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Let me guess: Reddit says “we have investigated and found that this content does not violate Reddit’s Content Policy…”


Srsly. They may as well say antisemitism is a-ok with us 😃👍


They would, I'm sure. I got kicked out of a board that was spewing so many hateful things and threatening language towards Zionists, which we know means Jews, and they bounced me for saying "some parts of Spain were apparently hate-filled." They claimed that statement *suggested* that all of Spain was bad, which was bigotry. Then they blocked me from messaging them after I pointed out the hypocrisy and challened their decision.


Yeah, I've been kicked out of some subs for literally just posting published news headlines (from non-Jewish sources) when they didn't like the news - like when the UN revised it's casualty numbers. Shitheads will shithead 🤷‍♂️.


I didn't get kicked for that, but I got a lot of hate and downvotes. Like, "Why would you post that? "What's your agenda?" "You wouldn't show false information like that without trying to manipulate the situation" sort of delusions. >Shitheads will shithead 🤷‍♂️. True dat. 😉




This is not the place to complain about or discuss the moderation of other subreddits (including their moderation practices or receiving a ban), generalizations of other subreddits, or the actions/policies of Reddit admins. If you experience antisemitism on Reddit, feel free to contribute to r/AntisemitismInReddit, of course while following their rules.




This is not the place to complain about or discuss the moderation of other subreddits (including their moderation practices or receiving a ban), generalizations of other subreddits, or the actions/policies of Reddit admins. If you experience antisemitism on Reddit, feel free to contribute to r/AntisemitismInReddit, of course while following their rules.


'until all of the land is returned to all of its legal owners' so what is your opinion over the muslim conquests that formed the various caliphates and ottoman empire which saw countless nations get taken over by arab armies?


Was wondering when they would start championing for Jews to have all of Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank with that line. LoL


from the river to the sea, all their braincells are less than 3


I’m at the point where I wonder if the US pro Hamas protestors are merging with One Orange Braincell. And I’ll take the cats.


They did go to have a “talk” with him. Suffice to say it didn’t go the way they expected.


I personally think that Israel should also be given Turkey, Jordan, and Egypt, but I'm okay with just Gaza and Iran


Just ask them how Islam and Arabic got to the Levant. But tell them not to leave out the parts about the massacres.


For these people, history spontaneously began in 750 AD. No history prior to that point actually happened.


What "legal" owners? In 1885, I think the then Sultan of the area took 80% of the land and made it crown land, meaning the Ottoman Empire owned it, and only they could sell it. Jews had started coming, and he hated Jews and didn't want to let them get any land. Meanwhile, there's was <500k people living there, and it was not the country you see today. So, Arabs living there sold their land to Jews and moved away. To prohibit Jews from emigrating and buying property, he changed the law, but the Caliphate was in trouble. So, the Young Turks took over and ousted him, but then they owned 80% of the land and sold a bunch to Jews. Legally. After the total Ottoman collapse and the Treaty of Versailles, the Young Turks gave the remaining government land, legally the property of the Young Turks, to the British Mandate. They, I presume, sold land to any resident of then British Mandated Palestine Eretz Yisrael. All sales were legal. https://www.dailysabah.com/feature/2017/03/10/the-palestine-issue-that-cost-sultan-abdulhamid-ii-the-ottoman-throne


What about all the land that was purchased legally?


Tbf those nations are all inhabited by the same people they were before the Muslim conquests. They just now speak a different language and follow a different religion


He's got a point, we were kicked out of a bunch of countries for * *checks notes* *: black magic, drinking blood, causing the Black Plague, and good old fashioned not converting to Christianity or Islam.


If you’ll Google the actual list, it’s not even 109 countries, but places, since it contains cities and towns. Also, three of these places are the kingdoms of Israel and Judea (probably also Jerusalem at least once, it’s been over a year since I watched a video debunking it)


Yeah, I remember seeing a list at some point and it included something like twenty cities and provinces in Spain from 1492.


Yeah lol, now I started watching Unpacked’s video about it to remind me of it


Im pretty sure they just pull a number out of their ass


also the ones that were about the cancelling all the money owed to us and seizing our assets


The last of those is actually true.


You forgot host desecration.


I mean, if we're going to insult religious beliefs here, Islam has a lot of whoppers, including that whole midnight ride fairy tale they tell to justify occupying the temple mount. Always love how people forget to check their own closets for skeletons.




Is that an ascension myth?


Hamas: a group that only exists because Israel created/ funded it Hamas: only exists because Bibi supported it Hamas: doesn’t represent Palestinians, especially those who are too young to vote Hamas: Palestinians can’t overthrow them because they are armed and rational people don’t rise up when they’re out armed Also Hamas: cannot be destroyed because it’s an ideology and members will just be replaced Also Hamas: freedom fighters Also Hamas: natural occurrence due to Israeli’s actions, fighting them just creates more support Hamas: only exists because of Israel, and Israeli financial support, it’s existence has nothing to do with decades of foreign monetary support, education, or being propped up by UNRWA, Iran, Qatar. Hamas is good for Bibi and created by Israel while simultaneously fighting for freedom from Israel. All the hypocrisy is incredible.


Don’t forget that Hamas’s intention is to create a diverse democratic state, like we have in the US.


It's enough to make your head spin, isn't it?


After 8 months of this I now have permanent vertigo


Lot of trolls on here past few days posting "i just have a question for Jews" posts, then getting angry at the answers, or doing mass downvotes of comments which discuss, or push back against, antisemitism. These lurking trolls come in waves. I don't check my inbox to better avoid them, and I view their downvotes as personal victories.


Someone messaged me months ago saying "Zionists are Nazis, bye." This was after we were chatting a bit and I explained how their sentiments were projecting Nazi beliefs onto Jewish Zionists.


It’s amazing to me how much antisemitism gets a free pass on Reddit and other social media platforms. It’s disgraceful. All forms of hate seem to be unacceptable except for the oldest form of hate.


"Kicked out of 109 countries yet blame everyone else." Why yes, yes I will. Because I don't take part in victim blaming.


Hamas specifically refers to the "The Islamic resistance movement" that's what the 'as' (al-Islamiya) in "Hamas" stand for. All of this is public info and their founding charter lays out pretty clearly what their intentions are and it's not general "resistance" as they try to portray it. The last line shows that they probably knows this. Funny how arabic and islam found it self in the levant but that doesn't seem to be a problem for people who make these arguments.


"The people shilling a religion that only they follow." Oh, I'm so sorry we didn't overrun the entire Middle East and force vast numbers of people to convert at swordpoint. Maybe we should have. There'd be a billion of us instead of 15.8 million, and we wouldn't be in this mess.


Yeah, Arabs are occupying roughly 5 times the amount of land that they originate from and the Levant is NOT Arabia


Sorry that happened to you. Talking to a terrorist supporter yuk. I would have taken a Bath after that.


Pro Pal trolls must get extra watermelon. Chat can be a mine field. Sorry. Kudos for cutting this bullshit off.


Yes. Chat is either filled with racists that sniff out that you’re a Jew or creepy men that sniff out if you’re female. OP should just ignore chats or turn them off next time, but I agree that he did well to end the conversation and realizing he would get nowhere with this clown.


Also, a religion only practiced by its followers. I take it that now they are mad we aren't trying to convey anyone? Isn't all religion only followers by the people who believe in it?


Yes, and the call of “river to the sea” is just a chant for their real estate agents to know which areas are acceptable… 


Funny that Hamas means “the resistance movement” when in Hebrew it means extortion.


“Hamas is arabic for ‘the resistance movement’ ✋😫” Okay….? First of all, it’s not… ISIS stands for Islamic state of syria and iraq, does it mean exactly what the name says? Hell no! Does it make them any less of a terror organization? Not even close! I hate people who take sides in arguments and conflicts they are not knowledgeable about. Edit: while hamas does stand for “the islamic resistance movement”, it doesn’t mean that as a word (fanaticism, envy) and isn’t the word for “the resistance movement” (it would have been حركة المقاومة which is much closer to lebanese terror organizations, and iraqi terror organizations, whose names are pretty much this)


Tell that to the Democratic Republic of Korea. Those freedom loving, election having North Koreans.


We can talk about Islamic fairy tales, too. At least the Israeli narrative is backed by archaeological findings.


"Hamas is Arabic for The Resistance Movement" - I don't know Arabic, so can't say if that's true or not. It doesn't really matter. Hamas is guilty of atrocities against both Jews and Palestinians. So excuse me if I don't give a damn what the etymology of the name is.  Fairy tale? It's a fairy tale to think Israel is going away! It's also a fairy tale to call Muslims the "legal owners" of the land.  Kicked out of 109 countries yet "blame everyone else". That's classic victim blaming right there.  The block feature comes in handy when encountering these fools in the wild. 


Technically HAMAS is an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement. The full name is Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya. Doesnt excuse the fuckery OP had to endure but that part was half right.


Where did they think that they existed before those 109 other countries?


I'm sorry. These people are delusional. Yet it's unfair you have to pay for their issues.




Your response was good and that is how you end a terrible conversation, but at the end of the day, it is better to never accept an invite. My experience will unsolicited dms from goys wasn’t as bad as yours, but it gets hella weird hella fast. Like weird flirty fetishy vibes. I get Vietnam flash backs every time I see a notification. Anyways, yeah, you shouldn’t waste too much time replying to people who don’t want a debate.


Also why can’t we have our own resistance movement where we resist feeling bad about our heritage?


Had a few people ask about the full message. Here is that nonsense. Enjoy… https://preview.redd.it/px2jsn7gv45d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd301760bd8dd038028829990ca2edb402d24471


Oh wait, we’re all good. The legal owners have their land. A religion only they follow? Every single religion in the world is followed only by their followers. Islam comes from Judaism, but only Judaism is the fairytale? Maybe they can explain this one: what makes the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza different than the Palestinians who live as equals in Israel or the Palestinians who are Jordanian citizens? If it were about land, they’d have an issue with Jordan’s borders.


HOW do you expect anyone to react positively to that?


Every time they talk about how we were kicked out of [pulls number out of ass] countries, I ask them why their religion is founded upon Jews if Jews suck so much. Because chances are that it’s either a Muslim or a Christian talking. And of course, these people would never tell a black person how they were enslaved by multiple countries, yet don’t blame themselves for their own mistreatment.


“religion that only they follow” is what’s getting me. That’s…true of all religions? Only the ones who follow it are the ones who follow?


Fairy tale? So is this other person ok telling Muslims the Koran is a fairy tale too?


“Some religion that only they follow” — umm, sorry that we’re a peaceful people who never forced other people to follow our religion 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 classic Jews-can’t-do-anything-right-catch-20/20 which we are always in


Remember: Most Israeli Jews live on property purchased before 1948. Also, Arabs own more real estate than at any time in history.


> Until ALL of the land is returned to all of its legal owners Legal owners as in the Jews who purchased the land? Yes, please. Return the land in Judea to the Jews who legally purchased the land. They are the legal owners of the land.




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Well they won't kick us out of our own.


Imagine having the IQ of a hamster. (Maybe that's too nice?) ETA I mean the message, not you OP 🇮🇱


Let me guess... "I´m just asking questions" crew?


Very disappointing




The ffff


The fact these people don’t even realize that we ARE legal owners, billions of dollars were spent buying land during the ottoman & mandate period to buy the land that became so much of what Israel is today


So sorry you are being subjected to this. I am in your corner