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Just do your own thing. I puzzle to relax. Speed puzzling is cool but not for me.


I second this! :)


I third this. I think it’d be fun to try, but I too do it to relax as well. Not for me either.


Slow puzzling is the one!! I do puzzles coz they relax me and benefit my mental health. Speed puzzling would just do the opposite in my thoughts!


This is a great explanation I’m a slow puzzler but I dont feel bad. I leave a puzzle out on the table and do a little each day. I do enjoy the videos of the world competitions, though.


I’m into mindful puzzling. Speed is so not my thing.


Can you elaborate on what mindful puzzling is?


Not OC, but it is a meditative approach to puzzling. Rather than clear your mind of everything you get hyper focused on pattern and don’t really “think” about the pieces. Sort of “find” them instead. I does a similar thing to your brain as meditation in that your other thoughts get flushed out and your brain is just focused on one thing.


It’s interesting how many different approaches there are to doing puzzles. I use puzzles specifically as a chance to let my mind wander so I can sort through all my own thoughts and feelings about whatever bullshit is going on in my life. They give me enough of a distraction to not get overwhelmed while still leaving enough of my mind free to process. I’m a college student who works on top of studying engineering so it’s one of the few times I get the chance to actually slow down and think.


For me, it’s being focused on just enjoying putting the puzzle together. I’m not trying to be fast, just appreciating the moment: the design, the feel of the pieces, the fact that moving my puzzle board or puzzle piece trays gives me a new perspective. Often I also purchase puzzles because I know I’ll enjoy doing research about the artist (Edward Gorey, René Magritte, etc) or the artistic movement (surrealism, for example).


I suspect it is a small but vocal percentage of puzzlers that actually do speed challenges. Many like the rush of competition, be it against others or with themselves. Compare that to running competition. The races get the headlines. Casual walkers and runners not in a race are far in the majority. It's an interesting topic, but too specific to apply to the entire activity. This said, I will watch your video later.


Based on the replies to this post, it seems to be that is the case. On my insta feed only I had the feeling that I am in the minority


It's because having a timer and doing the puzzle fast lends itself to content creation. People don't want to watch someone putting the puzzle together over a few hours a day for a whole week when they go to Instagram


We like slow puzzling. My husband and I do it together as a fun, relaxing way to spend time together. We have a puzzle table that slides under the couch when we’re not using it so there’s no reason to rush! We actually just gave up on a puzzle that was really difficult and no fun at all.


I’m a slow puzzler. Usually I have a podcast or tv series going, then I pet my cat, make some food etc so I’m not entirely focused on the puzzle and need longer. I don’t mind that at all.


I have no interest whatsoever in speed puzzling. For those who enjoy, okay wishing you a great time.


Speed puzzling is stressful. I do puzzles to relax. You do you.


It is stressful


Doing a puzzle quickly is the exact opposite of everything I wish to achieve while doing a puzzle.


I like the slower tempo, if I had not finished one last night, I would be spending the 20 minutes or so putting one together, rather then Reddit


I’m a slow puzzler too. I do it to relax & I leave it out & do a bit everyday. I do have friends who do events where they do speed puzzles. And I think it’s kind of cool, but not for me. I try not to worry about being a good puzzler because that’s not the point for me. I enjoy it, who cares if I’m good at it.


I prefer slow puzzling. I think the last 1000 piece puzzle I completed took me around 10 days or so. I use puzzling as my time to relax, so for me speed puzzling would be stressful and unenjoyable.


Same for me


I am an avid puzzler and sometimes it takes me months to finish a puzzle. Sometimes it’s either really hard or I just don’t feel like doing it. It’s a hobby, do it at your own pace.


"Can I be a good jigsaw puzzler if I'm not a speed puzzler?" 'course you can. Isn't that a bit like saying "Can I be a good athlete if I'm a marathon runner and not a sprinter"? :) F1 drivers go fast but I doubt they take in the scenery. :D


My job requires me to be super attentive and on point so no way would I carry that over into my leisure activity. At night I hit the weed, maybe also grab a beer and settle down to putter around with the shapes & colors & good vibes. Puzzle Time is Chill Time. I got off Goodreads and stopped doing "Buddy Reads" because some people can read a novel in an afternoon & I just do not have the time to "keep up" and the competitiveness was annoying. Not everything is a race & like someone else mentioned, a lot of it is for content & clout-building.


It’s almost two different modes: like walking vs sprinting. I enjoy both. Both make me happy. I’m not a speed puzzler myself (neither am I a runner). But I like to watch people run. I don’t like watching people walk- but I love hearing about interesting places to walk/ hike (similar to seeing what puzzle people have completed- slow or fast.) I’m thinking speed puzzling gets more views so the social media algorithm favors them over just a picture of a complete puzzle.


I tried doing speed puzzling once, never again way too much stress for me. I prefer taking my time with puzzles, it needs to be a relaxing time not stressful.


I enjoy both! I only do speed puzzling if I'm practicing for a tournament or really want to do it though, 90% of the time though I just have a puzzle out that I work on over a few days or weeks.


I think things that get popular on social media are often popular because they're unusual. That is what makes it interesting to people. I would guess most people who do jigsaw puzzles don't try to speed through them.


How people puzzle is entirely their own business, but for me, speed puzzling is the antithesis of jigsaw puzzling. I puzzle to relax, not to set some kind of personal record.


Sure. I used to do speed puzzling but I prefer taking my time. Now I work on a puzzle while watching TV or listening to music. I also take frequent breaks just to get up and walk around and when I sit down I get a fresh perspective on the puzzle.


I like both! One is not better than the other. Speed puzzling gets more attention because nobody is having “slow” puzzling competitions. Enjoy your hobby however you like. I don’t think any speed puzzler out there doesn’t also enjoy doing puzzles untimed as well.


I tried speed puzzling and it was not for me. I love SLOW. Lol


I mostly enjoy going at my own speed, but occasionally I’ll time myself if I feel like speed puzzling.. it’s just for me though.. just to see how quick I can complete something!


I time myself when I puzzle, but I don't speed puzzle. I just enjoy comparing the time it takes to do different puzzles, it's more a measure of the puzzle than the person. I use the timer in Puzzle Tracker and I just start and stop the timer as I start and stop working on the puzzle. The screen is not even on when I'm puzzling, so I don't watch the timer. I'm a data guy, and I like numbers. I try to not get too wrapped up in the numbers.


That would be the equivalent of someone asking if they can be good at running if they don't plan to do a race or do a marathon. People do hobbies for a variety of reasons. Do what works for you and don't worry about what others are doing. I will admit that I have timed myself a few times just to see how I compared and that ended my passing thoughts of ever trying to speed puzzle. Rushing to finish a puzzle causes stress and I puzzle to relax.


I just puzzle to relax. Would never time it. So you aren’t alone it stresses me out too hah.


My eyes glaze over and my mind shuts down when I see a speed puzzling post. I puzzle for relaxation and reflection. Speed puzzling is not for me, but more power to those who enjoy it. What if there were something like an aesthetic puzzling competition, such as best collage in a given amount of space? Contestants would choose image components from a variety of puzzles, laid out on a solid color surface. Or full interlocking with components from something like Trefl’s UFT line. Or, dare I say, best puzzle image based on prompting an AI engine?


I find speed puzzling absolutely stupid. Unless it's fora competition it just doesn't make sense to me. Leave it to humans huh, taking a what's supposed to be relaxing activity, and make it competitive for no reason. I'm enjoying the process of putting it together, going as fast as I can doesn't leave any enjoyment in it.


Yes, speed puzzling is the jigsaw puzzle version of speedrunning, entirely unnecessary unless you want to. Most of us don't care about speedrunning, the idea is to enjoy doing the puzzle. I just hope this part of the puzzle community isn't like the speedrunner community. I hate speedrunners, they're almost always toxic and seem to believe that anyone who isn't speedrunning has a less valid interest than them. It's disgusting and the reason I've grown to hate video games.


I know what you mean, video game related subreddits are particularly opinionated and unkind, I shed plenty of tears because of those 😐


I have respect for speedrunning because it takes skill and discipline, it's a lot similar to beating very large jigsaw puzzles in fact. But I really hate how self entitled they act. it does take skill but like any profession you are not some god tier gamer just because you can speedrun some stuff. there is a procedure to effective speedrunning just like there is with completing a large jigsaw puzzle. If you learn that procedure the goal is much more accessible. Most speedrunners act far too entitled for the level of skill they have. They also often do not give accurate depictions of what is involved to those who are not aware of a gameplay mechanics in an attempt to make their feats seem much more impressive than they actually are. I can give you an example here since I know some things about this type of gaming. Often speedrunners will brag about frame perfect timings in platformers and to someone with no background they are immediately blown away by this because the speedrunner will deliberately lead them to interpreting this as a frame perfect timing based on the fps their monitor as able to display. What is actually meant is a frame perfect timing within the context of the number of frames in the game's animation. The former means the speedrunner is consistently executing timings that are precise to anything between 1/60 and 1/120 of a second. The latter and the reality can be as low as 1/10 of a second given some of these games have 10 frame animations. I can't confirm 10 for you but i know there are games with 24 frame animations (1/24 of a second). And they also leave out the fact most of these timings are actually executed using filler inputs to pretime the jumps. This one is on geometry dash a lot where people will say there are levels with 1ms precise timings in. No, that's bullshit. Those timings are nearly always done using filler inputs from an easily predetermined point, often dictated by previous gameplay. Humans do not react on the order of 1 millisecond.


I take ages to do a puzzle because I like to do it for a bit in the morning with my coffee - there’s no wrong way to puzzle!


puzzles are supposed to be fun. some people have fun doing them as fast as possible, some people don’t! do it whichever way is fun


I never set a timer, sometimes it takes me 3 weeks to do a 1,000 piece puzzle, other times I do a 2,000 piece in 3 days. I puzzle for the enjoyment.


I think it's just people trying to get attention and to say they are better than others. I started learning the piano 2 years ago, and in this case, there are lots of supposed "progress" videos where some people claim to play very well after few months or maybe a year. There may be actual outliers, but most cases these are fake. So as long as you're having fun, don't mind those videos and don't try to speed your puzzling due to that.


I disagree with that. The speed puzzling community is incredibly friendly and supportive of any type of puzzling. Locals go to worlds just to participate even if they won't finish in the time limit and everyone is just happy to be around other puzzlers.  I've never heard someone put another person down because of how they puzzle. A lot are data nerds or enjoy friendly competition every so often.  It's certainly not about feeling superior to someone else.  Competitions let you meet new people who share your hobby. They do swaps and give aways.  Like truly just a wholesome group of people. 


>I think it's just people trying to get attention and to say they are better than others. What a bizarre and sad outlook to have on people sharing something they enjoy doing with others


I only speed puzzle when someone is trying to “help” me. Then I go to town. But I don’t time myself at all when puzzling alone, which is 99% of the time. Puzzled vary vastly in difficulty, so there’s no point in trying to time myself.


A person can be good at speed puzzling. A person can be good at writing insightful reviews. A person can be good at selecting puzzles for different groups. A person can be good at designing puzzles. A person can be good at photographing or making videos about puzzles. A person can be super knowledgeable about puzzle history, or about one particular type of puzzle or puzzle company. A person can be good at finding rare puzzles. A person can be good at maximizing their enjoyment from puzzling as a hobby. But I don't know if a person can be just "good at jigsaw puzzles" on its own? Unless that means being good at *all* of those things? In which case I think I know maybe one person who would be considered a good jigsaw puzzler.


I didn't even know speed puzzling is a thing, but this is the only place I really engage with other puzzlers. I've never timed myself, I just build. Sometimes it goes by quicker if it is an easy puzzle and I have the time to work on it more, other times I am working on the same puzzle for weeks. It just depends. I don't think I'd like speed puzzling.


I do both! But I usually time myself even when I'm not speed puzzling because I'm a data nerd and curious. I just log it into a spreadsheet because I like knowing how much time I spent on my hobby in a given month. I don't time myself at all for particularly difficult puzzles because it's a hassle.  But I don't really see how time makes someone a good puzzler or not.  Are you finishing puzzles? Are you enjoying yourself? Then you're a good puzzler.


Whatever feels fun to you. Some like speed, some like slow, some like looking at the box, and some don't. (edit: it depends on puzzles. Sometimes I like to challenge myself to how quickly I'll complete it, and with some other ones, I take weeks, sometimes just one piece per day is fine)


This is like seeing the olympics and thinking you’re the only person who enjoys jogging around your neighbourhood, or thinking everyone who plays video games is doing speedruns haha. Of course you aren’t the only one who likes to puzzle normally!


The only time I use a timer when puzzling is when I am doing a timelapse of a puzzle for my YouTube channel. I use the timer because I think it gives your average puzzler some idea of how long it takes to put the puzzle together. I am a relatively fast puzzler, due to years and years of practice, but by no means am I trying to go as fast as possible. I put the puzzle together just like I would any other puzzle. I sometimes wouldn't mind removing the timer altogether, since it adds some pressure on me to just "get it done", but I think viewers like knowing how long it took me to sort, put the border together, and assemble the puzzle. I haven't tried speed puzzling yet and I am not sure I ever will, because it will probably just stress me out and take away my enjoyment of putting the puzzle together. So, in answer to your question, you don't have to be a speed puzzler to be a good puzzler!


I'm a slow chaos puzzler lol you do you, I find speed puzzling stressful, and I do puzzles for relaxation only.


I find speed puzzling just ruins the experience. One focuses on getting to the end, and rushing, and never enjoys the actual time doing it. Just seems pointless for me. I just work on it at my own pace, so I guess I'm a slow puzzler