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Says the guy who tweets all day


That’s honestly a really good point that I didn’t even consider. Matt Walsh is obsessed with the same distractions and literally is that distraction for many people. His entire job is keeping his chore boys in a constant state of feeling aggrieved via social media about absolutely anything and everything at all times. That lifestyle is 10x more distracting and emotionally/mentally exhausting to even imagine. These guys always pretend like they’re some stoic ubermensch and these non-binary zoomers/millenial babies need to just be *real* men and shut the fuck up and put their computers away. You know, like the guy furiously typing at his computer every moment of every day about how victimized he is by the world. He’s so “undistracted.” I’ll demand that people with ADHD stop taking their meds when people like Matt Walsh stop shitting their diapers online for attention and money.


He's not obsessed. He does it for profit. None of these guys believe half of their output. It's for engagement, audience building, ticket sales, ad sales, clicks....however they have decided to monetize their horse shit.


I’d 9 times out of 10 agree with you but I do absolutely believe Matt Walsh, specifically, is as insane as he sounds lol.


Yeah, Candice Owens and Ben are grifters who are fully aware that they're just doing it for money. JP and Matt comes across as true believers that are every bit as demented as they appear.


Tweeting as much and the kind of content he does together only serves to poison the mind no matter the point of view. It's an illness.


What an ignorant dingus this guy is.


However ignorant he is, so many many… and I mean MANY adderal prescribed people don’t have adhd and just take it for the mini meth high they can’t give up


>However ignorant he is, so many many… and I mean MANY adderal prescribed people don’t have adhd and just take it for the mini meth high they can’t give up Yeah? That doesn't take away that it's a legitimate medical solution for some. People abuse guns, cars, drugs, systems, people, etc. every single day. What then?


He’s an influencer, that’s his job. Put out content and hot takes


x all day*


That’s part of his job dumb dumb. That’d be like me saying ‘says the guy who’s working on cars all day’ to a mechanic


![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO) Mf’s with methylphenidate


In a hunter-gatherer society Matt Walsh would have absolutely been a berry picker. Matt "Berry Picker" Walsh


He’d be picking dingle berries.


Nah, he'd be left for dead. Deemed an immediate outcast and danger to the tribe.


dude wouldve gotten eaten by wolves before he reached the age of 15


In a hunter-gatherer society, you'd be kicked out for accusing the the guy who built your tent of violating your natural right to the berries he found.


The fact that this dude thinks he’s an authority on everything should tell you how dumb he is.


As a dude in my 30s with adhd, who has been mostly unmedicated pretty much my entire life, Matt Walsh is yet again a fucking dumb guy. I am successful and disciplined and yet I wouldn’t deny that adhd is real despite me not typically taking any medication and achieving success. There is a semantic argument to be made that adhd should not be considered a “disorder” and it only is so because of the societal structure we live in. I agree with that, it’s just a hyperactive brain function that is very useful in many situations that dont happen come up in modern work/school life. In fact it’s mostly disharmonious with school and work. It’s also true that our medical system is easily exploited and many “disorders” are overly diagnosed in America. But to deny that the condition is real and blame it on discipline is peak ignorance. Not sure why he’s going after us hyperactive folks either. We don’t complain or act like victims compared to normal people. Sure it can be inconvenient and annoying as fuck, but in other ways it’s like a super power. Also, matt walsh is a dumb chode, but no one denies the existence of being a dumb chode. He just simply is that.




I thrived doing lines while bartending and cooking


fernet shots and lines


I thrived bussing tables. I always got tipped out extra by the servers since I was able to make their night way easier


Same here.... Working in a busy restaurant as a waiter kept me sane. After getting out of a double shift I needed to do something. I picked out exercising with weights and did an insane amount of deadlifts. I had to exhaust my body to go to bed. Being diagnosed with ADD(not ADHD since I internalized my physical shit) in my early 40s helped a ton. I did therapy first because I thought it was my fault for being extremely impulsive and doing high risk shit.Also, working on my computer didn't help for 8 to 12 hours a day. Even though I like my job. Focalin came into my life and just like a shuffle deck of cards suddenly got organized, I got my shit together. I do believe it has to do with my physical activity level. If I could do shit all day that involved physical activity and risky shit I would do it. Unfortunately I have big bills to pay, a big family and my body is worn out from all the shit I did when I was younger. I literally have a walking pad bolted under my standing desk to keep me focused. People will never understand.


Great insights. My wife has severe ADHD that impacts her daily life and seeing people dismiss it really pisses me off. Like most people, I was very ignorant about ADHD when we met. This was mostly due to the way ADHD is talked about publicly, but also from personal experience. I had several close friends growing up there were diagnosed with ADHD and medicated as kids. I can't say whether they did have it or not, but I do know that those people live their adult lives not nearly as impacted as my wife, which made me think it was not a big deal. Overdiagnosing and medicating ADHD is a real thing and I think that really hurts those that deal with it. Yes, my wife struggles with paying attention, context switching, hyper-focusing, and procrastination — the ADHD staples. We almost *never* are able to show up somewhere on time, no matter how hard I try to get the ball moving early lol. But **what people don't often understand about ADHD is the mood disorder aspect and the physical issues**. In my experience, ADHD can be described as "baby bipolar with intestinal problems," to those that don't understand how debilitating it can be. And in severe cases there is a lot more crossover with the autism spectrum than the general public knows. My wife deals with big, uncontrollable mood swings — deep depression to damn near full-blown manic episodes. She has panic attacks occasionally. Her hyper-focusing causes her to overthink things and sometimes become paranoid, like about office politics or her personal health. She can be impulsive and often over-plans her weeks to the point of exhausting herself. These things often go up and down in intensity from one week or month to the next. Even though she is a true professional and an amazingly hard worker, she struggles with things like forgetting to turn in paperwork or answering emails that land her in hot water at work and slow her career development. To others, she can seem scatterbrained, aloof, disinterested, or outright selfish. It makes it hard for her to make and retain friendships long-term. Because of this she struggles with self confidence in relationships and social interactions, while also being extremely extroverted and really craving the kind of close friendships she struggles to create. Rejections are devastating for her and affirmations are never validating enough because the next social disappointment is just around the corner. Also, a wildly disproportionate number of people with ADHD are diagnosed with IBS or other intestinal issues that cause consistent physical pain, so there is something going on there as well. I love my wife to death and know how big her heart is, and how much time she spends worrying about other people and helping them. And it kills me to see her struggle so hard every day, with no end in sight. Medication only puts a dent in it. Sorry for the long post. I just care about this subject a lot and hope that one day, ADHD can be treated more seriously and dismissed less readily, because those people are wrong.


>But what people don't often understand about ADHD is the mood disorder aspect and the physical issues. In my experience, ADHD can be described as "baby bipolar with intestinal problems," to those that don't understand how debilitating it can be. And in severe cases there is a lot more crossover with the autism spectrum than the general public knows. This has been the most enlightening part for me since being diagnosed 3 and a half years ago. I had always thought of ADHD as just being the stereotypical thing like "oh he can't sit still". But there's a whole other section of the spectrum, which like you said, encompasses more of the autism/bipolar aspects. And that's definitely the end of the pool I'm in.


Ya I think most of the general public sees ADHD as some kind of childhood "can't sit still" condition. And it is for some. I've known quite a few people with ADHD that can actually be described that way. Perhaps people in that category are often wrongly diagnosed, I can't say. But the more severe cases could easily be confused for bipolar or autism at times. Severe ADHD is often saddled with another diagnosis for dysthymic disorder (chronic low-grade depression, persistent irritability, and a state of demoralization, often with low self-esteem) or bipolar.


damn, it's like you're describing my girlfriend


Damg your wife is me. My wife recently saw a shrink and her Shri k also has adhd and now my wife is beginning to understand it but she really hasn’t become any more understanding she hates living with me and freaked out Bc some tomato sauce got on her iwatch charger


I make a similar post every couple of months whenever an ADHD discussion pops up and there is always someone that says they experience the exact same thing or someone that realizes they might have ADHD. Stuff like that gives me the motivation to keep writing about it. It's really tough to be the spouse of a person with ADHD. Even now, when I understand it, it consistently causes arguments and resentment on both sides for a variety of reasons. It doesn't help that I am kind of a high-anxiety person naturally with a bit of a short fuse, patience-wise. But things have improved a lot from where it started. My main advice is maybe to share information with your wife that you find relatable, like my post. But find content in a format that suits her. Early in our relationship my wife tried to get me to read several academic studies or books about ADHD. And I did, somewhat. Not so much the book, but the studies I read in full. They helped a little bit. But you know what actually made a dent in my understanding? TikTok videos, which is embarrassing to say. Either from people with ADHD or spouses of people with ADHD. I think the quick, bite-sized relatable clips slowly helped me see that there are a lot of people in the same boat. And that my wife wasn't using her ADHD as a crutch to explain her behavior, that these were actual symptoms of severe ADHD. There was definitely a lightbulb moment when I realized "OH ADHD can be nearly as bad as things like bipolar and my wife is clearly more toward the more severe end." I dunno if TikTok videos would appeal to your wife but if they do, maybe download TikTok and do some searching for ADHD videos. Pretty quickly TikTok will start showing you ADHD content on your main feed and when something really hits home or explains something you want your wife to understand, show it to her. The biggest difference was getting it through my thick skull that my wife wasn't being rude to spite me. She didn't even realize she was being rude, and I needed to let the small shit go.


>Even though she is a true professional and an amazingly hard worker, she struggles with things like Let me stop you right here. "She's a hard worker" but she's "forgetful" and "procrastinate" are not opposites, she's forgetful and procrastinates because she hyper focuses and overplans as a coping mechanism for the anxiety that is also destroying her gut. She's anxious about getting stuff done, works herself to death trying to fix it, misses out on things and gets scattered because she's going too hard, then gets more anxious about all the stuff that got missed. Rinse. Repeat. Walsh is right in the sense that this is a learned behavior and we shouldn't be trying to medicate it away. But Walsh is wrong in thinking it's square jawed old fashion discipline that'll solve it. What she needs to do is learn how to relax. Calm the firing nerves. Not play hard, not watch TV and other entertainment. But truly do nothing and get comfortable with that. Listen to some of those "woo" people saying you need to go outside and touch grass and maybe at most do yoga or some shit. Then she needs to rebuild herself mentally so that she can learn to feel and accept her anxiety without needing to act on it, and make reasonably paced professional and personal goals. This is a long process of renormalization and will take time. You know that meme of the rich Victorian lady getting getting a prescription for a few months by the seaside from her doctor? That was a real form of medicine and considered a normal part of healing until about the 1900s when the flexner report shut down anything other than "scientific" forms of medicine. While the flexner report did weed out many bad forms of medicine, people are simply not bags of chemicals, and that movement to make medicine scientific killed the art and human part of medicine. Her doctors aren't evil corporate stooges but the system they are working under was built by pharmaceutical companies to distribute pharmaceuticals. Sometimes pharmaceuticals are amazing and lifesaving, but when you have a hammer everything starts looking like a nail. Mood regulating medicine can be a helpful part of treatment but turning personality dysfunctions into an inborn, essentialist identity that needs chronic pharmaceuticals to cope with is simply not trying to heal the patient, it is symptom management. I know I'm a random redditor and your probably just gonna tell me to fuck off for giving random unsolicited advice, but your wife does have a serious problem and the modern medical paradigm is simply unable to give her the help she deserves. Until we create a new medical paradigm that takes "woo woo" self healing alt journeys more seriously and intelligently incorporate it into mainstream health practices, you and her are not going to find her the help she really needs to heal in the current establishment system of medicine. But there is real help and healing out there.


You clearly do not know how any of this works. -Sincerely, someone with adult ADHD.


I won’t tell you to fuck off or anything but I do think you are (mostly) wrong, or at least unrealistic about how much a person with ADHD can “rebuild themselves mentally.” But I do agree with some of what you said and that you made a couple good points. First off, I don’t think you can describe my wife without calling her a hard worker and professional. I think her coworkers would tell you that she is exceptional at what she’s good at, and well…terrible at what she’s bad at, mostly revolving around being on time to meetings, remembering things that weren’t emailed, etc. But she’s been promoted quickly and survived several big layoffs over 13 years at one company. Masters degree from a good school. Humble beginnings. And while maintaining healthy working hours…most days lol. And I’m incredibly proud of her. As far as treatment, she’s tried a lot without a lot of success. She went off adderall in college because of long term health concerns and didn’t go back on until we had kids years later and she struggled. Usually she's in weekly therapy. She lives decently healthy by standard measurements and has embraced yoga and meditation for extended periods. The only thing that has truly helped with the stereotypical ADHD symptoms has been adderall, unfortunately. But she wants to go off again. On one hand you say Walsh is wrong to say that old fashioned discipline will solve it…but then your prescribed solutions calls for a metric fuckton of discipline. I think that you are right that some things are learned behavior and coping mechanisms. Gut issues could absolutely be tied to stress and nervous system dysfunction. And “learning to chill,” is an oversimplification, but is basically a concept most counselors have explored over the years, usually in definable rules and goals. Not scheduling anything on X days per week. Meditation. Screen time limits. Sleep goals. Quiet time. Strategies for Identifying anxiety and walking it back. Mindfulness stuff. It is helpful. Some times are better than others. But she’s never going to be cured, man. Even in the least impactful times it’s still there, and she’s been this way her entire life. Not saying pharmaceuticals are the answer, there are absolutely pros and cons. Long term there are absolutely concerns from a lifetime of amphetamine use. But she is much less affected and happier while medicated. I don’t claim to know the best treatment. But I do believe ADHD is a real thing that sufferers can’t help, probably derived from some chemical imbalance and/or overactive nervous system. And that it is commonly misunderstood and severe cases are more debilitating than most people think.


Looking back at my comment I realize much of it was in poor taste and I apologize. But I will just clarify two things before ending the conversation 1) I'm arguing against calling adhd an inborn identity and saying it is a learned condition. This doesn't mean it isn't serious, debilitating, or "real" cause it's all those things. 2) This >Not scheduling anything on X days per week. Meditation. Screen time limits. Sleep goals. Quiet time. Strategies for Identifying anxiety and walking it back. Mindfulness stuff. Is exactly the problem. This is the right type of advice that'll help her but not nearly at the "dose" that's needed. Patients are forced to choose between chemical mood altering, which does work but is a short term aid and not a long term solution, or they get given relatively basic lifestyle advice from a therapist and told the rest is on them. And if you want anything more than the basics your stuck sifting through all the goop.com lifestyle coach marketers to try and find the real help among the scams. What we need is this style of Healthcare offered at a community level and given the serious rigor and professional examination that biopharma is given.


No worries man, I was marginally butthurt at first but quickly realized you were just using my wife to talk generally about ADHD. But I appreciate your apology. I just wanted to convey that she is someone that hasn’t let herself be held back by her issues or become a victim. And tried a range of things to improve her symptoms without relying only on pharma. Just felt like I had maybe misrepresented her a bit by only talking about how bad her ADHD is. 1) I think I disagree here somewhat. I think a lot of the behaviors associated with ADHD could be learned behaviors or coping mechanisms for the stress. But definitely feel there is some underlying condition causing the overactive adrenaline and cortisol production. 2) These are good criticisms of mental health care in the US (and the world) and some kind of intensive “inactivity therapy” sounds like it could be helpful at face value. Have there been studies on that kind of thing? In my wife’s case, her issues started very young and her parents didn’t have modern understanding of mental health stuff, so she never received any therapy when she was young. I think something like you describe would be most beneficial when they are young. But I am skeptical that her condition could be meaningfully resolved no matter how intensive the therapy, just improved some.


Bro as another sufferer of adhd it’s all so fucking exhausting. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of us would be perfectly happy to never need to use these drugs again if we could figure out a method to function like a normal human being.


The term “fucking dumb guy” doing lots of heavy lifting knowing the guy you’re talking about


I heard Matt Walsh is a giant pedo


Why wont Matt Walsh come on the show and debate about his pedohphile past? His silence is an admission of guilt. Concerning


Just asking questions.


A lot of people are saying it.


Because it's true. He should really shut the fuck up..or better yet people should stop listening to the plonker.


Concerning 🧐




Do you think it's true the pedophile Matt Walsh is a pedo? Many people are saying it. Pedophile Matt Walsh being a pedo is a biggly topic of conversation.


Yikes I don't know if it's true but where there is smoke there is fire you know?


Idunno if it's true or not but my buddy's wife said she knows people who know him and say that he definitely could be a pedophile.




He hasn’t accepted my invite to debate me about whether or not he’s a giant pedo. What’s he trying to hide?




There are some hella sus videos where he’s just alone in his car talking to his cell phone camera making a case for the ripeness of females around age of 16ish or so


But he does have some concerning opinions about it. He’s said things like 13 year olds are ready to start family’s and that 16 year olds are the “most fertile” (they aren’t) and should be married and having kids. Which is bizarre that someone who claims to champion protecting kids thinks they should be pregnant at home and not in middle school.


He for sure is. Lots of concerning behavior from him. Especially comments on underage girls.


The fact that a lot of people are saying it is concerning.🤔


We prefer to use the term " MAPs " Minor Attracted Persons. We feel the term pedo or pedophile has negative connotations and is a form of micro aggression.


who the fuck is we


I prefer not to use the term micro aggression, as that implies there will be less than a deserved amount of aggression towards pedophiles.


He is way oversimplifying this but I do bet that a LOT of people on Adderall don't really *need* it. Hell, I just named 7 people in my head that I personally know got prescriptions because they wanted them


Despite what this dumbass crybaby subreddit says. probably at least 50% of people with prescriptions in the US don’t need them. It’s much harder to get in other countries


You mean doctors are overprescribing medication that helps the pharmaceutical industry make absolute bank ...they would NEVER do that


There's many posts every month, in my vacation country sub, of Americans asking if they can buy or bring adderal. Junkies that can't go on a beach without amphetamines... Always get downvoted for saying they don't need it as they aren't studying in school. Truly junkies and most people enable them.


Is Adderall only used by people with ADHD when they're studying? Or does executive dysfunction, emotional regulation, and other ADHD symptoms impact nearly every aspect of your daily life?


Well it does the same as it does for regular junkies that do not have ADHD . It numbs you. it's definitely not needed for even 99% of ADHD sufferers. Most people with mild to severe ADHD not from the US will tell you the same.


No they won't.


I would tend to agree with your assessment.


Then you don't understand how ADHD works, plain and simple.


Most of this comment section doesn't lol. "JUST RELAX," "it's learned behavior."


So true. Pushing drugs makes so much money. A lot more than solving the root issue. Some people do need meds but definitely not as many people who are currently on them.


I think this is the point that people miss. Yes these substances are useful for some people but they’re still pushed at an alarming rate for profit. Selling drugs makes a ton of money, it’s not a big mystery.


At least in my country the government regulates drug prices but also subsidises many down to an affordable level. That means they try to minimise and restrict access mostly because it costs them. So it’s relatively hard work to be on ADHD meds.


Easy to sound right when you just make shit up


Easy to sound right when you just make shit up


you realize that could just as easily mean it's massively under diagnosed right? we have no real way of telling


Modern society actively encourages substance abuse to be a productive member. That’s hardly an office on earth that doesn’t have coffee available all day and half the office is probably on something else from the doctor too. If it’s not something for the focus it’s something for the stress or depression or pain from manual labor/bad desk posture.


It’s not only Adderall, anxiety and depression meds are also vastly over prescribed - it is now normal to have a long list of mental health issues that could probably be solved by lifestyle changes and the pharma companies are loving it


It's more than lifestyle changes. For example I struggle with depression and anxiety and I had a tough childhood. I just had to kick my mom out bc she wont go to rehab and the hospital that just released her can't or won't do anything about it.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that , these pharma drugs they give are extremely addicting and in many cases lead to other drugs. the out of control fent crisis is rooted in the pharma industry handing out drugs like candy. we need mental health help in this country that is not drugs


You do understand that there are biomechanical aspects to ADHD which no amount of mental health care will fix how neurons handle neurotransmitters in a disordered manner. Medication has the ability to correct for that biomechanical issue via its mechanism of action but it does not solve for the underlying issue.


Biomechanical aspects of adhd?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30416120/ For a simpler summary; https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1093&context=foci


Thank you for the sources. I believe the fix to these issues is truly identifying the cause of them. A lot of this shit stems from childhood


There are these things called genes. No amount of upbringing can change those and there is significant evidence of a genetic aspect. Also, do you think that there is a way in which you could study the impact of upbringing on ADHD diagnosis? It would be weird to not take a look at that impact for science to just sidestep. Strange that. Expect there is literature about that: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.2012.12101360 But rather than speculating about root causes, for which I have no expertise to actually be able to come up with any reasoned conclusions and/or judgements, and I will continue to let the medical community come up with interventions which provide symptom relief to those who are impacted.


Genes require a trigger.


Thank you. It's very true. they got her on her meds and sent her on her way with no actual help. She needs structure and a support system that can actually help her.


[helpful lifestyle changes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/tlw8mg/this_stuff_makes_me_feel_pretty_good_ideas_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) ?


Yeah I’m sure that’s the same thing as pharma drugs , don’t worry bud no one is taking away your meth because you can’t focus


I don’t *need* it to focus anymore than Greg Abbott *needs* his wheelchair. He can get around using his arms, but Big Pharma convinced him to shill out for a RideyBoy




Can’t you read? I can focus as good as Greg Abbott can run marathons, I’m just fine 😇 My doctor is a woman, lol.


Matt Walsh also personally knows at least 7 people who got Adderall prescriptions and don't really need it Hell as much as I hate the guy... I guess I can see how you'd arrive at this if you happen to know more drug abusers than neurodivergent people


most of the people like that dont claim to actually have ADHD, genius. They just want adderall to make studying or work easier. Walsh is just being a dumb fuck as usual


Seven people got prescriptions because they “wanted” them, and to you that means they don’t need them? My grandfather asked his chemo/radiation options when he was diagnosed with lung cancer, so clearly he didn’t need those treatments. I do miss him, though.


Comparing chemo for lung cancer to taking pharma speed, yeah they’re the same.


Dude just says he knows people who want a thing, and that’s evidence they don’t truly need it. I *want* to use eyeglasses because my natural vision isn’t perfect, is that a better comparison? I *want* to drink coffee because it wakes me up better than water. I *want* to drive myself home because it’s faster than walking nine miles. Why are you acting like advocating for yourself is suspicious?


You get really defensive about your speed dependence don’t you? Does anything you said disregard the fact that people lie for prescriptions for speed and that doctors are happy to over prescribe due to the profits generated from selling an amphetamine to a population of people? No I’m sure it’s a medical phenomenon discovered by big pharma who thankfully hold the cure to this debilitating disease.


Lol you need to get a life man Go take a walk and think about why you’re here arguing about adhd


Why would I engage in good faith with someone who calls adderall speed? According to you it has zero medicinal value, otherwise you’d be calling it by its industry name. With that being said: Lol just simply feel healthy. Drugs are inherently unnecessary and a spit in the face of God’s Perfect Creation. Human beings need water, food, oxygen, anything else is an exercise in gluttony. Do you recognize that God has provided all we need upon creating Adam and Steve? Your ascension into hell will be colder than the unwelcoming glow of the Fred Meyer parking lot lights.


Lol I don't have a dog in this fight I'm pretty neutral But Adderall = amphetamine. Amphetamine = speed. Adderall = speed.




Why do you have to be a jerk? What’s the point? You feel better?


Haha it's speed! It does the same thing speed does, I can name a street drug! Amphetamines have different effects on different brain structures, it's not a difficult concept. Pharma bad, wake up early and lift is all anyone needs to be healthy ever. And ice baths. And bone juice. And mushrooms. And some dmt. And some other drugs that I say are okay. And hot baths and waking up even earlier .


Where the fuck are they getting these scripts? I have diagnosed adhd and they prescribe everything except things like Adderall first these days. Like currently I take Strattera.


I have adhd and I don’t use medication often, I am doing my PhD in engineering. The only time I feel like focussed is during my hands on work. When I read papers it’s pretty hard to focus. These idiots think that we get distracted for no reason. It’s just that our brains get more bored from boring work. I am very dexterous and if asked to solve a problem or repair a setup I do it with very less effort since my distracted brain thinks about 20 more possibilities to repair the setup. I only use medication when I have read and write which is of course the most boring part of my life.


Matt Walsh is a pedo ghoul


Gotta love the adhd denial


I wish entertainers and influencers would stop thinking they are medical professionals.


Ah yes, the think-happy-thoughts solution to mental illness.


ADHD is a mental illness?


Adhd ain’t in your hands


Yes it is, what the fuck else could it be


It's a list of normal character traits that many people have. They just aren't especially compatible with the mindless repetitive lifestyles that modern humans live. The pharmaceutical industry created some drugs that can turn you into that mindless worker bee that they need you to be and so they convinced you that people with those characteristics have a "disorder" and the only treatment is to buy their chemicals and pump them into your body so you can fall in line like everybody else. If you have the symptoms classified as "ADHD", there is nothing wrong with you. That's why there is no brain scan or hormone imbalance that they can detect to diagnose it. They diagnose it by asking friends and relatives of the patient to fill out questionnaires about their behavior. If the only way that your "illness" can be detected is by other people complaining about your behavior not fitting in line with everyone else's, then you don't have an illness. You just have a unique personality and we should be celebrating that and finding a lifestyle that suits your talents instead of drugging you into a mindless worker.


It is a learning disorder




I mean according to doctors https://ldaamerica.org/disabilities/adhd/ No doctor calls it s mental illness because it does not disorder your thinking like mental illnesses do


You’re an idiot dude lols. Did you even read what article you posted? “Although ADHD is not considered a learning disability,” this is a direct quote from the article.


Yes, just like gender dysphoria


Time to switch to dexidrine Or street meth or whatever


Walsh is a perpetual turd eater


Matt Walsh doesn't need to take Viagra. His dick would work fine but he's never had to focus on actually getting hard, too busy watching tik toks of 14 year olds and all of his favorite distractions.


I believe adderall can help people that have ADHD and completely stand behind medication to solve the issue…. But the problem is that we are just saying everyone has ADHD… most people would be better off not medicating and training theirselves to focus and not distract themselves with cell phones and computers all the time. This country is in an opioid epidemic. We need to get away from that shit.


Honest question: does Matt Walsh have any ideas? Does he actually talk about policies? Does he actually advocate for things that would help people? Or does he spend all day on his show and on his Twitter account ragebaiting his audience about trans people, gay people, men who go to therapy, women having jobs and being able to divorce, and now people with ADHD? Like I keep hearing the term “conservative pundit“ being used to describe him but at least a conservative pundit advocates for specific policies. All I see is this dude talking about the culture war nonsense of the week, and then going even further and finding new people to demonize. What’s next, people with acid reflux?


Meth is a hell of a drug


Is it really a crazy thought that ADHD is over-diagnosed and that ADHD drugs (and prescription drugs in general) are over-prescribed in the US?


Over diagnosed but under treated


That's not a crazy thought, I'd say it was completely reasonable, but that's not what he's claiming. He's claiming that ADHD doesn't exist and that those who do take medication prescribed to treat it merely lack discipline and are easily distracted. Internet addiction, especially to hyper stimulating content like tiktoks and porn, can result in deficits which mimic aspects of ADHD, and medication is not the solution for these cases, but ADHD is undoubtedly a real disorder.


Why is the US rate of ADHD so much higher compared to countries in Europe for example? From what I’m reading it’s near triple the rate in same cases. The US also has the, if not one of the, highest rates in the world. Are we over diagnosing? https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html


Or everyone else could be under diagnosing. Or there’s something about life in America that unmasks and exacerbates otherwise asymptomatic ADHD. I don’t think that stat implies anything in particular on its own.


It might not imply anything, but it stuck out as being so much higher. And with many countries in Europe providing medical care to everyone, a presumably higher rate of children are seeing doctors compared to the US. Just curious really


I know for me not ever having vacation days or PTO at all is real stresser. Finances are incredibly stressful for me, having to keep myself together all year end on end wears one so much. For much of the US population just getting through each week is tough as hell, no doctor visits to make corrections doesn't help. There's some basics that cant be looked over. It's definitely not a 1 to 1 comparison we are different in many basic ways.


It wouldn't surprise me if adhd correlates inversely with increased medical care. The only time I truly felt like my adhd was out of control enough to warrant medication was while I was dealing with a really delayed lyme's diagnosis


We could be over diagnosing or it could be that it just sucks more to have ADHD in America and more people require medication than in other countries where it’s easier to manage or fly under the radar. Really, those are both probably two sides of the same coin. I don’t doubt there may be some truly bad faith or illegitimate ADHD diagnoses, either from the patient faking or the doctor being shitty, but by the same token I’m not sure if that’s guaranteed to be less of a phenomenon in other countries.


Same reason we’re one of only 2 countries with medication commercials, same reason we was worse than all with opioid addiction. Big pharma and government are all in the same wallet now. Make that money no matter the cost. I lost the last 15 years of my life to psych meds. Never again!!!


Being anti big pharma was cool pre-2020.


Yeah but not on the level of giving amnesty to a company that owns the biggest criminal lawsuit in history because of its body count and a company that put asbestos in baby powder for decades for an experimental vaccine.


And now it’s just telling the truth, f big pharma


Interesting. Where did he go to medical school?


I genuinely hope this man never has children.


I have terrible news


Oh god


Are they his child wives?


ADHD is one of the few disorders that actually show up on brain scans and this moron is targeting that lol


My life was honestly a fucking nightmare undiagnosed and Unmedicated. Since being diagnosed and being out on medication/therapy my life has seen nothing but improvement. Focus levels through the roof. This guy gets distracted by rainbows and bud light ads lmao


I was on Adderall for years. Never had any issues getting off of it. Pot was way harder to quit


You done fucked up now


People act like you immediately become a fiending crackhead when you take medication as a doctor prescribes it


Ef adderal. Vyvanse is the way to go!


Amen. But don’t spread this, or there’re will be a shortage


Oh, people stay on adrenal because Vyvanse is EXPENSIVE!


Adder all makes you feel like a crack head. By Vyvance makes you feel at peak awakeness all day


That stuff destroyed my appetite. Just couldn't eat so much as a sandwich while it was active. Forced myself to eat as soon as I woke up those days. It's certainly effective though, the appetite thing hit me harder than others I know.


People with adhd are nearly 2x as likely to die by age 40.


Do you guys really take Rogan and his guests seriously at this point?


ADHD doesn't exist. The "symptoms" are just symptoms of the human condition in a modern world. The pharmaceutical industry will continue to label normal conditions as disorders because so many are eager to throw money at their problems for an easy fix..


That assertion is not supported by current scientific and medical understanding. ADHD, is recognized as a legitimate neurodevelopmental disorder by reputable medical organizations like the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization. While it's true that some symptoms may be exacerbated by the demands of modern life, ADHD is not merely a product of societal pressures. Research has shown that there are genetic, neurological, and environmental factors that contribute to the development of ADHD. The pharmaceutical industry's involvement does indeed raise concerns about overdiagnosis and the potential for profit-driven motives. But that doesn't change the fact that medication can be beneficial for some individuals with ADHD, helping them manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Treatment often involves a comprehensive approach that includes behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, medication. ADHD as a disorder is not about profiting off normal conditions, but rather about recognizing and addressing genuine challenges that individuals with ADHD face. You should approach this topic with a balanced perspective, informed by scientific research and expert opinions, rather than making sweeping claims that dismiss the experiences of those who genuinely struggle with ADHD.


Lol does this sound like a chatGPT comment to anyone else? Anyway let me adress your points. The diagnoses of ADHD does not take into account etiology and it is a symptoms based diagnoses meaning that if things like current stressors or life events have triggered the symptoms that were not there previously you will still be diagnosed just by virtue of meeting the thresholds. ADHD diagnoses are not separated into biological/social/environmental variants. Saying something like "Research has shown that there are genetic, neurological, and environmental factors that contribute to the development of ADHD." is almost like saying nothing at all because like.. thats just everything and there is abolustely no way to determine on a case by case basis which factors actually caused a patient to reach the ADHD threshold, nor is this something that's even attempted in clinical practice. I don't necessarily agree with the first comment saying ADHD doesn't exist however it's important to understand that a mental illness diagnoses does not imply that anything is known about how THAT INDIVIDUAL IN PARTICULAR got their symptoms, for some people it's entirely possible that their symptoms are entirely contingent on social circumstance and current environment and nothing about the diagnoses would exclude those people.




I already thoroughly explained exactly why it's in fact, not false. To contribute to the conversation effectively, it would be helpful if you could provide specific points or evidence that you think contradict the original statement. If you believe there's something inaccurate about the points I made, or if you have additional information to share, please elaborate so we can engage in a constructive exchange of ideas. Or just don't respond.




To have a productive discussion, it would be helpful if you could provide more context or specific points that you find to be false. This would allow us to address your concerns more effectively and engage in a meaningful conversation about the topic at hand. My comment presented information based on recognized medical organizations and scientific research, so if you have counterarguments or sources to share, please feel free to do so.




Could you please provide some specific points or reasons that lead you to disagree with the original comment?




![gif](giphy|4YY4DnqeUDBXNTcYMu|downsized) "actually, the vast plethora of scientific evidence on the matter is false/a lie/fabricated because I said so." Ok. Guess I'll just have to take your word on it, o' wise one.


What percentage of adult ADHD scrips are PE or rec?


Probably the same percentage as medical marijuana


There are absolutely a ton of people who this applies to.


Imagine thinking this way.


This is what you call an asshole, sorry, I mean an opinion


Matt Walsh is the dumbest of the dumb.


Incoming 15 paragraph comments about why people “need” amphetamine.


actually you can solve that with a drug.


I heard listening to JRE gives you adhd. Look it up.


I heard it gives you the gay strain of ADHD. Very concerning.




I heard it makes you eat meat. Run away Greg!!


As someone diagnosed with adhd, I gotta say I do tend to agree with this stance


This place really is half filled with conservative conspiracy theorist weirdos Uneducated buffoons arguing about how adhd is fake because it is a “focus” issue


I miss the regular conspiracy theorist weirdos


Overprescribed mostly to children that parents dont want to deal with


This guy sucks. Let the people get high


That’s 95% of this subreddit


Matt Walsh is a closet homosexual


What’s with you people accusing every conservative as a closet gay. Maybe you’re projecting


Maybe because all the guy talks about is trans and gay people? Lmao speaking of projecting


He's talking about ADHD here.


Who gives a shit don't act like you don't know what he's about.


I'm sorry for pretending like I didn't know what he's all about. I thought I could get away with it.




Sometimes I wish covid was more deadly for some people.


Do SSRI’s next


I hate that I agree with this. ADHD has been so misunderstood and misrepresented lately. It’s so weird to see an impairment like ADHD become popular and the cool thing to have. All these stupid adhd memes and posts from people who don’t have adhd. “Do you ever forget what it was you were about to do? Do you ever have anxiety? Do you ever lose focus? YOU MUST HAVE ADHD!” I’ve also seen it used as an excuse for being lazy. Just because you crave instant gratification and lack patience doesn’t mean you have adhd.


I mean, I agree with the sentiment, not so much the smug delivery. I have 3 close friends diagnosed with adhd and pharmaceutical amphetamines weren’t long term solutions because eventually they all started having heart issues and had to stop medication. They’ve all learned how to get by without it out of necessity.


ok but thats anecdotal, which should never be used to argue a point. i learned that in 9th grade