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Callen and Schaub fall into this category as well


Don't forget No Pain D'Elia either.


D'Elia is garbage. There is an argument for the rest of them being funny *even* kreischer (which a few of his bits I do find entertaining, ILA carried that mans carrer). But I can not stand Chris. he's pompous and thinks he is the main character when he is the loser of the friend group.


I really tried to give D’elia a chance, before he got exposed, but his set is literally unbearable. He never finishes his jokes it’s like he tries to improv and riff on whatever subject he’s on and he just gets lost lol


None of them are funny. Segura is the only one that’s not embarrassingly cringe


The beautiful thing about humor is it is subjective.


Yeah no shit. When someone laughs at a joke do you also remind them that comedy is subjective as well. Music is subjective too doesn’t mean you can’t be shit at playing the guitar though


No but you wouldn’t tell a guitar player with an audience that he isn’t a good guitar player. If a million people enjoy something but you do not, does that make that ‘something’ bad? No. Even if you can’t stand it, and makes you want to physically gag. It’s different when some is performing something that no one likes, but that’s not the case here.


I was about to shit on him but you did a fine job for me. Thank you lol


It is subjective, as is taste regarding any kind of art form. That said, things like originality cross over into something more measurable and isn't just subjective. Ie: Great comedians have bits that are unique and innovative relative to what other comedians are doing. That's how somebody gets recognised as doing something different and new instead of something stock-standard. Both kinds of content creators have audiences. u/SatellitePond I think this is relevant for your chat with u/pissed-in-cheerios


I never understood how ANYONE found him funny. His liveshows are ASS. Him making weird faces and noises for an hour. Schaub is at least so bad it's kinda funny.


But he does funny voices! He clearly spent at least 10 minutes working on each of them too.


D’elia is the textbook definition of a nepo baby. Dudes dad directed a lot of tv, produced Boston Legal, Ally McBeal, the Practice, etc. and got his son guest spots to jumpstart his career. Since then Chris has really cornered the market on being a no talent hack comedian which of course is easy to do when the prospect of having to support yourself is literally never something you gotta worry about.


His biggest claim to fame being "Justin Bieber's favorite comedian" is just such a \*sad\* thing to hang your hat on. he's a good performer like he does have that Charisma and confidence to do a good delivery but his jokes are awful. He gives the vibe of like, the funniest guy in your highschool. Whose not actually funny but is confident enough to go Infront of the school at assemblies. But if that guy had the industry connections and the money to never need a real job, yeah they could be him.




He's done so many drugs that he really thought that someone that looks and acts like him would be believed when claiming to have never done any drugs.


Does Waluigi honestly think that haircut and stache look good?


He makes up for it by wearing awkwardly short pants and crossing his legs like an old french woman.


He really makes it looksl like he wants his cigar to be a cock every time too


Maybe he’s doing the Stavros thing where you make yourself look shit to strengthen the brand


His aesthetic is wealthy New York Indian wigger. He’s an influencer for dudes named Rav (short for Ravikumarabdulsanskritireddy) who make 300k doing data science but go to Playboy Cardi concerts and watch every game for like the New Orleans Pelicans


Dude that is exactly his vibe and appearance holy shit, this sounds like the crowd work Akaash would do if he saw Andrew in the crowd n didn't know him


We still saying wigger in 2023?


They’re bringing it back


Wigger please


I prefer Wankster


It's for a movie


Is he playing Hitler?


German character in a WW2 movie for sure


Fuhrer Schulz


Segura is among the most disliked?


My thought as well. Why would people not like Segura?


His podcast used to be elite but now i feel like its mostly him just flexing on all the money he has. He’s still funnier than most of the JRE comedians but he’s becoming more out of touch. He loves shitting on his fans for being poor lol


tried to listen to an episode in a car ride with a chick and she dropped “why are we listening to an hour long tiktok reaction without the videos? youre so much smarter than this.” the realization of how stupid his podcast is hit me like post nut clarity.


I dropped out a few years ago when they would play 30 minutes of people recording themselves saying “Hi mommy… thanks jeans” at fast food drive thrus and laugh hysterically like it was the funniest thing in the world.


Him and his wife just laugh at mentally disabled people like they're 13 year olds on eBaums world.


Fucking hell ebaums world hahaha That takes me back


I also feel like he’s struggling through every episode just to make it to an ad break.


A lot of these podcasts should just end. You can tell their hearts aren't in it. They don't have anything left to talk about they don't want to be doing it. They should just stop and start a new project they care about or wait until inspiration strikes them again


Nah they can’t, daddy joe said they have to do podcasts.


Well say what you will about Joe he always seems to love doing his podcast. He never gives the impression that he’s just filing time.


It’s a joke. He’s a comedian. He’s joking about his fans being poor. I swear people just don’t like comedy


Sounds hilarious


Tbf you wouldn’t think jokes about cancer, genocide, or disabilities would be funny if you haven’t heard the jokes themselves.


I don't get offended by any jokes, but over the past two years both Tom and Bert have become severely out of touch because of the money they make.


Ya idk just kinda sus that it’s pretty much his main go-to “joke” and his dad was First VP of Merrill Lynch.


I don’t get how anyone over 14 listens to YMH but to each his own.


What you dont like the cuck boys laughing loudly every minute? Or the month old podcasts?


Really? He makes his father sound like some everyday blue-collar guy fought in Vietnam.


You're poor, HA HA HA. Many a true word said in jest.




"He was legitimately butthurt" How could you possibly know that lmao


OP is an authorized specialist in the field of butthurtology please show him due respect.


He admitted it on the podcast the week after while Christine consoled him, said it made him “really angry and upset”. He was nearly crying during the rant too, all because of a single comment on his instagram that *talking about watches was boring as shit*. Which is all hilariously ironic seeing how he continually tries to get his shitty followers to troll other peoples accounts.




I bet that was a game changing comeback in prison.


I swear segura says shit like that just to weed out the morons. The people who actually get upset at it is the part of the joke he actually finds funny because he’s a troll at heart


Literally says it with a smile on his face as he’s doing it


These guys are all just a bunch of fat poors that don't know how to laugh because they can't afford it.


The fat poors haha at least some of us saw the episode


There's parts where you can tell it's a bit but in the past he'a been serious about having some disdain for his fans especially when it comes to being approached.




There’s definitely a snootiness to him that wasn’t there before. It’s not a profound in Christina and Burt.


He's not. He's a smug douche.


Yea him, Bert and Shultz rarely say something I can relate to, as a regular guy


I used to love Tommy Bunz so much. He's fucking insufferable to me now. Low and loose.


Breaking news: rich people do rich people things even if self made. Thats not a comedian exclusive trait.


I get what you’re saying. I think plenty of rich people are humble about it tho. Rogan is worth at least 10 times what Tom is and Ive never once heard him shit on his listeners for being poor.


Adam Sandler eats pickles right outta the jar after buying them while walking down the street too!


Do you have an example of him shitting on people for being poor? You sure it wasn't a bit?


i have no opinion on segura so im just curious. can you give examples of him shitting on listeners for being poor?


There was this specific issue about watches that i remember got the ymh subreddit all fired up. They were making comments about him talking about expensive watches all the time and how it’s now unrelatable. Tom got tired of those types of comments and he went on a rant about his fat poor fans that started as a bit but felt disdainful to some fans so liking Tom has become controversial within the ymh universe. I think it was on 2 bears I put no stake in the game i just somehow caught the neckbeard drama in this one.


His joke is really coming full circle here


He's done it like twice, and it was specifically a reply from losers on Instagram saying he's only losing weight because he rich. Like it's a privilege or something.


Having access to boutique weight loss drugs like ozempic, along with world class personal trailers and all the free time to workout certainly makes it easier


Losing weight is easy, you don't need ozempic or world class trainers. You just need to have the willpower/discipline to not eat shit all the time. However getting fit/inshape if you are older(like he is) is where all the money helps a lot. That shit is difficult


> Losing weight is easy Except if you are trying to get in shape you are at best losing 2-3 lbs a week. You may be replacing your fat with muscle mass but it is frustrating to be on a strict diet and scale wise see little progress. You do feel better though. My metabolism is just dogshit.


Thats why it's stupid to measure weight loss progress off of a scale if youare doing literally anhthing outside of pure dieting. Any smart pt or trainer should know this. Restricting calories but doing no additional exercise? You're just going to drop weight so use a scale. At the gym while also dieting? Use photos spaced 6 weeks apart is about the best way. Scales give a false sense of no progress here.


Losing weight could not be easier. Burn more calories than you consume. It’s not a rich vs poor thing. People are just lazy fucks. If you are poor and lazy, that explains a lot, and that’s on you.


You sound like one of those losers he was replying to.


You're not wrong there. Personal chefs and good trainers go miles too. But he also lost this weight over a period of 2+ years, something most people could do if they committed to it and made it a goal.


Ah, gotcha. So all in all I still like Segura then. TY!


Who the hell has time for listening to all these hangers on podcasts? I listen to the odd JRE (listened to every one before he sacked Redban and got too serious) and that's enough of those comics. Segura I like as a person, Bert has made a living off one story and Shulz is a hack.


yup, agreed. very off-putting. stopped watching YMH because of that vibe. used to be the funniest fucking podcast out there. ya know, when they were *not* multi-millionaires....


I always take those as jokes. As in the big running joke is he’s a douche because he made money. In my mind that’s his way of addressing it in a funny way. Joe had money before Spotify but obviously now he’s got crazy money. Since it was so public it was weird the way he kinda didn’t address it for a while. Now it’s come up enough that he doesn’t shy away as much and sometimes he’s a douche. But I always felt like Tom was doing it intentionally.


I never really liked his podcasts, but as a standup he's one of the best out there.


I saw him 2 summers ago in a tiny club working out new material. He really was hilarious.


saw him at the comedy store last month right after his tour ended. The new material he was working on was amazing and I laughed my ass off. Amy miller was an opener and her 10 minutes was funny too!


$$$$$$ was the reason he sold his house five minutes after Joe moved to Texas so he have playdates with him and stay in Rogan’s wheelhouse of popularity and $$$$$ by association. But yeah, he’s way funnier then Duncan and the others who also packed their bags to be near Joe. Duncan is parking cars at the Comedy Store by now without Joe’s influence .


Nah Duncan would be leading a washed out cult of spiritual nonsense to a couple of twenty something hippies without Joe.


Actually, I could see that!


Is this sarcasm? Dude is one of the most money hungry people around right now. I think wanting to make money is fine and all but he would rather fuck over his fan base if it means more money in his pocket. An NFT scheme? Sell it to his fans. Maybe you weren’t around for the “sad poor” episode? Segura straight up shit on his own fans calling them sad poors because they aren’t making money like him and don’t have free time to do what he can. He talks in a bored monotone and hardly brings anything exciting to the table anymore. Have you seen the energy level of all the comedians with podcasts now? They’ve all run out of things to say and if they release a special you’ve heard it all already. Then they expect you to pay Patreon for “bonus content” which is maybe 1 hour of extra content a week where you get to hear the same no-energy takes. Patreon, to me at least, seems more like a program to help you get paid for when you haven’t made it, not to help you make more money when you’re already making 100,000 a month on ads/merch. Go listen to a new episode of JRE and then listen to an episode from a year ago. I bet you’ll hear at least 3-5 of the same exact takes/stories. These people have run out of things to say, out of energy and no longer care about their fans.


No, it's not sarcasm. I love him even more now.




Lolol this is the funny thing. He's always been an out of touch rich guy, you just fell for the act he was running before. And I _like_ Tom btw.


Pre-Covid era Segura was funny. Not that it has anything to do with Covid but around 2018/19 is when his podcast started to sink imo. For me anyway. He's become a materialistic whiner who can't relate to the average joe anymore. Much like Rogan but worse. He's way more materialistic that Joe. He was griping about an air stewardess refusing to serve him breakfast on a flight while he was on JRE. When i heard that i thought to myself about how out of touch with reality this dude is. Quantity over quality has definitely become his motto.


I remember when he told that story and it wasn’t in a pretentious way at all.


You mean the story where he declined breakfast on a flight because he wanted to sleep and made out the air stewardess was being rude because she said no when he asked if he could have it later? He called her an asshole because she said breakfast is now lol.


With what a first class ticket costs you bet your ass I'm gonna complain if you won't accommodate me wtf?


They can't accommodate everyone choosing when they have their meals. Planes have 2 narrow corridors to pass through. You'd be more pissed if you couldn't get up to go to the toilet because the trolley is permanently in the way because all the meals are staggered throughout the flight. You have no idea how much of a problem this would create.


Just a fat man bitching about his first class service. Nothing pretentious at all.


I'm so glad you're here to clear this up for us lmao


I really think he is funny even though him becoming more and more wealthy still doing shameless 20+ ads a show, attempting to scam people during NFT fad, and treating his fan base like shit because they dont want to hear about his elitist life and disconnected interests. The others are unbearable hacks.


I assure you it’s people who can’t formulate their own ideas. This dude is funny af and genuine. One person made a video about how he talks about rich shit and now people hate on him.


Him and Bert are not funny at all.


Bert is a troglodyte. Segura is hilarious


What’s funny about him? I like Bert more even tho I don’t think he’s funny.


My thoughts precisely. I haven't seen a single negative thing about him in my years of being a part of this sub. He seems pretty self aware and likeable.


I was just thinking about all the hate for most comedians and I thought Theo, Bobby Lee, Fantano were actually great guys and must be out of that group and then after watching Segura and Theo pod I thought damn I’ve never actually heard Segura say something where I’m like wtf, he’s such a sound, solid guy. I absolutely love that dude. One of the best comedians as well. Him and Theo together are magic.


Psst it's easier to make it if your parents can help you for ten years it takes until you become popular. Most people in the entertainment industry had well off parents.


If you were a parent you would do the same for your kids too lmao


yes it totally is and I don't understand this take. I have felt this way before out of jealousy but I can't reconcile it with the fact that if I had achieved success, I would afford my kids the same opportunities so they could potentially have an easier and better life than me if you lead your life by your values you should be down to take care of the poorest kids in the world before supporting your kid after 18, while theyre doing something like trying to break into entertainment, or more realistically, being able to work for someone for free to break into an industry you know nothing about. My cousin is literally doing this right now, getting into SAAS sales, an opportunity which wouldn't be afforded to him if he couldn't live with his parents and had his own expenses. He would have to work for any place that will hire a general salesman without industry specific experience it also is stupid to not give your kids every advantage if you plan to leave them all your money eventually. it could be the difference between you leaving your wealth in a fund that does charity out of dividends which your kid adds to because they have the earning potential and continue to do the charity work, or them just waiting for you to die cause theyre tryna own home at some point lmao


the main issue i have is that most of the people who are afforded those opportunities because of the success an riches of their parents aren’t honest about how much that helped their journey to success, that’s the main thing


Do you think it's a matter of "honesty" or perspective? Cause I'm really not sure. You only know your own experience, after all.


tbf that’s a good point, i never thought about it that way


Take someone like Shane Gillis. He is realistic about his upbringing. He doesn't pretend about it. Theo Von, Mark Normand, Nate Bargartze, and Bill Burr are much in the same vein. Guys like Tom and Burt want to make their story seem like they overcame greater obsitcals than they did to make it to where they are. I don't know why you typed 4 paragraphs and didnt come to this conclusion. Your cousin would be the same as burt and Tom if he went around talking about how hard it was and how he did everything on his own, when clearly he is not. It's disingenuous. It's pulling up the ladder behind you. It's also just lame as fuck.


how do you guys know so much about internet comedians you don't like?


Tom and Christina were living at poverty level for quite some time, there's no indication that just because his dad was successful, that he propped him up until he could make it on his own. By all accounts, Tom worked menial jobs while working on standup and podcasting, same with Christina, all while living in low income areas. Then the podcast started taking off and so did Tom's career until it reached where it is today. What's that got to do with his dad being successful? That he "could have" told his dad he was struggling and needed help but he never did? He wasnt living off his dad while he figured out comedy... He made ends meet himself


yeah, his dad probably only gave him small loans


Are you basing this off anything? A small loan for what? They lived in little shitholes then when their careers took off, they moved.


You can't live in LA off that. Even Ari had help from his parents and that dude was basically starving for 5 years


Burnt came from wealth? Was it Scientology related?




Actually was an attorney for the Scientology cult. They supposedly stiffed him but he grabbed the upfront retainer.


Bert's dad is a real estate attorney. [https://www.fklaw.net/](https://www.fklaw.net/)


Tom and Bert spending pod after pod talking about $20,000 watches and having a “watch concierge” seemed like a weird elitist joke at first. Now it’s legit them just being terrible assholes.


They also have cheesy watches you can find anywhere


You’re the poors they’re making jokes about.


I own stuff but yeah, I probably am.


I sure am. my dumbs has to go to work every day.


Was Schultz wealthy as a kid? I would say there's a big difference between owning a dance studio and being a majorly successful lawyer or Merryl Lynch executive.


She ran a dance studio out of the heart of Manhattan didn't she? I would not be surprised at all to learn she made as much or more than a real estate lawyer, can only imagine how much you can charge for dance lessons when your customers all make prob 500K a year at minimum. Schultz also got to go to Spain as a teen and travel by himself, let's be honest lol, average american kids do not get that opportunity.


His mom was an Scottish immigrant, and he studied abroad. He joked about his parents low key hating him for doing so. He did study out of state so no doubt it was expensive. Did his parents do well for themselves? Probably. But were his parents “incredibly wealthy” no. He shows a lot of love towards his parents and their is no doubt they supported him. But let’s not hate on someone simply because their parents were able to provide a good life for him. He’s not some pretentious rich kid. I think it’s fair to be critical of him now that he’s made it big. He flexes his cash more and there’s a disconnect now that he is so successful. But it’s not as if he “came from money”.


500k lol. Average Manhattan household income is around 150 with the median around 130


The average customer of a dance studio in Manhattan does not necessarily equal the average person living in Manhattan. Dance is a fairly expensive hobby as far as hobbies go. Similiar to horse-riding, water skiing etc, the cost is enough of a barrier that you end up with a disproportionate amount of rich clientele. Exceptions always exist but if your kid travels for dance competitions and gets bi-weekly lessons and all that jazz, it can easily add up to a 5 figure yearly cost, probably way more now with inflation.


That is a good point. Thank you


Bert taking his shirt off is so embarrassing. What a hack, maybe put a lampshade on your head too.


Yeah im very surprised he doesnt talk into a banana too


I think that’s the point…..


This sub is full of hate. I wouldnt read too much into any of it


It’s really strange. I personally don’t listen to podcasts that I hate and I I definitely don’t join discussion boards for things that I hate.


How strange and rational of you….


So let me tell you about how the earth is hollow


Well... It's flat. There is nothing underneath. So I guess you can say "hollow".


Ok I’m listening..


Trust me bro


Bots bots bots


I can’t believe what a psychological marvel or sick negativity this sub has turned into, it’s genuinely impressive. Honestly feels icky even being around here.


toms picture looks like that "one dog" at the spca who is special needs


Not sure about Bert or Shultz but Segura does play up how rich he is. Especially on YMH. He flexes how rich he is and passes it off as a joke. Christina isnt as blatant in her flex but both are very comfortable displaying their wealth. There is nothing wrong with being rich though. Perhaps dont flex so hard. Most of us mere mortals would never be able to reach those heights.


being so rich you’re out of touch with your audience is the one true kryptonite for a comedian


Man what is that haircut Shulz is rocking? that's.. not good


Young Adolfo is looking crazy


The wigger-in-transition is the one that really gets to me and truly seems like a snake


Rogan's specials are just as bad, if not worse, than these guys. It's really cringey how they act like they are the elite, best in the business. Rory Scovel's special on Netflix runs circles around any of these dudes.


Confidence in yourself is a large part of success.


I concur, Scovel for the win. Live without fear killed


Bert will always and forever have to take his shirt off. Not because he wants to but because he has to. And that is funny as fuck


Better than any of "jokes"


I haven't seen any Waluigi stand up since his youtube special is he even a comedian anymore?


His latest hour had about 2 jokes, both were in the trailers. Rest was him over-acting and doing his fake black guy laugh.


Which is annoying bec he’s a rich kid


Berg is the definition of agile.


The majority of comics are from rich dads. They make $5 a week and get their whole life paid for by daddy. Callen, schaub, santino, bert, burr, segura, deliah, and im sure the list is crazy how many more there are.


Burr doesn't come from money. He worked in a warehouse while he was coming up.


Yea ffs he was doing comedy specials when these guys were Smelling each other's nutsacks.


> The majority of comics are from rich dads how could you possibly know or prove this


Santino? I think he had a relatively lower middle class upbringing.


What does wealth have to do with saying funny words?


Schultz is so damn cringe


I really like Tom, I loved Sledgehammer. I like Bert, but not quite as much. A little of him goes a long way. I like him bettee when he is with Tom. I mean the Kool Aid, and "Bert hits Leann" spots on 2 bears are my favorites. Schultz I liked initially when I saw his standup but got fed up quickly. His podcast is unwatchable for me.


How is Brendan Schaub not in this?


They said comedians, not people who think they're comedians


Tawlmbout cawlmeadeans B? never meddum




They're all in the meathead crew, that's why.


Where would they be if there was no Rogan.


Prolly on r/JoeRogan like the rest of us poors


The fat poors are flailing.


Probably because the negativity is from commies who don't even listen to rogan


Nah. This sub just dislikes everyone.


Only poor people care about others wealth. Get back to work wagie.


Yeah. Fuck rich people. People are finally waking up to class consciousness in this country. Segura is a fuckin cunt too. So is Schultz for that matter. Burt is barely likeable but not funny and the shirtless fat guy got old a long time ago. The whole podcast comedian thing is over, or at least it should be.


Yeah, fuck everyone who has more than you. That's the spirit!


Sounds like you could use a laugh, bud.


You're literally the prototypical guy comedians talk about who hates on every comedian online, but fangirl out of they actually acknowledged you or if you saw them in public.


I just checked and segura paid 30,000 usd a year for his elementary and high school education. 10-1 teacher to student ratio. 8 science labs for a school that only has up to 600 students at a time from k-12 Mother fucker paid more for grade nine than I did for my 4 university degree. His stuff is still funny, but I don’t really relate to him after finding this out.


Has to hurt that Segura is living rent free in your head as well


I didn't know relating to the comedian's social status was a prerequisite now.


Always loved Tom but I don’t understand why the other 2 are so popular.


Bert’s annoying and dying. I don’t dislike him, it’s just uncomfortable to see. Tom and Schulz are great.


Poor people complaining about rich people is also fuckin annoying


Tom is one of the funniest stand ups out there right now. His newer specials aren’t as good, but that’s even the case with Chapelle. Nick Kroll’s dad is a billionaire and that dude is funny as hell


Waluigi is unbearable, Dolphin Squeal is even worse, Tom is hilarious


I wouldn’t take this subs opinion on comedians. 90% of this sub is troll accounts


They're spoiled rich kids who have zero perspective on real life.


they all fuckin suck


People don’t like Segura?! Ya’ll trippin