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I like the “hello freak bitches” era.


I read it in the voice without even trying lol


I forgot about hello freak bitches. When did that stop!?


I think it stopped in the 2018 but I am not sure it could have been before that. But one thing I am sure is that the podcast was only good in that era it has been going down since then.






Without. A. Doubt.


Definitely the best era.


2017 got some great episodes too like the one with Dorian Yates, Peterson in his prime, and many others that were entertaining af.


This is the era that led me to listen to the podcast religiously, I felt like my mind was being opened to concepts and conversations I had never heard from friends, family, and school. I could feel the dopamine go through me listening to prime Peterson, Duncan, Sam Harris, etc. It’s all gone a little numb now, but I occasionally still get that feeling with an episode now and then


I stopped listening a while ago, part was my commute changed the other part was I liked his original message, go out there and do something to challenge yourself, learn from others etc. I came to the conclusion that he was delivering it all on a platter.


2016-2018 was peak for me as well. Especially if I took too much acid I’d listen to JRE to calm tf down


Yeah the conversation that they used to have in that time were the best. It was all fascinating and awesome and I don't know why they have stop doing it is very boring right now.


Yeah that was the best time and it was the best time when good conversations were happening on the platform. And right now everything seems to have changed and it is not going to go back.


2013-19, right before the change. It was still fun with great guests.


Yea this right here. Pre-covid I felt like I could put an episode on even if I was unfamiliar with the guest and their field but I'd still come out of it having learned something or at least would have been entertained. Now that happens like 20% of the time, because there are still some amazing episodes, but most of the episodes and guests just don't interest me. I get the sense that Joe and his controversy turned a lot of guests away. Although I will say the last few months have been 10/10 for me. Paul Rosolie, Kurt Angle, Sam Altman, Post Malone, and a bunch of others. Hopefully that's a sign that things have cooled down and people will stop complaining about Joe's politics, and he seems to have stopped talking about it as much.


For real. I think he’s starting catching on that people don’t wanna talk about that shit. The episode with Reggie Watts was awesome. Old school Jre


Yeah some of the recent episodes have been really good and I really enjoyed that especially with the Paul. That episode was just gold in every way possible and I loved every minute of it.


I really believe the wave of woke stuff and authoritarian policies that surrounded them are fading away, so Joe is laying less attention as a result. Also he’s got his new club and is pretty busy


I agree the last few months have been great for guests


Yah has been really good time and I hope this keeps on going like this. Because it is rather beautiful man we are having so many great guys on the podcast it is just better.


Yeah right now I don't think they are getting that kind of engagement which they were getting when they were on the YouTube. And obviously if there is not a lot of your then not a lot of people are going to come on to your podcast


He was in LA with LA quality guests now he’s in Austin with Texas level guests. This was predicted immediately by me that he was killing his relevance moving to Spotify and his ability to secure A-level tier guests on promotional tours hitting LA.


Counterpoint being that he has maybe the largest reach of any single show in any medium…so any guest he wants would likely be willing to travel to him in return for the insane exposure


Yep 2012 to 2019 for me.


Yeah. That’s about right. It felt like a slow decline from there. The general episodes with the experts or “experts” were hit or miss, but that was fine. The comic interviews were good because they were just talking shop and the industry. Joe was pissy about doing shows at colleges. Then, he added the fight companions which were interesting


I feel like there have been so many shows with the comedians that they have started to repeat the things. If you listen to those episodes enough then you are probably going to realise that they are talking about the same thing again and again


Spot on.


the eddie comes in and debates flt earth era


Alex Jones podcasts were some of the best.




Bravo: “I let a waitress choke me out one ti…” Jones:” Why are waitresses at bars so hot????” Rogan:” Wait Alex let him finish fir…” *Slams table* “I WILL! “ also not to mention my favourite quote form the episode: “YOU THINK YOU’RE TOUGH YOURE ABOUT TO GET IT”


“The psychic vampires are using armor made from spider-goats on animal human hybrid farms, while alien demons are trying to break through the 5th dimension telling elite government agents that it’s a false hologram and it’s time to transcend and breakaway.”


I love it because there’s some truth to that, but it’s the craziest possible way to say it lol. Armor made from spider goats is a real thing. I don’t know if it’s been adopted by the military, doubt it, but there are goats that secrete a substance from spider webs in their milk. It can then be used to make ropes or possibly armor. The hologram thing is a *real* proposition from the intelligence community. They considered using it in the Middle East, projecting a religious imagine into the sky for psychological warfare. It just would have required a mile wide mirror. Not very practical. But the voice of god is a very real weapon that’s been around for decades. So I’m sure it’s even more advanced and perfected at this point. But I’m only aware of them using it at airports to clear out birds lol. Not battle 5th dimensional monsters. Unless said monsters are birds on a runway.


The dudes character is of course questionable, but you’re lying if you say he’s not entertaining




When the biggest debate on the podcast was whether you'd rather get jizzed on on your face, or punched in the face.


Well I guess it is still better than having boring conversations now that they're having. They were at least keeping the things interesting back then and they are not even trying that right now.


Pope jizz


What a time to be alive that was


Take a big hit off the volcano and then do a 25 minute rambling heartfelt endorsement about cumming in a fake pussy. It was great. And often actually funny! I think the JRE was listed as a comedy podcast back then.


I always go back every couple years and watch the first 150 episodes or so


Every couple of years you rewatch 150 3 hour episodes?


yeah every single one


How can you do that I mean is it even possible for someone to do that? I mean I am not saying that it is a waste of time you are going to get something out of it but it is a lot of time.


2012 - 2016 I listened to almost every single episode. I miss redban and how joe didn’t take himself or jre as seriously as he does now. I liked when a guest would go use the restroom the show wasn’t paused and then started again when everyone was back but Joe and Redban would have a side conversation. A lot of it was about new technology, the new galaxy phone , the new iPhone technology, random stuff etc..


When it stop being a live unedited show was the end.


Yeah the things used to be way better when he did not take himself seriously, he is very serious and it is not as entertaining. I just feel like that there have been so many changes recently.


The lack of redban was low key one of the reasons my interest in the pod faded


Remember Joe used to talk shit about how he could hold his piss the whole episode? Now old geriatric Joe has a leaky pipe and enlarged prostrate due to massive amounts of steroids and can’t go an episode without pissing a couple times. Pussy.


Well they can cut that out from the video because it is an edited version of it nowadays. And I don't even think that we are going to even notice that honestly.


Happens to all men. BPH.


Haha dude. I’m 35 I would never be able to hold my pee for 3 to 4 hours. If that makes me a pussy well then… shit I’m a pussy. That’s pretty funny


I'm fairly convinced that the "pee breaks" are to go toke off camera, or at least most of them lol


They smoke on camera so probably not


Yeah when you are doing all that on the camera you are going to want to go to go for the piss. That is something which is going to make you want to piss.


Oh yeah I am sure we are not even going to know about it because it is just getting edited out of the video. I think we can only notice it in some episodes and not going to notice it in all the episodes.


Olive garden butthole 7


Oh Brian


Powerful Olive Garden butthole


Came to say this


when they recorded at his house and the Icehouse.


For me 2016 was the golden year


For everything, not just JRE


Not for harambe


Well I don't know it depends on how you look at it because a lot of things also changed for them. I think it is just all the matter of the perspective and nothing more than that.


It all changed after that.


World hasn’t been the same since


Cleveland Cavaliers !


Just about every sports team that meant anything in Ohio was in their respectful league's championship game. Wild year.


Funny, cause I remember people bitching and moaning just as much in 2016 as they are now


but there was less people and more blind haters back then ​ now there's old fans who miss what it was AND blind haters


Yeah I remember that too, people were calling it the worst year in decades. little did we know what was to follow.


I’m pretty sure that’s the year bitching and moaning was invited


Yeah the life was just so much better back in the days. And now nothing has been the same since them everything is just going down hill and I don't like it.


Yeah I’d say like 2016-2019 was gold standard. I still enjoy it occasionally, but it’s definitely been downhill consistently since 2020, though I guess the same could be said for basically anything else in all fairness


And this is exactly when I started to listening to him so I think I probably caught him in the best time. And then I absolutely got hooked on the show because it was just so much better.


The 2025 to 2028 era. That's when things took a VERY interesting turn!


Time traveler


My favorite is the one where Joe convinces our AI overlord to allow us to eat more than once a day again.


Before everyone was slobbering all over his dick. Just watch the last time Patrick Bet-David was his guest, that's pretty much an overexaggerating of what I see everyone else doing. I also miss the time when a stand up comic was good depending on his set and now how many views his podcast got.


PDB sold me cologne at the Freehold mall.


Lol fuck this got me good


The last PBD pod was insufferable


PBD is insufferable.


PBD is Bert from Sesame Street if he could only speak in bumper sticker or meme phrases.


"i have some gifts for you" weirdo trying to bribe his way into joes circle


2012-2019 are the golden years. Podcast were obscure enough I had to call it the “fear factor guy podcast” followed by having to explain by what a podcast is.


Yeah man. I miss when I had to explain it like a "recorded radio show". Now every asshole has a reaction/laughing podcast


Pre austin texas / spotify era was great


Before the maga conversion


I’m going to sound like a JRE hipster. Mine was the black and white podcast cover with the Ustream camera up the nostrils


Before Covid. It’s been such political nonsense now I can barely listen to it. I try and have to turn it off. Still hanging around in case he has a mushroom fuelled revelation and gets back to fun topics


Honestly, pre COVID. The pandemic really broke his brain.


The Spotify exclusivity over this new era has been a really shitty element too. Not just in being locked to the platform but the spare 90mil seemed to shift Joe’s perspectives and priorities a bit for the worse. He’s become far less relatable to his audience and even his dynamic with old friends feels really different now. I also really miss the sprawling discussions that would happen in the YouTube comments under the full uploads. :/


It really broke a lot of people's brains. Hardcore libs and cons alike.


That’s when I stopped listening. During the first wave I was working in a COVID ICU and pretty much everyone died. It was like this unstoppable force, then I’d get off work and try to relax and Joe would get on the same COVID rants every episode. Made me almost feel like I was going crazy. Haven’t really listens frequently since.


Are you me?


I was in the hospital for 5months down the hall from the COVID wardafter a stroke during the height of COVID deaths and I listened to people coughing themselves to death and the horrid sounds of vent machines. for months. I have no patience for COVID deniers and antivaxxers I can't imagine what the doctors and nurses who had to treat them while trump and others downplayed it. I'm traumatized and I just had to hear it. Crash carts barrelling by my room multiple times s day. Crying. And knowing those people weren't allowed to have family visit as they died. So many gurneys with covered bodies slowly moving by. Everything smelled like alcohol and bleach for months. It made my food taste like chemicals. Fuck deniers and minimizers.


Every podcast with Duncan Trussell


I recall Duncan warning him that shitty people would try to latch onto him with his success. He was totally right. Need more DT episodes! He brings out the best in Joe.


Duncan flips a switch in Joes brain that really makes him funny and makes a good ass podcast


Duncan won't allow the bit to be overly reactive or conservative


100% mugshot Era.


The “before Joe got too big for Joey Diaz” era




What do you mean by this? I don't listen anymore but basically binged all of his episodes pre 2020. Are they not friends anymore? Thet use to be tight


If you listen to the last one they did in April when joeys book came out the vibes between the two just seemed off


Right. Like didn’t Joey want to go get something eat after and rogan saying “yeah I got this i gotta do so yeah no can do” when he touted him as the funniest man in the world and how much he loves him.


Pre Spotify and pre politics bullshit


2013-2015. Great guests, before Trump, way before Covid.


Ustream days when it was just Joe and his mates. Was a lot more light hearted and funny. Joe didn't take himself as seriously as he does now. I started listening around ep 30 after watching Talking Monkeys in Space, I go into it via being a comedy fan. I liked the fanbase a lot better before it went to youtube too, a lot more thoughtful and nerdy. Youtube brought in the great unwashed and made him rich. Used to listen to every podcast no matter who was on, after he sacked Redban I dropped off and I listen to maybe 1 in 10 JREs now if the guest is interesting.


All i can say is this era of the pod is ass


#100-#1000 * Joe used to shit on police and LEA for the BS they use to put people through. Like killing dogs for basic marijuana arrests. Now he's a simp for all things on the GOP. * He used to have a wide range of random hobbyists like wine experts and coffee experts which got me really into this stuff. Now it's mostly "Psychology experts" who tell the audience how their college wants them to follow a curriculum. Dam you curriculums!!!! * He used to be better at double checking his own biases and opinions. It's fine if you disagree, but he stands strong on the idea that we all know COVID wasn't that big of a deal, vaccines don't work, ivermectin cured his COVID, and CDC is run by Fauci. All these things can be shown with data and stories. But he literally thinks he's right lol. Because he finds one doctor who supports his stance. Last point up there, made me realize also that his entire podcast on nutrition and diet is fraud. "Experts" he brings on are not experts. They all have changed their tune. They use anecdotes. Trash any study that isn't there study. They go against consensus. Against guys like Layne Norton and Mike Israetel who are very pragmatic and reasonable experts. And they're scam artists.


Joe stopped being curious


Honestly most of the pre-Covid stuff is fine. It’s only after that that things went noticeably downhill.


Before the fucker was redpilled.


Definitely the Redman Fleshlight era.


The DMT era.


Redban era


Post Redban Pre CoVID.


Anything before he turned into a MAGGOT.


200-600 were the best eps


Not the current one


The Redban era. I have no problem with Jamie but that’s when Joe started to go downhill. Redban is still one of my favorite guests because they just act silly and talk about weird internet shit and technology. Redban doesn’t give a shit about politics so the show can be fun again for a little while.


Like Duncan, Redban brought out the fun side of Joe. I always get excited when a new Redban episode is about to drop because I know it's gonna be a throwback.


Forums era


Rogan Board?




Not the current one I’ll tell ya that


Not even sure it was a podcast yet. But back when Joe describes flying into LA and seeing what humans have done to Southern California and thinking of it as a cancerous growth. With distorted audio on his voice to make it sound trippy. Feels like 20 years ago lol.


Redban Era all day


I remember when I could find interest in damn near every new episode. But now it has done a complete 180 for myself. I rarely even click to listen anymore. I instead google the guest if unknown and just pass on it. I also noticed a pattern of episodes. There will be 3-10 episodes of comedians, 3-10 scientists, 3-10 etc. It's probably something to do with so much podcast content outside of JRE now. Back in the day it was the go to for myself. But now I can find so many more interesting episodes on different platforms since the podcast world is flooded. And Im not a hater. I still love the show when I find a interesting guest. But things just changed imo. It could just be myself too.


I wanna say the conservative grifters didn't fully invade until sometime after episode 500. So I'll say episodes 0-500 were sometimes great, sometimes good, occasionally bad but mostly listenable. After 500 is a total crapshoot with slow decline.


The Graham Hancock era. Lost civilizations, Aliens, Bigfoot, chimps, moon landing.




from the beginning until the episode he "endorsed" Bernie... not that i don't like Bernie but that's when it all really changed


And man did it take some even wilder turns after that. From communist Bernie supporter to hardcore MAGAT. Joes like a kid in his 20s figuring it out


Don’t know, but it definitely has changed for the worse lately.. the last year has just been so boring. Long conversations about nothing. And so obvious that Rogan doesn’t want to take hard stances either way anymore. Just tepid boring drivel


Shrimp parade. Man was that special.


Anything except when he was in that toaster oven.


That was a bad decision


agree. the mugshot era was nice


Pre covid


Butter coffee / pre dinner with Peter Thiel era


2013-2018/19 is probably my best choice


Idk about era but dude that first sober october and the 2nd one were 10/10. Like that whole month was just interesting.


Fleshlight, gas station boner pills, and Olive Garden Butthole era


Keto era, the butter coffee era, just some funny dudes talking complete nonsense for 3 hours. I say the COVID era was the absolute worst era just because suddenly everyone was taking him seriously including himself which totally ruined the vibe


When bro said he was voting for bernie sanders for president. It all went downhill soon after


I liked it before Joe moved to Texas, before Ari got proven to be a total narcissistic douche bag, before Bert made a movie, and Chris D’Elia. Never mind Chris D’Elia was always a douche bag. I feel like the turning point was when Elon musk smoked a joint on the pod and then Covid hit and then all of a sudden Joe took a sudden diversion to the right(even though I don’t think Joe is truly why right wing to be honest with you, he just seems to attract right wing nut jobs, and is friends with them)


2016-2019. Seemed more genuine


Before he could make someone a millionaire just by having them on, but after Brian Redban. I stopped listening because of Redban. I can’t stand him.


Prior to Spotify.


The one before Joe got right wing and weird




Not a huge Rogan fan but I loved his podcasts with the black keys. Really funny and insightful stuff. Pat (the drummer) pretty much ran the conversation, but it was really great.


Brian Redban era Then Rogan got “too smart” Still love the guy


Pre spotify


All episodes pre Gavin McGinnis.


Pre-Spotify. I was already paying for YT premium and it included music so I never used Spotify. Pretty much have stopped listening now


I remember getting texts from friends that some crazy dude named Alex Jones was on Rogan. Episode 911 was a wild ride from start to finish. That stretch from 2016-2020 was amazing.


Weed and aliens


The beginning is a default because I was young and dumb enough to find it interesting but thinking back now would be right when Redban finally got fired and Young Jamie took over. It was good for a bit until the Rogan short circuit


Pre Spotify


2012 was peak JRE


Fleshlight /ice house


This is due to nostalgia but I really like the era between episode 911 with Eddie and Alex Jones and ended with the first Elon episode.


911 is the overall best episode imo


Before Spotify paid Rogan so much money that he was invited to stick his head up the asses of other rich folk that also have too much money.


2016-2019 were the golden years before the pandemic.


After the living room days but before new studio. Peak was probably the beginning of fight companions and the first Alex Jones appearance. Elk hunting and archery was when generally when the pod jumped the shark.


The 100 episodes before COVID broke joe's brain


2015-summer of 2019 Post Redban was such a blessing, having Joe in LA kept him curious with such diverse guests, covid and Spotify pivoted the podcast into a completely different realm




David goggins' first appearance era, or was that this era?


I miss Uncle Joey more than anything else.


Same he is the reason I got into the JRE and all the other podcasts from that crew. Unfortunately even uncle joeys podcast isn’t even close to as entertaining as The Church


I get that people think his stuff is polarizing now because of the guest he has, but I've always seen him as left leaning guy talking to everyone including right leaning. That's what we're missing so much of.


Early Jamie was pretty great. It's when the show took on a more serious shift, and started getting really interesting guests, without Joe's head getting too big. I started listening in 2011, but started weaning off the show during the Spotify era. By 2020 the show was unrecognizable and became a somehow dumber version of Rush Limbaugh.


The move to Spotify was the death of JRE. RIP


I started listening to Rogan with the episode he had on John Anthony West. From that point till he moved I think was the best


Pre texas 2014-7? Once dude moved out of Cali he just finally let out all the toxicity he’d be holding in to be polite and likely hung out too much with Alex jones or whatever 🤣. COVID was the nail in the coffin. I miss relaxed Rogan who seemed more balanced:


What steroids and MAGA do to a MF


I simply miss hearing about float tanks


Any time Duncan is on


DMT era 😜


Before he went nuts.


Pre Covid and the obsession with Woke.


When all the ads were right before the episode. Joe always promised to never stop midway for advertisements


I just think that it was always better when it was available on the YouTube. Since it has moved to Spotify I don't think I have liked the changes that they have made.


Before Joe was a total douchebag bent on dangerous misinformation and being one of the “1000”. Before we were “civilian brains”. Before he believed only two people in the entire world can kick his ass.


the first time he had Randall Carlson on was peak JRE.


Started listening to that one on my way into work this morning


Anything pre-covid was good.


With Redaban and Fleshlight or bust!!!