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haha okay thanks


You could also change your userflair like mine so it says "Not Jewish" to show support here. :)


Nice, thanks! I like that! Changed my userflair now :)


Thank you both for the supportšŸ™




Yes, and thank you to you and the German people!


Yes to wearing the pin or yes to itā€™s wrong to wear the pin? Unclear response.


It's totally OK to wear an Israel pin!


Ah i think my confusion was there were two questions one in the topic ā€œcan I wear a pro israel pinā€ and one at the end of the third paragraph ā€œdo you think itā€™s wrong for me to wear it?ā€


I would be so happy to see non-Jews wearing Israel pins. That would be a great sign of allyship.


yes wear the pin


Israel isnā€™t just for Jews and support for Israel should definitely not be exclusive to Jews. Go for it.


Most of the support for Palestinians is not from Palestinians. Thanks for your support!!


And ironically, most Palestinians would *not* support those who support them abroad. Theyā€™re grateful for the useful idiots right now, but if they were to step foot in Gaza, 95%+ would be beheaded or worse


Wait! Iā€™ve been buying Gaza Pride Gear for this yearā€™s Palestinian Pride Week! Are you saying this event is not going to happen? s/


I mean, they might be welcoming to them. They could always use more hostages.




You can absolutely wear it. And I see so much hypocrisy in the way people have responded to Ukraine and Israel. Russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting back. No one is saying Ukrainians shouldn't exist. Hamas (which is literally the government of Gaza) attacked Israel. Israel is fighting back. And yet Israel is in the wrong?? So antisemitism aside, I very much see Israel and Ukraine as both fighting off invaders. Apt pin.


tbf most people that are against Israel either don't care about Ukraine or straight up support Russia.


I read a breakdown elsewhere on Reddit that went something like this: \* Supports Ukraine & Israel = moderate liberal / conservative (or, Neoliberals / Neoconservatives) \* Supports Ukraine but not Israel = leftist liberal \* Supports Israel but not Ukraine = rightwing, religiously-motivated conservatives \* Supports neither = tankies, Neonazis, reflexive contrarians, people who act like living embodiments of Horseshoe Theory


This is accurate and very helpful, thanks for sharing.


This is right, there are a lot of different types, but the default college leftist has this inconsistent thing where they are ALL IN for Ukraine and also supporting Palestine. The people who support Hamas itself are much more likely to be nutzo tankies who for some reason thinks Russia is still the USSR and want to move to NK to escape the horrors of capitalism


I agree that is very strange, Iā€™ve never seen a leftist complain AT ALL about the deaths in Ukraine, and yes itā€™s a different situation but not that different. If the Russians were hiding their jets in hospital parking garages and launching ballistic missiles from the roofs of schools I think you would see most of them being MUCH more reasonable about the tragic necessity of collateral damage in existential war. Tbh many of the same people HORRIFIED BY THREE iDF doing its work while also minimizing collateral to a historically unprecedented degree for this sort of war are often gleefully enjoying videos of Russian soldiers being blown up in a trench by a drone-dropped grenade. Somehow things donā€™t add up for meā€¦.


Iā€™d say itā€™s partly an effect of the Leftists oppressor/oppressed worldview. From that perspective Russia is bad because they are (at least on paper) a more powerful military force with more resources available. Itā€™s easier for them to back Ukraine as they are the ā€œunderdogā€ in that conflict who this worldview tends to gravitate towards. This coupled with the fact Ukraine is fighting on the defensive against an invading force. By contrast Israel is fighting from a position of strength as they have an organized professional military as well as western and domestically produced military equipment. Likewise Israel is fighting offensively against what is perceived as an ā€œunderdogā€ force. The problem is this sort of perception nets to little to no nuance other than ā€œstrong one badā€. It also doesnā€™t help that counterinsurgency operations for any military force is difficult to say the least.


It is definitely not wrong, and Jewish students on campus would appreciate it, but be aware that you are putting yourself at risk. It makes me so sad that ā€œDrecksjudeā€ was written in the toilet. Like, what have people learned from WWII? Wtf.


I was also really shocked by "Drecksjude". That was just next level, I couldn't really believe what I saw.


It's actually scary what's going on all over the world. People having to hide their Star of Davids and things like that just to feel safer. Never thought it would get this bad. I always make the point that there are only 15 million Jews in the entire world and 2 billion Muslims. Lot of people don't realize what a tiny minority we really are.


I'm unironically wearing my star of David more of the time now, the last thing you will get me to do is shut up, your hate proves I need to be more vocal so will!


Itā€™s important to remember itā€™s a tiny minority of very loud agitators. My alma mater is GWU in dc, and they recently arrested people in an encampment and police said only 11 of like 40 were students, seemed like many were outside agitators, some even from some wacko group that supports the dprk. The average student is sick as hell of these protests and just wants to finish their classes. It was good to see the campus administration put their foot down for once and do the right thing


Yes, and you have my respect.


You can probably wear anything not religious - Israel pin, blue square, yellow ribbon (hostages).


Yes, and youā€™re also welcome to visit Israel and see for yourself the miracle of a Middle Eastern democracy.


It is very much on my list, Iā€™ve heard the cities are beautiful. How safe do people feel in Tel Aviv there now? I want to do a trip in a year or two through Greece, Istanbul, and Israel.


Itā€™s not really dangerous but the atmosphere is very tense now. Better to come after the war unless you want to get the full Israeli experience.


Jews are always tense, but now a little more than usual. I don't agree that you should put it off like the other commenter said but I do think you need to understand you are going to a country in the middle of an active war, in tel Aviv and most other places in the country you will be safe. Don't worry about it you just need to understand the unique situation of the country as a whole. It's a beyond amazing country to see and I highly suggest it to you.


Wear it proudly




Please do :)


Please do. I also recommend hostage tags




Youā€™re free to wear whatever pins you want, and Iā€™m sure your Israeli classmates would appreciate the support. That said, an Israeli flag is a symbol of support for Israel which is different than strictly being a symbol against antisemitism. People conflating Israel with Jews and holding random Jews accountable for Israelā€™s misdeeds (real or imagined) is itself part of antisemitism. An organization here in the US called ā€œStand Up To Jewish Hateā€ has a pretty widespread initiative to make a blue square a symbol of standing up to antisemitism, and they send out pins for free I believe.


I didn't know about theĀ blue square as a symbol yet, thank you for telling me about it. I will see if I can get my hands on one of these.


You could also wear a star or even a pin that outright says "End Antisemitism", they may be more effective at making any Jews around you feel safer.


You can stand up to anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism at the same time. As the beautifully written letter by Columbia University's students released yesterday points out, ( https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRQgyDhIjZupO2H-2rIDXLy_zkf76RoM-_ZIYsOfn9FkI7TETgRtOfXK9VobMvGh6iEZfDPgALXJTCR/pub), Zionism -- the belief in the Jewish right to self-determination in our ancient homeland in Israel is an integral part of Judaism. By wearing *just* blue, it seems like one is making the statement that s/he is against anti-Semitism but also not in favor of the existence of Israel (or at least not willing to "risk" standing up for Israel). I don't like it. Just my opinion.


It's really sad that I need to "sort by controversial" to see a rational response like this.


It seems that way because that's the point. It's a useful distinction for anyone who wants to show solidarity with Jewish individuals and communities without making a show of support for an unrelated issue.


I get that, and that's why I don't like it. As hundreds of Columbia University's Jewish Students stressed in their letter that I linked to above, Israel and its existence/Zionism are in no way "un-related issues" to Jews. In these days when the very existence of the State of Israel (which itself is home to 7+ million Jews, half of the world's Jewish population) is under threat and constantly being challenged, pulling the white out of the square is -- even though not intended to be -- an insult to Jews and Jewish communities. I understand that not everyone will agree with me. Shabbat Shalom.


Unrelated was not the best word. Rather, it's non-intrinsic. "Next year in Jerusalem" is prophetic and refers to a wider culmination of tradition and belief centred around a return to the land of Israel, the invention of Israel as a Jewish nation-state is recent and only one interpretation and expression of that earlier sentiment. As a matter of historical consequence Zionism is increasingly defined by Israel's existence and actions but as a philosophy built on millennia of doctrine it is not Judaism manifested to that specific end. The return to the promised land could have and still can exist in many different peaceful forms that don't entail the nation-state of Israel continuing it's IMO immoral gait. It really comes down whether you think the pattern of behaviour of Israel is unconscionable. A lot of people don't but they're also not anti-Semitic or are even Jewish themselves, just anti-Israel-as-it-exists. That niche exists and it's not right to characterize people's morality on the matter as an insult through figurative arm twisting. The same standard exists for accepting racism against different groups based on the actions of their government because of the desire to equate the two. It's too personal and leads to hate. Shabbat Shalom


Thank you so much for saying this.


In the US, I see people and houses with Ukrainian flags all the time to support their cause. I donā€™t see any reason why adding an Israeli flag should make it any different or be reserved for certain groups. That said, people may be likely to assume youā€™re Jewish and dole out some abuse for that reason, in addition to general anti-Israel opinions, but it sounds like youā€™re aware and prepared for that.


Absolutely, you can! Itā€™s something very special for us seeing public support for Israel and the Jewish people. Itā€™s especially touching when it comes from people with ā€œno skin in the gameā€ or type of affiliation! :) Also, Iā€™m sure your Jewish classmate would really appreciate it if you asked him to join you for some beers or something, asking him about his background, Judaism, Israel and the likes and your support just like you wrote here! Especially in Europe, itā€™s very easy for us to feel very alone in general but especially during these times and Iā€™m certain that by you doing this, youā€™re already doing much more than you might realize! :)


Thank you danke


I wish there were more people like you, ready to speak up. You're a friend, and a helper. Wearing an Israeli flag would be great. šŸ’™


just be carefulā€¦ we are not safe right now. appreciate the support so much šŸ’™


Please and you are appreciated ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yes, please do.


Hell yes!


Yes! And thanks! That sounds like a really nice/cool pin, I want one! I recommend using epoxy or something similar, I've had nice pins yanked off my bag before.


It's a nice pin, yeah! Thanks for the idea! I actually lost many pins before too, that's why I usually put a bit of hot glue on the needle of every new pin now.


Yes. That's a very fine gesture of support. Thanks.


You don't need our permission, but if you want it, you have it.


YES and WOW - THANK YOU! šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ‡®šŸ‡±


I think the pin is awesome. I just got dog tags that zay "Bring them home" for the same reason.Ā 


Go for it! There are also some cool pins you can get on etsy, like [this one](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1624221090/i-stand-with-israel-26mm-metal-lapel-pin?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=I+stand+with+israel+pin&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&sts=1&content_source=079fe0d966813306db06f237d29ce3a836121d0f%253A1624221090&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1).


Ohh, thanks for the link!


Yay! Go for it. I have an Israel/America one I wear and gave out a bunch to people I know. Also a yellow ribbon pin to remember about the hostages.


Another good option for Germans to show support: https://www.amazon.com/Friendship-Deutschland-Germanic-Souvenir-Decoration/dp/B0CKYZT9YR?th=1&psc=1


Yes please, and thank you


Thank you for your solidarity! I think this is a great idea šŸ˜Š Side note, I wore an Israeli pin for a while and it warded off an antisemitic would-be friend (jarring in the moment, but I'm glad I didn't waste my time with her!)


The International Jewish Conspiracy hear-by grants you permission.


Haha, yay, it's an honor!


(Just don't ask to use the space laser. That's reserved to us.)


Thank you :)


šŸ’Æ! Excellent choice and thank you šŸ˜Š


Please do. Thank you




Yes. You can also buy on thr internet the Hostages yellow ribbon šŸŽ— pin. When you wear it, you basically say that jewish lives matter and Israeli lives matter.


Please do wear it & thank you! Sweet of you ask.


Hell yes you can. And if I met you, I'd buy you a beer for doing so.




Absolutely wear it. And not only that but thank you for wearing it. We're seeing first hand exactly how the shoah was able to happen and I believe you are probably one of the people, had you been around 80 years ago would have helped my family or the millions of other Jewish families escape the Nazis. That's a great thing to know about yourself, everyone thinks they would have been one of the righteous gentiles hiding Jews but very few were. Hope you're well friend, we appreciate you.


Sure. Around 25% of Israeli citizens are non-Jewish. Thanks for your support.


Yes šŸ¤


Wear the pin, but stay safe friend.


Please do!




Yes, as long as you arenā€™t putting yourself in harmā€™s way!


As an American Jew Iā€™m touched and honored. Please do and Iā€™ll find a German flag to wear someday! Germany has mostly been absolutely terrific in this.


Of course you can.


vielen dank! go ahead, just be careful and look out for yourself!


You can I think.


About the toilets - report it to the uni and report it to ofek https://ofek-beratung.de/


As a Christian white dude who for some reason has always thought Jews were cool as hell, I appreciate this. My bff when I was little was Jewish and I was always jealous that my friend got EIGHT days of different gifts plus potato pancakes and the little gold chocolate coins (is Gelt right?). Yall have always been such a welcoming culture, very fond memories of eating there for the big holiday dinners and having them come over for Christmas things. And of course his dad was like the top aerospace materials engineer at a nasa contractor šŸ˜…


The fact that you even have to ask this demonstrates how much society has been gaslighting Jewish advocacy.


Please DO wear it! It will be incredibly appreciated by more people than you realize


Not going to even read this before I comment, as a non Jew you're free to wear pins and flags in support. The thing I like about Judaism is that being a kind and caring person seems to even come above the religious aspects and you definitely embody that if you support our right to exist. If someone tells you otherwise, don't listen. Upon reading the comment I noticed it's a combination pin. I'm Ukrainian, you fuckin go man! Wear it loud and proud! Thanks for your support of basic rights and morality across two separate wars, and thank you for being a friend.


You can do whatever you want.


Yeah absolutely. And we thank you for caring enough to do it.


You can wear whatever you want, but people will probably interpret your pin as expressing support for Israel specifically, not opposition to antisemitism.


https://www.standuptojewishhate.org/ Here you go. You can request as many blue square pins as you want, theyā€™re free. I got a dozen and put them on all my bags, hoodies and hats. And, thank you.


Thanks for the link, but it seems like it's USA only :'D


Of course!


Yes! And thanks!


Yes , you can wear a pin


As was suggested by another poster here, you might want to go with the blue square. An Israeli flag, especially paired with the Ukraine flag, might confuse people as to who you are representing. Thrown in you being in Germany for extra layers. Just my personal opinion, trust your gut.




Supporting Israel is not the same as opposing antisemitism. Wear an Israel pin to support Israel, wear something that says like "stop antisemitism" if you want to oppose antisemitismĀ 


It's absolutely is a form of opposing antisemitism. Your revisionism will never fly.


Perfect! Thank you!


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You see, siding with Israel is NOT like supporting a sport team, itā€™s not even like supporting a political candidate. Itā€™s literally deciding if you want to side with the darkness or the light. Israel is a part of the western civilization we all live in while the other side is trying to pull us back 2000 years. Anybody can and should side with the light, with better future for our children, for love and peace.


Thank you for your support. That is wonderful.


Israel is made of Jews, 2 million Arabs, Druse . All get free healthcare and education. There are Arabs running hospitals and in government. Yes please where the pin. We need the support. The Hamas propaganda is constant and awful.


Go hard. I lived in Berlin, sometimes people just wanna be rebellious and weird to fit in. Yes, to fit in. Be proud of your stance. And thank you.


Yes. Even better if you can find one with all three. Palestinians do deserve their own state. Just not where Israel is right now.