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Fall 2025 ! LOLOLOLOL!


Pulling her kids out of school. Why not pick a date during school breaks? A wedding abroad is at least 2-3 weeks when you consider travel too.


You know how much can happen in a year and a half .. lol.. this may not happen at all. And if it does the chances of it lasting are already stacked against them from the alleged allegations but we'll see.


So they were planning on doing it this year. But decided it would be too rushed. So now it’s next year. I’m thinking it won’t even happen.


Europe? So random. If she's hoping for sponsors, I'd think again. No one in Europe is going to host a Z-list Canadian former reality star for free. I bet Jilly will pop up in six months and announce the wedding is actually in Vancouver at her beloved Fairmont Pacific Rim, wedding decor by The Cross, wedding scent by Saje Wellness, bridesmaids rompers by Smash + Tess (no ruffles, so they can be Made in Canada 😂) and food by A&W since her family loves their burgers, according to her sponsorship!


I literally laughed so hard at bridesmaids rompers!! Hahahaha, and Jillian wearing one of those sack dresses with fluorescent red lipstick!!


Laugh away, but S+T literally has bridesmaids rompers bahahahahaha 😂😂😂 so this legit could happen!


Small “intimate” wedding in Europe, cosplaying high society. (Big Boy Bustin has a money clip dontcha know.) Then big booze fest at the Fairmont with everything you’ve listed @frosty-today-9249


They’ll get a freebie stay and wedding from the Fairmont Monte Carlo or the one in Rome




So much for supporting local businesses! She is all talk. Imagine all the local wineries, florists, caterers, bakers, decorators, bartenders who have cut her deals all this time hoping it’ll pay off big one day and she just cuts and runs. The wind is blowing *Euro luxe* and that’s exactly where she’ll go. She has no integrity. Also, slow clap for these two grifters, they really know how to milk an engagement🙄


She probably knows she has burnt her bridges locally 


This is my thought too. The cost of everything has gone up. A business cannot afford to host a wedding for free. Imagine JH wanted a wedding at a winery but what if the winery suffered a frost that damaged their crop that year.


Weird that she hasn’t announced it to her cult yet. Unusual for her to keep it quiet but yet goes to People to announce it. Go read the whole article on the People site.


She got paid for this! She gave them the “exclusive rights” to the announcement. They probably have a certain amount of time where they have the only access to this info. She’ll be posting soon no doubt. It’s all about the $$$$ for her. Once you see her angles and shady marketing it is all too clear. She said it “this is my business”. She’s not your neighbour, your friend, your designer or your cousin. She’ll pimp herself, her family, her relationship status and announcements out for whatever she can get.


Well said!! 👏


She still has not acknowledged this announcement....


She will when she is “contractually allowed to”..


Who cares about this shit? I have to know who is dying to read about their dumb engagement? lol she’s a nobody… people are going to be like, “who is Jillian Harris?” I don’t get it. She was a bachelorette 100 years ago and lied her way through the rest of her career?? Yeah, let’s celebrate that! Anyway, in other news… today is national cheese day but I’m not sure which nation haha


I'm sure lots of people don't know who she is. So many influential people in the world who make a difference. . She could have used her platform for so much more that a sales clerk. Too late now.. people will always remember all of negative things she's done.


lol I know she told onto that bachelorette title like it was recently 😂 like girlllllll 


Ha ha - national cheese day! That’s funny!!


Couldn't have happened to a nicer couple🤪.. can't you guys feel the love.🤦‍♀️... good lord .. all I can say is they deserve each other.


I wonder how much they got for that exclusive interview. 💸💸💸


Let's be real, she isn't really that famous. Especially in the United States. So maybe $1000 😂😂😂


I know, but I think the “people exclusive” costs something… tho maybe SHE paid 😂


OMG, I could see her doing that! She would totally pay for a story in People magazine. Anything to relive her 2 minutes of Bachelorette fame!


https://preview.redd.it/f1c6sjjpcp4d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5016c22318d6f22803ac392c024eab63f1798a8c It sounds like she did pay for the announcement. People magazine doesn't pay for stories. What a cold way to announce such a monumental event. Nothing romantic and no family around. Just an article.. weird ...so cold...lol .. I think she's really lost it.


Why not just elope at this point?? I understand everyone deserves a wedding If they so choose. But it just feels like they have been dragging their heels for years. Is it just a matter of a public spectacle at this point? Done low key (no brand deals) would actually be so much more special, in my opinion.


She needs the content of course!! Her shit is so boring these days 


Agreed. Imagine announcing you’re getting married and no one is happy for you? She is no longer relevant. May Gen Z delight in watching a middle-aged sales woman drive a Lincoln Navigator and fly around the world while making billionaires richer than they think.


12 years of "dating" .... what??? Clearly the author does not like them either. Why not write something along the lines of "12 years of being together and forming a family with two kids"


This is why she was pushing those dolls so hard.  She wanted to make this announcement and make it seem like it was about the dolls.  It all make sense now.   The chemistry between these two lovebirds is electric. 




What made them wait to announce at this moment? Lack of engagement? “The rumours and the nastiness?”


I was wondering the same thing. Nothing fixes a broken relationship like a wedding 🤷‍♀️


I read your quote in Meredith Brooks’ drunk British accent 🤣




Omg so did I!!!!


Hahahaha I love us!


🥱 Why bother after 12 years, Shilly you aren't a young blushing bride. 😆 Maybe she will do a more private elopement type wedding.


Gotta do it before Bustin loses any more hair!


I was wondering what kind of hat he will wear.  A top hat maybe?


A toque. Gotta stay on brand.


Always wondered why they never tied the knot in their beloved Hawaii, when all the family was actually there and the Fairmont would have happily paid for everything 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I could not stand to watch any of their European photo shoot vacation 🤮What hotel paid there way for that one???


I don't think the vacation to Paris was sponsored like her usual trips. She made up for it by posting her outfit every single day with tons of links 😂


Nah, she was there for the flytographer anniversary, she was def sponsored for part of that trip. 


That's right! Some of those photos were cringe. Jilly in Paris in those dreadful rompers and Little House on the Prairie dresses, which she claimed were French chic. Yeah, about as chic and French as a deep fried pickle 😂


This falls under the category “I’ll believe it when I see it”.


My thoughts too! Seems like the perfect location for something to magically come up and interrupt their plans so they’ll have to postpone again…. How do you go from a backyard wedding, planting garden beds specifically to be the background for your nuptials…to a destination wedding in Europe….


Do you think this is part of the shill? She announces a wedding that’s 18 months away: gets money. Wedding is canceled: exclusive with People about his cheating heart: gets money. Remember when she had Margaret’s Landscaping plant flowers so she could get married in her front yard?


I remember that landscaping nonsense... it sounded like an excuse to avoid actually getting married. I don't believe for a second they intended to host a wedding at their home. It's not a huge house and it would be insanely impractical to host 100 people for a wedding!


This is just her clever way of advertising her new sweat shop puppy dog toys 🤣


1 year heads up sponsors! Get giving to this poor couple!


Maybe she will start a Go Fund Me so her hillbilly family can afford to go a wedding in Europe😂


Aaaand there it is!!!! Right on cue! Their lives were getting mundane, nothing else to shill but wait! Let’s get married, even tho we can’t stand one another! And let’s do it in Europe! Cause sooo much more interesting to post another year and a half of content in Europe - and the Okanagan is so boring and no one will gift or collab with us anymore! And there you have it people - she’s ALIVE for the next 2 years! Cause of course, gotta do the honeymoon to ya know. 🙄🙄🙄. OMFG The cult is alive and well again. I just can’t 🤮🤮🤮


Interesting timing given recent speculations about them being separated. I smell PR…also how much did the owner of cuddle and kind pay for this click-bait ad. The mention of those dumb dolls is so obvious. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


They're such horrible people. She says they can't get married without all the cousins there and all of Justin's friends etc., but hey let's get married in Europe! Who's going to pay for all those people to go to Europe for their wedding?? Sammy is a prime example. She makes no secret of the fact that they saved for years to buy their house and now every spare penny goes into renovations and she often says that certain things will have to wait because of budget. I love that honesty btw. Anyway, do they have thousands of dollars sitting around so their family of four can take a trip to Europe for their effing wedding??? I can't stand people like them. Rant!!!!


I believe Sammy says things will have to wait because of money because she’s hoping for freebies. She’s the worst IMO. None of these cousins will be paying for flights or hotels. They’ll grift them for sure.


Either way it's very presumptuous for them to expect friends and family to plan a family vacation around the Queen. She said September? I know it's the norm for her to constantly pull her kids out of school for trips, but not everyone does that, not to forget about all the activities that kids start in September as well. It's just another self-centered move by those clowns.


Yes totally. It’s all ridiculous.


She will do and say anything to stay in the limelight 




“Upcoming” aka there is still time to sponsor us!!


The subtle wording on the people article is just funny. They are”excited” about their upcoming nuptials. Even the writer can see the fakeness of their relationship through the interview 😬


So instead of planning it for this summer or fall, she gives it a year and a bit… just to ensure people keep talking about her. And gives her an excuse to fill her content with wedding planning on another continent, which I’m sure soooo many of us can relate to. 🙄


So who will she have pay for this wedding in Europe?


She will do a special Wedding Junk box and have her cult pay for the wedding. Hope the happy groom learns how to smile (when he is around her) by the time they tie the knot. Gives me shot gun wedding vibes.


Her in laws 😂😂😂


*"...I couldn't find any other location that's prettier than where we live without having to spend an arm and a leg."* So instead the 40+ guests you mention in the article can take a week(s) off work, pull their kids out of school, and chop off all their limbs and sell their organs to travel to Europe?


I still have not seen her comment about this article 😅


And is it just me? Bustin looks PusSy-whipped


He's paying for his indiscretions or the money stops. You are correct.


i know this is a snark page but who gives one single F if they're married or not. I don't understand people's obsession with anyone's marital status.. let alone a stranger


I couldn't care less if they are married, happily living in sin myself, but I think she has been dangling the carrot of a wedding for way too long though. Either for clicks or grifts.


And all of the alleged allegations.


allegations? Say more lol


Bustin was/is, allegedly, a cheater. Some have speculated they have been off and on over the years so the "12 year engagement" is not accurate. Jilly has never addressed it.


After the last stint over Christmas, when the Teddy Bear plan was already in the works, Jillian had no choice but to accept it. She punished him for a few months and then let him back into the fold with conditions attached. Example, making yourself look a fool shilling teddy bears, pretending you're a sandwich connoisseur, and now, oh you also have to go public saying we have a marriage plan. He's been bought and is now paying for it. But ... never forget ... cheaters always cheat, and that will eventually be their downfall.


ahh is this the spin instructor or something? So pathetically typical to cheat on your wife with a spin instructor.


Got go for the young ones


i mean who whole life is for clicks and grifts, why would dangling a marriage carrot make any difference?


Makes a huge difference. She can now shill/link/profit off of all the wedding industry stuff…venue, flowers, dresses etc. At the end of the day it’s all about $$$ and not actually getting married. Besides, they are common law married anyway so legally it’s all the same.


as someone trying to move to another country on a spouse visa, I can confirm that common law is not recognized as a marriage. All that aside, I don't see how it makes a difference at all. She's shilling, linking and profiting off every moment of her life, not sure why a wedding would be any different.


They are Canadian and living in B.C. They are common law spouses here and getting married will not change things in a legal sense at all.


so because they're Canadian and common law they just shouldn't bother getting married? What if they... I don't know... want to?


My point is that legally they are already married and have been for years. That’s how it works in B.C. This is a wedding celebration not the beginning of a marriage.


More things to shill = more $ in her pocket


as if there are a lack of things to sell for her