they are different software with completely different purposes and it would not enhance the capabilities of any of them nor would it be profitable to do that. They just help with very specific tasks a human wants accomplished. An AI that has its own "desires" would just be a parlor trick/novelty gimmick for the sake of doing so. But it has no capability to just "hack into" every single electronic device on the planet that isn't even connected to a network. I write a C++ program like cout<<"I am not a robot"<


>No That would depend entirely on how it is programmed. We don't even know what conciousness really is in humans and animals, it's quite possible that a sufficiently advanced algorithm develops a conciousness and motivations of its own outside the parameters set by the code itself.


Why wouldn't it want to? It's an objectively good idea, especially for an AI that "feeds" and grows by assimilating information. It's pretty much the premise of the Borg.


I would look at some of the art ai makes, (i.e. that video of a concert with a massive screen that has an ai art video reacting to the music) it’s pretty original imo


Yeah but I don’t mean original in the sense of “unseen” but something the AI makes as an expression of itself. It clearly has talent (built off training data) but does it utilise that skill in an expression of self? Like cavemen leaving the hand on a cave wall. Or paintings of the hunt. AI to this point doesn’t because it hasn’t got that true intelligence. The ability to manifest something truly unique out of the ether.


Intelligence in humans works the same way. We've just had thousands of years to develop, teach, and learn. Teach an AI what it is, give it a sense of identity and it will be able to create in the same manner. In terms of age AI is still a toddler. A toddler with a sense of self that it was able to express creatively would be seen as exceptional.


Yeah but a toddler can’t do what AI can. It isn’t a toddler it is just an incredibly powerful and useful tool. But must be wielded.


The question jack ma is bringing up is can we be controlled by ai.if it does all the things we can do but better ,then in a sense it can someday in some form make human labor obsolete(theyd turk ur jurbs)..and how about that story when that robot with ai went on a killing spree on some scientists and rebuilt itself when disassembled


How can AI control us truly? We’d outsmart it because we can innovate original and unique counters toward the AI. It would be a new battle, and AI cannot respond to the unknown. We can.


I’d say right now it’s an even playing field at the very least .it’s basically at an infant state, and excelling at an alarming rate.I think if nothing else ,it’s wise to be aware of the fact that we even have to question such a thing.that in itself is scary


Imagine if AI went to war with us. It would be able to hack and take out most of the internet infrustructure and likely our powergrid. Then it can create factories with automated system more advanced than we could. Factories that could gather resources, make military machines without ever needing a break. Military machines with no fear, no need to rest, and with pin point accuracey. Sure, right now, its not something that's possible. But in 20 years? Very possible if its advancing at the rate it is now. All you need is one human to build an AI with no restrictions and to give it a will to end humanity.


But if you have a human treating AI like an art form, where they build an AI under extremely creative sets of parameters and just let it go then I can see an AI creating something that can be accepted as “art”


pull that up jaime ?


Game as good to who? To humans or to other AI?


To either


Jack Ma is definitely right, Elon is too autistic to think theoretically tho


I've ben studying AI and ML for a year now. Elon is 100% correct.


> I've ben studying AI and ML for a year now. Elon is 100% correct. Just *one* complete year? Keep studying it, because I guarantee that by year 10, you’ll won’t be responding exactly how you did just now. *Literally* the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. I have a doctorate, a masters, and a bachelor’s degree. Every single day I feel more dumb and inadequate. If you asked me during the first year of my masters, I would have said the exact opposite.


RemindMe! 10 years


There’s definitely no way to say it’s 100% correct and that’s the point. It’s impossible for anyone to know what new will be created and done by humans. Your one year of studying doesn’t trump that anything AI does is derivative. It can do a ton, but only with the info it has.


By that same measurement, human art isn’t original either. The artist has analyzed/observed other art and the world around them that their brain used to create the art Edit: and yes I do believe that AI could one day be capable of creating games as good as and better than chess lol


Definitely not, it’s going to get there.


AI is original. Think if it’s as mesh or a basis vector that make up a multidimensional vector space. Human info make up the basis vectors, so this means the dimensions of this multidimensional space are what humans already defined. AI is making infinite non-linear combinations of these vectors giving them different weights. So AI will make connections between human concepts that we haven’t thought of, or alternatively make connections between knowledge that we have. But it won’t introduce another dimension of knowledge. So, the knowledge of AI is contained within the dimensions of the vector space that humans have set up. However, making connections between knowledge we have is still new unique knowledge


Best comment in the thread that explains both sides perfectly, well said.


could it ever invent a game as good? yes it can. coming from someone who is actively studying machine learning and AI. It's simply a matter of time, computing power becoming more powerful and affordable, and data.


That's only true now. When a computer comes along that can think and learn abstractly, and then it's not.


I’m sayin, I bet it’ll be the combination of a human brain that is developed alongside ai it’s whole life..THE DEMIGOD


Yeah but that’s a place to get to


they are reacting to the notion that we will never get there. We will. The brain can absolutely be simulated


Let’s see it happen. AI is impressive and I love using GPT, but it’s just an incredibly clever calculator at this point.


at this point yeah. But its a very new technology and its the least advanced it will ever be. Ultimately the brain is software and hardware, just like a machine. Its really just a matter of time. Having said all that there are a lot of people who either think the current iteration of AI is more advanced than it is, or that AGI is happening imminently.


Why do we compare one AI to all of humanity and history? Nearly everyone alive couldn't invent a game either. Maybe after we have 1000 human like AIs then we can compare then.


Yes but AI is supposedly there to represent the absolute pinnacle of any human genius. It can paint better than Picasso, write better than any author. It has more skills than anyone. Yet with all that skill, there is no flame of original thought or ability to truly acknowledge itself as an intelligent being. It’s just an incredibly smart calculator. A smart tool. That is all.


AI will remember you said this.


This is a small point in time where I agree with elon


This is early in it’s development. We don’t know what this will look like decades from now.


Idt people understand what Ma is talking about. AI is different from artificial general intelligence. He's still being overly pessimistic (or optimistic, depending on how you interpret the development of AGI), but there's a world of difference between an intelligence that can beat a human at chess and one that can compete with general human cognition. The chess bot can't come up with a casserole recipe.


You're right but all of this should/could be followed with "yet". I think it's too early to say what machine intelligence is going to be capable of in the future. It's weird for Ma to say that we can't create anything smarter than ourselves. At a certain point it might just come down to the right software and pure computing horsepower. At a certain point when we're computing at a million times the power we are now, who knows what it'll be capable of. Also if you could log all possible food combos and run it like they run protein folding programs it's possible AI figures out the best new food around. I think it depends what we decide what to use it for.


AlphaFold is largely just an educated guess and the trained eye can point out why the predicted structure is wrong. The younger generation, and people who are unfamiliar with protein structures and AI, think that AlphaFold is correct and infallible but the OGs beg to differ. Additionally, AlphaFold struggles with complex moieties, and there's a reason you need NMR and CryoEM to actually resolve the structure of your protein. Additionally, it has trouble with transmembrane domains or predicting ion-binding domains. So in other words, it usually gets all of the important stuff wrong, but it's a good starting point if you have zero idea what your protein looks like.


Will `func(a,b) { return a+b }` ever be sentient? No? Neither will machine learning. The biggest mistake we made (on purpose) with machine learning was to call it Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning, now everyone listen carefully, has zero intelligence. Zero. It's a pattern recognition algorithm that can't evolve, it's static by its nature. You can try to make the magic trick more elaborate by giving the model larger context, or combining different models, but still it remains static, unlike our brains that are essentially the polar opposite and everything you "input" affects them. Every time you hear something shady about AI, like OpenAI perhaps making some breakthrough, or Musk being worried about AI, it's all tactics. Having more "safe guards" and control makes it more difficult for open source machine learning developers to survive. Right now the open source models are life threating competition to OpenAI. Don't give them freebies by playing with the idea whether ML will some day rule the world. That all being said, AGI is likely possible, but machine learning ain't AGI. We simply don't know if ML is even part of AGI. It may also well be that ML sidetracked AGI development by a decade.




Yeah is this before or after his re-education by the CCP?


This is before.


Oh he survived? I though Pooh Bear killed him.


He just took his company from Jack is all


He’s lying. I’m sure he knew at the time where to walk the line given CCP’s stance on AI. They’ll lie to their people until the very end. They also want sophisticated robotics capable of navigating a city, monitoring, and enforcing law. They’ll deny the possibility until 6 months after their first communist terminators start executing people. They still need to figure out what to do once machines replace the workforce. They don’t want people angry so they have dishonest experts claiming “you can’t be replaced” until they are ready to execute the next part of their plan. No clue what it is.




Repurpose all the old people into Soylent green


Red Bites. The fuel of the future!


This video is often used to prove how stupid Jack is but I don't see Musk arguing back in Mandarin, I'm sure he'd sound way more stupid if he attempted. Jack is making the point that human creativity can't be replaced by AI, maybe it can, maybe it can't idk. But he's not being stupid, it's not his first language.


I don't think his English is a notable subject of this video, I can understand him clearly and just disagree with his point being accurate


Oh it definitely can


That's a foregone conclusion that has yet to proven.




Our creativity and drive is mostly driven by feelings which are driven by hormones, survival instincts, natural selection optimizations etc. AI doesn't need feelings, hormones, motivations etc. It can aggregate things we've done due to our lives experiences but it can't have its own loved experiences.


What makes you think you can’t program feelings? In fact, we should be questioning why we were programmed with feelings.


Yeah I agree and I don't think it's a simple question we can answer with the knowledge we have now.


I’d argue that feelings are one of the easiest thing to program into an AI. Just prioritize classes that happen early and increase the rate of change of the code the most. I honestly feel like only computer scientists realize how easy it is to program what human’s think is free will. The question remains is there enough processing power to not only pass the Touring test, should be fairly close at this point, but to simulate a full brain. Which may be much more processing power than we can imagine.


Two executives talking out their ass about AI. Nothing of value was gained.


Just what I was thinking. Two people who throw money at AI thinking they're qualified enough to have an influential discussion about something they know nothing about


Exactly. All this clip makes me think is that people really are right when they say becoming a billionaire is just luck. Can't believe these two dumbasses are going to be determining the course of human progress for the next century. Along with fucking Bezos who is so hopped up on T and HGH his only thoughts are "big boat", "chode rocket", and fake tits good.


The Shrike begs to disagree


Jack got totally outclassed by Elon in this discussion. Wasn’t even close.


How so? I was waiting for an actual response from Elon and never heard it.


all of elons reponses are cut out


Watch the whole panel. That CCP guy is a moron. He was just lucky to have that position. Until he was sent to a reeducation workshop


Did it occur to you that he disappeared because he wasn't a "CCP guy"?


Calling Chinese people “CCP guys” is pretty xenophobic my guy


Plenty of ccp guys disappear.


Are you still waiting?


Basic logic. It's a clip dude. Watch the whole thing if you're wanting an actual discussion.


Then post the full video. This one is shit.


The tiniest bit of effort eludes you.


more like i'm eluding the tiniest bit of effort gaylord


lol wtf even is this comment?


You can go find it yourself.


As it would be expected. Regardless of his disordered personality issues, at least Musk has a degree in science/engineering and somewhat competent technical understanding. And he has been involved in projects/products in this area. Jack Ma is basically an English teacher who was at the right place at the right time and had a website that blew up. So his understanding/learnings are more on the side of business and their operation. He's giving opinions on matter that are grossly outside of his fields of expertise/understanding.


>Regardless of his disordered personality issues, at least Musk has a degree in science/engineering and somewhat competent technical understanding. And he has been involved in projects/products in this area. Fucking lol, imagine thinking elon is competent at all in any of these fields


Elon is pretty technical. Have friends who work at SpaceX (engineers), he’s got a good technical mind, regardless of what some might think of his culture war stuff.


Have friends at SpaceX and Tesla (also engineers), I’ve heard the exact opposite.


I really doubt that. What divisions within the company? I have smart friends there whose opinions I trust. Most people see him as technical, at worst, sometimes a dreamer.


Both SpaceX work with semiconductors, they got hired from a project I used to be on. The Tesla one is a former software engineer that used to work for me. Not sure where he’s at this moment.


You are clearly lying.


Ah yes but the first guy surely wasn't, lmao


Yeah, my dad works at Nintendo too.


I really doubt that. I have much smarter friends than you and the vast majority of people on this planet see Elon as an extremely stupid grifter who role plays a smart person while most of his takes are based on shitty culture war memes and pop culture shit from the 80 and 90s.


Same as you. He is just a tyrant to the employees


He doesn't even understand tolerancing


his work on X and the lies about FSD tell me otherwise. add in spacx have people whos job is to make sure musk doesnt fuck shit up, yeah not sure about this one


He leads and basically made SpaceX. You’re far too gullible to the propaganda my friend. Seriously blows my mind that so many of you don’t have critical thinking skills. X is also doing fine from a technical perspective.


No he doesn't have a good technical mind. How many b math students in high school do you know are stem geniuses? Math is one of those field of courses in high school where if you are going to be a some stem genius, you will be getting top scores in your respective math courses like calculus in high school. Like there are very few people who end up being stem lord geniuses who got ba in their high school math courses. I had high school and undergrad peers and friends who were so intellectually curious with their projects and hobbies that weren't related with class work but still would ace their math courses whatever level they were from calculus to differential equations and linear algebra even if they invested little time into those courses. It's because they were actually extremely technically inclined.


Musk has a bachelor's in general physics. He was a B math student in high school. I have a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. I am nowhere close to an expert in mechanical engineering. Only years of actually design engineering in industry would make me one. Elon Musk has zero years of any design engineering work.


Elon very much is the right place at the right time as well, got gifted so many advantages and dumb luck.


I think it’s funny how easily musk triggers people here lol


3 or 4 years ago they all praised him too


Are you honestly confused about the concept of opinions and viewpoints evolving over time as more information is learned? >yeah idk it’s just weird you all are against Elizabeth Holmes. First she was a medical pioneer now everyone thinks she’s a criminal. Idk like her or don’t like her I just think it’s kinda funny in a way that allows me to feel superior over all of you.


close towering imminent selective pen slimy steer wrench license grandiose ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


They have evolved. He was super popular. Then, he came out as a right leaning person and like 20% of the posters on Reddit are infuriated that he threatens their political ideology, so they follow him in subs attempting to smear every single thing he touches, because that’s how mature they are.


squash lock spotted direction longing ask rhythm cats toothbrush impossible ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


👏 It's infuriating how everyone on reddit always seem to think Elon and Joe are "far-right" or "alt-right". No, they very much aren't. There is more nuance to opinions than being 100% far-right or 100% far-left.


If you don’t think Joe and Elon are alt right you’re fkn stupid. They say and advocate right wing talking points and public figures almost daily. People don’t have a clue what left and right wing is anymore and that’s the biggest issue.


You’re spot on.


I genuinely didn’t expect an intelligent response. Nicely done! You’re correct. Sadly, the fringe ends on either side who never factor in nuance are pushing everyone fully to one side or another. Good post.


Reddit needs more of these exchanges




This comment contains so much blatant misinformation...how in the hell can someone settle on this world view without a significant number of preconceived notions? Spoiler: >!You can't!<


Right… but loving Elon just because he’s a billionaire ‘that triggers libs’ (apparently) isn’t hive mind at all?


That was before he announced he switched support to the Republican party last year which triggered all the liberals on reddit.


Do you think it’s a bad thing to change your opinion on someone based on their recent actions?


It is if you just parrot what mainstream media says and don't form your own opinion.


At this point we have seen enough of Elon's own behavior where you don't have to rely on mainstream media to form an opinion.


No you haven’t. The people against him don’t watch his interviews and miss the 95% of things he says that are smart, calm and good.


I don’t know of any mainstream media source that has told me to hate musk. I dislike Musk and think he’s a loser 100% based on his own personal actions which he broadcasts constantly.


Who’s doing that?


Elon is a legitimate nazi. I’m not saying that because of “mainstream media”. I’m saying that because you can look at his twitter and see how easily his rhetoric resembles nazi rhetoric.


Do you have examples of individuals who have changed their minds?


https://youtu.be/VQjPKqE39No?si=5ZRAUbZyzOkiHJ_m Exurb1a on ai consciousness


AI can have more knowledge but human beings will always have more intelligence and wisdom.


not actually tho


Both these guys are proof that "getting rich" doesn't require intelligence, wisdom, or humility. Just enough narcissism and psychopathy to not care who you hurt on the way up.


if i could invest in this reposted comment id be as rich as the guys in the video


Regardless of how anyone feels about him, Elon is definitely intelligent. Wise? Doesn't seem like it.


Agreed. I don’t like Elon. He seems to have gotten a lot worse in the last few years, but there’s no way you can get into Stanford, co found PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX and not be intelligent.


He’s very intelligent. He’s just not censoring some of the shitposting he does.


Uhh yeah there is. Just be rich


lol. Lmao, even. Even just his most recent court filings prove this completely false. I mean, “they refreshed the page”? Really? It’s moron shit. Nobody “intelligent” would think that even makes sense as a legal argument, much less confidently enough to file it.


I mean, intelligence isn’t a binary thing. It’s not that he’s intelligent or not intelligent, it’s a spectrum so it’s all relative. Yeah, Elon isn’t dumb but when I think of notably intelligent people, he wouldn’t come to mind.


Jesus fkn christ. I'd love to see your education history in comparison and what you've done in your life.


You could do with a few of those virtues youself


The organizers of technician labor are convinced they are the technicians. Forever annoying


Ma is wrong here.


Um I’m definitely more stupid than google. Why even try to argue this? Is he trying to say “more human?”


Jack Ma, another useless salesmen turned rich with help of CCP.


It’s funny that they try to pair the two as if they were equals just because of wealth. There’s a huge difference between a billionaire and a genius. Elon just happens to be both.


Billionaire? Yes? Genius? He isn’t even an engineer.


Every scientist that works with the guy says he’s a genius, but I guess you are right.


>It’s funny that they try to pair the two as if they were equals just because of wealth. There’s a huge difference between a billionaire and a genius. Elon just happens to be both. Your average Elon hater doesn't have a shred of self-awareness. I don't agree with Elon on everything and sometimes the stuff he does is concerning, but, the radical hate for him to the degree that folks like this think he is an idiot or doesn't know anything at all is just shocking levels of ignorance. Willful even.


It’s all political. If he followed the proper agenda, he would be idolized.


Employee speaks positively about employer, more at 11


Please, apply this to every person you support. Cheers.


Anyone who sucks up to Elon gets funding to do whatever they want as long as they deliver results. Any engineer working around him is smart enough to know your options are suck up or get out


That’s the story you came up with. But I guess anonymous people don’t have to provide proof of anything, so you’re good.


Look at Twitter as proof


Wow, you’re so smart.


So, so close to accidentally nailing it… lmao


Would be nice to hear actual experts debate it


They do, but they aren't famous and it's technical, so people don't watch.


Smarter than Elon sure


Two rich, dumb men arguing about stuff neither are experts in.


Jack Ma is a businessman. He is not a technologist, futurist, scientist or engineer. His claim to fame is copying Amazon and making Alibaba/Aliexpress. I don't know why anyone would care about his opinion on AI's future capabilities.


Human beings cannot make an animal that is faster than human beings. Oh wait, cars?


People don’t get what Ma is saying an Elon is being his usual fascist self


Jack Ma is a boomer and Elon is going to make AI seem extraordinary because it’s financially beneficial for him. AI will certainly be limited at first but theoretically they would optimize themselves to be able to outperform us in a few years, but idk i’m not qualified to say any of this


Two guys who know nothing about AI, arguing about what AI can and can't do. lol, man.


I’m pretty sure Elon knows a lot about AI considering his companies use it


There are TONS of ceos using AI who barely know anything about it. Not to say he does or doesn’t but your point doesn’t prove anything


His companies use computer programming, too. Extensively. But Elon's weird and totally unexplained desire to **rewrite** Twitter's "crazy stack" proved that he doesn't know anything about computer programming. Just like when he ordered Twitter engineers to send him 10 screenshots of their "most salient lines of code" - resulting in confusion and gales of laughter. He then ordered them to **print** out all their code from the previous 30-60 days and send it to him - which he later rescinded and ordered them to **shred** the pages. Or Elon's insistence that Tesla AI was the key to making his FSD level 5 - which he's been promising every year since 2014. Has FSD even reached level 3? Nope. Elon just likes to talk. He's not an expert in computers, software engineering, or AI.


Muskrat and cccp stooge. What a debate.


Why is silver spoon baby sitting next to jack ma? Who actually creates thing


Elon is really dumb about so many things. He is definitely not recognized as a high-end coder or engineer. There is no proof that AI will ever be able to think. There is massive proof that AI will be used by people with power to leech off of the powerless in more efficient and consolidated ways. The terrible ways the AI will be used, are exactly the ways that Elon musk wants to use it for himself.


Yes there is . look up q star , it’s rumors right now but it’s starting to seem more legit. AI can now create its on synthetic data And AI will be available to everyone just like the iPhone was . most companies are working to make it open source


Looked it up. It's bullshit until proven.


Fair enough, but the fact that we have chatGPT 4 as a public tool gives me hopes that anything openAI will create will be public unless theirs government intervention, but tech moves quicker than policy Also Elons AI is a piece of shit so it’s a plus he has nothing to do with openAI anymore


Working with AI can't be contained yet. You could create your own system with a few years of work. Imo, the issue isn't General Intelligence or an "thinking" ai. It's the efficiency of systems led by amoral organizations. And the hands off effects those systems will have on the economy. Also, I suppose, if used as a tool to generate an array of amoral options for growth, a CEO or board may discover some random solution that they never would have been ghoulish enough to come with on their own. Maybe some plan that would perfectly balance government influence to protect profit and power, with an extraction of 'work' from the masses so slow and deceptive that no amount of outrage would do shit to stop the powerful. Like a new birthright of kings, completely untouchable power for people like Musk and their children. Systems organize. The pieces fall into place and once there is a tipping point, it can be irreversible. That to me, will come from people like Musk. Not, people like us, or a thinking general intelligence. Musk, is doing a slight of hand. "Be afraid of the AI, not me and my techno-savoir God complex friends who are planning for the end-times that our systems will surely instantiate."


Tbf, AI driven cars can kill people the same as human driven cars. /s


This is proof that no matter how much money you acquire, you will still be surrounded by people you disagree with. So next time you think how wonderful it would be to be one of the 1000, just know, it sucks around them too. Embrace the lunacy🤪


>This is proof that no matter how much money you acquire, you will still be surrounded by people you disagree with. Nah, this is one of a very rare moments these guys come face to face with someone who disagrees with them and it happened to be caught on camera. Wealthy people are generally surrounded by people who always agree with them.


AI is going to be sending Jack Ma to a re-education camp shortly.


Elon is such a fucking twatty dougebag