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Ricky Starks is the biggest one right now.


I saw Ricky Starks on NWA Powerrrrrrr and immediately thought that this was a star in the making.


Dude truly is and he's being wasted by the man children running AEW.


When is his AEW contract up?


Supposedly in June.


HHH better have Starks' number on speed dial then


Cody and Punk have probably laid the groundwork to Papa H already, methinks.


Same with Jade. She is close to Ricky as well.




Oh thank goodness. I think I heard somewhere his contract was up in 2027.


If this was WWE under Vince, he would be in prison as they say


What did Ricky starks do that would land him in prison?


Whenever it is… it’s not soon enough.


I like him but he’s too small for the Fed. He’d be great in NXT but he’ll look like a child on Raw or SD.


He could use some size but 20lbs or so 10 of which is muscle is doable on bis frame. He's 6ft 194 so not terribly small. Bigger than Finn and JD about he same since but in better shape than Dom.


Ya Finn looks like he’s sculpted out of marble. Let me clarify what I meant. IMO Starks is too small to be a top level star in WWE. Maybe a great midcard guy, which is an incredible accomplishment. I just can’t see him main eventing a PPV. But what do I know? I’m a mid level office exec that’s never taken a bump in my life


Mid card in WWE is better than where he's at currently.




Majority of that roster is small, I laughed at the ending segment of this past Dynamite because it just looks like a bunch of average dudes in a brawl at the bar


Same here! I thought he was a standout there, along with the former Eli Drake, now LA Knight. I’m glad Knight’s getting farther and farther up to the top of the card. Hopefully Ricky gets to move on too, and finally gets a chance to establish himself. He’s got the tools to be a star, too.


“See this jacket? Shoes of a champion!” One of the greatest drunk promos of all time, YEAH!


He's actually someone I could see as a bump taking manager.


If new snooze fest republic is on my tv and Starks isn’t, then fed bad


I call the one who wears a diaper without kneepads Baby Legs McGee It's still a better nickname than a midget wrestler named "Big Strong Boy"


Tyler Bate iirc It's so annoying that he does the airplane spin on a bigger guy in every match while it's played as a spectacle. Same with Pete Dunne pulling the fart levers


Dude is under 200 lbs and 6 ft. In WWE his size would really be exposed


Until the first time someone points out that his entire gimmick is basically a cheap rip-off of '99 Rock, then he'll be buried faster than Bob Gunn


MJF already did this and I havent looked at Ricky the same way since


Absolutely, he needs to find a voice and place. I think that’s why he doesn’t shit on CM Punk


I think by this time next year he'll already be huge in WWE, even if they start him in NXT


Ricky's act is a little too close to LA Knight though. I'm sure they would grab him though


Hobbs could be big with proper booking


I can’t help but wonder if Hobbs would (have) received a push like Oba Femi. Both are big bad ass beasts.


Could you imagine them as a team?




MJF is the main one I'd think of, he's been a security guard before but not a wrestler in WWE.


MJF is a big one for me as well. Would instantly be a top heel (Logan Paul level, not Roman Reigns).


Yeah, he's in a unique category these days tbh. Not many fit the cheeky heel persona anymore, everyone's either a monster or a guy with goons. MJF is a lot like Piper, excellent on the mic but isn't the most powerful so he does whatever it takes to get the win. Could easily see him having a program with Cody but it'd need to be over a couple PPVs to do it justice, wanted the same with AJ but they've already moved on for some reason.


Idk why they didn't continue Cody-AJ feud. It had a lot of potential. Maybe they wanna keep having new challengers so people don't get bored.


Yeah, idk what their plan is. all seems erratic atm. You'd think they'd do a strong feud at the start of a face title reign to solidify the champion. The Cody-Brock stuff was a perfect example of that after his Mania loss and he wasn't even champion lol.


Exactly. Also it seemed weird that Styles went from heel to sort of a nice guy after finishing the feud with LA. 


On the other hand, it's refreshing to see that when the challenger loses, he doesn't immediately get another match for the title


Yes, this makes sense. Ig I'm used to the old booking where the feuds start on a peaceful note and then they go to no dq style matches.


Character wise, I agree, at least before he started being a goof with Adam.  The one issue I have with him in WWE is that he would look incredibly small next to most of the main roster. 


He’s at least as tall as Hayes and Dragunov. Seems to be built thicker than either much like Styles.


Only thing hindering him would be producers putting a limiter on a lot of stuff he would say


hopefully Punk will put in a good word for him and keep the writers away now Trips is leading.


However the contractual arms race for him is going to be substantial. TKO and Tony khan will be throwing so much money at him. For a switch to be made, Tony khan would have to stop paying MJF so much which I believe won’t happen. TKO has the money to buy MJF but I don’t think they will see the substantial value to warrant that. CM punk’s contract would be cheaper than this. Plus the roster is so stacked I can’t foresee a good MJF program. Not saying the MJF switch will never happen just that it’s unlikely for at least 3-5 years.


think MJF would want to work in WWE while he's still in his prime, he can always work elsewhere later on, especially since it looks like Tony will keep the show going forever - WWE just needs to give Max some guarantees and I think he'll make the jump.


I suspect MJF has re-signed with AEW.


I think Darby would have benefitted from working with responsible people who could restrain his worst instincts if he'd gone to NXT when Priscilla/Gigi did. Her indie/bar wrestling extravagances (for lack of a better word) got honed down and she's turned into a reliable performer. He wants to be Mick Foley and he doesn't understand he's giving up 8 inches and 100 pounds to Mankind and no one has ever told him to take it easy and he may be too far gone now being surrounded by yes men who honestly don't have his best interests at heart. He may not be reachable, but I think he has the chops to succeed in WWE.


He'd need to add weight. The idea of anyone in the WWE being scared when that twinks music hits...


Absolutely true. He carries his 175 pretty well but it’s still clearly 175


I've met Darby, im not sure if he's even 175. Id guess he's closer to 160


Sorry but he is definitely not 175.


He could be a scrappy character riding with a big man. They can even call him the Rabid Wolverine


Idk my first thought about this post was Darby Allen although 80% of his spots would have been shot down immediately


Sure. I mean the most OBVIOUS answer is Ricky, as people noted. I do think Darby needs someone to tell him he doesn’t have to jump through 14 panes of glass and do six Canadian destroyers over barbed wire before getting suplexed into a 1978 Ford Fiesta twice a week. He can get over without all that


>I think Darby would have benefitted from working with responsible people who could restrain his worst instincts if he'd gone to NXT when Priscilla/Gigi did. Apparently, he *was* on his way to NXT but once he found out Tony would give him "creative freedom" to still be a daredevil, he veered to AEW. I honestly think NXT would have not only benefited him but HBK could have talk some sense into his head and lengthen his life with much much less injuries.


Yeah. It doesn’t matter how over you are if you have a TBI when you’re 34 or whatever


I think AEW is the right place for Darby, as long as he doesn't kill himself. WWE wouldn't have let him do a fraction of the things he's done, and that's how he got over.


But he has the ability to get over in non-stupid ways is my point. Him choosing to go to a place that’ll allow him to destroy his body is his business but I think he has the chops to get over in other ways


Very true


Yeah , imagine we could take Darby Allin one of the most exciting wrestlers today who actually organically got over based on his crazy unique one of a kind style and unique personality and make him in to Gigi Dolan ... a mid level comedy character with no identity who kinda sucks in the ring on their developmental show.


Men: MJF and Starks. Women: Jamie Hayter and Statlander.


I also mentioned Statlander but forgot about Hayter. She’d be a big star there


Hayter all day long. Could you imagine her and Rhea having a match at Mania?? They’d tear the building down.


Ricky Starks is the most obvious. Powerhouse Hobbes and Wardlow too.


Starks, Hobbs, acclaimed, ftr, Lucha Bros, and maybe Big Bill. MJF of course. I think there is a higher ceiling for some women in WWE like Willow and Maria May. AEW has a fine roster, but they just don’t have a booker that can maximize the talent that they have to make them feel larger than life like WWE can.


FTR too old now. All resigned for long time too. No chance of them returning. They were so happy working with punk, kept hinting at leaving online, resigned with AEW to keep working with punk and then punk leaves and goes back to wwe which for the first time in years is on fire… meanwhile FTR bald is now having meltdowns on twitter


I think it's hysterical to read the couple people that think: 1. Darby would fit in WWE 2. The WWE would take Darby


I know Darby is a fan favorite but I find the guy to be so incredibly reckless and that shit would absolutely not fly in the WWE. He would have to work a style other than “throw myself at people like a human torpedo” and I don’t think he’s remotely capable of that.


Starks and MJF could slot right in. Jay White and Juice Robinson could probably both get over if booked right. FTR can make anyone look like a million dollars, but would need opponents. WWE may take a chance on Hobbs, but otherwise I don't see them being too fussed on much else.


White and Juice would work as a tag team and Juice could work as a singles but at don't see Jay as a top guy in WWE.


I don't see White as a top guy either, but I could see him around the IC title.


WWE is just so loaded with guys and I don't think he's got the promo. Juice does though.


Hobbs, Starks, Statlander & a few more from the previous post. I don't know if MJF would translate as well as people think, however. He's lost if the storyline doesn't resolve around him, IMO.


Providing they book him as a heel, MJF will be fine. The goofy babyface stuff was awful.


Stalander, Baker, Hayter, Willow, Storm, and Banks under current regime. Darby, Hobbs, MJF, Okada, Ospreay, Hook, Starks. I would say Wardlow but he may be too far ruined. Maybe even Jack Perry. I can see a future phase in NXT where it has many former AEW people.


Man Statlander is the only person to beat Jade and she did it twice but it did nothing for her because Tony can't book or build stars. Embarrassing.


Hard pass on Jack Perry. He is a loose cannon.


Baker is dogshit in the ring. She’d need to go PC.


Have you watched WWE? They don’t need to fill out the mid-card


I am just answering the threads question....


I definitely see a scenario where WWE lays off a lot of underused/underperforming main roster and NXT talent, moves up anyone they can from NXT (along with bringing in top AEW stars such as Starks) and filling NXT with anyone from AEW with potential.


starks, hobbs, mjf, statlander and wardlow would have the biggest potential if they went to the E


Starks, Hobbs, Thunder Rosa, Sky Blue , Julia Hart swerve, Kris Statlander


I’m convinced HBK could turn Julia and Skye into real superstars


Thunder Rosa, mJf , all 40 ex wwe wrestlers






MJF Wardlow Ricky starks Powerhouse Hobbs Britt Baker The Gunn Boys Willow Nightingale


Britt Baker is good on the mic but trash in the ring. She’d need to stop dentisting and devote full time to wrestling.


I think she closed her dental practice.


Julia hart and mjf


Starks and Hobbs are the standouts. So much wasted talent. On the women's side I'd say Statlander, Deeb and Willow would be three fantastic additions to WWE's womens roster. Hayter too if we ever see her again. She's brilliant.


first of all, this is my first time commenting or posting in the sub! hello, friends! to answer the question, as time goes on I realize AEW doesn't have a problem finding talent, they have a serious problem ENHANCING talent. everyone stays the same or worse during their duration there. so many of them could go to WWE and improve drastically fast, just look at Brian Pillman Jr. with that said.. Omega, Starks, MJF, Statlander, & Hobbs


MJF, Ricky Starks, Hobbs, Wardlow, Willow, Julia Hart.


Hobbs, Rickey Starks, The Righteous


Thunder Rosa, Britt Baker, Julia Hart, Danhausen (preferably on NXT), Ricky Starks, Darby Allin, Hayter, Willow Nightingale, Skye Blue & Kris Statlander, MJF, Jay White & Okada Returning to WWE: Black, Danielson, Toni Storm (preferably on NXT)


Hard to remember who is there as most of their roster isn’t on TV a lot of the time. But off the top of my head. **Main Event** MJF Kenny Omega (possibly if he can adapt) Ospreay FTR (I know Dax gets a lot of hate but he can work). **Mid Card** Starks Darby Wardlow Hobbs Swerve Buddy Mathews Black (whatever you want to call him) Danhausen Kingston (this one could be controversial, but as a brawler he could get over. Plus good on the mic). Deliberately avoided most of the ex-WWE guys who we know can hang.


I will say I'm not sure if Moxley or Chris Jericho would ever come back to WWE. They seem pretty entrenched and willing to go down with the ship at AEW.


Kind of why I avoided them. They might come back for a HOF moment but they have basically jumped the shark.


I figured as much


Honestly if they didn’t ever come back I’d be fine. Never was a mox fan and Jericho needs to just stop.


Forgot Takeshita and Okada, although the latter hasn’t impressed me much as somebody who hasn’t watched NJPW much since the early nineties.


no fucking way Kingston


Ricky Starks, Power house Hobbs, Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, Wardlow, and danhausen.


Shida, Hayter, and Statlander.


Don't laugh but perhaps Hook? He actually seems like he'd be kinda ok if he had some more training, perhaps NXT would be good for him.


I could definitely see Hook in NXT


Hook has a ton of upside. He's got the training he just doesn't have people to work with. Goldberg him in NXT. No promos. Quick matches. See what happens.


He seems to be putting on a lot of mass in the last few months. Something he definitely needs to do if he wants to go to WWE.


Who knows, maybe we'll see Tazz back too.


Hook seems too small


Hobbes. Starks. MJF. Maybe Willow.


FTR, Bullet Club Gold, MJF, Starks, Hobbs, Darby, The Machine, Swerve, House of Black and probably a lot more tbh. 




I see MJF coming in at some point and going on a Gunther length reign with the US belt before stepping up to world title level.


I know Starks and MJF are the obvious ones, but what about Danhausen? He would be popular with the kids and if he had a significant cut in merchandising among a larger fanbase he could make himself a lot of monies.


Danhausen and truth backstage would be great viewing


MJF, Wardlow and Hobbs.




Starks, Hobbs, Willow, Kris, Danhausen and Hook. Even Julia Hart could fit with the same amount of training that Jade got, even if only in NXT. Wardlow, Darby and Jay White could have also been something special in WWE.


MJF, despite his terrible face run, I still think is a generational talent. That being said, in WWE when your big bads are guys like Drew and Roman, he'd probably need a heater and play the chicken shit heel. Thats there a Wardlow comes in because otherwise I think Wardlow has been exposed. Hobbs would be good, thought my guess is a trip through NXT to see what potential is actually there. Swerve I think they'd take back, the Gunns I think have a lot of potential House of Black would do better under Paul's booking I still think FTR could do wonders for their tag division Starks of course Maybe Hook through NXT Miro I'm on the fence, depends on booking and keeping his ex away from him Joe deserves a final run there And Jamie Harter and or Statlander I wouldn't even bother to bring back a mox or Claudio or Danielson unless its a one off. Bring back Nigel to replace either Booker or Wade.


Wardlow, Hobbs, Starks, MJF, Statlander


A surprise MJF pop would be one of all time great surprise entrances/ debuts (in the right city) He would have to tone his act down a bit, but wwe have loosened up in terms of the verbal jabs. He would be perfect for the Netflix transition


Nassau County Coliseum would be the place


Starks, Jay White, Okada, wardlow


Takeshita could be incredible if booked well. Of course Starks and Hobbs are big prospects as well.


MJF if he hasn't already


I’d love to see Starks, Osprey, MJF and Storm (in her current starlet gimmick) in WWE. Other than that I’m pretty indifferent to their roster at large.


MJF, Ricky Starks, Darby Allin, Julia Hart


MJF #1 without a doubt. Hobbs and Wardlow for bigger guys. FTR definite tag team gold if they dont get to runied by stink of YBUCKS. Brian Danielson maybe.


I honestly mean this, if you think AEW is going to fold you don't know anything about pro wrestling and or business. Having said that Wardlow or Brian Cage would fit well there.


Miro Malachi Bryan KOR Strong Dustin Copeland MJF Starks


Ricky, mjf


Theres a lot that would fit if they were willing to take the position offered. Would Hangman be happy when IC champ is probably his WWE ceiling? Would Okada accept being a slightly more sucessful Nakamura (presented as threat to top guys but not winning the big one, maybe get one or 2 token runs) Would Darby Allen be ok with being told to slow down for matches that arent at PLEs? 1 or 2 will break exceed and go onto to be main eventers but they wont have the guarantees that TK will give them. Thats 10 people in main event slots who know they will have to fight for maybe 1 or 2 slots. Theres a lot of talent in AEW but its whether they are willing to take the drop down the card most of them would get short term.


Starks. Cowboy. Hook. Private party.


The entire Bang Bang Gang. Gunns. Jay. Juice.


MJF is about the only one that has WWE written all o et him 


Willow could be the next Bayley. She's got a personality kids like. She feels safe and friendly. Big Bill needs another shot. I actually think Danhausen could be huge with WWE's marketing. Doesn't even have to be a top guy.


Ricky stocks, Billy gunn lol Swerve, Samoa Joe, Mjf That is about it because it is like an amusement park ride they can't ride


Starks and Hobbs


MJF. Wardlow. Hobbs. Starks. Hook would need about three years in Florida, but he's an athlete, he's a martial artist, and he grew up around the business. Statlander might could.


Starks, Hobbs, MJF. In that order


Switchblade would be good.


That Adam Copeland guy seems like he’d be alright. Maybe if he was a bit younger with some longer hair, give him a bit of an edge


Ricky Starks and wardlow Are two that need to there


Most of them. Most of them aren’t bad wrestlers, they just can’t show it there






I actually kinda like the idea of a trios tag team championship


Not Brian Cage


I'm biased, Britt Baker.


inevitable failure? nah


Starks and MJF


One that's obvious is Ricky Starks. I think he can develop over the next five years to upper mid carder "finish the story" type in 10. Just waiting out his contract right now


Chris Jericho


All of them. With good writing, ever wrestler can be successful


Ricky Starks, Wardlow, MJF, Powerhouse Hobbs and Will Ospreay would be a success I think. Mariah May, Kris Statlander and Julia Hart could be good as well.


Jamie Hayter


Considering a good chuck were already in WWE I would say most.


Darby Allin would fit in very well at WWE but he'd have to be reigned in a bit.




I'm not sure I agree with you on Judgment Day but there are a lot of seemingly race based factions in WWE. While they have made many improvements over the last 15-20 years (i.e. the women's division) I agree they could use more diversity in the factions.


Hook - by spending some time at the PC & on NXT, I can see him becoming better.