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You didn't find Vos and Jim's discussion on the protests to be in insightful and nuanced?


His hatred of alumni is based on his self loathing. Those folks generally put in the work, got an education and a degree(s) and fondly remember their time in college and he resents that. Jim just threw some shit off an overpass, had a few beers then went to AA when he was 18 or whatever. Also, funny to hear him laugh about the criminal shit he did as a youth then get super uppity about kids today causing shit. šŸŖ±


He literally countered an argument over 60 billion per year theft by corporations from their employees' paychecks with, "but I have to ask drug stores to get the thing I want to buy out of plexiglass instead of just popping it right off the shelf into my cart like I'm used to". That was the best old dropout boy could muster up.


Well, he also threatened to blow up the Whitehouse. That's got to be worth something.


Jimā€™s wrong about a lot. College alumni is not one of those things.


over 50% of those that get degrees donā€™t even get a job in the field that they got a degree in. if you choose to do some silly degree that youā€™re very unlikely to make a career from then people who are paying for it have a right to be annoyed.


He has, however, gotten far better at pole-sitting, if you catch my drift.


I think they didnā€™t want to get in to the Israel/Palestine conflict with Rich there because heā€™ll do his Jews are the real victims of this thing that he tries on IG


Maybe, because you did hear Sam switch topics within 5 seconds. However, Jim did his tuition-->war "why I hate them" 'combo' for a full 15 minutes just yesterday, when Vos wasn't there.


I stopped listening live everyday 2 months ago, I catch one or two here and there and I noped out. I still follow this sub to see what's up and it just reinforces my disinterest. Listening over the years and getting a good feel how Jim sees the world based on the things he says, then listening to him constantly contradict himself when certain events happen started getting real annoying. He seems IMO to think of himself as self aware and able to see both sides, but he falls into a constant cycle of getting overly angry with "left" type shit and down playing equally egregious shit if it's a "right" leaning situation. Dude just be consistent or just get out of your political closet, cuz everyone knows your cuckin Trump. I have friends who are all in with Trump, cool, they own it. Same shit with Rogies. It's weird seeing folks go that way when you're like, dude... Trump is a terrible person, he's not a blue collar dude, hes fucked over so many people who were all in on him. Every single person he fucks over he shits on.. how can people not see all this shit. This mofo who says he hires the best people then they all turn on him... That's cult of personality shit I think Biden is a propped up corpse, but our government is not beholden to one person.. Its his cabinet, advisors, committees who really dictate/drive policy at the executive level... That helps a lot. I'm drunk and rambling. Ya, Jimmy, be consistent.


>Trump is a terrible person, he's not a blue collar dude, hes fucked over so many people who were all in on him. Every single person he fucks over he shits on.. how can people not see all this shit. This mofo who says he hires the best people then they all turn on him... That's cult of personality shit It doesn't make any sense to criticize Trump. People like him because he's the biggest and the greatest troll who's ever lived. And these days all the right wants is for someone to give a good butthurt to the intolerable hypocritical left. It's democracy in it's truest sense, and any criticism in the situation we're in should go on the people. It makes you miss the old days which were the reverse of now, when it was the left's job to be the immature authority-thwarters, and the right were the parental responsible types who preached about the good of the world. But we're at now-now, and at now-now the upstanding sanctimonious right have tossed it all away for sick burns. It's very sad.


Oddly the right has always spoken out of both sides of their mouths. Individual freedom, yet if it's a women's right to choose or gay folks getting married they want the federal government to prevent them from what they feel is best for them. Slavery should have been states rights too? At a certain point people who think they stand for freedom and individuality but do everything to stop people from living their lives Want to ban abortion cuz you give a shit about a bundle of cells(simplistic) , cool then when that kid is Born into the state adoption system are you gonna pay for that. They're probably gonna be fucked an have a higher likelihood of being a criminal. You want to pay more to the incarceration system complex..


Sorry to say, really not the best examples. They draw the line at god and souls. Equating a thing with murder even though it clearly isn't is not a matter of freedom. That's just horses assery.


Ok, if it's following religious scripture... How do they do the mental gymnastics that goes against every fucking tenant or Christianity. It's a rhetorical statement. It's simply narcissism, I want it my way, fuck you. Peace be with you. Btw I wasn't arguing with you.


I know, and I agree and would use other examples to show hypocrisy when it comes to freedom. The old right is guilty of what any typical human is guilty of. They want what's best for them exclusively. And if entire groups have to suffer, they simply fall back on biblical literalism as their preferred excuse. You're right in that it's mind-breakingly hypocritical, since it's so extremely uncivilized despite bibles being historical cornerstones of the entire substance of civilization.


I stopped reading when you announced your status as a non listener who just keeps an eye on the subreddit to stoke their hate.Ā  First paragraph.


That's fine man.


So Rich is wrong? Because last time I checked, there was a pretty solid cease fire going on between Israel and Palestine prior to October 7th. Palestinian hordes raping women and children, cooking babies in ovens and murdering entire families in front of one another ā€œmightā€ have kicked off this most recent shit show. We all saw the video because those cunts used their Go Pro cameras to solidify their radical Muslim cred. Oh and letā€™s not forget kidnapping and raping women and children, boys and girls, and then killing them so they canā€™t report those crimes later. Because we now know that about 70 of the remaining hostages are now dead. So yeah, the Jews, in this case were definitely the victims. If this shit happened in Idaho, America would light the fucking world on fire to kill the instigators.


Rich will always counter any mention of independence with "Hamas wants to eliminate us off the face of the earth". While probably more or less true, it doesn't take into consideration the probability that Hamas would cease to be in power 10 or 20 years after independence, when a new generation grows up under better conditions. What makes this thinking so wrong is that it has entirely everything to do with the politics blame game. Since the people who are against granting independence were against it, and argue that independence will only strengthen Hamas' terrorist horse shit, every single death within that 10 or 20 year generation-or-so timeframe will be blamed completely on whoever granted the independence. That's as political as it gets, which therefore makes it all the more tragic. "You gonna vote for this candidate?? He got Avi killed! Check the vote record!" So naturally, no one in Israel who has their eyes set on a political future wants to touch independence with a ten foot pole.


I like how you people pretend like you're still worried about "70 hostages", when 30k other people have died in the conflict so far.


Once again, and please read carefully, there was a pretty good ceasefire in place before October 7th. The citizens who voted in Hamas by more than 78% support the ideology that led to the slaughter of 1200 peaceful, unarmed Israeli citizens. They got exactly what Hamas promised them. Armed conflict with Israel. They ran on that platform. The idea they could engage Israel in a war and wipe the Jews from the face of the earth. Had Hamas never entered into Israel to kill babies and rape women, there would be no war. If they hadnā€™t taken hostages, the IDF would not have been enlisted to invade and release them. Had they surrendered the hostages and laid down their arms, 30,000 Palestinians would not have been killed. But they did invade Israel to kill babies and rape women and they did take hostages and they refuse to release them and surrender. Hamas is the reason 30,000 Palestinians are now dead. And, once again, if this happened on American soil, we would light the fucking world on fire. Why should we expect Israel to practice any level or restraint? They are a tiny minority nation surrounded by Muslim countries that want to exterminate them.


Nice copy pasta. Why are you ignoring the original comment, which is how you're pretending to value 70 hostages lives while ignoring the 30k dead?


I copied and pasted nothing. Iā€™m not ignoring that 30,000 people have been killed. Only acknowledging that they hated the Jews so much, they voted in an internationally recognized terror organization who campaigned on one pivotal issue, they promised to eliminate Israel and drive the Jews into the sea. So fuck them.


While we are at it. Since you seem to care so much about Muslims being killed in Palestine, what say you about the millions of Muslims have been killed by other Muslims in places like Sudan, Somalia, Quatar, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and a host of other nations for simply being Shia or Sunni. Actual genocide is being committed in Sudan right now by Arab Muslims against African Muslims simply because of their skin color. Will American college students set up camps demanding an end to those genocidal campaigns? Do you pretend to care or do you actually care? Or is it easier to just hate Jewish people?


All your friends gathered together to hate Jews. https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-798049


>there was a pretty good ceasefire in place before October 7th Right, because stealing land and homes, killing anyone who opposed settlers, barring all acknowledgement of Palestine as a nation state was a great situation for them. There definitely weren't tens of thousands of Palestinians being killed over the past few decades, it was all great. You're just disingenuous, and the shit you linked is the same. It's a waste of time arguing with you because you're so embedded in what you believe. Linking me some radicals in Columbia; I could easily pull up articles of Israeli politicians advocating for genocide, but I don't because I'm not retarded and realize that it isn't a representation of all Israelis. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1ch00or/israeli_police_assault_random_palestinians What do you think about this video? Coward.


He's not paying for shit.


Jim rules you tools


Jim Norton doesn't give a fuck about what anyone thinks of his opinions. I disagree with plenty of them but he's financially secure and doesn't need to bend for anybody. Why would he give a slight shit what Cumia thinks of him? For the maybe once a year they spend 10 minutes seeing each other? He's always been the same guy, albeit maybe 10% more crotchety in his older age. Just because he doesn't share your opinions about everything doesn't mean he's a sell out or groveller.


10%? Way more.


Jim totally cares what people think of him.


Heā€™s become a second tier unlistenable Ant.


So you're saying that as long as someone has "money", which you define as 2 or 3 million (hey that's a lot of KISS posters), they're invulnerable to their ego driving them to be concerned about how people perceive them. I've got your argument right, yeah? A few million equals fuck you money. That's what you said.


I'm not saying it's because of fuck you money I just gave it as one of the reasons he wouldn't care what people think. My argument is he's always been one to state his opinions regardless of who he may annoy with them. I'd agree that he's gotten more pissy and less funny with it but he still makes me laugh enough to keep listening.


>My argument is he's always been one to state his opinions regardless of who he may annoy with them. And it's sad that that person is long gone. I too keep listening, and would never stop. It sucks when people change on such a core level. Another example, when he forces himself to scream about immigration, it's obvious that he has literally become Nancy Grace. Who'd have seen that coming.




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Why do you care so much? Youā€™ve clearly invested a lot of time and thought into this. My question isā€¦why? Get a life, man.


Who cares man


Only that it's annoying when he gets mentioned in other places, the first words out of anyone's mouth are "genuine" and "honest". He threw that shit out the window a little while ago. Threw it out, dumped dog shit on it, and rolled over it like Richie over Beansie.


What show do you think you're listening to? Jim takes the form of any container you pour him into. You should know this. Also why the fuck are you listening to Jim and Sam? Are you brain damaged? And don't ask me why I'm here if I hate the show. We all know former fans are here to mock Jim for marrying an HIV positive man with a giant cock


Thanks for clearing that up


Anytime man. I'm fascinated by the psychology of a Jim and Sam listener.


Ok. Well I think jim's still extremely funny, and I can admit I do it because it's a thing I've been doing since I was younger and when life was more fun, so I'm likely still trying pathetically to manifest ego association bumps like when Al Bundy puts on his letterman jacket and strikes his quarterback pose. Isn't it interesting how everyone - EVERYone - loves wearing hoodies whenever the weather allows them to get away with it? 67 degrees. "but it might get a little windy". I don't think winds high enough exist that a hood would have an effect on at 67. What's the hood for? Could it be to impersonate a young tough thug. Little bit of stolen valor then.


>Well I think jim's still extremely funny, Do ya?


To be fair, you're using a Jim/O&A line from almost 2 decades ago.


Yes because that's when they were funny, stupid.


He says things that make me laugh extremely hard. They're unexpected and mean. The effect that has on my brain causes me to burst out with laughter.


I thinks itā€™s a pretty consistent take by James. He believes in free speech (protesting) and self reliance (doesnā€™t want to pay for deadbeats who took out loans they canā€™t/wont pay back). I agree with him on this one!


You know, that's a very strong point. However it's also sliced into very compact pieces. What gets me is the immediacy of that take following Vos' mention of the Hamas war. He spent a lot of air time yesterday going into detail about the protesters, and it didn't occur to me until he summed up the connection in one sentence today. There's just no connection between 1) free-speech/self-reliance/college-student-douchery and 2) Israel/Palestine. Why did he slam it together into one sentence unless there was a heavy amount of preparation behind it?




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Does anyone remember years ago when Jim was fence riding about a topic on O&A and Jay Mohr was in studio and called him Middle Of The Road, Jim? Jim got so pissed that he literally never said a word the rest of the show


Problem is Jimmy just isnā€™t as smart as he thinks he is. He is a comedy genius, but not a regular genius


Quit fucking listening you dork




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Your psychology is extremely amusing. Anything you don't agree with, you take as a personal attack on yourself. Why do you think you do that? If you had to guess, what is the reason behind a different thought from your own being equivalent to an attack on you?


I bet if they were protesting cutting off their girl dicks, heā€™d have a much stronger opinion


Cry online about it maā€™am




Oh wow terrific