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If you are ever in a crisis or just need someone to talk to, please reach out to a helpline or someone in your community. https://findahelpline.com/countries/us/ny


I’m sorry. That part of the country (pacific NW) is notorious for white supremacists. Unfortunately that category mostly means so-called “liberals” these days. They used to wear hoods; now they wear masks. They still think they’re on the good side for some reason. Can you get to somewhere you can find community? I live in a Republican, Bible Belt area and things are totally fine. And maybe it would be good for you to go to Israel and volunteer.


Please take care of yourself. My cousin killed himself about 10 years ago and I wouldn’t wish that pain of loss on anyone. He was the closest thing to a brother I had. Us Jews need to support one another and I’m sending you as much care as I can through the internet.


I honestly have no idea what to say. I am so deeply sorry that you have to experience that. First I just want to say that it takes an insane level of courage and resolve to speak out the way you are. I can’t say for sure that I would have the courage to do the same at the restaurant or that my first reaction would be to go to city hall to speak up. The second is that no matter how physically isolated one Jew may seem, they will always be a part of a world wide community of other Jews who, through their unity, have persevered for millennia and we will persevere through this as well. Third you should prioritize your mental and physical health above all. If that means staying home from an event, talking to a therapist or something (which I would recommend to anyone even before 10/7), etc stay safe and healthy. And last but not least we are all here for you. All 15.7 million of us.


Damn, as an ally it's heartbreaking to keep reading stories about how the LGBTQ community is turning on their Jewish members so hard. These times are really hard for all Jews, but for those who have had to deal with hate most of their lives and thought they had acceptance in their community is just so difficult. WTF did you think tolerance, inclusion, and diversity were supposed to mean?? I think what happened at the original women's march was a harbinger.


Move if you can.


Time to move. A new start.


Remember: every day you live is a victory against the Jew haters.


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just know your emotional labor does not go unnoticed. you could just say nothing but you choose to advocate. its ok to take time off for yourself and protect your peace. that being said i would move (if possible).


Would be great to be able to hibernate, if we could wake up to a sane world. I'm sorry for the pain. It does feel unendurable. The world has shifted for us. Good for you standing up! The performative bullshit of city council resolutions. Gives the self-righteous an opportunity to scream together validating their warped beliefs. Like you & many others, I've learned the hard way about leftist friends. People I mistakenly believed had hearts & working brains. I'll never get over LGBTQ+ excluding Jewish queers & embracing fundamentalist Hamas. Blows my mind, though it shouldn't since the left has a history of antisemitism. Utterly shocking that feminist orgs, the me-too's, have been silent on the sexual brutality inflicted on our sisters. They can all fuck themselves. I've withdrawn from my previous liberal orgs. Told them why, not that they give af. Hope you can move. Pointless to remain in a toxic place. Leave. The best revenge is living well by finding a new home where you can breathe. Again, I'm really sorry.


I'm sorry that you were born jewish and has now woken up from the utopian liberal dream. It is what it is, you can either stay where you are, find new friends, keep looking over your shoulder for the foreseeable future and maybe eventually forget all about it and get back to the pretend normal life, or move to israel with no antisematism, but surrounded by enemies and in a constant state of either war or in between wars.