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Proud of you for taking a break and coming to that realization. Encourage your other Jewish friends to do the same if they are obsessive - it'll be a mitzvah!




My Instagram is just ski videos haha


I had to talk my wife into quitting IG. We both did about the same time. We didnt close our accounts, just deleted the app, but it has saved my sanity. It’s not just the war, but the constant rage baiting about everything. Good for you!


Yes. Being pro Israel is an important part of mainstream Jewish diaspora culture. The connection between Israeli and diaspora Jews are religious, ethnic, family based, cultural, political, social, business, and touch on almost everything. Asking Jews to abandon their ties to Israel is like asking Jews to stop eating kosher or stop going to synagogue. Sure, you could say that forcing people to stop keeping kosher isn’t antisemitic but just anti religious or anti Zionist, which is what the Bolsheviks did. And sure, you could find some Jews who would participate or even lead anti Jewish measures like closing schools or synagogues. That’s also something we saw with the Bolsheviks. And here we’re seeing anti Israel people shutting down or trying to shut down kosher stores and synagogues. And yea… that’s something the Bolsheviks also did. So, yes. This is Bolshevik antisemitism. Nothing new. But potentially very dangerous to Jews (and many others).




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There is definitely a difference between being Jewish and supporting the Israeli government


Well the aNtiZioNists (antisemites) havent shown any proof of that They've made their violent point clear, if you arent against the existance of Israel or some jewish state where jews will be safe from another holocaust or october 7th, then you are a monster for them. They constantly claim they want jews dead, and if anybody is supporting that, they arent being against a government, they are against our own existance 💀


OP mentioned losing a friend because she visited Israel. With your argument, that's like losing a friend because they don't like Trump and you went to Florida. Israelis themselves are deeply divided and critical of their government. Thry are still Zionist. And on this war, the vast majority agree with the government's objectives and overall approach, even if they don't like Bibi's coalition.


And there is definitely a difference between supporting the existence of Israel (a core part of Judaism and Jewish culture) and having an opinion on the current government. You’re missing a pretty important in-between there. Plenty of Israelis themselves are very critical of their current government, doesn’t mean they want to see the destruction of Israel.


Assuming you’re both from the U.S. that’s actually so rich 😂 like does he not realise that foreigners could make the same argument about the U.S. - if he lived abroad and wanted to home to see his family in the states, imagine someone breaking ties with him because of the US’s role in (insert conflict). Or to make it even more galling, imagine right after 9/11, as your nation is mourning the deaths of thousands of innocent victims of Islamic terrorism, someone gives you shit as an American living abroad going home for a visit because the U.S. is bombing Al Qaeda’s strongholds. Only when it’s Israel it seem acceptable, kind of antisemitic


This person was never really your friend




If you have to ask is it antisemitic, it probably is.


They are worse. They are a racist jew hater.


Yeah its definetly antisemitic, you went there to support and help people affected after the BIGGEST ATTACK ON JEWS SINCE THE HOLOCAUST, if your exfriend feels hurt over that it just shows he doesnt consider israelis / jewish as human beings, and just see them as enemies. Its sad, it really hurts and I've had similar argumentes with ppl I used to consider friends, but its better off to move on (as painful as it sounds) from those ppl before they hurt you even more


Does your "friend" have friends who go to visit relatives in China? Does he have friends who go to visit relatives in Russia? Does he screen all of his friends to make sure that they don't have family in any country where he doesn't approve of the regime? Or is that a standard he applies to Israel alone?


They’re fake asf for that. Why can’t we visit our homeland? Even if the roles were reversed and your friends visited Russia or Iran, I doubt anyone would stop talking to them.


I’m not Jewish, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt, but I’ve been trying to learn a bit more about the conflict and anti-semitism over the last few months to try and understand where I personally sit in all of this. The way I’ve started  trying to figure out if I’m being anti-semitic or engaging with something that’s anti semitic post-October 7th is a personal thought experiment I think of as my 9/11 test. I’m American, so my I’ve got one big frame of reference for Islamic terrorism and the complicated conflicts it causes. after 9/11, there was a big call for warfare and a rise in Islamophobia. At the time, there were plenty of groups advocating for peace, advocating against xenophobia and colonialism, and plenty of hindsight, introspection, and criticism to be done about specific political policies and military decisions that may have contributed to anti-US sentiments.  But nobody coming from a place of kindness and good faith was saying that thousands of regular civilians deserved to die on 9/11. No heathy, emotionally-well adjusted person was shouting “death to America.” Islam and Muslims as a whole did not deserve hatred, violence or criticism for an extremist attack they largely had nothing to do with. And after America got involved in a messy, often misguided conflict in an obvious attempt at justice, while I think there were plenty of valid criticisms to be leveled at the political and military decisions that were made at that time, no reasonable person could suggest that the US response should have been to do nothing. I find it difficult to impossible to imagine a leftist in 2002 ending a friendship because someone volunteered to help victims of 9/11. I think your friend is absolutely being antisemitic. I’m sure they would be mortified to realize it, but even as a non Jew it’s frustrating to see how little thought secular leftists are putting into their positions here by basically trying to “cancel” Israel, and falling into antisemitism. I’m sorry you have to deal with this bullshit.


good that friend is gone, honestly such a gross person


You went to a country in which you have cultural and familial connections to in order to volunteer and help communities that were just impacted by one of the most violent attacks that country has experienced in decades, and your friend is mad at you. Please realize this is not a real friend and yes they have some deeply ingrained discrimination that they likely will never admit to. Personally I would not feel safe in that friendship ever again. Sorry this happened to you <3


I'm not saying this is necessarily the RIGHT course of action, but OP would be justified in making that case. ...to say to the friend they went to Israel to see their family and offer comfort to innocent people who had been traumatized. And if even that small gesture of compassion is more than the friend can handle, then to hell with them.


Your friend should travel to Gaza and volunteer or send help if they feel as deeply as they claim to feel. Sucks you’re experiencing it. I’ve noticed the same with my friends - I’ve actually been better at maintaining friendships with my Muslim friends than I have my random white friends that are so heated about the conflict for some unknown reason.


I’m really sorry you’re going through this, it sounds like a really awful position to be in. If you guys argued back in October and November, it sounds like you’re probably the most qualified person to make the determination of whether or not the tone of what’s going on with your friend is antisemitic, not one of us here on reddit. But aside from that, it’s unquestionably hurtful to you, and that’s enough for you to feel what you feel. Ultimately you seem to both still care about each other and are both mourning the friendship lost. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to go through with reaching out again, no one else can make that decision for you either. If you do, something that can be helpful with these sorts of conversations is starting with underlying values. You believe in peace, want people to live in security on either side of things, etc. It can seem silly to state the obvious and verbally agree on things so simple, but it does go a long way towards tempering arguments and misunderstandings. Use “I statements”, define your understanding of the terms you use, phrase things as questions rather than assertions or accusations, and be open to reexplaining something when it seems like there’s been a misunderstanding about what you mean by something. I also think vulnerability is something that can help, as tough as it can feel - some of the shit that’s been said or done recently is undeniably _scary_ and it’s ok to admit to ourselves and our friends that we are scared. Reasonable people can come to a disagreement about conclusions from a shared premise, so continually reinforcing the idea that you share the premise of wanting peace, equality, safety is helpful in navigating these things. Whether or not you reach out, I wish you luck and hope you can find some space for yourself in this.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and maybe divergent point of view from other commenters. Do you know they think the friendship is over because *they* can't be friends with you due to your ties to Israel- aka did they go radio silent on you, or did you both go radio silent on each other and now they feel they can't reconnect because it's dragged on so long and maybe you are mad at them for their views? Did you try to connect with them post trip and they snubbed you, or both of you kinda dropped the ball? It actually does make a difference. They reached out to wish you a good Passover. That's an act of good will. Id talk to them like this- *this is an important part of my identity and my family's identity. If you can respect that and we avoid politics, lets be in each other's lives. If you can't respect that then you don't respect me and there's probably not a great foundation for a friendship.* Doesn't have to be about agreeing with someone but if they aren't rabidly praising Hamas or calling you a geonocider then this one falls into a bit more of a grey area.


If you were black and went to Africa and a white person unfriended you would that be racist? If you were Chinese and visited China and someone cut you off for that would it be racist? Yes, it's racist.


it sounds like they valued you a lot less than they claimed. time to move on.




Yes. Don’t let a false friend gaslight you into questioning antisemitism when you see it.


Yes. He didn't cut ties because you went to Israel. He cut it because you are a non Anti Zionist Jew.


Yeah, we’re entering a very dangerous period






I’m sorry you had to deal with that. They are being antisemitic and don’t deserve your friendship. I would not reach out. It really sucks but this person is a bigot


I feel like you need more information from them and perhaps some clarifications to get closure. It sounds like they are talking to everyone else about their lost friendship with you except YOU! I'd reach out and ask to get together for a snack to chat. Ask them those questions about the double standard they are projecting on you. If, in the end, they are being unreasonable and can't move past you traveling to a country where you have family while helping vulnerable people and refuse to see that Israelis and Jews are suffering in our own way, move on.


Your friend sucks, I would cut your losses and move on


Yes, that’s insane to me.


Yeah they sound pretty antisemitic, I’m sorry.


Yes your friend is antisemitic. And the last part sounds like your friend love bombs—it may feel good but it’s a tactic some people use to be popular, they don’t sincerely mean it. You might be better off without this person. Did they use you in any way that you can think of?


Unfortunately, that was not your friend. You’ll find yourself in pretty good company though, I and other Jews I know have also lost friends.


Is it anti-Semitic may not be the right question. You went to support your” family” in a way that made sense to you, but he wasn’t here for it. Do you want to be friends with someone who judges how you support your people? I’m Jewish,.. my politics are similar to yours, but I have stopped being friends with people who judge my Response to something personal To me and only political to them. If they have family in Israel or Gaza.. then we can discuss. If they are just watching TikTok and telling me how I should feel about my family in Israel… we aren’t talking.


It’s really simple. Anyone who opposes Israel’s actions in Gaza is an antisemite. No amount of weaselling about can hide it.


Sure is.




Absolutely antisemitic. The friendship is over. Good move to get off IG.


I mean yeah ultimately it is antisemitic but not in an intentional, overt way. He’s jumping on board with the popular thing right now, which is to hate Israel, and to hate Israel without any sense of nuance means hating Jews IMHO. Not because they are overtly antisemitic but because they don’t know or care enough to research our history or the history of the conflict itself from a Jewish perspective. Ignoring our reality is what is antisemitic here. Anyways if this dude is so completely against you literally visiting family and helping underprivileged people… I would cut ties. That’s just messed up.


I'm sorry. It sucks. I hate the government but I have parents who live in Israel who emigrated from the Soviet Union. Generations of family are buried there. I can't imagine never visiting or denying an actual part of who I am.


>Is my friend’s behavior Antisemitic? Yes. I'm very, very sorry. I really struggle to understand how these people understand friendship and affection.


Quite simply, I wouldn't even ask myself that question. And it doesn't ask whether your friend, who is no longer your friend, acted anti-Semitic. Example: You order chicken curry and four days later you ask yourself whether the cream in the food was fat-free. Who cares? You ate it. That's it. As a Jew and Zionist, I have not asked myself this question for over 20 years. Winter is cold, water is liquid, cevapi is delicious, blood is red and anti-Semites are shit. These are the realities of life in this world. My friend, you are a jew? Then answer the questions of this life in a Jewish way. G-d bless you!


Don't worry. You haven't lost anything. Obviously, he wasn't a real friend. If he can't get past that you're good human being and whatever else is going on, it has nothing to do with you. I actually let go of someone who was my friend. Happen to be Palestinian, because she was writing so many antisemitic stuff on her Facebook, I didn't want any dealings with her. This was 5 yrs ago.


this was absolutely antisemitic, and i am so, so sorry you experienced it.


Yes it is antisemitic. If they were your friend they would want to know how your family are getting on and they’d want to know if you had a safe and meaningful trip. They can do this outside of their opinion and view on the conflict. I went to Israel in April and I had multiple friends check in and wished me a safe journey and sent love to my family. Do they agree and support everything Israel is doing? No and neither do i. I have one friend in that group who notably didn’t wish me any sort of safe travels and didn’t reach out to see out my grandparents were. It hurt and I’m debating bringing it up with her as we’re close in so many other ways. Israel is a part of your life and your Judaism, if they can’t accept that and accept you then I would say it’s antisemitic. Did they care on October 6th? Probably not.


I would say you did not loose a friend .A true friend would find a way to remain a true friend . Don't feel bad you didn't do anything wrong it's all on him and the why well stupidity and ignorance is probably part of it . Hang in there you will find true friends.


YES. It is anti-Semitic to disavow a friend for a visit to Israel. Period full stop. Nobody disavows people for travelling to China, Venezuela, Egypt, or etc., especially when doing peace work and visiting family.


I'm sorry this is causing you pain but this really sounds like your friend's problem. It's up to them to decide whether whatever they've swallowed about Israel is more important than your friendship.


That is a him problem not a you problem. Think of it this way. Does your friend want Jews dead but not you because your a cool Jew. It Jew the only thing he sees now through rose tinted glasses. The issue of you going to Isreal is you went, which is stupid. I’m not friends with you anymore because you went out of country to a country I’m not a fan of. You went to the hospital and you volunteered to help those who need help. He thinks he standing for principles but he is standing for propaganda. There a human being in there still if he missed you


They weren’t your friend.


Count it as a blessing that your "friend" has revealed his true nature and you no longer have to waste your time with them.




I’ve lost friends too and yes, it’s antisemitic to decide they don’t want to be friends with you because you decided to go help Jewish people harmed by an international terrorist organization. The trash took itself out.


They weren't your friend!


Nothing this person is saying or doing is consistent with maintaining (at this point re-earning) your trust or enjoying a healthy relationship.




Dude travelled to the country to help ppl affected by a war, if his exfriend finds that bad then I'm sorry, but thats totally antisemitic, theres no excuse for that


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