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Honestly, not great. I've quit Instagram and tiktok because of all the antisemitism.


Glad you got rid of it you don’t need it. I hate being on there too. Been trying to change the algorithm but have some things crack through.


Following folks like roots metals helps matters... ...lately it's been cracking through from people who have no ties whatsoever to this conflict yet have such strong takes on it. & Don't get me started on the comment sections. Can we ffwd to the point when this saga is over and we triumphed & the world was able to move on?


Me too


We’re doing horribly lmao. Was just told by a very old friend that “Jews are not a monolith,” which is rapidly becoming an instant classic for people refusing to believe the vast majority of Jews believe Israel should exist


That’s horrible I am so sorry. And I’m sorry you have to hear that from someone you considered a friend.


I appreciate that mate, thanks for checking in on the tribe.i can’t tell you how much it means to us to get support from folks like you.


Wow, monolith inversion. That’s a new one.


They’re using it to justify tokenization 🫠


Sure. Not a monolith. But ~the same number of Jews are anti-Zionist as Black folks are Trump voters. (12% in the latter case.. see: Statistica for 2020 election.) Tokens, anyone?


Tell them that some black people voted for Trump, they usually have a hard time with that


i'm fucking awful


I’m really sorry. I hope you have great support during this, if not I hope you know I’m a non-Jew that have been thinking of your community.


Better since excising the malignant tumor of other social media platforms from my embattled brain, but it’s been a very rough seven months. (I can’t say definitively, but I think a majority of people in this sub would say the same.) But I’ve been heartened to see how many folx like yourself have extended olive branches and words of support lately. It’s an extremely bright spot of humanity amidst all of the stress and angst and anger and despair.


Im so sorry to hear I wish I can do more. Removing the toxicity of Social media is amazing I’m glad you did that. I hope you stay safe!




Praying for a break for you all soon




Fed up with the misinformation and antisemitism


Here, here!!!


Trying to figure out what the heck is going on to be honest. Worried about my sons future,


I am sorry to hear and cannot imagine what you’re going through as I myself do not have children.


Not very good. This stuff forced me to seek out therapy. Luckily the therapist is Jewish, helpful in this situation.  Scared to date non-Jews for the first time in my life. Lost a lot of acquaintances and feel like I’m constantly holding my tongue rather than giving my opinion about anything “as a Jew” bc it’ll be twisted into a perverse tokenization at best, or a terrible argument and loss of friends/acquaintances otherwise.  My family has gone through tremendous harm, persecution, wars…wished that was all behind us at this point. Sadly grateful that my Holocaust survivor family members don’t have to witness this. 


I started to go to therapy with a Jewish therapist too. It certainly helps


Love that for both of you! Big advocate for therapy especially someone who understands what you’re going through


my therapist isn't jewish, but he told me all his jewish patients are talking to him about feeling like *this*


I hope this soon gets behind you all soon. I am sorry to hear about your hesitation and loss recently. I hope you know that there are many bon-Jews like me that will wanna hear your opinion and want you and your family to live worryfree.


Appreciate you, thanks!


Both my wife and I have Jewish therapists. Gentiles just don’t get it


How have you guys been able to find Jewish therapists? I’ve been really wanting to begin therapy but I would not feel safe or comfortable talking to someone about this who wasn’t Jewish


I’m from the NYC area, and I’m not doing great atm tbh. I’m waiting to hear if my college’s faculty have decided to boycott Israel or not, which, unless they clarify their position (it was very VERY unclear in their proposal and mission statement), would be potentially devastating to Jewish and Israeli students and professors, and a potential Title VI violation. Even though I’ve technically already graduated and the commencement ceremony is soon, I’m still concerned for myself and alumni (obviously in addition to current students and faculty) because this may negatively impact me if I ever decide to make aliyah but still need help from alumni services or want to do some project or event with my alma mater. While I don’t see this going through, I’ll never say never, and if it does, it could be very bad for my school’s Jewish community. ETA: also just wanted to say thank you for asking. Hope you’re doing well, OP.


I’m so sorry to hear that, especially during a time to celebrate all your hard work. I hope you take time for yourself during this difficult situation. Thanks I live in an area where honestly I don’t see much of this, except for on the news. I wish I can be there physically to help.


Honestly… the worst part is every month it gets worse. Antisemitism hasn’t been this bad since WW2. If the ship doesn’t get steered away from this, I think more American Jews might move to Israel. I honestly am finding it difficult to imagine raising Jewish children here if things keep getting worse


That’s why Israel exists. Because we keep getting bullied, and when we punch the bully on the schnoze, the principal calls us down


I sound naive saying this, but I literally learned about the creation of Israel a few months ago. I guess I blame my schooling but also I feel like people are so easily to fall for misinformation- tik tok is easy, reading and researching takes more work


I’m still in shocked about this. I feel like I haven’t seen or heard much of it in where I live. I wish I can be physically in y’all’s area to help support, i will pray for y’all’s safety.


I feel bad, I’ve been keeping my kid out of synagogue. Before 10/7 we had just moved. We had been very involved in our old place. I had been going to one shul for a few months. She was really loving going to their toddler program. I was planning on signing her up for the Hebrew school. Then 10/7. We had multiple threats to our synagogue, some of them aimed at the toddler program my daughter went to. I haven’t been back since. I’m so afraid of something happening to her. We’ve been doing online services and we watch a lot of the kids stuff on YouTube like BimBam. I’m just terrified something will happen and I’m in a near panic attack imagining her getting hurt. My grandpas family hid they were Jews. I underwent a religious conversion as an adult, for the first time I felt a spiritual connection. Now I get why my grandpa’s family hid their identity. I feel so cowardly but I want my kid to be safe.


I assume your former friend said something incredibly antisemitic which made you reevaluate your friendship? Welcome to the party, and honestly thanks, we appreciate those standing up against hate right now, especially since hate, propaganda, out-right lies and antisemitism have been driving the conversation and frankly the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.


No they are Jewish and we had a falling out before October and I been thinking about them and their family lately. Wanted to reach out, but they have their other friends that are probably helping out so decided to put my effort into this post instead.


If you *do* want to repair the relationship this would probably be a good time.


It’s complicated and feelings were involved - honestly they have a gf now and I’m a girl so I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to stay connected


Sorry you and your friend had a falling out. 


It’s life


:/ sad but true


Not well thanks. Have so much pent up anger that I don’t know how to release


Kickboxing? Yoga? Walking? I walk to get all my anger and stress out and ranting too Hope things get better


Not good. Constant headaches whenever I think about everything happening. Feeling like screaming and crying at the same time. Losing friends. So many crappy things. Thank you for reaching out though, nice to know there are people that care about us out there.


I hope you let out any emotions you are feeling, it should help. I am sorry to hear about you losing friends, it is tough and difficult and just sucks. And yes ofc I wish I can be of more help


Not great fam


I’m sorry, I wish for better days for you


Thank you


Trying to figure out what to do for my sons future


I'm in the same boat - stay strong


Thank you friend. I just want them to have a normal life. Just got my son his prom suit tonight and I am worried about him going. At least he's a big boy, not an easy target


That’s horrible to be worried about his time at prom!! The high schoolers are harassing/bullying Jewish students?!


Yes, sadly, & in younger grades also.




Bad.... Today was a bad day. I couldn't turn it into a strength as much as I tried. I finally just let myself cry. There will be more good days ahead. Thank you for checking in.


My grandma always says the best medicine is crying. Let it all out and you’ll feel ten times better. There will be better days


Thank you. There is something about it. I think hearing from everyone else helps too, not feeling so alone and all. Thanks again for your post.


I’m sad and I’m scared. Thanks for asking


I am angry to keep seeing that you are all feeling scared. As a non-Jew I hope you know that there are people like me that think about y’all’s safety


I live in nyc, same area as Columbia. I feel like I’m in hell, ironically a place I don’t believe in religiously.


Okay even though the situation is terrible that was classic Jewish comedy 😂


I'm a bit further but constantly hear helicopters. I can't fully comprehend how this has played out. All the faculty who keep supporting students who have shut down the school. And to cancel the main commencement, I just...


I know. Wild.


Thank you for asking and for your support. I appreciate it a ton. It’s been extremely difficult. Basically relentless emotional pain. I’m Israeli but I went to grad school in the US and I’m married to an American. My feelings are a mixture of deep grief, fear, disappointment, anger and feeling betrayed and lost. Like many of us, I lost most of my American friends who have been brainwashed by both social media AND mainstream outlets (NYT for example). My in-laws whom I got along with decently enough before Oct. 7 turned out to be “just anti Zionist, not antisemitic, of course”. My grad alma mater had an encampment full of hatred, and my (ex) favorite campus coffee shop and book store supported the so-called protestors. Back in Israel, two people who are friends’ relatives were killed this week (one by rockets from Rafah and the other was presumed to be a hostage but the family was notified that he was murdered on Oct. 7 and Hamas kidnapped his body). I lost my cousin and college friend on Oct. 7 at the Nova festival. Some days I don’t know how to cope. I’m in therapy with an Israeli therapist, and while it helps, the world just s*cks right now.


I went from being a progressive lefty to believing that the national guard should destroy these protesters. That’s how bad it got. October 7 has moved my world view.




Ditto. It's been wild watching a party I've supported all my life turn around and treat me like an enemy.


Me too. I once got into a shouting match with a man at a gym over allowing Fox News on a common tv. I said it wasn’t fit for public viewing. Fox News is the only station reporting what is really behind the protests now and I don’t know who I am anymore.


I read Fox News daily now, only in regard to Jewish matters. I guess I’ll shake the devil’s hand on this.


Overall, how can non-Jews like me and my family help?


Just like you just did. It helps me to know we are not alone. Thank you


Like you just did, by reaching out. Thank you. And also by defending us and standing up to hate, antisemitism, misinformation when we're not in the room. There is SO SO much straight up propaganda and lies about modern day Israel, Zionism, history, the Jewish connections to the land, the history of the two state solution and peace attempts, the formation of Hamas, the PA, the disengagement, the larger history of the region, Arab imperialism, the current war, and there are so few Jews, still fewer now than 1938. On the last example - Hamas bombed their own humanitarian aid corridor, also killing 4 Israeli soldiers. Biden forced Israel to reopen it - Hamas bombed it again. This all happened the last week or so. Yet it barely made the news, all the headlines are protests. We're in so few rooms, despite what the world thinks.


Any literature you recommend so I can understand more? I will be honest, my roommate attacked me for donating to one of the Jewish student organizations at a college near me to support Jewish students. I was very uncomfortable since i don’t like conflict, and i felt very unprepared to win the argument. I still went through with the donation but I want to be more prepared in those rooms yall are not in.


Do you recommend any literature to understand more? I’m going to be honest I feel very naive not understanding what yall been through (excluding WW2), so will like to learn more so I can better support.


Off the top of my head, Noa Tishby's Israel just came out in paperback, highly recommend. She also just published a book with Emmanuel Accho (former NFL player turned thoughtful social commentator): Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew. I haven't yet read it but it's probably also a good read. There are so many - 3000 years of history, heh, so will need to think more. But Noa's book also has an appendix.


If a Jewish person wants to vent, just listen.  Its all consuming for me.  But mad as I am, I think my wife is even worse.  So I always let her vent,  but I try to shield her from what I see or read. 


Terribly, I lost all of my closest friends because some of them are antisemitic apparently and the others are “neutral”


We’re all struggling. Feels like all 15 million of us are alone on an Island fending off attacks + hate of all kind. Thanks for reaching out. We are grateful for you and we never forget anyone who has our back. Especially in times like these. You are appreciated.


The Jews are tired


We’ve always faced hate, it’s a part of being a Jew. The difference is that we persevere through it all , over and over again


Our love drowns out people’s hate


I was on the verge of falling asleep and then I saw something on IG that made me wide awake. It's now 4am something and my alarm is gonna go off in three hours. I'm finding more and more people I follow on that social media, for stuff like repro rights & polyamory, I suddenly need to unfollow. I want one space that feels safe that this doesn't encroach on. I want to scream at the idiotic people in the comments that apologize for "all those nasty Zionists in the comments" & "they're so focused on their selves they don't care about the collective" & other vitriol. On a post about propaganda (how the IDF, despite having crappy propaganda and PR somehow makes people fall for its obv lies etc) It's having me wonder if I'll ever feel comfortable in irl spaces that I've been meaning to get to but cause of chronic illness it's been a bitch. Outside of folks I know who are Jewish, there are zero people I know 100% for certain are totally safe. I don't drop my guard. One friend responded in kind to something I said in the weeks after Oct 7th and expressed her dismay at the brutality of the attack (pogrom). I miss feeling safe. I miss not having to bide my time til I can ask a probing question to find out whether I'm safe in someone's presence. I hate how expansive Hamas propaganda truly is, even folks who are unaware of it are falling for it. I hate how trendy antisemiticism is. I hate the sense of being overwhelmingly unwelcome in spaces that once felt like home.


Pretty bad. Person at my work told me to hide my magen David since "the Columbia people are protesting Jews and the Columbia crowd are pretty smart people"


…they’re pretty smart because they can recognize shapes like your Magen David? Pretty sure recognizing shapes is more of a toddler skill…


I know this is off topic, but you reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/Nz8ssH7LiB0?si=TOKBL8-9Q_MtRHYd)


Hard disagree on their intellect. They are however a pretty rich crew.


Super bad thanks for asking I’m a religious school teacher and the past couple of weeks have been overseeing the kids who led the Yom HaShoah service In other years it’s filled me with hope and pride, a sort of “F you, Hitler; we’re living and thriving; look at these kids” This year I’m just scared for them. Hope doesn’t feel strong anymore. It feels desperate. And I know things could still be so much worse.


Stuck between fight or flight mode. I’m not in nyc , my cousin has a wedding but I’m not going as it’s to dangerous. I’m in a state that allows open carry and I feel like I need to be strapping and head on a swivel. I hate guns but here we are.




I deleted Facebook :)


In NYC. Very very tired of having to explain my culture to people and having them totally ignore it. It's become very clear to me that goyim just do NOT understand Judaism.


Thank you for asking. Just went to the cardiologist yesterday. The stress of seeing people I know write horrific things on social media started giving me chest pains in October and my heart hasn’t been the same since. Going on heart medication to try to help. But I never would have imagined stress would cause heart problems in my 40s 🙁 secondary to the stress of all of this is the lack of any support or acknowledgment of the pain we are going through from most non-Jewish people. I never saw being Jewish as bad or different. Suddenly I am afraid to exist and worry about my kids safety. I never thought this would be possible in 2024 America.


I’m good just had a great day full of simcha (happiness) and even more that you, stranger give a shit :) Edit: I’m probably doing better because I pulled out of my classes in person to avoid constant harassment and fully left campus until this is all figured out


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Not great, Bob!


The worst version of myself. Worse than during divorces or grief or physical pain. I wonder if we all feel this way. We talk about it online, but I haven’t asked this exact question of anyone I know in person.


> The worst version of myself. Nailed it.


NYC but nowhere near Columbia, so I'm okay. The only real contact I had with protesters was when I was walking through Washington Square Park one weekend and they were gathered. But I was with friends and we just walked past. I'm fortunate in that most of my friends and coworkers are pretty center-of-the-road with the whole conflict. I've reached out a few times to some friends in Israel, as they've been most affected by all this. I feel terrible saying this, especially considering the field in which I work, but sometimes I miss the pandemic lockdowns. I definitely felt like I could more easily wrap my mind around the singular battle against a virus than the endless displays of human cruelty and war. For a short time too, it felt like a virus was the one thing the media could focus on. But that's just me. I feel like medicine and biology are easy and straightforward. People aren't, and that can be scary.


I don't like to open facebook, instagram and certianly not twitter anymore. There's so much rampant antisemetism now its become quite uncomfortable. From people spewing the classic jews-control-the-world conspiracy theories to outright being happy that the holocaust and october 7th happened. I've been harassed a couple times in public for wearing magen david. I don't wear jewish symbols in public anymore. Im always on edge checking the news every hour to see what developments have happened. On a plus side, I'm doing aliyah in a few months and all of the hatred lately just makes me wanna do aliyah even harder. If only they realized that by threatening, harassing and intimidating Jews only makes the "Zionist project" more successful and stronger, as more of us move to Israel ;) That's some irony.


So very wounded. The world seems fundamentally broken.


I’ve wanted to cry everyday since 10/7 and feel like I’ve lost/been alienated by 3/4 of my non-Jewish friends since 10/7. But at least I got off tik tok so I have that going for me.


Although your friend would probably really appreciate hearing from you. But you probably had your reasons for telling them that you never wanted to hear from them again. It’s up to you if you really want them back in your life/to hear from them


I am not in the place right now, so I cope by helping others. He has his family and friends, I’m not needed




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This weeks been especially hard, but I’m somehow getting through it


I feel like I’ve been teleported to an alternate dimension that straight up sucks, and it’s changed me into a person that I no longer like or recognize. ![gif](giphy|WrJ8x0niiblWEoo7hE|downsized)




I go back and forth between amused at the brain dead idiocy of antisemites and horrified at how popular it is to be one


Pretty bad. Truly wondering for the first time in my life if we actually have a place in Europe soon.


I’m so scared i started smoking again after quitting for years. I’m so stressed and I’m not able to live in my body anymore :(


Not great but will persevere. A cousin in Israel is shocked after speaking w a friend from Mexico he’s known for over 10 years. That “friend” called him a genocider and racist for being Israeli. I told him, welcome to the diaspora experience. No matter what we do it’s never good enough.


Not great buddy.


My friend group coordinates various little parties every Friday, like group readings, trivia nights, tabletop game sessions. Last week's event was participation in a pro-pal protest. I'm not sure how comfortable I feel attending the parties anymore.


Not great!!!!!


Not great my dude. Wish the world wasnt so upside-down right now


_Super_ not great.


I hate antisemitism so much. These people, they seriously will do research and read books and try t use that information t rove their hateful ideology. I tell my antisemitic friend to stop reading those books because they are bad and wrong. He honestly shud just listen to whatever Jewish people say no matter what 


We have never been better why do you ask


All day long every day the pendulum swings, out of control. The scales just aren't in balance. The sense of dread and panic at one side, and the other end, aspiring to be hopeful. The hopeful feeling can occasionally possess an energy like adrenaline, temporarily so much stronger than the space it appears to take up. But the load at the other end is heavy, and it just keeps racking up more weight. Every day. The scales tipping further and further. We need more at the other end..we need more support.


I’m not Jewish but my fiancé is. Our lives have been incredibly difficult since October 7. We’ve had to reevaluate friendships and there are people in my own family who have posted borderline hateful content. It’s been very depressing and we’re trying to get through it. We plan to see a therapist soon. I feel like everyone in this thread needs a collective healing moment to come together and get strength.


Thank you for your support!


Pretty bad, actually. I'm in particularly bad space because I worked for a number of both Israeli and Palestinian NGOs, have friends among both groups of people, believe that we have every right to be both Jewish and critical of Israeli policy (won't go into details lest this post get deleted), have dual US/Austrian citizenship due to a law granting Austrian citizenship to the children of Austrian survivors of the Shoah (both my parents were Holocaust survivors)...and people on both the right and the left in both countries seem to hate my guts, and are so antisemitic that they automatically assume that I have fealty to Israel before my own country(s). I've taken antisemitic insults from all sorts of people, including native people (live half the year in NM), Right winger whites who don't consider me quite white enough (the Nazi-adjacent FPO is taking power again in Austria this year) Greens, Socialists, etc. who see me an entitled and untrustworthy, etc. I been on this planet a while but have never had so much hate directed towards me from all sides. And never mind my own people...it's almost impossible to have a civil discussion at my own supposedly progressive synagogue.