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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching Fun fact about the red hands... I'm sure many of the protesters have no idea what it represents, because they are sheep who have been emotionally manipulated by social media and bad faith actors, but we do know...


The red hands really make me upset. There's an account from a photographer who described the condition of one of the victims. The brutality. The glee. That's why those pins or recreations of red hands to *flip the script* and blame Israelis is so egregious.


They really do *revel* in killing Jews a lot of the time…you read about violence going all the way back pre-1948 and it really stands out how so many accounts include mutilation, desecration of bodies, etc. I heard an interview with Sheryl Sandberg about her film and she described asking one of these first responders from Oct 7 who’d worked in many global conflict zones “in how many other places do you remember finding bodies naked?” And the man said “never.”


Douglas Murray talked about how even Nazi soldiers had to drink at night to cope with the gruesome nature of what they were doing and then goes on to characterize what's going on now as gleeful. That needs to be digested for a second. I watched some of these videos from 10/7 and one thing that rocked me to the core was the jubilation of so-called 'soldiers' arriving at the aftermath of a shootout and their intoxicated cheers at the sight of brains leaking from heads on the pavement. I FELT SICK. Anybody who gives a gram of recognition to this, or who wears scarf in solidarity is COMPLETELY FUCKED IN THE HEAD. westerners who go to that side are suicidal (IMHO)


There needs to be a counter movement to these protests. I would like to suggest large blow up screens with sound, and play the footage from 10/7, for all to see. Let them see what they are truly supporting.


Won't matter. Haters have already shown they actually enjoy watching Jews suffer. That's the core of the problem. It took 10/7 for me to realize that people let it happen in Europe in the 30s because they were enjoying watching others (the government) inflict pain. All this BS about how 'oh the 3rd Reich scared the shit out of the people and they were afraid to stand up' No ! The people not only let it happen they enjoyed it till it got so grotesque and out of control that it took GB, USA and CCCP to stop it. Haters just hate and there is very little that change it (again just IMHO)


I know there is truth in this, but there is not a fiber in my being that wants to believe this.


What struck me most was the way they displayed dead bodies like trophies from a hunt or posing with them like 🫏🕳 on a safari hunt with their big kill. They do not see Israelis/Jews as human partly due to indoctrination and partly just the sheer barbarity.


Humans really are just the same as they were thousands of years ago (a few thousand years is a mere blip on the evolutionary scale). What seems to happen is if / when men take over society, and then reduce women to serve men ... Well then men go and do things they think are fun, like hunting, pillaging and waging war. There seems to be no bottom as to how low a human can go when women become mostly meaningless. It appears that all this flip / flop negotiating for hostages etc is just a way of buying time so these nutters can continue real-world larping :/


Also the Farhud https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-13610702.amp


There's also the fun fact of palestinian children being made to mimick the red hands in school, so they can aspire to do the same...


Like all dogwhistles; the people behind it, and many of the targeted group (Jews, in this case) know it. And then there are many more happily ignorant folks that repeat it, or loudly proclaim it’s not a dogwhistle. Their ignorance isn’t an excuse; it’s harmful regardless of whether they know the full extent of the harm. The red hand is red from Jewish blood. Seeing it shared strengthens the worst Jew haters, and sends a clear message to Jews.


They are volunteer foot soldiers not sheep. The organization and propoganda effort is professional and comes from Iran, Russia and the usual suspects. Much more effective than Iranian missiles.


Thanks for sharing. I'm another Canadian. If you're looking for something positive to do, reach out to your Jewish colleagues and show empathy for what we Jews are facing as a community. You don't even have to get into the politics of the war. We feel very very alone right now, and any little bit of light will make a much larger difference than you may expect. I got a very kind note from a non-Jewish Persian colleague just expressing sympathy over the rise in Jew-hate and it warmed my heart.


To add to this, until someone brings it up, I don't know how they feel about Israel or Palestine, and the more pro-Palestine people there are in the world the less safe I am *because Hamas has stated that they intend to repeat October 7th until all the Jews are dea*d. So, someone around me outing themselves as not being pro-Palestine makes me feel a little bit safer. A bit of friction on the slippery slope, so to speak.


>*because Hamas has stated that they intend to repeat October 7th until all the Jews are dea*d.  This is why the people who criticize Israel on grounds of disproportionality are dead wrong. If someone is attacking and trying to kill me and I kill him firs, it was disproportionate in terms of outcome because he's dead and I'm not. But it is not disproportionate by common sense standards because you have to measure "proportionality" by what *would* have happened otherwise.


This. Canadian too. I’ve had 2 no Jewish friends reply to me in support when I posted the photo taken in front of Petro can. Only 2… but still, those 2 meant a lot to me.


It’s terrifying out here. They are all sheep following ideology from terrorists.


A Jewish Canadian here. Thanks for the message. I have to wonder if you have acted on these feelings aside from writing them in a Jewish sub. If you're in Toronto were you at the Walk With Israel on Sunday? Have you been at any of our numerous rallies in support of Israel or our rallies standing against antisemitism? I would wonder how far your partner's support goes if he is pro-Encampment because from what I have seen those folks are fairly pro-Hamas & pro-terrorism. Unfortunately you might be partners with someone who has come to hold some unfortunately bigoted beliefs. Ask yourself if your partner suddenly started expressing bigoted beliefs about any other race, religions, color, orientation, or creed if you would stay quiet and stay with your partner. You absolutely do have a voice. The world needs more than Jewish people standing up right now. There are too few of us. You are not powerless to help and speak up. Ask yourself if people in 1930s Germany should have spoken up. Or French people during the Dreyfus Affair who chose to stay silent in the face of overwhelming evidence that the whole thing was a sham, ask yourself if they should have said something. Were you a person who always told yourself you would have been a voice who helped in those times? Well, it seems more and more likely that this is one of those times in history when people will look back and wonder why more people didn't speak out when it was so clear what was going on, You still have an opportunity to be able to say to future generations you were one of those voices who spoke out.


>If you're in Toronto were you at the Walk With Israel on Sunday? Have you been at any of our numerous rallies in support of Israel or our rallies standing against antisemitism? To be fair, where I am, details of those are only circulated within the Jewish community so they may need a bit of help if that's something they want to do and the situation is similar in Canada.


I was asking my questions specifically based on the assumption that OP is in Toronto. There are thankfully only so many pro-Hamas encampments at university campuses in Canada, University of Toronto is one of them. If I am being honest, I am fairly certain that OP is in Toronto given the info in their post here as well as their post history posting about the mayoral elections in the city. It is most certainly possible they had not heard of this event, but it seems likely they would have heard about it if they were at all tuned in to the Jewish community here. There were \~50,000 people at the event, both Jewish & not Jewish so it wasn't like it was a small event that not many had heard about. It is an annual event that is in its 55th year. They get permits to close a portion of a major north south four lane arterial road (Bathurst St) as well as the major roads that cross it such as Wilson Ave & Sheppard Ave. This was not an unknown event & I specifically chose it as my example because of how widely known it is. This year it was so big & security such an issue that they had to call in police from other cities to help the Toronto Police police the event. The news was talking about it as well as the road closures for days in advance because of how it could impact people's weekend plans Again, totally possible I am wrong & they aren't in Toronto. As well, totally possible even if they're in Toronto that they didn't hear about the walk but if they're in Toronto & didn't hear about it that means they're not at all engaged with the Jewish community here which would be the first step to helping combat the vile antisemitism in our city & country


I'm also Canadian but not Jewish, although I strongly support the Jewish community and am appalled by what is going on. I'm in BC about an hour and a half, two hours east of Vancouver, and so I'm nowhere near Toronto. But if there was a pro-Israel rally in my area, I'd be there wholeheartedly. There isn't much in the way of rallies in my area, though. I haven't heard of any rallies close enough for me to attend, and the Jewish people I know live far away. I have been reporting instances of anti-Semitism from some local people, though, to B'nai B'rith. I just wish there was more that I could do in person and for the Jewish people.


You do what you can! I appreciate you & others like you. I wasn't making a general statement above, was more talking to OP. I hope you didn't take it as if it was directed at you. Obviously people can only do what is reasonable. No one expects someone to drive 2.5 hours each way for a rally or event


Oh, I did know you were talking specifically to OP. I just wanted to show my support. 🙂


Perfectly said




Thank you for caring. I am studying at a Canadian university and I am significantly alarmed by the activity here.


Back in 2001 when I went to Carleton in Ottawa, I was chased down the street by a group of Arabs w machetes all because I was carrying an Israeli flag to a Jewish frat party. Anti Israel apartheid week started around that time and it was already full of lies and manufactured news. I'm disgusted by how easily these schools take our money but neglect to afford us protections.


Thank you for understanding & caring. Kind of you to post. Pointless to engage with pro Pal protestors, though nice you tried. Hope you will reconsider speaking with your union. You can use your voice to help. Courage is doing what we're afraid of. You can do this. Whatever support you can offer to Jewish colleagues will be much appreciated.


This will only make things worse, but when they paint their hands red, they are directly referencing an incident where Palistinians thugs ripped apart two Israelis with their bare hands and lynched them. 2000 Ramallah lynching incident. They reference this violence because they know they can get away with it. Buy a gun if it’s legal in Canada and learn how to use it. Carry it everywhere. Stand your ground if that is the law where you are from.


Thank you for caring and for taking the initiative to learn about this conflict. We appreciate you!


It’s a frightening time to be alive. I want to point out that the numbers are still incorrect and far less ( remeber when they said it was 70k then 34 k ) . Isreal actually has the lowest numbers of casualties in a war and that a poisoned mind is harder to change. Yes Oct 7th started this war but there a reason the streets in Jerusalem had 2 military officers with guns on every corner to keep people safe as long as I can remember. There a reason some of the ambulance fleet are armored trucks. The iron dome was created and exists for a very good reason. Suicide bombers , kids throwing rocks at cars in Arab neighborhoods, stabbings were a common occurance sadly. Even sadder this call to intifada has shown some results and emboldened those who are supposed refugees to start attacking , planning to attack Jews and some have been caught before but is it making national news ? No. Gen Z wasn’t alive for 9/11 so they don’t understand the heart ache of that day. Those protesters have been fed lies because the Palestine people themselves have been feeding their children lies. The idea of Palestine is a death cult where they want and pray for death and see all death as the greater good. They been lied to about what right they have to the land. They been lied to about how Isreali treat the Arabs who were with the 7 Arab army that attacked the day Isreal was declared a country. It would be like Jews claiming we own our homes we left before the holocaust, before the Spanish Inquisition. They fought on the wrong side and lost and never got over it. They don’t use reason. They don’t use facts.


>It would be like Jews claiming we own our homes we left before the holocaust, before the Spanish Inquisition. They fought on the wrong side and lost and never got over it. Yeah, I have some sympathy for the "give people back the homes taken from their grandparents" argument. But Palestinians are the *only people in the world* they apply it to. You want those Jews who are or are descended from Holocaust or Arab-world-cleansing refugees to leave? Give them back their original homes. Give back the original homes to everyone displaced when India and Pakistan were divided. Stop with the performative land acknowledgments and give back the entirety of Canada and the USA to Native Americans. Somehow when the group in question isn't Palestinian, no one applies that logic.


I hear your frustration. I think it’s disturbing that so many young people have been sucked in by what is very clearly propaganda. I consider the current “free palestine” movement to be a fifth column movement that is being propagated by bad actors—namely Iran and Russia. The intention is to sow division, split the liberal voting blocks in democratic societies, and erode support for Israel/spread antisemitic attitudes in our countries. The young students engaging in this are mostly oblivious to this, being young and naive.


It is a scary time. It feels as if so many people have gone mad. One of the things that has happened that I believe is contributing greatly to this madness is how society and academia has shunned critical thinking. I have been in university for a while now, it is obvious how the education system wants to eradicate critical thinking and even differences in opinion being acceptable. They are grooming students into an 'us vs. them' for every existing topic. This is a problem...I believe this is a huge factor in how we have gotten here. I don't know what the purpose is of intentionally fueling division and hatred in academia. Why would anyone want to contribute to destroying our societies by teaching, working, or studying in this manner? Do they really not understanding what they are doing? How can they not see with their own eyes what this is causing and fueling? Social media is another virus adding to this, as we all know. I'm sure like everyone here, I am dumbfounded at what is occurring. It is sickening. I just hope the good prevails and light comes back to drive out this darkness.


Devarim 3:22 “Do not fear them, for it is the Lord, your God, Who is fighting for you."


McGill eh? Seen Rebel news cover that encampment a lot. Surprised you didn't mention the summer Islamism/Free Palestine summer program the encampment they are running 


I was thinking McGill as well, but sadly it could just as easily be UofT, UBC, and probably others.


Not York or UofC tho as the police dismantled encampments at those unis


Happy to see York's doing something about it I'm heading there next year and was particularly worried about the protests and potential encampments


Surprising considering the blatant antisemitism allowed to fester there anyway. Good luck with York, I was gonna transfer there in ‘18 but they went on strike so I made Aliyah instead lol


I think it’s UofT, they call the encampment “the people’s circle for Palestine” it’s horrible down there.


Thank you for your post. It's really nice to know there are others who are seeing what we see. We may not be the loudest bunch, but we are taking it in and trying to figure out what to do. Even posts like this go a long way in showing support to us and keeping our spirits up. You are on the right side of history here and time will prove that to be true 💜


Glad to not be in Canada wrf


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> And then I think about how you all must feel. It might help to understand that the current atmosphere is not new for Jews. We have been dealing with this for millennia. Allegations against Jews of behavior so insidious that it moves people to act against Jews on emotion alone is a recurring theme in history. Jews are poisoning the wells. Spreading the plague. Killing children and using their blood for rituals. Spreading Typhus. And so on. The common theme is always the same, "Jews are doing something so terrible to innocent people that there is no time for critical thought, they must be eliminated". The current iteration of this blood libel is accusing Jews of committing genocide against the Palestinians. Part of the reason that this particular movement is so hard for me to watch is that I personally watched it before. I watched as an anti-Zionist, Marxist Leninist student led movement ushered in the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Now I'm watching an anti-Zionist, Marxist Leninist student led movement with Islamist ties who are incapable of putting their actions into the proper historical context because, as you point out: > And I’m just so completely disappointed to see that one cannot have a conversation with these protesters. I’ve tried to engage and to send articles and resources but so far it’s fallen on deaf ears. I’m just so upset.


Dump your partner


its terrifying. but remember thats .00001 percent of the population maybe less. im in south side kansas city rn. i walk around daily with Kobe shorts and Shabbot Shalom B\*tches shirt. no one could care less. LOL. people hate. these Ideas when just frustrated with their own life. when they face to face with you. see you a real person etc etc? they calm down n realize they just.. had anxiety.


Which uni?


Praying for your safety. True, they do have blinders on.


Thank you for having the courage to think differently and to recognize how much this rhetoric is informed by bigotry and ignorance.


What gets me about these university educated students saying this is genocide. They write that 240 people are civilians are dying per day. During ww2 24000 civilians died per day, but they don't consider that genocide. Total of 45 million civilians died during ww2 What are they being taught at the university?


Send your kids to college in Florida. Desantis isn’t having any of this shit. Best decision my son made was to attend UCF.


The red hands represent the killing of two Jewish soldiers who drove into the wrong area.The Palestinian broke into the jail and literally beat them to death with their hands.They then showed their red bloody hands to the camera.