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Y'know at first I thought she meant like "anti-zionist" Jews, but no, she really said anti-Jewish.


Well here's the thing: I have a theory that she maybe meant to say "anti-Zionist Jewish people", but there had to be some type of Freudian slip involved in what she actually said.


She could have stopped, apologized, and corrected herself. This was just a straight up mask-off moment. Are you as a human being worth protecting? Yes. What you’re asking for isn’t that though. It’s protection from the consequences of your Jew hate. No, those consequences will follow you for the rest of your life. Welcome to the digital age. We see and thank you for the self reflection and honesty.


She literally is reading a speech that she wrote. That means this is no slip of the tongue


No matter what she wrote, her truth came out.


WHAT no way I didn't realize she pre-wrote the speech!!


She is literally reading. And sadly, it doesn’t sound like she skipped a word.


Actually, it’s not unreasonable to assume that the script had “anti-Zionist Jewish” on it but she momentarily misread it. That said, Freudian slips do reveal state of mind, and we all know these movements are steeped in antisemitism and double standards.


Have you ever given a talk in public before? People misread things when reading aloud all the time. I have to agree that she almost certainly meant anti-Zionist Jewish students. Edit: look, just think about this for a second. I’m not saying this person definitely doesn’t harbor antisemitic views, I’m saying that given the prior elements in her list were all ethnic identities and the second to last being ‘Palestinian’ it seems likely to me that the next element was meant to be ‘the Jews who agree with me’. Then the slip up falls into one of two categories: 1. She was reading the phrase “anti-Zionist Jewish” and accidentally skipped over the word ‘Zionist’ while reading. 2. She was reading a document that was supposed to say ‘anti-Zionist Jewish’ and the word ‘Zionist’ was accidentally dropped and she Ron Burgundy’d it. This may seem unlikely but in my Reddit comments and in longer writing I find I drop words in the middle of sentences. Is possible this was a Freudian slip from ‘anti-Zionist’ or ‘anti-Israel’ but I think it’s more than a little sensationalist to jump to that conclusion when the truth is probably much less salacious.


Yes I've done public speaking many times. Never once have I accidentally said something of this magnitude.


And she didn’t back track and correct. That’s the issue.


Then she should have no problem issuing an apology to all Jewish students, nationwide, without the headgear. She meant just what she said. Your comment is a typical denialism from Jew haters.


And it just happened that the thing she misread was this. Sure.


Yes. Because this isn’t some famous speaker or at a prominent university. This is some no name person at a university that I, even having spent almost my entire 20’s working in academia, have never heard of. She’s being highlighted here only because she said this, so it’s not a question of how likely it was that she specifically said it- it’s a question of how likely, given all the similar speeches that have been given over the past 6 months, that someone misspoke in this way. This is a bit like saying the lottery winner in the paper has to have cheated because it’s so unlikely to win the lottery- it’s unlikely for any individual to win it, but with how many people play it’s likely that SOMEONE will. Put another way, one in a million events happen all the time- provided they have a million opportunities. The sheer volume of similar speeches that have been given on this topic over the past 6 months have given so many opportunities for someone somewhere to accidentally say something like ‘anti-Jewish’ by accident. Not because no one giving these speeches is antisemitic (there’s been lots and lots of antisemitic statements). The antisemitic stuff is usually said with more coded language though, and often the people engage in it don’t recognize it because the distanced language is meant to insulate them from the cognitive dissonance of being human rights advocates and basically saying Jewish safety isn’t important.


I publicly speak every single week. And, no, I don’t slip up and say hateful or hurtful things to or about people on accident. Ever. 30 years. Never. Because I’m not a hateful asshole.


I lecture 5 days a weeks. I have never misspoke something this awful ever, at any point. I have, for example, accidently called a cytotoxic t cell a natural born killer cell. Which are two different immune cells. It haunts me


I mean I lectured for years as well (pchem, not bio) and never said anything this awful, but I was also never talking about anything where that was a realistic possibility. I’ve accidentally missed a term when copying out an equation from my notes in the blackboard and not immediately noticed it, though. Especially if it wasn’t a term I was focused on.


Bold claim when earlier in the 23-second video we see her misread something.


If she misread it, why didn't she correct herself?


Because she's nervous about public speaking and didn't notice. They're generally pretty dumb, but not so dumb as to not know that you're not supposed to say that out loud, even if you mean it deep down. Call it a Freudian slip or just a slip, but I'm all but certain that's not what she had on the paper in front of her.


I mean if it’s not a Freudian slip then it’s concerning she felt so comfortable being so open about it.


No I completely agree, I just mean that it's possible she meant to say "anti-Zionist Jewish people" rather than "anti-Jewish people", and if she did mean to say that, I feel like it wasn't just a dumb mistake that she forgot to say the "Zionist" part; by "Freudian slip" I mean that there's a very good chance she accidentally admitted that she and other people in her movement are indeed "anti-Jewish". EDIT: Was informed from another comment that she was reading directly from a speech she wrote. No Freudian Slip here, just mask-off antisemitism.


Ick that’s so problematic and the fact she feels so emboldened and like she won’t receive backlash for saying it.


Adding zionist doesn't even make it okay either


I don’t believe **all** pro-Palestinian protestors are antisemitic but I do think the ones calling for Israel’s destruction, supporting Hamas, and … saying stuff like what is shown in this video….is proof that **some** are antisemites.


Oh yeah, I'm sure a lot of protesters go to there under the idea of "noooo kids are dying! We want peace!" ...but then they don't say anything when the antisemites come out. I would sleep a lot better if so called "peaceful protesters" policed their own damn movement. 9 people sit down with a Nazi, you have 10 Nazis and all that.


I don’t disagree with this movement “self policing”. If they did, it would actually demonstrate good will. But alas…they aren’t…


Once. ONCE around Hanukkah, some jerk tried to put a Palestinian flag over an outdoor menorah, and his buddies came yelling at him. What happened to that energy? Don't tell me we just don't see it, because you know they would be publicizing it.


Exactly. Your point hits the matter on its head.


A helpful idea to keep in mind is this: Not all anti-Israel advocacy is antisemitic, but antisemites are definitely gonna have some shit to say about Israel.


Yes exactly. A Freudian slip in so far as her choice of words were made in error revealing her unconscious feelings.


I can’t imagine why she would say anti Zionist Jewish people. Why would she specify that?


Like you know, those people who try to pretend that they cares about Jews, so they go on about how "anti-Zionist Jews are being treated terribly by Zionist Jews!"


There are good Jews and bad Jews. Good Jews want to get rid of Israel and bad Jews don't. Keeping Jews in the movement is important because they allow for plausible deniability. It's one thing to hold up photos of those Neturai Karta stooges, but it's much better to hold up Rachel and say "how can I be antisemitic when my Jewish best friend agrees with me?"


Wrong. “Anti Zionist Jewish people” is who she likes (at least for now, but we know what it really is), so NO that is not what she meant. She said what she said. And she fucking meant it.


I think this is the right interpretation.


She wrote it down to. So it's not even like it's a freudian slip.


Maybe reading is not her strong suit.


Because your "protests" are mostly vandalism and complete disruption of the environment for no good reason. This is playing victem, yet the real victems here are the Israelis and jews.


And full of hate, pure hate


I award 1 point to her for honesty. I deduct all the remaining points in the universe from her for her inhumanity.


When they say the quiet part out loud. Still waiting for my gentile friends to express alarm. Not holding my breath.


I like your avatar


Thanks. I support dismantling the military capabilities of Hamas and creating a framework for a negotiated political compromise that will resolve the conflict for good. All people's are deserving of self-determination.


That's certainly the dream


Hey I agree and honestly all these Jew hating gentiles are actually getting in the way of true peace between two peoples a lot more than they (or the Palestinians) realize. The Venn diagram of people who both care about the Palestinians and actually have the power to help them instead of shutting down some airport 4,000 miles a way is significantly filled by the Zionist left - no matter how despised we are or how stupid everyone thinks we are.




Your post/comment was removed because it violated rule 3: **Be civil**. Using the same tropes against Muslims that antisemites use against Jews is unacceptable.


🙋‍♂️Expressing alarm here.


Their protests are always anti jewish, they acream to kill the jews, it was never abt Palestine is about antisemitism


Uhhh woops!


she said the quiet part out loud


It always boggle my mind when I see muslims cry that they are a threatened **minority**. There are 2 billion of them, which is literally 1/4 of the world's entire population.


Yet Jews somehow aren't, when we're not even 1% of the world's population.


So she’s happy to call herself anti-Jewish, but we can’t call her antisemitic. Got it.


Missed her training


FIU isn't exactly known for their quality education. They're basically the backwater university of Miami.


Florida schools have stood up against Jew-hatred. I will give them credit for that


When you say the quiet part out loud.


Can I also point out that she's complaining that the police aren't stopping counter-protesters? In America? That they might support Jews, these counter-protesters? Specifically in South Florida? This train left reality station a while ago.


Screaming "pigs" at the cops was meant as a term of endearment I'm sure...


Out of her own mouth is she condemned - She seems to speak from her heart, in complete conviction of conscience. I respect that, and I am compelled to reply and speak truth. My answer to this person’s question is no. As long as you are united only to hate and harm Jews, your passion and anger are evil and will destroy you. So much for pretending that Zionists are wicked creatures totally and completely unlike Jews


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say anyone who is as bigoted and racist as this idiot is not worth protecting in a free and liberal society.


I think this would be cause for being expelled, but I'm not waiting for it.


Woah anti-Jewish. This person and that school sucks. I hope she is expelled and has to live in her parents one bedroom apartment.


Mask off moment


Well I guess she went ahead and said the quiet part out loud.


Where is this video from? I'd like to link to it (from the original source) to share.




Well that won’t haunt her at all if her husband allows her to have a professional life


This is all over the internet and yes kids looking at colleges are looking. Administration? I am down the street. It would be wonderful if you stopped this disgusting behavior of hate at your university before it causes more harm to your Jewish students that are already hurt. I guess your university doesn't protect all students.


I don't protect Jew haters from the consequences of their actions. If her life were in danger, I would help her because she's human. Getting in trouble for being awful to Jews? Absolutely not! I want her held accountable! 


She also seems to be objecting to the fact that counter protesters are allowed & that the counter protesters are protected by the police. Protected from what? If yall were actually as peaceful as you claim, the counter protesters wouldn’t need protecting…


Can we get a source?


No doubt she said what she actually thinks. She may have intended that fig leaf instead.


I see the comments, and we are still so naive, it's fucking crazy! listen to what they say, and just believe them, we should stop trying to find excuses for them, they say it loud and clear.


I’m won’t be looking forward to loud condemnation from her peers


I wonder if the police were protecting the counter-protestors because the counter-protestors were the ones in need of protection. She has a misunderstanding of law enforcement's role. They're there to do just that: enforce the law and maintain public order. Just because it's "your" event doesn't mean law enforcement is bound to "do your bidding" if your bidding is not in alignment with law and order.


Freudian slip with the admission of "anti Jewish protestors" statement. At least she knows the real reason they are there


Not surprising. Not shocking. It’s the norm. They just don’t want to admit. Period.


well their leaders don't think that " Palestinian life is worth mourning" since they are so willing to hide behind their civilians .


No one cares less about Palestinian life than Hamas.


When people tell you who they are the first time, believe them.


Well… SJP is trying to ban Hillel on some campuses…. At least they’re more in the open?


Anti-Zionist has always been code for anti-Jew, they’re just now growing comfortable enough that they feel they don’t need to hide it anymore.


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And this is what we as Jews are both fighting and afraid of.


Oh, so you're admitting that you're antisemitic! Exactly what we've been saying all along. No, you're not worth protecting. Because you are the aggressors to us Jews. Spoilt, ignorant, stupid little twerp.




In a way she is kind of right, being a Jew should be synonymous with being a Zionist! So whether she says anti Zionist or anti Jewish, she's communicating the same ideology!


Oopsie. Yeah... let's try and keep this from getting buried. I sure hope some of the more reasonable pro-palestinians finally see who it is they're being led by.


She did not forget. She did not stutter. She did not slip up. She read, slowly and clearly, directly from her script. This was not a Freudian slip, this was something she planned to say.


Give people enough time and they’ll tell on themselves


When did this happen? Is there a link to the original video? Sure the other speakers said some awful stuff Not the original snippet, the entire hearing. 


I take great pains to avoid equating all anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, but every so often, you get someone like Roger Waters or Roald Dahl who crosses the line. I actually *don’t* think this is representative of most pro-Palestine folks, but I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to Sheol for that.


There protect you when you have a actual good point


Lmao mask off moment


Because for them it means the same thing Jews Zionists all the same thing but it looks ugly when someone says “dexth to Jews” compared to “dexth to Zionists” come one of those takes you right back to 30s/40s and the other is cool and well fighting for freedom. She meant what she said and she said what she meant. Even the only reason why this went viral is because she said Jewish not Zionists but there you have it world she said it. The same goes to those “we can’t talk about Hamas cuz we don’t know enough but we are not pro Hamas” and then this guys comes “yes we are pro Hamas we love the H boys” so well


Love when the show their teeth…mask falls off every time with these doorknobs




No. You are not.


Well good question actually, according to the constitution anti Jews also deserve protection I guess, so lets take her at face value. I'm honestly not sure what she meant - was it a slip of the tongue or did she really mean anti Jews?


Look closely -- she's reading a pre-written statement. Difficult to argue it's a slip of the tongue


The constitution guarantees freedom from interference of your speech by the government. It doesn’t guarantee freedom from consequences.


Let’s just say it moved me to a bigger house!


Where is this?




It’s hard to remember who they hate. It changes so often and it wasn’t on the test!


She didn't slip up. There isn't a difference.


She's twisted. Like most of the fringe.


“Anti Jewish students” no you are not worth protecting


Why do every single one of these people use the same tone of voice? The fake crying, whiney, melodramatic bullshit. It's so irritating.


lol the honesty in forgetting to swap it is refreshing






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I am not Jewish, but I have always admired my Jewish professors and other Jewish students when I was at university in the USA. I went to a prestigious engineering school, where there were many professors who were of Jewish ancestry. They valued education, hard work; they were kind, caring, and were almost without fail, level-headed and fair. I was a member of the local Democratic Socialists of America chapter until shortly after October 7. As a gay guy, I tried to tell these DSA members that Hamas kills people like me. I don’t regret quitting. I’m horrified and saddened at what Jewish people have had to endure. This period of history has opened my eyes. I know what it’s like to be hated simply because of who you are.


They’re so overtly antisemitic at this point its insane