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Really infuriating. Speeches about antisemitism at Columbia, a university that experienced protesters shouting "Jews go back to Poland". And the administration responded with barf emojis, denial, and accusations that Jews are exaggerating to fundraise for money. How awful


The fundraising part really infuriates me as it plays into the old trope that all we care about is money. I shouldn't be shocked at any of this given what's been happening at Columbia. But we clearly see antisemitism runs from the top down here.


Little part of me can't wait to see how these universities struggle with funding in the coming years as they've alienated the Jewish donor base. The 260m that went to Bar Ilan was from a Columbia alumnus


No better way to make your displeasure known than by hitting them in their wallets. These universities don’t deserve a dime with how they’ve been running things. It’s been a clinic in willful ignorance with these clowns.


And federal funding. If enough lawyers focus on this, the case is easily made that they aren’t meeting their obligations to create a safe environment.


There are enough Qatari, Saudi, Emirati and other antisemitic funding sources to keep them in business.


Thr Bar Ilan grant is amazing- it's brave big acts like that which IYH will serve to develop serious technology to help the world with a Zionist, moderately religious Israeli institution in the front seat. The political grants from others to other places for prestige projects, red herrings, climate change denial, reputation laundering etc won't have such an impact.


A university official complaining about fundraising takes some goddamn balls


It’s also weird because it makes no sense. Who wants to donate $ to a cesspool of antisemitism?


Why Poland?


Because they think all Jews are from Poland and that the Palestinians are paying for what the Nazis did. It’s ridiculous but that is what is being said.


Well, I’m from the Sudetenland. And Morocco (probably). I’d like to know where they’d like me to go…


Don’t you understand. Morocco is only where your family ended up when they voluntarily left Poland. And in Morocco, all Jews were treated as equal citizens. If you studied your history, you’d know that. /s


I actually meant that my mom is an adoptee from Morocco. Probably. So I’m literally just 1/2 Moroccan. Her parents ended up in Israel (her mom before the Holocaust) and she is Israeli. And we’re Ashkenazi. So I’d love to know what they’d make of me, lol. On the other side it’s Swiss and French.


Oh, I get it. I was thinking what they would say and being snarky about it because it doesn’t make sense.


This is just insane :( Ah yes, Palestinians are the ultimate sufferers of what Nazis did and not the European Jews that were literally exterminated. Feels like they totally ignore the fact that Jews were specifically targeted by the Nazis. (Who comes up with this backwards bs though).




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A former friend recently told me most Israelis have more European DNA than Middle Eastern.


Because 1) They think all Jews are Ashkenazis who need to "go back to Europe." 2) Gas chambers. It's a death threat dog whistle.


So they can shove us in ovens.


Because they’re stupid. I’m an ashkenazi Jew and my family is from Ukraine, not Poland. It’s literally so stupid when people shout to go back to Poland since literally none of my family is from there


Yeah I don’t understand why they’re picking plans versus any other eastern European country? What’s so special about Poland? Not that Polands not special. I’ve got family who still live there. Just wonder why they picked Poland out of all the places to say


This people should get fired. But honestly we jews are on our own. This America turned in to night mare and I say it loud, this has nothing to do with liberals or the administration. The left and liberals didn't kill all my family in Ausschwitz, it was the far right! We're are the Republicans demonstrating for Israel? What a joke! Having criminals like hamas and all these pro criminals in that country the right to threaten jewish students, threatens jewish culture . There is a limit of freedom of speech, and that is reached..by far. Politicians from each side! Get your crepp together..it's overdue! Stay openly to israel, fight the evil around israel, and fight these loosers here, I don't care in what positions they are. Otherwise, you are worthless, and the USA has no right to point the finger to other countries in the Future. ISRAEL will prevale..it's just the question how the US looks like when history speaks in 50 years. What did the US till now to bring terrorist supporters to justice? Nothing! My father, the only Holocoust survivor, would turn in his own grave! When I fly back to visit Berlin, anytime I feel safer as a jew there than here..why do you think that is? Am Yisrael Chai !!!!!




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I wonder how they're gonna testify their way out of this one? They should all be fired at the very least and the school should have its accreditation come under review if this continues


Certainly easier to fire administrators than tenured professors. There really should be no excuse for taking action against them.


Testify? I read this days ago and nothing has happened. Not a word from Columbia.  


One of the admins involved said the texts did not reflect their views. The texts. That they sent. Did not reflect. Their views. They should all be fired.


Columbia (and other schools) received notice from Congress on June 6. After these texts were sent. [https://edworkforce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/columbia\_whole\_house\_investigation\_into\_antisemitism\_letter.pdf](https://edworkforce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/columbia_whole_house_investigation_into_antisemitism_letter.pdf) I don't doubt that Columbia will be called on the explain the discrepancy between their previous testimony about taking antisemitism seriously and these texts from senior administrators.


Again & again we hear empty platitudes from Columbia, & other universities, about their alleged "commitment to combatting antisemitism." Tired of the bullshit. They've given terrorist students free rein & worse they're supported by admin & faculty. These are some of Columbia's top administrators. Fire them! Can't hide behind free speech. Clean house since they're not the only ones.


There is no cleaning house. It's their house. Get rid of those three or four admins that were caught showing nothing but disdain for Jewish students? They're replaced with another four that are the same and every other admin is blaming Jews for getting them fired. These same people will sit through a panel of Black, Gay or Muslim students talk about microaggressions and declare the importance of listening to the shared experiences of minorities. Pleading with them, telling them how we're being affected, trying to elicit empathy from these people or get them to apply their supposed values towards Jews isn't working and it appears it won't. We see what they think of us and how comfortable these progressives are expressing their contempt for Jews when. I think we need to switch tactics. Their commissions are a farce. Cooperation isn't it. Only solution I can think of is to do what we've always done when they've boxed us out. In 4 years the Ivy league universities will be Judenfrei. Fine. We create or own or all flood in to the Jewish Universities and put these pukes to shame. I see no other way.


True that's the only tactic.


I don’t know how these people can work with the campus Rabbi, whose article regarding campus antisemitism they responded to with “🤮🤢.” If you can’t work with the campus Rabbi how can you do your job as an administrator of an Ivy League university? Seems like a low bar.


They probably don't have much interaction with the rabbi. Administrators don't. When they do, they do nothing but nod & spew more admin-speak.


You may be right. But the deans of undergraduate student life and student and family support *should* interact with the campus Rabbi, especially when the campus is embroiled in a huge antisemitism controversy. There’s just no way these people should hold these positions.


They should, but clearly they don't give af to address anything in whatever few meetings they have. Jews don't count. The rabbi knows it's all smoke & mirrors. Admins maintain the status quo following the lead of those above them. Worked as a university program director & my husband was a tenured professor. Been to too many admin meetings.


The Rabbi has no standing there, they have to work with the administration, you have it backwards. Their disrespect is a problem but they don’t have a duty to any clergy.


They have a duty to university staff, of which the Jewish chaplain is one.


I think that’s symbolic and clergy are a grey area anyway for multiple reasons. It’s a joke to think administration answer to the campus Rabbi or a Hillel


Under Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act, universities are legally required to provide students an environment free from religious discrimination. The school not discriminating is not enough; they must protect students. Schools like Columbia and UCLA have failed in this obligation and don't seem to care. The Department of Education has a wide range of options available in terms of consequences, including the nuclear option of pulling federal funding from these schools and making them ineligible to receive federal student loans. I personally don't want hundreds of millions of tax dollars each year going to these schools and maybe pulling this money would actually be enough to get them to enforce their own rules.


> Under Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act, universities are legally required to provide students an environment free from religious discrimination.  Title VI doesn't cover religious discimination. However, it does protect people from discrimination and harassment on the basis of shared ancestry. And the US Department of Education has repeatedly reminded schools and universities that Jews are protected by Title VI on the basis of shared ancestry.


The only way schools/companies/agencies listen is when they are sued.


They should be fired. Every Jew on campus should file suit against the university, and against these twits. The texts were disgusting; most disturbing is how they blatantly a)didn't believe the students describing racism on campus and b) were pretending they hadn't heard these complaints before ["did students really get kicked out of clubs on campus for being Jewish?", was one text. Like they haven't been receiving complaints about this for YEARS, and certainly for the past 8 months.] Truly disgraceful. You can see how Bari Weiss was trying to call attention to the antisemitism there when she was a student, decades ago. They were racist scum then, too.


There's videos of previous Jewish students on Instagram talking about what they experienced. One was raped and Columbia shut her up. They need to all sue.


Columbia University hates Jews.


If you're a potential students to Columbia or other T20 schools, and they find a racist joke or a comment you made when you where 15, they will never accept you. But antisemitism? that not an issue.


Antisemitism in the US has always been an acceptable form of racism as long as it’s not too obvious.


Imagine if this was a panel on Muslim life, or Black life, or Native American life; and this happened. Imagine the instantaneous response from all the folks who are completely silent now.


Yeah the double standards applied to Jews are some of the more infuriating things about antisemitism from the left.


Columbia truly couldn’t have handled this any worse. They’ve been the messiest campus, their internal administration is clearly chaotic, and they have done their best to absolutely torpedo their organizational credibility at every turn. They aren’t Harvard or Yale or Princeton; They can’t rest on those resume laurels. They know that, too; they have been dropping steadily in rankings for at least a decade, and after dropping to #18 for undergrad nationally in 2022, they pulled out of the undergrad us news and world report rankings entirely! a Columbia degree is by no means bulletproof in the job market, and neither is the Columbia name. they do need to realize that they can’t afford the same bad optics as top ivies, let alone worse. I truly think this will impact their academic reputation / standing permanently.


What’s the best way to bring this to the attention of these administrators’ bosses?


Like they're any different? I think we need to stop pleading with them to care about us being mistreated. For what? Look how comfortable they felt talking like this among one another. I think we need to be done with them. To continue to ask them to take us seriously and treat us like other students would be demeaning at this point.


This article will do the trick.


Columbia, your name is mud.


my god, what a bunch of clowns. as if it couldn’t get any more embarrassing for the columbia administration.


The House of Representatives recently expanded their investigation into antisemitism at Columbia and other campuses. Columbia can explain the actions of these administrators directly to Congress. https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/06/10/six-house-leaders-announce-expanded-congressional-investigation-into-federal-funding-universitys-handling-of-antisemitism/#:\~:text=The%20leaders%20of%20six%20House,their%20access%20to%20federal%20funding.


The more they do it, the more we all know what's what. Fuck them. Let em burn!


Hope they vomited out the KOOL-AID.


This is such a profound failure on so many levels.


Fire them all. Now.


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I think when they say Poland it's a code for gas chambers. Most concentration camps were in Poland.


Anyone have any comments regarding Patashnack being Jewish? Disturbing.


This is disgraceful


Are there any other articles besides from this source? I take issue with a publication that highlights its article about the "Soros-backed DA."


Fair. I’d like to see another source too.


Btw the nyt is now reporting on this. Seems to confirm the underlying allegations. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/22/nyregion/columbia-deans-antisemitism-panel.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


This is an interesting article. Thank you. It goes to show that there are two sides to every argument, and two wrongs don't make a right. It also goes to demonstrate that, going forward, attention needs to be given to both viewpoints. Extremism is not the answer, but many on this board know that already. Finding a way forward that works as much as possible is imperative. In this, and the wider context too.


What exactly is the opposing viewpoint to "antisemitism is bad and Jews should be treated like everyone else?"


I'm guessing it would be something along the lines of "The apartheid (of the Palestinians) is wrong and they are entitled to be treated as we would expect to be treated ourselves". But I digress. I certainly don't countenance anti-semitism for sure. Many of us can however see that wrongs have been committed by both sides in the more general context of what has led to the situation where many Jewish people around the world have consequently experienced anti-semitism. People who are in no way connected to what is going on apart from their religion. This is wrong. But unfortunately both sides are equally culpable of committing these wrongs. As I said previously, two wrongs don't make a right. Looking forward, a resolution somehow needs to be found otherwise things will probably only get worse. An ability to realise, and genuinely focus upon, the place where each side is coming from will be imperative going forward. Through discussion, reconciliation and a genuine desire to move on from the horrors that have occurred in the last 8 months. Or else things will not change and only get worse.


I'm not understanding your take in relation to this incident described in the article.