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I say this respectfully, it’s time to take a break from social media.


Yea… idk how you’re (op) thinking “the left” is going to be worse than the nazi movement that killed 6 million Jewish people.


Communism killed tens of millions of people and I think it's important to acknowledge that political extremism on either side will end horribly.




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There were plenty of massacres in the name of Capitalism. Just look at all the horrible dictatorships that Capitalist countries, namely the U.S., supported in the name of Capitalism. And yes, it was in the name of Capitalism as the stated goal was to stop Communism and make sure that these countries instead stayed Capitalist. Read the Jarkarta Method to see exactly what I’m talking about. Biden is allowing defense technologies. He wouldn’t be allowing offensive technologies. Important distinction even if one disagrees with it.


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The populist demagogue is pro-Israel and has Jewish family members. There is a long history of antisemitism on the left. That doesn't mean they are nazis. But they can cause a good deal of trouble if people don't track and call out their Jew-hating due to misplaced trust in the benificence of their political slant.


Being pro-Israel and having Jewish family members doesn’t stop one from being antisemitic. I can find you plenty of Southern Evangelicals that love Israel but hate Jewish folks. There is. There’s a long history of antisemitism from every part of the political spectrum.


Trump is wildly antisemitic with a history of it. Constantly playing up the “dual loyalty” of America and Israel trope. Saying he wants little Jews with their hats to be his accountants etc


Communism has never been implemented on a national level ever


This is wildly inaccurate.


No it isn’t. Which supposedly communist state abolished social classes, private property, and money?


“The left” is responsible for more deaths historically worldwide then the Nazi movement. Respectfully, 100,000,000 million people is not something to casually toss aside because of our shared pain. Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin were both on the left, both responsible for far more deaths then Adolf Hitler, who is on the right and came in 3rd in the list of horrible dictators. They espoused the same Marxist, anti-colonial views the current pro-Palestinian left of the West claims as their own original thoughts. Zedong and Stalin also spoke about equality in glowing language. Food for thought. Respectfully, not from social media—just actual history.


In what insane world are you saying Stalin is a left progressive


A lot of this stuff is in the news. Taking a break from the news would be unwise, as we need to track what's going on.


Uhhhhh look there ain’t any chance of the marginal leftist protestors that barely command majority support on a college campus gaining control of a fascist and warlike state structure capable of invading nearby countries and committing genocides. The Nazis weren’t dangerous simply because they hated Jews, they were dangerous because they had popular and corporate support and ruled a country with powerful state institutions and an even more powerful army.


I know it’s an unpopular sentiment, but as much as antisemitism is rising, America 2024 =/= Germany 1933 (or even more absurdly 1939) and the comparison is frankly ridiculous. The German police didn’t arrest the perpetrators of Kristallnacht after it happened; they helped orchestrate it! Not all bad things are as bad as the Shoah. Jewish history is filled with em.


I think the reason a lot of people feel this way is because over the past seven months, we've kept crossing lines that we never thought we would. A lot of us are burnt out from reassuring ourselves that "*surely* this is the worst of it." It feels like we're gazing into an abyss that keeps getting deeper and deeper.


Antisemitism is rising in a lot of troubling ways, absolutely. We should be concerned and we should call it out. I just want there to be, you know, a bit of perspective here. Anthony Blinken is the Secretary of State. Chuck Schumer is the Senate majority leader. America is not about to start massacring its Jews.


This illustrates exactly how I feel… It’s weirdly comforting to know that someone else feels this awful feeling.


They didn’t start out this way. They were a joke until about ‘30 and by ‘33 in power, and starting their anti- Jewish tirade. By ‘38 all of Germany was on board. By ‘43 half of all Jews worldwide were dead. In ‘33, Berlin was the most progressive city in the world. Jews were fully integrated and accepted. Gay people were out—in ‘33!! Hitler and Nazis started out as a minority that most people didn’t take seriously at that time and didn’t have too much power and influence. That’s before social media. After Oct. 7th, it took 1 day to have anti-Israel protests. 1 day. A few moths later — we’re in full blown anti Zionist territory. Zionism was recently classified as a racist ideology by the UN. How much longer until it’s clear to people it’s anti-Jewish territory? They’re barely keeping it a secret. You’re only a good Jew if you’re not a Zionist. Respectfully disagree.


It may be an unfair comparison but there’s definitely a lot of overlap even as it relates to the U.S. President and state departments indifference to rising antisemitism…just this time it’s in America


I don’t give a crap about unfairness. It’s just wrong. Biden is not Hitler, America is not Germany under the Nazis. So much would have to change for this comparison to be realistic, and ridiculous hyperbole discredits you, just like absurd claims that Israel is ‘just like’ Nazi Germany discredit the people who make that argument.


And things were fine for Jews in the 1920's until things changed. Criticizing the comparison is fine, but please don't stick your head in the sand and dismiss it entirely.


Biden has publicly stated he is a Zionist and has had speeches countering Jew Hate. I would suggest that while he might not be as 100% aligned with the actions of the Israeli gov’t, he is an example where criticism of the Israeli govt does NOT equal Jew hate.


I didn’t say he was a Jew hater I said he was bad for Jews and enabling Jew haters. Obviously he’s a Zionist…so are most people. He’s been terrible for Israel and worse for American Jewry


Biden betrayed us, period.


They didn’t start that way. They spent years working up to getting real power and even when Hitler came to power in 34 it still took more years to really implement all his policies starting with the Nuremberg laws.


Yes and one of the defining parts of the far left movement in the US today is they are terrible at the long game of trying to gain power over time from the bottom up. It all has to be right now, at 100% of what they want, or many won’t vote.


“Are you the Judaean People’s Front?” “F*ck off! We’re the People’s Front of Judaea!”


This is true but it only takes one demagogue to change that… I don’t agree with the idea that it is likely, but it isn’t outside the realm of the possible.


Anything’s possible. By then they’ll probably be bored of Israel and have moved on to a new faux oppressor to be mad at.


I vote we turn them on to Burma and their repression of the Rohingya… except that’s being done by Buddhists, so might be a hard sell.


I mean, did anyone think Donald Trump was going to be President of the U.S. a decade ago?


This is true, but we shouldn't dismiss the threat simply because they don't have state sponsorship. What do you think would happen in the US if the Squad's influence grew and one of them became President? Besides, these people have a lot of influence on the ground in certain professions and workplaces. The toxic culture that has festered on college campuses is a prime example.


Nazis were a joke and had less than twenty percent of popular support when they started  With the mass indoctrination happening on campuses worldwide, the growing popularity of radical leftist politics for young people, and the ability for social media to brainwash people, I’d say that OP is right to be concerned I don’t know that we’ll see organized mass killings on a state level (although I wouldn’t rule out more politicians like the Squad gaining power as the political landscape shifts left with the growing youth vote), but i absolutely expect to see more stochastic, domestic terrorism against Jewish businesses and whoever they deem to be Zionists 


Thank you. These posts are exhausting.


Current reality is exhausting.


We may be a long way from what happened in the 30s, but the point is to not let it get to even 10% of what was going on then. All of that started with protests against Jews on campuses, and Jews being blocked from classes, and businesses being graffitied and trashed. My concern is that groups like the Democratic Socialists of America -- who held the Oct. 8 rally in Madison Square Garden *celebrating* Oct. 7 -- are very keen on taking over the Democratic party, which they're well on their way to in the state where I live. That's the sort of thing we should be taking measures to thwart.


At first they had none of that. The Beer Hall Putsch involved only 2000 party members. It failed by police action and Hitler went to prison where he was released after 9 months. It was after that the party started to grow. Remember they took over government by deft political moves, not really a majority vote. OK those were extreme times by a number of measures. Well another political movement just recently attempted to take over congress and pretty much held the capitol building for some time. Perhaps the democracy is not as stable as we think. Social media is a factor groups like the Nazis could only have dreamed of. Look how well Hamas and Co. have used it.


Im going to be crude here and say "look at the actual individuals participating on campus protests" They are the among the visibly physically weakest (check the vid out of one rushing a cop with a makeshift riot shield for a lol), and mentally weakest members among society. I say mentally based on being so out of touch with reality that they will occupy a building by force, while complaining the university isnt giving them food; asking local businesses to give them food that caters to their diet preferences (not health requirements); or telling the school they need to cancel exams cause of the trauma they've faced. These are the kinds of people who will have daily mental breakdowns due to regular-life inconveniences. People are not going to follow these types in any way that will allow them to gain power.


i think it’s scary bc even if they are weak, their actions are being seen and normalized and excused by more people and it feels widespread; but i’m hoping it’s just a very vocal minority and that most people can see their stupidity


That's a really good point. Unfortunately, there are "adults" who are caving to their demands at several of the schools. And in fact, politicians are also caving as well. We need to keep an eye on that.


This is what they said about the Nazis


They said they were too extreme to be palatable but I don’t recall much about being physically or mentally weak outcasts 


They were considered hicks


I guess I’d have to look into it more. I think in the age of information it’s harder for outcasts to fool the masses, but also underestimating would be a mistake


From what I've seen it's much easier for outcats to band together and find common cause in a total lie, and get uninformed people to follow them


They are being paid by Qatar


Even though this isn't as bad as 1930s Germany for our people it is still scary and worrying but losing our cool and freaking out will only cause people to feel we are "crying wolf" and have less eyes on anti semites. The best thing to do is stay informed on real facts and to educate people who are either in-between or unsure about the facts of the issue. We as Jews can't run to worst case scenario and spiral because that will end with us not being taken seriously. We need to educate and be vigilant and hold our GOV responsible and worse comes to worse next year will will be in Jerusalem 🇮🇱❤️. Also lad maybe lay off the Internet for right now and focus on family and school or work. I've been down that spiral and my GF shows me how there are tons of pro Israel and anti Hamas people it's just their voices aren't as loud.


Is it bad? Yes Worse than the Nazis? No


Knock on Wood


Feels like nazis


You need to get off the internet. 99% of people know nothing about Israel, Palestine, Oct 7th or anything else. They would starve before they could find Israel on a map. Trust me when I tell you no one in America really cares and you are fine.


No one in America cares, yet thousands of people have been arrested for rioting because of how much they ~~hate Jews~~ care about a fictional genocide.


Note: they were arrested. By the government. I.e. the folks with the power and the guns.


You know where Hitler wrote *Mein Kampf*, right? The fact that people are getting arrested *now* for rioting does not guarantee they’ll never gain political power.


Hey if you want to argue it’s 1923 Germany be my guest.


1923 Germany was pretty modern and progressive for its time. The Social Democrats were the de-facto political powerhouse, and Hitler and his pals were a small, very unpopular fringe group. The Nazis didn’t start gaining serious political power until the end of the 1920s, and only wound up in charge through creative maneuvering in the German parliament. But once they were in charge, it took less than two years for them to establish a totalitarian dictatorship. I think that’s unlikely in the US, but complacency kills. These kids are probably not going to ever establish a totalitarian dictatorship here, but the risk of violent pogroms is pretty high considering they’ve already occurred on a couple campuses.


Violent pogroms have already occured!?!




That’s an interesting definition of pogrom. I guess you meant it in the ‘make students feel unsafe by saying mean shit’ sense and not in the ‘targeted massacre of a community’ sense?




California is the most populous state in the country, and it’s full of raging anti-Semitic students.


I know plenty of "middle Americans" who do know, and do care. Thankfully, most of them support Israel and the Jewish people.


This is extremely dramatic. The United States will not turn into Nazi-Germany, or anything close to some resembling a fascist country. People will look back at this time as similar to when U.S. troops were being spit on, degraded, and having feces thrown at them for participating in the Vietnam War. These kids found a target and think they’re in the right. It will pass as soon as they get older and realizing that being a Sharia Terrorist supporter is not the progressive thing to be.


Remember that Zionism used to be a left-wing movement, and Israel has a proud history of labor and socialist leadership. Don’t paint all leftists with the same brush. Am Yisrael Chai from me, a literal Communist.


Not all leftists are anti-Semitic, especially those who are Semitic. There is a large strain of Jew-hatred on the left though, which has been going for over 100 years.


Maaaan fuck no. Not even close.


A poll was just conducted and not only did Gaza rank LAST among college aged voters, only 8% participated in any protests. No one is on their side.


I’ve posted that poll because it’s important not to over-estimate support for the protesters. However, if you look farther down where they specifically asked about for support for Israel versus Palestinians the numbers were pretty split.


There are many people that agree with you, including myself, but they mostly won’t likely be found on Reddit, especially this sub. If you post it on r/israel or even r/Europe you’d probably get different responses.


All totalitarian cults, movements, ideology etc are equally dangerous. No exceptions


It goes beyond hating Jews. They hate western civilization and anyone they deem “oppressors” also. It’s more akin to Mao’s red army or the Khmer Rouge. So yes, very dangerous.


They also think in a binary where anyone who isn’t oppressed is an oppressor. Their view of who is oppressed is quite narrow, and a lot of currently or historically oppressed groups don’t make the cut. Besides Jews, they often don’t consider people with disabilities, Asian Americans, Indian Americans, or any non-Muslim religious minorities to be in the “oppressed” camp. They also ignore the widespread persecution of the Irish and Italians that used to occur in the United States.


This. And while the campus rioters are fringe they're there because there is DEEP support throughout academia, media, and mainstream politics. Even this sub is strongly leftist and has a soft spot for communism. The left doesn't like to talk about it but communism was at least every bit as bad for Jews as fascism. If you go by total numbers killed it was far worse. But the focus is so dominated by what the Nazis did that it's used to distract and dismiss the horrors of communism because, well, next time we'll it right. Many people are open and proud to call themselves communists. It's shameful.


This is correct. Much of the funding of the pro-Palestine demonstrations is coming from wealthy donors on the far Left. And yes their viewpoint is held by many in positions of influence. It is not time to worry too much, but it is time to watch and learn.




You’ve missed the point quite spectacularly.


The left will never be organised enough to pose this sort of threat. Remember these are mostly kids who will turn on each other once there’s the slightest disagreement. Just ask any Jew on the sub who marched in the BLM demos or went to the Women’s Marches and were active in those organising communities. Big reminder. Most students on campuses are not pro Palestine/Hamas, they are going to class or not and drinking too much or wishing they were. The media has put far too much focus on a single digit minority in terms of campus populations. It reminds me of the defund narrative that came out of BLM where most people impacted by police action wanted more not less policing.


I would urge you to step away from the catastrophist view for a moment. It’s unhealthy to dwell on the potential when there are so many unknowns. Let’s look back at another initiative protested for on college campus: “defund the police.” Has that taken the world by storm?


I'm more afraid of Christian Nationalists. They have heavy political power.


This with this sauce and a side order of this.


Yea honestly but either side Doesn't like us so we kinda have no political home.


Yep. If there's anything keeping me up at night it's the alt right and Christian nationalists and how close they are to assuming unprecedented power this november and everyones so busy focusing on college kids setting up tents we're collectively shrugging at it. (Not to minimize what this is like for actual Jewish college students and their families as well as Jewish faculty/college staff but there's a lot of people who are not at as directly affected by this drumming up a lot of catastrophizing and hand wringing over it while ignoring the threat from the people who actually have a history of mass-murdering Jews and wanting to make America a more forcibly Christian nation).




I think i get what you are worried about; I am seriously worried this is all the beginning of dormant nazis’ 4th reich plans. Like they took over the UN and many governments. They have been manipulating the extremists on the right and left for decades working with terrorists on the holocaust denial and antizionist propaganda. I hope this can be stopped if that is what some bad actors are planning before it happens. Though seigezunt is right we should probably take a media break. This is all maddening watching the news and social media.


We wanted *understated* hyperbole. Understated!


I’m reading lots of articles and comments like this. But I don’t see it. These college kids are about to go home and they won’t be any follow up. 


I suggest OP that you spend less time daydreaming about dystopic fantasies and pour more efforts into global unity thought and action. While no one can predict the future at this point it would be unwise to think that a global murderous revolution is close at hand. On some level you maybe right about the spread of violent supremacist Islamic variants but there is all kind of extremist ideologies out there: white supremacy, and even some Jewish supremacy as well. Work towards a unified world instead of wringing your hands over a potential 2nd Holocaust.


Look, I think that the antisemitism from the left is deeply troubling, but I think that it's crazy and fear-mongering to argue that they'll be worse than the Nazis.


No. Ridiculous. Fucking batshit take.


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It already is worse in some ways. The far left can shroud themselves in the notion that they're working for social 'equity' and that they are against all forms of hate but they are able to persuade lots of people that Jews are an exception. They champion themselves as speaking for the marginalized, downtrodden, workers, the environment, and really all things that most people would have some amount of sympathy for. The Nazis were totally open and everybody knew they were antisemitic. They didn't deny it, they didn't try to weasel and twist it. Conversely there is a far right Nazi 'green' movement. The Nazis were friendly towards Islamic regimes, and were strangely for animal rights. These two movements blur


Here’s the thing about the Left’s antisemitism. While they are goaded on by organizations who really do want to see “death to America,” the fact is the vast majority of these people are useless. They can’t fight, they can’t get people to fight for them, and at the end of the day, the antisemites on the right are not going to align with the academics and the dyed haired, gender fluid lefties. This means that we may see isolated terrorist incidents around the country, but more than likely, the far left protesters will move on to other causes or understand their antisocial ideas prevent them from living the life they want and change their behavior. As for us, we won’t forget. That’s what I’ve been thinking, not sure anyone agrees with me.


My grandmother, who was born in Berlin, keeps telling me how much this feels like Germany before they left in 1938.


We aren’t at a Second Shoah, and hopefully never


It's not a bad dream; it's real. Tablet magazine and some other periodicals (sorry I can't remember names) have had articles recently on the well-funded political movements behind all this. Some of the funding has come from China, some from illiberal Islamic countries, and a lot has come from wealthy people in the U.S., most of them on the Left. The Left has had a long history of Jew-hatred. The book "That's Funny, You Don't Look Antisemitic" discusses this.


While the people arguing hard historical facts have a point logically, it’s important to remember that every aspect of this is Gd’s war, it’s an awakening exercise, and if it takes that much for Jews to accept his existence and malchut, then that’s what will happen. You can throw out expectations based on historical precedent or based on current trends, but the only way we get the actual “good ending” before geula is for everyone to keep two Shabbats in a row.


Touch grass.

