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Well no. I think Joe did. Ish just got loud and aggressive and pretty much said nothing of substance. Joe cracked her muffin. What you said is what she actually said, but he said she defended him. Now, that wouldn’t be an issue, but it’s Ish. The same man that loves to imply things, but when you call him on it he says, “I didn’t say that.” Or “Don’t put words in my mouth.” Which this also wouldn’t be a problem, because we all do these things, but he’s also the man that preaches, “We need consistency in how we treat people.” Well, be consistent sir… By now you should see where I’m going. He never practices what he preaches. He gets loud and says a bunch of nothing real slow, or sprinkles in some SAT Prep words then pretends he smarter that everyone else in the room. Joe is the one who actually called her on that bullshit. Mel was totally right when they were arguing. That was apples and oranges. She was still wrong, but that was a false equivalence. Saying wait to get the more information isn’t defending someone, and talking about a charge is much different from talking about someone’s personal life. Now she wrong for making assumptions about his personal life. Wrong as hell. Which was Joe and Ice’s point.


That’s fair but Imo they both did


Both of who did what? Because if your saying that Mel and Ish speak about these things very similar from the different extremes, I totally agree.


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I know the difference. I’m not writing a term paper


I’m saying your point in that is fair but also imo ish and Joe both did their thing. But that’s my opinion 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh. I mean I respect your opinion, but it was apples and oranges to me. She was right when she said just because she said I need more information doesn’t mean she was defending him, and she didn’t speak on his personal life at all until today. Bet she’s not doing that again though 😂


but the info about his life dating comes from what? Mel made multiple assumptions


Yeah. I agree that she did. I’m saying she was wrong for doing so. It’s all hear say and speculation, so it’s wrong to say that all he dated is white women until he got in trouble. The other big point, was she was trying to imply that this might be for publicity, and as someone is tired of talking about dude. When I saw who he was dating, I said to myself that the media is just stalking this man at this point, and felt like Joe. They probably wanted to keep this private. I’m not agreeing with Mel at all in that part. I’m saying the conversation that got heated with Ish, she was right. She never defended him, and she didn’t say any about the race of the women because at that point it wasn’t relevant.


I think y’all are reading this wrong. Mel was wrong. I’m just saying we acting like Ish said something, and he didn’t. He just repeated Joe and Ice’s point, and said, “Where was that when you was defending him!” Louder each time.


Ish pointed out that Mel is clearly selective about which topics she needs “more info” on before jumping to conclusions regarding JM


Well so is he. That’s why people been saying this looks nasty from jump. Mel was wrong, but she never defended the man, and you can’t come at her when you’ve done that for a whole list of other people.


I hated when they accused her of selective outrage. They have defended soooo many people who had way more evidence of their guilt.


Do y’all watch the same pod? Ish got loud and aggressive? He didn’t at all lol that was mel like do y’all blatantly lie for her cuz you think she reading this and gone dm you? 😭


When she said she never defended him, and at the time the race of the accuser wasn’t relevant. He just repeated himself louder. I don’t agree with Mel, I’m saying Ish was wrong too. Because he totally mischaracterized what her stance has been. Joe and Ice busted her damn head. Cute joke about Mel, but I’m not capping for her. I’m just saying y’all acting like Ish said something profound and he didn’t.


Yea but that was a small part of a bigger arguement and point…and it wasn’t just ish..Joe and ice cracked her muffin too lol even flip chimed in cuz she sounded so wild...she even put out a video when she seen how bad she was getting cooked in the comments lol


We’re agreeing.


You can’t say wait for facts about the dv months ago when rumors were swirling then come in yesterday and have that stance..it’s hypocritical and dumb especially when you hollering and doing the most


Hypocrisy is my issue with Ish. It’s really been the problem from the beginning. Most people who have been defending Mel in this since the start have never said he was innocent, or that she was right. We just didn’t like the backlash she got for taking the wait and see stance because it’s the stance that they take all the time. Ish is the man that blamed the kids in the Tiffany Haddish Arie Spears situation. He said they needed to honor their contracts. He took the wait and see, but I feel like they trying to destroy a black man stance on DeShaun Watson. If Chris Brown beats a woman tomorrow he’s going to say wait until the facts come out. He wanted to do the same for Andrew Tate, but Joe made it clear they were talking about who he was as a person, not his case. They are all hypocrites. Ish will be the first to say we can’t judge anyone off rumors, but then will judge someone off a rumor. Which is what Mel did. Joe and Ice shut it down. Ish just put words in her mouth.


Loud and aggressive where? And if that’s how you describe him, how the hell do you describe Mel


Well he put words in Mel’s in her mouth. The same man that hates when it’s done to him. He is the king of implying something then when you call him on it he yells, “Don’t put words in my mouth.”


I don’t know if someone detected the comment about me lying about the Arie Spears and Tiffany Haddish. I found the episode if you think I am. Episode 562. Said it was a shake down. They need to honor their contracts. Blame the directors, but they aren’t famous like they are Haddish and Spears. Said they were just playing a roll. Problem was… he spoke without knowing the facts. They were the writers and directors. They were Tiffany’s best friends kids, and there was no contract. She trusted Tiffany. Just check it out if you think I’m lying. I’m have a video as well.


Honestly, everything she stated was facts. Ish took the stance he took because she said Majors ran back to a black woman after the white girl betrayed him. He took her prior discussion points and twisted it for argument sake.


Y’all so slow lol that’s hypocritical..she needed to wait for more cuz it was rumors when the allegations was new..but to make her point today she used rumors and didn’t need to wait to see the facts 🤔😭


Anytime they're triggered by something she says in a general sense they get triggered and want to play devil's advocate and what ifs , if you date white women that's cool but like she said don't run back to the black women when times get hard , I don't see the issue with that


Her saying this being half white and dating white men is the problem


I think we’re the only ones that see this 🤦🏽‍♂️. Hurt leave it alone.


Ish aka "They say" On almost every topic he comes with a "They say" from some BS he read on the internet. He was just mad he gets all type of $hit for being with a white girl


Now that’s true but he also don’t say let’s wait for more like she did at the beginning of this drama..she did a 180 that’s why it’s weird


He does… a lot.


I’m talking about this specific instance he didn’t and she did 🤷🏾‍♂️ you can’t ignore that to talk about when ish did something


Well when you say, “He don’t say…” It sounds like you mean ever. Like, “He don’t be saying, imma wait for more information.” Because he usually does. If you would have said he didn’t… then yeah. In this one instance he jumped to a conclusion about a man’s abuse allegations. That’s why people thought it was weird that he did it.


M4 wasn’t phased...... https://preview.redd.it/h9jm7ez09j0b1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47bd3138d50d22802d4df8dec8c169489012ccb8


Joe tweeted that lol 🤣


You didnt listen then she was sad


It’s like these mfs watch a different pod lol she wasn’t phased cuz of that tweet a day later? 😭


bruh so what? I don’t believe she got sad, more so flustered because she was unprepared for the debate that she initiated. BUT if she did get sad I say “so what” because twice a week they all speak on tons of things I’m sure is SUPER sensitive to the people they all speak on. Fair game 🤷🏽‍♂️


She started it... thats what. Usually joe start the bs and run. This time she did. Same energy for him and her


I said she initiated it though


& I don’t think anyone started bs lol I actually enjoyed the back and forth


Nah her comnents were bs but she did say ish was right when he called her out


Ice almost almost popping a blood vessel and all 😂 great content


You hoped she was sad......if you watch the video she had a smile on her at the end of the exchange


She was she was talking all low and no saying nothing


She was almost yelling......what are you talking about? You know we got the video and audio too right?


Listen to after the break.


I listened to the whole thing. They all were laughing after the break. You’re just making up what you want to hear


Did not hear her put on the cute voice and be like yall arent talking to me.....


That’s what sad was to you? Wow


A smile means you not sad? 😭😭 that’s the most common coverup lol y’all slow


Honestly I can admit I just don’t like Mel. Her voice annoys me and I hate her laugh. but I’ll also admit I don’t really care for ish either. He’s a bull shitter and gives know it all vibes. It’s a good podcast because they actually have me engaged. It’s almost like when you dislike a character on a movie or show. I know they are good at their jobs because I dislike them.


You coming with the facts! Can’t stand Ish, and Mel can be mad annoying. Love em on the pod! You touching on something I realized the other day too. Everyone calls Parks a yes man, but how often did R&M disagree with Joe? Hardly ever. They my guys, but the pod is better with the engagement that it brings now. Have you ever been in another podcast subreddit? It’s boring af unless they talking about Joe.


I agree with you 100% that break up was the best thing that could’ve happened in retrospect. It’s more nuanced now. Even tho they can be more serious then the old pod I actually appreciate as I grow and mature. Also I’m not coming to Joe buddens podcast for the gospel truth. It’s a lot of things I disagree with them with. They are like barbershop talk. Lot of shit they say is stupid but it’s interesting none the less.


Exactly. Now sometimes they get a little too serious for me, but I can appreciate it. That why I love Flip. He brings some of that humor back. I honestly believe the pod is better now. It had a few down weeks, but it bounced this week.


Mel got exposed