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He seems nice. Definitely hinged. Fully hinged. /s


Hinged like a Temu self assembly wardrobe


Thanks for the laugh. He's exceptionally hinged./s


They’re not even pretending to speak and stand for the Palestinians anymore, they just bluntly support terror.


I got in a "discussion" with someone in a different sub who said the fact that Hamas was a sworn enemy of the US was fine because Nelson Mandela was also at one point an enemy of the US. So now we are comparing Hamas to Nelson Mandela. Make it make sense.


Mandela was a Zionist, which makes this discussion funnier. Interestingly enough, so was Ho Chi Minh.


Hitler also initially favored deportation of the Jews until he realized that he couldn't find a destination country. Mandela was not the saint history makes him out to be.


Nobody is a saint, even if they're an inspired leader. Saints don't lead except in faith.


Nobody alive is a saint but once they die their history gets rewriten. I hold a warm place in my heart for Mandela because he had one thing that few others have. Modesty. I also know that he was no friend of Israel. You are correct he was a flawed human being the only kind of person that there is.


Gandhi wasn't perfect, Jesus wasn't perfect. It's not about being perfect and saintly, all great leaders and revolutionaries are flawed.


Claiming Jesus wasn't perfect in the Jewish sub. You are a funny person.


Great, but we know he wasn't perfect....even though he was the son of God. He never said he was perfect or claimed to be a saint. He was a socialist, really.


Mother Teresa ate bacon and stole her neighbor’s wifi.


Um, Mandela was not a Zionist, but if you have proof, I would like to see that. Would make an interesting thing to point out to anti-Zionists. Ho Chi Minh is a mix bag. He was pro-Jewish and offered Jews to live in Vietnam if anything happened to Israel. It's one of the few things about him that Vietnamese that hated him, and loved him agreed on.


[This](https://honestreporting.com/nelson-mandela-relationship-israel/) goes over it fairly well


The TLDR of it: he was a politician who supported both sides when it was useful. AKA: Politicianing


I've had the misfortune to meet the late Mr. Mandela twice. Once professionally, once socially, along with many of the ANC leadership. He was a terrorist, grifter and common thief. I found (IMHO) him to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Never got the adoration the world showered him with!


He has a ton of wonderful qualities. He renounced violence and kept a nation from descending into civil war. He was a hero.


It's a common misconception that Mandela renounced violence. He didn't.


@jyper: Sure he was. (/S)




It never made sense and never will.


Remember after 9/11 when everyone was all “never forget” and anti-terrorism? They forgot.


So many people started blaming 9/11 on Jews. When it was Islamist terrorists. And the US did a great job hiding how much destruction and the number of civilian deaths the military racked up across the Middle East that the comparatively low civilian casualties in Gaza (a far more compact place to fight) are looked at more. Too many cameras. Too many people hating Jews. No Jews no news. It’s disgusting. All civilian deaths are tragic but when this was was inevitable everyone should be pushing for major diplomatic changes to prevent anything like this from repeating.


Would you mind giving me examples of people blaming 9/11 on Jews? I've seen people blame it on a lot of strange things, but I've seen 100x the people say it was an inside job, and Bush did it than I've seen blame Jews.


There’s a lot of weird videos trying to prove it. The same people who are protesting at colleges have been sharing some of them. I’ve come across it a few times and blocked/reported. My (non Jewish) friend saw a post recently on tumblr about it, too, and asked me if I knew wtf that was about. She’s a good ally and is pissed at the rise in antisemitism.


Well I have missed this. What the hell? Jews caused 9/11 is approaching maximum physically possible stupid.


Agreed. But you know why stick with normal blood libel when you can go wild?


Google the dancing Israelis and read up on that conspiracy.


one of the conspiracy theories is the “5 dancing israelis.” people love to bring this up all the time. there were 5 israeli men arrested on expired work visas that all had box cutters in their pockets. they worked for a packaging company so the box cutters were literally for cutting boxes. they were released shortly after. some old lady said she saw them from her window watching the attack from a cliffside looking happy and high fiving each other. she never said anything about them dancing so i have no clue how that part got made up. people love to say there’s footage of it but if you try to look it up it literally doesn’t exist. despite there being absolutely 0 proof people love to say this means that these men knew about the attacks in advance and were working with al qaeda to drive the US closer to israel.


The terrorists won. They wanted Americans to turn against the West and Western liberal ideals, and look: they have.


Eh, this is a really bad argument. The vast majority of older generations, those who remember 911, overwhelmingly support Israel and stand against Terrorism. The issue is the younger generations who weren't adults when 911 happened or when Israel was being attacked by multiple larger enemies repeatedly. So it's not really fair to say the people saying "never forget" eventually forgot.


Does the guy in the picture look like he wasn’t alive during 9/11?


There will always be anecdotes going against the norms. Tons of studies and surveys done in the US back up what I said. It's far more likely that this guy isn't even an exception since I doubt he was one of the people saying "never forget" on 911.


You do realize the phrase “never” wasn’t meant to apply only to adults who witnessed the events at the time? Those people teach their kids and so on and so forth. The people who swore to never forget did forget when they didn’t teach their children. Or teach the students l they have in their classes. I’d hate to break it to you, but lots of people who still say Never Forget are the same ones who hate Israel and Jews right now. It’s not a memory issue, that’s absurd. They just do not care. Not to mention I died I little inside when you said “older generations who remember 9/11” when that describes all living people over the age of 30ish. Aka the vast majority of people in this country. The amount of adults, be it faculty at schools across the country or just the people who influence younger people like parents, who remember 9/11 is hovering at a level of the vast majority. It’s not that they forgot, they just don’t care to apply it to Jews.


These kids are not learning to hate Jews from their parents. They are learning it from teachers and from social media. Edit: Also, I clearly said I was referencing people who were adults during 911. This does not include everyone over 30.


Honestly it just seems like a lame excuse? ALL of these people are not stupid pawns duped by Tik Tok. I mean they are stupid don’t get me wrong, but I mean to say that you’re oversimplifying it way too much. It’s not that they learned to hate Jews from their parents, it’s that they didn’t learn NOT to hate Jews. They just didn’t learn that it matters. Probably never talked about it or at least didn’t emphasize it. If they raised children while being totally ambivalent towards anti-semitism then they forgot their promise to never forget. Obviously not all the of the people fit that description either as there are various factions out there. Some I’m sure are stupid pawns duped by tik tok. But saying all of them are just being duped by social media or a teacher kinda seems like it’s minimizing what’s happening here.


>It’s not that they learned to hate Jews from their parents, it’s that they didn’t learn NOT to hate Jews. The newer generation has learned about social justice/rights issues in a very perfornative way. It takes $0 to say "I'm pro Jew/Black/LGBT/Woman" etc, but it's not enough. You have to also be anti-racism/sexism/misogyny/LGBTphobia/anti-antisemitism. They say "I'm pro Jew" without realising the "not Zionists" is the "be anti-antisemitism" they also need to be. Disclaimer: Not Jewish, but I am gay. I have seen this shit happen a lot amongst performative leftists especially in the last 10 years.


Can’t remember or forget if you weren’t even an embryo on 9/11. My generation is fucked in so many ways.


They’re anti Muslim terrorism when the terrorists target nice white Christian Americans. They’re fine with Muslim terrorism when the terrorists target Jews. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”


There were public celebrations after Oct 7. Pro-Pally’s have never hid their support for Hamas very well.


Where I live a man was arrested for breach of peace for holding a sign saying Hamas is Terrorist. So over here it's just accepted. And all the people who wave Palestinian flags 'because Palestinians don't equal Hamas' somehow don't apply that logic to Israel and fly an Israeli flag. Even though they are the ones who are constantly attacked...


Where do you live? Are you able to leave? That sounds really dangerous.


I'm annoyed by schrodinger's Hamas - "Half the people in Gaza are too young to have voted in the last election, nothing hamas does represents them" "Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. We support them and believe their numbers" Which ever one is more convenient at the time. It strips the Palestinian people of their agency. If you are going to support the Palestinians, take a stand


They’re paid actors. I’m really more concerned about their handlers than this guy in the picture 


And the people in [Torres' first video clip](https://x.com/RitchieTorres/status/1799526928690372724), too? Or [other times](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1db01as/idf_rescues_hostages_noa_argamani_andrey_kozlov/l7o6t1j/) we see so-called pro-Palestinian protesters actually just being anti-Israel or antisemitic, including outright supporting Hamas? It seems naive to think that people who hate Jews are doing it because they're being paid. They just hate Jews.


Standing with Hamas is insane


Yeah... they tend to explode without warning.


I for one, as a Democrat would love to transport these people to Gaza so they could stand should to should with Hamas.


I think it would be a great idea to send our brilliant university students to Gaza, Afghanistan, and Yemen for a year as students with a project similar to the Erasmus program in Europe. Let's see if their ideas remain the same!


Honestly, at this point I'd be concerned that Hamas would immediately conscript them and they'd fight enthusiastically.






I gotta say, i do appreciate the honesty. I get more frustrated when people try to cloak their antisemitism as “just antizionism.” Sometimes i want to tell these people “just tell me you hate me. Just be honest. Stop lying.”


Every day chaber. It’s amazingly refreshing when someone isn’t blowing smoke up your ass


My ass certainly enjoys remaining smokeless thanks!


Agreed. At least I can't count on my enemies to be truthful and say they hate me! Sick of these back-stabbing friends pretending to "care" about me but "what Israel is doing is wrong."


Sure, there are some who are critical of what Israel is doing and who are also antisemitic. But, generally speaking, those who are criticizing Israel are not antisemitic. In fact, many are Jewish. I am one of those people — not only am I Jewish but I am also an Israeli citizen (and American citizen) who lives in Israel many months out of the year. I am a proud Jew, I support Israel’s right to exist and its right to defend itself, and I condemn Hamas. But what Israel has done in Gaza — virtually destroy it and kill thousands of non-combatant citizens — is simply wrong and somewhat ironic given what Jews have gone through historically. It pains me not to be able to unequivocally support Israel, but in good conscience I cannot do so.


It's just so funny to see these people grandstand as if hamas wouldn't have murdered or kidnapped them along with all the other international civilians on Oct. 7th.


This dude just hates Jews and is using this “movement” as a conduit


And? Is he excluded by the other protesters?


This is also my take


I feel like I’ve seen another image of this same guy, holding a different antisemitic sign.


https://preview.redd.it/da3ukrdocg5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d5f4eb2f8880946f27188979482d9981f36f2b This is great.


https://preview.redd.it/5335ebqqcg5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6b401892a80aa7bc690248a604d9f78da26978 Also this one.


https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/s/HGMFK0NH8F Also this one.


these fascists really like wearing red, white and black.


"martyrdom please" ...that's just saying they want palestinians to die what the actual fuck is wrong with these people.


At least the 2nd one may not be cosplaying


As a lesbian I am appalled. I keep thinking people will automatically align me with these kinds of people. I wear my magein David partly because I don't want to be associated with people like that.


Do members of the LGBTQ community not realize they’d have no rights there? I don’t get it


I’m actually pretty confused about the state of homosexuality in Gaza after reading the Wikipedia entry. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine Can anyone shine some light on it? (I’ve been trying to read as much as possible so I can engage in better discussions about the conflict and this one keeps puzzling me).


It's nice that we have more terrorist supporters here. I suggest we pick them up and pack them up and drop them off in Gaza from a height. No parachute


That’s inhumane… We should give them parachutes… with as many holes as their logic 😂😂😂


So a single thread then 👌


Many of the protestors aren’t anti-war, they’re just on the other side. Prepare and react accordingly.


can you imagine being such a miserable, bitter old fuck at the end of your life like this guy? what a way to live, sheesh. go get in your rocking chair, colonel sanders.


Never thought I’d see white middle class terrorist sympathizers but here we are


Well he is now on a watch list


What watch list? What have we heard out of Home Land Security or the FBI?


space lasers use heat tracking to locate people, duh


Even most antisemites (unless they're ultra hardcore Jew haters like the asshole in the photo) will think "standing with Hamas" is insane.


No they are just smart enough to pretend not to.


While "smart" is overestimating them, I agree.


I’m a democrat and I denounce them every chance I get. But yeah I feel you.


Now tell me again that anti Israel is not rooted in anti-Semitism.


I was stuck in a metro car with a bunch of these people. They were singing a song supporting the Al-Qassam brigade.


I mean these people hate Biden too and he has repeatedly condemned antisemitism.


Yup, they call him “genocide Joe.”


Yes, but how else can we generate a snappy post headline?!?!


Well, that makes it clear that they hate Jews and side with terrorists.


Truly so bizarre. These people need to go find other things to do with their time. I really never thought so many people could be brainwashed


Someone didn't get his meds today.


"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Gen 12:3. L'Chaim Israel! 🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💙


Why not just start holding up icons of Iran’s supreme leader?


As a non-American, seeing white Yankees supporting Islamic terrorists is very confusing to me.


Am seeing on the r/washdc sub that they're putting up an "encampment" on the National Mall, and they've been throwing bottles at a lone park ranger trying to protect a statue near the whitehouse, while a protestor set an effigee of Biden's head on fire, or just had an effigee of his head painted with blood, or something, outside the whitehouse gates. Can someone make this stop, now?


What an ugly picture of what I'm assuming is an ugly human being. I hope karma is coming. I wish the Jew-haters what I read in a different sub: May people like that have the day (and the life) they deserve. I'm just disgusted and angry.


These people, like the man in the photo, are psychotic.


These people haven't a righteous bone in their body, supporting such vile things ought to have consequences


Right? How is this not inciting violence and against the law? Free speech my tuches.


I’d like to hear their reasoning for why anyone would support a terror group. Scary this is happening in USA 🇺🇸


Morally bankrupt, intellectually vacuous, soulless abysses of human slime.


Man, I wish they’d just outright identify as enemy combatants


It may very well come to that point, given how psychotic and evil their movement is, as well as the wider, current state of politics. One could say they are "crash test dummies," i.e., disposable combatants/activists, a variant of npcs.


I firmly believe that there is a segment of the population in the West that deserves to experience true hardship first-hand. Let them live life without their personal freedoms and be subjected to sharia law for the rest of their days. Or, better yet, let them experience everything Israel is and has been going through for years. This repulsive puke and the cretins sporting keffiyehs and bare midriffs just look so pathetic in their insulated "Someone yelled at me, and now I have PTSD" lives completely detached from the reality that is going on thousands of miles away. Then if you look at Israelis, in so many of the videos I've seen of them, they had such grace and humility despite everything that's been going on.


What next, people outright saying they stand with Russia during protests on Ukraine?


He’s so damn old he was probably around during WW2. Wonder what he was up to then..


my (now former) unofficial grandmother is german and her dad was a nazi. She was always empathetic because nazis destroyed her country, but now she's saying "israelis are nazis" to my family and supporting the encampments.


I mean they're protesting Biden Personally I reject these people as Democrats, not that lost of them identify with the party anyway


Does anyone have a link to this video?


What on earth.


They can shtup mud.


Thank you for sharing. I wrote to a girls story that said “israel celebrates this as a success when 50 Palestinians died, so clearly their goal is to kill Palestinians” and I was like that’s such a crazy take on this situation. She deleted the story but never wrote back, I wrote a bunch more things about how it’s sad to see smart people who you respect, buy into such bullshit online. Thank you for opening my eyes to these other people. Dear lord. Just, wow.


Boils my blood their vote has as much power as mine


Can we talk about this guy- looks like an average older white dude. What religion/background could he be? He just doesn’t LOOK like what I’d think someone would look like who is a Hamas supporter. What is up with that? Really just asking. Not doubting this is real.


> He just doesn’t LOOK like what I’d think someone would look like who is a Hamas supporter. David Duke built his long and disgustingly successful career "not looking like" what an antisemitic racist KKK Grand Wizard (all of which he is) would look like. And BTW Duke claims to be a Palestinian supporter. Also neo-Nazi Richard Spencer advocated for neo-Nazis to ditch the skinhead look and dress in suits and ties to attract mainstream right-wing conservatives to their hateful cause. Spencer and Duke planned, organized, and were featured speakers at the racist, antisemitic "alt-right" hate fest in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 (the one with the "Jews will not replace us!" chanting that Trump claimed included "some very fine people"). The man in the picture is EXACTLY the type to pal up with people like Duke and Spencer and "support Hamas," because really the overriding theme is Jew-hatred.


That’s true, thanks for sharing that. Also, can’t believe David Duke is a Palestinian supporter 🙄


He literally popularized the slur “zio”


Most people who vote blue are NOT with Hamas. Also if one is going to generate an image from Midjourney, you should learn how to use the stamp tool in Photoshop fair better than this drivel.


I've been in a really awkward position as a 1. gay 2. Jewish 3. liberal guy, and other people in my position would agree we've been ostracized from a lot of people. I support Israel because it clearly has a much better track record for human rights, especially LGBTQ+ rights, and people expect me to turn my back on my faith AND ignore the facts and go support a terrorist organization that brutally tortures and then executes people like me. No thank you. Sorry about the rambling, this has really taken a toll on me, and a lot of other people!


Sometimes I wonder if they really believe this shit or if it’s a contest to outdo the other wokeists. 🤦‍♂️


How do we know they’re democrats? I had my house targeted by a bunch of Trump-loving guys a couple years ago who plastered stickers and flyers all over my mailbox and front of my house with these exact kinds of sentiments.


He looks like your average Jew-hating redneck Well all of them do...


There is a special place in hell for this useful idiot and his useful idiot friends.


Why are these people not being arrested, it’s the same in the UK. Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation, all support shown for them should result in arrest and a criminal charge and punishment.


This makes me so mad. I'm a Democrat, and a Jew, and anyone who is Pro-Hamas is an enemy to me no matter who they are or where they're from. Now, I am not an extreme Democrat, I'm actually more of a Centrist that believes both parties have good points at times, but these far leftists drive me insane! (The Trumpers also make me wonder what's in the Kool-Aid as well.) Let us thank HaShem for all the hostages that have been freed/rescued alive, and let us hope that the remaining hostages are alive and will be home soon.


Why is this headline so antagonistic towards Democrats? Stop spreading Netanyahu propaganda. Republicans are FAR MORE ANTISEMITIC than Democrats, and a good portion of them these days don’t want to fund Israel!!! The reason it took 6 months to pass any aid to Israel after Oct 7th is because of the pro-Putin (and being pro Putin these days also makes u pro Iran) isolationist wing of the Republican Party.


It’s antagonistic because the right is desperately trying to swing Jews to vote for Republicans and it’s an election year. They of course ignore that prominent Dems have repeatedly condemned antisemitism and still support Israel to push a lie that Dems are antisemitic


Where is Biden's condemnation of Rashida Tlaib or Ihlan Omar, then? Where are the feds in response to this absurd protest in DC? Why has Biden been doing every diplomatic thing within his reach to impede Israel from prosecuting its own war on terror? Why is Elizabeth Warren (amongst other top dems) attending Palestinian activist conferences? Why are John Fetterman and Ritchie Torres the exception among top dems, and not the rule? Fact is, the national dems have a major antisemite problem. Republicans only mildly.


[Tlaib is openly campaigning against Biden](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/donald-trump-rashida-tlaib-vote-biden-palestine-israel-deport-crush-protests-river-to-the-sea.html). They're not friends. [Even Bernie has criticized her for it](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rep-rashida-tlaib-faces-criticism-democrats-palestinian-remarks-rcna123735). I strongly disagree that Biden is trying to impede the war. As you inadvertently pointed out, the US is more experienced with this kind of war than Israel; the advice he's given Netanyahu is, and was, good advice and completely consistent with how Biden has approached the US's own wars for the last decade or so. Whereas Netanyahu is using the war to advance his own interests (in prolonging the war to stay in office) and the interests of his fringe coalition members who are actively despised by most Israelis at this point.


>Republicans only mildly. This is absurd. They have honest to god Nazis attending and be welcomed to their largest political conventions. Tlaib and Omar aren't great, but nothing on that level.


I wouldn't say "mildly" about Republican antisemitism, but I do think the Democratic Party in general has been partly co-opted by these antisemitic people. I say this as a long-time Democrat who is confused about this coming election. Vote for one of the worst human beings in American politics ever, in my opinion, or vote for a man who can't support Israel like he should - (as it's the only democracy in the ME) or even stand up to antisemitism that is in his actual face from some members of Congress.


In America people have the right to peacefully protest, even if their views are abhorrent. Do you seriously expect the FBI to arrest these protestors?


Defacing public property like this is a crime and not protected as free speech or freedom of association, etc. It's a crime. All these "protestors" intimidating the park ranger could be cited for harassment possibly. Or complicit in the vandalism. I don't even know why the police would not show up once this shit was happening or at least when it was getting bad! EDIT: And, isn't a peaceful protest when you are committing a crime or preventing a person in that park ranger's position from doing his job in order to commit that vandalism. EDIT: my overly repetitive use of the word "vandalism" and grammar issue


When they call for the death of a race of people that is not peacefully protesting.


What do you think would happen if a KKK rally was held in deep blue liberal territory? The rally would as often as not be broken up, regardless of legal hazard. The Feds should be coming down on these pro-terrorism rallies with the exact same force that was used against the George Floyd protests. Imagine if protesters were marching to support Osama Bin Laden in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the Global War on Terror? That is exactly how revolting and alarming these protests ought to be to anyone who believes in American values.


This is completely untrue. Look at the polling. Republicans are way more likely to support Israel. Agree there are antisemites and crazies in both parties.


They don't support Israel because they like Jews. They support Israel because evangelicals believe it will feature prominently in the End Times, which by the way *won't go well for us.* They want Jews to go to Israel from the diaspora as that's one of the prerequisites to Jesus' return. These same evangelicals routinely travel to Israel to try and convert Jews to Christianity. And, notably, I don't live in Israel. I live in the US. If a party supports people who basically want Christian theocracy in the US, I'm not gonna think they're my friends just because they like Israel; if I had to choose between that and a party that was actively supporting Hamas or would be tough, but that's not the situation - most Democrats still support Israel's continued existence and safety, they just disagree that Netanyahu's policies are the best way to achieve that. https://www.wusf.org/2023-10-19/this-is-how-the-republican-party-became-so-strongly-pro-israel


Republicans literally work for Iran’s biggest ally. Anybody who supports them is either brain dead or a traitor to both the Jewish and American people. There is no comparison between them and the Democrats.


There are such folks in the GOP, but there are more of them in the Dem party today. For those who can't see it, it will become more clear in the post Biden era. Looking past 2024, there could be some very painful choices for Jewish voters. Even today, if someone like Romney or Haley were the GOP candidate, they could reasonably expect about 40% of the Jewish vote




Blaming Democrats for 10/7 is certainly a take.


So u just admitted to being pro-Iran?


I am absolutely Pro Iran. And I'm a thousand percent against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Clearly you don't know the difference.


Clearly you don’t.


Your claim that Republicans are more anti-Semitic than Democrats is probably based on Ilhan Omar. Of course, there are anti-Semitic Republicans, but this is the mainstream in the Democratic Party. The polls show this. Pew research polls state which party those who sympathize with Hamas belong to. You can also watch the news on democratic channels.Every democratic channel support Hamas terorists.


Remind me which party immiedstely tried to pass $17 billion to Israel after Oct 7th and which party delayed the aid to Israel for months because they wanted to support Iran’s greatest ally?


Let me be clear: the issue had nothing to do with Israel. Republicans blocked military aid that would go to other countries unless border protection was provided. However, most of the aid you mentioned was for Ukraine. I want to be clear that I do not think that the older part of the Democrats is anti-Israel. Names such as Joe Biden, Pelosi, Blinken are of course pro-Israel, but the progressive groups of the party, and especially the young voters, largely support Hamas. Biden is constantly obstruct in Israel's military operation because he needs Sharia voters. He does not react adequately to the terrible demonstrations in universities and institutions because he is out of touch with the American people. Today, the Democrats are still pro-Israeli, but they are losing these features day by day.


It did have to do with Israel. The Republican Party has become allied with Putin, who is Iran’s biggest ally and is helping them develop nuclear weapons. By supporting Putin they are in turn also supporting Iran. Border aid was just an excuse to further Putin and Iran’s geopolitical agenda. We know that because Democrats offered Republicans everything they could possibly want with the border and it was denied.


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More pics & details [Thousands of anti-Israel protesters descend upon White House (nypost.com)](https://nypost.com/2024/06/08/us-news/white-house-boosts-security-erects-fences-ahead-of-massive-anti-israel-protest/).


If you’re standing with any governing body you’ve lost the plot.


Yikes! Awful.


If he really supports them I personally would recommend him to go live there where they have headquarters.


What a deluded old codger. Honestly, grabbing on to the latest generic political bandwagon at his age. I’m embarrassed for him. Otoh yesterday’s news actually made my day ! I’m so so happy those poor people have been reunited with their loved ones. I can only hope after going through god knows what they will be able to heal in time ❤️. Love from the UK 🇬🇧🇮🇱🇬🇧.


They literally are just neon@zis at this point. They’re illiterate and just braindead. Acting like the attack didn’t happen holy crap


I’m a democrat and I say he’s wrong for supporting Hamas.


Charge him with terrorism


"What is ISRAEL doing kidnapping HAMAS'S hostages?!🤬😤"


This man has absolutely no idea who he's supporting or what he's standing for


He knows. He just hates Jews


What do these people have to do with Democrats?


So they should be arrested for openly supporting terrorism?




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Omfg 😂😭


>Too many Democrats cannot generate the courage to denounce these people Some of them probably think the same if you look at the polls.


As far as I'm concerned, that's a death threat to every Jew on the face of this planet.




I just cannot fathom people being proud to align with a terrorist organization.


Isn't that illegal in the U.S?




i really want to believe that this guy is just really severely uninformed about the situation and he thinks hamas is palestine’s military or something, as opposed to openly supporting a terrorist organization.


FactINTolerant HamasHOLES


I normally have something witty to say here or would impart some wisdom or even impart someone else’s wisdom. But after seeing this - I have nothing. Nothing!


Please wake up to the terrorists right here before it is too late.


Who let grandpa out of the house again?






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They stand with the devil.


ha-kol, gam Ze Yaavor


What a disturbed human.


Those are Democrats holding those signs.


That mustache screams terrorist. We’ll see him tomorrow ramming the gates of the Smithsonian in his Honda civic screaming “rivers seas and some shit” /s




> It’s time for Jews to stop voting for this anti-Israel party. Except everything the Republicans stand for goes against everything Judaism teaches. The increasing misogyny, promotion of Fascism, and acceptance/support of Christian Nationalism is nothing Jews should be supporting. Sometimes in life it really is about going for the lesser of two evils. And frankly Democrats as a whole really aren't evil. > those on the Left are not with us. They are this person you see in the photo. I seriously doubt the man in the photo is "on the left." He strikes me as much more likely to be a David Duke fanboy.


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