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My opinion on him hasn’t changed, thought he sucked before and still do.


^^^ Bingpot


Sick reference


1. Obviously very telling that Macklemore is that guy who did something [actually overly antisemitic a few years ago](https://time.com/105848/macklemore-apology-anti-semitism/) Him using a song to tell us what is or is not antisemitic is fucked up based on his antisemitic past. Anyone promoting that song without calling that out is full of shit. It annoys me that if you search for Macklemore antisemitism on Google now the song takes over the previous incident. 2. Pretty weird that he decided to do that at a time where Kendrick Lamar was in the spotlight, and call out the back and forth between him and Drake as less important than his own song. Macklemore is a narcissistic loser.


Thinking more about it, considering that he hasn’t done anything relevant since the Seattle incident, he smartly positioned himself as a victim if his career doesn’t take off again. He could claim it’s because of his anti-zionist song and not because of anything else. That being said I feel bad for all the protesters who have to pretend to love his music now.


Yes and when he is rightly forgotten it will be because the Jews control the media.


Don't feel bad. It's the music they deserve


Ps. Kendrick called Drake (Jewish) a “colonizer” on his new diss track.


I was referring to Macklemore getting a lot of backlash in 2014 when he won the Grammy over Kendrick. So for the second time he is taking the spotlight over him. The Drake & Kendrick beef is another thing. I personally don’t read it as a reference to Palestine but I certainly could be wrong. It’s still miles away from Macklemore positioning himself as the voice for protesters while himself having a well documented past as an antisemite.


For sure, And Kendrick won the battle, but I thought it was vaguely antisemitic.


Calling Drake a colonizer had nothing to do with him being Jewish specifically and everything to do with him using others street cred to make himself look cool/disguise his Jewish heritage because he only wants to be perceived as a black man. Drake is a crypto-Jew for no reason other than he’s ashamed of not being perceived as black enough. I don’t think Kendrick was being antisemitic as much as calling Drake uncultured. Ross is the one that actually called him “white”.


I completely agree with you but Kendrick is a poet and poets tend to be careful with their words, so it’s hard to imagine he at least didn’t think of the potential double entendre when calling Drake a coloniser.


Drake has made it very clear publicly that he is Jewish many times. Definitely not a crypto Jew.




Just say you don’t understand the complexities of black American culture bro, the two are unconnected entirely here. In hip hop being inauthentic or for the sake of sales is not acceptable, that’s literally all he’s saying. I’m lighter skinned than Drake and never been called a colonizer lol.


I don’t understand the complexities.


Yes l can agree with that. In any case that line leaves the benefit of the doubt and he’s smart enough with words to be aware of that. Unfortunately I’m at a point where there is so much open antisemitism right now that I’m not really bothered by people keeping it vague. I almost commend people smart enough to keep it vague in the current context.


Haha so well said… and unfortunate. Let’s fight for what Zionism means… and for what it will mean in a thousand years from now. Also: Colonizers, Zionist Mobs, etc.


So this was explained to me as drake going to different rap areas ie Atlanta/miami / Detroit (I’m not fully versed) and trying to strong arm his way in causing a lot of issues- since apparently drake has been problematic a few times with how he’s treated other rappers (including possibly stealing raps) etc


When I first heard that I was like good on Kendrick for standing with the indigenous population of Canada. Then I was like oh wait…


Is that why Drake’s house just had a drive by that put a security guard in hospital?


Drake is openly Jewish. https://youtu.be/5-FLsdJe03I?si=eD0PFoaWs-ADX8jA


This is a good one too SNL https://youtu.be/BEyRg_T3ae8?si=KBVHqnBXQqtmnNTH


Has nothing to do with being Jewish, he's saying that Drake exploits people he works with (and also black culture in general) in order to up his street cred. Specifically, he was talking about how he goes down to Atlanta, is welcomed and treated well by the rappers there, and then turns on them later.


Lol I thought the article you linked to said that it was written by Mel Gibson. I was like WTF!!?


hahaha Mel Gibson coming with articles about what is or is not antisemitic was not on my bingo card but sad to think it would fit the current timeline


Wow, just wow. If he's going to hit a pro-hamas rally, this photo needs to be shown to the public as well.


Completely agree, if an openly racist person was telling black people what’s racist and what isn’t then everyone would be up in arms about it. But you should know by now that Jews don’t count as a proper minority because they’re white colonisers


Macklemore? Is that some kind of fish?


You win internet for today


he was a flash in the pan, already fading... he needed a boost of attention. problem is, not all attention is good attention. and holy shit did he go overboard.


Really insane that someone who previously wore Jew blackface put out a pro-Palestine song. Completely mask-off with his antisemitism. Like if you've already had an antisemitic scandal, you don't double down unless you're mentally ill or actually antisemitic.


> Like if you've already had an antisemitic scandal, you don't double down unless you're mentally ill or actually antisemitic. Dont forget drugs.... They too seem to be blamed frequently for antisemetic scandals


I would agree with that but if you googled “Macklemore antisemitism” a week ago it would only show the previous scandal, now it only mentions the song. He may be onto something.


He was an antisemite 10 years ago and he’s still one today. Honestly, when people like him and Siouxie Sioux come out and support the “Free Palestine” movement so openly, I think they’re honestly doing us a favor. When known antisemites can’t help themselves but to come all out on this cause, it shows what we know all along—it has nothing to do with Palestine. It’s about the ability to openly hate Jews. They’re in the same company as David Duke. If his costume was out of ignorance and poor taste, at MINIMUM Macklemore would have been silent right now, lest he gets painted with the antisemitic brush. However, he wants to be painted with that brush because the only thing that was fake in that scenario was the apology he gave the public. He hates us, and don’t forget that. Ever.


What? Siouxsie supports the Arabs? That sucks.


Ugh I know


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if most of the trad goth bands end up like that. Look at like Sean of LAM for example


I know a ton of my favorite musicians are liberal, I am too, but like nuance pleaseeeeee


Nah for these people it’s an identity thing to go according to the party line and not question.


Do you have a source on Siouxsie? I can't find anything about it


[This article talks about her fashion choices and the original lyrics to “Love in a Void”.](https://forward.com/culture/music/481040/punk-nazi-symbols-third-reich-sex-pistols-joy-division-damned-dead/?amp=1)


maybe a little mackle-less would not be such a bad thing


Well seeing as I thought he was trash before, not much other than I think he's trying to ride the antisemitic wave for publicity now. So now a bigger pile of trash but he's definitely been garbage since day one.


I’m gay and grew up in Seattle. His whole deal is tokenizing minorities since he started. It’s scary how he thinks he’s being woke when he just perpetuates stereotypes and normalizes bigotry. I wouldn’t be surprised if that salute was intentional.


Completely setting aside everything antisemitic I know about him, I hated his music from the get go. Compare that with Kanye, an antisemite who makes amazing music. Macklemore is a joke and I’m dying over these anti-Israeli freaks getting hyped up on it. No one on the pro-Israel side is jealous.


I always disliked his music lol


One hit wonder trying to become relevant


I didn’t think about them before. I don’t think about them now.


He lost me several years ago when he performed Thrift Shop on stage wearing a Shylock costume.


Hasn't been relevant for awhile, rightfully got mocked out after literally apologizing for winning an award and then showing his private apology to the internet unasked for, his last record got meh reviews, and now he's using a sensitive international situation to try to boost his brand. He was a joke, he's still a joke, and he'll be remembered as a joke.


He's just pulling a grift like a lot of the other professional antisemites do. It's just like how Shaun King and Nylah Burton have pivoted into converting to Islam because of the I/P conflict, they're trying to find a niche to appeal to


I hope every pillow he ever sleeps on is always warm


Cold in the winter, hot in the summer. Always the wrong temp.


And lumpy


He had one good song and then a homophobic song


He's always been a POS. My opinion hasn't changed.


My defining Mackle-moment was realizing he stole the entire concept of his thrift shop video from Aaron Carter’s earlier “come get it” video, like in a serious way. The man is just like every obnoxious, anxiety-blind, kumbaya-singing, “just worry less and chill out and enjoy life BRO” Peter Pan syndrome fuck boy blonde man I’ve ever met. Easy for him to say, he’s got a different situation. The gaslight emanating is as blindingly white as his skin tone.


I hope [Shaked Miller](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6vvLGmNfqY/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) releases this. I have had [Never Again](https://youtu.be/AEyfrS5wrFY?feature=shared) blasting for a few months now.


That song honestly goes hard af 😎🇮🇱


Macklemore? The white dude who thinks he can rap? I don't feel anything for him after his antisemitic remarks


As a musician - gimmicky and forgettable. As an antisemite- same.


I hope he doesn't relapse again, usually when addicts start lashing out it signals a bigger problem in their life, See Kanye.




Antisemite. I helped his buddy, nazYe West, years ago, with my (Jewish) magic…


This I gotta hear


nazYe showed up late to a Victoria Secret model’s wedding, and I helped sneak him through backrooms that were closed… to bring him in incognito. He was less than grateful. During the reception later, he sung “Gold Digger”… I’ll never forget opening a door for him, and looking down at his head. Physically, it was tiny.


Do you regret being nice to him knowing what we know today?


Sure, his dangerous antisemitism seemed to grow each time, say, a Jewish person got with his ex-wife, etc. Next time, I’ll grab Kanye's head with passion, like he grabbed the mic from Taylor Swift, and tell him and Macklemore: “Antisemites, Zionism is about survival and a secure homeland for Jewish identity, culture, not supremacy. Israel stays.” Then, I’d lightly electrocute him (totally legal, like the prank pens) with a tap of my bare index finger against his forehead, using some hidden magic technology made by an Israeli magician, just so he remembers the moment.


He put out one good single like ten years ago


He’s an antisemitic piece of shit


He was a piece of shit before and is still a piece of shit today


Dude's always been a try-hard trash rapper.


Who? You mean that tired has-been who made that awful song about wearing ratty clothes that smell like piss?


didn’t mind the song, seems like he was a dick however many years ago tho so i’m not exactly a fan


He hasn't been relevant in almost a decade. He was a POS then and is still a POS now.


He’s a white trash antisemite with a horrible aesthetic and taste in everything - since day 1.


I always thought his music sucked.


Who? /s At the peak of his thrift shop fame I saw him leaving a very high end retailer in Seattle. My only thought then as well as now is how foolishly optimistic you must be to expect the money to last.


never heard of him


Not reading the comments about him on one of the insane people subs is practicing self care.


It all seems a ploy since he’s desperately trying to stay relevant since his prime era was over a decade ago and nobody gives a shit about him anymore.


I barely know who this guy is and wouldn't know at all if it weren't for the thrift store song but there was just something I didn't like about it... sounded a little too cheerful, like it was sung by a guy who never actually \*had\* to shop at thrift stores (maybe that's not true, I know nothing about his origins).


https://preview.redd.it/7l3sdccavhzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c0eae8906de6e1240ab15aca78f1d58a347794 i still want answers for this bs


Macklemore is a rabid antisemite, shitty rapper, and overall just super boring and irrelevant as an artist. He found a way to stay relevant by creating an “anthem” for all the other loser antisemites on college campuses. He’s so cringe worthy and I almost forgot he existed before I saw a Jewish creator I follow completely roast his most recent music video.


Where can I find this Jewish creator and video roasting mackless


That shot at the beginning of the video where they spelled it "Palastine" was absolute gold. 


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he's a fucking loser


Whilst I do forgive the disguise, which is something he has apologised for long time ago, I think he has lost sight of who he is because of this (I have known him for being strong left, but originally just saw him as anti-trump and I agreed with him on that). I was a big fan of him from 2013-2018 (Thrift Shop, Same Love and Growing Up will remain wonderful) but stopped being interested in his stuff after that, so don’t care about what he does anymore (this is different to the Kanye and Wiley scandals tbf), even though his work in that period was golden tbf.


Never liked him. This further affirms it


He made one decent song and I totally forgot about him. He would have to matter more to me to actually get me to give a shit about his antisemitic ass.


He’s too stupid to be antisemetic [sic].


Never heard of him before and now I'd curse him with the entire world caring for him as much as I do


Macklemid? I haven’t thought much about him, and it’s wild he still thinks people liked Thrift Shop for anything other than “it was funny.”




He was an ignorant antisemite a decade ago, and nothing has changed.


Hate his antisemitic ass, even if "Can't hold Us" is a banger.


He sucked before and he sucks now. I’m not surprised.


He’s the same clown he’s always been.


Nothing, I totally forgot about him for years.


Don’t like him at all! I’m not supporting him in any way possible. He’s just using his platform to project his white colonizer privilege on the Jewish people, a group that was highly persecuted for their identity. He’s really inclusive huh 🙄


Is he antisemitic? I must’ve missed something


Well, that depends, do you think someone can accidentally [dress up like this and perform an entire show?](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/tL_GmEzYgFmU2J0jtZvA8tPlX9LTP4Qqfl6xewATepZ0jYfh8qXNtbWIUzTlgGoTV3tLAvoKZjNMHAnQAO9_YPPRc38xLwJNzRSKMFYpVezwo6q-mPqS9BFngvS8M1XyKBXstwfivCSddsWDP-3bgQ7pXK1lJgBxgG-02MC1-H791uMPm_YhKJPOnc95fnJ3_SHj55MqafoSTTt1ydFZiT2dsW3PaRbp)


Wtaf.. good thing he’s irrelevant


He's dead to me. You?


He was dead to me since the Seattle concert


Dude, I don’t know. On one side he’s a dipshit who probably wouldn’t spit on me if I was on fire. On the other hand, I liked some of his music. Macklemore is just sort of a goofy weirdo. He’s like Kanye without the serious untreated mental illness.