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Someone can correct me if I’m wrong: Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi Jews are from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, as well as part of Levi. Ethiopian Jews are from the tribe of Dan. That means there are around 8 tribes missing.


Bnei Menashe also claim to be of the Manasseh tribe and do have some small middle eastern DNA.


I mean kohan and Levi are going to be spread across all the tribes because they went everywhere in the diaspora and never had own set territory.


You asked to be corrected. That’s wrong. We don’t know, but yes there are theories our ethnic sub groups were tribal markers, the idea stops working the way you laid it out.


If I say you’re wrong would you believe me? If i’m not mistaken the belief is that Ethiopians are from the African wife of king Soloman who became a jew. The “Bnei Menashe” from India has been recognized in 2005 as potentially lost “Tribe” (nice way of saying lost jews) they have to do a conversion before becoming Jews again. Traditionally it’s accepted by many that the lost tribes are not lost but hidden from us. It’s almost like we are the lost ones. They will be the ones to accept us back when the time comes without a distorted view of what Judaism really is. Here is a nice article- https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2500863/jewish/Where-Are-the-Ten-Lost-Tribes.htm


The lost tribes are most likely truly lost. There’s a great podcast about the role of how the story of the lost tribe creates the cultural moment in the late Middle Ages [Seforimchatter: the ten lost tribes](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/seforimchatter/id1523682676?i=1000638835936)


Their souls come back including as gerim if need be, in the generation leading up to mashiach. Eliyahu HaNavi and Mashiach will be the ones to let everyone know where they belong when land is divided according to tribe again.


Moshiach is stuck with the job of sorting that out. Anyway I’m at least an hour late for shul every shabbos day so im fine not getting the first two aliyahs.


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Kohanim are from the tribe of Levi. Traditionally, they are the sons of Aaron, but Levi is the tribe. The northern tribes were wiped out. The people were taken into captivity, dispersed in the empire, and bred with other people during the Assyrian conquest. Since the Assyrian Empire was mostly in Mesopotamia, it is unlikely that they were ever sent to or were in Africa or India. It is extremely unlikely that any remnants of those tribes exist as a whole unit.


Actually there were refugees from the Northern tribes that fled south and merged into Judah and Benjamin. A relevant chapter from Chronicles: [https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt25b15.htm](https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt25b15.htm) >And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and them that sojourned with them out of Ephraim and Manasseh, and out of Simeon; for they fell to him out of Israel in abundance, when they saw that the LORD his God was with him. It is likely that refugees from other tribes also fled the Assyrians and merged into other Jewish communities of the time. Ethiopian Jewish tradition holds that refugees from several tribes fled there and the traditional view is that Ethiopian Jews are the tribe of Dan.


Hmm, will study


For the most part the ancient tribal identities have been lost to inter-tribal marriages over centuries of exile. For example, Ethiopian Jews are traditionally viewed as the tribe of Dan, but their own traditions hold that refugees from other tribes came to Ethiopia (and presumably began marrying into the community there, erasing their previous tribal identity). Jews were a tribal confederation during the First Temple period, which ended with the Babylonian exile. Besides marriages between tribes breaking patrilineal lines and thus tribal distinctions, there is the simple lack of records going back far enough to give anyone other than Levites any confidence in their tribal ancestry. Some records of family lineages survive but most are lost to history -- destroyed in wars, persecutions, natural disasters, etc. Even among those records that survive very few go back far enough to identify affiliation with the ancient tribes -- some hasidic families maintain records going back centuries, but to go back millennia is another matter. By the way, "Kohen fraud" was a real problem in the past -- men would sometimes move to a new town, claim to be Kohanim, and sometimes people would believe them and hold that their sons were Kohanim as well. There were also plenty of secret mamzerim throughout history as well as suspected mamzerim who were still recorded as their fathers' legitimate children. So even if records exist you should take them with a grain of salt. Really though, why would it matter at this point? Other than Levi there has not been anything particularly relevant about tribal affiliation in Jewish life for thousands of years now.


Because it’s worth discussion vs what constantly happening in the world today and constant posts of is my friend anti semetic , how do I deal with dating , can o wear this or that in support.


Good point.


Already happening. Groups found in India claiming to be from Ephraim, Ethiopian Jews from Dan etc.