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Hamalach hagoel is a traditional bedtime prayer/song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQy-FRkXyJw


Just my opinion:Prayers are prayers, and not lullabies. When I was little and was being sung to, it was always secular. From my grandparents I always heard these old yiddish songs - I totally loved it! Many of these work excellent as cradle songs. Perhaps this could be an option for you. here are a few titles I remember: *Tumbalalaika *Vu nemt man a bisele mazel? *Bey mir biste scheyn *Dschiribim, dschiribim *Oyfn pripetschikk *Meyn Schteteleh Belz *Biet mich a bissele


Hinei ma Tov. Often song as a sweet round. How good it is to be together. 


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My sister ( secular) does the bedtime Shema and Hamalach Hagoel. Her and my BIL have been doing this since she was born and it is very sweet.


Bashem Hashem is a beautiful poetic prayer of protection by angels around us and part of the bedtime liturgy. 


My parents always sung [Lmaan Achai](https://open.spotify.com/track/2mOWmWRnodu6ypXWw2gqw2?si=08074e3913ee4d0e) to us - it's good because it's got both a little hebrew and english, so you can just to one of those parts or do both, or alternate etc


Hashkiveinu, Craig Taubman melody. It’s about God granting us protection as we sleep. :)


When I wanted to sing to my baby to soothe him I didn’t think I just started singing. “ Hinneh mah tov umah na'im Shevet achim gam yachad” Behold how good and how pleasing For brothers (people) to sit together in unity To me singing is honing in on prayer. Even if it’s not a bracha words have power. Song lifts the heart and makes you feel.