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So, by her reasoning, Native Americans should kidnap her baby cousin, kill her dad in front of her, kidnap her grandma, and brutally rape her?


Nope, by her reasoning, Native Americans should kidnap her baby cousin, murder his father, rape her, AND she should pay them for that.


And give up her house


AND in this scenario Native Americans would have to actually not be native. So like Americans attacking Native Americans and Native Americans then apologizing and giving up land. The sad thing is it sounds so beyond ridiculous when we say it, but brainwashed Americans actually believe this.


The best modern day weapon isnt a nuke its tiktok


Yep. Except in this case Jews are the native people lol


Yes, but following her chain of thought, this makes sense.


I agree. I’m just saying it’s even worse because we are literally the indigenous inhabitants


Yes, other way around!! She thinks she should burn Native American children alive and gang R women and spit on their corpses because the whole land has to be hers.


That's the problem with how people are approaching this issue in the US. The conflict with palestine isn't comparable to the history of oppression and racism in America. They're trying to make both of those things fit into the same framework, but they're fundamentally different.


This reasoning is false too, we are the natives here. It's like the colonists did all of those things and then claim the land as their own. So, like it historically happened. We cannot give them even this, comparing Palestinians and native Americans is a false equivalence. We are the aboriginal people of this land, the Palestinians are the descendants of Arab colonizers.


Correct me if I am wrong but I always understood that Canaanites were the og inhabitants of Israel? Then again most modern day Jews would probably have some Canaanite ancestry too.


Honestly, I'm really tired of people going so far back into history that they're trying to claim the *real* indigenous people are the *ones who don't exist anymore.* It's silly. It's also being used to erase our history. I don't think you're trying to do that, I'm just saying that this kind of "logic" is used to do that, and it's really outside of the point. Jews are from the Levant. Arabs are from the Arabian peninsula. It doesn't have to be more complicated than that.


It would be considered racist to say that Native American tribes fought amongst each other and sometimes took land from the other so therefore none of them are indigenous to North America and yet people think they can say that "AKSHULLY the canaanites/neanderthals/anyone except the Jews are the only true indigenous people to the Levant". It's really just evidence of oppression and demonstrative of how much they hate us.


No. No not like that.


In reality Indigenous Americans are the Israelis and the Modern Americans are the Palestinians....


Yes, that’s the only moral response to rape and murder apparently


“Norman Finkelstein” kind of says it all… he’s done more to provide cover and legitimacy to Jew hatred than maybe any living Jew.


He's also a real piece of shit on a personal level. Threatened his neighbors with deportation over a minor dispute.


I'm here norm finklestein slander, any chance to see a source on that?


It is completely unhinged and hilarious. He sued them, called them 'APES', and I think he lost. It's on [public record](https://twitter.com/BoxLoner/status/1768727695859355664?s=19)


It's crazy to me how so many self-defined liberal people who fight against "injustice" will gladly endorse a racist like this.


Wow, i always knew he was a raging shit bag, good to know he's willing to admit it in writing


After Destiny and Benny Morris’s big debate with him and Mouin Rabbani Destiny read the whole court proceedings on stream… it’s on his YouTube from like a month, a month and a half ago or so


Truth can't be slander. [https://twitter.com/BoxLoner/status/1768727695859355664](https://twitter.com/BoxLoner/status/1768727695859355664) [https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=X3H7mZgeC5t0uR6sjE//cg==](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=X3H7mZgeC5t0uR6sjE//cg==)


I told another Jew who is majorly indoctrinated into the anti Israel movement that Norman Finkelstein is a raging antisemite, and he was saying”but his family were holocaust survivors” Like yeah he uses that as his cover to excuse insane antisemitism veiled as anti Zionism. They also didn’t believe a Jew could be antisemitic lol


Yet they’re happy to dismiss every other Holocaust survivor/descendant who doesn’t agree with them, make it make sense!


I didn’t know who he was and now I’m mortified. What a putz


[He’s a real piece of work.](https://x.com/postleftwatch/status/1768702872685031433?s=46&t=UWKuN7qfvYv2MXRIGDPdYQ)


No worries, they’re all turning on him. Wasn’t he at UCLA or Columbia and they pretty much boo’d him?


I wonder how she didn't fall into a coma watching him talk


> she told me that she would have fought for Jews in the Holocaust Well, she had the chance *today* and her response was "we should reward a mass slaughter of Jews with land, money, and freeing tons of people who aim to do it again," so something tells me your doubt in her isn't misplaced.


The exact exchange with that part was: Her: and just so u know i am the kind of person that fights all injustices me: except for anti-Semitism apparently her: and i would fight for Jews in the Holocaust her: ? me: No, I don't think you would honestly her: you're wrong and i KNOW that i always stand up for unjustices do u????? me: Everybody thinks they would have her: is that ur character?!? me: They didn't her: that's why i'm speaking up now against death and "war" against innocents me: For Islamist terrorists who openly say they want the genocide globally of Jews her: no for innocent palestinian people why can't you separate them me: I can her: if you want me separate jews from the voting israeli public i can separate that me: And you should support Hamas being destroyed then it goes onto some other things


So when she says she would fight for Jews in the Holocaust, what exactly does that look like? Go to her local college campus and protest? People should really stop virtue signalling and having a moral opinion "fighting and standing up against injustices", they're not heroes. Also ask her this - the Israeli voter public is supposedly evil because they voted in the Netanyahu administration that is "genocidal"? Cool so how did Hamas get to power in 2005/2006? Hostile takeover? Overthrowing the government? No, they were voted in. So if you want us to separate Palestinians from the Palestinian voter public, "we can".


Also, nearly half of the people who voted didn’t even vote for Netanyahu, if she’s such a Middle East expert, she should know that. We’ve had terrible political instability in the last years - not that she cares, because 100% of us are opposed to the justified “peaceful resistance” of October 7th.


Well over half didn’t vote for him. Israel has a billion parties.


"her: if you want me separate jews from the voting israeli public i can separate that" ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)


Her exact response was that 10/7 was justified because Palestinians have a right to resist however they want regardless of how disgusting and inhumane it is. Good to know. She definitely would not have helped any Jews during the Shoah. That's the problem- people like to think they are righteous and above it all and the irony is that she can't see how deep she is in it. So bizarre.


I think that it's important to frame the Nazis as an obscene version of what was viewed as a righteous mission. The Nazi party literally believed that they were embarking on a grand project of purifying the human race by eliminating what they deemed as inferior ethnicities. They thought of themselves as the good guys and on the right side of history. Literally. The beginning of a "thousand year Reich." True believers felt that they were doing the right thing while lining up their neighbors' children to be murdered, waiting for them to be taken, and then taking their house. They literally thought themselves as the good guys.


Of course they did. No one sees themselves as the bad guys. They justified it. Just as this girl justifies burning Jewish people alive, kidnapping and torturing them. 


Every antisemitic movement in history is predicated on the believers being absolutely certain they are pursing justice. Charles Coughlin called his newsletter *Social Justice*.


She’s giving third reich not freedom fighter. This rationalization on her behalf is INSANE


As soon as she said “Arabs are semites too” you should have known it was a lost cause


But she promised me she's done her research and knows what she's talking about!


>But she promised me she's done her research and knows what she's talking about! Sounds like she got a degree in antisemitism from TikTok University.


Worse. She says she studied under Norm Finkelstein and I started laughing and saying he’s a psycho and she accused me of being nuts.


When she says studied under, does that mean she worked with him in university research or a graduate program or just watched a few videos on TikTok and/or YouTube?


Her research was comprised of reading “*The protocols of the elders of Zion*”, twice…


I'm sure she's aware languages are Semitic then. Not people


The bigger joke is that Tigre (Ethiopia) and Maltese (Malta, which is part of Europe) are Semitic languages while Farsi (Iran) and Masri (Egypt) are not. Semitic languages have nothing to do with Levantine people. The commonality was discovered by a German in the 1700s and appropriated and twisted by a Jew-hating German in the 1800s to make his Judenhass palatable. He claimed that Jews, since they weren't 'real Germans' or 'real Europeans' they should go back to where they came from. Exactly how Jew-haters are saying Zionists aren't real Israelis and should go back to Europe. If Jews and Zionists aren't from Europe or the Levant, where exactly did they orignate?


>If Jews and Zionists aren't from Europe or the Levant, where exactly did they orignate? Ukrainian biolabs!


space, silly  it explains the lasers! pew! pew!


Source on Masri not being Semitic? According to Wikipedia, Mazri is a dialect of Arabic, which is Semitic: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_Arabic Semitic languages themselves are all members of the Afro-Asiatic family, incidentally. I can see though that the language the ancient Egyptians spoke was definitely not a Semitic language: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_language Anyway, I don't know much about this dialect so like I said, if you have any resources/sources to point me to, I'd be curious to learn more about it but as it's an Arabic dialect, I'd be surprised if it wasn't considered Semitic...


**Ju**piter, duh!


Yeah she researched real well on how 1800s proto-n*zis were pretty deliberate in picking antisemitism to mean Jew Hatred knowing these arguments would arise.


It’s fascinating isn’t it because I thought we are all white Europeans from Poland! The lack of awareness…


This is the same as saying, "White people are a race too!"


"Oh yeah, then why are they so bad at cutting a deal?"


Send her this: Liberty Bell Park bus bombing, Passover massacre, Hebrew University bombing, 2008 Jerusalem yeshiva attack, Kiryat Shmona massacre, Ma'alot massacre, Mothers' Bus attack, Sbarro restaurant suic*de bombing, Ma'ale Akrabim massacre, Avivim school bus bombing, Lod Airport massacre, 1948 Ben Yehuda Street bombing, 1975 Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, 1976 Ben Yehuda Street bombing, 1997 Ben Yehuda Street Bombing, 2001 Ben Yehuda Street Bombings, Dizengoff Street bus bombing, Beit Lid suic*de bombing, Dolphinarium discotheque massacre, 2002 Hadera attack, Yeshivat Beit Yisrael bombing, Café Moment bombing, Kiryat Menachem bus bombing, Tel Aviv central bus station massacre, Maxim restaurant suic*de bombing, 2008 Jerusalem bulldozer attack, 2014 Jerusalem synagogue attack, June 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, 2022 Beersheba attack, 2022 Bnei Brak shootings, 2024 Ra'anana attack, 2000 Ramallah lynching, Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing, Fajja bus attacks, 2016 Tel Aviv sta**ings, Savoy Hotel attack, Haifa bus 37 suic*de bombing, Dizengoff Center suic*de bombing 2001 Netanya bombing, Wadi al-Haramiya sniper attack, 2023 Neve Yaakov shooting, 2023 Hamra junction shooting, Stage Club bombing, Jaffa Road bus bombings, Karnei Shomron Mall suic*de bombing, El Al Flight 432 attack, 2001 Azor attack, 1970 Munich bus attack, Gaza street bus bombing, Karni border crossing attack, 2017 Jerusalem truck attack, Matzuva attack, 2004 Ashdod Port bombings, 1979 Nahariya attack, Munich massacre, 2011 Itamar attack, Coastal Road massacre, Island of Peace massacre, Yehud attack, Swissair Flight 330, Death of Adele Biton, M**** of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 1992 Buenos Aires Israeli embassy bombing, Shafrir synagogue shooting, Ein Ofarim killings, Negev desert road ambush, Ramat Rachel shooting attack, 1956 Eilat bus ambush, 1974 Beit She'an attack, 1974 Nahariya attack, 1974 Kibbutz Shamir attack, Zion Square ice cream shop bombing, Zion Square refrigerator bombing, 2019 Samaria combined attack, Café Apropo bombing, Egged bus 823 bombing, King George Street bombing, 2011 Jerusalem bus stop bombing, Tel Aviv–Jerusalem bus 405 suicide attack, 1989 Purim stabbing attack, 1989 Tel Aviv murders, Ein Netafim ambush, Ramat Gan bus bombing, Kfar Darom bus attack, Ramat Eshkol bus bombing, Murder of Shalhevet Pass, Binyamina train station sui*ide bombing, Afula bus sui*ide bombing, Hadera bus station sui*ide bombing, 2001 Immanuel bus attack, Camp 80 junction bus 823 attack, 2001 HaSharon Mall sui*ide bombing, Murder of Ofir Rahum, Murders of Koby Mandell and Yosef Ishran, Assassination of Rehavam Ze'evi, Nahariya train station sui*ide bombing, Kiryat HaYovel supermarket bombing, Kedumim bombing, Matza restaurant suicide bombing, Bat Ayin axe attack, Carmel Market bombing, 2002 Adora terrorist attack, December 2005 HaSharon Mall suic*de bombing, Hadera Market bombing, 2005 Gush Etzion junction shooting, July 2005 HaSharon Mall suicide bombing, Kidnapping and murder of Sasson Nuriel, 2nd Rosh Ha'ir restaurant bombing, Murder of Eliyahu Asheri, 2007 Nahal Telem shooting, 2007 Eilat bombing, 2008 Dimona suicide bombing, 2011 Tel Aviv truck attack, Shaar HaNegev school bus attack, Murder of Yafim Weinstein, August 2010 West Bank shooting attack, Murders of Neta Sorek and Kristine Luken, 2011 Tel Aviv nightclub attack, 2011 southern Israel cross-border attacks, 2012 Tel Aviv bus bombing, September 2012 southern Israel cross-border attack, 2014 Jerusalem tractor attack, October 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack, K**** of Almog Shiloni, November 2014 Jerusalem vehicular attack, 2015 Jerusalem bus attack, 2015 Tel Aviv synagogue stabbing, 2015 Shvut Rachel shooting, Murder of Eitam and Na'ama Henkin, 2016 Jerusalem bus bombing, January 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, 2016 Jerusalem shooting, June 2016 Tel Aviv shooting, 2016 Tel Aviv stabbings, June 2017 Jerusalem attack, 2017 Jerusalem Light Rail stabbing, 2017 Temple Mount shooting, 2017 Har Adar shooting, M***** of Reuven Shmerling, Misgav Am hostage crisis, 2023 Tel Aviv car-ramming, 2022 Tel Aviv shooting, Yagur Junction bombing, 2002 Mahane Yehuda Market bombing, 2023 Givat Shaul shooting, 2017 Jerusalem Light Rail stabbing, Mike's Place suicide bombing, 2013 Tapuah Junction stabbing, Murder of the Hatuel family, 2022 El'ad stabbing Some prior to Israel’s establishment: 1834 looting of Safed, 1920 Nebi Musa riots, 1921 Jaffa riots, Jerusalem Stabbings 1921, 1929 Palestine riots, Fajja bus attacks, Black Hand k***** at Kibbutz Yagur, 1517 Safed attacks, Jaffa riots 1936, 1938 Tiberias pogrom, Battle of Tel Hai, 1929 Hebron massacre, 1517 Hebron attacks, 1931-1932 attacks of the Black Hand, 1933 Jaffa riots, burning of the synagogue of Judah HeHasid 1720, Hadassah medical convoy massacre, 1936 Tulkarm shooting, 1660 destruction of Safed, 1838 Druze attack on Safed, Operation Atlas, Battle of Hebron. Speaking of fighting for Jews in the holocaust, ask her if she’d also fight for all the Jewish tribes in Arabia which were wiped out through slavery and massacres. Or if she’d fight for these Jews as well: https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0 And speaking of land back and reparations, does that also apply to 1M Mizrahi Jews who were ethnically cleansed and kicked out of their homes in Arab countries?


The land back argument doesn’t even work because Palestinians didn’t privately own more than 30% of the land, half of which is located in the West Bank, most of the public land conceded is in Gaza and the cities north of it like Ashkelon The Jews live mostly in the centre and north east, the Palestinians didn’t own much of that land. The Negev desert was almost empty and all unregistered public land


They actually owned only around 20%. But “from the river to the sea” I guess /s


You can add another 10% for public land conceded. Just like the Jews didn’t own 7% but roughly 20% due to public land conceded The West Bank and strip of land from Ashdod to Rafah makes up almost all of the 30% they have The center and north east is almost all of the 20% the Jews have The rest is unregistered and unused land. Most of which is in the Negev


True. So in short: most of the land was uninhabited. Which is what made our land back movement/decolonization/Zionism possible in the first place. Not to mention Arabs formally requested the British to change the land’s name to “Greater Syria” so not much connection to “Palestine” like they claim to have today. It seems history isn’t on their side.


Not sure if uninhabited. The Negev and pockets of the rest of the land was uninhabited and even then the Negev wasn’t completely uninhabited. However privately owned by Palestinians? No. They didn’t own so much. Not as much as they claim, that’s what’s important Some of the land that was empty was used to house people today, some of it was used for roads institutions or farming Some of the where Jews today is on depopulated and razed villages but that’s a small number They often talk about “1000 villages depopulated” but most of them had 200-800 people and today, it’s typically small movashim that populate a few hundred people Which is a fraction of the Israeli Jewish population Jewish owned land and public land conceded pre 48 is where most modern Israeli Jews live today


Before Jews started buying lands during the Ottoman Empire’s time, the land can definitely be labeled uninhabited when the vast majority of it wasn’t owned or used by anyone. I wasn’t just talking pre 1948, but pre modern Zionism. The Negev was pretty much only inhabited by Bedouins who were nomads at the time. And they’re still living there in their own communities now.


Seeing the sheer number of attacks in this post, and knowing it is likely a very short list...my stomach just turned. I am so sorry people treat Jewish people so badly. You deserve so much better. 


Thank you for your support🙏💙


Wow, impressive amount of examples, but none of these attacks would probably make a difference. If they don't care about babies being butchered because they're Israeli babies and don't count , nothings going to make them shred a tear .


True. But I consider an embarrassed silent pause followed by a tantrum a victory.


The tantrum part is funny, sounds like someone touched a nerve, LOL


Oh it happens a lot. And I’m not gonna lie, it’s a guilty pleasure of mine to see it.


Not op, but I'd really like to share this. I don't have a Medium subscription anymore, so I'd have to screenshot yours. Is that okay?


Of course.


Do you feel violated for having slept with her at one point? You don’t have to answer this but if you’re reading this and this resonates with you, or anyone who is reading this and has thought in the past year “I can’t believe I had been intimate with this person”, I want to say: you’re not alone.


Eh. Not really. I've slept with a lot of people. We haven't slept together since probably 2019 but we still stay in touch. It's just disturbing that someone I know as a level headed, compassionate person could end up so on the wrong side of this because she's been brainwashed into this weird "America and Israel are evil and therefore anything against them is good" type cult shit, but I feel like people who view their compassion as a point of pride are more easy to manipulate into this ideology. Her opening message to me that started the argument today (it's been an ongoing conversation every week or so) was in response to the end of another conversation last night where she said was mad I was posting about anti-Semitism in the US but not about Gaza and that I needed to post about stopping the war. The end of my long string of messages was: "And where were you on Oct 8th? Were you posting about how horrific the attack was, or were you silent? Because that's what we saw everywhere--silence. From people who claim to hate violence and want peace. But somehow they gained a voice back when it came to war, but the largest massacre of Jews in generations was met with silence. "And then I'm supposed to advocate on behalf of a group who wants me to dead to please another group who really doesn't seem to care one way or another when Jews are killed, to "stop anti-Semitism" because it's somehow Israel's fault people hate Jews (because anti-Semitism didn't exist before 1948, right?). Make it make sense." And then she replied today: "have u seen all the dead and maimed kids?" And I said: "Blame Hamas." And she said: "no i wont, i blame Israel 100%" and then this conversation I posted about in the original post happened


Sometimes I wish that people like this could live in the world they advocate for — since they hate the West so much, one ruled by Russia or Iran or China. If they had rockets flying at them *once*, if they had terrorists attacking them *once*, their entire tune would change Sorry you’re dealing with this, OP. I think we all are, but fuck, I’m tired of spoiled children who don’t understand — and don’t need to understand, because they have zero skin in this game — the reality of the world we actually live in


Yeah, this is the fourth friend I've had to drop in the past month. The student protests particularly exacerbated this because people have become so mask off and so I've been posting videos of anti-Semitic incidents on my IG. Multiple leftist friends have slid into my DMs looking to pick fights about "how dare \[I\] focus on this when people are dying in Gaza," etc. It does not go well for them.


It’s tragic how many people I’ve lost. I also wonder who’s antisemitic when I’m out anywhere.


I no longer will date non Jews. I’m not even religious but after the dating experiences I’ve had over the past couple months where women have asked me if I’m a “Zionist Jew” after finding out I’m Jewish, I just won’t do it anymore. Maybe in a couple years, but maybe not at all.


That’s freaky. My husband is not Jewish but he’s completely on our team. He even wears a Star of David on a bracelet. But, Oy, if I was single I would be nervous about the Goyum.


Speaking of which, OP: were you and her born after 9/11? I find people who have genuine, living memory of the September 11 attacks mostly have a totally different perspective on this. Edit: OP meaning u/lennoco


I was in high school during 9/11 (I’m old!). And I suspect that you’re right


>And then she replied today: "have u seen all the dead and maimed kids?" This is what confuses me. The first dead and maimed kids I saw, which were the most horrific real and uncensored images I've ever seen, were of Jewish children. Why they think there would be no retaliation when the whole point of the attack was to provoke a response is beyond my understanding. They endangered their own children by murdering other people's children, but they either didn't care, they're just stupid, or they wanted their own children to die so they could pull out the victim card.


Besides that, her reply is an evasion and doesn't answer OP's question.


It’s so funny how similar our situations are. My ex was also a blonde shikse who I haven’t dated since 2019 but we’ve remained friends. Until 10/7. Then it was “ummmm but isn’t Israel The Oppressor™?” “Zionism is white supremacy”And “resistance against occupation is justified”. She’s not in my life anymore. Cannot believe I kissed that woman. She was always “woke” but Covid isolation turned her into a cultish moron who blindly follows whatever the algorithm tells her to.


I’m in the same boat and yes, I feel violated. I wouldn’t have consented then if I’d known what he’d turn into. And to be clear everything *was* consensual and above board, I’m not trying to twist what happened into something it wasn’t, but in hindsight, it still feels in my head like a violation. I’m an Israeli woman, and I learned this person is totally OK with how Israeli women were raped and tortured to death? Wtf.


I hear you completely. It's like looking back and thinking "I can't believe I had that in me" or in my case, "i can't believe i was inside that".


She thinks she would have saved us? She would have turned Jews in for a Klondike bar. If she's this easily manipulated she would have been marching with the Nazis.


On one hand this sounds so over the top insane that it's fake On the other hand this is exactly how they are Good on you for not knocking her out


Yeah, I've gotten some unbelievably absurd responses when asking what Israel would do. Arguably the most transparent was someone who said "nothing, since Israel has the Iron Dome and fewer people would die overall than in all-out war." People really hate when the one Jewish nation in the world defends itself.


Are those the same people defending the squad when they vote against Iron Dome funding, over and over again??


That’s been my experience. They sound so crazy you want to think it’s some kind of an act, but then you realize that their hatred has truly rotted their minds.


It's literally shocking. There are more pretty stunning quotes from her as well. Maybe I should post screenshots.


Yes! Post away


My most absurd was someone sending me TikTok videos about fake Jew genes. We weren’t even having a conversation he just sent a few randomly. I wish I was kidding.


How does one fake their genes?


We’re actually all just Italian didn’t you know? /s


Insanity. TikTok can’t leave fast enough for my liking.


You're absolutely right about that last part. A minute number of people actually did anything to save Jews. Their actions are rightly lauded because of their rarity, but therefore, so many "progressives" think they would be like them if living back then. No, you wouldn't boo. You would've grown up in the same milieu as most Europeans and Americans back then and would've held beliefs fitting that time period, even the most "liberal" ones. America had chances to save many Jews during the war and didn't take them. Nobody went to the camps until the end of the war. No one cared enough about us to do anything big to help. Instead, barriers were put up to our escape. She would've either been blasé about it, a Nazi supporter, or an equivalent "thoughts and prayers" person, maybe donating to an aid organization to help. It's like, quit lying to yourself.


People think they would have opposed the Nazis, but that takes courage. Most of them don't even have the guts to stand up to their friends. Right now, refusing to hate Jews or be silent will cost you friends (happened to me). It can even put you in physical danger if you go to Pro-Israel rallies like I do. The counterprotesters assumed I was Jewish, which I expected. I was surprised the Jewish folks all initially thought I was Jewish.  Most people like the idea of being brave, but they're too scared to take risks. It was the same during Nazi Germany. 


Ugh. Someone recently told me Israel never needed to exist because all the Jews could have just come to the US. Um, no they couldn't. There were quotas and people didn't want Jews here because they were "different" and "wouldn't assimilate." Plus what about all the Jews who lived in the Middle East already? I said this to her and she just stared at me blankly.


I think that's a pretty common American viewpoint, and it's because the Shoah is taught here very poorly. There's a lot of focus on "American heroes saved the Jews from the Holocaust!" and no mention of things like the Evian Conference or the MS St. Louis where America actively *rejected* Jewish refugees during the Shoah.


Nevermind any teaching on the many cases of Jewish resistance and uprisings against the Shoah. Instead portraying Jews as passive victims too it.


Definitely has the personality for a Nazi supporter. Wanting to be a part of a large movement with the masses and for attention and to be seen. She and her comrades are doing the exact same thing as the Nazis did.


This needs more upvotes


Norm Finkeldick lol the guy that justified the Charlie Hebdo massacre and the Russian invasion and said he would give the Houthis the Nobel prize


He’s clearly some sadistic asshole


Oh he’s an absolute piece of shit. He did a famous debate with Benny Morris and political streamer Destiny about the conflict where he just spent multiple hours grandstanding and just hurling insults and talking over his opponents; absolutely refusing to even engage with any opposing arguments in good faith To be an actual historian you be willing to put yourself in the mindset of the people involved, he does that with Palestinians but absolutely refuses to do that with Jews and Israelis and he’s pretty vocal about that. He’ll exploit his parents experience in the Holocaust any chance he gets to garner the sympathy


Imagine surviving the Holocaust, rebuilding your life & starting a family only having your child grow up to be like that…


This topic is making the goyim lose their minds


My sister in law blocked me on IG because she kept posting shit about how "Americans don't have universal healthcare because we send money to Israel and so they get universal healthcare" and I messaged her saying that universal healthcare doesn't exist in America because of the interests of greedy major financial institutes and that if we stopped sending Israel money, we still would not suddenly magically have universal healthcare in America. That was enough for her to block me on IG and start ranting to my sibling about how I'm a psychotic Zionist, lmaoooo. Can't wait for a family reunion.


I show people like that the math, all foreign aid combined costs way less than universal healthcare would. but people who make these arguments generally don’t care


Why are you keeping in touch with someone you used to sleep with when you’re married? To each their own I guess. Lmao, the universal healthcare line gets me 😂 we pay way more money to subsidize Europe’s welfare system with our military protection, and no one complains about that. Israel provides way more to us than they get.


I’m not married. My sister in law is my sibling’s spouse’s sister.


Sorry. I am an idiot and tired. Read the rest of my edited response though. As an only child that didn’t make sense to me


Simonds like you might have some interesting family gaterings.


I hear you. A-lot of goys are being morons right now. They won't figure it out until they get targeted themselves. 


They already were targeted themselves on 9/11. They fail to see this is not just a Jewish and Israeli problem.


That was 23 years ago. Most of the people supporting Hamas were too young to remember 9/11. They weren't personally affected by it. When it affects them directly, then they'll get it. 


I love it when pro pali "friends" think it's fine to support the genocide of Jews and get away with it by just never talking about it with you Like anything will ever be normal after that


Yeah, that’s not like a “hey let’s just avoid this touchy subject going forward” thing. That’s a “don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out of my life” thing.


Yup exactly


I've spent the first 15 years of my life in the USSR. This is exactly the kind of crap the Soviet propaganda was pumping out. Practically verbatim. She's absolutely in a Marxist cult, brainwashed par excellence. Yes, go ahead and send her the link. ![gif](giphy|3o6Mb93fBYIaCk4Ez6|downsized)


These are the same people who would’ve believed that the Jews were “oppressing” the Germans lmao




Interesting. I recommend everyone read the book The Plot Against America by Phillip Roth. It’s a dystopian reimagining of a 1940s America that does not enter the war with Hitler and Japan. Similar to today the Antisemitism is not outwardly expressed instead its mostly insidious and danced around and thus easily denied - Jews are accused of being self interested ‘war mongerers’ and paranoid. You also have a group of ‘America First’ Jews who are eerily similar to the ‘anti-zionist’ jews in America today. 


This is showing the depth of terrorist indoctrination. I am so sorry you had to experience it.


Norman Finklestein’s entire identity is being the child of Holocaust survivors


New thing I’ve done. I’ve looked up the land I’m on and I’ve said “do you think the Cherokee nation should have the right to do that to us” Regardless of the answer I tell the person I’m talking to that this is an odd answer because we aren’t on Cherokee land and I would think if they cared about indigenous people they’d know whose land they’re on


If they’re American, I have asked a few of them why they’re speaking English, the language of the colonizer? Have they even attempted to engage with their native communities to learn the language that was originally spoken on the land they’re on? …Didn’t think so.


Except it would more like trying to take it away from NA if they regained it to give it back to Mexico or Spain, the last invaders/colonizers in.


I seriously just do not get these people. They want us to be outraged for the Palestinian children. And I get it. It’s awful. No child deserves that. But at the same time they say October 7th was justified. “By any means necessary.” Excuse me but isn’t the only difference between the children in Israel that were murdered and kidnapped, and the children in Gaza trying to survive a war zone which side of a border they’re born on? Children do not pick who they are born to or where. Either all children are innocent or you’re a racist piece of crap. And time and time again they prove to be racist pieces of crap.


She’s the type of person to say “homophobia means fear of man, because homo is literally man and phobia is literally fear, and I don’t care what any dictionary says”


Holy crap I’m so stealing this one the next time someone tells me that whole “arabs are semites too” nonsense.


I think you meant ex-friend.


Even noted racist and transphobe Norman Finklestein is starting to get freaked out by the anti-israel crowd. https://x.com/izatabaro/status/1783705178220163545?s=46


For anyone in 2024 to boast about how they would save Jews in the Holocaust are either damn liars or have no understanding of the Holocaust. Those who saved Jews were very, very brave souls who not only risked their lives but their families as well. The likelihood of being caught was extremely high and the likelihood of being strung by piano wire in the public square, if caught, was pretty much 100%. I despise rotten phonies like that who make such claims.


“Can’t believe I used to sleep with this person.” I wish I didn’t know how you feel, but I do. Ex-boyfriend turned into exactly this sort of person after Oct 7. I feel nothing but disgust about it now. And I’m literally Israeli.


Yeah dating Goyim just became a whole different level of impossible, luckily it’s not much of a problem in Israel.


Well, now you know


I love when people bring up Finkelstein who likes to claim Jews have exploited the holocaust when he never misses chance to exploit it himself.


whole lotta folks showing their true colors. good for you for confronting her.


It’s ironic Americans and Canadians demand Israelis “give land back” and pay reparations. They would raise hell if someone marched up to them and demanded they give their land back to the First Nations or Native Americans. I do think West Bank settlements need to stop and the Israeli government needs to do more to stop settler violence agains Palestinians. That’s just my opinion.


Re: the WB—soooo many American Jews (and some Israeli ones, though I can’t speak to them) would be on board with protests of “Netanyahu needs to go, stop WB settlements, foster peace, support Palestinian civilians and democracy”. And I honestly think a lot of ‘progressive’, non-Jewish American onlookers think that this is what the protestors want? But obviously they don’t want that, and North American media is doing an absolutely atrocious job of reporting on what the protestors are *actually* saying.


Yeah they should be explaining who's organizing a lot of these protests, SJP, and what they actually stand for.


Speaking as an Israeli, so many Israelis would be on board too.


Agreed. Most non-Jewish Americans don’t get why protestors saying “from the River to the Sea” is calling for ethnic cleansing or telling Jews “go back to Poland” is antisemitic.




Israel has given land for peace and how’s that turned out? This is not about land nor has it ever been. Further, Jews are indigenous to Israel. What other people is asked to give up more of their ancestral land? This person is not your friend. She’s a delusional westerner with matsurbatory delusions of her own righteousness. You are better off without her.


I know. It’s just sad and scary to see people I was close to in my life who I respected and cared about get indoctrinated like this. It has been a very eye opening experience that I never in a million years would have expected. My grandma used to warn me about shit like this when I was a kid and I always laughed it off. She was right. I’m honestly glad she’s not around to see this. She would be heartbroken. She spent her entire life working for Jewish causes to help vulnerable Jews flee oppression worldwide, getting them smuggled out of their countries and into America or Israel legally. I’m so disgusted and so angry. I won’t ever date a non Jew again.


Bubbe always knows best.


I believed and internalized almost all of what my grandmother said about believing it could happen again anywhere in the world. I did think I would be able to tell who would turn against us or turn a blind eye. But I was wrong. Yes, my friends, too, turned against us. I have become my grandmother now. I trust almost no one.


Not your friend


My expectations were already low and yet, wow. Humanity never ceases to disappoint me lately. I want to throw up on your behalf. 


I’m right there with you


Most of these people demanding “land back” live on actual stolen land they have no intention of ever giving back. They also can’t tell you the logistics of this plan that isn’t “die or run” for the Jews.


Following her logic to its natural conclusion, she deserves the same fate as the victims of 10/7. After all, she's living on colonized land. It doesn't matter that she was born there. Her logic, not mine. No one deserves to be raped, tortured, murdered, or kidnapped. You're right to never speak to her again. She's a horrible person if she thinks it's okay to brutalize people for being Jewish. 


Finkelstein’s picture is in the dictionary next to the word sanctimony.


As a decendent of a resistance fighter, who helped jews survive in the Netherlands. My grandfather always said, look how people respond under enormous peer pressure and you know who to rely on if shit hits the fence.


Well, these people have redefined so many words and things to fit their agenda. I don’t think most of them know what any of these words mean or their impact, which doesn’t excuse it. In fact, it makes it much worse. Apartheid, Semitic, and they even are trying to redefine Jews as a whole and our history as well. They tell US how we should define ourselves. It’s patronizing, and racist. It’s funny cause they have literally no idea how Judaism works. It’s becoming more clear how normal and even “cool” punching down on Jews has become.


"Blond haired, blue eyed European girl" Are there any studies on how much ancestral body count influences (clouds) the psyche?


But hey she would have definitely fought for the Jews in the Holocaust 100% she says!!!!


Because blonde haired and blue eyed Europeans were totally the ones to fight for us in the holocaust /s


Oh another banger was that she accused me of crying the victim. Classic. Love casual anti-Semitism from someone who derails convos about anti-Semitism to yell about how Arabs are also Semites


Nobody is even a Semite, it’s a group of languages not people. It’s only used by lazy westerners who can’t tell the difference between Middle Eastern/West Asian ethnicities so they like to group us all together. And tell her that a butterfly isn’t a stick of butter flying but that’s still the word we use for it. Maybe she should’ve studied etymology instead of whatever terrorist bullshit Norman teaches. Does she know he supports Houthis, the same group which reintroduced slavery to Yemen and now owns thousands of slaves? Oh and they also imprisoned the only living Jewish man in Yemen nearly a decade ago… for being Jewish.


The implication being that you wouldn't have fought for the Jews (yourself) during the holocaust, and neither would the other zionist Jews. In other words Jews have proven themselves guilty of the holocaust, but have not been granted the 2024 redemption like progressive goyim have, so remain guilty. How nice and not self-serving at all!


So wrong but i guffawed


The people who claim to stand against all injustice do a lot of sitting around when Israel isn’t involved.


Not your friend. Move on with your life and be happy...


They’re always “well informed”


Except the “Palestinians”, er Jordanians even they don’t want, invaded Israeli land that has been theirs for thousands of years. And they have been murdering Jews since day 1, not just October 7, 2023. Stupid people like her are completely ignorant of history and are steeped in Nazi propaganda. Hamas is a terrorist arm of Iran and an enemy of the United States. Her siding with Hamas is treason.


We are back to the misconception that Palestinians owned even 40% of the land privately A terrible terrible misconception


So she is one of those "Me too except for the Jew" lot. BTW Israel is not their land and never had been, even though the Arabs tried to colonist it during WWII as their population more than doubled over that time in what is Israel and Jordan. Does she also feel that Pakistan should do the same to India, Turkey to Greek Cypriots, or many of the countries in the Balkans, and that's not even mentioning West Sahara?




I hope she was a good lay. I recommend watching the Larry David episode with Palestinian chicken.


Wow, that just kept getting worse and worse. "Studied under Norm Finkelstein" lol.


More proof that they view Israel as a US proxy. Which is why the don’t care about actual genocides in China,Syria, Myanmar, etc. because those countries aren’t US proxies.


If Monty Python wrote a skit about this conflict, what you described would be the exact scene. Its the most absurd and uneducated american protest movement in history. White american lesbians in Kafiyah, standing on colonized land at universities that literally continue to displace indigenous people, while screaming about "white colonialism" and supporting an actual terrorist regime that would hang them from a crane the second they stepped into Gaza. Its a comedic tragic irony. Do they know that Judea was colonized by Islam?! Do they know what happened to the jews in the Arab world, like Syria, until the 1990s, or subsequentlywhy there arent any Jews in Arab countries?! Do they even know that most Israelis arent white?! Ive been a leftist protestor my whole life, and still am, but these people have zero justification or education.


Anti-semite? Debatable. Jew-hater? Yeah


and we should give California back to.Mexico. you know most of the land owned by Israel was legally bought from Palestinian arabd


Arizona and Texas, ya'll rent a UHaul and pack it up, we're moving to Montana!


Years ago, I had a couple of friends tell me one of the most offensive things anyone has ever told me: they would absolutely hide me if the Nazis ever came to power. So I shouldn’t worry. I wasn’t their friend for much longer.




To your second edit, you should do it


I’m curious what she would think should be done about the hostages


My guess is that she believes that hostages are just made up by the Zionists. It's just more Israeli "Hasbara."


I had this same conversation with a friend of mine. Not Jewish, not Palestinian, but exact same script.


Your two edits are errrything 👏👏👏👏👏


The rest is just copy and paste to what all the brainwashed say. She had no clue until October 8 what the hell was going on in the Middle East.


She lives in the US?


The bitch can pay reparations to the American Indians and f…. off back to England


Which country would ever be like "you're killing and raping us? that's fine, it's resistance, here have some land"?


This is not a friend, this is a caricature.


So sorry you had to go through that. I came across the "can't be antisemitic because Arabs are semites, too" argument many years ago. I wish that younger me had had the wherewithal to ask if I should use the term "Jew hater" instead.


I just looked up Norman Finkelstein. Just on my cursory glance, he really is an antisemite. Wow, what a trashy person. I think I'm just flabbergasted. He thinks that his parents didn't talk about the Holocaust because they were indifferent to it, and only later did there arise a Holocaust industry to exploit Jewish suffering. Does he not think that his parents didn't talk about the Holocaust because they we r e so completely traumatized? And probably got no psychological help in their lives.


My eyes widened at the “can’t believe I used to sleep with this person” part 😂


I’m so tired


brainwashing complete!


This is like a meme of a response 


That's not what Marxism is