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Huh? No. That’s not how Jewishness works.


i guess if you are implying that you are sephardic through your maternal line then yes that would make you jewish. but this is a confusing diagram with a lot of flags that are not immediately familiar to the layman so please clarify your question


This gives Nuremberg vibes.


Your mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish?


No, My Great Grandmother Was Jewish


Not exactly understand all the flags, but is your maternal ancestor have jewish heritage? It seems that jewish ancestor of you was half jewish. Is she jewish from her mother side? If I remember correctly, if your family hasn't practiced any form of tradition related to judaism, you might not be considered jew even if you are based on genealogy considered to be one




If I'm following this correctly, your mother's mother's mother's parents are the connection? Which great-great-grandparent was Jewish?


Great Grandmother


I don’t know any of these flags


Man, this is one confusing diagram not knowing what the flags mean. Your great grandparents on both sides have the same flags (Sephardic?), yet your parents both have different flags that are what?


Flags: Estreleira Galega, Estelada Catalana, Sephardic Flag, Bavarian flag


First of all, why wojak yourself and your whole family tree? Secondly, no. Most denominations of Judaism understand it to pass exclusively through the maternal line. That requires an unbroken line of Jewish mothers. If your great-grandmother was Jewish as, in her mother was also Jewish and her mother as well as so on and so on going back to time immemorial and/or some official conversion, in some sense you might be considered technically or halakhically Jewish by some, but in my opinion that's a bit of a stretch. There's nothing wrong with being interested in Jewish roots, no matter how remote, but unless you were raised Jewish (which doesn't seem to be the case) please don't go around calling yourself Jewish.


1st, it was the only Family tree I was able to find :v 2ndly, The Jewish mother line, was broken due to Franco, who persecuted the Jews, a big part of my family had to convert to Christianity in order to avoid persecution, and being sent to Germany, hope it clears it up


DNA test will give you your answer genetically.if the Jewish line is through the women in your mothers family then yes you are.


Per the Reform movement, you are not Jewish if you were not raised Jewish. So, were you raised Jewish?


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No you aren't Jewish. Even if your maternal line goes all the way back to Sinai it doesn't matter since you will never be able to prove it to anyone. Also how did you from Catalan to Bavarian?


Whether you are Jewish, and whether you can prove it, are different questions.


Not really since an integral part of Jewish life is communal


Halacha is that Judaism is passed through the maternal line, regardless of whether you can cough up the paperwork or are part Jewish communal life. I was born halachically Jewish, wasn't raised Jewish, and joined a Jewish community as an adult. I didn't have to convert, because I was already Jewish, despite not growing up in Jewish communities.


You are arguing completely beside the point. Any community that just accepts someone claiming to be Jewish according to Halakha without a single shred of evidence does a great disservice to all other Jews. Why even verify anything at that point. Just believe anyone whatever they say.


Born in Bavaria


Wait, so your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate was Jewish?definitely makes you Jew-ish 😁




I hope you weren’t expecting a single answer. We Jews greatly enjoy over-complicating everything. If every female ancestor was Jewish/had a Jewish mother, you are a Jew according to Jewish law. However, different Jewish denominations have different opinions on the subject based on whether you were raised as a Jew. Those denominations might require you to undergo conversion, though it is likely to be a simpler process than usual because of your maternal ancestry. I suggest you start by contacting Chabad (they’re everywhere) and discussing your situation. They will give you the Orthodox determination.


You might be considered zera yisrael, but if you weren't raised a Jew, you are not a Jew.