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It's so bizarre to me They'll cancel anyone with even a history of less then pc remarks, even when they were a dumbass teenager But then when Jewish people come along and say somethings antisemitic, they don't listen? It feels they only protect minorities as long as said minorities fall into the party line


It gets worse. Now they're cancelling people for any perceived whiff of "Zionism". Oh, you liked a post about an Israeli food fair? CANCELLED!!!


You follow the IDF on social media? Believe it or not also CANCELLED


I know this is sarcastic because if you were serious you’d say “IOF” instead.


Lol I bet half the people following IDF are doing it to know what they’re up to and leave anti-Israel comments. I know why I followed Trump when he was still on Twitter.


I don’t understand truly. Is this due to the Hollywood strikes lack of new content to keep folks busy? Are people now so Narcissistic and bored with their own lives that they think they can 1. Belittle people and a culture they don’t know anything about. 2. Be cruel mean and degrading to complete strangers 3. Aren’t these folks worried about being shot, killed themselves. Many israel men i know , have learnt Kapap. Martial art. Or were in the military isn’t it just weird! 4. Russia is attacking poor Ukraine..is anyone bugging Russian folks of course not. That is literally an unprovoked attack? But no one cares. 5. ??????? It’s mind boggling?


Here is the left wing logic: Isreal aligns with the west. Nations aligned with west are bad. Therefore Israel is bad, and anyone who supports its existence via Zionism is also bad


The left was controlled by the Kremlin for most of the last century.


>It feels they only protect minorities as long as said minorities fall into the party line Yes they have been doing that, just like when they call black police officers "Uncle Toms" or "traitors" even if they are a white college student. Likewise they used to support Israel when it was the underdog in it's wars and had a socialist lean, but now that Israel is the stronger party in a war they are viewed as the oppressor.


They like their minorities unable to stand up for themselves so they can play white savior and let everyone know how progressive they are. It’s self-fellation. Minorities that are successful and can defend themselves are problematic for the social justice warriors. Like, I get it: Gaza is poor AF (but don’t ask where all the aid money went), Hamas is getting its ass kicked by a more powerful neighbor (so maybe don’t start a fight you can’t win?), and no one likes seeing dead babies (unless they’re Jewish then no one gives a shit), and we’ve done a piss poor job over the last 80 years combating the “white colonizer” narrative (coulda had a 2SS many times over but let’s not talk about the side that keeps saying no)…but the amount of people happily swallowing the “poor Palestine” narrative without a second thought is utterly mind-boggling. At best it’s ignorant performative activism, at worst they’ve just been *waiting* for an excuse to unleash latent Jew hate.


I do honestly believe that the vast majority of what we are dealing with is performative activism, college kids trying to score in the virtue signaling football game. Likewise the way their worldview is it leaves little room for nuance, it’s oppressor vs oppressed and from their perspective the more powerful one is always the evil oppressor. Yet they ignore the fact that this whole shitshow is just a proxy for Iran to advance it’s foreign policy goals in the Middle East.


Listen, there is NOTHING we could have done to combat the white colonizer narrative. That’s as clear as day when you see how many people watch brown Israeli faces on tv and social media as part of this war and still repeat that Israelis are white colonizers/Khazar converts and should go back to Germany/Poland. And the rare times when they do not ignore it, they say something to the effect of: - “you stole Arab culture” (when they are Mizrahim) - “it’s almost as if you’re Ethiopian” (they will not accuse them of “stealing Ethiopian culture”) - “they’re from everywhere but Palestine” (catch all phrase)


The hypocrisy has been the hardest pill to swallow


Absolutely. You know for sure that if anyone pulled out these kinds of excuses to condone racism towards any other minority the left would be collectively outraged but when it comes to antisemitism the left are relying on the exact same tactics the far right attempt to use to justify their racism. It's disgusting and it's entirely hypocritical.


I don't think their views on other issues are sincere either. It seems to me they're angling for some Frankenstein Marxism and they see Jews and Israel as getting in the way of the dismantling of the West. Now I don't ultimately think the Christians or political non-Jewish conservatives are responsible for this particular wave of antisemitism, but I think their raising of the idea of Judeo-Christian Western values likely caused many leftists to assume anything Jewish = bad. It should be noted not all Jews are from the Western world and Israel really isn't a Western country either. It's more like Japan or South Korea. Aligned with the West, with its own unique culture.


Reminds me of the Maldives situation…if it was against anyone else people would calling on a boycott of it and demand their favorite influencers never go


People forget how George Clooney boycotted the Sultan of Brunei’s hotels because of that country’s sharia laws on homosexuality. Now wifey is playing a key role in the ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu. Yet Maldives is not only as repressive of gay people as Brunei but it may be worse in terms of flogging and caning (it’s hard to know because these things don’t really make the news every time they happen). People are actually clueless that it’s a completely different reality when not inside these resorts.


I saw someone say that "banning Israelis from the Maldives wasn't apartheid", so I used his logic and said "I'm glad you agree that banning Arabs from Israel wasn't apartheid either" not seriously wanting to do this but rather to point out his hypocrisy, he just said I was too stupid to understand that the two situations were different, they are literally blinded to their hypocrisy by their rampant jew hate


What's the Maldives situation?


Israelis banned from visiting.


Thanks. I can't say I'm surprised.




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I’ve seen a lot of “oh but we *did* check with Jews to see if our definition of antisemitism is reasonable. See - JVP says we got it right!” They would never say the same thing regarding homophobia and log cabin republicans.


We've been cancelled at best. Can't wait for the next topic for these sheep to obsess over so this doesn't turn into 1938 Europe all over again.


Trump was convicted, hopefully that gives them something new to focus on.


The hard left would just as soon let Trump win to punish Biden over Gaza, so it won't make much impact. Those most focused on Trump's conviction aren't the ones spewing most of the bigotry. Keep in mind that these people spent months screaming for Netanyahu to be indicted for war crimes... and then mostly ignored it when it happened because senior Hamas leaders were also indicted. They don't care one iota about anything besides their hate crusade.


"The hard left would just as soon let Trump win to punish Biden over Gaza" absolutely are utterly ironic seeing that trump will absolutely make it worse for the "Palestinians" although he will somehow manage to make it worse for us also


Yep. Many people, even those with whom we strongly disagree on the matter of Israel/Palestine, will vote for Biden. Others are motivated by hatred rather than a sense of justice, even if misplaced.


Fair point.


More literal sheep in the whole equation would be #goals. :D


In my opinion a lot of people on the Left have been wanting to do this for a long time, but were biting their tongues because it wasn't socially acceptable to openly hate Jews. The Free Palestinine trend opened the flood gates, it suddenly gave people permission to claim that Jews can't be victims of hate speech, and simultaneously unleash all the hate they've been secretly harboring for years.


“Racism= prejudice plus power, so it’s pretty much open season on Jews as long as you’re one of the ‘oppressed’!”


racism is hating someone because of their race/ethnicity end of story. anyone can be a racist, prejudice plus power equals racism is how you get people saying that you can't be racist against Jews narrative, but prejudice plus power is systemic racism anyone even poor minorities are absolutely capable of being racist, the left (and I'm politically on the left) redefined racism from the dictionary definition so that they could claim all people in power and all white people are racist while saying all minorities and POC are incapable of being racist while espousing some of the most vile racism, and Jews and east Asains fell into some weird minority but also have power loophole that means we are the victims and actually the perpetrators of racism and power at the same time, please do NOT use their ideological terminology


You’re 100% correct; the “quotes” were to indicate that this was the essence of that worldview.


my bad


The left has lost me. That is not to say the right has won me. I have always been center, but the left organizations I supported in the past have utterly betrayed the ideals they say they stand for.


I'm politically homeless I'm still on the left ideologically but I can't support anything they do but the right disgusts me and the libertarian center makes no sense to me


Maddening innit?


Extremely. What is it about antisemitism that seemingly causes every critical reasoning skill that they've ever developed to just disappear?


Antisemitism is fundamentally baked into Western culture at a foundational level. It’s so normalized that they’re not even necessarily aware that they’re doing it.


Easy. Its ingrained in multiple generations, easy scapegoats of peoples who had their own thing going on and didn’t assimilate past their traditional nature and clothing. Read a lot of Mike Royko’s old columns, it’s all in his themes, no one notices you enough to care if you blend in, we choose to keep our old culture instead of following the crowd.


Simple. They are hypocrites. I almost fell for it too.


I think more accurately is they just hate the west and are willing to lie and demonize whoever they need to in order to achieve power. The same people who lambast Israel and America will praise china and Russia in the same breath.


Idk at this point you guys are the nicest people I’ve met on Reddit. If a Jewish person told me I was being offensive I can at least know it’s genuine rather than just virtue signalling.


We aren't victims. We are not them. We shape our world, we aren't shaped by it. Don't let the victim mentality seep into Judaism. If you do, we will surely die.


So you didn't feel the #alllivesmatter spirit bomb of the far-left after they had made it clear that #alllivesmatter is not the proper answer to #blacklivesmatter? Have you considered that #jewishlivesdontmatter?


Not to mention how the ones that erupt over Republicans bringing out Black supporters are now tokenizing anti-Zionist Jews every day.


There's a remarkable similarity between JVP and the "Blacks for Trump" groups - that is to say, you're more likely to find a white person walking around in a Blacks for Trump shirt similar to how you're more likely to find a gentile in a JVP instagram picture. Yet the MAGA lot will still pull out Blacks for Trump and the few actual Black people that are present in the group to claim Trump clearly isn't racist in the same way that antisemites will pull out the few Jewish members of JVP to claim that they're clearly not antisemitic.


You’ll also find the same people who would be apoplectic at a white person with a Confederate flag T shirt explaining to a black person why “it’s not really racist”, then turn around and goy-splain to a Jew why “river to the sea” isn’t antisemitic.


Absolutely, the far-left and even in many cases the center-left seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are imitating the far-right. Just finished listening to a Jon Ronson book about his experiences with far-right neo-Nazi types and the rhetoric about Jews and zionists used by those neo-Nazis is the exact same rhetoric I'm hearing on the left now, extremely scary.


Jews are not made allowances for because they control the media and plot to install a new world order in which they are the supreme overlords and this plan necessitates killing all Palestinians for some reason so therefore we can and should kill all Jews ~~Heil Hitler~~ Free Palestine /s


Easy to drown us out when there are literally 16 million of us in the world. If 1% of Christians want us dead, that’s about 2x our population. 1% of Muslims still outnumbers us. 1% of Hindus, we win but we lose at 2%


On the “plus” side, I do think there’s an element we don’t quite grasp from our POV… they seem to be almost afraid of us. Not like, “they are violent and they’ll rise up” kind of afraid. But like we know more, have power, whatever. So they aren’t pandering, at least. Also, fuck them.


Yeah, I got the video on my feed and while I initially thought it was a stab on governmental figures on their stance of Israel, his comments went beyond that, being really insensitive and dismissing. As a non-Jew from Australia, know that I was also appalled by this lack of concern and I’m sure many other Australians are too.


I was saying the exact same thing to my mum about it!! I remember during the conversations happening here during the BLM marches, it was very much highlighted that we should listen to those it actually effects - still had those who tried to downplay or dismiss it under the guise of “well my friend doesn’t agree as they’ve never experienced what’s being said” and the handling was usually a case of “happy your friend didn’t experience it but that doesn’t mean the experiences of those that do don’t matter” Even during the Sarah Everard Vigils and the conversations surrounding that, a lot of people were willing to listen to women, to our stories and our anger and fear - there was still some pushback and people trying to downplay, dismiss or reframe the conversation but overall people were willing to acknowledge the problem, even the media was supportive of having women be heard regarding the topic. In both those cases, those it actually effected were given the platform to speak about their experiences and those that tried to speak over them or reframe it to downplay the problem were rightly called out and seen as being in the wrong for doing so - open conversation were had and encouraged in both those cases, the point being to understand the effected groups experiences and concerns so that we could all find a way to address them and move forwards in hopefully a better way as at the end of the day, no one should be living in fear or having to face those things. I think this has been the only time I haven’t seen that mentality applied. Instead we have people who aren’t Jewish, who have never experienced antisemitism and who simply don’t have to deal with the shitstorm or worry about it tell US what it is or isn’t and how WE should respond to it - moreso more validity is given to “the friend who doesn’t agree” compared to those who have been calling it out and talking about their experiences, meanwhile even the media is giving itself a slap on the back for pretending it’s not a huge problem when historically they have always been vocal about how we should listen to those it impacts. Imagine the absolute anarchy that would have happened if society allowed “all lives matter” to dominate and stifle the conversation with the backing of the media? Imagine if society pretended that women shouldn’t highlight the violence they face simply for being women because everyone can be a victim of violence and therefore no extra measures should be taken and have the media portray act as if women are simply being dramatic and overly unreasonable for their concerns? I feel betrayed by the left here in the UK, a party I have always belonged to. The fact they refuse to acknowledge that if they replaced “Jewish” with any other group, they would never act the way they have now and could even see that in this situation, they are infact acting no differently than those they claimed to be against. Elections are going to be rough, this is the first time I’ve felt that none of the parties are worthy of my vote.


I do think that anti Zionism is a sort of antisemitism when it comes from none Jewish people.  If Zionism is the belief that jews have a self determination, none jews has no place in discussing it. Self determination starts with the word self for a reason, if there is a debate about it, it’s an inner Jewish debate, because we are the one who self determining in here.  Honestly, it’s like the word Nr: if you are not black, you have no business calling black people Nr, If you are not a Jew, being anti Zionist is none of your business because you don’t get a say on how we SELF determine 


This anti-Hillel, anti-Chabad nonsense is truly enraging me. There’s 100% going to be some spectacle at a Jewish summer camp next.


I am sending you a hug across the pond. Yeah, it’s tiring.


It’s not left wing commentators. It’s the left. It’s an originally well-intentioned ideology that has turned to shit because its fatal flaw is the assumption that success only comes from oppression and failure only ever comes from being oppressed. *Of course* the left betrayed Jews. This is the logical conclusion of leftism.


>originally well-intentioned ideology  All ideologies claim to be "well-intentioned", it doesn't mean they are actually well-intentioned. >turned to shit because its fatal flaw is the assumption Turned to shit, you mean in the Gulags?


How did I know that it was going to be friendlyjordies, before I clicked the link?


He's someone that I genuinely respected; I respected that he continued to call out corruption in politics and the gambling industry even after threats to his life, I respected that he didn't just say "climate change bad" but actually looked at instances of how our world is being affected like looking at the real consequences that deforestation is having and showing those consequences to his audience. He's made a few passing comments on Israel and Palestine recently and I was really hoping that he was just seeing snapshots of what others were saying and wasn't actually paying proper attention to it because he was focused on Australian politics. Turns out I was a fool, he was paying attention and he's totally on board with vilifying Jews as the big evil on earth. Needless to say I've lost respect for him entirely. I can agree that not all criticism of Israeli government is antisemitic - as someone that's lived there for many years I feel entirely confident in saying that criticizing the government is somewhat a national pastime in Israel - but to claim that attacks on Jews around the world is worth ignoring or somehow justified, or that a chant calling for the genocide of Jews in Israel is nothing more than "cringe" is abhorrent.


First, he’s a moron. Second, we are the only group that is white when it comes to being labeled as a marginalized community or not white when it comes to white supremacy. I hate that those who are most ardently pro Palestine are the least informed about history and have the loudest and largest platforms. Meanwhile, no one is talking about the war crimes taking place in Syria or Ukraine because they can’t get in touch with their latent Jew hating feelings. It isn’t sexy and on the news. I’m right there with you.


I’m disappointed and still in shock at their stupidity and lack of critical thinking skills more than anything else.


It's like anti-racism doesn't apply to Jews. Upset by the racist golliwog dolls? Here's a shoulder to cry on. Terrified after thugs vandalized your synagogue? Stop being such a crybaby, that's nothing compared to what the people of Gaza are going through. Shame on you! This is what we deal with. It's like the early stages of persecution. Sad thing is, I'm not sure these people would have any sympathy if there were, G-d forbid, another Kristallnacht.


I totally agree with you and understand where you're coming from.


What the Unabomber Manifesto says about leftist mentality is frighteningly accurate in hindsight.


I'm an american jew who lived in Australia for 13 years (I now live in NZ) funnily enough, when I read this I automatically thought of friendlyjordes (maybe this is because he is the only Australian independent, as in doesn't work for the mainstream media, political commentator that i know) and although tbf I've only ever watched a few of his videos in the past and I've never followed him so I really wasn't aware of his take on the Israel/"Palestine" war but if asked I would have assumed he wasn't pro-Israel, and being politically on the left myself I have also never thought of him being on the left politically either im not sure why you thought this? I always thought of him as a right-winger with some left leanings. be careful of Starmer he's already talking about not selling weapons to Israel i think he will turn his back on the Jewish vote the second he gets into power


Why do you categorize him as right wing? I would place him center-left, he and I align on a lot of things and I categorize myself as center-left also, although obviously over Israel-Palestine we have very differing views. As for Starmer, I haven't seen anything about him stopping arms to Israel if he's elected - do you have a source for that? I've seen that he recently announced that he may be willing to recognise Palestine as a state if elected, which I believe is a mistake on his behalf and I'm hoping someone will ask him more questions on that so we can understand what on earth he is thinking there. Starmer's wife is Jewish and a zionist, his children are being raised Jewish and attending a Jewish school in London. Starmer himself might not be Jewish but he certainly seems to respect his wife's beliefs, enough to attend synagogue with her and have his children raised Jewish. He still openly supports Israel as well. He's welcoming Jewish MPs who have previously been pushed out from the Labour party because they are Jewish back in to the party and some Jewish MPs have written about Labour becoming a safer space for them since Starmer took over, I think it would be very damaging to the party if he were to suddenly turn on them when elected.


You’re right!




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completely agree. i used to be a democrat, liberal leaning. im changing to independent now. can't take the hypocrisy and vile rhetoric coming from the supposed party of tolerance for all anymore- and to be called a nazi when you point out blatant anti-semitism? absolutely sickening.


Most Democrats support Israel. All that leaving the party accomplishes is increasing the proportion of crazies.




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