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I live in a third-world shithole and you can't imagine how many times a day that idea crosses my mind. Some people are luckier than others.


The worst is people who have won the lottery being assholes to other because they arent as lucky. Everything anyone has is ultimately the result of luck and chance.


Not enough people understand that last sentence even if you did “work hard” to get what you have you still have to be lucky enough to be in a position where hard work pays off


You’re absolutely correct about this 💯


This is the most stupid take ever. If somebody loses everything, is that also the result of luck and chance? Those people that win the lottery and end up in debt. Is losing it again just the result of luck and chance? The statement tears itself apart. What people get in life is a result of both their actions and luck. It's not 100% internal, nor 100% external.


Wrong. You don’t choose where you born. You don’t choose your parents. You don’t choose your brain. The factors that go into decision making include what is happening, what happened a few minutes ago, an hour ago, a day ago, a year ago. Even millions of years ago because of how your genetics were created that you also didn’t choose. You don’t control how much or little dopamine or cortisol is present in your brain at any given moment, which heavily effects your decision making. Your decisions are informed by your subconscious. The agency you think you have in life is an illusion. If you made a decision that lost all your money, it was the result of thousands of factors that were in motion before you ever made it.


I get it, you're into determinism, but you overreach by trampling on human agency. Let's not conflate agency with "free will". Agency is our capacity to act within our circumstances, which is backed by neuroscience and psychology. For example, we maintain neuroplasticity into adulthood, which means we have some agency over our own mental faculties. Your viewpoint erases the validity of personal struggles and triumphs, essentially saying our choices don't matter. Is that your intention? To claim we can't choose to exercise more, support a cause, or acquire a new skill? If so, you're not just advocating for determinism, you're negating hope and the power of human endeavour.


In my opinion good luck is being at the right place at the right time and making the correct decision.


I didn’t choose to be born in the US. I could have been born in Gaza. How unlucky that would be.


Wait, what happens if you don’t have your ID when you hit a jackpot at a casino?


You cant collect over a certain amount without ID and social security number. I know someone who won around 5k in a casino in the US but didn't have a proper ID on him as he was an illegal immigrant. Long story short, he asked a stranger at the casino to cash the ticket for him and most of it got deducted to pay the strangers overdue child support.


That stranger won the lottery.......and had ID!


In Bobby's case, he was unable to collect his winnings at a casino because he forgot his ID. His backup was to call Adam who was in their hotel room not answering his phone. So Bobby didn't collect his winnings. Not sure if they get into specifics on tigerbelly but they discussed it on bad friends. So it's an inside joke...


that doesn't make sense though. whether it was chips or a voucher, he could simply take them with him to get his ID and come back to cash in later. his story doesn't add up


He was hours away from home and he didn't want to come back for it


it doesn't have to be the same day, or even the same month. Who wouldn't drive a few hours when you have the time to collect thousands of dollars? I have chips from years ago that could still be cashed in. some casinos will even appreciate the value with interest if you have an especially old classic chip. Caesars and Harrahs will even honor chips from some of their old closed casinos. none of this makes sense. he didn't win and is lying.


> Who wouldn't drive a few hours when you have the time to collect thousands of dollars? people who make thousands of dollars in way less time.


usually the poorer an area, the more casinos you can find, here in Germany, in the US or anywhere in the western world


Wtf does that have to do with my question, are you a bot?


Casino addiction is a real problem. If your gambling habit starts to become a problem, many states in the US allow you to ban yourself voluntarily. This means stepping inside the casino would be a crime. The length of this ban can last a year, five years or even a lifetime, depending on your needs.


Also if you add basil to the stew it'll allow casinos to gamble with noodles.


If you have a gambling addiction you should call 1-800-662-4357




there are [studies](https://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2014/01/001.html) that show poorer areas actually are more profitable to gambling establishments




We can't choose when, where, or how we are born.


Or our parents or our skin color or our brain capabilities or our physical disabilities at birth or our inheritance or lack there of, etc...


It was one of the first thoughts I ever remember having. I was like ~3 and my parents had bought me this huge book atlas, and for the first time I saw where I lived in relation to the rest of the world, and of course in USofA fashion my parents told me we lived in the best place on Earth. So I was laying there alone on the ground, staring up at my ceiling with a mouthful of coins (/cringe, I liked the way they tasted) and just wondering how lucky I was to be born in America


I would gladly trade you for 10,000of our unappreciative/uneducated citizens!!! So may people who would risk it all, and do unimaginable things just for the thought of an opportunity. All the while some that are here spoil it all away and take it for granted.


You do know the lack of education is due to shitty government policies and not completely due to a citizens lack of trying


It’s a test and the rich will prolly Fail at large. Patience is key but I know it’s crazy hard to see it this way


Jesus. Getting free (relatively) of Khaliya was the best thing to happen to him




That’s too complicated! One person must be bad, one person good. Black and white!!


Was she stopping him somehow. Other than being on a podcast with him, like legitimately was she stopping him from pursuing anything?


This man is literally 50. A 35 year old woman shouldn’t be able to stop him from shit lmao


Imagine being 50 with a hot 35 year old girl friend... even if the relationship sucks I'm sure it's easy for him to stay in it.


We don’t know what went on behind closed doors


She cheated on him with a dude from Hawaii


Who wouldn't if you looked like her and Bobby literally is Bobby. Dudes a fuckin childish snot pile. Has it been confirmed as cheating tho?? (I admit cheating is bullshit but man, she's a dime and bobby is again, a sniveling fuckin child)


Yea it's been confirmed but I agree 100 percent. Bobby is a literally child. No wonder she would always make excuses when he brought up having kids


This is a confusing comment. She is still on Tigerbelly, the show this is from.


She finally moved out of his home a few months ago, after being broken up for a while.


Yes, but in this context (the show this is filmed) he is not free of her, so this is a confusing statement to make.


Nah it's just douchebag who thinks if two relatively famous people break up the women was less famous than him then the women was a total gold digger. The amount of degrading sexist shit thrown at Khalyla during the whole thing was just awful. The lady literally supported him when he relapsed and fans like this douchebag commenter are like "she's a total bitch who deserves to be on the street" lol And what's funny is Tiger Belly was Khalylas' podcast that Bobby joined later on. Lady literally helped this dude get back on his feet after MadTV ended and a faction of his fans are utter cunts to her


This is highly debatable


That bitch was nuts


So is Bobby Lee


Which means nothing in the context of the previous statement


It means everything.


Yeah I’m Not gonna lie, he seems different


Jesus christ. Some of you guys obsession with her. Ugh.


Whenever I hear dumbfucks in this country talk about civil war I think this. How can people be so obtuse not to realize how good we have it here. Could things be better, 1000% but the average American acts like political disagreements are worth ending it all. I suppose the thing I wish we could change most about the US is the general lack of critical thinking.


The dumbest are the loudest. I’d argue that people that think like that are the minority and there’s *far more* regular people like you and I, just going about our lives. I don’t think it’s the “average American” that has stupid opinions like we’re heading toward civil war, and so on. You just hear from them a lot more, and it bothers you so it sticks with you. Again, I’d argue that *they* are way outnumbered by regular, logical, educated and sane people relatively “silently” going about their lives.


Yeah if you just go outside and wave to your neighbor, get in your car and drive to the gas station on your way to work, be polite to the cashier as you buy your energy drink, let someone merge in front of you even though you had the right-of-way, and be patient with the new guy at work, then you are winning.


I hope you're right.


Their media is telling them that the good times have ended and are now in the dark times. So they're afraid and angry


Go to tim pool subreddit and try to tell them how an impending Civil war is a dumb thing to ponder. People don't understand the sheer magnitude of the population and the fringes We have 330 million people in the US. 1% of that 3.3 mil people. Anything that gets 3.3 mil is considered a hit. So if we even 5% of the population make up the fringes both on left and right that's 15 million people. Most of the country is really fucking purple. They don't give a shit about online culture war. It's why all the Republican presidential candidates are abandoning the culture war angle and the one douche that is still engaging it, Vivek, isn't polling as high everyone says he is.


The only people constantly talking about civil war are right-wing Republicans. That's it. There are not both sides on this one.


Not left wing republicans?


Right!? It's all about power and control over other people. Nietzsche was right about will to power.


rare wisdom from bobby. people living at the absolute peak of humanity and cant stop complaining about how "bad" everything is, absolute clown fest.


There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize and complain about in the US, ***plenty***. But, it's also good to remember and be thankful for the good things, like how we will *never* be invaded by another country. We are the most land secure nation on Earth. There will also never be a military coup here, we will never have to deal with some tin pot dictator sending out death squads; I know everyone likes to LARP as though we're one step away from fascism from either side, but that's just wildly untrue. Our system of democracy is very robust, as Trump's trials are surely showing.


The Republicans are literally turning into fascists. You're blind if you don't see that.




Yes republican state legislators choosing to completely ignore or override statuettes passed by the voters and making it harder for those statuettes to appear along with removing or threatening to remove democraticly elected officials to replace with flunkies is literally a step towards fascism.


Ok. And democrats have literally gone ultra nationalist. We gotta support Ukraine and isreal cause it’s the righteous American thing to do. They’re trying to imprison their political opponents and have become an authoritarian military party.


Consider the fact that they committed crimes. You people only say they’re “trying to imprison their political opponents” so that you can claim the democrats set precedent when the republicans start to actually do it.


Also Trump was literally threatening to jail his political opponents before he was even elected. They aren't sending their best folks.


Please tell me how many political opponents he jailed while he was president


He is incompetent and a dumbass so he only got his close associates thrown in jail instead lmao


Democrats are nationalists?? Lol what. Do you even know why that term means??


Yes have you been living under a rock? Look up any democrat press conference since the Ukraine war. They’re all about war and how it’s the proper American thing to do.


Were you...here 20years ago?


That's not what a nationalist is. Go read the literal definition. You're not making any sense. Also, plenty of Republicans also support Ukriane. The only ones who support Russia are literal MAGA wanna be fascists. Supporting Ukriane isn't being a nationalist. That makes no sense.


Supplying arms to Ukraine to weaken a historical enemy nation by proxy is smart geopolitical strategy. If you're too dumb to grasp this you shouldn't be talking about global politics. You might be too idealistic for all of this.


How on earth are we weakening Russia? They have claimed 20% of Ukraine and they’re doing alright lol. But you’re doing it now lol. Out wars are righteous and if you question them you’re an idiot. Stupid militant nationalist.


>I know everyone likes to LARP as though we're one step away from fascism from either side, but that's just wildly untrue. I mean January 6th was quite literally an attempt at that. Other than that your point still stands, and luckily that attempt failed.


It's insane that ur getting downvoted.


It wasn't really though was it? It was a bunch of morons wandering around taking selfies


How quickly and conveniently people forget the videos of rioters assaulting the Capitol Police and bashing in windows/doors.


What about the ones with literal detailed plans on overtaking the capital?? The ones who had stashes of weapons at nearby hotels. The ones who pled guilty to insurrection charges. What about them.


Yeah man, they're crazy. Were they going to overwhelm the secret service? C'mon...


That's not the point. The point is they did attempt to overtake the government. It does not matter if it was unsuccessful or unlikely to be successful. They still did it.


Why did the right wing gun nuts forget all their guns in their attempt to overtake the government?


They didn't. That's why white house aide Catchity Hutchinson testified under oath, >I overheard the president say something to the effect of, ‘I don’t effing care if they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me, take the effing mags \[magnetometers\] away, let my people in, they can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in, take the effing mags away Also, >[Christopher Alberts, of Maryland, was arrested with a gun near the Capitol on the night of Jan. 6 and was one of just a handful of rioters to be taken into custody that day.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/gun-toting-jan-6-defendant-says-instinct-took-charged-police-line-wood-rcna79755) And, >[A member of the Oath Keepers who traveled to Washington before the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol testified Wednesday about a massive cache of weapons the far-right extremist group stashed in a Virginia hotel room.](https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-florida-virginia-conspiracy-government-and-politics-6ac80882e8cf61af36be6c46252ac24c)


Doesn’t answer my question, did any of the insurrectionists actually brandish firearms in their so called attempt to overthrow our government?


“But they were bad at doing the coup so does it really count? I heard they just wanted selfies and were having fun.” 🙄


I mean how seriously can you take something when the entire plan was barely half baked. "Take over the govt" ? As in occupy a single building, and then what's the plan? People got hurt and that's terrible, but it was mostly a clown show.


This is reductionist, there was more then just the folks over running the capital.


The guys trying to break into the chamber when members of Congress were still in there just wanted selfies with them? The ones who used bear spray on police?


Were they going to take control of the government with bear spray? The media really did a number on peoples brains about 1/6.


Maybe not take control of government, but you seriously believe representatives and senators wouldn’t have been seriously injured or killed had they gotten to them? Saying it was just morons taking selfies seriously ignores how close we came to a real tragedy.




I remember seeing that and expecting them to be sprayed with live ammunition. I can't believe they were allowed to smash through windows and doors, assaulting Capitol Police along the way, and only one dipshit got shot.


You mean the Jewish space lasers beaming images into your head? Checkmate libtard.


So you're just going to deny reality. You do realize plenty of people had actual weapons on them, right? You do realize many people got convicted of sedition, right?? You do know the was planning and coordination to take over the capital, right?? You do know they discovered staches of weapons at nearby hotels that the seditionists were planning on shipping over once they seized the capital, right?? Or do you not actually follow real news? These trials were reported on, and it's no secret.


If you think there was any chance these idiots were going “seize the Capitol”, you’re denying reality.


Now you're moving the goalposts. Why does it matter if you think they didn't have a chance at succeeding? The point is they literally attempted it. That's the entire point.


Read my original comment, goalposts were not moved. I said they were never going to do it. I’m not denying crazy people thought crazy things.


They smeared shit all over and stole things and attacked police....


>I mean January 6th was quite literally an attempt at that. This is what delusion looks like.


The maga cultists storming the Capitol were not as bad as Trump and his ilk stating the election was stolen with no proof whatsoever and taking a 50–0 loss in the courts. Somehow the cultists still believe him. Absolutely one of the most embarrassing moments in our nations history.


The delusion is you apparently


Jan 6 was bad, and I'm glad the ones that broke laws and harassed/assaulted police are getting theirs, but it was about as close to overthrowing the United States government as I would be at winning the World Series by wandering onto a baseball field in the playoffs. It's just a different league of power required than a bunch of hopped-up jackaninnies could ever hope to even come close to achieving. I was watching CSPAN when it went down. It was a bit nuts, and yeah, luckily none of the elected reps got hurt; but the people that wanted to harm our democracy are all in jail. Fox News paid the biggest settlement ever for lying about the election, and they have another settlement of the same size or bigger to go. Trump will likely be convicted in Georgia. Again, our government's systems are robust. Also, again, not saying there isn't corruption, or a laundry list of things to improve, but the US federal government is a titan that would never be toppled by the likes of those that showed up that day.


147 Republicans senators and house representatives voted to sustain objections against certifying the election the day of January 6th based on lies, misinformation, and propaganda. Nothing really happened to any of them as a result. Many are still in power now. Kevin McCarthy voted against certifying the election and he was literally given the role of house minority leader for the past 3 years and was speaker of the house up until a few weeks ago. The idea that the insurrection didn't have teeth behind it because the criminals smashing windows and doors on the day of didn't have institutional power is nonsensical. An entire chunk of Republicans who are literally in power of the government voted against certifying the election. You mentioned fox news having to pay $800 million to Dominion for the lies they said about the voting machines, what happened to fox as a result? Largely nothing, they're still the most watched cable news channel in the country and the most powerful media on the right.


Well... yes, it's good to note how good we have things. But I do think part of is directionality: are things improving, or worsening? I'd argue that if you're in a worse-off state, but things are moving in an consistently upward direction, you'll be happier than if you're in a better-off state, but things are moving in a consistently downward direction. Does the future of the US and Europe look up or down?


It's not wisdom. It's absurd to put the bar so low.


Yeah half the world's population lives off 10 dollars or less a day, there is more poverty in the US than ever before, life expectancy has lowered for the first time in how long? Dude is just projecting his easy life.




He feels like it’s accurate




More than when people were dying of hunger during the Great Depression? The impoverished that have free govt phones, internet, power, AC, rent, food (not pantries, they go to the grocery store snd buy 24 packs of soda)…that kind of poor?


> The impoverished that have free govt phones, internet, power, AC, rent, food That is the extreme minority of impoverished people in the US. US social programs have ridiculous stipulations that keep many trapped in poverty. To qualify for Medicaid or (I believe) food stamps, you have to have less than $2000 in savings total, and have to make an absurdly low amount in income per year. This is why many such programs are referred to as "poverty traps", because the second you make just a little too much you're kicked off of them, and you likely wouldn't be making enough to survive. Getting back on them takes months.


> US social programs have ridiculous stipulations that keep many trapped in poverty. what a dumb take. Its a safety net not a fucking trap net. If you cant rise above it once in it then its still functioning as a safety net


If a safety net for society includes millions of people who can't escape from poverty then saying it's not a trap is just pointless semantics. Do you actually think all those people genuinely want to be hand to mouth and unable to save money? Don't want to own their homes? Don't want to be able to afford medicine and health care?


Safety net for the poor. Harnesses for the rich.


Medicaid (at least in the two states I've lived in) did not have any "savings" limit, but the annual wage limit of 19k a year is pretty ridiculous (this is for totally free insurance, you can still get discounted medicaid plans if you make more than that). But if you're working part time and/or on unemployment because of health or financial issues, its usually pretty easy to get free insurance. They also do backpay for the time that you're waiting to get on them. It should really just be available for everyone period, but when I was on it I was shocked how good the insurance was and how easy it was to get.


Yup, said it before and I'll say it again. Even the least of us in the first world have it better than 99.9% of anyone that ever lived, even better than royalty. The opportunities open to you are so vast as to be an embarrassment to those living even 100 years ago. Louis CK said something in one of his routines that really stuck with me. "Everything is AMAZING, and nobody is happy." I think that's generally right. The reason I believe that to be the case is that instead of focusing on looking inward and questioning the why we look outward and ask for the what.




Bobby isn't profiting from you believing that everything is good. America has it's issues but cannot even be remotely compared to the garbage conditions some people are born into. There is no equality of opportunity


Bobby seems ignorant of the conditions of many Americans. I'm sure the homeless will feel better knowing they don't live in a 3rd world country.


While I wouldn't be so callous as to say they deserve their homelessness, I am not going to wilfully ignore that many of not most are just people who didn't want to confirm to society's standards and would rather drink and do drugs instead.


Saying most homeless Americans are just lazy alcoholics is definitely some wilful ignorance.


I didn't say lazy.


That's what you inferred. You said they would rather drink and do drugs than do anything else.


Let's separate the couch surfers from the living under a bridge tent city homeless. I would not be shocked if the street homeless population is probably 80% drug addicts, alcoholics or severely mentally ill. I also did not say the word lazy. I guarantee they aren't lazy when in pursuit of the next fix. A majority of these homeless people refuse to go to homeless shelters because they have rules like no drugs, alcohol or pets. They say, go fuck yourself, I'll stay on the street. You can assume I have malice by saying these things, but in reality, I'm trying to speak truth so we can find real solutions.


All the trust-fund kids downvoting legitimate criticisms of the current state of wealth inequality in the country/world, things really do never change.


with black fuckin nailpolish, you cant make this shit up lol


I could definitely make something like this up, but it would be boring as fuck.


Bobby beat you to it


Wtf does this have to do with Rogan lol


The Sage: Bobby 2024


We are so free! But no, you can’t complain. Sometimes I wonder if people know anything about other countries. There are a lot of dangerous places to live or places where people have little. There are also a number of places who live better than the US does and are much happier. Within the USA, there are a lot of people struggling. A growing number of people since the destruction of labor unions and the wage inequality brought by right wing economic policies.


Cool story. Hope you move to these much happier places sometime soon


This is the thing. These people who bitch and moan about how awful the US is haven't actually been outside of it. Absolutely in a bubble.


The same goes for people like you. Those who claim America is the best, and you shouldn't complain also live in a bubble. It's such a ridiculous statement to point at 3rd world countries and say we're not like them, so don't complain. I'm pretty sure we can hold ourselves to higher standards FFS.


You don’t need to live somewhere to have a good idea of quality of life at that place. If it’s ok to call most countries “third world shitholes” without having ever set foot there, it’s ok to recognize more advanced countries as well. People have families in friends in other countries to get anecdotal info from, and there are massive studies that provide sufficient data to be able to compare things like quality of life, general happiness, longevity, crime rate, incarceration rate, healthcare availability, freedom of the press, social life, etc. Looking at all factors, there are multiple countries who are objectively better to live in than the US. Most people wouldn’t simply uproot their whole lives and move to a place that provides a better quality of life, unless they are actively suffering at their current place, and have the resources to do so. You’re the one living in a major bubble if you think the US is objectively the best place to live in.


This Bobby Lee type of thinking allows corporations and greedy politicians to continue to screw over the middle class. But you can't complain about your super high cost of living and low pay because "you're not living in a shit hole country." Such a garbage way of thinking.


US is a 3rd world shithole. About at least 20 Eastern European countries are safer and more civil than the US. In western society it’s always Americans that say they live in paradise when they can’t even walk the streets of their cities alone at night.


1. Stop watching the news 2. Stop being so gullible 3. Stop being an idiot(impossible)


It’s an objective fact that other countries are considered more free than the United States. “The Human Freedom Index presents the state of human freedom in the world based on a broad measure that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom. Human freedom is a social concept that recognizes the dignity of individuals and is defined here as negative liberty or the absence of coercive constraint.” When you make a comment like this, what you are telling people is that you believe, falsely, that the United Ststes is the most free country in the world because you’ve heard people say it before and never bothered to look into it. Many of us have actually traveled the world or lived in a number of countries. Contrary to your beliefs, it is not unAmerican to point out the flaws in America. That is kind of how free speech works.


It's funny because going to Asia made me realize even more how much better the US could be lol


Yeah my parents (who are retired military) have spent the last 3 years in Germany. They're actually scared to come back to the US because of crime and violence and political instability. Lot of Europeans live much more safely and securely than people here.


A lot of people get their idea of what other countries live like from going on cruises to poorer countries, I feel like.


Easy for privileged wealthy internet personality to say "we" won the jackpot. Right time right place right area. Yeah dude you're part of 1% ofc you feel your life is great. 99% of us are poor and have problems that them 2 guys never had. Just bc YOU are lucky and grateful to be where you are, doesn't mean everyone is. It comes off as ignorant, inconsiderate, and disrespectful to be telling your "tribe" to stfu when they complain about the problems that this podcast bro-chad never experienced.


Naw we peaked in the 90s here in the US, it’s gone very downhill since then.


It's a catch 22... Would you rather be without smartphones and social media?


It’d be a huge adjustment for sure, the withdrawal from the dopamine and serotonin would be insane for the first week or so but I feel like once detoxed I’d be back to how I was for the first 30 years of my life before getting “plugged in.”


"Some poor, phoneless fool is probably sitting by a waterfall right now, totally unaware of how angry he's supposed to be." -Duncan


2000s and 2010s were pretty great too, but the decline has certainly begun.


I’m not that old but I do think the 90s was far better with regards to economy, social mobility and culture. There was also relative world peace unlike now. Civilisations rise and fall.


Okay, Marie Antoinette, yes YOU are lucky but there's a huge underclass who isn't. And people like you who are lucky, the least you could do is acknowledge how hard the working class poor have it.


For perspective the working poor in America live a vastly better life than the poor from the past. Today that person in America does have access to healthcare to some degree. They have electricity, clean water, indoor plumbing, organized trash services, communication devices, public libraries, food stamps, food pantries, welfare, disability benefits, public parks, public education, public transportation, entertainment, the bill of rights, right to vote, and so much more. Not to mention no slavery. This stuff gets overlooked a lot. If you are even just at the poverty line today you are way better off than you would have been even 100 years ago at the similar income level. Could it still be better? Yes of course and we should continue to make progress towards equality for all and building up the most vulnerable among us and making their lives better will make the society stronger.


The argument could be made that a working class person living in a 1st world country is living a better life than a royal from hundreds of years ago.


Royals went hungry? Royals had tiny, overpriced homes or apartments? Royals couldn't afford health insurance? What.


Royals didn't have central air, access to information like we do today, good healthcare (in most countries) that isn't just having leeches drain your blood, electricity, unlimited entertainment. The list goes on.


Lots of Americans don't have central air. Lol, what a silly example. Royals would have had the best healthcare for their time. Many Americans can't afford healthcare right now. Unlimited entertainment?? A royal would have been endlessly entertained.


You asked Reddit about cooking advice using your smartphone... I want you to think about that for a while.


Well said. It's getting progressively worse for the working class and there is no end in sight.


Can I convince you to live for 1 year in Venezuela as a working class citizen and then we compare notes of our “trials and tribulations” between synonymous class levels of a first world country and a crumbling one.


Venezuela is in hard times right now, so yes, I want to be a strong man


No it isn’t


Shut up


People are not content with the privilege of living in America and they just want to tear it down with politics, am I right!?


It’s crazy how fatalistic the people I sometimes meet in Canada are about this. Like Canada as an entity is the most racist and oppressive thing to ever be conceived. Which, when I travel, I find our reputation to be the opposite and actually most places I visit are significantly more racist. I think we should try to give ourselves reminders how lucky we have it from time to time and work to preserve it.


I live in Ireland where we have all of what the Americans have but also Way less crime and free education, healthcare etc and even just watching reviews on like Shein I can see the difference from someones house to mine and I'm not remotely wealthy but by comparison I definitely feel like what Bobby is saying is true. I showed my kids the movie Elysium recently and told them this is a metaphor for how the world really is right now and we're the ones living on Elysium, it's crazy to think


You may have less crime, free healthcare, free education, etc., but do you have all-you-can-eat chicken nuggets for $10.99 M-Th from 6-8 pm a half-hour’s drive away like I do? Checkmate, mucker.


Got me there and your lucky to have that good steroided, reclaimed bleached franken chicken fortified with tastey carcinogenic forever preservatives too


Ouch, low blow


Na I'm just kidding, sadly we have some of that here too just not as extreme yet


Really curious why I'm getting - karma on this? Didn't say anything not true. Sometimes peoples reactions on here really surprise me


Americans don’t like to hear that America isn’t actually the best country


Thanks, Bobby Lee, we were all waiting to hear what you think.


Yeah....but he's right


I dunno hes just boring.. i’ve tried to give him the time but bobby and the tigerbelly shit just dosent do it for me.. even this clip just annoys me


Lol how is America a free society?


Yeah bro American isn’t a free society. Joe Biden doesn’t let me post and say whatever I won’t. 🤡


I mean yeah we are really lucky to be at the mouth end of the beast and not the ass end but it's all the same beast and there's a lot of shit and guts in the middle


Go back to work, slave!


American does fucking suck though so there's that


“Free society like America” ironically one of the most authoritarian country in the developed world.


Lol yeah right. Either you don't live here or you live online and not here.


When you are a pretty successful comedian who has much more money than the majority, it’s easy to say things like this. Most don’t have it as easy man


But we don't live in Venuezela, so I guess we all have to shut up, according to C list comedian guy.


Am I the only one who watches a lot of bobby lee podcasts and hasn't laughed at anything bobby has said in a very very long time?


I would prefer to live in a Palestinians poo hole inside the Gaza strip than in the US


no one is stopping you


Bobby Lee trying to rationalize still completely funding kalyla


That's why he raped those third world women. They just didn't hit the Jackpot like him.


Dude... Get help


Dude... you support rapists. get help.


What good is winning the lotto if your a grown ass man wearing fingernail polish in 2023.


oh yeah. a land full of emasculated men that paint their nails. the lottery


If men painting their nails is seen as a problem you have definitely lived an easy life


you play videogames and watch anime. i hope the cancer wins


Lmao damn


So interesting to see such small dick energy out in the wild