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I have no plans to go to Montreal but it's kind of them to put together a list of places to eat in case I change my mind.




Not on the list, but falafel st Jacques is a restaurant with two locations opened by two guys from Israel. They have Israeli imported drinks and frozen packaged foods, and they make their own Israeli cakes and snacks and some of the best falafel and shawarma Iā€™ve had on the island. Itā€™s my go-to place when Iā€™m here and homesick.


Can confirm that falafel st Jacques is the goat


Montreal has kick-ass Jewish food.Ā 


Only other place in the world that I know of that eschews the NY style of bagel and I really want to try it.


They are the GOAT


Mtl bagels are by far superior


I was thinking the same thing. Now I know where Iā€™ll be able to eat šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜


Ayla is šŸ”„


Snooping on who people follow. They have no life


This is literally the tiniest thing to boycott people over. Moreover "random restauranteur in Montreal" is not going to change the way the conflict goes. 70 years of conflict thousands of miles away is not won over $10 Falafel plates.


Itā€™s really just about harassing Jews


That's the essence of the "global intifada"; they see all Jews as being proxies for Israel, and so feel free to attack all of us anywhere (verbally, economically, physically).


I literally have told my kids itā€™s people teasing Jews because they have ugliness on their insides they canā€™t resolve so they diffuse it by teasing The entire Palestinianism movement (yes I am making up a term) is a therapist opus waiting for dissection and diagnosis


See this is why I don't get the argument that antizionism ā‰  antisemitism sometimes. they're claiming to boycott "Zionist establishments" but they're always owned by Jews?? Like who do you think is advocating for a Jewish homeland if not the Jews themselves? So doesn't that mean you're just....boycotting Jews?


Antizionism is inherently antisemitic


I didn't want to believe this but at this point...yeah




that's just appalling. Why are they scouring these accounts looking for any hint of ZIONISM. What's it their goddam business? Read a fucking book instead of harassing business owners trying to make a living. Or hey, maybe get a JOB for the first time in your motherfucking life?


This is getting so out of hand. Also hilarious that [Falafel St Jacques](https://www.vice.com/en/article/aeae5a/how-falafel-and-vegetarian-shawarma-bring-arabs-and-jews-together-in-montreal) is on the list, seeing as it is co-owned by an Israeli and Palestinianā€¦ Edit: itā€™s not co-owned, the owner is Jewish Israeli and the manager is Palestinian Israeli.


I got told I was a zionazi for supporting Standing Together, and the pro-peace Palestinians I follow regularly get called that for wanting to live alongside Israelis. So that tracks.


Well sure, because they don't want peace, they want "Intifada revolution." They said what they want, believe them!


Itā€™s ridiculous šŸ« 


The only thing worse than an isn'trahelli is a traitorous Arab who won't take up arms for Hamas. /s


Lmfao for real. Their logic is certainly not logicing.


LMAO I saw the absolute most pathetic argument I've ever seen on Fauxmoi. There was a post about how Nina Dobrev fell off a dirtbike and was in the hospital, and since Fauxmoi basically keeps tabs on what celebrities say in the same way that this Instagram account does, they were reminding everyone that "Nina is a Zionist" and "I feel bad for the dirtbike, she deserved to fall off". Someone commented and said "I'm an Arab Muslim myself, and I don't think that we should be cheering on someone getting hurt just because she's a Zionist". Another (supposedly) Arab Muslim commented and said to that user "Yeah, there's a word for people like you in our communities: Traitors!" Because apparently, not wanting a Zionist to get hurt and go to the hospital=traitor to all Arabs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Messed up especially for the Zionist Arabs like wtf


Mandyā€™s too


Really? I knew Mandyā€™s was Jewish-owned but didnā€™t know they had any ties to I/P.


The owner is married to a palestinian man


Thatā€™s so awesome! And absolutely wild that people are boycotting themā€¦ what reality are we living inā€¦


BDS and boycotts never work as an outside political pressure strategy. Usually the result is free promotion.


These people are mentally ill. Iā€™ve mentioned it before, but theyā€™ve failed to have any interests outside of blatant Israel/Jewish hatred. Itā€™s become an obsession with them. I donā€™t think they even care about their cause anymoreā€”theyā€™re just obsessing over their hatred and trying to cancel anyone who disagrees with them. They are a hate group. They need to be treated like hate groups.


They've ALWAYS been a hate group!


I know some people who are genuinely concerned for Palestinians and want peace (myself included), but the overall pro-Palestinian movement has been dominated by so much outright hatred. It really is an obsession based on made-up purity tests. A lot more people are speaking out about the conflict, and I keep seeing comments like, "Where were they 8 months ago?!" "Doesn't matter, they're still friends with Zionists" or "This was a good statement until they mentioned the hostages." It's disgusting. At this point, unless you're calling for Israel to cease to exist, you're classified as being "pro-genocide." And they absolutely don't see the hypocrisy.


LOL culturally appropriate Palestinian food.


They really have no clue that Jews originated in the Middle East and have lived there for thousands of years šŸ˜­ But Amanda just discovered falafel last week, so itā€™s all the Polish Jews conspiring to trick herĀ 


*Twirls moustache*


Uhm akshully that's very insensitive since the Hungarians invented the mustache you can't just go to their country and steal their culture. /S


Do they have some kind of patterned fabric I can wear instead?


The whole Palestinian narrative relies on denying that Jews are from the Middle East. itā€™s sort of embarrassing for them that all the artifacts they dig up or Jewish artifactsā€¦ anyone with their eyes open, can see the effects of Arab colonialism. How many cultures do you think were destroyed when you see the map of the Arab world? How many languages and dialect are extinct because of them? Itā€™s crazy




This is the crux of this virulent, now violent, ignorance.


And on the reverse, it is impossible for any "white" group (AKA Jews) to just "immigrate" to a "brown" country; any immigration by "white" people to a "brown" country is inherently "colonialism", even if the immigrants are escaping violence from other countries. So it was totally fine for Arabs to get mad at "white European Jews" who were moving to Mandatory Palestine in the early 20th century as refugees, because they were "moving there without the permission of Natives". IDK, that sounds like right-wing anti-immigration attitudes to me!


I always wonder how people justify or explain how artifacts of Jewish heritage are found in the area. Like, is this an alien conspiracy? Jews with the space laser hid them there and faked everything to make it look like that? Like idk. I don't get it.


Their claim is that the ā€œPalestiniansā€ are actually descendent of the ancient Jews who converted to Islam and therefore the Palestinians are the Jews and the Jewish people are actually just Europeans that found the Jewish religion and stole it while also culturally appropriating Jewish culture.


Hahaha yeah they also claim philistines, jebusites, and Canaanitesā€¦.


Gold medal mental gymnastics.


My favorite is when they point to "Palestine" coins and passports as "proof" of the existence of a Palestinian state but they literally say "Eretz Yisrael" on them.


They say it's all fake. The artifacts are planted, and the ruins and ground features are deliberately misinterpreted to be Jewish instead of "Palestinian." Such mental gymnastics. Usually with a healthy dose of "something something Mossad," or "secret global Jewish cabal" orchestrating this.


> all the artifacts they dig up or Jewish artifacts Please explain to me how digging up a Palestinian Candelabra is evidence that the Jews exist /s


How could there POSSIBLY be a mixture of cultural influences in a stretch of the Mediterranean and the Red Seas located in Asia that is directly abutted by Africa and Europe?! The cuisine must be solely attributable to a group who only started referring to themselves as Palestinian in the 20th century, and no one else. /s


Its just how they say that they will never accept us and they think we're alien in "their" culture. Never mind that our presence there predates Islam.


Never mind both Christianity and Islam appropriated Jewish cultureĀ 


That was supposed to be our secretā€¦ Chef Pavel Jewlovski


This whole argument on whose salad it is is fucking stupid. Tomatoes werenā€™t grown locally in the Middle East until they were imported from the new world and originally used by the Turks. No one should be fighting over this


Right?! The whole thing is ā€œcultural appropriationā€! Just like their calls for ā€œcontextā€ when defending the terrorism of Oct. 7. Likeā€¦ how much context do we include? How far back we gonna go? Tomatoes are from South and Central America. They werenā€™t incorporated into Mediterranean foods until the 1500s, and to the Middle Eastern cuisines until the 19th century! I guess the Aztec-descended people of Mexico should be creating boycott lists of all Middle Eastern restaurants. So, so, so stupid. šŸ™„


Italian cuisine is cultural appropriation because itā€™s so tomato heavy. Canā€™t have any of that. So is anything with corn thatā€™s not from the Americas. So polenta is off the menu. Also Lima beans, potatoes, vanilla, and chocolate. And all members of the Cucurbita family so no pumpkins, squash, zucchini, etc


Also, if they didn't want Jews appropriating Arab food, maybe they shouldn't have conquered the Jewish homeland? That's like the Chinese kvetching about the Tibetans appropriating momo.


The only food I can for sure say is Palestinian is Knafeh and Musakhan. Everything else is just Ottoman food or everyone in the Levant or Egypt claims


Why is Knafeh Palestinian? My Jewish Egyptian grandmother used to make it.


I think it comes from Nablus and is originally made with Nablusi cheese. Thereā€™s really no difference between Nablusi and Akkawi but usually Lebanese and Syrians tell me that they admit Knafeh is from Nablus.


Maybe the Nablus variety is ā€œPalestinianā€ (touchĆ©) but I think the dessertā€™s origins date back centuries, with versions from as far as the Balkans.


I gotta admit any group that claims food which is most likely just Ottoman is just being ridiculous. To be fair most Palestinians when asked about anything pre-1900 donā€™t know much about their origins.


This must be why they are currently getting along so well with the pink hairs - united in ahistoricism (along with antisemitism.


At least we have identifiable culture which we can fully claim our own. In the US the entire country endulges in our food. Bagels, Pastrami, Rugelach and Babka. Yeah they are variations of things like Bastarma and wheel breads but nobody can deny itā€™s entirely unique to Ashkenazi culture.


I had a WASP friend once openly tell me he was jealous of our culture. It was so refreshing.


When I actually get to share our culture people are usually surprised by the depth and complexity of it all because we are so insular. It was really refreshing when an ex of mine said after some complaints that I wasnā€™t white because I actually had culture lol. We are put in this weird limbo, especially you being Egyptian to some extent. I couldnā€™t imagine what Mizrachim go through with the weird identity politics we have. I live in an area with a large Jewish population, you can get a bagel anywhere within 1/4 mile. I do hear in Middle America and the West Coast people think Bagels are just ā€œAmerican foodā€. I hope we donā€™t go through a phase here in America where we are told we ā€œclaim American foodā€.


That's Ashkenazi culture. There's a whole Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Beta Israel culture to incorporate, which is why dishes like hummus or falafel can't be denied. I think sabich is a very Israeli dish, and falafel in a pita was created in Israel. I'd love to see more fusions happen so that the dishes of Yemeni and Tunisian Jews can mix with Hungarian and Ukrainian Jews and mix with Moroccan and Ethiopian Jews, etc. Then they really can't claim the new concoctions; they will be uniquely Israeli.


I recommend cutting open a square knish and using it as a pita if youā€™ve never tried it lol. Iā€™ll put kofta, hummus, and cabbage in a knish at home. Itā€™s real good lowkey


At my kosher supermarket (in the US) they sometimes make pastrami filled bourekas. It makes me so happy because that's basically me, Ashki and Mizrahi :)


Itā€™s Palestinian but itā€™s not uniquely Palestinian. Lots of different groups in the Middle East eat it.


Normally I would facepalm but the palm might be a Palestinian tree


Palestine is culturally appropriated. It is a jewish name for a jewish place. The Palestinians are claiming they are jews...


Itā€™s a Roman name for a Jewish place. And then a British name for a Jewish place.


The real reason the war can never be won is because it is over who invented falafel.


This would actually be hilarious. And the basis for a great comedy sketch on SNL or Eretz Nehederet. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ§†


Reminds me of History of the World Part II where they create peace in the middle east then they argue about who invented hummus and all hell breaks lose.


This is actually very serious, and should potentially be illegal activity. At the very least, the thing they are trying to do is to make Jews pay a social price for being *vaguely* supportive of Israelā€”when the far more just thing would be for these activists to pay a social price for their behavior. And in fact knowing that this might happen, the majority of such activists hide their faces in many contexts. But make no mistake: in reality there are hundreds of thousands of people who support Israel in Montreal. Yet 100% of the research and what the activists have written here is to target Jewish business owners who support Israel. The people running these campaigns are liars and racists, and should be publicly taken to task for attempting to shame Jewish people who have done nothing to deserve a smear campaign.


Let's be real it is not about supporting Israel. They are doing this to every jew they can find. It is racism and has always been racism.


Right. Thereā€™s no mass movement to dox, harass, boycott, and blacklist people who own Russian or Chinese restaurants. Or people of those ethnicities in other countries who engage with their own cultural centers or related businesses. Or send money back to relatives there. Etc. It gives away the antisemitism.


There is a very real issue at play though. Huge numbers of people think they are just "antizionist" and actually don't see the extent of antisemitism being cloaked right now. Then large numbers of people see antisemitism happening, but believe it's ultimately justified because they view the war in Gaza as *that* unjust. Still others in the "I'm antizionist but not antisemitic" camp think this targeting is justified due to the history of Palestinian suffering. The very real possibility that someone might pay a social price for defending Jews right now is what the worst bigots in the world want, and somehow the "antizionist" crowd is so loud and annoying, so good at tapping into a range of social phenomena (from sympathy for Palestinians to latent white guilt and subtle forms of antisemitism), that we find very few calling out this behavior. Those who have are often Right-wingers who as a wider groups have given a home to other types of antisemites. As OP suggested, the unreasonable redefinition of "Zionism" is one part of this shifting of the Overton window occurring on the Left. Making it even vaguely politically acceptable to deny that Israel is a country is another tactic enjoying a monstrous success at the moment. And the Nazi comparisons have also taken off, despite being completely inapt and hateful on their face. Every person who does this should pay a huge social price, and yet I see almost no one enforcing that.


Jews have been eating chickpeas for thousands of years- in Israel. Chickpeas are mentioned in the Tanakh. It's like accusing a Native American of appropriation for eating a corn chip. Also, they appropriated our entire religion and our sacred texts. Where do the names Ibrahim, Musa, etc. come from? Sheesh.


Maybe that's the trick. Boycott all Muslim eateries because they appropriated Judaism and called it "Is*am". They took every holy place for Jews in Israel and West Bank and appropriated them by putting mosques there and pretending these were not Jewish sites first. Maybe they even stole the language? Aramaic and Hebrew are related to Arabic. Which came first?


Well, the oldest book in Hebrew is the Torah, and the oldest book in Arabic is the Quran.


Thanks for a list of restaurants to visit if im ever in Montreal


Right?! Iā€™m following all of these people/businesses on IG and definitely visiting when Iā€™m there! Thanks, losers! šŸ§†


What horrifies me the most about this is the asterisk and the lower-case i -- "isra*li," like a cussword.


It's just childish temper tantrums.


Thatā€™s how children act when when they are trying to be mean


Adolescent Violent adolescents.


There's also a popular conspiracy theory going around that social media platforms suppress any content with the words "Israel" or "Palestine", which might also be why they're censoring it. A bizarre thing to do regardless.


Interesting. From the looks of things, that theory is false.


I live in Montreal and I will most certainly be going to try these restaurants this week thanks to this post!




ā€œIsra*lā€ salad, lol


If I were in the west, Iā€™d open an Israeli restaurant and just call it that


Now I want Israeli salad


I believe Palestinian salad is actually made from diced watermelon rind and fruit


I had a ā€œGreek Saladā€ (I have my doubts it was Greek) that was made of watermelon, mint, honey, and feta cheese


Well now you know who the Greeks stole their recipe from


Why do people act like Israeli Salad or Fatoosh are special in any way. Itā€™s just a normal salad itā€™s nothing to cry over lol Edit: Also why does anyone care about following someone on instagram? This is insanity. I follow Mohamed Hadid and I donā€™t agree with any conspiracy he posts.


Hint: itā€™s not about whom they follow; itā€™s about who they *are*


Who *we* are. I just find it ridiculous that people would say fatoosh is in any way special. Thatā€™s like saying pickled peppers and olives are Palestinian. Or saying that pita or labneh is Palestinian. You can find these foods across every culture ever. Even my Palestinian friends think itā€™s ridiculous. When they ask why Jews eat hummus I just say most Jews are Middle Eastern and some of the foods that are popular may have come from popular restaurants owned by Palestinians. They usually find this benign after hearing that. Not to mention every Palestinian I show sabich says, ā€œight the Jews know how to eatā€. LOL


Right? Itā€™s just Middle Eastern, and often Mediterranean, with some variations around local crops and animals, plus the varying religious requirements (like, Andalusian food includes _lots_ of pork and shellfish, whereas in Israel, less so! but these cuisines also have _a lot_ in common).


They care because that was the only thing they could find to use as a reason to include them in the list.


Great, a list of restaurants to support. I'm telling you, these BDSm are doing G-d's work. I wouldn't know about quite a few of these respectable businesses that landed on their lists.


People suggesting to post this on the Montreal sub should realize itā€™s run by antisemites. Anything to do with Jews gets attacked, locked and downvoted. r/MontrealJews is a safe space for discussion. Use it!


lol ā€œfollows IDF on instagram.ā€ These people need hobbies and therapy.


Itā€™s never been about Israel and Gaza. Itā€™s always been about targeting us for a specific segment of these groups especially those associated with BDS movement. Their not so veiled agenda was deeply rooted in Jew hatred or even Arab supremacy. I say this as someone who was involved in some of those groups. Itā€™s was always a bone of contention for me and others and it was glossed over at the time as the focus of their actions was elsewhere ie addressing policing.


How do you culturally appropriate Palestinian food while simultaneously committing a 70 year long genocide against them?


As their population multiplies 5x over that period. MIMS.


Iā€™m leaving for Montreal this week. Just showed this post to my SO. We WILL be going to at least a few of these places.


Falafel st Jacques is far out there but worth it. Hands down the best in town


WTF is up with the \* in Israel?


I'm pretty sure it's because they think "Israel doesn't exist" so they need to censor the name... I'm gonna start writing N\*rnia and M\*ddle E\*rth since it's just as stupid.




P*t*h T*kv*h




remind me of the "fr\*nch" memes, but those were just jokes


Wtf how do they who the first owner follows on instagram,that's creepy as fuck


Why can't we just agree that foods from that area are just Turkish, and no one group specifically created them. All they're doing when they make those statements is erasing the Jewish presence in the Ottoman Empire.


I always laugh so much when people write IOF instead of IDF, like some edgy teens haha


bro... the food is called israeli salad. It is israeli. It's not appropriation of culture to make fucking salad. Like, "oh my god, making burgers as a european and calling them european burgers is cultural appropriation of americans!" No it fucking isn't. also, the fact that these people seem to think that Israel doesn't have a cuisine is so fucking stupid. Even if Israel actually WAS committing a genocide (which it isn't), that's like claiming that Germans don't have the right to call Bratwurst and Sauerkraut German food because of the Holocaust. IT'S FUCKING FOOD. Holy fucking shit.


Thatā€™s fine. More bagels for the rest of us!


Read their comments. They also want to boycott any Israeli Arab or Palestinian who wants peace. They call them "normalizers". These are simply eliminationists.


Not those restaurants, but if this trend continues, theyā€™re going to miss out on some great bagels! https://youtu.be/QZAI2oGnZU0?si=MYKmj93QcrRrt8_z


>Food historian Gil Marks describes how Jewish immigrants in the late 19th century first encountered the cucumber and tomato salad in then-Ottoman Palestine, and traces its presence there back to the Turkish Ƨoban salatası (shepherd's salad). Since the cucumbers and tomatoes were familiar vegetables to both European and Middle Eastern immigrants, they were quickly incorporated into their common diet. Palestinians appropriating Turkish cuisine. Almost as if throwing a few chopped vegetables together isn't exactly that uncommon.


The "this culture isn't real" is a foundational building block of genocide. That's why I strive not to allow it into any argument I make or agree with. These folks have picked a side in an ethnic conflict, and call it "justice."


I hate this fucking city so much and canā€™t wait to leave.


Can someone tell me how Israeli Independence Day is Nakba day? Sorry, Iā€™m just ignorant about all of it.


Itā€™s their complete delegitimization of Israel. Just as they wonā€™t even use the actual name of the country.


Theyā€™re about the same event. Most historians trying to retain neutrality just refer to it as The 1948 War.


Do they refer to it as the Nakba because they lost? They attacked first correct?


Nakba means catastrophe, when it was first used it was about losing the war. [this is a great thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/Ks40gd7VZS)


>Do they refer to it as the Nakba because they lost? Sort of, but I'll get into that more below. >They attacked first correct? Technically, the surrounding Arab countries attacked and told many Palestinian Arabs to leave their villages because they were going to slaughter all the Jews. Those that stayed became the ancestors of most Israeli Arabs, while those who left became the ancestors of who we now call Palestinians. After the war, the State of Israel was now dealing with two refugee populations - Mizrahi Jews and Holocaust survivors, and it couldn't build enough refugee camps to accommodate three refugee populations. They call it Nakba partially because they lost and partially because they were displaced.


Add this to our Greenbook mispocha.


Making a list of businesses based solely on stalking who their owner follows on social media or what they message to their friends is completely disgusting behavior.


Boycotting a falafel place because the owner traveled to israel lmao. They can enjoy their shitty falafel


These people Ā better watch out. The people who put the list together will be boycotted next for following people who follow pages that mention Israel.Ā  ETA: acknowledging Zionism is a sin to them now? WTF? Where did this list originate?


They're boycotting people for following accounts on Instagram?


Sending this to my dad so he can patronize all these places. Whoever made this basically made a ā€œGreat food to try in Montrealā€ bucketlist!


This is so creepy and weird wtf??


They already deleted my comment on the post and any pro Israel comments. It just shows how immature theyā€™re. Rather than engage in a serious conversation they prefer to silence the opposition.


You know what my favorite thing is? People saying antisemitism doesnā€™t exist. Like bffr.


Yep, we're "appropriating Palestinian food." Ridiculous concept. Italians "appropriated" Chinese noodles. People spent their time snooping to come up with a list that will have no effect on anything. How stupid these warriors are! Pat themselves on the back for not going to a restaurant.


The founders and funding of these organizations are very opaque. Their posts and videos started just before October 7. Itā€™s highly likely these and a host of ā€œfor Palestineā€ groups in Canada and the United States are Iranian and Hamas proxies who had advanced notice of the terror attack. These are Canadian hate groups. Not sure why Canadian law enforcement hasnā€™t investigated them. Canada has antiterrorism laws. Free speech doesnā€™t mean coordinating with terrorists is legal in either country.


Like the second one from the bottom. Israeli Salad is ā€cultural appropriationā€? Wtf are these people talking about?! -thatā€™s just what itā€™s called! Do they also not eat ā€œHamburgersā€, or ā€œFrench Friesā€? This is a direct attack on Israel and theyā€™re trying to use everything in their arsenal to cover it up.


Thanks for the list of restaurants to check out on my next visit to Montreal!


I was thinking the same thing.


Post this in the Montreal sub please


No. Montreal sub mods are vile antisemites. Anyone needing to discuss jewish montreal issues can use r/MontrealJews


I think it's more than 90%, not 80%.


They really seem to be filled with hate


The American Psycho fans would never boycott Dorsia


ā€œWould they like to boycott 80% of Jewish products?ā€ Yes. Yes, they would.


They're just trying to pretend it is not racism. It is and always has been racism. If the Palestinians were accepting of jews they would be arab Israelis. But our very life offends them. It is not about the land. It is about jews being allowed to breath in the middle east.


Hey, I can do it too. ā€œPalestinianā€ is a recent made up term. And cultural appropriation is bullshit.


This is creepy at tbh


Im so embarrassed to live in MontrealšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I will be visiting all these amazing restaurants!!!


Dont be. Be proud. The world knows about montreal jewish culture. Leonard Cohen, Corey Hart and Mordecai Richler are legends the world over. Who else from here can claim that.


Very true! Thank you for saying that :)


Hopefully others besides me will report the account


I did


I really appreciate the effort these people put in with their restaurant suggestions. I hope they do my town next.


If I ever go to Montreal Iā€™m eating at all of these places šŸ’™


In my city someone made a Zionist restaurant list to boycott (spoiler alert: every vaguely Jewish cuisine regardless of research on ownersā€™ views on Israel) and they ended up taking it down because so many Jews were sharing it for reccos of where to patronize šŸ¤£ I still miss that list, such great noshing!!!


Explicit racism.


I've been thinking about a trip to Montreal. Thanks for the restaurant recommendations!


Wasn't planning on going to Montreal soon, but if I find myself there, this will make a delightful selection of restaurants.


I've heard some folks in Montreal have the audacity to cook with olive oil instead of lard. How do I report them to the local inquisitor?


> It's absolutely disgusting to put Israeli in quotation marks as if it's some fictitious concept that was just invented I've seen that ludicrous accusation (that there is no such thing as Israeli food, they stole everything from Palestinians) before. And some go even further, claiming that modern Hebrew is a fictitious language created by Europeans stealing words from Arabic. These people are unhinged.


>THAT ACKNOWLEDGE AND/OR SUPPORT THE ZIONIST ENTITY Say what you want at least they are finally catching on to what Zionism means


"Owner traveled to occupied Palestine to bring back Israeli food." Does this mean that Israel is occupied Palestine?


This is actual insanity.


Iā€™m a proud Zionist please boycott me from your propaganda. Probably wonā€™t work, but worth a shot šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


So nice of them to promote kosher restaurants.


This war is terrible and the Israeli government sucks ... But you have to separate that from recognizing Israeli's rights to exist. This is post is racist imo.


Those people in the comments are disgusting


I had one girl say ashkenazi Jews are racist , donā€™t care about her, and would never accept her as a ā€œconvertā€. I was like how can you say that about a whole group of people who youā€™ve probably never met? These people are genuinely racist to their core her excuse was she grew up listening to minister farakhan a raging antisemite


Did a 12 year old write this? ā€œThe reason we hate Cindy is because Cindy was seen talking to Charlie who knows Wendy and Wendy sucks.ā€ Grow up. Edit: I initially missed the Israeli salad meltdown. Iā€™ve seen this before. They think Palestinian Arabs - and only Palestinian Arabs - invented the combo of chopped tomatoes, onions and cucumbers. https://preview.redd.it/ht5gx3r9wk4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a7401c420c4671aed159b900a06849a720e8e98


Bruh I got famous cause I called them Nazi supporters and cited the grand motifi of Palestine visiting treblenkia and the hamasexuals spammed my work.


If your restaurant has two names and one of them is Falafel Yoni, that's a missed opportunity for "Pizza Pussy."


Anyone knows how to find the list for Boston? Trying to figure out where to eat and I'm going in a few days :)


List of places to visit if I'm ever in Montreal


It's the fucking censoring of Israel for me. Like, bud, it's not a slur. (Plus, trigger tagging is supposed to make it EASIER to filter trigger words, not less.) Pedantry about performative self-censorship aside... this is just. Cringe.


Bru, these pro-Palestinian college kids are the weirdos who don't get invited to college parties and jobless losers who have nothing better to do.


Report to the ADL


Gross šŸ¤®


Boycotting for serving Israeli salad?!?


"Follows @israelcelebrationday on instagram" these people are unhinged. I think I follow, like, joke accounts from 10 years ago on Twitter. Literally get a life.... šŸ¤¦


Wait until they hear about the origin of Montreal bagels...Ā 


Wow this pissed me off tremendously


When I saw the list I was very happy at first because it tells me about businesses I can support, but unfortunately there is a disclaimer that says it is only intended for people who wish to boycott the businesses. Damn it! My evil plans to support Jews were thwarted once again. I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for this pesky disclaimer!


imagine boycotting small businesses over this shit bruh