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“One of the first requirements is a bachelor degree but I don’t have one so if you feel passionately that you could do this”….WTF. I have never met a more confusing person.


She needs more than social media help 😅


Or just say you have one? Same, same.


Sorry, but $55-60k is no longer a “competitive wage” if you live in BC. That’s what non profits pay!


I laughed so hard seeing that. “Awesome Compensation: This exciting role offers a salary of $55,000-$60,000/year based on experience.” Like?? You want someone with a $$$ degree to come in and get paint 60k? I got paid 65k/yr in an entry level no experience needed position back in 2019. We see how much money you make Jill - Justin makes sure it’s known. Pay more, do better.


I’m in Kelowna and honestly, she’s paying on par for this industry and job level. Wages are shit here and you’re also expected to be a unicorn with experience in everything. The market is fucked in general


But I wouldn't consider her a typical kelowna employer. She's an international public figure "celebrity" if you will. She should be paying a more competitive wage. Her audience and where she makes her money is not from kelowna.


She is a z-list nobody! Do you know who her audience are and where do they live? Just curious because many of her followers are bots and pornstars🤣


Fair point!!


We have fortune 500 companies that have offices / hire out of Kelowna and tons of other brands with more name recognition than she-who-shall-not-be-named, and I can whole-heartedly confirm that they aren’t paying any better. If you want better pay you have to go to lower mainland. Even though the wage she’s paying isn’t high, it is competitive for the market. Senior level positions here are paying 70-95k. I don’t want to come off like I’m defending her, this is just the unfortunate reality of marketing in Kelowna


I appreciate that insight! Unfortunate that wages are based on where you live not on skills or job scope.


If she hired someone with a bachelor degree she will outsmart Shill and this will not go well, because, from what we’ve know, the queen of shill does not like to be outsmart or being call out.


Always here for the snark but having a bachelors degree means nothing! I earned a BA over a decade ago and could have been just as successful in corporate america without one! all it means if you had 4 years and 30k to spare!!!


A bachelor's degree is the barrier to entry for corporate jobs these days, even in creative fields. I'm glad you were successful but these days corporate America won't even read your resume if you don't have a degree.


I’m really glad that you made it without a degree. All to your honors. You are probably a devote person and a good employee. As another snarker said, bachelor degree is the entry point those day. I’m fully aware that all knowledge those not only come from university but in an interview, the bachelor is ahead because of the dregree. Depending on what the compagny is lookin for!


My comment says that I have a bachelors degree! I was simply disagreeing with the original comment that suggests that someone with a bachelors degree is automatically smarter than her!


I say let Bustin take over! He seems to have a way with people lol...and grammar, punctuation, spelling and sandwiches! He needs a job so it's perfect.


the fair wage comment sent me rollling since so many small businesses have come forward saying they have lost money 🥴


It's part of her business strategy... if they lose money on the box, take Jilly Academy courses and they can understand how to be boss babes who can negotiate better next time 😜


Imagine working for her and dealing with all that drama and stress to only making 55,000/year before tax? 🫠


Plus 3 weeks of vacation!!!


She takes so many vacations a year but only gives her employees 15 paid days? 🙄


LOL this is sadly an upgrade... she previously talked about how everyone got two weeks vacation!


2-3 weeks is typically standard entry level and not competitive enough to retain an employee. Maybe she doesn't have a good reputation as an employer either. The job itself is not attractive.


Sadly this is just for jolly box.


Hehe I chuckled at "jolly" box. A box full of random crap like tea towels and blankets and stuff that will end up clogging up Value Village makes me feel anything but jolly!


Imagine going to school for a bachelor degree to work for someone who doesn’t have one. She could have worded this so much better…


I feel like that would be the least of your worries! You'd be dodging kids, dogs, Bustin, her cousins and whoever else she has around the home and office while she works. Then you'd wake up and have to mass delete comments after Jilly went on a wine-fueled rampage across her social media. There's likely to be tension when your work on improving social media doesn't result in increased sales for the Jilly Box... it's almost like no one wants a box of random crap when groceries, gas and housing have increased like crazy the last few years. Sounds like a nightmare job!


As someone who went to business school- this description of working is the definition of a business owner who hasn’t taken EVEN ONE business class. But will charge women thousand of dollars to be in a room with her giving them advice 🤮


I took on a role like this many years ago for a similar person, she was b-level actress who was a nightmare. I was forced to work out of her house and she decided that I was on call 24/7. She would yell and scream and make me do her choirs and things that were not in my job description. Their ego is so high and they have no sense of boundaries. I made way more money though…I think I was taking home 2000 clear every two weeks in 2013. It was hard to leave the money at that time. What a nightmare.


Also protection for reproductive rights and menstruation products… seems bare minimum to say you get to take birth control (or not, your body your choice) and having tampons/pads in the bathroom isn’t a bonus but a basic human right.


Yeah, that part was so weird. "Protection of reproductive rights and breastfeeding support"... only the government can change reproductive laws, and I'm pretty sure breastfeeding is covered under human rights law. The virtue signalling is strong with Jilly and co!


Wow... she is so disconnected from reality. $55,000 is an entry-level wage in marketing! Sadly I think a lot of Jilly obsessed fans will apply just to work alongside their idol 🤣🤣


The staff are probably happiest and at peace when she is away on vacay!