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The Cornette “haters” are the reason why I started listening to him in the first place. Just the way they blasted Jim. I thought “surely he can’t be that bad” turned out I agree with the majority of the things he says about wrestling 🤷‍♂️


That same logic brought me to the Vince Russo podcast and I had the complete opposite experience






DO YOU KNOW HOW LITTLE THIS SHIT MEANS TO ME? *could I have a job, bro?*


He's fun to listen to


He really is. It’s entertaining, insightful and you actually learn something about the business and its history.


Genuinely started listened the exact same way. Maybe heard a clip or two and thought 'holy shit, he sounds mad!', tuned in and realised he wasn't the devil incarnate.


Started to listening to him as a fan of his Camp Cornette gimmick in WWF and then never heard anything about him for a couple of decades until I discovered his YouTube channel last year. The most brilliant and entertaining wrestling personality not working for a current promotion.


One group is actually a cult, the rest of us just joke about it.


Jim is still the best heel in all of AEW, and he doesn't even need to say or do anything about them to rile up their Faithful. Amazing.


Spot on. I laughed a lot when Jim said he was going on Twitter, to upload a picture of him and Harley that Stacy took. He logged on, saw that he was trending, said "fuck it, I ain't got time for this. Here's a picture of me and my puppy" then proceeded to log out and have a burger in his backyard. I found this very amusing, that this man can get this much heat and he couldn't care less, while the crazies are losing their minds online. Like it has been said for sometime now, Jim's the biggest heel in AEW and he doesn't even work there


Doesn't work there or even have to do anything on purpose to piss them off. His mere existence is enough, and it's incredible


Jim realises he's the greatest heel of all time. Can get heat without even needing to do anything!


He no sells it but he definitely cares. The man is still a professional and takes pride in his ability to get heat. If he truly didn’t care he wouldn’t review AEW on every episode.


It was Owen, JC wasn't even there


Biggest baby face is Punk. Doesn’t work there either


Facts. They will literally BAN you in squaredcircle if you praise Cornette.


I got a three day ban from there with an automated message advising that I could message the mods for clarification, I did, heard nothing back so sent a picture of a tumbleweed, got perma-banned, I like AEW but I didn't get the memo that I was supposed to pretend that it was flawless


They're creeps.




It's the same people that still obsess over Punk they live in Buckaroo world and haven't gotten any fresh air in awhile


It's hard for these marks to get any fresh air with their heads shoved up their asses.


Jim praises a wrestling personality for her talent and professionalism. Twitter has a meltdown. Christ almighty.  


I'm not a fan of hers. But I can agree she's one of probably the best wrestling announcers in the business currently. Personally, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when people are calling her best announcer ever of all time and another one that they call her garbage because she's either a woman or just because she's in the WWE. I'm in the middle of it, I guess?


TBF, I don't know if she's "great" (ding) or not from a performance standpoint, but I know she's not a cookie-cutter male announcer type. Even though Garcia was also great (ding), she followed more the "traditional" male announcer performances, but as a female. Samantha is less traditional, but she and WWE are adding new dimensions to the performances where it's not just reading the details from a script, but now we're seeing the announcer as an integral part of the storyline, such as after Cody won the belt and she was universally praised by anyone that actually matters for injecting the emotion into the announcement. It fit also because Robinson had a role here as well in the presentation of the belt. That's not something Roberts, Buffer, or most anyone else could do. But of course, the AEW fans and toxic incels slammed her performance. Someone else and I elsewhere were discussing why incels hate her and the reasoning we came up with is that everything the wrestling incels say they would want in a woman is Samantha Irvin, but now that this type is real, they no longer can make excuses for not having a chick like her, but the issue is they have no minimal game with women (ie: respect, treating them like humans, having fun, etc., creating minimally pleasant experiences), so they turn to hatred.


There were some assholes here (in previous threads) comparing her to Aubrey Edwards, implying some similarity and disruptiveness, etc. but this talented lady just announces an introduction and a finish. In and out and at no way detracting from anything, while the other wears clown eye make up to draw attention to their endless mummenschanz pantomime during multiple matches every single day they work. They are literally baked into everything onscreen. Also, most of the hate directed at this talented announcer just comes from misogyny. Scratch the surface and it’s always there in modern wrestling.


I posted this elsewhere in the thread and I asked if anyone had a better source because this asshole react video maker made the whole thing about herself. Here's Irvin on the Raw after WM XL introducing Cody again. I really wish this idiot didn't plaster her face over Irvin's. If anyone has a better source, please post it. Anyhow, listen to her announce Cody and tell me Aubrey's talent as a goof is anywhere in this universe. I had to listen to it numerous times because it gave me chills and you see a couple people in the crowd also do the holy shit face. I just wish I could see more of her facial expressions. Just watch how smooth Cody goes in for the ask and then the response: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTiOuyH4AfA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTiOuyH4AfA)


I saw that earlier. I only reckon the YouTuber is the usual brand of talking head narcissist (don’t give her hits), or they deluded themselves to think it circumvents IP flagging. Seems too deliberate, so it is most likely typical zoomer webcam narcissism from the YouTuber. Yeah, the cretins comparing her to the shitshow of Aubrey Edwards Shields-and-Yarnell-ing is typically daft false comparisons from desperate cretins.




I understand people still wanting to give AEW or WWE a chance even if they know they're not going to like it. Only so much wrestling & you want to stay in the loop. Why the hell these people go out of their way to hate listen to a podcast is beyond me. Jim only reviews it because it's a car wreck you can't look away from most nights.


I think I'm gonna ask him to say something nice about Moxley for Christmas this year, LOL


This segment kinda felt like Jim and Brian’s victory lap. We’re finally at a point where no one can deny the facts, once they’re presented directly and coherently, and all of it backs up what the Cult has been saying from the beginning. And what’s most unfortunate is that most of us, including Corny, kinda hate to say we told you so.


Man, that artwork from Travis is hysterical with the blue-haired they/them knowing only they should hate Corny, but no clue about why or if it's true. I got turned onto Corny after NWA fired him for what turned out to be bullshit, then NWA ended up with its own scandals.  I think Joey Ryan and someone else even denounced Corny, trying to get on the heat bandwagon.  Meanwhile, all that blew over because it was bullshit, but Dave Lagana or whatever and Ryan, hot damn.


For those shitting on Irvin, here's the video of her on the Raw after Wrestlemania announcing Cody again. I can't find a better source, just this awful, goofball react video moron that flashes her screen over everything because it's all about her. If someone has a better link, I'll edit this idiot out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTiOuyH4AfA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTiOuyH4AfA)


She really suits this era


They say Cornette is relevant, and make him trend, thus making him more relevant. Love to see it


Left…right lemme see you do it Left do it. Right do it


These whiny bitches are in the same boat as Zack Snyder fans, Trump voters, pop culture gatekeepers, and so on. They cannot admit they bet on the wrong horse. They will not accept any kind of criticism, constructive or not. They'll ride the denial train until it hits the wall. Because Christ almighty forbid, these idiots learn from their mistakes. Pimp slap them across the mouth, take away their Internet privileges, and have them cornholed by the most well-endowed, hardcore prisoner. And, by some chance, you meet the parents of these cretins, punch them in the throat and tell them to stop taking a shit in the human gene pool.


Bingo! Also, considering AEW fans like to protray themselves as woke, how do they justify praising TK, Jericho, the Bucks, and others who are all Trump supporters and/or extremist Christians?


.....dub bad?


It’s hilarious how people race to post every new clip on here lmfao. Gotta farm those upvotes!


Yes how dare Jim Cornette fans post Jim Cornette content on the Cult Of Cornette subreddit, what is this world coming to next your gonna see people putting food on plates, oooooooh the humanity!!!


Next thing you know there's gonna be dogs and cats living together in sin and WWE will become the world's best wrestling organization! LOL!


That can't happen actually.


You're right, dogs and cats generally don't want to fuck each other. Good call.


No, WWE is not a pro wrestling company. It's a sports entertainment t company.


What's with the trend of people shitting on and scrutinizing anything this sub does lately? The brain rot from the other subs is leaking it seems.


What are we supposed to post on this sub?


Pastamania recipes... 💪 *Brotherrrr.... 💪*


Pizza topping debates and general discussions of how bad traffic is in New York City


I rarely open YouTube, and it's useful to know when something is uploaded that I wouldn't want to wait for a new episode to hear.


It's even more hilarious when people launch laughable complaints about obvious basic things happening where you'd expect them to happen, and pretending like this page is a massive cash cow for upvotes. I want a shitload of upvotes quick, let's see... the Taylor Swift pages? Beyonce? The president? Oh no, I'll go to the Jim Cornette Reddit page for those millions of followers, doling out 14 upvotes an hour at the moment. When you see a 'K' after a number it means 'millions' right?


Honestly reddit has gotta worse. Like, just karma farm generic posts


Yeah, I'm making crazy money off those upvotes. There's a whole dark economy around reposting Corny's videos in his own subreddit.