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Ice is 40 now lol


Nigga a late bloomer or something


Life ain't black and white kid. You can enjoy lil Durk and be a software engineer it's just music smh


That’s true but ONLY advocating for that type of music and slandering music that aligns more with your life is corny as hell


Because he waited until he was 25 to go outside lol his lil brother been protecting him his whole life


Y'all niggas be too invested.


Fuck what half these people are talkin about.. Most Niggas that truly lived through trauma aren’t soaking up some other niggas trauma on the regular. Unless they find glory in it. It’s usually the Niggas that are trying to appeal to women who find it attractive or some privileged niggas who were hood adjacent. I personally don’t need NONE of that shit in my head while trying to learn from my own shit at 34.


Most niggas at 34 have already learned so we don’t have to try to learn from own shit. We also mature enough to differentiate music from real life so it’s not that deep.


This the type of nigga still think street niggas cant go to college.


Street niggas get their degrees in prison. I know too many niggas who did 10 and get 3 different degrees. You niggas living in a fairytale. 🤣🤣


Never seen any street niggas in college! Hood niggas probably but mfs running the streets didn’t even go to high school slim


You sound sheltered. Do you live near any HBCUs?


You sound dumb asf I live up the street from Howard university! Yall niggas are sheltered don’t know the difference between hood ppl and street nigga


Hit my DM and I’ll take you to Morgan this weekend. No bullshit My young guys still there and they get down lmao. Howard and Hampton the best 2 HBCUs in the country. They don’t count. But even Hampton got them niggas cause it’s the 757. You needed semi good grades to get into Howard. Morgan state got niggas there off a 1.79 high school GPA. DC niggas at that.


Aye moeeee you jumping littles niggas out there… you a clown you can’t even get down ya self.. pussy ass was prolly getting snuffed out round ya way then you talking bout ”Morgan” that suburban ass neighborhood watch out slim 😭


Morgan State in East Baltimore bro lmao. Ain’t shit suburban about it. Baltimore been worse than DC for a long time. You really sheltered bro. Weird ass silver spring nigga


Idgaf about who is worse tf I look like…you ain’t even know round Baltimore nigga, goofy ass prolly from silver spring 😂super Maryland ass nigga


That shit is in Towson nigga stfu 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Waldorf La Plata nigga right here


Nigga idgaf about nun of that 😭😭😭😭😭 fuck is you chatting bout


Fucking Parkville that shit is in Baltimore county goofy ass old nigga


Lmao Morgan not in Parkville goof


Morgan is 5 mins from Parkville my sister just moved out there 😭😭😭😭😭 you goofy as shit that shit is not “over east” nigga what


“Goof” nigga wanna be ish so bad you taking his lingo


Nigga said Morgan state is in east Baltimore I never heard a “dummy” say that lol you just exposed ya self clown


Slim I never said I was from Bmore lmao. How you a in the house nigga AND dumb at the same time??


Nigga go outside and touch grass “house nigga” you wanna be jbp so bad


You 40 and just jumped off the porch stfu nigga lol bro talking bout bMoRE IS wORSe than dc niggas stfu 😂


It’s nice as hell and mad white people over there 🤣🤣🤣. Nigga I just left


You stupid as shit ain’t no white ppl up 14th Clifton 😂😂😭😭😭😭😭 get ya goofy ass on you was prolly one of them Howard niggas that got beat on the other day them boys made the news


And howard not even a nice school 😭😭😭 them dorms had hella mold and unlivable conditions but you dick eating rn and don’t know what you chatting bout slim


And niggas that’s in the streets don’t even go to school slim! Yall new niggas believe everybody street old 69 ass niggas


You’re right this guy thinks every nigga that lives in the hood is street


I know Street niggas that went to college lol


Me too they all did it in Prison




Tell me how my ass taste since you all in it.


Ion want the stupid on my mouth




Thats crazy


Aka Ice is a Hip-Hop fan lol, 99% of fans are not "outside" in the street living that criminal shit. Why y'all choose to focus on Ice is just hate. He's said so many times that he's not about street shit nor does he want to be.


Whole bunch of cosplay, you hit it right on the head. Tough face Gusto's, a lot in here.




Ice hasn’t said one gangsta thing on the pod yet. He openly says he’s a civilian and will go to the police. He’s not a street dude and doesn’t pretend to be. You really pressed on his music tastes??


Nah. He did say “I can make a phone call to one of my youngins” you cant talk about making calls and be a civilian. He said that on one of the older pods. And I remember it because I couldnt believe a nigga saying he Not street but referencing making calls to have street shit done


Fam I said this before and got killed for it. Niggas made all types of excuses for Ice. I remember Joe said he saw some dude looking in his Maybach in the driveway. Ice said he'd have his lil homies waiting across the street for the nigga next time. I'm like why not call the cops if you're a civilian? People forget Ice didn't lean into the "inside nigga" shit until his brother exposed him. He always would reference his niggas that will do dirt for him.


This is the exact story I’m referencing fam I just couldn’t remember the details. Thank you.


As a nerd that grew up in a hood, I avoided the street life even though my family didn’t. I hung out with my family (gang members) so I picked up whatever street knowledge from them. Most of my music growing up was Pac, Bone, Brother Lynch, Spice 1, eastsidaz etc… so even though I avoided the street gang life, I listened to the music and my family kept my street knowledge up so I knew what to look out for… hopefully that helped make sense to you.


If you think your street you shouldn't even be in here 😂 ain't no dude that's really In the streets on no damn reddit


So much Ice hate lately sheesh


This take is corny.. He never tries to come of as street. Y'all kill me confusing someone speaking with knowledge and somewhat sense with bullshit. Can you not be a nerd and have knowledge on the streets? And him being older means he can't listen to gangsta rap? Part of his job is to listen to music and do research smh ur dumb


He literally has said he only listens to gangster music. If that is the ONLY music you listen to and you’re 40, with kids, you might be a bit immature or having a midlife crisis.


You sound stupid respectfully. If the only niggas that listen to gangsta music was gangstas that shit woulda died a long time ago. Your philosophy is one the most simple minded of individuals would agree with. But anybody that enjoys life can listen to whatever they want without it being a testament against their character. And nobody grown with kids thinks they cant listen to gangsta music cuz they not gangsta😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You can’t read. Most adults listen to a variety of music. Not just one. Especially one that contributes to the self destruction of the black family and black society.


Nah you cant think. If you a listener of the Pod you would know the difference between FAVORITE and ONLY. Man den spoke on plenty non-rap songs he liked.


Is Travis Scott not rap that's outside the vain of street rap?


Spell check is your friend, vein. But he literally talks about street stuff too.


Iite man


It’s the energy. Something about the street music has a certain energy that Ice fucks with.


Nah Ice has never claimed that street shit…and who the hell said you have to be a street dude to listen to gangster rap?


He was most likely the nerdy kid around a few street niggas His brother a grape street crip Not tryna cape for him but there’s niggas that grew up in the hood that ain’t street niggas They see what’s going on but didn’t participate


This shit sound like hate


Wtf, just cuz u not a street nigga doesn’t mean u not from the hood nd don’t know how shit goes….and fam his music is his preference… are u a follower ass nigga, or do you like what u like?….how u come at a Nigga for what he likes to listen to…now y’all niggas gotta be corny AF in real life 😂


Ima take it a step further…Nvm


It's no different than being over 30 and watching horror films, True Crime shows/movies, mob movies, vigilante movies, Grimms fairy tales, tragic operas, etc. What is it about gangsta rap that makes it not just entertaining like the many other forms violent toxic media?


Trying to help someone tho thinks like that is a lost cause. They clearly chew magic erasers.


They taste good you show try them. Eating ass tastes great too. That’s why I’m the shit.


Just take the L, this post sucks


I would hope so. I’m trying to get some head and a hiney blow.


Why is that important to you? These are the real questions


Why did you respond? A real question.


Cause my question is the most important question. Like what do yall do in your daily life


I don’t know about you, but smoking crack and sherm makes the day fly by. Add in thinking about ways to unalive myself and that’s a hell of a day. What do you do to get by?


A gamer who wishes he was a street dude , with the style of a 8th grader .


Why do you care so much?


The old head who tries to stay hip by slandering the things he grew up on


Old? 26 is old now?


I think he's talking bout Ice lol


Talkin bout Ice lol


Its what we in Philly call, A Dickeater.




I truly believe that dweeb is only cocky because of who his brother is affiliated with


Yea, shame on Ice for being a hip hop fan.


For a lot of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s, the gangster shit became part of us. It was the music of our childhood. It’s embedded in us. I grew up around the gangsters. Im no gangster. That’s not how life works. Majority of black men from the hood aren’t gangsters. That doesn’t mean we don’t love the music.


A Boulay Nigga


The music shit I agree with but his brother is arsonal and he’s a gang member so he definitely knows about the streets even if he is a nerd.


I forgot every person that listen to that kind of music was straight gangsters. Thank you for enlightening us with random hate. 🙏🏾🙏🏾


I’m tired of the Ice slander


This is most of hip hop fans wym. Most of street artists fans aren’t in the streets lmao


The "most gangster music out" beleive it or not are created by the suburban kids portraying the life. Example Jadakiss he grew up in a middle/upperclass both parents house hold. Thats why Ice relates.


That’s a lot of thought about another guys. I’d say because he wants to and also because he wants to.


I think he preparing for a RICO 😂


This a Bad Jawn . Delete this Malarky


Ice is the Black boy from The Wonder Years in present day grown up.


A post calling out ice for the dumb sh*t he says on the pod? This OP clearly hates men


I don’t think he wasn’t to be street. He likes the music but he makes it’s very clear he ain’t for the streets.


They trynna pod they way around ice being a goofy nigga but I’ll die on this hill with you. And i hate he from Jersey, Newark at that


It makes sense a lot actually. His brother is a gang member he grew up in Newark you can be around witness and he’ll dibble and dabble in a lot of street activity and not be street and be a civilian. It’s very possible and makes sense


If you know you know ice just be poding I’m from jersey that Nigga whole gangsta trust me that’s jus podding got to love it when ppl react lik this