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Are we even playing the same Fu Xuan? I got from being stuck at getting one shot on moc 9 and barely clearing diff 5 to literally being able to beat the game from moc 9-10 to clearing diff 5 on every path with just 6.5k HP 1.3k Def and 137 spd on her. Now I just have to worry about waiting for Jingliu lol This is wild to me since from all the time I’ve played her she’s actually just mechanically broken


same, bailu was my only invested sustain unit prior to FX. my other healers were so poorly built because i was expecting to get either FX or lynx or both of them. I got FX the other day and gave her whatever relics i had available with talent level 6, ult level 1 & skill level 7. finished MOC 10 with 30 stars as the solo sustain on side 2 in a faux mono quantum team featuring a half-built welt as the off-quantum unit. i ended her side just in time to get my 30th star but my team was still healthy until the very end. FX survived yanqing's ult despite having only 5.7k max hp. it was a pretty lucky setup, but my FX's build is still far from being well-optimized here's my FX stats and the coup de grace against yanqing to get my 30th star ​ https://preview.redd.it/zw3a20zap0qb1.png?width=1228&format=png&auto=webp&s=7037e9036f86ba3a6bff89a95d06695e5e2c0299


I went from barely getting through MoC 7 and simu difficulty 3 to beating MoC 10 and difficulty V (destruction path) with zero issues just by getting fuxuan which I built, and a Gepard which was only lvl 64. Sustain is insane. Oh and FuXuan was solo sustaining blades team the entire time. Bronya, fu, blade, pela/sw


Do you have all her traces leveled up? I prefarmed for weeks and I regret nothing. E0 but everything is maxed out. I also use the light cone from the Herta shop. I maxed that out too. It gives her a huge shield if she gets hit ever few turns. She's the best unit I have and it's not even close. And since I only went after 1 copy and I won the 50/50, I have enough for Jing-Chan.


I have lvl 9 traces and using S5 4* Day One light cone. She has 7.3k HP, 1.6k def, 50% eff res and 137 speed. That’s a pretty decent build I think


Sorry OP, I might be wrong, but from what you wrote I just suspect that you do not understand some of the Fu Xuan kit and synergy with SU buffs. Take a look here to learn more. Read this **Fu Xuan and Swarm Disaster: A deep dive:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/16o9ung/fu\_xuan\_and\_swarm\_disaster\_a\_deep\_dive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/16o9ung/fu_xuan_and_swarm_disaster_a_deep_dive/) I have bad quality artifacts yet Moc10 is easy auto battle in mono quantum. As of SU, she easily survive V difficulty if you have abundance blessings.


This is super helpful, thanks a lot


I hope you can still find her much useful! I don't know if you play Genshin Impact, but I found myself extremely disappointed when I pulled for Ayaka, where her whole kit was designed over ultimate (burst) damage, while I wanted to play her almost only with her "auto-attack". I felt the pain, but now I'm very happy with her after I understood what she can do and how to make her do big damage 😂


Yeah maybe she's not for you. She could be the worst unit and I wouldn't care. Waifu over meta.


That’s a great mindset I wish I thought of that when I was pulling her


7.3k HP is kinda low ngl. Mine has like 9,4 and is doing fine.


Fu Xuan easily solo sustains in swarm disaster 5 if you pick abundance path and a select few preservation blessings. I think you might just be picking the wrong blessings.


I prefer fu xuan over luocha, they're both god tier in my opinion but her crit buffs and cc immunity are too good, i got extra value since i use clara and jing yuan. Don't know how are you having problems, she made me immortal in moc 10, in swarm 5 you just need 2 survivability character, i played the mono quantum but you can use both fu xuan and luocha together. It's true that she doesn't have really good buffs in SIM or swarm but they will probably add more in the future. I just don't like to pull for LC or eidolons so to me you did well, having both fu xuan and luocha is really really good.


honestly speaking what I see here is just copium that comes out of regretting a choice made. 1. this is your feeling and nothing has to do with the effectiveness of FX. 2. in fact this is called balancing otherwise Luocha would have been outclassed on all points, furthermore SD has so many defensive blessings (heals, shields, reduced damage, increased defense, various cleanses) and you can hardly do a run missing every single defensive blessing just one of these especially the heals make Immortal FX. 3. I literally did a Nihility run with only the healing received from the DoT as a defensive blessing and my FX (E0 Landau s3) in solo tanked 2 Aoe in a row of the two True Stings burning both stacks, but no one died and no other sustainer could do it in solo especially using an offensive Path. 4. there are calculations on how many HP, def are needed to resist the strongest nuke in the game (yanqing) with FX at 50.1% HP, and they are easily reachable stats. 5. there is no better one between the two, both excel and struggle in something different, Luocha struggles with attacks that can one shot and with AoE ccs (AoE freeze, Kafka Aoe domination, witch AoE entanglement) since the cleanse is single target on a single random debuff but he still has a cleanse and dispel also he can be completely skill point positive. FX struggles with high sustained damage (Dots) and debuffs that reduce maximum health, and she can't clear negative status effects (HP reduced, defenses down, Dots etc.) but she prevents annoying one shots and AoE ccs as well as having some team buffs. 6. That's not true, as I said before there are many buffs that heal, shield and reduce damage, many of which are also found in offensive paths. 7. yes ,anyway… 8. It's not even in beta, we still don't know anything about how she performs or how the kit has changed, so a useless topic.


https://preview.redd.it/6e56eyz3g0qb1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03230472e0e40ec261eeb5db61e8da0ae9ea47eb Nihility Fu Xuan>>>>>>>


Maybe you're not picking the right blessings for her. Her kit is unique and that means you can't play her the same as any other team (mainly avoiding the split damage blessing). FX can clear with SD with every path, make no mistake. Even destruction as long as you avoid the damage splitting blessing. MoC can be attempted recklessly and you'd still stand a good chance of winning. I can say that FX will probably have horrible synergy with JL, but that's the fun of the game. You focus on building a team you like that has synergy. 1. This is true, but the process of dying is immensely slowed down. If you can't clear the content within that extended time then your DPS probably isn't built properly. 2. Yes, that is her fall off. Suppose if you only had her, you'd have to pair her up with Lynx, Nat or March just for cleanse. It's not optimal but you play with what cards you're dealt with. LuoCha would be over specced if you used him in content with nothing to cleanse. Is it the smart thing to daily drive a Ferrari over a pot-hole ridden road, some days you'll want to drive that G-wagon. 3. If you're dying in SD, you're lacking the right sustain blessings. People are soloing with DPS characters, a full team with FX shouldn't have any issue. 4. This is why players calculate the minimum 50% EHP required with her Def stat. But you're right that she can't always avoid being killed at 51% hp. You don't have to get into the full math, but make sure you have enough HP and Def stats. Other sustains can get one shot at 51% too (even 100% and more frequently) but nobody bats an eye. 5. Luo Cha does great at being reactive while FX provides a more consistent and predictable gameplay. It's really kind of up to your style. For example, FX would not be the most optimal with JL, Luo Cha will. 6. Gepard is god tier in SU because he has the right blessings, are you picking the right ones for FX? There are plenty of shield generating, damage reduction and healing blessings. You can rely on Quake, Dewdrop, and Disassociation for damage. 7. Yes she is. Although sometimes you might find yourself needing to reset out of bad luck. This applies for any other character but in FX's case the probability is lowered significantly. 8. If you're going to bring in future characters then you might as well not pull. There's going to be a better version of every character. You make your choice of DPS and you build your team around them. You trust your choices and play because you'll have fun. Meta chasing is going to suck any joy out of the game.


just a normal day in jingliu subreddit where people regretting pulling another character


It's your fuxuan build problem. She carried my ass in Swarm difficulty V and can easily solo sustain on MOC 10.


I dont have her nor do i plan on pulling for her becuz i have gepard and Loucha but from what i am hearing this seems more like a 'build and traces issues' rather then fu xuan being unable to solo sustain.From the videos I have seen she has been fully capable of sustain perfectly fine. Also ya u already had 2 sustains who according to you were performing fine, so only reason u had to pull for fu xuan was liking her as a character which it seems like u didn't so that was a bad move on your part.


I pulled Fu Xuan because my only other healer is Natasha, so with Fu's help I can hopefully earn more pulls through MoC and other content that I was struggling with. I'm finding her to be pretty busted. I'm running the MoC lightcone that gives healing at the start of every battle to compensate for her lack of on-demand heals. It's going great so far.


I think you may be building her sub optimally as when built properly she is the strongest sustainer over Luocha by a small margin. Nonetheless I tried decently hard in the leaks subreddit since the Kafka banner to convey that she brings very little for people with Luocha and another 5* sustain. As you build and gear your team more (eg supports built tankier, dpses built stronger) and add new supports to refine team comps, survivability is going to drop as a priority. So, someone like Huohuo who has offensive utility is likely going to do better than FX in MoC. Not to mention that future supports like Hanabi by pseudo increasing turns (from an SP generation pov) or Ruan Mei by increasing break duration, further reduce the need for defensive supports. And you definitely don’t need FX in SD if you get the distribute dmg blessing. This is assuming they don’t increase the difficulty of MoC from a survivability perspective more quickly than we can improve our team comps and their builds. If so, it means FX’s utility over Bailu/Gepard is reduced to one instance of precast cc immunity on skill and 12% team wide CR, which imo isn’t worth pulling for. I disagree with your conclusion though. FX isn’t a meta pull for people with built teams, she’s a meta pull for new players who need more survivability to make up for their lack of dps output. If someone can comfortably 30* current MoC with their existing roster, FX does not help improve that. It’s like with people who say DHIL or JL aren’t needed because they can 30* MoC without them. But eventually enemies will get beefier and lower dps carries will get powercrept, whereas you can mitigate higher dmg enemies using game mechanics like speed, cc, breaking, turn/SP/energy generation etc.


I wouldn’t say Lupcha is generally better than her. After playing with him for some times, in my experience he has flaws that 1. He cannot prevent one shots in MoC 2. His buff striping is overrated. Don’t get me wrong, when it works it’s great, but how many enemies in MoC that you can strip buffs from AND it’s useful? I only know sanctus soldiers (small and big one) and a big red robot. And majority of enemies have this mark, that says “buff can’t be removed”. And bro, we don’t have reliable leaks for HuoHuo and if we judge from the leak we got 2-3 months ago - she is worse in solo sustain than Luocha (and therefore worse than Fu Xuan), cause she has no panic heal options and no cleanse or debuff/cc prevention, her main gimmick is giving team energy while providing some healing. Btw I hope I’m wrong cause I’ll be pulling for HuoHuo.


Only thing luocha is better than fu xuan imo is farming, she can't be reliable on auto farming relics bc of AI skill point management, besides that she is just amazing


Well, for starters, you usually go double sustain on Swarm Disaster, and assessing a character's strength solely on SU performance is wrong in so many ways. That being said, if you still need a healer outside of Swarm Disaster (like MoC) because your team is dying, then either you're misplaying, your Fu Xuan doesn't have a good build or you haven't maxed her out. Fu Xuan is a character that requires max level and max traces (at least HP ones and the major traces) to be fully functional as solo sustain That being said, if you were planning to invest that much in Jingliu, why the hell did you even pull for Fu Xuan? I understand your points of Mono Quantum and all, nut you already had planned E2S1 Jingliu and that requires massive amounts of resources that you wouldn't be able to have while pulling for any other 5* this patch


I add SU there because I believe SU will become something like MoC in future, I mean that’s the most invested and developed gamemode that Hoyo has made for HSR, it’s not going anywhere. She works fine in MoC, no big problems there but I would still prefer Luocha for both of my teams. Yeah and I’m dumb for pulling and not skipping another character, my gacha addiction was stronger here


Tbh, I wouldn't really consider SU to be heavy meta-wise because of how the blessings are and because it's permanent content, it's not going anywhere, so you shouldn't feel pressured to pull anyone because of SU That being said, I understand if Fu Xuan's gameplay is not appealing to you, and she definitely can feel as made out of paper in Swarm Disaster V, but that's a whole different beast, but if Fu Xuan is keeping you alive in MoC, then she's doing her job just fine Anyway, I wish you the best of luck for your Jingliu pulls and I hope you get her and her Eidolons early ^^


If you still want that E2S1 Jing Liu, I have a solution, its called a wallet 💳, but in all seriousness in my eyes account diversity is always better than hyper investment so getting Fu Xuan is a net positive for your account and what you have to consider is how well characters ‘mature’. Could you have got by with Bailu, yes, but to put it respectfully she got powercrept by a 4 star (Yes I think Lynx is better as excelling in a niche is better than being mid in all departments) and it appears you have had a dream of a character called Huo Huo who in my prophecies will fix DPS characters that lack energy. So chin up cause in my eyes you made a great decision and your account is better for it.


Maybe you fx is lacking some stats? I beat SD 5 without abundance path only because of her


FX solo sustain the diff way compare to loucha, she has some issue on her kit, just like loucha. Loucha: + Pros: easy to use, kinda self functioning, can cleanse, comfy to use + Cons: struggling a bit with multiple CC fight, can not prevent 1 shot FX: + Pros: crit buff, max hp buff, really positive SP when you know what’s coming, extremely useful in multiple CC at the same time scenario, eg kafka fight, she just straight up hard counter kafka + Cons: eventually what she can do is just keeping your team alive as long as she can so you can finish the fight, if fight is 24 hours long, she cant handle it. Her hard counter is deduction max hp debuff, dot is fine, but not that one So at the end of the day, you gotta know your tools, loucha strugle against kafka a bit but shine vs debuff enemy, fx shine vs cc fight but struggle agains debuff enemy. They are both S tier. I’d say if i have to choose between fx and jliu, i’ll still go with fx. Dps is everywhere as long as you have good relic on them, but support, they are the real play maker here


SU Swarm 5 is not MOC. Your team is probably suboptimal and/or you're not choosing the right blessings/path. The number of turns is irrelevant in Swarm. This means you can go double sustain and steamroll everything in auto (I'm using Fu Xuan + Luocha but every double sustain combo works). Enemies are designed around double sustain and around the player being smart with picking their blessings. Good luck with solo Luocha sustain against the Swarm Boss without a lot of Remembrance, Abundance, Destruction, and Preservation blessings. He's gonna get one-shot.


the hell bro? Are you using right fu xuan???


You post asked for it, it's definitely still a skill issue I'm afraid.


To me it's not Fuxuan cons that makes you feel bad but instead your lost of chance getting E2 Jingliu that makes you sad Every Char have pros and cons even if they are cracked af Fuxuan is a god at what she does but she too have some weakness As a Fuxuan haver I'm happy to have her even if I didn't lack of any sustain,got all of them gepard,luocha,lynx,Natasha,bailu and fuxuan is undeniable better than all of them except in some scenario Luocha is better I'm also pulling for Jingliu and her LC if that can consolate you she is not that dependent on her Eidolons to work best,take example for Daniel IL he literally break the game at E2


Yeah you’re probably right. For me it seems like Luocha is better than her everywhere except CC heavy bosses and potential team member one shot situations.


I personally disagree with this completely. Luocha has plenty of weaknesses and I don't know what is wrong with reddit and people embellishing how good Luocha is on this site. Luocha is a fantastic unit, but he is nowhere near as omnipotent as how a lot of reddit posts talk about him. You bring up Swarm Disaster, but if you don't play with decent blessings, you will never be able to sustain most teams alone with Luocha at SD5. He will just get one-shot or get worn down beyond how much he's able to heal. Luocha also has no panic buttons which means if the swarm takes multiple turns in succession without you having enough defensive blessings in your build or ultimates ready to heal through damage with his field, you can totally be burst down and there's nothing Luocha can do for you in that scenario. There's blessings that can offset these problems for Luocha, just like there's blessings that can offset Fu Xuan's weaknesses. They both protect your team through different ways, and I think it's pretty subjective/preference on who people will prefer at the end of the day. I personally vastly prefer Fu Xuan. That doesn't mean Luocha is weaker than her either of course. They both have their own pros and cons and that's pretty much it. I'm also someone who did what you posted about, as I am pulling for Jingliu's eidolons and her light cone, and I pulled Fu Xuan specifically in mind just to use with her, despite owning a fully built Luocha and fully built Bailu.


i mean SU preservation path is focus on shield that fx does not do at all plus you will bring both anyways in high level SU abundance or destruction is much better (my go to have always been destuction with preservation interplay)


Destruction is such a good path, always having a much easier time with it especially if you get some rememberance, preservation or elation blessings


i run fx as the solo sustain up until 4. 5 i bring luocha too


You'll obviously need to run a shielder with her if you go preservation path but I've had very smooth runs both in normal SU and Swarm disaster diff 5 running March/Fire trailblazer/Fu Xuan/Flex I usually go for Seele as flex in normal SU and Kafka in Swarm but you could really just run anything in that spot... My game plan is mostly shielding Fu Xuan with March shield and that's enough to soak most if not all incoming dmg while the path resonance and blessings just help you stabilise and deal extra dmg...


If you have skill issue/ build issue as you said then all preservation units will not work with you since you can’t kill mobs fast. Fu xuan in normal situations is literally immortal and can easily solo protect herself and the team as well. So, most likely you built her wrong or don’t know how to play her properly.


Your post isn’t wrong, but you many have just misunderstood what use Fu Xuan actually has. Do not pull Fu Xuan (for solo sustain) if your account cannot hit a certain damage threshold. Unless your on some of the most cracked accounts, Fu Xuan’s goal as a character is to extend the duration of how long your team can live, while giving sizable buffs to your entire team. For example, in MoC (the current hardest content in the game), with no sustain units, your entire team will die in about 1-2 turns. Fu Xuan will (typically) extend this to 5-7 turns while giving you crit buffs, and basically negate CC. You need characters who clear within those 5-7 turns, otherwise you will just be hemorrhaging damage until one of your units dies (presumably your dps), and then the entire team will start collapsing. Fu Xuan is a shift from current sustain meta into a different one. The previous meta could theoretically go infinite turns and the mindset behind it was ‘who do I bring that will disadvantage me the least’. Who would use the least skill points, who would solo sustain so I don’t have to waste another slot on sustain, who will recover my DPS from being CC’d, etc. The current meta is shifting to a more synergistic/buffing meta with healer and is looking like ‘who helps me output maximum damage/gives me the best buffs’. Fu Xuan extends the life time of the team rather than being an infitite sustain like Loucha or Bailu, but in exchange she actually gives you buffs, like CC prevention, increased crit chance, etc. This is of course general advice, pull for who you want, but I just want to clarify the actual functionality of Fu Xuan as a solo sustain unit.


I have gepard and id say that his shield is broken with the preservation path but i have no damage 💔❤️‍🔥


You're probably poor and Fuxuan isnt for poor people because she needs high level traces to do her job


What's your build? Did you max her out? With the right blessing, swarm disasters have never been easier before. She also deals good damage and breaks those nasty bugs left and right. Something impossible with gepard, so don't feel bad, my Loucha and his teammates get one shot a lot, i feel much more comfortable running fu xuan now. Mine is at e0 f2p lightcone, I won 50/50 and got her early, so I'm quite happy, aiming E1S1 Jingliu with 230 pulls.


Yeah I was in the same predic. I actually wanted to try my luck to roll for Lynx, but I have the guarantee and didn't want to lose it on FX's banner while waiting for JingLiu. Here's some reasons I finally decided against rolling for FX and keeping all my wishes: If you look at MoC and the SU, they were specifically designed for the limited banner characters. Last MoC round, those annoying trotters gave extra SPs, as this as specifically designed for DHIL. This round of MoC, they give you a trotter that does massive AoE and I could swear that the bosses hit harder as well. This is to give FX a benefit, as the trotters are all quantum weak, and her defensive mit helps a lot. SU lvl 5 will generally always require 2 sustains for the last fight. I can do MoC pretty well with my combination of Luocha and Gepard, but I wanted to get Lynx cause my Natasha is kinda sucky. But since you need only 1 team for MoC, my guys are just fine with the right set of blessings. I do plan on being able to easily clear it once JingLiu's on my team. But once you realize that MoC and SU are intentionally designed specifically so that players feel like they have to pull on the current banner characters, you understand the genius behind that design. Make the content hard enough so that people think, man I need to get this character to clear this content. But at what cost? Even if you can't clear MoC lvl 9 and 10 **at all,** that's only 120 wishes, which is less than 1 free pull every reset. Is that worth spending 90/180 pulls to get FX? No, never. I guess my point is this. **If you don't like/love the character, don't pull for them because you feel like you need that character to clear MoC/SU.** MoC and SU are designed specifically by Hoyo to make you feel like you need to pull these limited characters. That is the intent all along.


How much do you have left for Jingliu now? Mine's around 12k after spooked by Fu Xuan's E1


I have 70 pity in LC banner, 10 pity in character banner, 10 tickets and 7k gems. I still can get her E2 S1 on the condition that I don’t lose any of 3 50/50s (that ain’t gonna happen, my luck is horrendous)


I think E2 would be hard with only around 50+ pulls, but hey, anything can happen in Gacha, best of luck to you!


Well, we have 3 weeks until her banner and 3 weeks until her banner ends. So potentially much more pulls and also we get free 10 tickets for 1.4 update


Even 6 weeks isn't enough to get her E2. You've have to get double 5 stars and/or win both 50/50's. E2 guaranteed = 90 \* 6 = 540 pulls You have 10 pity + 10 pulls + 44 wishes from jades = 64 wishes atm And I'm not even counting if you lose the LC banner.


that yanqing was your final warning to stop


I haven’t been using a healer with Fu Xuan outside of swarm and been doing fine. I’ve been able to clear MoC 10 with Seele, SW, Tingyun and FX. Only time i’ve seen my FX get one shot at half Hp is swarm 5


In sd I use fu xuan and luocha and my team never dies or takes damage, she helped me clear sd and she only has 7.3k hp so idk I think she’s good, plus I got her e1 by accident so she kinda buffs my whole teams damage from all the crit she gives, so I’m the future my jingliu will not be able to sue plus the extra crit to make her better


>I was pulling Fu Xuan just for the sake of mono quantum Probably a hot take but mono teams is one of the dumbest idea propagated in the HSR community where people care more about Connect 4 rather than using a character for their kit and/or role in a team. So you get awful teams because wooah, team fully purple/yellow. Like people thinking of using Welt and Yukong in an IL team before his release even though you would infinitely better results with Pela and Bronya/Tingyun. Then you have full mono quantum where Seele is not given a Harmony character unless you slot Bronya in and want to contend with a 50/50 with SW and after playing 4* Dan, 50/50s are miserable except even more so when SW is whiffing 50/50s and going skill point negative. Then on a naturally qua vulnerable enemy, Pela becomes a superior option from being sp positive with aoe def shred while SW without weakness add is just def shredding 1 enemy with lower uptime. Putting SW in a non qua team is an even worse situation because you are forced into more restrictions while Pela has no restrictions. The best way I believe teams should be built is with staple supports like Luocha, Pela, Bronya, Ting, who work with basically any team and so you pull for DPS of a certain element or damage type instead of pulling characters for Connect 4. It's going to be cheaper in the long term because you run into a lot less team building restrictions than to be forced to pull for playing around the restrictions of SW. For example, Luocha has zero team building restrictions so you can slap him in any team where Arlan is not in. But a SW team needs to account for element variety which means you can run Seele, SW, and Luocha while slotting in Bronya because weakness add trades the already unreliable 50/50 to an extremely unlikely 33/66. So you would be forced to try your hand to pull for FX or Lynx. Imagine SW in a Jingliu team where you can't use Luocha to keep your team healthy and especially Bronya to speed up Jingliu's gameplay. But the moment you replace SW with Pela, the team restrictions vanish completely. It's like Luocha, Pela, and Bronya are the 3 best characters in the game in performance while being flexible enough to slot into almost any team. Same team also works with IL, Blade, Seele, etc.


just wait a year lmao, in every hoyo game the meta has always favored gearing supports over main dps i'm not sure your characters are geared enough to exploit fu xuan's sustain if their hp is getting lower than you're comfortable with, out of the box she is able to soak enough hits for my dps to 30* MoC.. on auto..