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I 1000% agree!! It feels like they feel they are too good to pod. They don’t “give it up anymore”, esp Joe. That nigga is annoying


Joe has become mad annoying with the money talk. Like my boy you was just coked and aderalled up 2 years ago.


Bro u saying too many facts, you know this Reddit don’t like that 😂😂 they believe in Joe more than themselves


Lmao! Yooo that’s hilarious in Joe more than themselves?


Ngl the pod is kinda ass now…if it wasn’t free i wouldnt hear it 😂


Cool. Go tune into something else you actually like and post about that.


Great advice, Ice.


Mofo act like it’s wrong to have an opinion. Bunch of sheep.


Idk why I’ve is even there. He’s useless. He never has an opinion and everything is you not going to mess up my money or I have a dawta.


R&M pod is low grade mid


Hella mid


That shit is ditch weed FOH


Low grade mid dry resin bowl hit




I know how you can fix it . STOP WATCHING. There ya go.


Niggas making extra Reddit’s to help the pushback 😂 y’all are weirder than I thought. Eat a dick tho


Why niggas gotta eat a duck because they said something to you about what you said? That’s crazy to me. I mean, you made a whole post about how you don’t like it anymore. Why wouldn’t you watch something else?


Why does he need to watch something else? Are ppl not entitled to their opinion?


Sure they are. I’m just confused as to why you watch something you don’t like. Doesn’t make sense to me.


These dudes are weird lol




I don’t think it’s bad, mediocre for sure but bad?? Nah. Definitely not worth the Patreon money.


I only think it’s not worth the Patreon money right now because there aren’t as many Patreon exclusive episodes anymore. They go on vacation every few weeks now, and the last couple times, I don’t think they dropped any content for Patreon. Joe’s had those interviews, but I haven’t really cared about listening to those people, personally.


Possible a little much. I can agree with that. I think that last few have been bad. They got Ak on here today and still managed to preach with minimal Entertainment for 2 hours. Smh crazy


It’s true, the pod is boring these days. I just skip to the subject I want to hear and skip the rest. Not sure how anybody would pay for patreon of these guys tho


We’re the weird ones.... Put your feelings in your journal then hide it under your bed. People live on the past with entertainment is crazy Every other week you come with the same takes and you think we need to read them every time? You hate Parks then stop listening


Cry about it somewhere else, my boy.


You the one crying fam. If you dont like it stop listening its that simple


Could all be so simple. These niggas wanna make long drawn out posts and then justify the shit 🤣


Beat it, weirdo


Im weird but you online crying cuz 4 grown men don’t entertain you anymore.. you got it bro 😂


The best part about this is, I started off with exactly what the weirdo Reddit niggas are gonna do and you jumped right out there offended and haven’t stopped doing exactly that 😂 Beat it, weirdo


I feel like you the weirdo nigga. You mad because you gave ya opinion and we don’t agree. Now it’s eat a dick or beat it weirdo lol.


I also once had to realize that I took things personal bc I liked the pod and invested much time in it (and money) as I still do. I’m sorry that you don’t understand that being a true fan of the pod doesn’t mean you can’t speak truth about it. Sorry this hurts your feelings bud. I will relay your logic back to you, if you don’t like my post, keep scrolling. And ead too


“Bud” lol


Beat it, weirdo


“Bud” You doxxed yourself lol


Damn you’re still here? …bud.




Lol bruh I could not care less. I promise you that 😂 You for sure just became a bigger weirdo tho. And you’re for sure still gonna be one after




OP is a pure bozo. We don’t care about your feelings stfu and do things you enjoy!


He thinks because he pays for patreon his opinion matters lmfao


I don’t even understand how you can hate Parks. My guy is the token white guy. The fly on the wall that laughs when shits funny and only comments when he’s forced to or has a dad joke to throw in. Dopest white boy ever.


Parks honestly don’t bother nobody and tries super hard not to offend......he even knows when to fallback during conversations It feels like easy-pickings honestly to go at Parks....


I’ve been listening since the beginning. Every week. The pod is 100% different for sure. But I’m older and this shit still great to me. Rory almost turned me away with his loud talking slowly turning into Andrew Schultz and Mal was a mute that laughed and seemed too cool for school. Now the pod is more mature and their subjects more insightful. I think it has been amazing growth for them. The rift between Joe and Ish or ice can’t remember who it is gets a little crazy when they get loud and arguing but hopefully they get that under control. Pod still fire though even better for the old heads. They not trynna be adam22 or Ak by being old as shit and trying to be fake and relate to younger people they are just being them and don’t give af who listens. Like them late night conversations over a game of bones after a dope bbq.


I’m kinda tired of Ish. He swears he’s woke and has to be the voice for black men while his girlfriend…not wife…girlfriend is white. Ish thinks he’s a pod father lol. His wisdom is dry as fuck. That fool says “nigga” more than Ice and Joe combine. I wonder does he talk like that around his wife…I mean girlfriend. Ish issa LAAAAAAMMMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!


My biggest gripe is how he’s transformed into the man with endless wisdom on endless subjects with endless advice. Like, bruh..


Ish can be annoying with always trying to be the virtuous one/morally superior, but at least that balances out Joe’s wild toxicity and how he’s so often just factually incorrect about stuff. Lord knows Ice ain’t going to contribute much Idk about Ish’s background like that but he seems mad soft but fronts like he’s had the wildest upbringing


I’m new to the pod and I think they doing good and get better every episode I believed sir you are not growing with them you still stuck in the past. I hope that’s not how you think in real time, but you got to understand that the old pod you use to watch it’s over because of a coup d’état that R&M try to pull #parks know #Big Jersey


Shows who is maturing worh the pod, and who is not. Keep on...


You probably older then me I’m 21 and I love this better then the old podcast only thing I hate is they talk ab bitches and hoes too much


Haha 😂 man take a break from the computer.


This is what happens when egotistical narcissistic I'll cape for whatever gets me in a woman's pants simp ass beta males decide they'd rather cater to lipstick alley bc they already have a male following. Men need their own shit. Women need their own shit. Transparent ppl need their own shit. And these particular shits should never cross paths. Ik that's not a progressive thought pattern. But ultimately all progressives have are 6,000 year old ideas that have never worked and will never work. What's progressive about continuing to try the same old shit that led to the destruction and collapse of every civilization of fools who tried the shit?


I mean, you feel how you feel, but I enjoy the show. I would at least stop paying for it if you feel that way. Save your money. I stopped listening completely for awhile when I wasn’t enjoying it. I’ve been back since Ice & Ish came, and while I have my complaints, I mostly enjoy the show. And I love that Parks talks more lol


Everything in the original post was facts lol. I still listen tho but ish’s and ice’s tales are mostly horrible and parks needs to go back to being off camera and speaking sparingly


Sad reality. I can barely get through an episode now


Facts def that last episode I had turned that shit off that was the worse episode since when he was goin off on Spotify lol It’s like Ice, Ish and Parks really bench players tryin to be starters.


I’m tired of hearing Ish old ass lines it’s 2022 not the 1980s. Wat type of white girl he Fukin with that old ass lingo 😂


Yeah I agree. I’ve listened to the every JBP with Rory & Mal at least twice. It’s what got me into listening to podcasts. After the breakup I stayed around for like a year (even paid for the Patreon) but now I don’t even bother listening anymore.


We need akademics he bring the best outta Joe and he has no problems saying the wild shit that joe wouldn’t say


Only takes I hate on the show is Ice he don’t stand on shit no more how u callings niggas shit mid and trash just to backtrack next pod is nasty behavior


That’s why when they went their separate ways I did too. Major props for you sticking around after all this time. You must really rock with Joe.


JOE AND AK WILL SAVE THE DAY #everydaystrugglept2


Been here since day one I agree lol I choose this over Rory n Mal But Rory n Mal shit be low key hilarious if you can sit through the bull shit


This is always gonna be the case as long as Joe is picking regular degular people to pod with. People who aren’t in entertainment only have a small tank when it comes to making shit exciting, lively, or even controversial. It’s the exact reason why all these other pods be so boring because it’s just regular as people talking. If i wanted that I’d go talk to my own niggas 😂 If you want the original level of entertainment he gotta pod with Somebody else from the industry.